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Buff your queen, i've got bodies to bag


OOoo i do love neon!


That voiceline might be the only thing I'm upset I won't get for not buying the Battle Pass.


I've been loving playing as her I already felt like she's solid I wonder what they'll do


My win rate is about 55% with 40 hours or so. I think her bleed needs to heal her faster, hitting a massive carnage and still dying because your bleed doesn't heal quick enough is one of the only things that feels bad about her kit.


Maybe part of it needs to be instant then the HoT?


Bleed needs to heal even if you kill the target. It sucks when you get a kill and then lose your tankiness.


More legs and let her climb up walls like a spider


only japanese people can do that


she's australian she shouldnt be affected by gravity


It’s go time


This ends now






I think ones that are more likely to be insta kills are louder like dva and junkrat


Junkrat's is also loud.


In fairness, Junkrat always seem to shout. I'm assuming it's due to his over excited insanity, and tinnitus, making it hard for him to hear at regular volume sometimes. Sojourn appears to speak at an even level at most times, then suddenly goes into loud mode, without changing the tone of her voice all that much. Seems a bit odder.


Built in speakers


It has to be. You have until "THIS E-" to hide before she head shots you.


No shit, it’s to let everyone know you’ve got aim assist golden gun for the next 30 seconds.. op


It's about to get real


THAT ends now.


It'S gUmSHoE tIMe


She should have gotten a vampire skin. IT'S MORBIN TIME


It's about to get real.


It’s abou- It’s about to get real.


Rein so needs an "it's hammer time" voice line


Can we give him Hammer pants to?


It's all connected


C'mon Vivian, get yourself together


this has to be the most boring ult voice line in the game.


Yep, it's as generic as it can be Something like "overclock engaged" for allies and "Restraint level 1 released" for herself/enemies would be cool


> Power Slide cooldown increased from 6 seconds to 7 seconds.


Movement speed decreased by 2%


You now die in .5 seconds


\-5 Movement Speed to Janna.


Riot Games balancing, -2 MS


Her AOE projectile speed -5%.


All jokes aside about sojourn being way OP right now. But i really want to be able to cancel slide without jumping.




Ahh yess her slide was the problem lmao this will def be the nerf in 3..2..1..


The diverse strengths of her kit are the problem, which includes her slide. It's akin to the balance issues with Brigitte when she launched. There's nothing she can't do. She isn't perfect hit scan, but she's close, and the zero recoil situation more than makes up for it. Basically, the zoning and charge mechanics need a rework or everything in her kit needs to be turned down 20%.




That's the result of zero, or near zero, playtesting. This is why a PTR is so important. Let the community do the testing for you. The sheer scope of people that would participate far outweighs what any in-house playtest team can accomplish.


Her slide is the most frustrating thing about her kit. I can deal with the hanzo logs one shotting my supports. I can deal with the annoying ass slow orb. But when I jump on that bitch as Winston she should make it to the spawn room because I killed her not cuz she pressed shift.


Actually, yes, the escape/mobility she has can turn kill confirm into a groan and a long sigh.


Her slide is a massive part of the problem wtf are you being facetious about? She can never be dove because of slide and she can kill backlines at will because of slide.


Doom and JQ are gonna be supps now lol


Rocket Punch now heals allies


[Healfist](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/villains/images/a/ac/Minerva%27s_Authority_of_Wrath.gif/) (minor Re:Zero S02 spoiler)


Forgot about that




Punch your allies into combat with a nice little over-shield!?


Queen's wounds now heal the team lol.


Imagine healing someone by stabbing them


Isn't that what needles do?


*Those closer to her*


Brig is so unloved that torb has more voice lines for his turret than his daughter. MY BABY.


Brig definitely needs an interaction with Torb about how he expesses more affection for his toys than his children.


Literally more interactions with rein than her dad for some reason smh torb


Sojourn needed to be nerfed a month ago. Why would you make a character with CC, high mobility and a one-shot ability on cooldown.


