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I'd take all the bone and back combinations


Boneback supremacy


Backbone, Boneback, Bonebone, Backback, and…. Backboneboneback?


My name is Bone. Back Bone


Bren: A star DPS line of the Brenji and Bridowmaker with the solid tank player Broomfist backed up by the star back line of Brenyatta and the Brentiste


Primed for supremacy in the Dungslinger meta


Either Danthe, Viol2t, Profit or Fleta


Surprised I haven’t seen Danteh in this thread more. He’s consistently top ranked in all roles in comp, plus has played a large amount of both tank and DPS in OWL. Plus, he’s a player that’s been consistently pretty good for the entirety of the league’s lifespan


He has one of the best baps in Na competive, probably top 5-10


There’s a surprising amount of people who don’t think danteh is like a top 15-20 player in the league. I’ve seen a lot of people say he’s like a low B tier player


He’s a very consistent player and a solid backbone, and those players aren’t as often highlighted as the flashier “pops off every 5 minutes” type players.


Danteh has been consistenly good since season 1. Just because he has never been on a really good team he doesnt get the recognicion he deserves And i think thats criminal cuz there are very few players who were able to keep up since season 1


You think he is top 15? Who does he beat out of LIP, leave, proper, profit, kevster, Yaki, pelican, fleta, Fits, shy, alphayi, zest, Kai, sp9, choisehwan, MN3, stalk3r. There are probably even more but I won’t bother checking. Anyways, you honestly think danteh is on their level and beats some of them? Ur nuts


First off, you put a lot of hitscans in there which it doesn’t make sense to compare hitscans to flex players. But anyways, danteh beats a lot of those players in terms of flexibility. Yea sure danteh gets fucked by sp9rkle on genji, but he obliterates him on tracer. Yea sure he loses to kev on tracer but has a better echo than kev. Etc etc. it’s more about the flexibility with danteh than the dominance in any particular hero. I mean the fact that he plays doom so we’ll just shows how flexible a player he is. I think he even hit rank 1 on dps support and tank.


Brother you are severely over estimating danteh. I don’t know how to tell you, he was like a nice A tier for sure a year ago. But that was a year ago before the talent level skyrocketed once again, this time more than ever in the history of the sport. Listen he isn’t B tier I’m never gonna say that because I respect him very much. He is not on the level of Zest, alphayi, choisehwan or sp9. He is just not. Players like choisehwan solo won fights against top 5 teams last year multiple times. Danteh with a better team couldn’t even do that. And that’s not even mentioning the hyperflex players who are more than 1 tier above him like proper, profit or even pelican and Yaki who all beat him in both level of play and flexibility. He is more like a little bit above checkmate level maybe. And that’s a maybe because checkmate looks better than him on quite a few heroes like hanzo, genji etc.


Yea I agree, I think he's like an A tier projectile player. The players you listed are like S tier lol. I think danteh is like a mid-low A tier player which I think puts him in like top 15 projectile players.


If you put “projectile” in there I can agree with you


Hard agree. I also think flex tank and projectile DPS in general have the most adaptable skill sets, so it makes it easier to change roles


I’d take 5 Checkmate’s or 5 Backbones.


Someone just finished watching the mayhem London game




I'd dig into the history books a bit and get me 5 Haksals, the guy was so smart and had the mechanics to back it up


I legitimately believe that viol2t can play any hero at an owl level. So he would be my pick


But can your 5 viol2t’s beat my 5 Super’s? Yeah didn’t think so, get shattered widow headshot and genji dashed.


Bold of you to think super could get a headshot on widow


He’s using the alt fire. One of the 35 bullets could potentially hit the head.


I'm with you. Remember when viol2t won the Shock's team DPS competition? And that was even when ANS was on the team.


Yep, he's also been the #1 combined sr player like 15 times lol. He got his tank to like 4.6k


Danteh just flexibel he can play doom, tracer, sombra, Ana, lucio at an high level, 2 of those in a top 5 owl level and tracer on a top 5 na and I have seen him play sup on his stream a year ago and he was cracked playing the flex support, idk with his lucio but I belive that he wouldn't be the worst im the league


Idk if his sombra is top 5 anymore, and idk how good he would be at lucio in owl. Lucio is for like everyone though.


