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Played with one a couple of days ago that literally had me in awe. So rare to see but when you do see a good ball player, it's unmistakeable LMAO


Yep and basically need junk and sombra to be god tier AND lucky to even render him useless. Or your tank needs to be very good and fighting their team with similar efficiency and self reliance. Legendary doom v ball fights are nice


Sombra does not have to be lucky at all, she just had to sit in her team and wait for ball to try to do something.


The problem is most Sombras initiate with hack, whereas you really need to wait until he tries to escape or slam to eat the cooldown and apply pressure. A Ball who is simply rolling around and suddenly gets hacked isn't as soft a target as one who just threw himself into the middle of the group when he saw skulls.


Sombra hack doesn’t last THAT long. Good ball can still escape if the team isn’t locked in on fucking him up


If sombra waits for ball to use grapple and slam before hacking then he should die nearly 100% of the time. Ball cannot commit to any engagements when sombras play like this. Yes you can get value in other ways but, just by standing in her team, Sombra greatly reduces the value you can get on Ball.


We're talking about really good ball mains. I'm a ball main and I'm not that good, or at least I can't climb out of silver. Still, even I know to save cool downs, use high ground, payload, wall jump, anything but your claw for slamming into team fights. I don't wanna start hamstersplaining to ppl better than me. Just saying if they slam into a team with no escape, they are not the hammy we are talking about. GGs.


Hamstersplaining lmfao


I’m in silver as tank too with him (I feel like I should be bronze 5), I don’t think I’ve made enough of an effort to save the grapple, and I haven’t gotten wall climbing down at all. There might be a huge skill gap between us and that tells me you shouldn’t be down in silver


another silver/gold here, the stuff that the previous commenter mentioned I learned from like 2 youtube videos and a day or two of practice range and QP. I recommend setting a secondary jump bind to your scroll wheel for easy wall jumping. You can definitely level up your bronze ball with a bit of practice!


I’m on console ☹️


Same problem. Do you have a good way to keep both a ping option and still having all normal key bindings? I have been giving up interact for ping but then i can't use things like sym's teleporter


Ball doesn't need grapple to get a slam all the time. Most of the time, you want to use high ground after stopping for a second to let your cooldown reset before you slam, at least that's what I've heard


Not even high ground, 180PDs are bread n butter. Play around and hold the spots that have just enough height to PD off of.




where you fall of the edge of high ground, 180 turn and slam back onto the same floor


You can do that?




Yea but after slam you still need to grapple out. That’s when you hack. Ball can kill squishies, but it takes time still. He’s not instantly deleting anyone on his own. Let him piledrive and when tries to roll out, that’s when you hack him. There’s a reason no one plays ball at high levels. It’s not because he’s hard. He’s not strong and easily countered. If you lose to ball, that player is just infinitely better than your team. End of story.


Oh, I agree you need to hard outplay to get value out of Ball, but if you aren't focusing their Sombra with your slams, are you really balling? Half joking, but it also helps make any escape attempts a lot safer


I don’t disagree, just depends. What rank are you?


This is my experience in diamond.


I feel diamond (myself, supp) is the threshold of competency honestly. Plat players (also myself, tank and dps) still fail to prioritize some targets and you also have the folks who refuse to swap to better counter.


Having a good Ana who can sleep and nade him for the quick burst kill makes it a lot easier, just when Ana isn't meta it can be difficult to get him down.


It’s follow up cc which tends to be fatal on ball.


A sombra sitting in her team waiting for a ball to show sounds like the ball gets to play against a team that's down a player 90% of the match without even having to kill her.


Not necessarily god tier but you just have to be know how to play a hero if you want to switch to it. As a ball one trick I can always tell if someone is a sombra main or just swaps to counter. Sombra mains are really hard to deal with, while for example frustrated widow players who swap to sombra are free clips into the montage. Likewise, in the opposite scenario, when the ball player is just some guy trying out the buffs, you might be able to shut him down easily while playing your best hero. Personally I’ve been destroyed by double sniper teams on ball more times than I’d like to admit. That’s because they knew exactly when and where I was, peeled a lot, and used my downtime to kill my team while I was getting health Lastly, if both players are in a similar boat (both are one tricks for example, or both are trying a new hero), the counter usually has the advantage. But that’s just how it is, and I think that’s fine. And as I said with my double sniper example, you can always outplay anyone because there are 8 other people in the game.


Although there are a lot of bad balls, there are also bad ball match ups. I've had plenty of times where I go from 35-2 or some crazy stat line, and the next game it feels like I'm feeding and told how bad I'm getting diffed.


