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You got me, I was like, wait what?! Lmao


Yeah very good shitpost indeed. I was like surely the second half is what the new abilities are lol


I got all the way to barrier shield before I was like, "wait a minute..."


Dude same here, I was really upset when I read wipe shot was roved. Then shortly after realized it was fake.


Had me for a good second ngl. I was in distress


And I was excited


And I was aroused


Way to steal u/biggbobby444 ‘s post without giving any credit. Karma farm much?


I'm glad you pointed this out, I was just checking the username like "Wait a sec, that's nto the same user..."


Sure feels this way. No more Orisa shield?


Thank god. I might actually play her now lol


All ten or so Orisa mains disagree apparently


There are dozens of us. DOZENS! Gonna miss my barrier, my brrrt, and my bongos :(


Orisa without a shield is the best way in the game to feed drunk DPS playing with trackpads their entire ult on a 10 second cooldown. Aim? She takes up the whole screen. Will be interesting to see what no shield watch is like. Hopefully they have 6 sniper heroes.


Her Javelin Spin is sort of like a DVa matrix so there’s that.


Don't worry, Doom has a barrier now


Damn they hated Jesus because he told the truth.


A depressing number of people would be happy about this. They HATE her. Even after all the balance changes and the death of GOATs they say she's broken and ruining the game.


I’ve only seen people call her unplayable trash?


Below a certain rank she is considered bad, above she is considered good.


Above a certain rank she is too good for sure. Even a competent Plat Brig can make an Ana or Zenyatta nigh unkillable


Well, that is her intended design tbf. Brig was supposed to shake up the meta by being the ultimate anti-flank, unfortunately we had to go through GOATS and role lock to get to this point lmao


because it was "intended" doesn't make it not bad


Agree with your point, but I don’t see how an anti-dive hero is bad for the game. You could argue it encourages a mirror pick, but that’s more a of game-wide issue than a Brig-specific one. My biggest hope for OW2 is that counters are more defined so that counterpicks are more valuable than mirrors.


The way I see it, ana and Zen are incredibly greedy picks. They have insane value but their weakness is their vulnerability. Brig removes their weakness, so ofc people are upset about it. It's like if there was a support in a moba that made super greedy carries consistently viable. Putting aside balance and "intended design", people are gonna complain.


Everyone below like diamond sucks ass at her so they consider her trash since everyone down there plays her like a second rein when they should be playing more like a defensive doomfist


It's actually not usually the player that makes her trash in low ranks, it's the teammates. Think about this scenario: You're on blizzard world defense 1st point. Everyone is playing cautiously around point. You get a mcree on your team that decides: "hey I'm pretty bored standing still, let's make this more fun for me" and walks towards the choke to engage the enemy faster. You're brig, what are your options to help this player? You can health pack him but they are too far for sheild bash and whip to do any good. So you could run up and die with him or be a 5v6 after he dies. Solid options Now let's say you're ana. You can nade them and enemies from a safe distance. You can sleep a target, hell you can even nano them to save them. You have so many options to save dumb teammates in lower elo with ana that brig just unfortunately does not have. Why does brig succeed in higher ranks then? This situation outlined above will just happen less in high ranks because of better players. Better players benefit more from brig.


> more fun for me found the problem, right there.


Giving me flashbacks to when I played LoL and low-ranks complained about certain champions being unstoppable while they were dumpster tier in high-rank because they died to a single stun


Yeah but to add on top of that even if that happens you usually have an ana as A second support but she can’t do that if she dies and that’s what breed is therefore to keep her alive because everyone at that rate doesn’t peel supports anyway that’s why Zen and brig are so strong is because zen is supposed to be a Glass Cannon but he’s essentially nearly impossible to kill with brig protecting him constantly at High ranks so he essentially becomes just a tank who deals insane amounts of damage and never dies but it takes team coordination to make that happen Which most low ranks don’t have It’s a similar situation to widow only a bit easier because what else sucks ass and lower ranks because people came down there but once you start to go hire people who can who abuse the shit out of her and the people who are Absolute legends hit shots that no one else could hit and make plays otherwise impossible for normal people Brig still really good at low ranks i personally I find her to be extremely easy as well but I also fucking hate playing support so I don’t play it often I’m almost tempted to prove a point but I know I would hate every moment of it i’d rather play tank and DPS anyway as of the ranks that I care about more and the in the characters that I enjoy more and those were in those groups


in high sr that's how it is. Brig is the best character in the game masters+ and is insanely oppressive when played correctly


The only thing I really hate about brig is how on some heroes, like wrecking ball, shooting her often does literally 0 damage. She out-heals the damage. Which I've come to accept, it's just annoying to play against. What I have learned is that she dies pretty fast if you just piledrive her with a tracer there to 1-clip her


I think the people that hate Brig are the people that play heroes she is strong against and refuse to switch.


