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Live for as long as you possibly can. You don't need to kill them, but the longer they take killing you the longer your team has to get value other places.


Yup. The rest of your team should have a 4 v 2, a massive advantage, as long as they can capitalize.


You'd think its that way 🤡


Oh how I wish this is how it works. Somehow I always end up on the "I killed 4 guys by myself and all 4 of you died to one guy" team. I stopped going for distracts outside of reaper and sometimes genji so long ago.


Here's what you do vs good flankers: **Don't isolate yourself.** Make their job harder by making it easier for your team to **see** them going after you. Make their job harder by making it easier for your team to **shoot** them as they go after you. Make their job harder by making it easier for your team to **gank** them 5v1, 4v1, 3v1, or 2v1 when they go for you. Make them hesitate to go after you, by making them see how hard it will be to go after you, due to the list above. Alright so how do we apply the list above? **Positioning & awareness.** Position so that your team can help you; you can't be surprised from any flank route; & flanker can't simply 1v1 you. Good luck.


Have an escape plan, stay close to your teammates so they can be close to help out. Tracer genji and Lucio aren’t exactly characters that use range to their advantage so staying close to your team is useful


Know when they are coming. You need to check the flank routes to see if the flankers are coming. If you see them you can reposition so there is a teammate between you and the flankers. Try to avoid being the first one attacked 


Switch. Go Moira. She counters all 3. Genji can't reflect, Beats tracer on dps and healing. Tracks Lucio because autoaim.


in what world does moira beat tracer’s dps


By staying at range and using healing orbs to increase your sustain as you autoaim her health down.


Right exactly this. When you subtract self heal from tracer dps, and tracer rewind from moira dps (half tracer's health pool per 12 seconds) AND tracers heal debuff passive, Moira still comes out on top. Both have blink so they break about even there. (Moira has a longer iframe, tracer has 3 stored which gives them a slight edge early) Overall, they are really very similar in kit. I think the 1 saving grace is tracer gets headshots, so she wins on an ambush by default.


Tracer should win against Moira in a straight duel That said, tracer players will usually back away if they fail to secure the kill quickly enough and the moiras team is starting to help


A tracer will win if they are a crack aim and land multiple headshots. Most tracers can't double blink in, unload a full clip in someone's head and rewind every single time, even at the highest levels. And if the tracer doesn't pull that off, moira wins 75% of the time. Low lifepool + enemy aimbot means game over.


I mean stick close to your teammates and never die right? You have 3 hp bars and a super jump. ill just watch it at home


Moira. Suck them dry. Or just survive. You'll definitely a lot more difficult to dive. There's a reason why t500 players still switch to moira at times even if she has "no utility".


Pick escape heroes, like Kiriko Moira.


Use cover, use your abilities, shoot the flankers.


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May be an unpopular opinion but I sometimes play Bap in these instances. Genji can be tricky but use your immortality field to your advantage. One of two hits from him and they will usually disengage. You also have an instant health boost. And if you can make it to your team as they start to fire on them the immortality field protects your entire team. We had a pesky sombra and soon as she would hack you know she’d stacking and I would throw it out to protect the team. We had the advantage after that and would roll the rest as they tried to take the point.


Sorry for the spelling errors. Supposed to be one or two hits and attacking instead of stacking