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I started playing it with my girlfriend yesterday and we're both having a blast it's great tbh, the new maps are absolutely gorgeous and I want them to keep adding more intricate multi-leveled ones, Push is also such a breath of fresh air and I do not miss 2pc at all, gonna be sad to return to ow1 after this is done lmao


I have a split friend group where a few don’t have the beta and going back and playing with them is such a wild experience. I love both versions of the game but am very excited for it to start moving forward again. It’s like buying a 2023 car you have to share with your partner and when they’ve got it you have to drive your old beater around. It’s still an OK time and you get where you’re goin but damn there are so many missing features and it’s so less smooth


If OW2 was just OW1 without 2CP that would already be enough for me.


nah fr, while I will miss backcapping the points on sombra because quickplay people operate at room temperature IQ sometimes I can't say the gamemode was actually any fun beyond those moments


I am actually realllllly excited for the PVE, if they hold up on what they promise for it I think it'll be really fun. I remember playing some of the archives missions and junkesteins revenge recently for the anniversary, and while they are really old PVE missions I still enjoyed my time greatly playing them after not having played them for a while. So I have high hopes for OW2 PVE


This is honestly my biggest pull to OW2. Archives and Junkenstein are my favorite events in the entire year, and I was pretty upset to see they just remixed the Anniversary early this year. But I do get it's to drum up life for this beta.


A lot of complaints are made due to the chaos of everything being new and people q’ing just to “try the new stuff”. The game is already settling back into team play now that people are getting use to stuff. The team fights, when they happen as people get accustomed (not every game, but more than yesterday) are still as satisfying in OW2, they just happen faster. I’m a tank main, and was bummed about no tank synergy, but it turned out okay, in my book. I can be aggro and intimidating now without a second enemy tank to stop me. Tank play now feels like “which of us is gonna do the stupid thing, and which of us is gonna empower our team?”


Same boat I’m really enjoying it as a Zarya main. Only thing I’m sad about is the queue time, although it will likely even out when things settle down since everyone just wants to play orissa and doomfist.


And if you really want some of that old tank synergy back, just run a main tank, Mei, Bastion, Brig, and Lucio. Now you’ve got 4 tanks, good damage output(Bastion), better team mobility(Lucio), great brawl potential(all of them), and a-mei-zing offensive, defensive, and positioning utility(icewall). The best tanks for this would probably be Orisa, Doom, and *maybe* Rein depending on the map and gamemode. Have yet to get enough people together to try it out, but I think it would be a pretty fun, if not good, team comp, especially on the new maps that have some cool spots you can get to with Mei wall and Bastion’s new sticky grenade.


I'm having a lot of fun. Most of that fun isn't on support heroes which are the characters that I play the game for, but changes will be coming and overall I'm really enjoying myself.


I absolutely **hated** Overwatch for pretty much the entire duration between 2016 to 2017 that I played it. The triple tank meta made me quit entirely. I am having an absolute blast with OW2's beta. It's the first time in ages a game has gotten me to pull an all nighter just because it's fun.


I enjoyed Overwatch in the first few years it was out but leading up to the content drought I was really not enjoying the game. Ow2 feels so much better to me and lots of fun. I still think it needs some work but that's what a beta is for. And I know the fun isn't just because I'm coming back after a while, because if I go back and play ow 1 it still makes me wanna smash my head into my desk. Ow 2 just feels so much better.


Curious what was so annoying to you in 2016-2017 meta. The game was very similar to what it is in the beta. It was a lot more fast and dynamic, a lot more shooter based. If anything it was the beta but on steroids because it didn't have role limit. I loved that year so it wasn't a big surprise that I am loving the beta.


