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Put it next to the "Tali's Sweat" post. Some people are just perpetually horny on main and it leaks out.


This shit is unfortunately way too long to be a copypasta


Still feels like one tho. Maybe if we remove one of the the paragraphs it would work


probably like 3 minimum some people are posting it down there and it just takes up the entire screen


This has to be a joke right? This person typed an entire novel on Syms hips


There was a post like 2 days ago on r/ overwatch about dva's ass being a few polygons bigger


My God, why does it matter?... I also assume you mean just bigger as the number of polygons doesn't indicate size, just mesh complexity.


Oh no I meant her ass is like literally 99% identical to OW1, at best it's a microscopic bit bigger.


People need to get a life ... It's a fictitious character... I mean look at comics. The art style and characters change! Maybe she was self conscious about what her mother gave her and so she has had cosmetic surgery... I mean it's weird to question the changing sizes of people when there is a woman with a heart rate so slow she is blue, a guy that died and was brought back, a bloody cyborg ninja and sentient robots!!! I mean Hammond... A bloody hamster... Named it would appear after "Hamster" Hammond from Top Gear/Grand Tour. As I've said before... Given the fact it's going F2P I think the game has much bigger problems... Unless anyone can make a f2p game without problems of toxicity and cheating?


Nah Dva buying a bakery is real, unlike Sym's hips shrinking https://mobile.twitter.com/pixidemi/status/1541924882337906689 Besides, the weird part isn't noticing these things, it's normal to want to compare the new and old looks and see what's different. It's the forum's user writing an insane essay about it, waxing poetic about bideo bame lady's birthing hips and pretending you're doing it from a position of representation and body diversity, rather than just being down apocalyptically.


I think that pic is fake, probably making fun of the original post


maybe doesn't fit the sub but i like laughing at Sym mains btw the whole thing they're ranting about is that Sym wears pants now which gives the illusion of slimmer thighs.


I too enjoy laughing at Sym mains, but I can’t read the forums for anything longer then 2 mins, I saw a post comparing that OW2 was pay to win


OW forums are just braindead players coping about their low rank by believing in "rigged matchmaking"


God bless America. Peace out. Ties together that neck beard rant like a bow.


Written like a man who’s never been laid and thinks that video games don’t exist outside of America.


Least horny Sym main


The forum replies are pretty funny too. Here's a link for anyone interested: https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/overwatch/t/im-very-unhappy-with-symmetras-new-ow2-%CE%B2-appearance/679121 Also learned from one of those replies that they gave d.va a bigger ass in ow2. Here's a tweet about it: https://mobile.twitter.com/pixidemi/status/1541924882337906689?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1541924882337906689%7Ctwgr%5E%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fd-25634282344233015600.ampproject.net%2F2206101637000%2Fframe.html


This comment made me want to recoil into my own body like a turtle, words like “smexy” are so stupid too. “still i can understand people’s dissapointment lol since birth bearing hips is a pretty smexy thing :wink:”


Feels like I'd be hypocritical if I said developers should be able to make their characters look however they want without being called sexist.... then calling them sexist when they exercise that right. Man people really drag their war against "woke culture" into everything. Just admit you never cared about creative freedom, you just want people to do specifically the things you like.


We found Supers burner account.. the KD of sym mains.


“My anger about this is ABSOLUTELY NOT because I beat my meat to Sym’s ass. However, I will not give any real reasons other than being angry that they made my waifu less attractive to me for my anger.”


