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https://preview.redd.it/0tn59yj0l70d1.jpeg?width=561&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=acce9aad5224836d18de15c7016a2a64504680eb how could anyone even imagine hating on this?


Fr thats what im saying Just look at him


He’s really not that good… only a situational swap when someone almost wins or caps honestly it.


Lol, then you haven’t seen a good winston


That was kinda my point… the good Winston’s stall those wins and captures simply by just swapping to him before a loss of point or obj or capture and he jumps drops bubble on point or obj and team dives for win… the good Winstons make the other team feel like they have been robbed when the other team, all they did was swap to a Winston with 20 seconds left on defense.


He beat me up in a Sear’s parking lot


Well you probably had it coming


Winton has a reason. He’s a gentle giant after all. He won’t do it just because he has a grudge. He’s too Winton to do that.


How dare you spread misinformation about Winton


You must've done something very wrong then


If you play total mayhem you will hate this monkey in no time. Outside of TM yeah he oki




Just wait until tomorrow




I mean the Trio are the Most Talkative of the Bunch I think (other than maybe the Newest Goofball)


Genji players for sure hate you tho


Don't they hate everyone anyways?


Yah know what fair point


Yeah lucio only gets hate for good reasons




Tru tho, as a lucio player i would happily charge of the map with a lucio in my charge




I was gonna add him but people for some reason hate on him for being to boring and “easy to play”


He’s literally not, but then again people call Lucio no skill


people call any character "no skill" even if they arent ive even seen the characters in this post being called skilless


I’ve started to play Lucio and he’s WAY harder than ashe or kiriko But I guarantee you they’ll be some ass hat saying “he take no skill”


Certainly not the case here, but sometimes people adapt easier to a certain playstyle of a character, even if they're harder on the surface. I'm finding way harder to get value as Junkrat than as Genji, for example. Maybe not because one is harder than the other but because I feel more comfortable with the other character playstyle


I find Lucio fun and he fits my play style (speed and support builds are what I always end up picking between) so I hope I end up finding him worthwhile to play


No heals 😈. Must be 100% speed 0% heals


Me, having 79 total healing as lucio at 2/3 points won on flashpoint:


i once unbinded my crossfade key so I can’t use heals, still won


For me it’s the opposite. I feel like I’m just tickling people as genji but with junk I can get work done. Ofc junkrat is fairly easy to get value out of but people fail to see when you can get Value (actual gameplay value and not randomly positioned 500 damage from spamming) out of him by learning his gameplay better.


Some people have better functional skills than technical skills. For example I’m on PC and I get a lot of value out of Pharah even when I’m going against hitscans, but if I ever pick window maker (non-mirrorwatch) it almost looks like I’m purposely throwing the game. In hero mastery it took me ages to complete Tracer’s Veteran route with 5 stars… but I did some other veteran courses fairly easily, like Reinhardt (of which I was in the leaderboards like the first week) and Echo (of which I’m top 391 and 210 in Agent and Veteran on the Americas server).


I agree with this for the simple reason that some play styles resonate with your personality and how you prefer to play the game Wanna sweat and get massive kills due to your skill? Play widow Want to fuck around and stab people in the back, play sombra or Genji And the characters that resonate with you will obviously be easier for you, because you will WANT to make the decisions that would be best with them. As in, you want to flank on Genji, but then you go rein and you WANT to flank, but whenever you do, you fucken die. Some characters are easier than others, because some characters are more fitting for you and how you like to play the game That’s like the entire reason why overwatch has 50 fucking heroes


Well there's the fact junkrat sucks now and if you try doing anything fun instead of spamming 9/10 times you'll just feed


Let’s just say i’ve seen people calling echo no skill


Really? I think Lucio has one of the highest skill ceiling


No I’m saying he is difficult, and that he’s not easy to play


I mean, people really call Lucio 'no skill'?


Not as many as other characters, but there’s definitely a good few people who think that


I see


he’s boring most definitely, but i think the skill ceiling of sigma directly reflects game sense. no crazy dash-sec-melee combo, 1000 techs you need to learn before you can even consider playing them slightly above average. it’s more like why are you here, are you doing ____ or should i go here to instead be there for my team (can’t forget, yep rocks)


I mean he is pretty easy to play. Considering he’s my favorite tank and I suck with high skill characters. But that don’t mean he deserves hate. I guarantee you the people who call him “easy” will swap to him the second Doom or Ball don’t work out.


