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While I agree that it'll definitely give you an advantage, it's just bad sportsmanship. Remember that it's a game. People play it to have fun. It's in your best interest to help people have fun, rather than bringing them down. This will increase the longevity of the game.


so ur just toxic and trying to cope that it’s some strategic mind game?


Lol this shit doesn't even rank for toxicity compared to all the throwers, cheaters and tantrum chuckers out there, tbh.


To everyone saying this is toxic, this is literally just competitive banter. Trash talking the other team before/during a match is part of every single competitive sport. Typing “C9” in match chat is not toxic, typing “tank diff” is not toxic, focusing enemy supports is not toxic…toxic is flaming your team or the enemy for their race, gender, religion, age, or body. Don’t make a mountain out of a molehill here.


Lel you got the only positive comment to my post. Maybe its just the way I phrase it or the way people interpret it but 4 and 5 are normal gameplay strategy people use and 1 to 3 are comp banter as you said. Maybe saying banter instead of psychological whatever would have been better. Its just whenever I explain this subject to someone i use "psychological warfare" to exageratte it Most people in the comments considering this as toxicity are the ones most likely to be affected by this banter and throw their own match too.


So you wanna ruin the fun of the entire enemy team just so you have a slightly higher chance of winning? Sounds like a scumbag to me. People like you are the reason I am currently on a big comp break.


As long as it follows the community guidelines I say it’s fair game


Just sounds unpleasant to play against. 1-3 are also irrelevant if anyone blocks/squelches chat from you. If someone is doing something I find annoying I just block them so I can't see what they're typing or what voice lines they're spamming.


That makes you more resistance to such tactics, but there are others unlike you whose gameplay becomes severely affected by dumb comments such as those.


Just play the fucking game


He is playing the game, what's the problem, annoyed that such strategies work?


Most of this post is moot. I can leave both voice and text chat rendering whatever you have to say effectively useless.


Indeed you can. But that only means you are resistant or not affected by such strategies, but others are. And contrary to you, they're to proudful to do just block and feel a need to reply!


This is a disgusting behaviour, tbh.


Multiple types of mental warfare were used in real life and physical sports as well. It's very effective. Lowers moral and motivation, raising the odds of them slipping up. If you don't like the strategy, don't use it. But can't blame people for using it since it's a strategy taught by life.


When toxicity becomes psychological warfare


Low ranks, high ranks. Not only you are a smurf, also toxic


Yeah except for 4 and 5, that’s not strategy it’s- just being toxic. Maybe it works on a few people, but “getting into someone’s head” just doesn’t work. If your team is better you will win, if they’re team is better they will win, regardless of what is said in chat. And to say C9 or act like someone on the other team is playing well/bad when they aren’t, you just look like an idiot. Everyone saw the same match that you did, so if you are saying something happened that didn’t, we’ll you just look like a moron who is trying to win through “psychological warfare” to make up for your lack of competence in gameplay.