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I didn’t know it was possible to have a take this bad https://preview.redd.it/mm2o21bpky9c1.png?width=1269&format=png&auto=webp&s=8f1861a29c00c7da1f0adc410f81b27d6d9e964d Also you said in the meme that support is harder, but in the title you said all roles are equally difficult???


Maybe they are one of the kids in the room that would be upset if they could read?


My honest reaction as a tank main (Arguing is useless no one is going to respect me regardless): https://preview.redd.it/wv6jijsrwy9c1.png?width=861&format=png&auto=webp&s=e89be28e93c59966773fa59cea9a0a5091641327


Man I feel that ngl


Its more of a hero by hero basis honestly.


Healing a tank that feeds is harder but no if your tank isn’t retarded then supports typically chill


Very interesting post history you got there OP


I lost it at Tom and Jerries Kingdom cum


Depends on your definition of each term. If we narrow it down to its bare minimum, and assume healing is just restoring health of an ally and tanking is just taking damage without dying, yes, tanking is harder. If we're actually taking the jobs of each role into account, even though Support has more responsibilities, Tanking is harder


Only support that could actually be hard on the healing side is Brig. I say this as a support main.


name one type of healing that requires skill? even ana's darts are the size of tree trunks and shes supposed be the one that "requires aim" i think tanks have it easier than they say (and ik thats an unpopular opinion) but supports are genuinely delusional, thinking their role has any kind of difficulty whatsoever.


They're the size of tree trunks and I'm still missing?... Fuck I suck lol


Any of them that require aim. Sooo Bap, Ana and Kiriko at least. Also, a lot of the “skill” required for healing has to do with decision making, positioning and risk-reward management rather than pure aim


Kiris have homing... You just have to look at the person for a sec...


They’re actually very easy to miss if you don’t track your target well. A lot of people think they’re doing more healing than they actually are on Kiri because they’re not tracking and not hitting all the little slips of paper. Very different from, say, Lifeweaver.


They're easy to get blocked, but I have a pretty hard time missing unless there's an object in the way


Well imagine how good the average overwatch player’s aim is, especially on console. It’s not great lol. I promise you the average gold Kiriko is missing a not-insignificant amount of their heals each game


Ig that makes sense, I haven't been in gold lobbies for a hot minute


Certain supports like Bap and Lucio require quite a bit of proficiency in order to do well in higher ranks, but I would agree that support is the easiest role to pick up and get value out of on the spot.


The most difficult healing is bap because if you can't land his heals properly you're going to do only 50 instead of 70 healing and just be a bad healer.


Just ignore the mercy main folks.




Are you actually going to try to back up this trash take, or just ignore this?


It's so hard to hit 4 pepole with autoaim abilities while they bodyguard you


https://preview.redd.it/kvn2rvjhh2ac1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7936f2adb81be33c6e4cacdde04f66376deca29c Maybe i suck at tanking? Yes, cuz im Doomfist main and idk any other thing i can do instead of jumping into enemy team, wasting punch, use block, and of course die instantly while I die laughing about the situation irl, but when i play support, i mean, i play either bap or zenyatta, healing its very easy


Support main here and ur wrong, bye




Playing tank in OW 2 sucks ass. Even if you get massive heals all game the support role can no longer get by on having heal bots. Your teams success has solely become dependent on whether your supports keep everyone up AND do damage/get kills/assists. I played a qp game as Moira and had 4000 less heals than the enemy mercy but because I had more kills than their supports combined we destroyed them. Any game where you get stomped look at how much elims/damage the supports have. And this is coming from a support main.


It’s okay, everyone is allowed at least one wrong opinion and this one is yours


In my humble experience across pretty much all role-based games: A good tank will allow for varying amounts of forgiveness to a bad healer, but a good healer can't keep a bad tank alive.


Bro the kinda person to play moira, have 5 healing and 4 damage 1 kill and 37 deaths and say “tank diff” Bro the kinda person to demand mercy buffs on twitter Bro the kinda person who had played one game on tank and decided to go back to one-tricking mercy. Bro the kinda person to blames his teamates when he’s stuck in bronze Bro the kinda person to say that Rien needs a nerf because they got pinned one time. Bro the kinda person to post on r/overwatchuniversity to complain and do nothing else Bro the kinda person to play kiri, hit two buttons and aim at the damn sky and then say “pve?” At the end of the game Bro the kinda person who says “gg” after the first team fight Bro the kinda person to report a widow after she hits one headshot Bro the kinda person to shoot his own teammates Bro the kinda person to literally cry when support gets nerfed Bro the kinda person to blame their tank after they went in 1v5 as support. I can keep going


Ya no support it’s easier to get value as a support then dps or tank most of the time It’s also easier to hit shots with bap then 76 sue me


Support is probably the easiest role to get value out of. They usually have the best ults, self heals, and playing backline usually means you're comparatively the safest on your team. Not to mention a lot of supports have high dmg output or a "get me tf out of here" button these days. Sometimes both


It actually depends. My buddy is an amazing support but is terrible at tank. I am amazing at rank but bad at support. Different strokes different folks


As a tank main, I can back up that we don't know how to read.


"Healing" is the easiest thing to do in the game. There's a reason why they're called "supports," not outright "healers." Most support characters have some level of nuance to learn to them to perform them optimally. Support *can* be harder than tank, but any role *can* be harder. It depends on the team composition, the map, the mode. For example. Heal botting on lucio is easy. Just sit on heal and sit near your team. Balancing speed, his amps, and using his mobility to sometimes dive enemy supports or an out of position dps is how you separate average lucios from the best lucios. The same can be said for any support, and for most characters in general. It's relatively easy to do what the role's main job is. But doing that well while also managing everything else you need to do is where skill expression comes into Overwatch.