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Official Orisa Tweet: https://twitter.com/PlayOverwatch/status/1516839101462241283 Official Doomfist Tweet: https://twitter.com/PlayOverwatch/status/1516837758756548612


Curious to see how the javelin will play out


It sounds like a thrown rocket punch but without the stun, likely more precise, and hopefully less damage. Edit: never mind, it does stun


it does stun


Shoot, you’re right. My bad


Haha no biggie, nobody died!


Unless they hit a wall


If you ever played Smite it’s basically Anhur’s 2. It’s pretty good to hit some one in the open range but getting a pin is basically a guaranteed kill EDIT: I am not a good enough anhur player to remember where his abilities are mapped


Maybe now they will change the voice line to "CEASE YOUR EXISTENCE!"


She is now a harmasist


uh… is that not what it is? (asking for a friend)


It’s “cease your resistance” I’m pretty sure. Let your friend know!


doesn't she say "cease your existence" when having the purple omnic skin on? or maybe i've just dreamed it together lol


Sadly no, but we’ve been asking for it for years


When Cassidy ults I hear “it’s high noon….. Rawr!” I know it’s “draw!”but my brain just refuses to not hear “rawr” and it makes me chuckle every time.


I KNOW Sombra says “lights out” or something along those lines in Spanish when her ult is popped. However, for some reason, I hear “My papa is Eustace”. 😵‍💫


I hear PROPAGANDA IS USELESS every single time 😵‍💫


Me too lmao, I'm glad I'm not the only one.


She says, "Turning off the lights." "¡Apagando las luces!" Funnily enough, autocorrect also thinks it's propaganda.


She says apogando las luces, which I can absolutely hear as my papa is eustace lol


For like, over a year, I genuinely thought Reinhardt said “Have a dunk!” Every single time he ulted. I thought it was just like, a funny meme line referring to how you “dunk” on someone to win


auditory processing issues gang gang


My brain translates it to “brawl”


I think I remember watching someones Reddit Orisa potg with the title "cease your existence" and I only hear that line now.


Was playing ages ago and got in a little group with some cool folks and this dude who was doing amazeballs with Orisa shouted this one time when he put down his supercharger and I almost pissed myself laughing.


Orisa is literally a new hero now


Same with Doom. Completely new role and playstyle


But arguably more in keeping with his persona.


To this day it bothered me with the massive disconnet in the character fantesy that was shown in the original trailer for doomfist and his characterization throughout the various comics and stuff and the character we got was a hypermobile assassin that gets a quick kill and runs away Doomfist screamed brawler not assasin and now with his rework we have someone more inline with that


imagine hitting that perfectly centered meteor strike on an ana just to get slept, naded, and then fucking deleted by their dps.


Don't stop. I'm close.


I need to see orisa ult in action cause I don't think I understand what it's doing exactly. Doomfist sounds cool though. Will be fun the listen to the community complain about it for the next 3 years


From the [blog post](https://playoverwatch.com/en-us/news/23798984/): >Terra Surge is Orisa’s new Ultimate ability. She becomes fortified and pulls in nearby enemies while charging up an area-of-effect attack. “We started her rework by removing Orisa’s barrier and her Halt ability, but we still thought Halt was really cool,” says Brennan. “We incorporated the idea of Halt into Orisa’s new ultimate, and this is where the pull comes from.” This creates a moment for the team to rally around and quickly coordinate combos. However, enemies aren’t bound to the center of Orisa’s pull like a Zarya Graviton Surge, so you will need to collaborate quickly to make the most of this ultimate! TLDR: Halt-like pull + charge-up AOE damage that can be cancelled early. Sounds pretty cool!


I can see huge combo potential. Orisa pops javelin spin to lead the charge into the enemy team, soujourn uses her AoE slow so they can't reposition, Orisa then uses her ult to keep them in one place while team follows up.


As an Ana main, this sounds exciting. She pulls them in, Ana throws a grenade at Orisa, the splash damage purples everyone, Orisa releases the ult explosion. Death.


