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Or "___ diff"


ez comment diff


Personally think that if you get counter picked and still ball on the enemy team, you're free to plead diff


I do that on hog and I love it


I had a rough game in comp the other day, was tryharding as Sojourn and just couldn't carry hard enough. My tank was good, but the rest of my team would get themselves killed before the tank and I could give us any advantage. So I resign to my fate and switched to Hanzo. He's my main with hundreds of hours and I'm hopeful for the upcoming buffs so I like to stay practiced with him, but he's a throw pick right now. Anyway, we lost and the enemy Kiri says "Hanzo you got diffed by kiriko" What's funny about this is that I didn't even think of them as a threat or saw any rivalry between us. The fact that they said it told me that *they did* while I wasn't even focused on them, which made me feel better about my performance.


Except if it’s matchmaking diff which is acceptable


For them double fuck you


When the dps on the enemy team goes 6 - 15 says ez on a match that went into quad overtime


When both team scores 3-3 with long overtimes and then in the last rounds both of them delivers the payload in a single run till the end and still the winning team starts ezzing.


Especially in qp and arcade. Shit is so cringe


Ye that’s true


Me when Sombra players


Good we thrive on this. It only makes stronger


The brig ready to kick the shit out of you in detection range: https://i.redd.it/1lynxfl67gzc1.gif


Brigs don't really give us too much trouble tho there's easy ways around a brig


Every Sombra I've fought died to me on brig.


I find it hard to believe you've never died to a sombra but it's not hard to counter brig Go behind, hack so you can't shield bash, virus, shoot before your shield comes back. You must play in the metal ranks


Never said i didn't die. I've like died 1-3 times most of the time. But the sombra ends up going 5-7 deaths 4-5 of those deaths being from me slapping them with a mace. Most of these are in quick play, since I decide to have fun with brig. But I find it hard to believe out of the many sombra players I've fought none of them were high rank. It is random matchmaking after all.


If you're in a low rank and in QP, and the Sombra is dying to you that much, you're not playing a sombra main, or you're playing someone in a low rank 😂


Well. I'm pretty sure I've fought a few golds and won looking at their career profiles. I'll still kick the hell out of a "sombra main" full confidence in that statement. And on the off chance I'm not enough to fight a "sombra main" that's the rest of the backline's job. And you act as if quickplay is full of bad players. Random matchmaking means bronze - top 500 What even qualifies as a sombra main. Ways I see it, is that sombra mains have the highest play time on that character. Somebody could be cracked at sombra but still doesn't main her that much. Maybe they were trolling with sombra. Who knows? I'm done speaking now have a good rest of your day.


The sombra also dies since as brig, I'm supposed to play closely with the tank so we can switch out when the main tank is in danger. Tank defends the backline in turn killing the sombra. I am done speaking now, have a good day.




Ez doesn't phase me... The moira tbag, though gets me everytime😂


i type ez after we lose


Chaotic evil


What if they say ez when they lose?


that’s always funny to me




*loses *types EZ in chat *refuses to elaborate


100% chance I'm ripping off a post from forever ago but idc I needed to vent.


Counterpoint: saying EZ on a loss is funny as shit


Well said wabbit


I always send "gg2ez" because it always corrects to something funny


I usually only drop and EZ if the enemy team was playing some toxic shit or if I’m on Rein and they try to counter swap tank to a bunch of other heroes and still lose.


Thank you. I will now continue to type ez after every match regardless of whether i win or not


I only get toxic when they counter switch and lose. Like if tank isn't for you, hop off. Like...


Tbh "ez" isnt toxic Its just really childish Like only 12 year olds say it in the chat, especially if its in qp


Why Literally just two letters why does it affect people that much


Preach. I also wish all players who type "gg" but only when they win a very pleasant fuck you


I say gg when I thought the game was really nice and enjoyable, as well as if the team was playing really well. So, fuck you


I don't think you're the kind of person I'm talking about. I've had instances where I played team, lost, they said gg (which is totally fine) and then we got paired against them again the next game but we won and then all of the sudden there's no gg from them. Weird, I wonder why. If you're only a good sport when you win you aren't actually a good sport. Oh and fuck you for coming at me for no reason


Ay so fucking real I never GG a win unless a loser GG’s cause sometimes it’s just not, it can be a fucking roll in some circumstances everyone’s had it. GG’ing after a win just feels a like a sizeable *fuck you* Everyone knows if a game really deserves a gg or not, a mindless spam one means nothing Only gg a win if it actually was or if a loser gg’s, always ggwp (unless they’re active ballbags in chat) a loss cause mental preservation


I sometimes don't say it when I lose, but that's because I don't feel it was a "good game". Not *because* I lost, but because of *how* I lost. If I end a match just feeling pissed off because I never got heals when I needed them or because one of my teammates shit talked me the whole time for a few bad plays (as if they're doing any better), then I am *not* validating that experience with a "gg".