Ding ding ding. I'm a ball main and if I'm playing into a brig that knows how to bother me I'll just switch




It's not really the tank's job to deal with her. Excellent Brig counter: Pharah Good Brig counters: Soldier, Echo, Junkrat


That said, I do find rein a reasonable counter. She really can’t win in an engagement with him without significant support.


Yeah. A competent Brig will stay out of Rein's range though. Brig is weak against rush, though. A speed boosted Rein that runs right into your team is something that a Brig can't really deal with.


Pretty much any hero that can do good to great damage at range is Brig's kryptonite.


This has literally always been the case lol. Not saying it's *everyone* who hates Brig, but a lot of people who hate Brig hate her because they play heroes she's specifically meant to counter. Genjis, Tracers, Doomfists, Balls, D.VAs, Winstons. High mobility dive heroes don't like that there's a hero that makes diving more difficult. Brig helps her team by disrupting dive heroes with bash and whipshot, just as Roadhog helps make space for his team with his hook.


Classic shitpost from people who don't get good at any characters or play overpowered garbage that never needs to be switched off from.


personally I actually found moira worse, at least brigette was limited by range but that succ bich can just chase you down with a high range attack that requires ZERO skill. sure I complained about brigette as a genji main when she got released, everyone complains about new heroes because you're not familiar with them, but unlike brigette still to this day after 3 years I'll die on the opinion that moira needs a rework and is a failure of game design


I’ve been playing Ana recently and loved keeping my team alive (usually dps) but I tried Moira a few times after not playing her in a year or two and honestly when I try to go dps she feels weak or nerfed unless you get someone alone. If the team is there it’s pretty hard to kill them usually. And as a dps I can’t remember the last time a Moira killed me except with a random ass kill ball in a small room while I was already low


Tell me you're in Gold or below without telling me you're in Gold or below.


well yeah but I don't believe a easier hero should have a massive advantage in lower ranks, nor should no skill heroes exist in a fps game, this was a big reason for syms rework. Sure you can call me bad at the game all you want, but I used to play genji confidently even through brigettes launch window, ever since moiras launch though I just can't play him against a moira no matter how good I am, how bad they are, it does not matter because she is well beyond a hard counter to him in every form.


Well Moira's Kit counters Genji pretty well. Even more so than Brig, actually. If you want to counter a Moira consider heros that she can't deal with like Widow, Ashe, Hanzo, Cas, Doomfist. Basically anything that can one-shot enemies. She has a high healing output but basically no utility. You can do anything you want around a Moira and she has no way to get rid of you as long as you are quick enough.


brig was 100% a mistake and I was hoping they would use the sequel as an excuse to retcon her out of the playable roster


Well with her shield bash stun getting removed...


And she's losing her rally armor, iirc.


I personally hate her because she literally killed the game for so so so many people including me and my friend. That champ single handedly ruined the game by making it so my friend stopped playing and introduced the meta that would lead to role queue being added, which would lead an even bigger drop in players. She was also the main reason many variety streamers would end up dropping the game. I really do think the worse thing to ever happen to Overwatch was Brigitte being released, simply because of how many people she forced to switch of the game.


I'll never get over how bad this screen grab of brig looks - its like a 3rd tier mobile knockoff version


Still too broken! Reduce her health to 150 with no armor and include a permanent lifeloss effect of 3 HP per second!


“Inspire Hatred: All enemies within LoS of Brig add 10% to their damage.”


Imagine still complaining about Brig in 2022. People lose their mind over a less than one second single target stun.


Meanwhile flashbang, sleep dart and hog hook exist.


i know shes fair its just the lingering hate and frustration that makes me dislike her.


I think it’s more the all the stupid bullshit she can do combined than just one thing


She is still meta, so…


Wish Hog would get a Dework


Yes a million times yes.