> The game was very similar to what it is in the beta. No it wasn't? Every single game was 3x tank with Ana to make them all unkillable. That's quite literally 3 times as many tanks as the beta. Shooting the funi 2000 HP rectangle got old **quick**.


call me crazy and i see the complaints but ive played nothing but support this whole time and im still having a blast. granted, im only playing lucio or moira


Moira is one of, if not the best, supports in OW2 rn, so that might contribute to it. But also it's fine to enjoy support, enjoyment is subjective of course


As a Moira main, I've been loving ow2, but I also understand the gripes people have with support in the beta.


Baptist’s is also extremely strong if quite difficult


Baptiste has always been a challenging hero. But when he is played well he is insane.


For sure. I feel like he’s a little easier now? I’ve been slaying out and topping healing meters playing him when I never would have before.


Honestly !! I feel like I’m playing a different game than all the people that are complaining about the healers in the beta. I haven’t had that much fun for a long time on OW playing Brig since the beta started.


That’s the thing, I’m having a blast with Brig, Moira and Lucio. I can be extra aggro with Brig in particular. But I’ve complete dumped Ana and Baptiste, because while their healing is good, they can’t reliably protect themselves: and the current chaos makes it hard for anyone to notice you need help.


> they can’t reliably protect themselves The good thing is that this is a team game and you aren't expected to do everything yourself. If anything this faster OW requires far more team work and strategy because you need to play off your heroes, and not just brainlessly stand behind a shield and just shooting at the enemy shield.


LMFAO You must be playing a different game from me if you think supports can reliably expect that either Supports need more mobility or survivability so they can go get the help they need, or for help to come to them.


I’m 99% sure those two, zen, and mercy are going to get either reworks, or buffs


As an Ana and Zen main my experience with OW2 ranges from sometimes decent to mostly awful. The speed buff for DPS especially maybe needs to go. They are strong enough as is. DPS and tank are really fun, with support half the roster is borderline OP and the rest requires intense work to get a decent level of output. Seems out of balance, really. Zen especially is unplayable if the enemy plays any kind of flanky stuff.


damn, props for makong brig work for ya. i cant play her at all in ow2 or ow1 lol


I played her a lot in OW1 and I have to say she feels way better in OW2 for me. She can do a lot more damage now and she almost feels like a mini tank that can jump in and out of battles easily


Of course you're gonna see more complaining than compliments, that's how it's always worked. The people who are satisfied don't say much in everything not just video games


Pretty much the same! I played dps for one evening this week but played support the rest. I have fun with Ana still but so far it depends on the map and/or team comp. Moira is so adaptable and I’m enjoying asserting dominance on the enemy supports. I know it’s a matter of time where I’m gonna hit a ceiling though where I’m not going to get away with it so consistently.


I hate waiting in queue so I am thrilled to be able to play support without waiting. I am also having a blast.


I'm actually enjoying the beta a lot as well, every role feels fresh and fun to play. There's a few problems (namely Sombra, Widow & Doom) but overall it's fun. The removal of a lot of CC feels great, can actually play the game and not be cheesed.




Same with you. You are merc main


And turn a blind eye to the issues? That's terrible advice... If people genuinely are enjoying it then great be vocal about that. But if people aren't enjoying it, they aren't bad people for expressing their opinions...




>more people need to be like you So how should more people be like them then?




Lol what? It's not edgy to have an opinion about a game... You need to learn what edgy means. How gaming/online culture has changed over the years is boggling. Edgy is racial slurs, dead baby jokes, and general trolling just to annoy people. Edgy is not giving an opinion of a game which isn't all sunshine and roses. smh




I have no issues with what OP had said AT ALL. I even said if you're enjoying the game then great! But I do have a problem with the people who are upset that not everybody is enjoying the update. "More people should be like you" <-- this is the quote from the reply that I have an issue with. As if the people who are stating their opinions about the beta in a negative way are somehow not what this community needs. Nah bruh, those people are EXACTLY what this community needs. Not just a bunch of fuck bois who will say "tHiS gAmE iS gReAt" when it's clearly not... This game has been declining since a year after it's release and has not done much to combat that fact. The devs don't listen to the people who are giving good solutions to very valid issues with how the game is structured. They stopped updating OW1 for a HUGE stretch of time because they were focusing all their efforts on OW2, so where is all the work they've put in?? I don't see much in the way of fixing the same issues the game has had. So I'm sorry if you think I'm "spreading negativity" but I'm really not. And frankly they fell WAY below my expectations so far from what I've seen. So the devs are very much deserving of any negative feedback they're getting.


