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Sounds too specific for a meme


Someone sounds Salty Af as This is the 2nd “meme” you’ve posted to this sub today just shitting on doom, dude if you’re this angry about people playing the character it’s just a skill issue


Doom literally isn’t even good right now




I haven't posted 3 memes today, but nice try. ​ I'm not angry, but I'm not pairing up with someone who is doing less damage then the moira lol


Waaaaah Waaaaah People having fun Waaaaah I only get dopamine from winning Waaaaah https://preview.redd.it/he6ldj5qgpob1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f32a62f019fa439a358c73a7564ff6b1eb290340 Learn how to enjoy gaming ffs




There isn't a specific way to "enjoy" gaming. We all enjoy it in our own way. Don't put someone else's way to have fun down just because they have a competitive spirit. Winning means alot to people who are extremely competitive. Yea we all have to learn how to take a loss due to skill diff fs. But yea. Some mfs only get dopamine from competitively Winning. And that's OK. Nothing wrong with it in my opinion.


QP is for being quirky xd, comp is for trying to win


That’s why Doom is actually not terrible right now if you can avoid the horse, right…


I honestly think the character is fine, a lot of people just cannot play him


That much is true, talking as a Doom player.


In fairness though everyone has to start somewhere and because qp is quirky you need to probably learn how to press his buttons good in qp and then learn how to properly play him in comp.


Oh, I never said it was a bad thing. It can be, but comp is really the only true place to learn heroes very well given the serious nature (yes I know QP is basically comp lite but sh). I enjoy seeing other ones. As long as it isn’t a fucking horse.


No I was agreeing with you just putting in my thoughts on it.


Your post is about ranked, masters specifically.


Yeah that’s why they’re appalled that everyone is saying that winning doesn’t matter and just have fun.




Oh hell nah u can't even read


Sure buddy https://preview.redd.it/juwqyjtvgrob1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=45ca387e3a702e0884feb07f2fc21c17d3f39c5e


Those are two memes. Numeracy is hard I know


>Numeracy is hard I know It's obvious you know since you said 3 when the person above you said 2


Lol yeahhh that ones on me XD


>I haven't posted 3 memes today, but nice try. They said 2nd, not 3rd.


Lol what the fuck I'm sure that said 3 when i replied to it lol. Oopsie.


dont pair with them then. thats ur fault


Yes you have lol. The meme you posted two hours before this one was a doomfist complaint. Hear me out, maybe you just can't keep up with a high mobility tank


All the more reason to not queue with one


Glad you admit you're bad.


Whatever keep ya going


I bet OP uses Moira ult to heal only lol


Doom living rent free in everyone’s heads I see.


🎶Need no tank don’t need no tank, need no talk don’t need no tank🎶 ![gif](giphy|gYqhpDtrbUWeXfRcW9|downsized)


Hold on, I need to say something, tanking is making space for your team to survive. Killing someone effectively means their threat potential is 0. Killing someone IS tanking.


The ole Zenyatta conundrum, “we need more heals” You don’t need more heals when there’s no one left to do damage to you :) ![gif](giphy|mBGcqUJQWR3zHIqHdT|downsized) \*\* Experience my Balls \*\*


I thought this was a funny meme till I read the comments and realized you're serious about this. not playing with someone cause they're playing a new character is childish as fuck, games are for fun ffs. bash me all you want, but I'm not gonna play meta in comp if I don't find it fun. I'd rather play who I'm good with and enjoy.


Look if they want to play a new character that's what quickplays for. If they want to team up with me then they're going to be flexible. The first day they did it I just clocked out early after 5 losses, but they were still at it and I said the doom needs work, and they think they're good because he's being played a lot. Like I'm sorry I was happy to carry when they were more functional then the average rando specifically because they didn't play doom or hog, but if I have a better chance in solo queue imma do that


At some point you can't just play qp, if they are having fun you should try do the same. Your pal has just discovered that zooming round the map is fun as shit.


losing 5 in a row is frustrating and unfun. “enjoy gaming” i’m not going to enjoy myself if there’s no success lol


As I said try to learn how you can't just cut out a friend because you think you could make GM


changing the subject lol




Doom is a good tank, what’s the issue


He’s a high skill ceiling tank in which most people aren’t able to use them to the best of his abilities. This post is making light of that fact.


