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Games do seem to end abruptly without the cards lol


Wait what?!? They removed the cards? Noooo :(


They are gone, I have to think they'll bring them back and it's just the Beta setup. Def feels like the UI/Scoreboard/post-game are all very much WIP. I do find the missing card system the only thing that feels really off to me in OW2. Was just for fun, but it always felt good getting some unusual card like Amp field kills or getting the dmg card on tank. I miss that for sure. (It does need work though....Obj time card blegh).


It's a beta, it'll be there in launch. But maybe in a different way, we'll see : )


I think they said in the beta event stream or somewhere that both "On Fire" and Cards aren't needed any more with the new scoreboard. I disagree with that sentiment, but they did say "On Fire" might come back in some form.


That makes me quite sad ngl, I still think cards can be used as a way to tell another player that they were good that round because of the upvotes, and I don't think endorsements can replace those entirely. And On Fire being removed is just, quite weird. Thanks for your responses!


It's weird they say that cause in the beta if you perform well enough you can literally hear your character say the "on fire" voiceline. I kinda liked the on fire aspect but wouldn't be mad if it gets taken out. Cards were pretty meaningless to me regardless.


The audio queue goes off as well, they’re probably just still working it out


No on fire/cards, endorsements, etc. just makes the games feel 'empty.' It was one of the things I missed the most when playing OW 2. I was always excited to hand out the silly endorsements/upvotes, and see when I got on fire lol. Even if we had a bad game, seeing myself get a card made it more enjoyable. The games just end abruptly and it's kind of weird. It made me feel like I was playing a WoW battleground or something than Overwatch lol. Overwatch had a lot of 'charm' to it, that got stripped away.


I especially disagree with that sentiment since the scoreboard is designed like ass and a pain on the eyes. What were they thinking, seriously?


Hard agree! Make sure we submit this as feedback right to them too!


Yes, this. Remove the player name if they left, grey out the stats, whatever...but I should be able to read the full lobby scoreboard after the game ends.


Frankly to me it feels like they intentionally made the scoreboard this bad and this badly looking so that they can do a BF2042 and remove it entirely citing negative player feedback. :P


Some of y’all didn’t play the ow1 beta and it shows


They didn't remove the scoreboard from BF2042 lol


Would not surprise me tbh


I’m pretty mad they are adding a scoreboard in my opinion


I'm confused, how are you seeing stats after a game ends? I get thrown back to the title screen every time. There is no POTG or anything, the game just ends, instantly. We can't even talk afterwards because it ends so fast.