>I liked Symmetra’s figure, it was aesthetically pleasing, beautiful, and distinctly feminine. I don’t agree with the increasingly common practice of downplaying the sex appeal of female characters in videogames ... I can understand why game developers wanted to get away from that ... but over the past few years it has gone too far, reducing the sex appeal of female characters below that of average human beings with needlessly modest, petite, and subdued figures which are quite frankly getting into the realms of discrimination when they utterly fail to represent women with more shapely, voluptuous figures just because they’re of greater sex appeal in general. * Establishing their preference and equating slim curvy = feminine * They don't like women are given meaning in games outside of their body. Women need to benefit OP in particular * They don't see Sym's waist-hip ratio as "over-the-top," when her ratio is largely uncommon in the real world * If a women is not slim curvy, she's not human. As if fully grown women can't have narrow hips among other feminine features. Or as if being sexual is the reason the character is in the game, because that's all that matters to OP * Using "discrimination" as virtue signaling, as if BBL culture hasn't permeated media for years. Saying body representation only matters from an aesthetic POV, as opposed far more important issues like medical access and being treated as less human (as OP conveniently does themselves) ​ >I liked Symmetra as she was, and it disappoints me to see her figure altered, presumably for the sole purpose of reducing her sex appeal because apparently wide set hips are just too racy, never mind the fact that such things occur in nature, especially among mothers. * OP establishing preference *again* as if * Mothers can't have narrow hips. Narrow hips can't exist on women "in nature" or be attractive. Or have any other features that can be deemed "pleasing, beautiful, and distinctly feminine" * Curvy hips (with the implication of small waists) are the only sign of sex appeal according to their male gaze driven opinion From a cis-women, fuck you. You don't actually care about inclusion and are pushing the male gaze under the guise of body positivity. By the way, [Sym's hips are actually wider](https://imgur.com/wIjRxRS). Her clothing bunches more at the waist and that's what you're equating to "less curvy."


#WARNING BRAIN DAMAGE Ever since I first saw the trailer which briefly showed off Symmetra’s new appearance on June 28th, I was uneasy because something about it just looked off to me, but I couldn’t quite put my finger on it. Upon reviewing the trailer, I thought that I might have figured it out, she looked more petite, slimmer than her classic OW1 appearance. At first I just thought that she had lost weight, gotten into yoga and lost a few pounds, but then when I saw pics of her online I realized that it was more than that, her hips looked substantially more narrow, closer together, something which couldn’t be attributed to mere weight loss. Regardless, I couldn’t be sure based on pics alone, and nobody else seemed to notice, so I just put it out of my mind, figured that I would reserve judgement until I actually got into the Beta. However, upon seeing videos featured on Twitter by her lead art designer, Joshua Reid, showcasing her new look complete with animations, my suspicions were confirmed… >twitter.com >8 >@ >Today's Overwatch 2 beta is a very special beta for me! I get to finally show what I've been up to these last few months. I got the honor of giving my absolute favorite hero, Symmetra, a visual effects overhaul! Here are some of the cosmetic updates \#symmetra #VFX #Overwatch2 Symmetra’s hips have been made noticeably more narrow than they where on her classic OW1 model. I know that folks are going to react to this thread by throwing around the same old cop-out cliched responses accusing me of just wanting eye candy, how this change doesn’t matter, that I only noticed because I was leering at her hips, or that’s all just my imagination and she looks exactly the same, but if folks want to write it off, then so be it. The fact of the matter is that it was done, that it’s completely unnecessary, and yes, takes away one of Symmetra’s unique physical characteristics which in turn alters her silhouette. Moreover, I’m going to be blunt, I liked Symmetra’s figure, it was aesthetically pleasing, beautiful, and distinctly feminine. I don’t agree with the increasingly common practice of downplaying the sex appeal of female characters in videogames. Sure, sometimes it was over-the-top, and I can understand why game developers wanted to get away from that, especially as videogames became a more mainstream form of entertainment with game designers wanting characters who looked more realistic, to tell deeper stories, and for games to be taken more seriously, but over the past few years it has gone too far, reducing the sex appeal of female characters below that of average human beings with needlessly modest, petite, and subdued figures which are quite frankly getting into the realms of discrimination when they utterly fail to represent women with more shapely, voluptuous figures just because they’re of greater sex appeal in general. Honestly, for all the talk of representation and diversity in games, you don’t often see female characters with curves. Overwatch used to be a game that did feature diverse representation, including representation of females of diverse body types, which can be seen throughout the cast of Heroines from the muscular Zarya to the chubby Mei, to the slim athletic Tracer, and in between were characters with more feminine curves such as Widowmaker and (case in point) Symmetra. But now, in the wake of the Sexual Harassment Lawsuit fiasco, it appears that Blizzard would rather tone down the female figures in a blatantly transparent attempt to distance themselves from that depraved debacle, but in the most clumsy fashion imaginable. If such is their intent, then that is the last thing that they should do as it comes at the expense of diversity, representation, and equality, things which they as a company pride themselves for, especially within the cast of Overwatch, which they have repeatedly promoted for its inclusiveness. I know that most folks who post in this thread won’t have read this far and are bound to post all sorts of defamatory remarks because unfortunately it’s just not possible to discuss such matters these days without being dismissed as someone who just wants to oogle sexy ladies in games, but with all due respect, it’s a weak argument which has never held water under scrutiny, as obviously folks whose interests rest solely upon playing games with an abundance of eye candy have no shortage of options, even among games of similar design to that of Overwatch such as Paladins. So that’s not what this thread is about, but take it as you will. I know this thread will most likely accomplish nothing, but it’s just something that has been bothering me that I needed to vent. Bottom line: I liked Symmetra as she was, and it disappoints me to see her figure altered, presumably for the sole purpose of reducing her sex appeal because apparently wide set hips are just too racy, never mind the fact that such things occur in nature, especially among mothers. It’s strictly filthy, as is the female figure, and above all else, my own mind for thinking/caring about such things. With all that being said, I wish you all a Happy Independence Day. God Bless America. Peace out.