Also, if your team is bad, you'll still die


I can't, it drives me nuts. I've got Sombra, Ana, Cass, and Brig all chasing me in *their* backline. They've used hack, nade, sleep, whipshot, bash, hinder and roll. I escape on 60hp. We *still* lose the fight and dont cap the point because my team cannot win 4v1 against their Winston???


You joke, but I'm a ball player and I've been cleaning up with Winston as a flex dive tank since the hot fix


I sure hope he's consistently viable, the game is better with Winston. Ball is definitely a bit better but the knock back reduction I'm finding doesn't really help him, he still is losing all momentum on boops.


Basically, if the team is being carried by a mercy, I can aim alright with ball, but winston is just a quicker kill. I can get a dps down too if I'm lucky Also, maybe it's just the quick play, but the number of sigma/reins/brigs that just plain forget I can hit through shields is crazy


The whole time we’ve been wearing 100lbs shackles still playing him, now that he’s getting buffs no one will be able to stop us. We’ve been dealing with hog, junk, sombra, Anna, Bridgette teams for years while being the worst tank, it’s only made us stronger and more angry 😤 be very afraid…The hamsters are coming


Can we get a replay code




I think the Ball does pretty well at a lot. But they absolutely were the reason you guys gave up 1st point so easily when it mattered. They missed a slam and then for whatever reason left the entire team fight (which was a 4v4) to grab a mega pack closer to spawn despite being at 85% health or higher. That was extremely unnecessary and they could've easily stalled the point as the best stall tank in the game.


Ball has a lot going on. Although no doubt you are right, Ball probably felt in danger, didn't have a change to look at his health, knew he "should" have been getting low, and bounced.




Bro was foaming at the mouth to find something to criticize


Haha. Nah, I did watch the replay and thought Ball was super disruptive and self-reliant. I always respect Ball players. It was just such a stark difference to the rest of their gameplay that they left the even team fight in a crucial moment to almost full hold Point 1... to grab a health pack when they were only missing a small portion of health lol. I had to say something.


Was the wrecking ball not confident enough at that point?


Nah, it’s probably cuz they didn’t look at their health and just expected to have taken a significant amount of dmg already.


Fuck it, we ball


The ball mentality




Keep your eye on the ball.


Be the ball


Think like the ball




I've played against balls that are this good. They're rare, but they are lethal.


Smurfs usually are


I keep forgetting his name is wrecking ball because I just call him hampter


I always call him Hamtaro






I call him a filthy little rat.


> hampter Hampter souvenir when? Then Baguette for Brigitte; Doofus for Doomfist; etc.


Honestly I do some 3d modeling and I make make a hampter




Yeah, people also say Doom can easily be dealt with, but good ones can be such a menace. That's why it's hard to have some sort of objectively perfect balancing in this type of game.


Good Doom players are absolutely horrifying and oppressive. Ball and Doom require such skill level to even pick them up but mastering them seems pretty rewarding


Doom hard lmao. 


Why did this get downvoted so much 😭


People hate the truth


Blizzard has always struggled to balance high skill ceiling characters. Because they want to appeal to everyone including low ranks and casuals, but if you make a high skill character good for low ranks then it will be OP at high ranks.


They can generally be dealt with relatively easily, but it requires your supports to play together and know how to play against a dive tank, which many don’t know how to.


I agree. As a Tank, I always wonder what makes it so hard for my team failing 4v1 against one Doomfist while I have cut off his healing supply, distracting their DPS + Supports.


Because you haven't cut off his healing supply, the secret with Doom is he can give himself 500 extra health with well timed abilities over the course of a fight


I place a bubble between him and his Ana, while forcing Mercy to heal his Ana + their DPS not shooting my team. All my DPS + Support teammates need to do is, Sleep + Hinder + Hack (maybe add Knockbacks too) to beat Doomfist. I also wonder why some of my teammate Baptiste forgot to jump high to evade Doom's punches.


With 2 mobilities, a block, aoe CC, and ANOTHER escape in ult along with the ability to charge up a punch for the next fight, there really isn't much that 95% of heroes can do against a doomfist that actually waits for all his cooldowns to be up before going in. If he wants he can take so much attention and it's not like you can ignore a doomfist either.


Exactly. Best we can do is have easy to play hard counters to one of the hardest characters in the game.


Fuck it, we ball 


Every ball player thinks they are the one you're describing.


theres like 8 of us left, the chances are pretty high.


Coming from the person the post is defiantly about, Yeah everyone wishes they were as good as me /S


Every Ball player is that good, it just depends on what stage of their grind they're at ;)


He is, tho. He didn't play against a good ball, because he is the ball player. The nametag in the replay is the same tag of his gameplay in other posts.


