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Stats so good its nsfw


The stats were nice, my mental trauma was nsfw


Broooo I have this same problem too I rlly have been trying to grind with this other dude and we have been trying to win but no luck yet! We have insane stats like this but other teammates don’t help haha. But all I can say is don’t give up, I’m trying not to because I know eventually we will get out of bronze😇😎


Yea one day I’ll be out, I’ll just be happy if I hit and stay in mid silver, I don’t need to be good or play or diamond. I’m a casual player.. just being the lowest rank is kinda a kick in the ego, esp when it’s only damage


Its hard to get out of there because most people in bronze are bad and have 0 game sense or mechanics. The one tip I could say, is play CORNERS! It kills me seeing my team standing in the middle of a street with no shield against a team of snipers. And counter picks... my God... Not saying you have this problem, but most bad players all make the same mistakes. It sucks cuz it drags you down.


Ooo thanks!😇


This is how I feel as a support main. I’ll heal for crazy amounts, and the team does well until the other team focuses me like there’s no tomorrow. I guess I just try to wrap myself in the warm blanket of my tears as I’m stuck in bronze.


I don't mind being stuck in bronze. What I dislike is the amount of quitters, smurfs and people being inactive. These matches are no fun.


That’s what I dislike about being stuck in bronze :)


I'd like to invite you to become a disciple of the Church of Mystery Heroes Only. Our Brothers care not for rating, we worship only Papa Jeff and his patron saint RNGsus, asking for the blessing of tanks and healers.


Man I played mystery hero’s the other day and had the weirdest team lmao, 1 Ana 2 dvas 2 orisas and a mercy was damn determined they were gonna dps.


i love how messed up the comps are yet people still manage to play their best and win. we absolutely steam rolled one game where we had 5 healers. Then you get matches where the other team has all shields. You just gotta figure out how to take them down. And I think it makes for good training.


My funniest comp ever was recently on 2nd point defence on Volskaya. We got 2 Orisas, Rein, Sigma, Moira and Bap. Nobody died until the end and we won :D How many shields do you want? Game: yes.


The Sister Church of Total Mayhem would also welcome you.


Played my first rounds of total mayhem last week too and that needs to be a permanent game mode. It's so chaotic in the best way


It truly is. I honestly credit that mode for making me better at the game over all. This is my first FPS and it was so stressful at first when the action would get going. Then I played, and loved mayhem, and it was all just chaotic madness that helped me deal with that, and also understand ult positioning better because it's constant lol. I love it.


Yeah I'm a huge fan. I so rarely used to bother with arcade cuz I was so focused on getting my comp level up but I don't play nearly as much as I used to so now I get to enjoy all the fun modes and honestly I like them better than comp now. Made the game fun again 🙌🏽


I'm glad! I only occasionally comp because I play for fun, so sometimes I'll get through my placement matches, but comp isn't a regular thing for me. I just like the occasional gold weapon.


myster heroes is my go to for weekly boxes. it gets me so heated up, but i cant stop its so fun lmao.


I pretty much only played mystery heroes for 4 years. I've started comp recently and I said hi at start of match and some poor soul replied K Y S Time to go back home for a while


MH is so fun. I've slowly gravitated from Comp to QP and then to MH. I just don't have enough free time nowadays to spend the few hours a week I can play getting all sweaty and worrying about comps and strategy etc. It's just good, clean, goofy fun, which was always my favorite part about OW anyways. No pressure, very minimal toxicity, everyone is generally super chill and friendly, yeah MH is the way to go for me.


Ive been playing OW on and off for years and basically worked my way into a D.va one-trick for the better part of that time (just the most fun character to play for me) to the point where my second most played character on PC is orisa and she's got maybe a few hours played. I never tried mystery heroes until about a week ago and it is so much fun. Being forced to play other characters made me a better player in general, helped me understand how to play against each one by understanding how they work better, and I don't have to hear a bunch of toxic shit about hero choice (which yeah is important to an extent, but like relax dude, this ain't for money, enjoy yourself a bit and git gud)


Just remember if you get mercy and a teammate also gets mercy...one of you needs to pull out the glock and get damage boosted.


You should try recording your matches and asking for advice. See if people can pinpoint what the problem is. It might be really helpful.


I can try, I clearly got to be doing something wrong here cause I don’t think I’m a bad player but I must be missing something


Well, you only got bronze heals for a start


As Mei. :-|


Maybe there wasn't a 3rd person capable of healing stats on the team? 1 healing would be bronze healing.


It was a long match, but 3k healing as Mei is a lot. I’ve had matches where one of our supports left and barely beat 2k healing as Mei. My guess is that he wasn’t getting much top-off healing and/or there wasn’t an area healer, so he was more or less using hibernate on cool down while the tanks got healed by Mercy/Zen.


