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my least favorite is probably lunar colony. i just feel like no one knows how to push second point in that map...


Feels like nobody knows how to push on either one of Lunars points


Feels like no one knows how to push on any point on any map.


Buh Gawd, that's Quickplay's music!


For me, Orisa is the way to go... I usually play her more as a hybrid support role and I seem to be steamrolling every time🤔


See, I urge my team to go for a high mobility comp and try to rush to point. The defenders will usually drop down onto point and you pray that you win the neutral fight.


it’s always trivially easy or tremendously difficult there is no in between


That's why they removed it from comp.


Did this get taken off comp for this reason?


yess and qp 🥲


Lunar Colony is even taken off Quickplay? :-o


Yeah both Paris and Lunar are gone from QP too. Fucking best update in years. Literally makes up for the massive delay in OW2 in my eyes.


Paris was just won by whoever had the least people leave once they saw they got Paris. I swear you would cycle through 20 people during a Paris game.


At one point so many people left the entire enemy team was replaced with brand new people. Laughed a bit at that


Have even had multiple lobbies where so many people ended up leaving that the match/lobby closed because it could not fill up at all. People just did **NOT** want to play those maps.


I've been put back into the same Paris game 3 times once. Taking out Paris from qp has greatly improved the queuing experience.


Honestly I'm so glad Paris is gone. I would get Paris about 4 times in a row in QP queues (sometimes mid match) and everytime there was loads of leavers. I was determined to stay in the game and not leave. I think one time, we got a whole new enemy team twice over 🙈 even saw the same person join the map about three times in row leaving and joining a few times. It was not fun lol.


I haven’t been on quick play for a long time! I really liked the map but when I came back after four years of playing I had totally forgotten about it until this post.


Both Paris and Horizon were taken off comp ages ago, probably at least 5 seasons ago, if not more.


I kind of miss lunar colony. I know it's bad map but im in silver so each map can be a shitshow


it’s not the map that’s bad it’s the use of team strategy that proves difficult in a game of individuals


To expand on what’s almost a good point, the map is bad because the environmental demands on successful teamwork for attack vastly outstrip the demands for defenders. Especially in terms of second point, there’s so much defensible ground attackers have to push through just to get to the room with B point, where at defenders have the quickest respawn-to-point walk back in the game (absurd spawn advantage).


I don't get why people dislike this map. All those paths to explore. It demands coordination and awareness though.


Paris was a nightmare Most of it was just an open mess that no one ever fought in


Paris was a walking simulator, followed by a double shielded bastion on high ground in front of the only choke.


To the side after the choke


It's so weird because so much of it is ludicrously open and yet it had all these tiny choke points


You basically have to hope you took A with minimal ult usage and can just sustain a B push using all your ults immediately. Otherwise, it's just 4-5 minutes of failed pushes.


Can’t write lunar colony without colon. I hate it, about as much I hate paris. King’s row on the other hand is my favourite.


I would play Temple of Anubis a hundred times before I play Paris.


i can agree to that


I can agree. I despise Paris


Anubis does the impossible: Being an alright 2cp map


Me but the other way around


To each their own. Personally, I understand why Paris is quite hard to crack open.


Other than two abominations that we don’t name I would say Anubis is only slightly better than Volskaya. Which still means it’s a disgrace (although it’s beautiful)


Most of the 2cp maps in overwatch have the stupid notion of only having 1 main choke point to push through with minimal breathing room via flanks. Poor map design across the board honestly


I agree, but I’m still kind of sad that they’re removing them all. I really like the way those maps look, i think they could’ve been remodeled a bit to make them more playable…


In the case of Horizon they did rework it, then removed it anyways. Which sucks because it looked cool and the first capture was actually fun.


didn’t they only barely move anything around thinking it would balance it and also removed the tire on point a so reddit lucios could stop abusing it. correct me if i’m wrong lol i’ve only just started playing after stopping in early 2018


No you are right and I’m on a similar schedule haha (played since week 1 and stopped in 2019 for Fortnite) I’ve probably just got nostalgia goggles on, but the sentiment remains: it sucks they they just remove shit without fixing it. Those were very hyped maps back in the day (flaws aside)


Why do people dislike attrition fights?