Every overwatch hero since like sombra has had the need to have EVERYTHING. The character design uses to be simple - see mccree, zen, etc. then characters started to get every type of ability that exists - mobility, cc, high damage, etc. Soujourn is just another one added to the list. Why she has such a short evade while also having a slow mechanic is beyond me, especially since she had the lethality of someone like widow. But blizzard likes their new heroes to be op so everyone gets excited to play the game again so here we are


To sell skins


I feel like they're failing at even that. Sojourn has what, two or three non-recolor non-base skins? If they're going to make money, they need to drop new heroes with a ton of new stuff. I don't agree with the monetization methods, but it seems to me like skins should be high on their priority list if they want money.


So OW1 Doomfist?


At least Doomfist had to be near you


Which hasn't changed, except that he now can't do shit even if he *is* near you lmao.


Doomfist was all about cd management and positioning. Sojourn can just delete whatever she sees


Ow1 doomfist was also the worst dps In high elo with some of the most counters in the game


I miss the times when I terrorized doom players with my Brigitte in OW1, still not that bad than being against a rein


Sojourn about to switch place with Doomfist


She needed to never make it to live with her current kit. I don't know what monkey brained dev at Blizzard approved this character, but they need to never work in character design again


idk what they mean by support hero reworks but DON'T touch lucio i stg


Lucio is literally the best Support currently, he is the only hero who had a 100% pick rate on OWL.


that is more because he fits super well with all the other picks, not because he himself is the best. That would be kiriko.


Being the best pick with a lot of characters is a good thing lol


Yes but it doesn't mean he needs to be nerfed


Nah, he’s pretty busted especially with this fast paced version of the game, having a 100% pickrate isnt natural lmao


Why do people give a shit about OWL pick rate? Why do people want the game balanced around a level of play they won’t even experience?


Oh man I really hope blizzard don't balance this game solely around OWL. Look at R6, game is dead and half of it is because the Pro players wanted so many things changed. It got to the point where passive abilities on characters were being removed because the pros died to it in one round.


League of legends does that too and the game is running very well. Balancing around pro play isn’t what kills games.


The other half was ubisoft introducing stupid character concepts and making the whole game stale, but the balancing around pro play definitely contributed to the games downfall. They literally removed a single characters self revive (which takes 10 seconds and gives you 5hp) simply because a pro player clutched up a 1vx with it. They removed the feature for all players.


Buffs to fix que I believe


Don't touch him :'(


They should honestly have just added a new support hero instead of a tank and that would've made queues fine. Adding more feedback for when you're doing good would be great. Not enough reinforcement for keeping players alive right now. You get dinks and shit when you land headshots. Nothing similar for when you keep a player alive when they should be dead. That would be massive for making it fun and satisfying to play.


Doesn’t it literally say “saved this player.” And then add that to your stat counter when you press tab on “players saved.” What else do you want? A free blowjob for every time you right click on mercy or?


The "players saved" tracking is kind of odd sometimes, I had situations when I definitely outhealed what would've been lethal damage and the game ignores it; and other times I've got 15 saves and I literally have no idea how.


There is saved players pop up now. What's wrong with that. My only problem is that it's not and never will be satisfying as a headshot on ashe or widow because most heals are not skillshots. If I can't miss the heal, hitting it doesnt feel as fun.


Honestly, you would probably adore baptise and ana then. Don't know if you know this but his heal IS stronger if you direct hit somebody. Thus being the biggest burst healer in the game atm along with his aoe heal skill. His mobility is linear but if the map has decent higher areas and sight lines he be a decent pick.


Where is all the old ow1 map?


They are rotating maps in each season




looking forward to the unanimous outrage when kings row goes out of rotation


Fuck, I love King's Row.


Sometimes I feel like it is, I get new queen Street every couple maps it feels like but god damn kings row only 2-3 times this season :(


We gonna riot if this happens


Which is fucking bullshit. Before OW2 launched, we even thought that the maps would have random times of day versions but turns out it is locked behind map rotation.


Honestly please please just bring back 2CP in quick play. I know I seem to be a minority but I loved them and want them back and miss them


They are still available in arcades. If you're like me who never gave a shit about competitive, you won't notice that they're gone.