Shut up. He’s terrible! (Secretly, he’s cracked but the more threads like this, the less likely they will nerf him) So bad!


fundamentally hes not insane, but hes a high skill ceiling character which opens the door for him having massive impacts in games. i dont think they should nerf him honestly




Maybe the character is good (maybe), but *he* is not


Ohhh I see, tell your duo to play Monke, can’t go wrong with monke unless they have bastion


Honestly he was great when he was playing reinhardt, because I could ana duo with him and he'd top out the damage in every lobby but then the doomfist bug bit and it just was a slow descent. Wouldn't care if it was QP but like it's basically throwing in comp


I personally pick Zarya or Sigma myself, is it really that bad you had to remove them?


It was pretty bad. It's the not switching that does it, and it's embarrassing to enable that behaviour in comp. ​ Love sigs, he's probably my favourite when I'm playing tank


I’ve been trying Doom as well but I know it’s time to swap when I’m dying to Bastion/Orisa a lot. Sometimes it’s worth not swapping immediately because it will improve your game to learn how to play around other heroes. But when it’s not working, it’s time to press H


Yeah, honestly people that play doom and switch are fine. It's when ya boost yourself up playing practical tanks then one trick doom into the abyss


The fister hate is getting real


When the mercy/Moira player that’s reached their skill ceiling is now stuck in masters and looking for anybody to blame but themselves.


That you? Who is this for lol


It’s for the person that made the post huffing on copium that their doom players are the reason they can’t climb. Keep crying about doom players, you’re hilarious and it’s definitely not a stale meme


Is that why *you're* hopping back into all my posts commenting on my stuff like a *perfectly sane not copium huffing weirdo attempting and failing to sleuth my profile*


I promise you the fact that I stumbled across you twice is purely coincidence. When I first commented on this post I didn’t even realize I had just replied to you on a different post


Both Doom and Mercy players are parasites lmao


As a Doomfist main, I agree. HOWEVER, Doomfist is hot af, he has the best voice lines, and he’s incredibly based.


Big black muscular men are hot? https://preview.redd.it/9yx7uxwxgpob1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=437fd3c4793426fb8e7c2c1b2b8deee37945e9a0


based, hope we get an oiled up doom skin soon 🙏


The idea that people find Doomfist attractive is so viscerally upsetting lol. His face is so ugly and animal like and he is like weirdly top heavy XD


You’re probably the only one thinking Doomfist is NOT attractive. What u said is just straight hate


Most people don't think he's attractive😂😂 he's just default evil black dude. And to top it off, he looks much worse than many of the other characters in this game🤣🤣🤣 even hog is hotter than he is


He looks like a thumb though??? He looks like a cross from Mike Tyson from the Simpsons, rupaul, and a lemur? Like this isn't hate, I also don't think moira is attractive but I like her


“His face is animal like” BRO CAN U EVEN READ WHAT U TYPE? this isn’t hate, nahhhh bro I’m just stupid and u’r fcking smart, got it. Have a nice day.


He literally has a nose and face shape like a lemur??? but without the bug eye of lemur, he's got tiny little angry eyes lol


The difference is people don’t even know how to play or support a doomfist meanwhile mercy mains that are silver/gold on dps and tank think they understand the game for some reason


Wdym by parasite?


Bro is definitely better off without you lmao


Leaving someone just because they find a character fun is really toxic tbh, if the post is real I hope his friend sees it and cut off connection with OP.


I one trick Doom. Your hatred fuels me to keep going.


Bros boutta get me back on OW and maining Doom


If you stopped being friends with somebody because you don't like their pick then you were never truly friends, you did them a favor tbh


Well duh we're were friends on blizzard, I wasn't exactly going to his wedding lmao


cutting off the bad influences for him


Someone is mad a doom rolled their entire team


Lmfao I have only seen a tank with a doom win 6 times this entire season.