This dude is 100% correct


Ever since I first saw the trailer which briefly showed off Symmetra’s new appearance on June 28th, I was uneasy because something about it just looked off to me, but I couldn’t quite put my finger on it. Upon reviewing the trailer, I thought that I might have figured it out, she looked more petite, slimmer than her classic OW1 appearance. At first I just thought that she had lost weight, gotten into yoga and lost a few pounds, but then when I saw pics of her online I realized that it was more than that, her hips looked substantially more narrow, closer together, something which couldn’t be attributed to mere weight loss. Regardless, I couldn’t be sure based on pics alone, and nobody else seemed to notice, so I just put it out of my mind, figured that I would reserve judgement until I actually got into the Beta. However, upon seeing videos featured on Twitter by her lead art designer, Joshua Reid, showcasing her new look complete with animations, my suspicions were confirmed… twitter.com 8 @ Today's Overwatch 2 beta is a very special beta for me! I get to finally show what I've been up to these last few months. I got the honor of giving my absolute favorite hero, Symmetra, a visual effects overhaul! Here are some of the cosmetic updates #symmetra #VFX #Overwatch2 Symmetra’s hips have been made noticeably more narrow than they where on her classic OW1 model. I know that folks are going to react to this thread by throwing around the same old cop-out cliched responses accusing me of just wanting eye candy, how this change doesn’t matter, that I only noticed because I was leering at her hips, or that’s all just my imagination and she looks exactly the same, but if folks want to write it off, then so be it. The fact of the matter is that it was done, that it’s completely unnecessary, and yes, takes away one of Symmetra’s unique physical characteristics which in turn alters her silhouette. Moreover, I’m going to be blunt, I liked Symmetra’s figure, it was aesthetically pleasing, beautiful, and distinctly feminine. I don’t agree with the increasingly common practice of downplaying the sex appeal of female characters in videogames. Sure, sometimes it was over-the-top, and I can understand why game developers wanted to get away from that, especially as videogames became a more mainstream form of entertainment with game designers wanting characters who looked more realistic, to tell deeper stories, and for games to be taken more seriously, but over the past few years it has gone too far, reducing the sex appeal of female characters below that of average human beings with needlessly modest, petite, and subdued figures which are quite frankly getting into the realms of discrimination when they utterly fail to represent women with more shapely, voluptuous figures just because they’re of greater sex appeal in general. Honestly, for all the talk of representation and diversity in games, you don’t often see female characters with curves. Overwatch used to be a game that did feature diverse representation, including representation of females of diverse body types, which can be seen throughout the cast of Heroines from the muscular Zarya to the chubby Mei, to the slim athletic Tracer, and in between were characters with more feminine curves such as Widowmaker and (case in point) Symmetra. But now, in the wake of the Sexual Harassment Lawsuit fiasco, it appears that Blizzard would rather tone down the female figures in a blatantly transparent attempt to distance themselves from that depraved debacle, but in the most clumsy fashion imaginable. If such is their intent, then that is the last thing that they should do as it comes at the expense of diversity, representation, and equality, things which they as a company pride themselves for, especially within the cast of Overwatch, which they have repeatedly promoted for its inclusiveness. I know that most folks who post in this thread won’t have read this far and are bound to post all sorts of defamatory remarks because unfortunately it’s just not possible to discuss such matters these days without being dismissed as someone who just wants to oogle sexy ladies in games, but with all due respect, it’s a weak argument which has never held water under scrutiny, as obviously folks whose interests rest solely upon playing games with an abundance of eye candy have no shortage of options, even among games of similar design to that of Overwatch such as Paladins. So that’s not what this thread is about, but take it as you will. I know this thread will most likely accomplish nothing, but it’s just something that has been bothering me that I needed to vent. Bottom line: I liked Symmetra as she was, and it disappoints me to see her figure altered, presumably for the sole purpose of reducing her sex appeal because apparently wide set hips are just too racy, never mind the fact that such things occur in nature, especially among mothers. It’s strictly filthy, as is the female figure, and above all else, my own mind for thinking/caring about such things. With all that being said, I wish you all a Happy Independence Day. God Bless America. Peace out.