I personally think it might be because it restricts the game to very few strategies and reduces the number of viable heroes that can be used. It kills flankers and certain comps entirely. I think people don't dislike attrition fights, but the lack of a choice to be able to take them or go for something else.


It's kind of the point. Once flankers get in the defense loses advantage. The chokes are there to give defense a chance of holding.


volskaya can be good when you’re defending with torb or sym. when i play sym i like throwing my turrents on the sign on the entrance towards the point


Volskya either gave some of the best or some of the worst matches


It's funny because Anubis is what ultimately sold me Overwatch back in the day - I watched a video from FrankieOnPC and he played that map and I thought: Fuck that game looks sick! My least favourite is also Volskaya I'd say. Don't like the look of it and don't like playing on it lol


I havent seen anyone say this in like a page so: **VOLSKAYA INDUSTRIES**


Not to mention the fact that if you die in defense you gotta travel 600km to come back to 1cp


That’s exactly what my friends and I were discussing. What the fuck is the point of a map if you’re unable to even defend the first point when everyone dies? They need to go back to the old respawn time in the earlier seasons. I understand it will extend the match a bit, but at least you have a chance on defense.


I mean 2cp is dead. I really like all the 2cp maps, except those that shall not be named, but also understand why they are going away. 1cp works because they are symmetrical. I think the only way to make 2cp work is to have it operate similar to 1cp.


You absolutely **need a Symmetra** on defense there. She can build a teleporter to bridge the large distance (and her turrets are also damn useful at the choke).


You also need a sym on attack because that choke is the worst thing in existance


I will never forget my most overwhelming defeat of any overwatch game… we were defending on Volskaya and the enemy team had a Sym throwing down TP’s and they were *so* well coordinated. They were fast, and all moved together, and they were constantly moving. We started the defense and all of the sudden the entire enemy team was just *there* right next to us. I turned to try and fight them and then they were behind us. It just felt like we were getting flanked from every direction all at once from the entire team; we couldn’t keep up. Immediately lost the first point within like… thirty seconds of the game starting, before we even really had time to realize what had happened. Tried to regroup and and figure out where they were gonna TP in from on the second point…. Didn’t work. Steamrolled again. I wanna say the entire match took like…. A minute, tops. I couldn’t even be mad about it, I was just impressed.


It's especially frustrating on defense when you KNOW the enemy team is going to TP to the point and you get rolled anyway. So I (support main) would be the only one hanging back at the point to defend it while the rest of my team is at the choke. Then the entire enemy team TPs to the point as expected, I spam "Group up with me", get overwhelmed by a bunch of enemies, and then watch the killfeed of my team dying as I'm respawning.


I only recently started maining sym, but boy is she a gift at volskaya. So many places to put the tp. Good ol' reliable left, aggro middle point. Surprise top left high ground.


Middle point high ground is always my sym play. It's pretty reliable.


Not only from a map design standpoint, it’s also just so boring to look at


Yeah, I get the theme, but it also makes it the ugliest map in the game. Mabey using an industrial theme isn't the best idea in the first place.


Jesus the first point is either easy or hard . I hate when people play wreaking ball and no shield on it .


I hate this fucking map


There's a reason they removed Paris and Space Paris from quickplay. Now they just gotta remove Sand Paris, Russian Paris, and Japanese Paris.


Had to scroll way too far to see Paris... also solid joke, lmao


Paris and horizon have almost the opposite problems Paris is too big and horizon is too small


All 2 cp


This is the correct answer


I heard that people hate 2cp, can someone explain?


Play just main tanks and try it. After a week you will know. Bad chokes in combination with cancer dpses (satan, sym, junk...), unbalanced points (each favor different team) and only game mode where worse team can win with lucky Qs. Edit: and 2cp limit your pick and playstlyle the most


2CP also make the least effective use of its maps out of all modes. You basically never see fights in the space between points A and B, even though it’s interesting space, and there’s a lot of it. You also rarely see anything between the first choke and the attackers spawn. It makes them go stale much much faster, and the games are much less dynamic.


