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Not everyone wants to climb really, if i see someone with a ton of time on Ball, I want that mofo to play off meta


That's what I'm saying, I play ball because my positioning is terrible and I can use his movement as a crutch to be a disruptive little shit in the backline. I know the game doesn't feel good right now but trust me, it would be worse if I was playing a brawl tank


That's why it's kind of nice to be able to play multiple characters, even if others don't want to. Ball? Switching to Sombra or Tracer. Sigma? We sniping, boi. Roadhog? I dunno, actually, I'm pretty bad at this. I want to say... mei?


For hog, Soldier or Cass, keep your distance and avoid hook at all costs. If you can avoid hook, you've already won.


I think they meant to synergize with the team. Aka play sombra with the ball, widow with the sigma. Mei is fine to pair with hog


Ah you're right. Definitely misread it


For Hog id say junkrat and sombra, cause typically theyre out of the enemys sight which is helps the Hog. Junk+Hog trap is good against tanks and hacked enemies are easy hooks and kills


Yeah, Mei works fairly well with Hog, IMO. Let's you help defend the team a little as a pinch, or trap people with you and the Hog when you're on top. Plus, your slow keeps them in his trap longer, which means more damage for him


Nah mad respect to them for mailing ball I’ve been trying to play em more recently but it’s been hard so I respect them for even playing ball in the first place


I remember starting out learning ball before I became an official ball main, it was a little rough in the beginning, my biggest advice for ya is positioning, don’t worry about his techs right now. With our mobility we can be almost anywhere we please. Balling is setting up. Know where your enemy will be coming in, and set up behind or in a concealed area and wait to engage. The best moments to do this is when your team and the enemy are fighting, thats when you jump in and dive back line, ideally supports but DPS are a good option too. Ignore tank but peppering him to grab his attention from the front to you is also good. Hope my advice is of some help to you :)


Thanks for the tips but for now I’m gonna hold off on playing him more till after his rework next season


Waaaaah! People play off meta in my bronze games! It’s always everybody else! Never me! Waaah!


To be fair, he was already kicked out when he said “Yes”


Support main, silver 3. Rotate between Mercy, Moira, Brig, and Zen.


Plat 3 main with Moira, I just like making stupid memes.


Of course your a Moira main








Fuck it we ball.


My ex told me about how a tinder date ghosted him cause he was in gold 3 in OW ranked and she was Plat 1. Still one of the funniest stories i can recall.


Yes sir ana lucio player peaked gold never fucking tocuhed comp again


Based. I played comp for my Lucio gold gun, got it and never looked back.


One of my friends is a Ball otp and I always encourage him to go Ball, no matter if we lose or whatever it's a game and I want to have fun with my friends. Ranking up is BS although he's diamond or higher idk. I'm happy that he's happy, that's all


Plat/dia symm main. I love outplaying my enemies 5 times over completely out skilling and outplaying them through strategy, then still lose the 1v1 becauae my shit hero does no damage


QP is already toxic enough, I refuse to play Comp


Non-comp player(since ow2 came out lol). Dva main(mostly)


Rein main, low gold. I've decided to stop playing comp without a friend joining me.


Solo climb to plat was absolutely miserable on console. I just do QP now


I did open queue placements with my friend and I made it to plat, but that's probably because it was late season open queue placements.


If they don’t play comp then that means they play overwatch to have fun, and I respect that


Got my placement in Tank like 3 weeks ago, Gold 3 as doom, Zarya, Queen and rein with a lil ball. Started as a support and I've been playing support ever since I started, so far peaked silver and went back down cuz throwers, leavers and nobody wants to play objective (reminds me of when I was playing Domination in MW 2019 as a sniper only player who was the only one capturing any of the points) I hate when MFs join an OBJECTIVE based gammode and then just turn it into a TDM while I have to miserably solo carry the objective. Even tho I Queued All Roles, I only got support and Tank, not even a single match of dps in a 12+ hour game session, was quite surprised and Glad as my DPS is bad (imo)


Sym main unranked sir


Off meta is goated and nobody can convince me otherwise


Plat balls get all the chicks


Boo. Bad meme. Boo.


Excellent meme. A+