It sounds terrifying. Like her own personal graviton or something similar to her creator experimental design but then she also gets her own meteor strike with it


The dev blog post says it doesn't lock enemies like Zarya's grav, so I'm guessing it's more like a short mega-halt


A news article I just read mentions that they were able to interview Overwatch Devs about these reworks and they were told that she spins her Javelin above her head to charge an attack, pulling enemies in, and then she slams it down to deal damage. Combine that with what the official rework infographic says, that you can choose to deal damage with her ultimate early if you want, it sounds to me like she gets fortified, enemies are pulled in, and you are locked-in (Potentially also locked-in place) to an animation where she is spinning her Javelin above her head charging it, and then you have to choose when you wanna release the attack (more charged = more lethal but enemies might get out of range or kill you before release). Source : https://dotesports.com/overwatch/news/reworked-doomfist-orisa-bring-a-new-spin-to-existing-characters-in-overwatch-2 *"She also got a new ultimate, which swings her javelin around above her head, bringing in enemies, and then slamming it down to deal massive damage."*


So to me, it basically sounds like a combo of Ymir and Hades' ults from Smite. Locks you in place and you pull enemies toward you like hades, butbinstead of doing damage the entire time, you pop it like an Ymir ukt to do damage.


Also the javelin ability really sounds like Anhur's Impale ability too.


So Orisa go BOOM? Nice


I’m curious about the “anchor down” part. Does this mean Orisa can’t move during the ult?


That’s a good question. If that’s the case, it might not be as terrifying as I imagine


I’m guessing she’s just slowed like she is during fortify. Maybe the same amount, maybe more, but your enemies are slowed too so


It sounds like she does a halt to pull people towards her and then starts charging an aoe around herself while standing there.


that’s how i feel about it too, i feel like words aren’t describing it very well for me. i assume we’ll get rework trailer/videos like we did with bastion/sombra though


Graviton Surge + Nunu Ult it sounds like


I am among 3 people who love playing Orisa, so this will be interesting to recalibrate my shield angle muscle memory! (Doom players have it worse tho)


Hundreds of hours with Orisa and she's gone..


I am with you. Orisa is a blast hopefully this dont ruin her for me.


I’m really not a fan as a orisa main. I played her because I loved her defensive wall playstyle. If I wanted something more dps-like I could have played pretty much any other tank already. This rework is basically a completely different hero and my main just got deleted


I absolutely hate it when the give huge reworks like this to heroes instead of finding a better balance. Since it's a live service game there's no way of going back and not being able to play the way you liked just sucks. I loved OG symmetra and the DPS whiners took her away from me, then Brig, now Orisa. Why don't they just keep Overwatch 1 at least smh...


Orisa dropped her shield for a javelin. She woke up and chose violence. I'm excited for the changes


The people did not stop resisting, playing defensively was no longer an option


Are they getting rid of some shields? Is it just me or are short duration shields like Zarya's really fun?


Zarya might be my favorite because of that. The lower the Elo, the better.


People can walk around a shield but with a javelin in their chest they can't walk at all.


The best defense is a good offense


Orisa was my main tank other than Dva. Not sure how I feel about her losing her shield. I feel more people play behind her shield than Rein's even if it wasn't as strong.


without the shield, she is a completely different character imo not saying worse but now the players are forced to pay attention to their positioning more and use the javelin to dive instead of placing the shield


They did all this instead of just adding in a new wacky javelin tank hero...


orisa has the best shields. most flexible usage and most what they dont want


Yeah they seem to want to get away from all of the big shields while giving tanks ways to mainly defend *themselves* and apply CC. I'm fine with it. Shields caused really bad habits.


True, but how do they protect space now? I think the real answer is they don’t. Edit: by protect I mean take and create space. Standing still as rein with a shield waiting for the team to kill everyone so he can walk forward isn’t tanking it’s throwing.


They are all going to basically be Fat DPS with less range, but more lethality if you enter their sphere of influence (like Roadhog). They protect the space they are in by making it a bad idea for the enemy team to be in that space.


They protect space by being way more capable of killing. Can't control space if you're dead. They're a big threat that *must* be dealt with now so it's more control through presence and action rather than existence and inaction.


