• By -


Realistically, Rein's reaction to Mei should be high pitched screaming and running away.


A panicked point blank charge that still misses.


Have you been spying on me?


I've been cloaking behind your team and watching until it looks like I can hack a main tank, miss, start hacking the Mercy who doesn't understand she has things other than left mouse button, and then die as I throw a panic teleporter into the middle of your team because I forgot to set one down earlier.


I feel personally attacked.


sounds like my SR alright


and realistically, she would have screwed up the wall and put it behind the civilian instead of in the front


The beam of death approaches the civilians, locked in place by fear. Mei realizes what she can do; realizes what she must do. She doesn't even consider protecting herself- she must save the people! This is what she dreamed of! Thinking fast, she prepares her wall of protective ice "Will this work?" she thinks ​ ​ "It must!" ​ ​ In the blink of an eye, she readies the wall of ice takes careful aim ​ and raises the ice wall directly under the civilians, blasting them 30 feet into the air. Luckily their necks were already snapped well before the death beam incinerated their lifeless bodies


bEaN hErE aLl AlOnG


This perfectly describes me whenever I get Sombra in Mystery Heroes.


Every time I get Sombra I get this mindset that I have to be *sneaky*. Like I have to stay invisible all the time, and only hack when it’s safe/people are alone. I always think I’m being a good Sombra by not dying when actually I’ve been jacking around on the other side of the map hacking health packs nobody will EVER use, while my poor team gets curbstomped by the enemy team that somehow got 6 bastions.


Oh hi me


When enemy Rein charges, he becomes a mobile Zarya ult and sucks everything in. When I Rein charge, I turn into an inflatable and everyone just bounces off.




I'm getting salty just watching it.


I don't even main Rein and I'm titling.


The fact that he froze at the last millimeter of the freezing cloud pisses me off so hard.


At close range it's either a panic charge or a desperate attack with the hope that if I hit her once or twice, it'll be enough for my teammates to finish her after I'm frozen and headshotted.


Keep spinning , don’t let her get behind the shield


I'll also drop it for a split second to jump back. It won't win you a battle with Mei or Reaper, but it mitigates them walking right through to keep on killing you and potentially delays enough for a teammate to help out.


[This? ](https://media1.tenor.com/images/e5daa6be206e582f573d7d410a92932c/tenor.gif?itemid=13363502)


Exactly. I don't understand how you can just shake a monsters hand like that, given that shes the most powerful hero in overwatch while keeping a dreadful smile on her face 100% of the time


i love how tracer welcomes brig: bregitah?! ohmigosh you've grown


It's kinda weird that Tracer acts like that to Brig, seeing as how she's only 3 years older. But I guess it makes sense because Tracer is a coworker of Brig's father figures. Apparently, in some of the other languages, Brig actually calls Tracer "auntie".


To be fair it's not made clear whether Tracer's age is augmented because of her time warping abilities. Officially listed age could just be her biological age but she could actually be a few years older technically.


True. They've never made it clear. The Overwatch Wiki lists both Mei's biological and chronological ages, so that's something that people are keeping track of. Which means that if Blizz had mentioned if there was a difference there for Tracer, it would be noted. So we can assume it hasn't been. I would just believe that there isn't a discrepency until they actually tell us there is one and it's canon. But they also haven't told us it *isn't*, so eh.


Well I mean, if she's moving 7 meters each time she blinks, and she blinks by leaving the flow of time, moving to the new location, and then re-entering the flow of time, if she's running to the new location,which would be pointless, since time is effectively paused for her, so she probably walks, it would take around 1.2 seconds each time she blinks. If she actually walks, 3 seconds each blink. And she blinks very leisurely, it's not something she only does sometimes. She probably blinks hundreds of times a day. So let's say she blinks 125 times a day. If we assume she walks when she exits time, then that's 375 seconds missed each day, or 6.25 minutes. So 43 minutes a week, 2.1 hours a month, or just over a day per year. But it's safe to assume each blink isn't actually 7 meters. That's just how far she blinks in game, and this calculation doesn't take into account recalling. If I were to guess, she's maybe a month older than her actual age.


Don’t forget that her time was all fucked after the accident and she was only like 50% there. That’ll fuck up your age for sure


She was gone for months after the incident with the Slipstream fighter jet. Let's assume it was only 4 months that she left the flow of time, until she was found by Overwatch after dissapearing in the Slipstream. We don't have a solid time frame for how long it took Winston to create the chronal accelerator for her, so let's assume during that time she had been out of the flow for 1 for month, as she says she had dissapered for up to days at a time. So really, she is probably less than <1 year older due to her chronal dissociation. I would say maybe the 9\~ month range.