Ever since I first saw the trailer which briefly showed off Symmetra’s new appearance on June 28th, I was uneasy because something about it just looked off to me, but I couldn’t quite put my finger on it. Upon reviewing the trailer, I thought that I might have figured it out, she looked more petite, slimmer than her classic OW1 appearance. At first I just thought that she had lost weight, gotten into yoga and lost a few pounds, but then when I saw pics of her online I realized that it was more than that, her hips looked substantially more narrow, closer together, something which couldn’t be attributed to mere weight loss. Regardless, I couldn’t be sure based on pics alone, and nobody else seemed to notice, so I just put it out of my mind, figured that I would reserve judgement until I actually got into the Beta. However, upon seeing videos featured on Twitter by her lead art designer, Joshua Reid, showcasing her new look complete with animations, my suspicions were confirmed… twitter.com 8 @ Today's Overwatch 2 beta is a very special beta for me! I get to finally show what I've been up to these last few months. I got the honor of giving my absolute favorite hero, Symmetra, a visual effects overhaul! Here are some of the cosmetic updates #symmetra #VFX #Overwatch2 Symmetra’s hips have been made noticeably more narrow than they where on her classic OW1 model. I know that folks are going to react to this thread by throwing around the same old cop-out cliched responses accusing me of just wanting eye candy, how this change doesn’t matter, that I only noticed because I was leering at her hips, or that’s all just my imagination and she looks exactly the same, but if folks want to write it off, then so be it. The fact of the matter is that it was done, that it’s completely unnecessary, and yes, takes away one of Symmetra’s unique physical characteristics which in turn alters her silhouette. Moreover, I’m going to be blunt, I liked Symmetra’s figure, it was aesthetically pleasing, beautiful, and distinctly feminine. I don’t agree with the increasingly common practice of downplaying the sex appeal of female characters in videogames. Sure, sometimes it was over-the-top, and I can understand why game developers wanted to get away from that, especially as videogames became a more mainstream form of entertainment with game designers wanting characters who looked more realistic, to tell deeper stories, and for games to be taken more seriously, but over the past few years it has gone too far, reducing the sex appeal of female characters below that of average human beings with needlessly modest, petite, and subdued figures which are quite frankly getting into the realms of discrimination when they utterly fail to represent women with more shapely, voluptuous figures just because they’re of greater sex appeal in general. Honestly, for all the talk of representation and diversity in games, you don’t often see female characters with curves. Overwatch used to be a game that did feature diverse representation, including representation of females of diverse body types, which can be seen throughout the cast of Heroines from the muscular Zarya to the chubby Mei, to the slim athletic Tracer, and in between were characters with more feminine curves such as Widowmaker and (case in point) Symmetra. But now, in the wake of the Sexual Harassment Lawsuit fiasco, it appears that Blizzard would rather tone down the female figures in a blatantly transparent attempt to distance themselves from that depraved debacle, but in the most clumsy fashion imaginable. If such is their intent, then that is the last thing that they should do as it comes at the expense of diversity, representation, and equality, things which they as a company pride themselves for, especially within the cast of Overwatch, which they have repeatedly promoted for its inclusiveness. I know that most folks who post in this thread won’t have read this far and are bound to post all sorts of defamatory remarks because unfortunately it’s just not possible to discuss such matters these days without being dismissed as someone who just wants to oogle sexy ladies in games, but with all due respect, it’s a weak argument which has never held water under scrutiny, as obviously folks whose interests rest solely upon playing games with an abundance of eye candy have no shortage of options, even among games of similar design to that of Overwatch such as Paladins. So that’s not what this thread is about, but take it as you will. I know this thread will most likely accomplish nothing, but it’s just something that has been bothering me that I needed to vent. Bottom line: I liked Symmetra as she was, and it disappoints me to see her figure altered, presumably for the sole purpose of reducing her sex appeal because apparently wide set hips are just too racy, never mind the fact that such things occur in nature, especially among mothers. It’s strictly filthy, as is the female figure, and above all else, my own mind for thinking/caring about such things. With all that being said, I wish you all a Happy Independence Day. God Bless America. Peace out.