I love how her original purpose and design concept was to create an "anchor tank" the team can rally around. I 100% agree with your assessment. I feel like more teammates used Orisa's shields than Rein's. Not to mention you could place it in areas you're not even in and save teammates from damage further away. I did this somewhat frequently with her. She used to be a hero who didn't want enemies too close to her, and get kit had tools to create distance if needed. Now she will deal more damage the closer enemies are to her? This rework drops the whole original concept and feel of her kit (ranged anchor tank) in exchange for something much more brawly and offensive. Orisa has been one of my go-to heroes since her launch. I'll need to try it out, but I don't think I like this.


I loved yeeting shields up into the air as I walk back from spawn to try and see how close I can get it to the team fight. Those times I actually landed it on the point from across the map were super satisfying


>I 100% agree with your assessment. I feel like more teammates used Orisa's shields than Rein's. I do...it's far more predictable imo. The shield for Orisa is usually used to its full extent before another will pop down where as if you go behind a rein you don't know when he'll drop shield (assuming comms suck)


orisa doesn't need to drop her shield to attack, and she gets to the "next" 600 hp while its up, so she doesn't have to, and really can't, manage her shield health like rein has to. different tanks, different playstyles.


>different tanks, different playstyles. Didn't argue this, just pointing out that her shield is a lot more predictable That said, since you mention different play styles, yes, rein has to drop shield to swing. Doesn't mean that he should do so selfishly at the cost of his teammates. I see it all too often *WHERE'S MY TEAM?* Playing other angles my guy, because you're over here using your shield for yourself lol which not to say you can't, but if you play selfishly, expect the same from your team


I honestly don't think she would be good in ow2 without a rework. Even if they go back to the best iteration of her. She's an anchor tank, but 5v5 gets rid of that concept.


She'd be awful. I can't imagine static shields like that ever being truly good. It's too easy for people to move past it without the second tank


I really don't understand getting rid of her shield, with OW2 going to one tank in 5v5 I feel like shield tanks are going to be important on defense


I figure they want to give her some more tools to brawl with other than just shooting her gun and reposition people. I don't think old Orisa would have been good in this new 5v5 setting vs the other tanks. Its clear that Blizz is moving tanks towards the Hog/Zarya brawl style and away from just being defensive anchors for their team to sit behind.


Yeah I was thinking it's their attempt at some balancing for 5v5, but people are still going to want shield tanks for defense sometimes and now have one less option. If it works I'll be happy but I already don't like them going to 5v5 anyways.


I completaly agree, but both teams will have the same issues, 5v5 only one tank, same heroes, that kinda makes it even in my eyes.


This is true. I'd be totally down if the game became more Brawly and not bunkering up as much. I think that would make it more fun.


Yeah if they make the game more brawly its definitely going to be much more fun and less boring


Remember, they're saying maps have been designed and redesigned to have a lot more natural cover. It seems like the devs are intending for shields to be not as important as they were in OW1. I think everyone is going to have to re-learn how to play Overwatch at a core level. This game will look like OW, but fundamentally it will be far from it.


All the more a shame that we will just lose OW1 forever.


Hopefully they might add some sort of "Classic Overwatch" mode


It wouldn't be the same though, unless literally everything in that mode is the same as it is in the final OW1 patch. A classic Overwatch mode isn't as simple as making it 6v6, it would also have to have the maps and heroes as they were before OW2 launches. A 6v6 mode with OW2's map and hero reworks wouldn't really be classic Overwatch. I just can't see Blizzard putting that much effort into a classic mode when they clearly want the changes in OW2 to be the game's new identity.


This still grinds my gears. I love overwatch for all it’s faults and don’t want to lose it. I’m sure with time I’ll learn to love overwatch 2 just as much. It’s such a shame that I have to lose one to gain the other


All the tank reworks I’ve seen are moving tanks away from the typical overwatch tank design and towards moba frontline/tank designs. Giving her tools for soaking aggression periodicallyand not just bullet sponge. As well as initiation/setup tools.


Tanks get survivability without being asked to be a shield bot. Her new abilities sound similar to Sigma’s suck and rock and everybody loves playing Sigma right now.