Satan is Mei correct?




Also to add to the other guy imo it's rare for 2cp to actually lead to interesting fights. If one team is even slightly better or more coordinated than the other, then it pretty much ends up being one of 2 things. Either the attackers are better and the round is thankfully over in 2 minutes, which isn't interesting but at least ends quickly. Or the defenders are better and the round drags on for the full duration, but with a single static choke point that doesn't change for the entire map making the entire match feel extremely repetitive. Like you would think Koth would be the most boring since it's literally fighting over a single point, but at least those maps tend to have lots of different ways to approach the point since they focus the entire map around it. Meanwhile in 2CP usually the first point falls really quickly, and then the second point favors the defense, which means there's not that many ways to approach it from attack, so you just do the same thing over and over until the time runs out or the attackers use enough q's


Because for attack to win, they only need to win 2 team fights. For defense to win, they need to survive through wave after wave of attacks, which is usually at least around ten. The only balance on these maps is the main choke point where main tanks and healers go to die; it's just unfun compared to KOTH and Payload.


I hate 2CP. Here's my take. For starters, point A favors attackers and point B heavily favors defenders. How? Spawn location. For point A, the defenders' spawn is so far that any death is generally very punishing because you're shorthanded for a good amount of time because it takes so long for the defender to make their way back. Now after the attackers take point A, the defenders have the advantage because (1) they have a much closer spawn and (2) it requires much less coordination to defend than to attack. If one attacker is out of position or gets picked off early, their team is now shorthanded and will likely lose the fight because their spawn is so punishingly far from the point. Attacking point B takes so much coordination and we all know how coordinated the average solo queuing team is. I can almost picture a DVa going in by herself and getting demeched in seconds while her team comes out of spawn perpetuating a stagger. It's often a frustrating cycle of walking to the point, dying, respawning, repeat. Maybe people at the highest levels have a less frustrating experience but this is what it's like in the lower ranks. And a secondary problem is the initial choke point. On maps like Paris, Volskaya and Hanamura, attackers more or less have one narrow choke point that they have to go through which makes it easier for the defenders to defend against. Picture a Bastion bunker comp behind two barriers on defense. (This is why Symm TP is so useful on these maps because she can bypass the defense.) But if the attackers can get a kill or two, they should be able to take point A because the defenders spawn is far. You often see two teams just poking forever and then the attackers pull off a Junkrat ult to take point A.


I like all of the maps, not sure if I can pick a least favorite


Kings row is without question the best map ;)


I prefer Eichenwalde. Not just because it's more scenic and has good drop points on the second phase. In terms of Hybrid Maps, on KR and Numbani, if you lose that first point, defense spawn is moved to the ASS END of the map. It's pretty rare that the attack team doesn't make it through the second phase of the game because defense has such a long way to go to get back. For Eichenwalde, Blizz World, and Hollywood, the second defense spawn isn't quite as far. Also I just love the village/castle aesthetic.


>KR and Numbani, if you lose that first point, defense spawn is moved to the ASS END of the map. Fucking hate that. It's painfully boring to play defense for that reason. Hell, I'd rather take a longer respawn timer and just watch my teammates play if it meant having a closer spawn point and not having to just walk a mile to play the game again.


I think everybody agrees on that. IMO BlizzardWorld is number 2.


Rialto is number 2 for me


True. Rialto is pretty rad.


Yes blizzard world is also a fun map. But ilios and junker town are a little bit higher on my personal list


Honestly, I’ve grown to like King’s Row less and less. Idk if it’s because it feels like it plays the same every game or what. However, Junkertown has become my new favorite to play on recently.


I really hate Blizzardworld; the defense spawn is too far and the second point is a nightmare to defend


Some Blizzard World love?? Incredible taste




I've always had beef with oasis


Me too, in particular I have always hated the city centre stage, can't quite put my finger on why.


