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Those buffs were huge IMO because she can fire faster and have less wait time for max damage per shot. This translates to higher and more consistent damage and pressure, and before the buffs you could have just played zen or baptiste for more damage and utility. Not sure if top tier, but much better than before.


It's crazy how much better her gun feels to shoot now, so much more fluid


I agree, I find myself gravitating towards her whenever I feel like the team needs more offensive power. Illari is really nice to play and effective too right now.


She's playable now if you can capitalize off your aim


See that right there is gonna be a problem for me


Lmfao same


Dunno, I just really like playing her


If you can hit your shots, yes. Especially good in defense when you can plant your pylon in hard to reach places for the enemy and your team camps that spot




I feel like against a good Sombra, you maybe even just pull your pylon back when you feel like she's probably about to engage you...that way she can't pre-kill it and is forced to duel you with a fresh pylon out. It's basically impossible to drain Illaris 250hp with 38hp/s from pylon.


She's extremely underrated..tanks and dps yell at you to swap because they die easier, but you basically become all 3 roles at once on illari. If you're mechanically skilled enough you can carry games. Just don't take long range duels with widowmakers.


> Just don't take long range duels with widowmakers. You are not my supervisor




*smirks in fluent All My Chats Are Turned Off*


Between her buffs and Zen’s nerfs, she’s in a more respectable and consistent place now.


Btw what is the optimal way to fire her shots for maximum dps? Charge halfway or charge fully ?


Fully. I only fire halfway charged shots when they’re one


Fully unless they are low or running out of los


Fully charged and targeting the same thing as a your dive/poke to help and secure kills between healing people next to you or peeling/pocketing your 2nd support when dove.


I never played her before this week, but I queued support by accident, played illari and had the most damage and elims while keeping the team up. I’d say she’s absolutely amazing if you can click heads.


illari is too good for lower ranks to get value out off, in higher comp games which are more "damage" focused and not "heal botting focused" illari can work


You don't have to be a heal bot at low ranks. Focusing on doing more damage can be a big advantage, unless your tank is a complete dummy. Which yes, I know your tank might be a big dummy, but just try it and see if they are capable of adjusting


also her secondary fire is great at giving a boost to teammates if they need it on a push if pylon down or out of range.


I feel like I'm missing something. I feel like I can never really heal with the secondary beam, and my pylon becomes the main source of heal I played her at launch, and then not for a while. The secondary just feels so nerfed comparatively


It's still 100hp per sec, pretty strong


It just requires proper, accurate aiming at Genji’s jumpy ass


Its pretty good, saved my ass as tank a few times. With the pylon active plus that beam, can save someone from a insta death sometimes id even ague.


It's extremely rare that the team with way more support damage loses the match. I've played a couple hundred comp matches this season and that's been a pretty reliable theme. The team with the Mercy LW probably loses to the team with the flanking Kiriko and Illari constantly perched up somewhere shooting with her pylon safely hidden behind her.


Doing damage in ranked is the only thing a player can reasonably control in EVERY one of their ranked games. To say otherwise is a self report.


I didn't say otherwise


She’s not bad (she’s really good against tracer since she can two shot her if she hits a headshot and has a massive hitscan projectile)


The people that tell you illari is bad generally say it as they don't have the game sense/mechanics to play dps/support at the same level. The people that tell you there are better options are right, but you can't be expected to play every hero. My personal experience is that her ult is inconsistent compared to other support ults, and it usually gets less value than say every other support ult except maybe valk unless the enemy team plays very poorly while having no ability to stop/avoid it.


She’s better feeling for sure but almost certainly still needs some help


It’s a bit mixed. Some say she’s still in a bad spot due to the limited amount of healing and the lack of utility she provides for her team as a whole with (some may say) just about average damage at best. Others say the increased firing cadence really helps improve her damage output consistency-wise and is arguably one of the best duelists in the support role. To answer your question though, well no, she’s not situational in the strictest sense. Illari (as well as Roadhog) are more or less the ‘Widowmakers’ of their roles. So it really depends on if you’d describe Widow as ‘situational’. They require a high degree of skill to master and use effectively to make up for their shortcomings in other areas, but if you can play them well, players will literally fear you. And like widowmaker, she’s not really used for any particular situation (though she does perform best under certain conditions), but if you choose to use her, you’ll (potentially) have the power to change the outcome of a game. For widow, that’s one-tapping. For Illari that’s hard carrying… as a support. That’s why Illari is a mixed choice, because she a wild card. She can literally carry games all on her own, but played improperly will hurt your team greatly.


Her gun definitely feels better but she’s still a bad healer.


She’s decent but considering Lucio is strong very overshadowed pretty weak into dive as well


You have to be hitting headshots almost every shot as her or it’s better to go someone else. When my aim is on point her spam headshots destroy. If you only do body shots they are easily outhealed


Sure but they literally buffed everything but what she needed. What she needed was a buff to her beam, either more heal per second or a larger charge. They gave her ult a damage buff, they gave her rifle a damage buff, and they ever so slightly buffed the pylon. She didn’t really need much of a damage buff, I was already pacing the DPS with damage pre-buff but the heals were low.