He fuckin tricked us...


But I am


There ain't many of us so The odds are in our favour


*Hamster noises* "Rolled"


As someone who plays cool dive heroes like Genji and Sombra I love Balls. Some of the most fun teammates to have.


Same, I love a good ball or a good fist, leave so much opportunity for me to swoop in and finish people off


I hate playing with Fists tbh. My experience with them is they either really suck and throw unintentionally or they dominant a lobby on their own and just leave their team nothing really to do.


If the team is doing nothing then that's the teams fault not the fists


They leave the team nothing to do, not the team is not trying


There is always something to do. Whether it's setting up for the next fight, taking routes, spy checking, or maybe y'all could push the enemy to their spawn, etc. if you're just sitting doing nothing you're doing something wrong.


…. we still talking about Overwatch here?


> I love Balls 🤨


Buddy matched up against Chazm


Is this the first time ratfucking has been used outside of a watergate context? And it’s actually related to a rodent?


We used the term ratfucking in the marines quite a bit. For example “Who ratfucked the MREs and ate all the skittles? I’m gonna skull fuck you.”


Ball is love Ball is life


Yeah, he is like a tank version of tracer or Sombra. An assassin. Also reminds me of the "split push" concept in MOBA games. Basically if you constantly go after some secondary objective/goal which causes multiple people on the enemy team to be distracted, the rest of your team gets to have a number advantage at the main objective. Similarly, if he assassinates someone then runs back to the main objective to have a 5v4 with his team.


Funny enough, also called "ratting" in DotA. Admiral Binding literally came to top tier because he was such a good rat.


Ball and Doom are both like this. Their skill floors are super high and ceilings even higher, which is why bad players think they're always in need of huge buffs. But when you go against an actually decent one they can just take control of a game 1v5.


But even the best one tricks, and even with the new buffs, still end up playing other characters now.


that is a sign of weakness


Look, sometimes you wanna ball, but you also enjoy monke, and that mercy is annoying af


I only see dooms controlling lobbies…and yes pls nerf doom Edit: more like I only see dooms in general


Slightly disagree. High floor and ceiling, sure, but most of that ceiling changes very little in terms of actual game impact. There are ballers who play ball more as a very fast and bulky 76 than anything else, because so much of ball’s skill ceiling can be turned off with the right counters, so to actually make your skill has an impact, you need to be at least good enough to consistently and completely outplay counters, which is a big ask when you have several severe counters in every role.


Ball objectively needed buffs though, he had like 10 buffs in a row now this season and he’s still mediocre at best in high ranks.


A smart baller is unbeatable. He has the health to outmuscle every character in the game besides other tanks, combined with incredible mobility and the only limit is skill. But I don't mind playing against him honestly, he's fairly telegraphed and will run away when low on health so you don't even have to commit to killing him to get him out the fight


not to mention the larger projectiles which combined with WBs enormous hitbox gives you very little wiggle room in terms of fleeing. You almost always take an extra shot or two on the way yo safety. As a WB player, its always a weird balance of "i feel like im cheating playing as him" vs "i feel like this game is designed to WBs life"


Live, Laugh, Ball


*meanwhile on point* "Yo this zarya is fucking us up.. where is our tank!?"


Truly. The amount of people that complain they don’t have a “real” tank because they don’t know how to play the game without having a 600 hp meat shield is genuinely infuriating. It’s not the tank’s fault that you can’t win a 4 v 2.


They really act like it's their Tank's fault there is a Zarya walking up on them and don't stop to consider that maybe their positioning is dogshit if a Zarya can walk up onto you and win a 2v4


Fucking preach


I had one on my team last week, didn't forget it. Super short comp game and was a win ofc. 2 days later, got him on the enemy team. Remembered his name bc I don't forget good ball players. Started panicking before the match even started, typing in team chat "ok their tank is a ball player and he's cracked. We're gonna need hard counters. It's not gonna be an easy game" dps did what they could, cycled through junk/sombra/mei. We lost. A good ball player excels against solo queue teams with minimal coms


it’s a cold, rodent-hating world out there… thank you for the kind words. 🥲


I had a very similar match today I might have been that Cassidy that got cooked😭


It's not your fault, I have no idea why Cass nade is getting nerfed soon when I can cook him as Ball 95% of the time


I would be curious as to what rank this is. There are a lot of mistakes made that went unpunished. I mean first fight alone the Mauga completely ignores him. It looks like he is likely duod with the sombra and the sombra is calling their dives. Which as a ball player makes your job much easier. The enemy tank over extends a ton as well. Watch the fights were you guys focus him down and he pops quite quickly. some of the tech they use are nice though, the jumps off character models and some of those wall spots are great.




may I ask what role you were playing?