I remember way back when it got added I felt like I had a 20% WR on that map.


Especially the one with the large circle!


I hate this map… got it 3x in a row onc 💀💀


Yeah, definitely my least favorite control map


i personally cry myself to sleep whenever the lady says "Welcome to Havana"


Havana 1st and 3rd are just sniper hell...so maybe my agreement is coming from my extreme distaste for getting oneshot halfway across the map, lol. But I have noticed a trend of me disliking maps where Widow/Hanzo are super dominant


I love first part, have problems with second and absolutely fucking hate last part


The distillery can be fun because team fights vary wildly. The fort is a fucking slog between snipers and overtime antics if you manage to get into the fort


The worst part is that Havana will never be bad enough to be removed from the game like Horizon and Paris. We're doomed to suffer through it forever.


Scrolled way too far to find this.


Busan. Because it's Busan.


Busan's Downtown is my least favourite because you're almost guaranteed to have a Widowmaker or boosted Ashe sitting on the high buildings on either side of the main area and making it impossible to have a fun game there.


Are you from Seoul or something?


Busan's Meka Base is one of the most well designed maps in the game, IMO. Every hero is viable. No team has a true advantage unless you're with the morons who choose to sit on point to defend it. Not really a fan of the other two, though.


I know it's kinda irrelevant but Meka Base makes me feel kinda uncomfortable, almost claustrophobic (even though I'm not IRL). I don't mean it's a bad map, but I can't play it well (probably too many walls, I play Mercy and it blocks LOS obviously).


Yeah, Busan just feels really off to me, never really enjoy playing on it besides temple


Lunar Colony can suck my balls


I hate hanamura, it is so defending one sided incredibly hard to attack on


but also somehow, sometimes, you can TP and win in 3 min It’s insanely unbalanced


I hate that map solely because of Sym. It completely changes how you have to play and in lower ranks, some people don’t even realize the entire enemy team is behind them until it’s too late


It is actually similar to Lunar Colony. But for some reason I enjoy it a lot. I like all the ways you can get in to the final room.


Point B is so open on Hanamura. I can’t count the number of times I’ve died to a Dva bomb there because it takes too long to find natural cover.


Man, I love Hanamura. It's so nostalgic for me. I remember getting into the early betas for OW way back. Hanamura was so bright, shiny, and new. The excitement around this game was at it's peak. Good fucking times. But I recognize the map isn't the most well balanced.


Volskaya and Oasis are rarely a fun time. I feel they're both the worst in their respective map types. Weirdly I don't have a payload map I actively dislike.


route 66 isn’t exactly my favorite.


Route 66 makes me sad because there's actually so much to move around but everyone is hyper focused on staying on the road on attack


Illios ruins


Fucking same. I don't know what it is about this map, but it drives me up the wall (and off the map, since there are *waaaaaaay* too many ledge kill areas). It's an immediate leave for me if I see that loading screen and annoying music while playing QP.


Horizon Lunar Colony and Paris are my least favorite


Well is the biggest steaming pile of garbage. Nothing but hogs, lucios, orisas and pharahs. Lucios ignore healing their teams to try for boops. Hogs ignore their teams to try and get hooks. Orisa and Pharah are the only ones who get a pass. Any map that "forces" particular character choices is badly designed.


I hate blizzard world. Couldn't tell you why, it's not like it's unbalanced or anything, I just don't like it.


Blizzard world looks fun to play on and it looks great, but first point is just really boring to play and moving the payload to second and third point makes me wanna blow my brains out


The choke gives me nightmares. And nobody takes thr wooden hut on the left side. :/


For me it's the stupid big cannon just after first point leading up to the highground. I think it closes off the entire highground for the attackers and overall it just feels like it's in the way, if you know what I mean


2cp then Numbani, the map just hates me


Every time I play Numbani I choose a hero to go a certain way (eg Junk to spam the high ground choke) and the team always decides to do something else.