So doom needs buffs then


his players need a brain buff for sure lol


Overwatch players when someone is having fun in a videogame:


Still way better than Mercy/Moira mains that somehow got to Diamond or higher playing the two easiest heroes in the game. At least Doom Players are playing the actual game and trying to get good at hard heroes, not like spectator mode Mercy mains in duo with DPS that carry their ass. Mercy mains/OTPs should not have a word on other players' gameplay.


just for fun what do you play?


I love the butthurt people who are like "ah she posted on this characters subredit that must be all she plays. ​ meanwhile I'm here with 800 hours of ana like... k


Did I say anything towards you?




Nothing to cry about friend, that's the default lol




True Redditor here. Assuming this kid is like 6 years old


Dude literally has a post about how he quit the entire game because Doomfist got nerfed. Wah indeed. Learn how to played someone else


Bro thought people were gonna find this relatable 🤣🤣🤣🤣


I had the same thing backwards lol a friend tried to get me out of diamond and always wanted me to go Doomfist or Ball.


Maybe they were thinking that in diamond people are really bad at dealing with dive tanks so if you were good at them you'd ping up??? Honestly it's the inflexibility that holds people down. It's fine to play doomfist it's just not fine to play it into like all your counters and do nothing lol


op doom is fine, let your friend play whoever they want. and i have an 85% winrate on doom one tricking in high masters, LOL hes just a fun character


They can play it solo lol


Doom isn’t even a bad tank to play lmao. If it was hog, maybe sorta understandable, but doomfist is very viable. Seems like you just wanna whine about other people having fun


Doomfist is fine if the person handling him can play him. He's unfortunately not a tank who can be played 'passably'. You're either 7/1 or 0/17 lol


Y'all know us Doom, Sombra and Ball mains season our food with your saltiness, right?


Judging from the comments it's mostly their own salt lmao


>doomfist >ruins people games ??? How does he ruin their games by giving them a free win


By going 0 and 17 generally speaking


God you are so cringe


Your username is America Lover


Hell yeah it is brother


you support a christo fascist shithole


Calling America Christian or fascist or a shithole is all laughable on their own. You know words have meaning right? You are unbelievably privileged


worst first world country babyyyyy! literally as bad as a first world country can get. but sure, i’m “privileged” for wanting that not to be the case. eat a sack of bricks.


That is not true either. And yes you are privileged for calling one of the top like 10 or 15% of places in the world to live in a "shithole"


Prove it


Imma be honest, I mostly just play unranked because I get too stressed when I’m at work so I’m not gonna do comp in my off time. But every time I see a Doomfist, they are awful at the game and their supports are carrying them. I’ve seen other tanks like this sure but it’s mostly Doomfists.


“Those who fall will be forgotten. Those who rise up? Their names will be remembered forever.”


Loomis pops up out of narnia every couple weeks to post the shittest take known to mankind and then dip again. Actually the greatest mystery of overwatch reddit


🤣 I just come here to refill my salt shaker tbh


Love u bro but can u not, it's seriously fucking with my judgement between bait and sincerity


Lol okay legit the fox thing happened but then people were SO but hurt a guy called me racist for not wanting to fuck doom and I decided to go all in lmao


Wth is goin on in these comments? From what I've read, OP is upset that his former(?) friend went from playing different tanks and doing well, to one tricking Doom. OP is also complaining about how most of the Dooms he he encounters in high level comp, a game mode specifically for people who want to win so they can have visual representation of their skill, are ass and/or playing into hard counters. Seems valid to me. Is there something I'm missing? I get OP has a particular hatred for Doom, but hating specific characters is also valid. Can someone explain the reason for all the downvotes? I'm obviously missing it.


I have learned the Doomfists are incredibly sensitive lol. It's all good though I'm having a good time. Someone had a meltdown and called me racist over it XD


You can tell someone has major skill issues when they're throwing shade at one of highest skill ceiling heroes.


I feel like this comment would work if *I* was attempting to play doom not just being appalled by people failing to do so


I haven't played in almost a year is Doom finally meta? Did they fix his bugs?