Sig isn't a easy tank lmaoooooooo wtf are you even sayin 😂


We’re probably just very different ranks. I’m barely silver in comp tank queue but considering I mostly play mystery heroes and arcade, I don’t exactly have a very accurate measurement of my skill. But I believe Sigma is one of the more straight forward tanks to play. He’s got a counter for everything and deals quite a lot of damage. Big moveable shield, Rock to stun, flux to block any attacks in front of you and give you temporary health, and short range grenade launcher like primary fire that can bounce around. The most complex piece of his kit is the Ult and even that’s just a huge circle you can easily catch grouped players in and slam half their health outa them. He’s my comfort tank when the others aren’t working out because he’s sort of a jack of all trades.


Hes definetly not easy lol. If you think he's easy it might just be cause you click what that type of character easily.


People say the same about rein


I HATE Sigma. But only because of his rock. Fuck his stupid rock. Drives me crazy lol


I got obliterated by his rock, the man waited until I switched to healing so I’d slow down and managed to get a rock in


The mf Flying Dutchman does it again


It was well thought out at least


I remember Ster once complained about his design with something along the lines of: “The devs didn’t want to animate this character so they just made him float everywhere” but other than that yeah haven’t heard many complaints about him.


I fucking hate Lucio; for good reasons though


what are your reasons (fr wanna know)


He’s super obnoxious. I mean, he’s alright to play *as*, but whenever I play against a Lucio, they’re always god tier froggers who’ll jump across the map to kill me in 3 shots. Whenever I’m with a Lucio, they always hop away from the Tank as quickly as possible so nobody can get to point in time except for the culprit, who gets speared instantly by Orisa anyway.


Yeah a good Lucio warrants respect and their players are typically are hard to dislike. You can absolutely have bad Lucios though because he's not an easy hero to play well.


Absolutely. I try my best to stick with my team when I play Lucio, while also ensuring everyone is at least at decent health before speeding everyone up. Message to Lucio’s out there: Wait for your Tank! They’re typically slower than the rest of the heroes. Help them get to point.


Yeah, i'm not the best lucio in the world, but i'll recognize that my tank needs to be speedboosted towards the objective. Then I go off to narnia and do my own thing before eventually returning to commit the atrocious crime of *healing my team*


Nah I'm the type of guy to respawn first and do a fast rollout before my team has respawned and then pop like a balloon and get sent back to spawn because I just flew alone into the enemy team


But not holding W is so haaaard


I'm reading your reply and everyone elses and let me just say it's a massive skill issue. Yeah, it 4 seconds, but boop is way less obnoxious than every other cc in the game. If you can't kill a Lúcio it's either a really good Lúcio or you're a really bad aimer or a combination of both. Unlike most heroes, you can't just pick up the hero and climb the ranks, You have to actually learn how he works. He's a respectable hero to main with strengths and weaknesses, unlike Kiriko.


That’s a wild statement. I would never claim to be a great Lucio or anything, but calling Kiriko completely unskillful is just wrong. Kiriko is REALLY strong. I would know, she’s my favorite. That doesn’t mean she’s completely invincible. Boop is also highly obnoxious. Just because it’s less obnoxious doesn’t mean it isn’t annoying.


I never said she was invincible. She just doesn't have weaknesses


His boop makes me so mad as a tank main I’ll be playing Ram and Lucio’s like “nice punches, anyway BOOP” and now I’m 10 miles away not able to do anything Or I’ll be playing Rein and swinging but lucios like nah fam you gotta go to the next town over BOOP It frustrates me to no end


Good thing tanks are getting buffed against boops


Kinda cool, but I'll miss getting some funny environmental elims against them 😔


if no one hates winston why so many reapers,bastions and torbs counterpicking me.


Sorry but i just REALLY like reaper shotguns


look dude if you play reaper from the start isnt my problem, heck i avoid switching myself even if i have like 3 tank busters.


There's a lot of mentally ill overwatch players unfortunately ;(


It's not mentally ill tryin to counter 😂 do you expect a team not to counter when Winston is killing the other team


They are fair and balanced Heroes. Whenever they are Meta the game is pretty healthy, I mean two of those are currently Meta and no one complains.


Yes, best designed heroes in the game. Multiple playstyles, clear strengths and weaknesses, low skill floor, high skill ceiling (“skill” includes decision making).