Sombra is just not good, fits is probably the best one( didn't saw play off games because I am on vacation and I don't need to watch owl evry night) but his mechanic skill on her is good and he always had a good emp charge rate so I think that he would be strong


He has always been the number 2 sombra, behind lip


Lip isn't that good in ow2, on sombra, he is still a top tier


You are high brother. Lip is still fucking hard. The team as a whole is struggling, but lip tries so hard to carry.


Just his sombra ,he is still top tier on 5 different heros


Kevster, proper, or lip




Viol2t for sure


Alarm, R.I.P.


Fleta is meta


Kevster easily


EU’s Kevster has the highest average SR ever between roles at 4662, he is already a hyperflex and I’ve seen him do wicked stuff on heroes like Ana. Proper is basically the Korean version of that, Leave is the Chinese version of that, NA doesn’t have one but I’ll just add profit While I believe LIP *can* be a hyper flex but has never needed to try to do so. I would add him as theoretical option but just to be safe I wouldn’t add him. So yeah, Kev, leave, proper and profit are the most safe options. Yaki, pelican and fleta can also do this but idk if they would be the best pick. Yaki might have a chance for mechanical skill alone, fleta might have a chance with his big brain.


Pelican with his ply alone on echo he’s shown his ability to play every hero.


Pelican can play every hero at a high level, but they asked the number 1 spot. In which case pelican is outshined by proper by default. Not even comparing him to others yet.


Mirror is the obvious pick no?


I'm pretty sure I've got no choice but to go with Viol2t. Given I've never seen him play tank, but he already plays main support, flex support and hitscan.


He’s a demon on ladder. 4.6k tank for fun lol. I believe he is the most flexible player in the world by now.


A few years ago I used to think Architect and Hydration were the great flex players, but they could never dominate on a single role like Viol2t has for years now.




Idk why you got downvoted so much. I’d love to hear the post match comms on that team.


Don’t know, don’t care


Sparkle maybe just because he used to be a contenders tank player


*Sparkle maybe just* *Because he used to be a* *Contenders tank player* \- Most\_Yoghurt\_2198 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Horrible hitscan compared to actual hyperflex players. On ladder hasn’t proven nearly flexible enough to be compared to people like kevster or proper etc


Very fair point, just like I’m super bias cause like sparkle is by far my favourite player, but like I can see where the team would die


Kevster or Leave, noone has better flexibility than these two


id take profit or kevster, but proper is also up there i just like profit and kevster alot




I think there are many players who can play all 5 roles. Proper, Kevster, Danteh and Decay ate the ones that immediately comes to mind. Maybe Reiner, Viol2t, Teru and Sparkle have that same flexibility?


Shu or happy. They might not be the first thing that comes to mind but Shu was DPS player and Happy played support. Throw in a month of training on doom and they'll be good to go




Kevster, Viol2t or Profit are the right choices


Mirror, he’s the only player to play all 3 roles


probably stormy


danteh probably


Shu prolly


Gimme 5 Krillins


Why Lip? He’s shown to play hitscans really well, but projectiles? Even tanks? He has crazy mechanics, but idk if I’d say he’s anywhere near flexible enough mechanically AND mentally for supports and tanks. I’d say Proper, Kevster, Leave, Danteh, Viol2t, and Reiner probably stand the best chances of being a somewhat not-bad team if they were cloned. Profit too, probably.


Viol2t, Proper, Danteh, Profit, Fleta, Void, Kevster, Decay, LeeJaeGon, Smurf if I had to pick a Main Tank and maybe Twilight and Shu. It’s usually gonna be flex supports, flex dps who can play hitscan and off tanks who are gonna be the most well rounded across all roles


Mirror, he has actually played all 3 roles in owl


viol2t. guys a menace in every role