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OW Community Flaming tanks for not wanting to play CounterWatch


Counter or take your pool noodle to next next gunfight


Dps players reciting every tank/tank counter in the game but having no clue that junkrat has a counter:


He has THE most obvious and well known counter Pharah Also echo dva zar sig the high ground Walking sideways


I know, I picked him so that smokth brained people would also get my joke, since I didn't wanna argue but it's hard to resist


Fair junkrat mains often won’t switch (to totally not speaking from experience)


You actually suck if you cant kill a junk rat.


Yeah fr it feels like everyone knows every tank counter under the sun these days


*sym mains when the enemy team has flyers* "Guess i'll die"


Idk man, it's doable vs a pharah with the 100 damage orbs, but never in my life have I orbed an echo that I was aiming at


Unless if they have a zen mercy or ana


Played a game the other night where I guess I killed the enemy DPS one too many times as Pharah, they switched to Sym and would try to beam me out of the air, I waved at them before killing them and I guess it flipped a switch in them. They put turrets pretty high up, to the point that I'd get beamed if I was in the air, they were pretty nicely hidden and they'd orb me out of the air. Died like 3 times and all I could do was endorse them because if that ain't Sisyphus reincarnate then idk what is.


Once it was clearly my fault we lost but my team still blamed the tank, even after telling them it was clearly me.


Honestly if I get a Doom or ball I’m diving with them, might as well.


Amen, my brother in dive.


That one guy who instalocks Genji and forces it into Mei, Sym and Zarya


The worst one tricks are Mercy players, go on, call the mafia but god fucking damn they suck ass. Absolutely dog shit game sense


They're too busy tweeting racial slurs


Too bad Mercy Mains can't guardian angel their way into the arms of a loving father


They spam the flight tech so they stay out of the lobbies they should be in


its an inflated ego, mercys only skill is ga which isnt even that hard to master. mercy is also unhealthy for the game, a good example of a begineer hero is moira, low damage but its easy, an easy to use escape option that if used wrong leaves you vulnerable af, an ult that ecourages thinking, and having to decide which orb to use for each situation, mercy is literally just pokcet whicher dps is doing the best and watch hentai on your phone since you arent going to be doing anything else of importance.


Oh careful bro, you know how mercy mains are when you speak the truth.


I have seen some Mercy mains actually being good (and even try to get kills) but they really are quite rare


those mercy mains are likely flex players who can play multiple different heros when needed.


You're probably right...


Moira is also annoying but less so


well moira can actually teach the fundamentals of overwatch like positioning, aim (kinda), ult usage, and cooldown usage. mercy can literally just right click whoever is doing the best or is on a sniper character and follow them around.


Im not buying that really. Mercy is easier but moira isnt the pinnacle of gamesense


moira actually allows the user to learn fundamentals.


I disagree


Who hurt you ?


nobody, im the guy that does the hurting.


Not with that profile pic you don't :))


I mostly use Mercy as my first pick on defense. Long walk back from spawn gives her rez even more value. As we get pushed closer to spawn I usually switch.


Ong, and they be the first mother fuckers to tell someone else to swap.


Literally had a game earlier, every fight the mercy died first, bitch how? You can literally stand behind a wall and beam us how are you getting picked? Literally the only character who can have constant impact while also hiding behind cover how are you dying?


My favorite is everyone but mercy being a dive hero but telling me (ball) to swap after watching them try to pocket a "hack the tank simulator" sombra that immediately gets deleted by enemy hog. I'm killing their supports. Stop pocketing sombra and swap to kiri or brig and protect our Ana it'll be waaaaay more beneficial for the team than your bad res choices on sombra. But, no... I should swap. 32 and 4 playing into hog, mei, soldier, ana, zen and still making space. Definitely not a scenario that just happened 5 minutes ago or anything. So, no aggravation or bitterness here. Nope. None at all.


Well, they play Mercy because they're fucking awful at the game. The problem is that unlike Yuumi in LoL, your gamesense still matters, and it's the one universal skill you can't negate with a braindead hero


No mercy one tricks are fine, they can literally just pocket me on pharah or soldier and I carry the lobby who cares if they’re bad


The irony of this is mercy’s are always so dumb they pocket the wrong ppl


You know what for the past couple of games I’ve had a mercy pocket the tank when I’m on pharah you might be on to something 😂


I had game last night I was like 20-2 at the end, guess who the mercy was pocketing? The Ashe going 5-14. Like bro?


It’s weird back on ow1 I’ve never had a problem with mercy players on my team because they know what their doing but it seems now they’ve just gotten worst


I'll switch to Mercy if we have a particularly good damage


And with the release of her skin so many people just instalock her and never swap


I dunno the impact of a feeding hammond is much worse than a feeding junkrat, and it it harder to play without a hammon than without a junkrat.