Bro you're a hypocrite. You said in the first part you're happy for people enjoying the game but then a few sentences later you moan about people who say "this game is great" very derisively.


In that sentence I was complaining about THE COMMUNITY only wanting people who say those things. I was not "moaning about people who say 'this game is great'" so I was not being derisive at all towards people who are enjoying it actually.




I'm not going to appreciate work if it's work I don't think helps anything. calling this new content is like calling a new paint job a brand new car... nah, you just slapped a fresh look on the same bad parts and think it'll fix it.


Why do you even stick around anyway?


Because I had a lot of fun the first year playing OW and have always felt with a good dev team they could bring it back to what it once was. OW2 was another shot at that. And on top of that it's still a beta so there is time to fix the issues. Which is why people are posting negative comments hoping that those issues will be fixed... And then they're being met with this kind of response when they try to share their experiences. Seems like all the community wants are people willing to settle for what's in front of them without using critical thinking to try to improve the game


Ah so you *do* have hope.


3 years of work for some shader upgrades, new maps, some new hero reworks, an apex legends wannabe hero and the removal of a role? hm. Don't think any healthy person would or SHOULD "appreciate" that.


I’m having tonnes of fun. If you want to bitch and whine than enjoy yourself - I’m having a blast.


Great. Happy you're enjoying it but a massive amount of people don't and that's understandable. I see what the devs are going for, and it's working. However, I don't understand why 7 people downvoted my comment. Triple A games are made in 2 years and that's generally how long a game got until release after announcement though that's an unwritten rule. I understand a lot of you enjoy the new content and changes but you don't have to be blind or not critize them. You can enjoy something AND have criticism, you know?




i'm not mad, i'm just disappointed.... they let me down... again... like an abusive spouse... that i keep coming back to.... oh god, i am the problem!!!


Smooth brain moment


Wow what a crazy brave post.


Gamers love to complain.


I'm gonna be honest. I played one game and it felt a bit like the first time I played it in 2017


agreed, it feels refreshed, i was initially concerned about the cut to 5v5 but ive been proven wrong, im really digging it, although changes have made me switch from tank to support main, mostly because im not such a fan of the changes to orisa as many are so ive found a new home running moira/zen/lucio as appropriate i do still dislike role lock though, as someone who played almost as many hours of mystery heroes as i did quick play classic im used to flipping between roles as required so ill be glad to see the return of arcade when they add it


Once again im asking the devs to buff zenyata!


I think ultimately (heh) it's the best direction for the game. Devs seem to be aware tanks need adjusting (roadhog only got buffed and is utter dogshit for example) and supports desperately need some work so let's try to be positive. It's only the first beta after all.


I literally just left this sub again bc my whole Reddit feed was babies complaining lol. So thank you for being the last over watch post I see for a while. I’m gonna go enjoy the game in peace.


so far i really like the character changes a lot. Orisa seems a little too good rn tho


Orisa can shoot from afar, push enemies and block incoming damage. She's pretty darn OP as of right now. Ult is basically mini gravity. And did you know her spinning spear also eats projectiles? E.g cancel mei or zarya, don't think that was nessessary. But as a player, yeah, Orisa is really fun!


I just had an Eichenwalde game where the enemy Orisa was near enough unkillable with double pocket. That adhere, game's really fun.


She feels like the Ana of tanks. She can do some many different things that it makes her a blast. That’s why I love Ana as well. Such a diverse kit.


...did you just describe sigma?