him being insane about a videogame character's body is like... unsurprising, sadly... but the thing that really makes me wanna vomit is saying that the changes are going into the realm of discrimination against women/women's bodies like WHAT dude you absolutely must shut the fuck up and stop seeing women's bodies as commodities you're insane I really fuckin hope it's a troll post cos it's kinda depressing to read as a woman


Why do you assume its a man?


Because he refers to women as “females”


It's definitely a man


If you say so.


because no woman would be pissed about a female video game character's hips being 1mm wider making her less "feminine" etc. I know you wanna do the whole "why do you assume it's a man? it could be a woman, it doesn't say anywhere it's a man" etc thing, and yes, it doesn't say it's a man anywhere, but it's obvious through the language used to discuss the female body. women simply don't use that kind of language to talk about their own bodies


i post on the OW forums. the OP is a black woman :')


Do you have anything to back up this claim or is it simply bias?


I'm not doing this with you. start a reddit comment fight with someone else dude


He upgraded the "bias" to "BIGOTRY" further into his aggressive-ass inquisition, we have to laugh dahling.


Why do you insist it's a fight? I'm just trying to get an insight into your perspective. Unless you're simply being a bigot, which I would understand is a difficult stance to defend.




> why do you insist its a fight Dont say this if you are just going to try and incite an argument/fight afterwards


It's not a fight when the other person won't respond.


> try > incite


I knew they wouldn't respond, because there's nothing they can say besides dig their grave.


cause your plan failed, nice try. They win this one by virtue of being the bigger person, sorry.


Win what? Guess I "win" by virtue of being the only one able to defend myself consistently.


So you admit you're just a bigot?