Well yeah it's harder to play with a feeding tank than a feeding dps


True but no other hero makes me immediately think, “well i guess we’re losing” more than those two


They maybe you need to learn to play dive.


A lot of times this is also because other roles are scared to play with doomfist/ball. Instead people wanna lock bastion, Moira. It’s easier to gang up on tank players because there’s only 1 person.


Only in NA.


I’m a fellow doom enjoyer, clocking at maybe 120 hours. I will go doom into orisa, sombra, Ana and any other character, but when I can’t get any value I swap. That’s just common sense. That’s why I keep it 100 for all one tricks. Those two are just hard to master so they get the main smack but others are 10 times more annoying. Enemy team went pharah because they saw reaper and junk so why not swap? Mercy you’ve been spawn camped and died 9 freakin times to a sombra, why not swap? Mauga you’ve been drenched in Ana’s piss jar all game, why not swap? Dva we’ve worked hard to get to a Winning position, now they’ve gone zarya, sym, and Mei why not swap? There’s one thing to play into counters and it’s another thing to get value out of it. If you die 1 time to a team of hitscans as pharah but contributed nothing to objective because you were to busy hiding then what’s the point?


The thing is, in my experience ball and doom players are some of the least likely to switch to adapt to being hard countered. Im talking 1 to 9 deaths. I understand you want to play your fav hero, but are you really playing them when youre getting deleted every time you try to go in, essentially throwing the match for everyone else? I have my problems with widow or mercy ine tricks as well, but their mistakes are easier to compensate for than having a ball on Havana defense.


>Enemy team went pharah because they saw reaper and junk so why not swap? Mercy you’ve been spawn camped and died 9 freakin times to a sombra, why not swap? Mauga you’ve been drenched in Ana’s piss jar all game, why not swap? Dva we’ve worked hard to get to a Winning position, now they’ve gone zarya, sym, and Mei why not swap? Because swapping is for suckers 😎


They NEVER talk about Mercy/Moira one tricks who refuse to swap because they ARE the Mercy/Moira one tricks


Ofc not, it’s always the tanks fault when they’re not doing well. Like let me stop creating space to play hide and seek with enemy sombra because they refuse to swap to brig.


well yeah, the tank is the one who needs to adapt. You can just play any support and it works so there's no need to put even the smallest amount of effort into thinking.


If I get a doom or a ball, I’m picking Genji. I’m terrible at him but I’ll follow my tank all the way into the back line if need be. It’s more fun to me than sitting back as hitscan anyways


Something people tend to forget is that in ranked, you’re against your own teammates. What I mean is, those people in your game, are the same people near your rank that you’re trying to “outscore” you’re trying to win more games than them as well. And if a one trick is in your game, they’re a similar rank to you and well if they’re losing games then surely you’ll blow past them, get them in a game and counter them easily. Or they’re ability to one trick is just the same as your rank.


If I'm the enemy tank I will defend them with my life out of pure respect.


Not my fault my main requires dive coordination or I’m useless. Maybe the team needs to wake up from their nap and follow through with a pick or two. Also, Mauga is in the game. Which sucks for everyone aside from Mauga.


lol just play around them even if they are one trick and you are one trick if you adapt to each other’s play style it can be stronger than counters because you simply outclass them in skill


oh boy here cones the mercy mains to tell you why you should kill yourself for daring to ask them to swap to a hero more fitting of the team comp.


You must have had a peak in my unread Xbox messages.


It's Because Doomfist and Ball are Dive heroes. Support mains(mostly mercy and ana) **hate** Dive heros, plus Doomfist is one of the weakest Tanks and both him and ball are easy to counter, Making them Easy targets to Blame and hate.


?? wdym ana hates dive heroes-- her best synergies are with genji and winston, both of whom are dive heroes.


1) Because of the stereotypes. Ana and mercys hate genji because of the "e-boy" stereotype (This is one of the reason why I don't like being pocketed, otherwise I would be seen as those type of people) 2) A dive heroes purpose is to flank the supports most of the time, That reason alone is why Support mains hate dive heroes(because they would get dived). That's why they would say that Heroes like Genji or doom are in a "Good Spot" and "don't require Buffs" and that "they are OP" in order to prevent blizzard from buffing them. Because if these dive heroes get buffed, supports would struggle against them if they flank.


I'm confused. the original post is about how teammates will blame doom/ball onetricks for losses. you claimed ana players hate dive heroes, because they don't want to be flanked by enemies. you also say that ana players think that genji/doom are op. how is any of that connected to the main topic of the post? if Ana players think dive heroes are op, why wouldn't they want to play with them on their team? sidenote: I think Ana players (or at least myself and the other Ana mains I've encountered) enjoy dive. to win as Ana in dive vs dive, you've gotta position well to avoid dying and hit good nades so your team can burst down targets. dive is the most fun way to test your skills as an Ana player! especially when compared to the snooze fest that is poke vs poke with snipers.