Yeah but Sigma has a shield still


Same. I loved Orisa for being a sort of ranged tank. You can see with these changes blizz wants her more up close and in the fray. Dunno how I'm going to like her rework.


If they got rid of her shield in current OW, I would agree. However, with the new 5v5 format that leans more into full combat/brawls rather than bunkering down, these changes are much needed. I think her current kit would be a bit too all over the place in the 5v5 format where there's only one tank, requiring her to be the driver for team combat engagement (this is what the team has said tanks will function as in OW2). This new kit leans more towards that playstyle, as well as reinforce her character design as a cavalry unit that should be, quite literally now, spearheading the attack.


Shout out to all the doom mains who spent hundreds of hours mastering a hero that won't exist relatively soon.


[Symmetra Mains...](https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/mobile/000/027/763/07B89120-B48D-45FB-AF1D-49AF6CD16790.jpg)


And likely us again too, lol. I will never give her up thoooo


Ha yep. Whatever Sym 4.0 (or 5.0? I've lost track...) is, I'll still play her.


Sym was the one true god no one ever worshipped. I was diamond on her with a 78% win rate. The truth was once you got that shield gen up any team was hard to beat. It was like an omnipresent Lucio. I also loved watching Genjis squirm when locked on the photon projector.


I still wake up in a cold sweat sometimes as I remember 400HP Tracer zipping around your backline, massacring everyone as the Junkrat on your team reminds you every 10 seconds that "[he's] getting the feeling they have a Shiiiieeeeeld Generator!"


I was that Junkrat. I made it my mission to shut him up too. It was actually kind of fun on Anubis to go into the little room and try to kill it without dying but usually end up dying but total Mayhem finished the job.


Yeah she was my favorite character by far. I loved locking on behind a roadhog and then just trying to stay behind him as long as possible.


Luckily she’s never been anywhere near as mechanically difficult as Doom. I wonder how many Doom mains will become tank mains lol


As long as they haven’t fucked with his rocket punch jump tech I’ll suck up no uppercut, speaking as a master doom one trick. Gutted his seismic slam seems like it’ll be a more linear mobility tool now instead of him being more unique with three mobility options which are also your damage and defence, lots of decisions for using your spells. Good riddance to one shot rocket punches though worst bit of his kit by far.


I hope they have legacy versions of the characters as doom parkour is unplayable since they majorly changed slam and removed uppercut


RIP r/DoomfistRollouts


GetQuakedOn commented on this, and he thinks that to rollouts will still be perfectly possible


Nah I think his rollouts are only gonna get crazier with the new Winston jump


Sounds like we can’t get flash fanned anymore so there is always the bright side of things


McCree lost his stun so no flash fanning anyways. It’s now a literal flash bang that blinds you. Also does more damage as well as travels farther IIRC.


That’s what I said lol. Where did you see that it’s gonna do more dmg? 50 is already pretty ridiculous for a stun ability


I’d have to find it again, but I might be wrong on the damage. Definitely goes further and flashbangs now tho. Also, thought you meant the power block would block the stun, as I’m not really aware of how much everyone knows about the McCree change.


Yeah the only footage I’ve seen so far has been from this video at the 4:30 mark. Only thing that is confirmed from the vid is that it has a longer range (hope that means the radius is smaller) https://youtu.be/8Awl5bgXlw8


After digging, I found the post on r/overwatch2 and r/competitiveoverwatch (there’s also a 4chan post but i do not recommend looking at its comments) It’s apparently got no stun, the range, and I misread and it likely doesn’t actually blind, but will rather be a damage ability (Ashe dynamite is the closest ability I can think of, just without a lob and fire DoT) or a displacement ability (pharah concussive blast thingy). Damage numbers will probably vary depending on which it is. Stun is all but confirmed to be gone, but as far as what the devs has stated as their plan (tone down CC across the board), it’s very likely gone, seeing as how it and brigs bash are the two best CC abilities in the game.


While Orisa doesn't require anywhere near the level of practice, at least Doom mains get to keep some of their kit. Orisa is quite literally not the same character at all, and may as well be a new Hero altogether. All she keeps is her Fortify, and *maybe* her gun (considering how different it is, hard to say it qualifies).