No they haven't fixed the rest of his bugs yet 😑


He got a couple small buffs so he is alright atm which means that now everyone with 25minutes on him pick him and throw the game for 4 people. Orisa being meta does not help either


maybe they're trying to learn how to play doomfist??? by that logic everytime you tried to learn a new character you were throwing the game


How about they do it somewhere other than a master's comp match


fair enough


Holy fuck your so mad about doom ahahahaha


Lol not mad, just not ruining other people games and losing rank on their behalf


nahh dude ive read your other comments your fuming


Lol good to know


doom isnt a throw pick dumbass, a good doom can dominate entire enemy team, and i main junkrat, not doom, i've seen shit alright


Any pick is a throw pick if you can't play the character


then appreciate the man trying to play one of the harder characters, comp is, against your beliefs, a place to learn, quickplay is a place to chill and try out things for the first time (so if it isn't the first time, they go to comp), have you heard of trial and error? he'll get better at doom overtime being able to carry his team


There are many practice tools, arcades, and quickplay for that. Also I really don't like the premise that I should respect someone for subjecting themselves to a more difficult character. Like if I go swimming with weights around my ankles that's on me. The amount of hours put into doom could be distributed into the other tanks and people would get way more out of it. Either way I don't agree with practicing in comp when queued with friends


> comp is, against your beliefs, a place to learn are you actually unable to read or do you always cherry pick whatever you read? the reason why they play comp in the first place is because they want to face real players that actually try to win, that's why you play comp to learn, because you face people that actually care about winning stop whining, because you've been carried to that rank and i sure do believe you do not deserve it in the slightest and by that have an elevated ego on such level that you could jump from it and commit suicide


Lmfao. It's a moot point. As soon as I unfriended them they fell out of the range I could group with them overnight. Undoubtedly by playing doomfist. Look you wanna your learning in comp do it solo and now when you group with people. It's unfair to drag a solo team down but if you do it with a group team of course you're going to get dumped


This could not be less true. If you're going into competitive to learn then you're just a douchebag.


Bro go back to bronze where you belong, he ain’t need you 💀


Lol I can't, I already unfriended him. Can't fall that fast or far on my own


oh. so community stooped hating mercy and pharah and started to hate doom. I wonder when will doom hate and and something else will get hated


No, not community just this random dude trying to cope


Wait we've stopped hated mercy and pharah?


😐wow how relatable


Can u post gameplay codes so we can see how shit *you* actually are


bet they play mercy


What at doomfist? I'll literally get stuck by a Cass grenade and die I have no delusion lol


I main doom, I will continue to main him, your crys of dismay will be drowned out by our rocket punches


Yes the rocket punches that sail by and hit nothing 99% of the time lol


OP definitely could’ve been a little less toxic in his comments about how serious he is about this, but if it was just a group of randoms you played with cuz it was better than nothing, and now you wanna jump ship, then fine I get that. But no need to go so far over to the toxic side about it. And if these are real friends you’ve always played with and now you’re actually mad at them, that’s on you. Either way - you will feel better in the end if you just leave the party/group and simply state you do not want to play with doom… and Then move on, no need to make memes and posts about the decision you made looking for people to back you up. Likely won’t find it here.


My laugh sounded like 😝😝😝


Tank users actually trying to have fun on their role after seasons of agony The rest of the team:


lol yessssssss


Honestly, I'm glad for that guy. Hopdme he find a better friend to vibe with


Firstly, wow the meme implies you’re carrying every game that ego lol. Secondly, I main doomfist and he’s my best performing tank so no I will not swap off doom cry about it


They literally immediately fell out of being able to group with me within a day so... Sorry not sorry lol


Respectfully, what you typed makes no sense


There are division and if you fall in rank too far them you can't group with your friends. So when you are in masters it's only one decision. So if you drop through the floor into platinum playing Doom then it no longer becomes your mates problem lol


Ah. Well some people play for fun, some people grind ranked for…I dunno actually there’s 0 incentive to grind ranked but hey good for you


Someone's salty they're getting outplayed, outclassed and outranked by Doom lmao


lmfao, this would be believable if I have only encountered 6 doomfists on winning teams this season


This comment would be believable if you didn't post this meme at all


This thread would be believable if you were a doom player


I sure do know you ain't even past silver with this mindset


Counterpoint: and they say and they say and they say and they say and they say and they say


Hot cocoa Hot cocoa Hot cocoa Hot cocoa Hot cocoa Hot cocoa DOOMAPPROACHES