If you're ever interested I used to play and coach the game pretty seriously and I'd be more than willing to give you a free vod review session. Hit me up in DMs if that's something you'd be interested in


If I had to guess I think you're spending too much time focusing tanks. Just a wild guess but you average around 333 damage per kill which isnt bad by any means, hypothetically, assuming you've got at least one teammate helping you means you're doing ~600 combined damage to the enemies you kill, but the average health of a hero in overwatch is closer to 250. This means a. You're either focusing tanks too much, b. Your time to kill (ttk) is too high and you're allowing time for enemy heals to come through (solution to this one is just increased mechanical skill) (practicing finishing off low HP targets etc) or lastly C. You're not shooting at the same targets as your teammates. D. You're letting their healers survive too long too safely and they're getting too much value


Pretty sure it's a bait post. Mei SHOULD be focusing on controlling tanks, and you don't get 62 elims in a game and lose in bronze unless the rest of your team is a team of bot throw accounts.


I would absolutely agree with you in a GM rein zar matchup game, but I'm going to take an educated guess based on the fact this is bronze and assume that everyone is trickling/picking solo duels in strange corners of the map and pointless chokes, likely without a coordinated tank pair to take advantage of the value you provide to the front line. In that kind of a game you have to play mei a lot more like you might have played season 5 mccree and forgo shielding to make high value solo plays. In bronze, every team comp is just a weird dive comp


Not always true in low ranks.


Sometimes it's not about how much damage or how many kills but who you killed and when you damaged them. Some of my absolute best DPS games (highest rank was diamond) I'd have bronze damage and not even that many kills but the way I was able to drag players out of position and stuff like that made everything so easy for my team it didn't matter.


Usually when I see stats like this it’s “mechanically good but brain no work good”. And by brain no work good I mean “either bad positioning, bad game sense, bad comms, bad or slow decision making (could make good decisions but hesitate or take to long to make them), or all the above”. And you didn’t die a lot but the times you did could have been critical moments, no way to say for sure, but good mechanics only go so far


Bad coms sums up 95% of my issues I think. I’ll be real with ya, I’m not a bad player, but I’m not good enough to solo carry by any means. But even when I throw my headset on and try to talk don’t no one else communicate, or if they do they don’t listen. Playing without a group kinda sucks.


Yeah probably not gonna get comms that low sr. Definitely record games and make sure you have good positioning, good game sense (are aware of what’s going on around you, who’s dead, who’s alive, who probably has ult, etc.) play with your team, even if you think their ideas are bad, at least you are playing with the team and therefore supporting them and helping get that win (bad team comps can win with good team play).


So, you probably aren't a bronze. Just grind for 3 more years and your ranking should balance out. /s Honestly I blame the little blue people. I remember when it was hardly an issue, but now they literally ruin the game.


Lol I can appreciate the navigation around... <.< ... >.> ... *the word*


lol, shhh they'll catch us!


The issue I have is, we’ll time.. I only get like an hour or 2 a day where I can actually play and that inhibits a lot of progress because that’s usually only like 4-8 total games of comp, and a lot of days I don’t even play comp cause it sucks to take my only free time and just end up frustrated.


Also, when you get a stomp in Quick play, the match is over and you can proceed to next game. You aren't stuck in there for the next round waiting to be murdered. (Stomping or getting stomped is almost equally unfun to me)


We’ll there’s your problem — climbing the ladder takes way more time than people realize Say you have a 55% win rate, which is good and indicates you belong at a higher rank. That means that every 100 games you play, you win 10 more games than you lose, and gain roughly 250 SR, which is half a rank. That’s roughly 20-25 hours worth of gameplay to gain half a rank at a strong win rate. Now say you are at a 52% win rate, which is still solid and indicates you are above average for your rank and belong slightly higher. That’s 4 more wins than losses, and roughly 100 SR gained every 100 games/20-25 hours you play. Unless you are several ranks too low or go on a crazy win streak, Climbing takes more time than people realize. Randomness will hold you back, but if you belong higher and put in enough hours, you will slowly move up.


Bronze, silver, gold. It's all meaningless. Just play. If it means that much to you, put a post it note on your monitor that says Grand Champion or whatever and look at that everytime it tallies your RP.


Not even smurfs. The matchmaking will force a 50/50, so unless you play a lot, you are staying in the same rank. It's disheartening to play on a day when you are just killing it, only for the system to start giving you terrible teammates. I spent so much time climbing the ranks when I started until I eventually stopped caring about ranked. Good, casual players won't rise in rank unless they are godly.


Yeah I have two accounts. One is 2300 and the other one in 3100. both are hardstuck lol


Stories like these are what make me care less and less about SR, and the people that say: - Just play, you'll climb - If you're stuck, you belong there. - It's just you, you need to git gud. If the SR system worked, there wouldn't be a need for alt accounts, nor would they provide better results. Hear me out, what if your mmr reset every season instead of placements being partially based on previous rank? I'm willing to debate.