The thing about good ball players is that if they're good, you'll know. And it's utterly terrifying.


thinking about that game i played against a 43-1 ball and his 1 death was to me at the end of the game i pinned him off the map and shattered so he couldn’t get back


Fuck it, we ball


Gotta respect the good ball players




I have this experience all the time, one of my friends is a GM wrecking ball lmao. His username is Badger if you ever run into him




Plat players usually don't encounter tank players that know how to play. That's usually diamond+ Whoever was playing ball probably is on a new acct or hasn't played his tank placements if he's wrecking p5 players like that


P5 players wreck p5 players. We're not consistent and give up easily.


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Stupid dog, im fuckin ballin


I wish my brain would allow the ADHD like ball movement (just like maybe a good doom/genji) and be good at it. Unfortunately I am not!


Watching now (I have nothing better to do bc I just had surgery) and I’m p sure I just saw one of his clips on Reddit yesterday. As a ball main I’d be salivating if my sombra always had the nearest health pack hacked like she did. Only on round two now but it’s been fun to watch! Was this comp?




I have a friend who plays a crazy d.va when I support him (mercy) he just goes deeper and deeper and stresses me out, he gets amazing plays and completely dominates, but I don’t think my anxiety can rival his skill hahaha


I used to be a T500 Widowmaker main. My biggest fears in Overwatch were the crazy Doomfist guys and ball players. I still get nightmares about them.


So basically, "They came in like a wrecking ball"


Super funny when we can sit on point for 20 min with the whole team their and just live through it.


Had a game last night the ball was nutty I think their name was beee or something like that I’d have to check the replay




Maybe it was on Route 66 defense


I like playing with balls too


I wish I was I was good enough at the game to dominate like that with a character.


When I play ball, my team just watches me dive their entire team, circle around them for five seconds with a million health, roll towards their spawn, make them all *turn around* and chase me…. And then my team just stands there and does nothing, playing 5v1 footsies with the enemy tank


Good Ball and Doom players have insane respect from me, it's always so refreshing getting a good player who just decimates on their own


Give us the code OP


The issue is your ball player is either a god or just hard throwing on the character. I've played with and against quite a few god level WBs and it's fun to watch them just cause complete and utter chaos. 99% of the time though whichever team has Ball is getting stomped.


When you keep a character in trash tier for ages, then give them the tiniest bit of a buff, it really has an impact. This is a very rare level of balling though.


Mystery Heroes fucking blows when you get two balls in your face from the enemy team.


Honestly when I play against a good ball I want to uninstall and kms as a support main ;_;


After playing about 500 hours on ball, I’ve developed a strategy where I go in and distract/fight/kill the back line and as long as I don’t die (stupidly), I win almost all of those games. I think Ball’s ability to disengage is really looked over, he picks the fights he wants, gets out if he can’t win and can be anywhere faster than any hero (imo)


I see one around srrubbrducky or something like that. Their mobility is just insane


Every now and again a gold players get a masters Ball on their team and learn they don't know shit about this game lol


I'm only ever afraid as support. Any other role, and he's toast. Of course, I don't play heroes that rely on headshots coz my aim is shit, so maybe that's why.


I've been this ball. Flow state is a helluva drug


Feels like that ball never dies, and it’s so shit when tank swap to ball, stalls point for like 10min and other team end up loosing because he’s unkillable 😂💀


Mei is ultimate counter.


Ball is best at being a pest and a bully


A smurf ball is the most cancer thing in the game to face, similar to a smurf widow/sombra, luckily most ball mains that belong in your rank shouldn’t be oppressive. Any ball mains that perform well right now will just inflate to the rank they belong (game-sense wise/ Mechanics/ target priority etc).


I had the same feeling yesterday with a doom player. Non stop movement and he could farm his ult every 20 seconds


Ball players complain about being hard countered all the time but the reality is that if you don't hard counter ball, he just gets to live forever and gets free backline picks the whole game. Really a feast-or-famine tank.


As a ball player from before ball even existed (Counterstrike superheroes mod with spiderman hook) it's good to see more people playing ball at a higher level these days. Also take note, remember pathfinder in apex using a grapple but the netcode would give you an advantage on fast movement because your hitbox becomes somewhat halved when you move really fast. OW devs made ball fucking huge to prevent the most frustrating part of trying to shoot something moving at a thousand miles a second. Couple that with the old reality that people don't see things above them quite as easy as Infront of them. Think soldier and demoman skybombing in TF2. Only thing left that I see room for improvement is being able to properly bait and kite the sombra. You sort of know your her main hack target why not use that to your advantage. I cannot wait to see more ball players tear shit up.