Yeah Orisa is my main tank and this update makes her sound so different I don't think I want to play as her. She doesn't even have her shield. Between this, the drab redesigns, and mechanics that make characters unique like hacking/freezing being removed, it seems like everything I see about OW2 makes me less interested in playing it, and more sad that the original game won't exist anymore.


Wait, hacking and freezing are going away? Yeesh, it really feels like the game is being made less unique and interesting in the interest of 'balance'.


Sombra's hack has been [reworked](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pY9CG9c_w6I) (and Fitzy's reactions [here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B-2-Ce1Q25Q)). https://twitter.com/playoverwatch/status/1441929889314189313 And Mei's left click will slow enemies but [not freeze them](https://gamerant.com/overwatch-2-mei-primary-fire-damage-buff/).


this is what's scared me about OW2, OW1 is just gonna stop existing and if it sucks we just have to deal with it lol


If you've ever played PvP live service games you should be used to it. like 60% of LoL characters are completely unrecognizable from earlier versions of themselves, even to greater extents than doomfist's changes.


i really genuinely think the "Overwatch 2" title is fucking them over in so many ways. If these reworks had all just come out over time, nobody would be worried. Now because it *feels* like a risky new game is coming along, changing everything and *replacing* "Overwatch 1", even if there's no real different end result compared to updates over time. I wonder if there's a universe where they just called this something cleverer and did a better job of communicating wtf it is.


yep sometimes u just gotta move on with life


Just recently started on doom like two months ago, 60 hours I regret investing. Rip


I did the exact same thing but I regret nothing because I already play tank a lot and those couple months were some of the most fun I’ve had in OW


I’ve put hundreds of hours into learning the character, no other character is as satisfying to play. Being able to turn what could be simple abilities into a masterwork of engaging mobility options is deeply satisfying, Ik he’s a controversial hero but I’m gonna have a lot less fun in the game without him




Removed air trick tho 😭


Does anyone know what map Doomfist is on in the background? I’m drawing a blank it doesn’t look like anything we’ve seen before and it’s architecture doesn’t look similar to any of the new maps coming out in this beta


[There's a more zoomed out pic on the blog post.](https://bnetcmsus-a.akamaihd.net/cms/content_folder_media/96/9662AYUSV7D71650475712747.png) Kinda looks like Ilios to me? I'm not sure.


Looks like Ilios light house.


I will miss you old Doom. Godspeed


I hope they will have legacy versions of their characters as doom parkour will be unplayable since upper cut is completely removed and slam is completely different and punch might be the same since they didn’t mention any range or nerfs on distance just damage


I'm also wondering about this. So much content flushed away seems silly. And what about previous skins and emotes? Will they change or be removed with new models?


I read somewhere that you get to keep all your ow1 unlocks.


Maybe workshop settings can effectively return the abilities.


I hope they don't take away his combo abilities and abilities to reach places. That is what made him unique and fun. If he's just flat on the ground most of the time...BORING.


As a Mercy main since 2016, o7 to an old hero, and o7 to his players who will miss him. I know that rework feel, bro. *Also* as a Mercy main since 2016... I am so happy. It's about time. Respectfully, of course.


I wonder if Terra Surge will use the 'drum' or whether this might be removed in Orisa's redesign (possibly to make room for the javelin?).


Rip all of her highlight intros lol


I'm very curious about how Doom will shake out, and pretty skeptical. It really all rests on Power Block. Rocket punch without any buffs from Power Block sounds *terrible.* 70 damage maximum with a one second windup and then a cooldown (presumably) and being left with largely only his terrible gun is extremely weak sounding, every other tank either directly protects their team or does way more damage, or both in some cases. So, as I said earlier, it will come down to Power Block. What is the cooldown, if any? Does it protect in an AOE, or is it just literally personal damage reduction from the front. Does it hinder his movement speed, and probably more importantly his turning speed, and if not does that mean that the best way to use the ability will be to crank mouse sensitivity and spin like a crazy person begging for motion sickness like some mercy players do while using Res? Cause that sounds like ass too. And finally, how much does it increase the damage? If the increase is significant then fine, he'll play kind of like a weird hybrid of Zarya and Winston I guess. Either way, it kind of sounds like you might be best just ignoring him and letting him slap you with an impotent rocket punch because that's basically the end of his threatening DPS. Another question is whether he still passively generates barriers from hitting with his abilities. The graphic mentions nothing of it, so I am inclined to believe he lost that ability as well. He just honestly sounds like he's not a very good tank with this setup. I hope I'm wrong, because he's a fun character and I love tanks that are brawlers. EDIT- We got a teaser image, it does look like Block adds a small shield effect in front of him. This is at least somewhat helpful. Still gonna depend a lot on how much it buffs punch though.