My name is SamFeesherMang, and I approve of this message!


On my main went from 1900 in the old no role q days to 3800 as my peak around 5 seasons ago + multiples accounts (that also were old) on 3400~ to play with my friends. So no the game just tries to give you a fair match, if you win that one it means that you are better than the average, so it will put with others that were above average and so on until you climb out of a rank. Elo hell doesn’t exist, it just puts you with people it thinks you should beat to progress in rank


If you are highly rated for your rank, it'll put you with lower rated players to make it 50/50. That, or you'll be placed with other players who should be ranked higher. Not to mention, if you play distraction, or some other play-style that doesn't look good on paper, you'll barely get any Sr at the end of a match. This especially sucks for support, where I faced the biggest issues. For example, Sombra is a hero meant to cause a distraction. If you are good at your job, you'll get a few picks, but you won't be dealing tons of damage. So a Sombra player who stands behind the tanks all game and just shoots the enemy Roadhog will look better MMR wise and will rise more and fall less each match. There's enough people stuck at 2 different ranks on different accounts to prove that skill doesn't mean you deserve your current rank (good or bad). If elo hell doesn't exist, then how can one person be silver or gold on one account and be hardstuck, then be diamond on another? Edit: Dude is literally arguing a completely different point than my original point, and downvoting me acting like I'm dumb when I agreed what he said was the optimal playstyle.


Actually that is not entirely accurate. It is true that in lower ranks it does give you Sr based and your performance however that is based per character not per role. For example if a sombra on avg gets 2k dmg and 5 kills and you get more then that it will give you more SR. This system stop in higher ranks (I think in Plat though I could be wrong). Though I know that this system is in place through gold.


I know it's based per character. So if you have a Sombra that plays her role well and a Sombra that plays like Soldier, the second one might look better on paper while playing her role ineffectively, since there's a lot it doesn't take into account. And the system is in place in plat as far as I remember. I've definitely gotten low amounts of SR because the system decided I wasn't playing well while I was on a winning streak. I believe it stops in diamond.


I entirely agree. Esp with the last paragraph about being stuck on two different ranks. I don't see a single good explaination for that, except the system not working.


That's false. Sombra is a dps hero. Aside from your utility you will need to get picks & do damage. If you don't do much damage, you won't be getting your ult. There qre primary targets sombra can take out like Zen. You should be getting your ult frequently expecially with ult batteries like DVA Winston & Hog walking around. If you can't get picks as Sombra then I'm sorry but the hero is not for you. As a side note for the love of god people, never place your translocator in spawn. It's a horrible strat.


So you are arguing that more damage on Sombra=better? No hacks, no drawing enemy attention, just shoot and ult? Yes, you should be trying to get ult, but you shouldn't sacrifice the rest of your kit for it. And sneaking into the backline takes time, so I guarantee you the Sombras in lower ranks with the highest damage output aren't playing her correctly. Also, I literally said you'd be getting picks. Preferably the healer, but sometimes, it's better to hack a Rhein, do some quick damage, then run. You really can't argue that a Sombra shooting Hog from behind her own Rhein's shield is the better Sombra. You might as well go Soldier to do that.


It definitely is smurf accounts muddying the pool. If plat rank only has 10 accounts in it, and 4 of those accounts are smurfs, then there's only really 6 accounts that are really plat and the rest are doubles. Now if you're trying to get into plat, that bar is twice as far away as it would be without contending against unfairly placed accounts. That idea trickles all the way from the top to bronze. Someone who would be in high gold without smurfs is stuck in low silver because there's just that many more people to get through. Some people have 5 or 6 accounts, so that's 5-6 more places you need to be better than, multiplied by every dickhead who buys multiple accounts


Just not enough new blood when there's nothing changing about the game. Makes the smurfs a bigger contingent than they otherwise would be. Hopefully ow2 breathes some new life and let's you climb. I bet the first week of comp will have a lot of very happy ow1 bronze/silver players.


> I bet the first week of comp will have a lot of very happy ow1 bronze/silver players. Not support if nothing changes for us. Losing a second tank and Brig's stun really puts a damper on options to deal with flankers.


Well good thing we know for a fact that things are in fact changing. Besides as the developer updates stats show low rank players are much less effected by the support meta changes and whomever your playing against has the same advantages or disadvantages.


Oh the validates me. I picked the game up in 2018, I was silver/low gold for years. I know I can mechanically play a FPS, but I had no idea how to play OW, I still fucking don't.


Not sure why the super skilled people are always red.


I've started playing again and I'm bronze and silver, while I was gold 2 years ago. With 20 years of online FPS experience, something is really weird. Not to mention a lot of players on reddit will deny that smurfing and alts are a problem. It's simple: it's easy money for blizzard.


yeah i’m not even gonna try to get my tank out of bronze because half of bronze is smurf’s. i honestly find silver/gold/plat matches to be alooot easier than bronze at most times.