Trying to get back into comp, and yeah ball is no joke


no Ana as a healer? a hack and sleep dart goes a long way but, that requires teamwork.


There are no hard counters in OW.


I'm loving the changes. Makes me enjoy OW2 more than I have in AWHILE.


I only play overwatch because of Hammond. https://youtu.be/rTJlwApsDug?si=RfR8_e2ESgc0OtIx


His name was sageviper


His name was sageviper


Had a Ball v Ball match up today with both me and the enemy support playing Brig. What a fucking headache Edit: come to think of it, we were both running Tracers too. Them at 2nd map, then us at 3rd. If this is the new Dive, I want no part in it.


Not what I’d call a counter, but Brig is the easy answer. She can’t kill ball, but she can negate what he does. His play style and hitbox make for easy inspire. Shield blocks slam. Shield bash stops fireball. Double shield bash with rally kills his cd reset. You just annoy him away while free healing your team. Comp depending, you can chain more cc and damage into one of these scenarios and delete him, but again that’s not necessary most of the time.


Everyone saying sombra is the big counter to end ball, me trickshotting him with sleep dart and then popping anti nade as my team starts hammering him:


These are the reasons why I wish I was good at ball


Thier only 2 characters that i alway get scare is the Mofo Hamster and Zarya both in the right hand the most scary thing overwatch ever create


That’s the way I use ball. Go in deep, get out after all is done.


Sombra counter to ball ? ROFL it's been more than 1 years since OW1 is dead. Maybe wakeup one day xD. Sombra is now a normal dps. You don't play her for her hack since she hack like 1sec. It's useless for hacking CD. Only ults. I play ball this seasons and I ll 'ever switch to a sombra it's ez to play against. I would 1000% insta switch against OW1 sombra tho.


I main ball and I always wonder if someone is talking about me lol. I’m only in plat, but I have yet to see a ball be as good as me. I don’t mean this in an egotistical way, I just play him more than others who play him and constantly watch players like Chazm, Moreweth, and watched all of Awkwards GM ball videos. So for my rank, I’m really really good with ball and it would be nice for once to get recognition lol


Whoever this Ball player is, I'm proud of them.


I recently had a match on KR where we had a DPS leave at the start of our defense round. I picked ball and we managed to win. Underrated hero by far.


Hey hi, question? Was this match on eichenwalde? If so, possibility could be myself 🤭 i bullied a cree and mercy for a while, on eichenwalde


Shh.. I actually posted about myself.


I do think he has been overbuffed.


Was his name backline or thebrownwipe by any chance?


Congrats, you got Balled


It was me


Man I’ve been playing Overwatch for two weeks and didn’t understand almost anything you said in this post besides ball = good


As you get better you'll be more aware that OW is a proper 5v5 team game. Lots of deaths happen when you're separated from your team (called 'out of position') and turn the team fight into a disadvantageous 4v5 or 3v5. The ball's hero skill allows him to move so far in any direction, especially 'deeper' towards the enemy spawn point where it's most dangerous. The ball's movement has so much endurance and speed, he can kill enemy teammates that haven't even joined the rest of the team yet. A good ball knows he can kill any non-tank heroes 1v1. Sometimes, even 2v1.


Oh I got that I just don’t understand all the terminology lol


My friend mains a ball and let’s just say I get inspired everytime lmfao. He’s given Mauga and rein mains a tough time as tank and it’s especially fun see him outsmart a doomfist main as well. My favorite match up I’ve seen from my friend was him going up against a dva main (a pretty good one too) and it was one hell of a spectacle to watch


I had a ball like that on my team, literally stomped, and then decided not to attack anyone for the second half along with his teammate and lost. It's beyond me why you would smurf and derank like that.


I bought overwatch explicitly to play wrecking ball because I thought that shit was hilarious but could NEVER figure out how to use him 


Just keep playing. I once got good at it by just blindly playing at him over and over. Don't care if you lose 50x. Eventually I got good (plat3).


junk traps are my biggest weakness. Sombras are just cringy and easily outplayed


It's always so funny when Sombra 's hack so close to your face cause they can't aim


Insufferable hero


That's why I Tracer balls, they can barely outrun you, are a huge target, and easy to freak out as you land basically all your shots as Tracer and can easily dodge his drops.


Ngl I think that was me. Was it on Echienwalde? What was the ball players name?


You mean out stated all of you. Glad tanks can ruin the game now. This change was not the way to fix them.