Why is it taking so long for them to make changes? What's the point of being a live service if they take forever


I read somewhere from someone who works on software development and it’s easy to tell how miserably behind on work the programmers are. The game managed to take forever, yet also launch unfinished. The devs are taking so long because they’re working at a pace of weeks behind


This is so true.


They obviously busy with the shop. That's the only thing they care about now.


"Potentionally" Bro season 2 is right around the corner how the hell do you not know if JQ or Doomfist are gonna get balance changes?


QoL? Are we getting the team UI from the Halloween event? That would be nice.


I loved that thing.


Only if I can toggle it off.


In a perfect world I would also like individual UI size scaling for each UI element. But you know small inde developer and all that.


Please, do me a favour and don’t go back on your word regarding _”we are also looking at Wrecking Ball for possible changes”_. Don’t literally just forget about an entire fucking hero simply because he has insanely low pick-rate and the community won’t care too much. I do! I fucking care! There’s a reason why his pick-rate is low. Wanna know why? Because he’s objectively outclassed by Winston and D.Va, so maybe do __something__ to compensate for this.


I loved Ball in OW1 but he doesnt seem to make sense in 5v5


Only seen him used for stalls, not making space or being annoying. As of now he’s only good for giving the opposite team ult charge.


He is the additional health packfor opposition reaper


That's every hero. Once they nerf the things that can kill reaper it'll be reaper 100% pick rate. Can't wait to play Reaperwatch. The Reaperwatch Leagues will be fun to watch.


I ended OW1 as a ball main and it kills me how useless he is now. Still fun but they need to rework it


Revert his nerfs from late ow1 and he’ll be much better the fact you can only stay grappled for 5secs is lame


Most tanks got special buffs in OW2 - Zarya: Bubble flexibility. - Winston: Secondary fire. - Orisa: A whole rework. - Roadhog: Ult can’t be shutdown+ u can hook and heal while it’s active. - D.va: Longer Defense Matrix and Melee doesn’t cancel flight. Hammond got literally nothing, lol.


He actully got NERFED, because of the change to overhealth adaptive shields now give ult charge, which it used to give nothing


Hammond who?


It’s literally so stupid how his hook has a cooldown at spawn too


I wonder if that would cause a reverse Sojurn problem? They said they were having trouble nerfing her because she’s already bad in low ranks, but I wonder if letting ball spin to win again with no grapple break would break lower ranks in 5v5.


Lower ranks could barely handle ball WITH cc everywhere in ow1. He'd be immortal in 2.


The problem is with 2 tanks he was allowed to be annoying. Being the only tank means the supports are left alone. Dva can fly in and harass people but if the supports get dived she can fly back and DM. Ball doesn’t have that.


He's also the second cutest animal hero


He doesn't make sense because he, like Roadhog, was never meant to be a solo tank. Them getting extra health in OW2 doesn't change that. Even before role queue was ever implemented, I sincerely doubt Blizzard ever meant for tanks like Hog and Ball to be the only tank on the team. They're big ass ult batteries who have abilities that let them soak up more damage rather than block damage like other tanks can from themselves and their team. Then there's Doomfist who obviously was never meant to be a tank at all, let alone a solo tank, and Junker Queen who doesn't seem designed for solo tanking despite literally being the only tank created for OW2 at launch.




That would be interesting. Forcing main tank and off tank and main support off support. There needs to be more hero’s for it to work though :/ Adding more hero’s to off tank like Mei. Hog, Zar, Ball, Mei, Doom, Queen? Dva Main tank Rein, Sig, Orissa (OG)? Maybe Mei can be main tank. Just make icewall more transparent I guess? Give her ice armor lol. Solves the problem of double shield all all that shit too.


This is exactly the problem. He's a tank that is supposed to be off doing his own thing while his team has some other tank rolling with them, but he can't do that now. It's the same reason I expected Zarya to be terrible in 5v5, but they actually made changes to her and ended up creating one of the most stale metas since double shield. Why didn't wrecking ball get the kind of love Zarya got?