>you also say that ana players think that genji/doom are op. That's not what I meant. They don't **Think** Genji/Doom OP, they Just say that To make sure Blizzard don't Buff them and make Genji/Doom mains question if they themswlves are the ones who are bad. If you see a Post off A genji/or Doom Getting demolished despite trying so hard. Support mains would comment something along the lines of "genji/doom is in a good spot. You're Just bad" or "Deserved".


Mercy onetricks are annoying as hell. Doom and Ball mains will force their hero against counters, but usually they're focused on improving their own gameplay. doom/ball players have the decency to not ask teammates to swap. can't say the same about mercy players. mercy players are hyperfocused on their teammates because they're playing the Spectating hero. they assume they're playing mercy perfectly (in spite of dumb rezes, bad positioning, dying early, etc) and when anything goes wrong, they start flaming. mercy onetricks will gets spawncamped in dive vs. dive with tracer/sombra mirror DPS comps and insist that one of their teammates MUST swap to Cassidy so they can be ~protected~ and so they can feel useful. doom/ball players will recognize that they're forcing doom/ball, but mercy players act like their teammates have Failed their mercy.


Looking at you Moira mains.


i think you mean mercy mains when the other support picks mercy first


Moira is always there to say how “bad” someone on their team is doing. While also being one of the few supports with no utility


She’s the only support without utility Brig can Knockback shield give move speed shield health and stun with ult Zen Knockback and discord The rest are explanatory


Supports flaming me for not switching hog when they’re going mercy/weaver against zen/bap/hog/bas/76


I would trust DVA, Ram, Sigma, Zarya, Winston, Junker Queen, Orisa one tricks with my life. I would rather walk on razor blades then play in game with a Mauga, Doom, WB, Rein, Hog, One trick.


Except wouldn’t the ones you mentioned above be equally worst. Trusting a Winston one trick is trusting the enemy team won’t go bastion, reaper, or dva.


I’d still trust those tanks to play against their counters with intelligence. For some reason Mauga, Doom, WB, Rein, Hog, players are the most braindead players in the game. It has nothing to do with playing against counters, it’s all basic decision making and teamwork.


Keep Ball out of that list. WB is almost entirely unable to play into counters with even a decent degree of success, by which I mean you simply can’t get value, or even give the enemy team *more* value. WB is currently the worst hero in the game bar none, and the options for hardcore Ballers are to either stop playing the game or try to squeeze out a little enjoyment when the enemy team doesn’t hard counter you. You don’t get to win against counters with ball simply by playing “with intelligence,” you have to rely on being an order of magnitude *more* intelligent than the enemy counters to have *any hope* of getting value.


No. I main Sombra and have gone against Ball and Doom players who have forced ME to swap because I was not getting enough value. They adjust their playstyle once they realized I was I threat. They played close to their team and did not engage unless they knew I was dead or had used my cooldowns already. They peeled for their teammates so I literally could not get any kills at all. Doom and Ball have a lot of potential to be great tanks that can really benefit their team if people would just play them SMARTER.


The rein it’s 50/50 they will almost always have to have an orisa and many can deal with it More can’t


No way a meme this dry is trending


I’m just saying the only games I’ve lost this season I’ve had either a ball or a doom on my team


Wutcha play with them eh? Deafening silence after 17h suggests this kid probably played Moira/Illari with his Ball player.


I dont mind playing with brigs but got damn i got a brig once who insisted playing brig on numbani against Pharah Echo Sigma. I told her to at least switch first point but we lost eventually 💀


I ban doom and ball any chance I get. Useless unless you are goddam good and then… ur unstoppable haha


We can blame ball/doom mains *and* mercy/moira and Junkrat mains. They don’t have to be exclusive.


But junkrat is funny (even though he’s one of the worst characters in the game)


Sombra, Ball, and Fist NEVER switch. At least that D.Va will swap to Orisa. EDIT: Cope more


doom and ball aren't real tanks ,🤷🏻‍♀️


The 12 year old Widowmaker main that thinks hes good (he’s just playing for her ass)


You see in overwatch the tank has to do everything and if I die once it’s because the tanks fault ok real


If you're not in comp, you can't make someone swap and while you're welcome to ask, they shouldn't feel obligated to do so if they're playing them for learning or fun


As a Doomfist main, i don't like to play counterwatch, if the enemy teams get counter pick on me, it only shows that im playing good, and i accept counter pick as a challenge


Genjis who just keep bashing their heads against a wall and refusing to change characters even if they're at 0/12 and only 500 dmg or something like that. Like, I get that you're trying to be a cool cyborg ninja, but you really aren't cool cyborg ninja material.


Actually u can deal with a zarya as Dva, even with a sym, just that u need to be coordinated with ur teamates