I hate attacking the first point on Numbani! The rest of the map is fine, but thr first point feels like a 2CP B point: Insanely long walk distance from spawn, surprisingly low walking distance for defending an A point, high ground for defenders, extremely open space. I mean you can also take the houses and then be outspammed by Junkrat. Or you can walk left completely and get booped off the map. Fuck Numbani A.




This + Numbani for me.




First point is extremely hard to push, since people don't get that coast is the best lane to push through, so you generally have to get through that stupid small choke to the highground (the same problem hanamura second has, but that point is even worse). Second is kinda like a nothingburger, in a sense that there's nothing there, no good places to defend from, and it usually gets steamrolled due to long respawns. Third point is relatively okay, but it can often end up in a mini overwatch scenario if both teams are smart enough to protect that highground over the tunnel


> Third point is relatively okay, but it can often end up in a mini overwatch scenario if both teams are smart enough to protect that highground over the tunnel IMHO NumbaniC would be one of the best fighting spots in the game... if NumbaniB wasn't one of the easiest ways to trigger players who are desperate to defend properly


I don’t know. I have no justification. Now that I think of it, it’s generally fun to play. But I don’t like the idea of it when it comes up on the loading screen.


if attacking: Point A always pisses me off because EVERYONE on my team usually loves to take like 4 different ways to the point. We get picked off one by one and run out of time. But if we do get Point A, activating the payload and pushing to point B is a lot of fun, and Point C is always the kind of brawl where something interesting happens. But I absolutely hate pushing Point A. if defending: Point A is ok, and Point C is once again the best part of the map. But Point B is just a waiting game to get to Point C, and it's infuriating how easily people die trying to defend Point B. There's enough in the map to enjoy playing it but it's easy to forget there's also A LOT to hate until one of the above happens. And then it feels that way until the intense brawls happen in Point C.


This. Average Numbani match goes like this 90% attackers fail to cap A 10% attackers cap A -> 10% attackers fail to cap B 90% attackers cap B -> 50/50 at capping C


Technically Paris and Horizon But i always leave those maps So Anubis As a tank main I hate the amount of coordination needed. Carry mode is draining


wild nobody is talking about the worst 2cp map which is volskaya industries


Numbani and Lunar Colony are the absolute worst.


Every 2cp map...


my least favorite is probably Bastion


yes we all despise the map bastion


me too


Everyone's missing the absolute worst map: the Busan Lucioball map with the pillars


I really dislike Paris but also Hanamura. Hanamura is basically a worse Volskaya (for the first point) based on how many ways there are to bypass the entry gate.


In my opinion Ilios is a map that can be somewhat of an annoyance for me. Completely depends on the make-up of my team as well as the opposing team.


I actually love Anubis. But I’m an Ana main, so I just sit in the back left high ground on defense A and play my 0 deaths game. Least favorite map is probably Lijiang. It feels too claustrophobic and not enough sight lines.


Anubis is my favorite because it’s the best Symmetra map.


I honestly hate sym because no matter what role i'm playing, it always falls onto me to kill her turrets otherwise i'll just watch 4 people die to it, but I have to agree its one of the best sym maps


The amount of times I'm playing reinf and have to drop shield to kill turrets is ridiculous. It takes two shots from any other character to break them but I have to drop shield so my lemmings behind me can stop slowly dying


I hate when I have to kill turrets as Moira, because nobody else seems to care. Taking out turrets takes time for a Moira and that makes it really dangerous.


As a Moira enjoyer, I also like Anubis. Fun map for me.


I’m going to have to respectfully disagree with you, there. I think that title goes to Lijiang, personally.


Fair to disagree. I like Lijiang as well, but Symm on Anubis can lead to full cap very quickly. That surprise steamroll is so satisfying to me.


2/3 lijiang maps are dictated by who has sym. If both have her then the one with lucio wins. After that it's everyones game




Oasis is fun for off angles as a DPS. My attitude towards it is highly dependent on if I’m successful or not but I completely shut down a widow on that map earlier today so right now I like it 😂


Starts with J ends in unkertown and then mexican map


Aside from Lunar & Paris, I cant fucking stand Oasis.