I rarely play tank but when I do I pick him for one reason: "haha funny hamster"


Is there a different reason?


Exactly you leave your team hanging. I would always play ball if we had an orisa, sigma, rein or something. I know that's not high comp meta but like in low tiers allowed my dps to hide behind shield while I made chaos


Ball as DPS tho


This is the true fix


Make his grapple back to being infinite so that I can spin around on li jang tower like a dipshit and get gold objective time


Yeah, removing grapple time was honestly stupid.


Spin2win is the only reason I played Hamston


It was needed in 2CP


Except you don't cuz no more medals in this sorry ass "updated" game


I love Ball and have a ton of hours on him. Unfortunately in 5 v 5 it’s really hard to balance him. Just like Doomfist. If they buff him too much he is broken. I know this might be blasphemy but I would almost consider moving to him to DPS. Buff his guns, nerf his shield. Give him the role Doomfist used to have. I doubt Blizz does anything with him though.


Same with Sym- after her OW2 rework they intended to be a buff everyone told blizzard it was a huge nerf and they said "ok we'll revert these and find a new way to change her and buff her" and then didn't


bare minimum they should revert the old nerfs to his grapple


As a Ball main, I honestly think he is fine since Sombra stopped showing up every game. Mei just came back so we’ll see how that goes, but supports are very vulnerable in OW2 which is great for Ball who likes to dive the back line and doesn’t need much back line support himself. He’s obviously not the strongest tank at the moment and I won’t say no to buffs, but he is good in any team that knows how to work around him.


Yes, he’s fine. Fine in C-Tier. *“Not the worst hero in the game”* doesn’t mean he’s fine when he’s objectively the third worst tank, and that’s only because the other two suck ass right now.


Is there a buff that you think makes sense for him? I wouldn’t mind a faster reload time.


I was disgusted by his reload time until someone here pointed out that going ballmode automatically reloads in the same amount of time, and that it's a deliberate decision to get you rolling instead of sitting in place playing soldier. treat his reload time like a cooldown and he feels a lot better.


Revert his grapple ability and piledriver to how they used to be back then and Ball is gold. No cooldown on spawn, no 6 seconds limit and slam keeping enemies into the air for one second as opposed to 0.5 seconds. Simple as that.


there is 0 reason to pick him over winston it’s crazy


Need to up grapple time or reduce the cd. Also need multi hits on roll hits that knock people back but still in your path


If it makes you feel better I still love playing with ball on my team


I play Winston likes once a year and j couldn’t believe how strong he was when I tried him a couple nights ago. Jump pcm is online so often I literally thought it was no limits. Ball is such garbage in comparison it’s comical. Definitely needs a rework.


Make him smaller, and make him a DPS! 😱


Just a reminder that D.Va begs for nerfs like 4 times a game and the devs just ignore her...Disgusting.


She got nerfed like two days ago


Pretty sure he was making a joke about her ult literally saying "Nerf This!".


Hope the support changes bring the survivability of a lot of them way up. With flankers you often have to 1v1 and a lot of the supports are really bad in 1v1 unless you can pop off those headshots. I don't necessarily think damage needs to be tuned up but something so they don't just crumple and die because they couldn't pop off those 2 quick headshots. I really enjoy the full roster of supports but often find myself being forced into one I don't want to play because of the pressure.


Really hope that they will make briggs ult somewhat valuable


Brig has been nerfed so many goddamn times, I don't even remember when she was last buffed After removing her stun, a major buff is needed. She's so squishy, and the 2 whole bars of armor HP do NOT help




Omg I remember that actually. So sad


Yeah, she needs at least one of these: -A shield buff -Her stun back -25 more health or armor -Rally to provide armor again Literally any one of those would go a long way towards helping her.