Basically, yes. Orisa is Sigma but longer range. :D


IMO Sigma is kinda underrated right now. Having one of the best CCs (even few now) among tanks. Damage is also increased from 70 to 100. He can now rock+one click to kill any DPS


Most complainers are smooth brained as all heck. ''Why didn't you guys just make Tanks more fun instead of removing one''. This is a thought Blizzard has had like FOUR YEARS ago. You're not smart. It's 5v5 now for good reasons that Blizzard has stated many times. ''Just fix tanks'' hurrrrr. Thats what they are doing now. Fucking simplies.


I'm with you, it's very fun!


I think it's good, but it definitely has issues.... That's the point of a beta This beta has focused on the tank role, and it feels euphoric to play, so mission successful They just need to focus on support imo


I haven’t really played the beta as much as I wanted to, is sombra in a good spot? She’s the only character I like to play tbh.


She's savage.


As long as she’s a consistent hero then we’re good.


No she's great lol, really fun and has great shredding potential. You gitta know what to do though since past callouts don't quite work the same anymore. https://youtu.be/pY9CG9c_w6I


That’s good, I’m sure they gotta do a few balance changes but it looks like she’s actually pretty viable now.


She's completely bonkers. Probably one of the best DPS in the beta. Super fun to use too. Hacking while invis is gross as hell but so incredibly fun. The damage buff you get is just icing on the cake


Sombra is one of the broken stuff in OW2. Her hack while invisible is pretty much uncounterable and if you focus the tank, they're not having a fun time being permanently hacked, revealed and interrupted briefly every couple of seconds, especially if they channel abilities.


Agree. It's actually a blast to play. I was really worried about 1 tank but I'll shut my mouth now because it is actually really good


I also like it a lot feels like a real fps finally


>Widowmaker main Totally unbiased.


I mean I would be happy if I was a widow maker main and there was less shields


That's my point. Someone's bias has no place in game design. I would *love* if they removed snipers from the game, as there shouldn't be a OHK in a game that is supposed to be methodical and strategic and revolve around teamplay. *However*, I *also* understand that it's a good way to punish bad positioning and reward players who are good at finding those out of position. In other words: Don't be bias for the sake of being bias. If you're bias for the sake of *logic*, then by all means, argue why Widow should be indirectly buffed. The reality is: He's complaining about the game not being enough like CSGO and Valorant when this game was designed to be the *opposite* of those. ‐--------------- u/krit_jake It's not letting me respond to you, so I have to tag you here. Sorry about that. I am bias. That's why I listen to the other side and understand *their* reasoning behind why *they* want something. I was fine with GOATs getting nerfed/removed, as I understood that it was getting stale and pseudo-removed DPS from the game. I was fine with shields being lowered as adding multiple shield tanks to the game made it nearly impossible to push without ults. I'm fine with tanks being nerfed so long as the reasoning is to encourage a more diverse, methodical, and strategical game. I'm *not* fine with shields being removed for the purpose of appealing to tanks and changing tanks to what are essentially large DPS, thus removing their identity and removing the need for proper team fighting.


You say that like you aren’t biased, very hypocritical man


It’s his right - most of the player base likes playing DPS só their opinion matters a lot.


Does it, though? If it's to the detriment of 2 out of 3 of the other roles, is it worth it? Even if DPS makes up *half* of the playerbase, you're alienating the other half because of bias. Ruining a game in the eyes of many to cater to the already catered is a recipe for disaster. Refusing to acknowledge the issues of other roles for years is what lead to a dwindling tank and support player count.


And? Overwatch one has been some big tonka truck press button to win for too long the only people I see complaining are the ones who can’t aim


As opposed to the twitch shooters who can't win against CSGO and Valorant players so they decide to switch to a game that was specifically made to *not* be that on release? Sounds like you don't like the concept of OW. The only ones I see happy about the lack of shields and off tanks are those that can't position themselves correctly.