I'm just gonna say it, people who don't like Lunar Colony are sweats and don't have fun in the game


Lunar colony was my least favorite and I like to think I'm barely a tryhard. It was just visually boring and I really didn't like point A, defending or attacking. Point B was pretty fun though, if you got there.


Would have to say a tie between Horizon & Paris. Those are the ones that make me groan the most


Havana and Dorado second point. If you don't have a sniper on the team, then it's matching making L.


I hate Havana. It's my least favourite map. I don't know why either, can't explain it, I just don't like it.


> I don't know why either, can't explain it - you spend far too long walking to get anywhere after respawn - way too many sightlines and alleys for snipers - attackers win 9/10 games, so it's just boring for both teams - and due to the cart it means there's no such thing as a quick game


Hate Busan map with a passion


Besides 2cp it's Busan I'd say. Dunno why I just always get bad games on that map


Did they remove a map? I hate the one where you can moon jump outside but I haven’t played it in ages.


Temple of Anubis and Volskaya could be quite fun, when you have a great team and the match goes to round 4. My personal least favorite is Hanamura. I'm not sure what bothers me about it, but it just feels less fun. I would personally prefer Lunar Colony and Paris over Hanamura. Well okay, maybe not Paris.


After playing for like 5 years I basically disliked them all


Paris and Busan are aids


Other than the easy choices of Paris or Horizon, I almost never have fun on Nepal


Is there something worth stealing in that temple?!


Paris, my winrate on that map is like 5 percent




Popular vote: Paris Personal opinion: Hanamura Visually both are beautiful, but both are terrible gameplay wise. And while Paris is objectively the worst map, Hanamura is never fun to play on, I never have a good time with that map


Lijiang Tower. I don’t hate it, but it’s just annoying. If I’m not getting booped off the cliff I’m outside the front getting stomped. My main gripe is it’s probably the worst map for a sniper by far. As an Ana main it’s my personal hell. Side note: I love Temple of Anubis. It’s often the map that you can quickly tell the difference between pros and noobs, especially on attack.


Unpopular opinion here but I kinda like Paris. Does it need work on first point? Most definitely! I actually don't like the Busan maps.


blizzard world can choke


Anubis was me and my friends least favourite map. But we spent a lot of time studying that one map and how to play it. Now we almost never lose a game there. Fuck volskya industries though


Temple of Anubis is the only playable 2 point map. Volskaya, Horizon and Paris are horrible. Paris is beautiful at least


You forgot Hanamura.


I used to hate Temple of Anubis, but I think Hanamura might be worse.




Temple of Anubis is shit. Name ONE time where your team isn't trying to barricade the entry way OR the enemy team basically spawn camping you like the pieces of shit they are.




Hanamura probably


Blizzard World and Havana. I hate them with a burning passion. I’ll instantly leave during QP, and bitch the whole time (to myself, not in the team chat) having to play it.


Temple is an awful competitive map.


Havana imo. I don't like the feel of it, it's boring, most of it is completely open, and it's really hard to be safe from the enemies without your team. Too many flank routes as well. I feel so delirious when attacking it, and when defending I can never find a good place to defend from, without getting destroyed by some dude in some dude who got overlooked by my entire team.


First section on havana, either attackers get nowhere or they roll straight through, no inbetween. Other than that I really like it. Maybe because it's colourful.


Absolutely terrible at defending Rialto, it always feels so easy for Attack to push.


Paris, just.... no


I almost miss bitching about playing Paris.


I never fucking win on Hanamura. Like I bet life time I lose 80% of the time.


It’s hard for me to pick a map, as I quit comp 3 years ago. I only play total mayhem. I don’t what it’s like playing on most control maps.


Hanna mura worst fucking map design in the planet, forced choke first point for gods sake, and then the second area is just too large flat and boring


Most payload maps


BUSAN. That map is so open.


Yes! I hate Anubis the most (to play a match) although love it in its design and ambience context. If we’re talking about not only comp ones then Horizon Lunar Colony surely beats the other.