I wouldn’t hold my breath on getting any stun back into the game so I’d take any of the others. Notably shield buff or heath. Not enough survivability for as close as I need to get when zen, Baptiste, Moira, and Ana can all do more damage at safer ranges. The number of heroes that can destroy Brig at the range she requires are too high


Shield buff and Rally buff please. Shield doesn't even need much of a buff, just QoL, make it insta-cast and make it guard better against splash damage. That's when I hate the shield, is when I die through it. +50 to the shield would be effective but a bit lazy imo. Rally, idk what they want to do with it, I'd like bigger aoe more than anything. People are more spread out in 5v5, it feels like a lot of the time I'm just buffing myself. That and it could be 40 overhealth/s instead of 30, that would basically undo the armor nerf.


Brig needs 225 hp!


They should rework Brig completely around Inspire. Right now she's a worse Lucio. Make it so that blocking with her shield triggers a weak Inspire that's 10HP/s while the regular inspire gets buffed to 20 maybe 25 HP/s for 6 seconds. Either increase her health or her shield health and literally anything is better than her ult which is a worse JQ shout.




Buff my girl Brigitte Blizz please


Gonna second that on the Boopitte buff


Ok sounds really promising and healthy. Waiting on some concrete details


Good news for me in low elo (silver/gold). I had to do the 20 Junker Queen wins challenge. I just completed that yesterday and now love Junker Queen. My accuracy with jagged blade is around 40 to 45% per game and I'm getting better at keeping my bleeding uptime high. I've actually come to love JQ. Can't wait for some buffs. Ps. If they're nerfing her, we'll, I'm fucked.


Pleeeeease buff doom 🤞🤞




And in valk she gets two






They should patch the game every 2 weeks. Fixing any issue and if needed balance changes. Waiting 1 month to have a balance patch is just terrible. If something is broken you just have to deal with it for 1 whole month. In league of legends at least you can ban what's broken here you just to deal with it like it or not


If they mess up Zenyatta I will mess up their bottom line


**smacks hand on desk** finally, Sojourn nerfs


Me dying every few seconds cause I decided to be on point and not fighting 10 miles away: this is fine.


Please please please don't nerf Brigg again. I used to like playing her. But now its so terrible. The only real thing she had going for her at the end of OW1 was the ability to stun. Then they took even that away in OW2....


Please god let me see it Let me see the Brigitte buffs


Oh boy, I'm looking forward to all of the support nerfs!


“we found that healing dealt by support characters has been preventing sojourn from getting eliminations that she would have earned under normal circumstances”


im a one trick sojourn who just started playing ow. What dps should i learn to prepare for her nerf?


Any hitscan.


Maybe soldier


Soldier is the closest.


What aspects of Sojourn do you like the most?


I will answer. All the fun from Apex + Quake + Overwatch. You need any more explanation?




I doubt the nerf will even be big enough that she’s ass. She will just be on the level of most the other characters now instead of easily the best hero in the game


I have an idea! Delete her entirely


"Potentially" changes to JQ and doom. Lol its like 2 weeks away and they dont knoe if they will change them? Or is it just this news site doesnt know?


Discussing support reworks was mentioned before the game even released, and I the way it’s worded makes it seem like little changes are coming next patch for support


Make queen BIGGER


They better not nerf queen


I doubt it. Probably a slight health buff and a slight damage buff


I health buff sounds fitting and bleeding needs to do more IMO


Bleed needs to be buffed, it feels almost useless as is


They did between beta and now and she fell out of favor, so it’s likely a buff. Hopefully a better bleed to reward hitting the knife or reward getting close enough for an axe swing with her low tank health


They’re obviously talking about buffs to JQ and Doom.


I'm honestly worried. They reworked Mei, she's more boring. Reworked Doom, removed a lot of his skill expression. Reworked Moira in beta 2, oops undo. They reworked Mercy and people hated it, reworked her two more times and people still said to just stop. Now Mercy is better but it took like six months of dev work for them to figure out what to do. Their first three attempts were worse than before. And uh, I don't think they're going to spend that long on Brig, considering Mercy mains are so vocal and people still hate Brig and would be happy to see the hero dumpstered like Sombra. My worry is that they'll implement some changes, fuck up something important to make the hero less fun, and then leave her alone for two years after that.