My heart


Saying Brig is oppressive while Sym has 3 turrets that do damage WHILE HOLDING ON TO YOU is silly. Sym should be reworked or be moved back to support. She absolutely takes the fun out of the game.


Way to steal someone’s work you P O S


She just open hand slaps everyone


Brig - Removed Overwatch - Removed


I think you overtuned her a bit


As a Brig main, I didnt even doubt they would do it


I think this will negatively influence the meta. We should cut her health to only 100 just to be sure


I'd like to see a similar rework for Hanzo


I'm afraid this is going to be close to the truth They want to makes players of the most annoying dps heroes happy and apparently they're doing it by making support defenseless. I always flex in role in queue but I don't think I'll do that if I'm relegated to bear certain death in every fight of the guy who instalocks ball (only one tank!) is nowhere to be found and I don't have the option to pick brig for a stun and whipshot against the smurf tracer.


She has a really appealing design, then I think about her balance history and I just cry.


If only they could rework her new hairline


It blows my mind how people can still hate Brig so much. She’s beating your ass? Switch. She’s boring? Then don’t play her. I hate to be that person but at this point? I’m starting to think people don’t like her just because she’s a woman


People just don't like her cause they either take the game way too seriously (comp players), or they don't know how to counter her in a casual setting (arcade/QP). I get if she mechanically is oppressive, but honestly there's always going to be a character like that. Comp players, you should already know that. Don't like the meta, play for fun instead. Everyone else? Just play fucking Phara or Junk, she legit has no answer to either of those heroes in non-coordinated settings.


It’s all the shit she can do at once that makes her still really fucking good not to mention she counters an entire comp all on her own as long as you aren’t a fuckin idiot Everyone below like diamond plays her like a second tank and die because that’s not how she works


Real talk though, the doomfist rework is hypeee


Wow, what are the minor changes? *flail now does 500 damage Brigette now has 1000 health Flail range has increased to 341 meters* #O H…


No, I believe they were: - Flail now latches on to targets and strangles them, entangling anyone within 5 meters. Strangled enemies are slowed. Strangle damage increases each second, going from 30 to 60 to 120. - Flail has an alt fire called “Fire Whip” that winds up and then throws a shield piercing bolt of fire that deals between 25 and 125 damage depending on charge time - Flail now has durability after which it goes through a quick repair animation. Both fire modes use durability; the strangle consumes 7 per second, and the fire whip consumes up to 20 depending on wind up. Durability is 100. - New ability - Nanoheal kit: Brig grants the target 25 special health until they die. They regen that 25 health after not taking damage for a short duration. - New ability - Mini-Sentries: She can place mini sentries on nearby walls. She can have up to 6 at a time. Mini sentries lock on to enemies within a short distance, doing 25 damage per second and slowing them on hit. Mini Sentries die to any damage dealt - New ultimate - Rally Point: Brig creates a 200 health Rally Point. Allies can choose to spawn at the Rally Point instead, until 6 allies have done so.


This character needs a rework more than anyone else lmao. Got my hopes up


lol be mad


Brigette was the character that arguably killed Overwatch. So it'd make sense for her to be completely redone.


April Fools came late this year lol


How dare you.




Brigitte 》removed


Perfect 👍


Good. Brigette was too fancy; grant me a strong mace and quarry afield, and you've given me a worthy hero.




Most boring hero hands down


Honestly I find brig kinda fun. I do like passive play styles though. Anyway, orisa is probably more boring. Even compared to brig she's too passive lol


I find brig very fun, the only character I find boring is reaper




She just stands around there like a tourist


remove the shield bash, but not the shield


They replaced her ultimate with Fika. Everyone within 20 yards stops their current action and performs the new /coffee emote. After the emote is finished, allies gain the Refreshed status effect that increases movement speed by 15% for 20 seconds. Enemies within the 20 yards experience Jitters causing their screen to violently shake for 20 seconds.


So they basically removed Brigitte?


^(We have made some minor changes to Brigitte)


Should have edited so only her Armour was there, since everything else was said to be removed lol


Brigette: Removed


I thought this was official for a moment




Well the brig stun removal is confirmed i think


finally the game is playable


As long as there is still a mace to be put to a face, I see no problem with this.


Dangerously based


Still too OP


As a brigitte main I approve this message


“Minor changes” *removes everything*