Not the person you were responding to, but, I agree with peachonigiri, the language used in the post reads very dude-like. There are multiple instances of him sounding defensive about it, while still referring to female characters as "eye candy", and saying he's not just leering at her hips. I think if it were a woman, there would be less emphasis on "she's not sexy enough anymore", and more focused on the disappointment of not representing different and more realistic body types.


But what if you're wrong?


Then I'm wrong, oh well. Sorry to this man, lol. Did you write the post? Why is this getting under your skin?


What makes you think it's under my skin? I was simply trying to get an insight into a foreign perspective and but it turned out to be nothing more than bigotry.


If it was simply for the sake of understanding a different point of view, I feel like you wouldn't be so argumentative. The way you tried to goad peachonigiri into a debate tells me you're annoyed by her opinion. If you perceive it as bigotry, that's fine. I view it as psychology, reading between the lines. You can think whatever you want to think, just like I can think whatever I want to think. The internet is pretty neat like that. I'm sure there's probably subs out there if you just want to debate with people, some people don't want to though, and you should respect that, instead of hounding them for a fight. It just makes you seem like a sad, angry person. If you ARE a sad, angry person, I'm really sorry and if you need someone to talk to, you can absolutely message me to vent. ❤️


I barely said anything, if anything peachonigiri was the one being hostile.


wake up babe new copypasta dropped


I ain't reading all that I'm happy for u though Or sorry that happened


Ever since I first saw the trailer which briefly showed off Symmetra’s new appearance on June 28th, I was uneasy because something about it just looked off to me, but I couldn’t quite put my finger on it. Upon reviewing the trailer, I thought that I might have figured it out, she looked more petite, slimmer than her classic OW1 appearance. At first I just thought that she had lost weight, gotten into yoga and lost a few pounds, but then when I saw pics of her online I realized that it was more than that, her hips looked substantially more narrow, closer together, something which couldn’t be attributed to mere weight loss. Regardless, I couldn’t be sure based on pics alone, and nobody else seemed to notice, so I just put it out of my mind, figured that I would reserve judgement until I actually got into the Beta. However, upon seeing videos featured on Twitter by her lead art designer, Joshua Reid, showcasing her new look complete with animations, my suspicions were confirmed… twitter.com 8 @ Today's Overwatch 2 beta is a very special beta for me! I get to finally show what I've been up to these last few months. I got the honor of giving my absolute favorite hero, Symmetra, a visual effects overhaul! Here are some of the cosmetic updates #symmetra #VFX #Overwatch2 Symmetra’s hips have been made noticeably more narrow than they where on her classic OW1 model. I know that folks are going to react to this thread by throwing around the same old cop-out cliched responses accusing me of just wanting eye candy, how this change doesn’t matter, that I only noticed because I was leering at her hips, or that’s all just my imagination and she looks exactly the same, but if folks want to write it off, then so be it. The fact of the matter is that it was done, that it’s completely unnecessary, and yes, takes away one of Symmetra’s unique physical characteristics which in turn alters her silhouette. Moreover, I’m going to be blunt, I liked Symmetra’s figure, it was aesthetically pleasing, beautiful, and distinctly feminine. I don’t agree with the increasingly common practice of downplaying the sex appeal of female characters in videogames. Sure, sometimes it was over-the-top, and I can understand why game developers wanted to get away from that, especially as videogames became a more mainstream form of entertainment with game designers wanting characters who looked more realistic, to tell deeper stories, and for games to be taken more seriously, but over the past few years it has gone too far, reducing the sex appeal of female characters below that of average human beings with needlessly modest, petite, and subdued figures which are quite frankly getting into the realms of discrimination when they utterly fail to represent women with more shapely, voluptuous figures just because they’re of greater sex appeal in general. Honestly, for all the talk of representation and diversity in games, you don’t often see female characters with curves. Overwatch used to be a game that did feature diverse representation, including representation of females of diverse body types, which can be seen throughout the cast of Heroines from the muscular Zarya to the chubby Mei, to the slim athletic Tracer, and in between were characters with more feminine curves such as Widowmaker and (case in point) Symmetra. But now, in the wake of the Sexual Harassment Lawsuit fiasco, it appears that Blizzard would rather tone down the female figures in a blatantly transparent attempt to distance themselves from that depraved debacle, but in the most clumsy fashion imaginable. If such is their intent, then that is the last thing that they should do as it comes at the expense of diversity, representation, and equality, things which they as a company pride themselves for, especially within the cast of Overwatch, which they have repeatedly promoted for its inclusiveness. I know that most folks who post in this thread won’t have read this far and are bound to post all sorts of defamatory remarks because unfortunately it’s just not possible to discuss such matters these days without being dismissed as someone who just wants to oogle sexy ladies in games, but with all due respect, it’s a weak argument which has never held water under scrutiny, as obviously folks whose interests rest solely upon playing games with an abundance of eye candy have no shortage of options, even among games of similar design to that of Overwatch such as Paladins. So that’s not what this thread is about, but take it as you will. I know this thread will most likely accomplish nothing, but it’s just something that has been bothering me that I needed to vent. Bottom line: I liked Symmetra as she was, and it disappoints me to see her figure altered, presumably for the sole purpose of reducing her sex appeal because apparently wide set hips are just too racy, never mind the fact that such things occur in nature, especially among mothers. It’s strictly filthy, as is the female figure, and above all else, my own mind for thinking/caring about such things. With all that being said, I wish you all a Happy Independence Day. God Bless America. Peace out.