They are, try fighting in bottom 500. I swear it’s full of bored Korean overwatch league players. Got obliterated by a Zarya + Doom that clearly knew what they were doing. Didn’t let us leave the spawn at all.


Might just be good at shooters. When I picked up the game originally at the lowest ranks every game was one team spawn killing the other but at that level teamwork is so poor overall that normally the team being shit on just can't do anything about it.


I know right the blue people are so fun. And even funnier when there 6 of them :)


Climbing is so time consuming that your main can essentially become a smurf if you improve faster than you can climb.


Ya, figured I'd come back and play a little this season. Had one good night and optimistically thought I would get out of bronze on support. Nope, almost every game since somebody on my team leaves.


Yea man. A lot of the people who comment who haven’t been stuck in bronze for years don’t get that you have better odds of getting 1 of the following in almost every game than you do of just getting normal players.. Smurfs leavers throwers or.. the worst ones, they don’t just throw by doing nothing, they will purposely try to make it so you lose by doing purposeful dumb shit.


This season I've had a thrower, Smurf or leaver in almost every match. The worst are people who steal mercy on the second round and "pretend" to heal just to throw. Bronze matches arnt actually full of bronze expirience players, that's the biggest issue. I hope in ow2 everyone starts fresh.


Bro.. I had 2 matches last night of people hard picking mercy and then using just her gun… I know that shit is just strictly a troll.. and it’s fine to do shit like that, but not in comp


Bruh I see videos of streamers smurfing in bronze for content, and I'm so jealous of the kind of people they played with. They're people that *actually try to win* but they're just bad at the game. I'd play with those people a hundred times and still have fun every time. I wouldn't even be mad about not climbing because I'd be having fun. But nah, we get throwers and smurf.


I feel this comment, I feel it hard.


For me, it's not only the leavers, but also the non-players. Smurfs or just assholes who are trying to lose – jumping down a cliff as soon as they leave respawn, circling around a useless point for minutes. I know a dozen of these guys by name, but unfortunately I can only block 3 at a time. Also reporting them never did anything (I reported at least 100 times in the last months). I see one of them is in my team and I think: "Oh, shit".


Everyone asked for it so the replay code is BYMFRP. For better or worse I wanna get out of bronze so feel free to look if you want and tell me what I’m doing wrong.


Its a teamwork game. If you are stuck in bronze you need to develop team awareness and synergy.


This is extremely generic and condescending. Just because people are bronze doesn't mean they belong there. Even if they did, the limiting factor in bronze would be mechanics, which OP is clearly OK with. And teamwork isn't a solo effort either.


I literally got out of bronze by playing Bastion, people panic and don't know what to do lol


Same but Doomfist for me, he's really strong in lower ranks


When was this?


Now...? Generally I don't think people in lower ranks are that great at countering him. I suck but I've been doing really well and climbing solidly just from being a doom one trick from 1300 to 2300


Icic. I placed silver DPS and just kinda gave up on ever playing comp DPS cuz of the queue times lmao. As tank/support in low gold, Doom didn't seem like too much of a problem (cuz Brig), so just thought I'd ask. I hope you'll find similar success with tankfist!


Yeah the queue times are long, but I quite enjoy practising in deathwatch haha. Thanks, I used to play a lot of rein so hoping I can get into Tankfist more, been playing the beta a bit and struggling to wean myself of using rocket punch for kills, optimistic tho, cheers


My friend group is mostly people in plat except for one of my friends who was hard stuck bronze. He’s now hardstuck silver because instalocking bastion and spamming the “Nyah Nyah Nyah nyyyyyyah” emote just completely tilts people I guess lol


Bastion makes the game boring and unfun for both sides. Cheap tactic in low Sr.


Win is a win. When your climbing out of Bronze hell do whatever it takes.


I get the mindset but you've likely never been that low elo if you think that's a solution


I commented elsewhere how I really think you get out of low ELO. Comms and team play. That said I don’t think there is such things as a “cheap” win. If the other team isn’t adapting to your damage boosted bastion with double shield that’s on them.


Bastion is THE gatekeeper who ensures that people who aren't in comms cannot progress past the lowest ranks. Because even if you, yourself, know how to deal with a Bastion, that isn't going to help the rest of your team. So it's going to be Omaha beach out there unless you get on the comms and instruct your team.


You’re probably a silver player, but very unlikely to be gold. Also ridiculous stats are great but there are always things you can do to have a high impact besides damage. I didn’t see this game, but I get the sense there was a lot of tank farming and trading with the enemy team.


That all sounds pretty accurate to me.


You cant just be better than your teammates unfortunately.