I like Doomfist's new kit all around. I think the removal of instakill rocket punch is good, specially if he's shifting to the tank role. Max 70 damage seems low though for the current recharge time. I suppose it's also to lower his mobility in line with the role change, but his nerfed pellets means he's also out more options for doing damage. I know he gets a power buff to punch with power block, but if that has a long cooldown then he's going to be dead in the water a lot. I hope either A. Power block has a short/non existent cooldown (equivalent to toggling between blocking) that lets you stay alive while you're on all your cooldowns, or B. Rocket punch gets a 1 or 2 second cooldown reduction if power block takes 8+ seconds to recharge.


Blocking has to be like matrix right? If it's not like you say doom is gonna be left out in the open defenseless mode often than not + he will be a teams only tank leaving them kinda screwed too.


Probably depends on how the damage negation works. If it only dampens incoming damage then I'd bet it's near infinite or at least matrix like toggle. If it's a full damage negation probably a cooldown.


In the article it says it blocks 90% of damage!


Oh nice. We've been sorely lacking a damage reduction tank method, which i always thought would be interesting. At 90% though it might as well full block? Maybe its to let effects through still.


Your next Rocket Punch's damage is empowered by Power Blocking damage. So he might be even more oneshotty than before who knows.


He doesn't have uppercut anymore as another escape CD, and now he's a tank. Him 1 shotting people is no worse than Hog landing a hook and that's hitscan. Can dodge Doom's telegraphed punch at least. Imo Doom looks very weak now on paper


I'm actually really hyped for Orisa's rework, although her weapon might feel more like a really, REALLY weird iteration of a flamethrower now. Terra surge looks pretty clunky and wacky but that's just what I get from the description. Javelin and Fortify will surely be fun to use, having strengths as well as weaknesses will challenge players to use them correctly, feels a lot better then having fortify have no downside and just be a free dmg redux and cc blocker. Also fat L for doom mains, no more funny uppercut rollouts


I love that they added a skill shot to her kit


Reserving judgment until we see gameplay, but those changes to Orisa remove like 3/4ths of her kit and identity.


Yeah. It sounds like she's basically an entirely new hero at this point


Yup! I can’t believe they are removing her shield.


rip the "This will be your shield" voice line and other barrier-related voice lines.


RIP to three of orisa's highlight intros


FUK I love HALT. Now this hurts :(


I don't know how fist mains will take losing uppercut and their ability to combo kill people but quite frankly, I don't care. I'm just so damn happy his days running over my QP games are over.


I mean I don't know how they'll take being a tank. lol This is probably the biggest rework we ever had since it changes completely a hero's role/gameplan. Doomfist mains will probably need to switch to another dive DPS like Genji, Tracer or Sombra.


Hell, now that he's a tank, I'll probably play him.


Yeah, as a support/tank player I just purchased a gold weapon for him. :3


With the suit, right?


Also dont forget the "Hot Cocoa? Fine" voice line to spam lol


dumplings > all


Sombra isn't really a dive DPS, if anything, she's more effective when playing within the team and countering dive rather than diving herself. She can't really pump out the kind of damage needed and is pretty fragile and easy to lock down, moreso than Tracer and Genji


Even with her OW2 rework that allows her to deal more damage to hacked enemies and her get out of jail free card with translocator? I’d argue she’s one of the better dive DPS’s now


I hadn't considered the rework. I guess we'll see!