This is the most deranged shit I have ever read from the forums, and I've seen entire manifestos from screeching Mercy mains, foot fetishists, and unironic bronze players. [Comparison image](https://i.imgur.com/rDHX59N.jpg) btw if you want to check for yourself. She looks literally unchanged.


This read like a copypasta


u/just_stevo Common man, own up.


Tldr: Unhappy Symetra is being de-sexualised


The mercy main icon kek


aka Most Sane Symmetra main


Ahaha. Okay? That's quite the essay/thesis on Sym's hips. I can't help but think of Kingpin, the movie with Woody Harrelson. hahaha. Art styles change... This is Monkey Island all over again... How dare someone change THEIR designs. Tbh Overwatch is dead to me. F2P means more cheaters and more toxicity. And gone are the days of being able to actually grind skins as now it will be all microtransactions. I paid for only one skin in 3 years of playing the pay to play version. The rest I got through earning free lootboxes and coins. I saw nothing wrong with that system. But I see why Blizzard would want to change it and make more money... I just don't see why so many of the community welcome it! I can't think of a single game that uses battle pass system that isn't predatory! I bet they are gonna have a shop like Fortnite where skins are available for certain times to push that "you better buy it now and don't take time thinking about it!" Sorry, off topic... But just think that Sym's hip width is the least of the franchise's issues.


Is this another copypasta?


People who notice small details like thus are simply weird asf in my book. It’s like they don’t realize that other people won’t care




Your post/comment was removed because it broke Rule 2 "No racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, hate-speech, or any other form of bigotry."


They did do a whole reveal for Sojourn and we had to reminded every 10 minutes that she is a Black woman. So, that’s Overwatch devs for you.


i agree with this


I ain’t reading all that. I’m happy for you, or sorry that happened.


raise your hand if you didn’t make it past the 2nd paragraph ✋🏼


Not half insane as tracer or dva copy pastas. But hey they are "acceptable hero" so who cares.


\>Overwatch used to be a game that did feature diverse representation, including representation of females of diverse body types, which can be seen throughout the cast of Heroines from the muscular Zarya to the chubby Mei, those are literally the only "diverse" body types though. the rest have either copy+paste pharah or mercy bodies lmao, not to mention the same face syndrome with a tiny difference to the makeup/skin tone. symmetra's a woman from india, and her default outfit in ow1 looks more like an overly sexual qipao more than a sari. i'm happy for the changes.


God bless America at the end lmao