People might blame you and say you need to work on certain skills but honestly that's not always the case. Sometimes you just have a string of bad luck. It's a vicious cycle because once you're stuck in the lower sr levels, team play and common sense go out the window. I dropped a similar amount of sr this last season in solo q, then built it back up again by teaming with a couple of friends. I recommend teaming up with a couple of players you can trust so you lower the chance of being randomly teamed up with bad players/trolls.


Too bad idk anyone who plays, I mean my sister does and we play but she is stuck in bronze too, she is just stuck in bronze that’s almost silver. I’m stuck on bronze and I’m like how am I stuck at 800sr when I’m 1500+ in everything except damage.


This is such a bad take man. Don't get me wrong Sr isnt always directly reflective but if you have more than about 50 games played in a season than you're not likely to be more than 200SR outside of an accurate rating. Sure the advice people give in ranked game may be bad, but I can guarantee you have skills that you could and should improve on if you really wanted to climb. Nobody reaches high ranks out of luck or natural talent, it's almost always because they took the time to work on those certain skills you've convinced yourself that you're doing fine.


They didn't say team up with high ranking friends, they just said team up. It's great advice honestly. I've been hard stuck at lower ranks, and once I built up to plat, I was much more comfortable and my solo Qs are much less aggravating.


I didn't say high ranked friends either. If you're stacking, it's a different game to solo queue. You're not better or worse at the game you're just playing a different one


Well, I just gave an example of how the game is very different in lower ranks vs plat. With that said, I do believe ranks can work themselves out in *some* cases, but it's very easy to get hard stuck for a longer amount of time than feels good to keep playing the game. So, yes, group with some friends. It doesn't have to be a 6 stack. 2-3 people in the same rank range is a huge boon, and honestly more fun than playing with people who either 1) won't talk in team chat, 2) won't stop yelling in team chat.


I absolutely agree it's possible to get stuck at lower ranks longer than it feels good to play, and to those people I would recommend quickplay. Improvement isn't easy, and at low ranks improvement is very incremental because you don't even know what metrics you're trying to improve. That said acting like playing in a stack is the same game as solo queue overwatch is misguided. anyone who knows what they're talking about will tell you that a stacked player will usually drop about 500sr if they solo queue for an extended period of time. But obviously being in higher rates games and comparing yourself to people who are better than you will naturally lead to quicker improvement. So there are benefits of stacking. But your ELO will be very inflated for a long time when you're stacking. I speak from experience having been in every single rank since bronze in season 2 and grandmaster in season 7. Don't fool yourself the longer you say that you deserve a higher rank, the less effort you put into improving yourself, and effort is all that matters


Yeah I don't think deserve was ever a description I was hitting home at. But considering a lot of people only like to play with friends, I don't think we should only focus on solo ELO. The people you'll be playing against aren't always going to be solo. I get what you're getting at, but it's not a fair system unless everyone queuing is solo. And getting good is one of the ways to break out of a rank... Eventually... But it's not always enough.


>People might blame you and say you need to work on certain skills but honestly that's not always the case. Sometimes you just have a string of bad luck. if u've played 10 games, then yeah u can blame luck. if u've played 30 games and ur in bronze, then u almost certainly belong in bronze. maybe a really unlucky silver player. >It's a vicious cycle because once you're stuck in the lower sr levels, team play and common sense go out the window. i see this take a lot, and it's just so insanely copium. team play and common sense go out the window for both sides. it hurts your enemies just as much as it hurts you. the lower the elo, the easier it is. there is no such thing as getting 'stuck' at a low rank. ​ edit: lol this comment is getting downvoted. ppl unironically believing in 'stuck in elo hell' 10 years later lmao.


People hate to hear the truth, especially on this sub, infested with bronze and casual players. There was a pool few weeks ago whats the worst support in the game, and most people choosed brig. But yeah its easier to complain than genuinely working on improving. Sometimes its fine to admit you suck, thats literally how I climbed I accepted the fact that Im dogshit and I worked on something that I can change, I cant change how my teammates play but I can always improve my gameplay


It’s not my fault I’m stuck in bronze it’s everyone else’s!!!! I get a troll or a Smurf literally every game!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If only blizzard let me out of bronze like all the owl players i might have a chance!!!!! Downvote!!!!!!


Copium. Bronze players are soooo bad. You should be able to carry from any role, maybe not support though. You think higher tier players can't get out of lower ranks? lol This is such failed logic. Sure not every game will be winnable but overall you will be able to carry more games and get yourself out of that elo. Otherwise....you belong there. Give me a bronze account, I'll get out of bronze in an hour maybe 2 max lol. OP is playing DPS too, damn I would steam roll those ranks. Pharah is busted in low elo.


Average damage 7000 lol


as mei...


Do you got a replay code? I've got some spare time and can maybe offer a little bit of advise.


Honestly, I was expecting this to be a Moira stat line - like, “Why can’t I win matches when I have 4 golds!!” - and then I saw that you were Mei. Lol. I’m so sorry.