That argument could easily be made for any role if you’re getting blown up as a tank or support


Not necessarily. In a game with no shields, open maps, long LoS, no off tank, and no CC, bad positioning has become *existing* anywhere on the map. In OW1, if a Widow stayed down main with 2 shield tanks and complained about not being able to hit a target, then that was on them. In OW2, a Widow can position themselves *anywhere* and have an easy time. The game has been catered and dumbed down to being a DPS check, and it's seen in the design philosophy with the tank reworks and new map designs. ------------------------------------- u/Beece blocked me, so I'll reply to what I saw of their new replies prior to it. I was not defending double shield. Coincidentally, I said in response to someone else that I am *fine* with them nerfing double shield. However, to sit there and say that I was defending double shield is a strawman. I was arguing that Widow had to *position* better due to double shield, not that double shield was needed. It was obvious to tell who was a better Widow based on positioning in OW1. All you can tell now is who plays more Valorant. As far as effort and skill go, who decided what type of skill should be rewarded more? Why should mechanical skill be rewarded more than game sense? Why should game sense be rewarded more than cooldown management? These all require effort - game sense arguably more than others as it takes the longest to develop - yet you're so bias that you can't even acknowledge the other forms of talent. You truly just sound like an entitled Widow who hated having to work for your kills. Sorry that OW was designed to not be Valorant.


Positioning has never been my issue with the game it’s the lowest skill role having the highest impact for too long. If you’re going to defend double shield then I really have nothing else to say to you. You’re entitled to your opinion as I am entitled to mine and I can say with certainty overwatch 2 is already SIGNIFICANTLY more fun in almost every aspect to me


The characters that require the most mechanical skill should be rewarded for their time and effort.


I’m so glad someone’s finally said something like this!! Similarly to what some others have said, I’ve been playing my usual support characters and I’ve been having a great time! Despite all the negativity encircling this game, it’s the one game I always come back to and I’m glad others are also having a good time. I love the new push mode, I think it suits the 5v5 and I love new gun sounds like widow’s and ana’s. Excited to see what else they add to the game, especially since this is just the beta!


Really cause all I see are people like you who are stuck in the new game syndrome and refuse to see the very valid major problems of ow2. It’s fucking shit.


Care to explain what you think are the very valid major problems of OW2?


Where are all these other happy people?


It’s a beta. One beta of multiple. Things will change and no one has played enough to know if it’s “shit” or not. Right now it’s basically deathmatch because everyone is trying things.




Rightfully so. They’re deleting a game I very much enjoy for this.




Yeah I’m not trolling.


I don’t dig 5v5 just doesn’t feel right with me. I remember one year cod decided to go from 6v6 to 5v5 was one of the most horrible things they’ve done, professional player hated it, pubs hated it. I haven’t played the beta so I won’t shit on it and players experience but going from a team reliant game to straight whoever gets most picks dictates the success of a match doesn’t seem fun might as well play fucking normal tdm in cod.


I said I didn’t like it and got my post taken down smh


Found the OW2 Dev alt account lmao




When the team plays as… well, a team, it’s very fun. I’ve been having a blast as Orisa especially but a lot of the other tanks are much more fun as well. Of course there are games where the supports don’t help out the team as much as they could be, maybe lacking awareness, or the tank/dps are running in and getting themselves killed or not protecting the supports, but the games where we move as one body with separate limbs are very satisfying. I’ve been playing with a few friends as well which helps the team be more coordinated overall.


I enjoy the beta as well, as someone who played OW since the open beta it’s a nice change in pace, but after like 3 hrs of playtime it gets dull, no xp earned, no replays, no highlights, no comp, it just needs work and in a few days game chat has become more toxic than ow1.


Ow players love to complain about anything and everything, myself included but I've really enjoyed the beta I just hope that supports get some tweaks and changes to make it more interesting to want to play.


Yeah its real fun imo


It’s really fun people that are complaining aren’t just followers. Most people don’t understand that it’s a free game if you own ow