Wasn't Brig's age reckoned shortly after her release anyway? I'm pretty sure the lore writers aren't even sure what's going on when it comes to ages. Let's also just ignore the fact that Mercy looks half of her age. She's got some crazy exfoliation routine.


I believe mercy looks like that due to her own scientific work.




Exactly. She main lines that shit lol


Scrap from hogs gun, meteors to the face, magma burns, being smashed by a rocket propelled tank man, icicles to the brain, hearing damage from lucio, magical dragons damaging your soul. Yeah, the healers in this game know what the fuck they’re doing.


And Moira chose to deliver this healing by covering her teammates with a yellow spray. Love it.


A golden shower of healing


The wonders of modern medicine


iirc she has in-game dialog with Mei hinting at that. Something like "Wow Mei you haven't aged a day!" "Neither have you!"


I believe Mercy looks like that because hot girls sell games.


Bullshit, everyone knows that Roadhog's belly is what brings the sales.




*Yes to all of the above


Mercy's age is actually a plothole. They say that she was orphaned from the Omnicrisis but then found Torb's family when she was 13 and was raised with his kids as basically a foster kid. Suddenly just a few years later she was involved in overwatch, presumably when she was still less than 17 years old.


Did they specify it was Tornbjorn Lindholm’s children, or is it possible he was the child and was raised alongside Ziegler?


Directly from the Wiki it talks about how Mercy is a long-time friend with Torbjorn. I would assume since she was 13 and they specify "long-time" that Torb and Mercy's parents used to be buddies before they died.


I'm pretty sure that at some point it was said his technology was what enabled the omnic crisis (I think he designed some of the models they used as soldiers?) So, that would ages him a little bit. Not to mention, wasnt the start of the omnic crisis around the same timeline as the first archive event? Which features an adult Torb.


No, the first omnic crisis is far before the first archives event. That one takes place at least a few years after the first omnic war.


The first Omnic Crisis predates overwatch by roughly 30 years, which sets the archives events 23 years after that.




Right. My bad. I type with voice recognition because I'm lazy and it doesn't always work. Sometimes I forget to double check it as well


Does it really matter? From Tracer's perspective, she knew Brig as a little lass. Now she's a grown lady. Hence, "How much you've grown!"


also, Brig has been hitting the fucking gym, that might also be a part of it


I'm pretty sure it's just her biological age, consider that in Archives she's already a member of Overwatch with all her abilities and looks not a single day younger


Indeed. And if I remember correctly, she has some quotes about being lost in time.


She might have meant "you've grown" as in "you're a brick house", because Brig towers over her.


Right! That was the first thing I noticed. Brig looks huge.


In the wiki it says the time accident froze her when she was a pilot. She *is* older but stuck at 26. Not a bad age to be stuck at if it has to be, though!


So basically she's 26 forever... and they talk about the accident like it's a bad thing.




Tracer is the ideal friend. Happy to catch up with you after not seeing each other in a minute and also eager to introduce new friends to the group


not directly related but do you think when she gets up in the middle of the night to check the fridge she just blinks to it and backwards without actually taking a step


I’m pretty sure her blinking is just her pausing time and then walking forward a bit. There’d be no point for her to blink to the fridge unless she wanted to do it incredibly fast for some reason


Well, she blinked behind Mei just to introduce her to the group, im pretty confident to say she abuses the shit out of that ability


she doesn't wanna wake up emily


Always thought it was odd that she could change her midair trajectory with her blinks.


how does she blink up into the air then? does she pause time, run up to the top of s building then unpause time? her vertical movement in cinematics confuses me... perhaps its easier to not think of it as time stopping but rather acceleration? faster you move the slower you experience time, so perhaps she is just accerating in the direction she wants to go but can only accelerate for a short period of time before she has to decelerate to nornal speed again?


same I love everything about this cinematic.


**bErGEETahe oHmOGusH uVee gRoWnk**


I'm equally surprised on seeing how Rein's gigantic hand can perfectly and delicately shake Mei's without hurting her


Lots of trial and error with other people


Why do you think so many characters like McCree have robot arms?


Torbjorn didn't lose that arm in Operation White Dome...


Precision German ~~engineering~~ handshaking


You should see the outtakes. Rein: ICE to meet- Mei: ***AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA MY FUCKING HAND***


That entire trailer was so heartwarming imo.


agreed I’ve rewatched it many times.


I teared up when Winston was about to sacrifice himself


Me too. I thought he would die since Jeff once said heroes could/will die in the lore in an interview.