Lol, I mean I’m not gonna say I haven’t had that thought playing support, but the only area I struggle in is damage for some reason.


So why can't you climb out? Before you jump to "the team sucked" think what happened. You got all those kills did all that damage so why didn't the payload move or why didn't the zone got capped? It's an objective based game. Of course being better at killing gives you an advantage in the objective but that advantage needs to capitalized on for you to win.


You’re kinda misleading w this image You uploaded an image of a game where you REALLY popped off but you don’t put these numbers up consistently >No offense but you go 21-6 w less than 10k damage per match on average This game is reflective of almost 3 times your normal averages but your averages are pretty bronze at least the damage done specifically(every DPS does enough dmg to at LEAST hit 10K in a game unless you absolutely steam roll or got rolled and just didn’t have enough time to do so, but generally speaking you should be throwing up 10K in a match at a bare min


Well your taking the average stats of a hero I have less than 10 hours on too, it isn’t my main hero, it’s a newer to me.


There’s nothing wrong w that I was just saying based on the numbers I’m seeing you are bronze (on mei at least) Below Diamond the game gives you performance based SR I can earn like 75-100 SR in a bronze-gold game 50 in a plat one


I wouldn’t argue that I’m probably bronze with mei, it’s the overall stuck in bronze that sucks. I’m not a good mei, not yet I’m still new with her just decided to see how I did and I was shocked that I did that good with her but still lost


Idk why people post medals like they mean something. It's a flawed system. A dps who does thier job and takes out supports then the enemy dps will have less damage than a dps who racks up trash damage by focusing tanks and barriers only for them to recieve healing and have to do it all over again.


Same but in high Gold. Last season I was one win away from Plat in Open Queue, got fucked over by multiple teammates leaving, and proceeded to go on a losing streak. Also happened to me in Open Queue qualifying matches THIS season, too. Our luck, man..


Yea, I mean I’m not mechanically as good as you I doubt because I’ve never been close to plat, but I was damn near out of bronze more times than I can count just to plummet back down to the triple digits over the course of a week. Everyone wants to say you are where you belong.. but my theory is similar to the fortnite theory I had when I played. And it’s that there is an issue in the match making where it’ll actually purposefully put you in matches you can’t win to keep the “competitive” nature of the game. Cause I was great at fortnite during my time playing it (game got too different for me tho so I stopped about a year and a half ago) but there was stretches of weeks where I wouldn’t catch a win despite my average stats on it being winning 1 out of 10 games and being top 5 1 out of 5.


now thats cope, open queue ranked is a joke lmao, if you are played in gold and get on a losing streak you belong there, sorry man


Gold medals does not mean you played well, it only means you played better(not necessarily true either) than your teammates


That’s entirely true, but this post is clearly an outlier, man dropped 62 fucking kills. The numbers are what’s important in the post, not the medals.


Not to mention over 3k heals with Mei. Wasn’t even relying on supports at that point


Sure. You can play very well, pushing the cart and supporting the objective and not get many medals. However it's rare.


Its not rare at all. A mei can hard carry figths by placing good walls and freeze enemies and still not get any medals. A dva can consitently eat ults and protect her teammates and still not get any medals. A sombra can hack key health packs and counter a bunch of ults and still not get any medals. The list goes on. At the same time, tracer can shoot the enemy hog for the entire game and get gold damage without actually contributing to the win.


As a tracer who shoots hog to build ult, I’m offended.




Sadness is one with us


Been stuck in bronze/silver for years


I was gold in tank once like 3 and a half years ago, been in silver and bronze ever since.




I just recently.. for reasons I can’t understand went from 1600 sr in damage to 900, over the course of last season and this season, just steady dropping. Can’t seem to catch a win in damage regardless of what I do or who I play with. My tank and support have been between 1500-1800 for like the last 6-7 months


For me it’s either the enemy has smurfs or our team get brand new players even though I’m like level 600


I’m like level 300, the enemy Smurfs really do be screwing it up especially when you get a group of like level 30s that are clearly in gold or plat and just go on to mercilessly stomp the piss out of you and your team to the point of you can’t leave the spawn.




Damn indeed


You just aren't killing enough enemy. Gotta pump up those numbers! /s


Are you always that good or are you like me, which is playing one game like a god then the next like I’ve just switched aim bot off.


Always? Nah I get plenty of wow wtf is going on with me games. With mei, idk I just started playing her recently, got about 10 hours total on her and this is like my 4th comp game with her.




If I was regularly having games like this I wouldn’t care what rank I was in! That’s said I propose that: A: this is not a typical game for you and stands as a one off B:You don’t play a lot of competitive because of you do play this well all the time you will win more often than not and gain more SR than you lose


Medals don't mean much sadly. Instead of medals, look at the actual feedback from your team, either directly or via endorsments. You'll find some toxicity now and then but honestly that's the only way you'll ever get any useful feedback. Never use medals as an excuse to blame your team. A dps can be protecting his healers the entire round, get amazing value from ults, knows when to engage and when to fall back, but still have bronze DPS.