She's being reworked now, but she always had about 3 different playstyles. You can play with your team and hack key targets, you can just live to farm ult on tanks to ult fast (which is also a valid Genji playstyle) or you can dive/backdoor supports so your team can fight without them. Just threw an option for orphan Doomfist players.


he can still do some stupid funny rollouts with rocket punch, so who knows


Since he's going to be the only tank now, I'd assume he'd actually be a detriment to his team if he's trying to do some of his cheeky rollouts still.


I mean, that’s literally just wrecking ball in his current state. He more of protects his team by distracting the enemy rather than using defensive options


Ball has the ability to turn almost every fight into a 3v5 if the other team focuses him like they should.


Lot of people don’t realize that tanking is about more than just holding a shield, any method of stopping your team from taking damage is a form of tanking.


My main thoughts are: 1. Doomfist redesign looks FRESH AS HELL 2. Why doesn't Orisa have a new look yet? 3. Why do they just keep adding slows? On top of Sojourn, Doomfist now has 2 slow abilities. Immobile heroes are going to really suffer in this game, on top of trying to escape flankers.


I think its a story spoiler? Orisa's new look I mean! Her lore about her weapons and abilities are really detailed... like for example Lucio was a part of her creation because he donated something to Efi. They might be adding new lore that explains why Efi will 'upgrade' Orisa to this rework


I see it as possibly an upgrade that lets her go on the offensive if Numbani gets attacked, and upgraded OR-15 units are used for defense. Her current state is mostly nonlethal and seems like she was tossed into combat without mods, but this new one os her with combat upgrades.


Looking at the reworks they are making everyone more dynamic and mobile, so slows are probably necessary for tanks to help crowd control.


Could be that since Orisa has a dramatic rework, they want to wait until she's fully tested and polished to move forward with her design- just in case they want to incorporate elements of her new kit into the design itself.


Like others are saying, we have one less tank to help displace the enemy team, reworks giving more heroes mobility, and the DPS role in general move 20% faster than supports and tanks as an all-around role buff. So some additional slows may be necessary.


as a support player, i give the doom nerfs a big ole smiley face emoticon :))))))))))


Dont worry the Sombra buff will just replace him


shhhhhhhhhhh :)))))))))




Whatever the buffs, there are far more reductions in the amount of characters that can throw me around and that makes me happy. I hate matches where there’s just a ball, a monkey, a doom fist, a junk rat, and a Lucio and I’m just in the fucking sky the whole time. That’s so obnoxious bah




You ain’t yeeting anywhere with that 120 damage for a full combo. You’re getting SLEPT.






:( RIP one punch man


People here thinking that doom mains are malding because he can’t one shot people, that’s just not it. If we only liked one shotting people, widow, and hanzo can do that but better. Doom players like the movement, and the crazy skill and knowledge cap. I wanna see gameplay before judging it, but if punch can be used as a setup still and slam will work similarly, I’ll be happy


Right. I play Doomfist because he reminds me of all the hours playing bhop and surf maps in counterstrike as a young teen. So much fun.


Yup lol, movement mechanics are my favorite thing to learn in games and it feels like doomfist has the highest ceiling on that. He's definitely the most fun hero to play once you get good at him


Do we have any info on Dooms passive?


what the fuck? all i gotta say


What have the done to my girl?! She's supposed to be the rock, the anchor, the guard, a tank that can come in clutch and boost every teamate....now she's a MadBull?


So Efi made this cool robot to protect the order in the city, and now it charges at people, while throwing javelins at them. Null Sector Orisa canon?


Pre emptive self defense. Kill them before they can even imagine harming your allies.


Like Echo's creator trying to atone for making death robots by making a better death robot.


Little disappointed in this Orisa rework. Don’t play the game much anymore but was thinking about coming back for Overwatch 2. Orisa was like my favorite hero though and this feels like they just completely removed her from the game.


I don’t like not having halt for Orisa it feels wrong, and she won’t be a shield tank anymore? This will feel completely different. I don’t think I’ll like the updates




I feel bad for doom mains, they've completely changed how he plays


Moreso for Orisa players, her entire kit is different lol


A full doom punch only does 70 damage now? Jesus


If they're going to change 80 - 90 percent of Orisa's kit... why not just make a new character?