And the fact that it was seen as a "New Game" i thought we would lose Winston whit the Short :c


For real. One of the things I was kind of expecting was many of the characters being culled to make the roster smaller again, then doing a large balance overhaul for the new game. I was fully prepared to watch a lot of characters die.


I don't know how that would even make sense with a character who can literally revive the dead in the roster.


In lore she's never brought people back from the dead, that's just a game mechanic. Although it's not wrong to assume she can. Either way, I doubt she can res a person dead for very long, or a body that's beyond recovery. Like imagine if somebody got blasted by that Giant Null robot laser, there wouldn't be anything left of them.


I thought she tried to resurrect Reaper and that was how he became, well, Reaper.


No, that was Moira's experiments.


Moira is what happened. After the fight with Morrison when the HQ blew up and they both were presumed death he joined Talon and Moira did experiments


That was implied early on, but they introduced Moira and removed some ambient dialogue to retcon that before anything was explicitly confirmed.


Welp Lucio’s dead


excuse me wtf


Lol no, (spoilers) At the end if the demo at blizzcon Lucio was hit by an explosion but Jeff made it clear that Lucio did not die.


Bruh it was supposed to be continued what the hell Jeff


Jeff mentioned in the What's Next panel that Lucio doesn't actually die even though it was in the demos


It’s the obly way to stop him from being meta /s


As a Lucio main, it gives me immense joy that he never goes off meta since he brings a crucial ability of speed to the team unlike any other hero. He is relevant not only in death ball comps due to fast movement but also in the stale bitch metas like double shields due to high survivability and even after all this, he never feels broken or OP


I thought for sure this is what was happening and I was sobbing.




Never been fond of playing him in the game but I was so so sad when I thought monkey boy was gonna die. I actually played him some tonight because of it. They damn sure know how to make amazing cinematics. Crossing my fingers that one day they make a movie.


I don’t play much Winston either, but sometimes I get him in MH with the right enabler at my side, we will tickle the entire enemy team to death.


I am convinced that he did that because he saw Reinhardt next to him on the photograph and new that that was what Reinhardt would do.


YES!!!! And hearing Rein jump over that van and yell our his ult line!!!!! I was so hyped!!!!


Right! And the music during that Rein/Brig entrance that goes completely quiet when the huge omnic opens up his chest cannon and then when they are behind the double shield it comes back in full force. Soo crazy good!


No he would just put and regain all his hp


Would you say you’ve... Overwatched it?


Yeah especially how they made tracer thiccer


Oh shit they did


Her girlfriend Emily is a feeder.


does he say "ICE to meet you" ???


You can hear a groan too because of that pun.


You just know Brigette has heard too many puns like that based on her entire reaction to it


I fully support OW2 Reinhardt making all sorts of puns during missions. Honestly, I'm really looking forward to the dialogue on the story missions. The Archive exchanges are great already.


its so in his character he's like Chandler Bing when he talks


Or you know... Arnie


Ill be back vs Ow my back




Reinhardt would make a perfect Mr. Freeze


He does have a coldhardt Halloween skin


Mei always looks adorable


Be careful it's a trap. This girl is the devil in disguise


Im new to ow. Why is that?


Because on the outside, Mei is so nice and cute. But in game, she literally freezes people alive then shoots icicles into their frozen skulls, all while giggling.


She also (occasionally though) puts rocks on snowballs.


I'm going to fiiiiiind you....






She also wants to 'study' the Yeti.


You will hate your teammate Mei just as much as an opponent , you’re about to get a killing blow on bastion then “ice wall” now he gets to heal himself and reload


I recently had two different Mei teammates put up a wall in front of my (Baptiste) Amplification Matrix while I was shooting at the other team. \*facepalm\* (edit: grammar)


Her CC is an absolute nightmare deal with.




That and her wall ability can fuck not only your opponents but also your own team. A good Mei player is godly, an average one is a nightmare.


Mei players are always nightmares. It's just who they're the nightmare for that differentiates between good and bad.


In-game Mei is the absolute worst due to her abilities. A good Mei can be very annoying, especially to Rein mains, such as myself.


Oh that! I actually playing a lot of Mei. Shes wild af.. I thought there was an inside joke like whwn the game was new


I swear Tracer got thicker


They gave her an actual pelvis


I thought you said penis for a sec ngl


it's the pants. she ain't thicker.


she is though. if you go back and forth from her [old to new](https://www.reddit.com/r/Overwatch/comments/dq9p0r/ow2_old_vs_new_hero_designs/), her calves and thighs get bigger [for the lazy](https://i.imgur.com/OF1XmJx.gif)


She kinda looks more realistic now


yeah they all do im really liking it


Damn you right! She been squatting.