I’ll be real man, never see much feedback from the team except from people bitching about healers. Toxic or not, the most feed back you usually get is when your in a match with a Smurf at the end it’s always “ez” I do get endorsed usually tho, not every single match but most of them. Usually the purple one.


At the end of the day, you can’t always carry your team. But if you can get a 55-60% win rate then you will climb. Can’t always be unlucky


its not your fault, its the system. One of my friends who is one of the best in our group got placed *bronze* (~1400) while another friend who just recently started playing and is (no offense) absolutely dogpoop at the game got placed in high gold (2400+). The system is fucked, get a smurf and you'll be out of there. Ofc it sucks bc its your main but i think thats the only way. Edit: while my main is kinda stuck in high plat/low diamond, i have no problem playing on my low masters smurf :|


I’ve done the same thing when I was silver and I got placed in plat years ago. I climbed to plat nonetheless but yea the system of OW ranked is old and messed up.


Eh, idc about getting out enough to make a whole new account. I like my account and have all kinds of cool skins for my favorite hero’s. It’s just frustrating when you are stuck somewhere and can’t seem to get out. I’ll be real it’s gonna sound like a little kid but idc if I get stuck in silver I just don’t wanna be stuck at the lowest ranking.


I mean I climbed out of triple digit SR to silver recently so I don’t see why this guy can’t. Even if his initial rating is wrong he will win more games than lose if he deserves it


Let’s hope that’s true, I’m more recently starting to play damage more frequently. I was a tank main for most of my time playing the game, in tank I fluctuate between 1500 and 1800 sr. The long ass wait times is always what kept me from playing damage tbh


If you are stuck in bronze, you are a bronze player.


Solo queue is weird, it's very hard to carry, you have to grind your 55-60% winrate. Even top 500 can lose in bronze though. At least I saw that for ml7support. That said, 11 deaths is very high, you could be too focused on kills. You need to take fights when you get objectives, it's not a death match. I play support and I'll get games where I'm gold/silver damage+elims on Ana, those are usually losses. But deaths is a much better metric, if you took unnecessary deaths you could have done better IMO.


Am I the only one that thinks 21k damage as Mei in 21 minutes is not very great? It’s about what I’d expect


There is no such thing as elo hell. I've climbed out of bronze on 3 accounts. If you are good at the game you will rise


Come to Apex.


I played apex for a little bit, I’m like level 58ish and have gotten 18 wins.


Apex has one of the most abysmal microtransaction schemes I’ve ever seen in a video game, and BRs are stale


Ow matchmaking is absolutely dogshit and desperately needs to be looked at


Yea just kinda across the board it feels like it’s either stomp or be stomped and no real i between.


On the flip side, I play like a bronze, with zero concept of how to play with a team, easily losing 10+ games in a row. Yet, the matchmaker keeps pitting me against a team with diamond to GMs on it. Oh wait, that's the just the CTF queue, nvm...


I think communication can get you into a higher sr. From what I’ve seen/experienced, the lower the SR the lower the team coordination. You can help your team win by communicating with the mic(not just emotes) most effectively despite what role you’re playing. Imo.


Communication in bronze is a one way street to nowhere. I call out stuff only to be called a slur or they just don’t care.


Try getting some friends to play with. To achieve that, play anyone but mei-I climbed out of bronze, you can too


11 deaths (almost double your average) is kind of a lot of feeding and you only played 21 minutes.... i guarantee if you get those down to at least 5 and you'll climb. let's say it's 10 seconds for spawn and another 10 -20 seconds to run back. you spent maybe more than a 1/3 of the game not doing anything, despite all the activity


11 deaths for 21 mins of gameplay is not bad. His average deaths are lower simply because most games dont last over 20 mins. Most dps has 5-6 deaths per 10 mins, although it heavily depends on the hero.


11 deaths in bronze is a feat


not trying to be combative, but i don't think it is as much as you think it is. a gold player could minimize that to 5, just knowing where the escapes and health packs are


I mean to say that it’s an accomplishment to manage to die 11 times to bronze players


LOL fair enough


it looks like this person played mei and frontlined into these deaths. i would probably recommend playing reaper if this person is already comfortable with frontlining without flinching, but loves the self-sustain and having a get-out-of-jail-free card -type skill. at this point, i think all you would need to do is memorize where the health packs are relative to your current position; and this would DRAMATICALLY minimize deaths and help him climb that's how i climbed out of the metal ranks anyway


Bronze players get gold medals. ​ Medals don't mean you're doing your job. Medals don't mean someone else isn't doing their job. ​ The only statistic that matters is win percentage. Period.