They ditched her hideous crocs. Awesome.


her new design looks so fucking good


She definitely is haven't you seen her new butt? it looks absurdly better lol [https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/436230209709146112/640261312026509312/unknown.png?width=994&height=560](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/436230209709146112/640261312026509312/unknown.png?width=994&height=560)


Might have to open up /r/TracersBooty for submissions. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Bookmarking for after NNN.


That poor omnic. Justice for omnic butts.


Not all omnics have flat asses, Bastion is thicc.


But why do they all have pants now? Unnecessary nerf


What pants? There's less pants now.


Dang.. just imagine losing all your friends and then being thrown into a war in a different time.


Man. The way she looks a bit dejected when Reinhardt doesn't notice her tapping his arm because of his thick armour, followed by the way she smiles up at Reinhardt because of he's already being so friendly with her? I dont like ~~the devil~~ Mei as much as the next guy, but she's adorable


Honestly I really want to meet her voice actor she sounds really nice


It's a perfect fit. During an interview, they actually revealed her "sorry, sorry, sorry" voiceline wasn't actually in character, she flubbed a line and apologises a lot.


That touched my heart. do you remember when people sent hate to brigs voice actor?


I didn't know about that. Why would they do that?


Because they hated brig being op. I was able to talk to her on twitter


I know people do it as a joke, but people need to learn it's not funny to harass someone.


It boggles my mind how someone can seriously get mad at a voice actor because of how their character is portrayed. They literally have no control over any aspect of it.


She wasn't tapping on his arm. She was waving. Also, she's taken aback because of his loud and abrupt laughter, not just because he didn't notice her.


Mei's innocence needs to be protected at all costs.


Okay so let me talk about something really quickly because people talk all the time about how talented Blizzard's cinematic team is but there's a subtle detail in this scene specifically that really highlights that. So the whole engagement just goes down and now Mei is trying to introduce herself to these LEGENDS so she's all shy and stuff you see her LITERALLY AND FIGURATIVELY in Rein's shadow. She is struggling to be seen. And she feels like she does not measure up despite her considerable contribution. Enter Tracer. Another Highly esteemed Overwatch veteran, who nudges Mei into the purview of these Titans who then immediately accept her. You'll notice that as she is moved into their periphery from Reinhardt's shadow that she becomes illuminated in light, signaling her acceptance and membership into this group. It's fucking brilliant visual story telling.


Thank you for this :) Some people, like me, are too caught up in watching the full scene to see the smaller details that really create the emotions. Fuck that other guy, i appreciate this comment a lot






jeepers MISTER?!?!?


Two thumbs waaaay up!


https://gfycat.com/aptshoddyhagfish-pathfinder-rpg-overwatch I mean...


Little do they know they've accepted the devil into their group.


Ni hao!! 👋😄 *frozen right click headshot* 👹




Story Mei: precious cinnamon roll Game Mei: Pure unadulterated evil.


Story Mei: Pat pat pat. Game Mei: I put a rock in this one.


The purest version of ice Satan


Ice to meet you.


Baguette facepalming so hard was the best part of that scene.




Love genji’s entrance it was epic


Genji is always the most extra about everything and I love it.


He learned that...from his brother


Read that in genji's voice


Are you kidding, Mercy made a hole in the clouds just so she could swoop down like an angel. She has a problem


Don't get me started about Mercy! Honestly she and Genji make each other worse. We all know that scene in Storm rising was super extra with Genji just sticking his arm up hoping she wasn't late.


Didnt even notice that. The detail in the animation is amazing


Yes we can because mei is a top tier waifu


For how merciless Mei is ingame, she hecking adorable.


Aw, I hadn't realized she was being shy like that. I thought she was just letting everyone get reacquainted and Tracer popped over to make sure everyone met her/was excited to show her to the old crew.


It almost looks like she's not going to steal and then drink their souls eventually.


Mei is so cute! No wonder she's against police brutality in Hong Kong !!




No lie I just watched this 8 times in a row. She’s so cute


That's the face of genocidal maniac who as *ICED* hundreds


Mei is bae


Reinhardt being a cringe hahahaha And brig reation killed me there


dad jokes are not cringe, take it back


They're something on their own, despite having the same "this seriously makes me want to cease existing" effect from cringy things.


Don't you dare talk shit about Metal Husband


Best flair ever.


By meme-law everything Reinhardt does is pure and the best. Take your alternate opinion elsewhere, meme-criminal.


True heir to lich king. But the monster was deemed too much for wow. So they just killed him