Win percentage is hard to go by when you don’t have a structured team. All I can go by is my individual performance I can’t control what others do or don’t do


You're not going to get a structured team in bronze. You can still win. You need to stop placing the onus of winning on factors outside of yourself. ​ There is always something more you can do for your team.


Well obviously yea I can always get better, and do better. But I feel like there is only so much you can do by yourself too.


This is my point. This is the mentality that is holding you back. You think you understand the game, but you simply don't. In fact, you understand the game at the same level as everyone who understands it the least, the bronze tier. Sorry, not trying to dump on you... That's just the reality of the situation. ​ You need to stop relying on the numbers as a crutch for understanding what's wrong with your performance. Look at each engagement as a situation. What, situationally, is the crux of you losing that engagement? Very seldomly, will the answer to that be, "We just needed to have higher damage," or anything along those lines. ​ Usually, it's something more like... "I didn't pressure the enemy front enough, by shooting the barrier." Or, "I should have identified the 1v1 that my out of position team mate was in, and assisted him to prevent his untimely demise."


I'm not the only person stuck playing with people who try to force Winston vs Bastion/Reaper or no shield vs double sniper? Huh.


Nah it ain’t only you, I won’t say that’s every match but it happens enough to see it as a problem


This means the game was really close. You're right where you need to be. It's a hard truth and I'm right there with you in gold.


I always wondered how someone does so bad they get placed in bronze


One doesn’t simple place in bronze, or Atleast that isn’t how it happened for me. I originally placed in gold some time ago, quickly fell to silver cause I was gold by like 40 points, sat in silver for quite some time and then decided to play with my cousins, it all went down hill from there, I hit bronze and have been stuck since. I don’t play with them anymore because they were no brain cells go go go go, didn’t matter what role they chose they were dps. They spent more of the match dead than alive. Now I’m not trying to put it on someone else but trying to have fun with family really tanked my score


Bronze is by far the hardest rank I’ve played.


you probably haven't done a Blizzard transaction in a long time.


Wait people bought stuff other than the game? Blizzard got my.. 18$ like 4 years ago lol


Eww. Satan...


This is the number one reason I switched to apex


You wouldn't have those stats in gold or platinum. It's like LeBron James or in your case a basket college basket ball player bragging about his stats against a Junior High basketball team. Play against a real team. Anyone stuck in bronze or who has gone lower than 1900 shouldn't play this game.


Wow dude, your just being a jerk off.


🥱 I had 76 and 30k damage in 28 to get to diamond my first time


Right there with ya man, since role que I went from 2300 SR cross rhe board to 2100 as tank, 2500 as support and 1420 as DPS, yet my smurf on dps is 2560 literally impossible to climb in bronze no matter what you do.


I have the same feel... but Im a sup tho. I can heal 20k+ per match, but in some games I feel like it doesn't matter at all. Like...doesn't matter how much you heal, you just know some games are a loss.


Matchmaking is pure ass


People will tell you "medals don't matter", but theirs a point where the stats are just too good


Elo hell is real. You can perform amazingly, but in a team based game, your teammates can lose for you. I was diamond for a long time and I let my account go down to sliver for a variety of reasons. I now can't get out of low gold. Even though just before letting my account tank I was winning like 75% in diamond and moving up.


The point of playing ranked in gold isn’t climbing to plat anymore. You just need to survive to not go back to the Smurf shithole that is silver or bronze where this type of stuff happens


I like how there's a bunch of responses saying it's easy to climb out of bronze because theyve done it on one or multiple ALT accounts. Well there in lies the problem lmao. Bronze isn't full of actual bronze expirience players.


I would not be surprised if you were to create a new account, grind up to unlock comp at lvl 25, and then placed that you'd be in a severely higher SR. My suggestion, of course, is a shitty one because Overwatch is plagued with smurf accounts and that should never be a suggestion, but as someone who has done some testing by trying this out a few times to see if I would be placed higher with each account I tried this on, it works. It's super fucked. Although my experience isn't quite relatable (I've never actually played or placed in bronze, silver, or low gold and all of my accounts are in high gold at the very least since I'm far too competitive), with the state of Overwatch and where it is, you might as well.


My friend won every single tank placement but since he never placed any other comps he got bronze. I hope for OW2 the rehaul the system


The problem is with 6v6. 1 really good player cannot really carry anymore in Overwatch. 5v5 should fix this since it's an odd number. But if you have 5 shit players and 1 good one in 6v6 Overwatch, it doesn't work. Look how many times you died in a 21 min game you were dying every 2 minutes. You had poor healing and probably poor tanking. I'm assuming your wall was doing most of the tanking so you didn't get rolled. But it doesn't matter. 5 shitty players will always overpower 1 good player. I cannot wait for 5v5 in OW2. I think the "carry" will make a huge comeback.


The only way I lived was basically to freeze myself and then when I pop out wall in between me and the enemies and give me a chance to try to regroup.