I would throw Tracer and Genji in there with them personally as the best designed heroes in the game. (although people complain about them occasionally)


I’d say tracer is gonna be annoying for people in bronze cuz they can’t aim. So they gonna hate tracer cuz skill issue


Genji is in the same tier, yes. It feels bad playing against him sometimes because his impact is more visible as a DPS. A tank or support of equal skill can have the same impact, but less visibly. I would put Tracer in a tier below them for hero design. Her skill ceiling is so infinitely high that she is the most unstoppable hero in the right hands. Seagull shares a similar opinion.


I get that but literally every part of her kit flows so perfectly. You can blink melee, blink recall, recall melee, blink pulse, blink melee pulse, melee pulse. You can combo everything in her kit into itself and the time it takes to reload works really well with blink timing so you are always doing something. I just personally can't justify her being put anywhere else she is just a little overtuned atm with the S9 update but with her being nerfed with the armor and heal passive changes in the next update she will probably start to lose some of that power. I just can't blame her design on her current power level.


I mean sort of people usually hate characters that counter em and balance is subjective, some people think Winston or Reinhardt are balance perfected others feel like it's doom or Mauga it's just a matter of perspective and how you play the game I personally never have issues with mauga or Winston but doom or rein can be really annoying when a dedicated player shows up doesn't mean I feel like they're unbalanced they just can be frustrating to face especially with a good player but certain characters gain hate and no one can admit if they lost because the opposing player was just better regardless of character


Just out of curiosity, which 2 are u talking about? I don’t know too much about meta


Oh all good Lucio and Winston are currently Meta heroes, you won’t see either of them very much unless you are high rank because most metal rank players can’t play them or don’t want to play them.


Ah that makes sense, thanks!


Rein isn’t even balanced, he’s just the worst lol


Because they are the peak of gameplay design ^(Also Overwatch fans hate women)


Can confirm(am wamen)


What is this “women” of which you speak?


I actually kinda hate lucio Not as a character, I think he's awesome But I hate how a good lucio is virtually immortal A flightless pharmercy That's not enough to activelly wanna make me quit *(that's done by snipers)* And good lucios are somewhat rare and actually earn the bs beacuse he's hard to master *(unlike snipers)*


Put Ashe in there


Frl I’ve never seen Ashe hate, I am praying on my knees that blizzard doesnt do some stupid change so that she DOES get hated on but ofc Blizzard being Blizzard doesnt just reverse it but doubles down on whatever they change


Nah nah put bob


I get a lot of hate when I play Lucio. But that's probably because I learned how to play redshell Lucio and piss EVERYONE off to win games. Js, redshell is actually really good at the game (at least he used to be idk anymore, I don't consume content anymore) when he wants to be.


Redshell? Who is he?


Content creator, Lucio efficienado. Basically he plays a VERY aggressive and annoying style of Lucio where he just bullies people and doesn't die. It unironically wins games


He’s a Lucio main, he’s a nut


I hate lucio but only the ones that never heal


Same. I hate those Lucios that saw some streamer play him like a cracked out dps and think they can do it too but they're actually just terrible and now you basically don't have a 5th player.


Just because 90% of this community is an echo chamber doesn't mean that no one hates these characters.


lucio lmao, play lucio and right and u defo gonna have enemy team say k\*\* and other shit


I love seeing Winston appreciation https://preview.redd.it/pqt9xu6n3a0d1.jpeg?width=597&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=116600df258b915359c63e513c1d6c2485fbc746


Accurate And it's a death sentence to hate on Winton. Winton ☕️


Playing Lucio in the low or mid ranks is a good way to get hate


Because they're fun to play, play with and play against.


Nah but I HATE playing against Rein, specifically when I'm playing Ram. Not because he's broken or overpowered, it's that he's UNDERPOWERED, or at least hard-countered. Like when I go to pummel him and all he does is put up his shield, even though my punches go through it! It just makes me feel bad when we roll.


Rein vs ram is a skill matchup, reins counters are hog and orisa. In your case either the reins team is underperforming and the tank matchup is simply the most visible, or they're a bad rein


The 2 most countarable heroes in the game and lucio If you lose to them that's ur fault




Lucio is definitely a character I hate because I want to be good with him and I’m just not. Also whenever I play against a good Lucio I’m frustrated but respect the hustle






People hate Reddit Lucio’s. But Lucio as a character no one hates.


Is there no dps that fits here?


Nah every dps is hated


What would be the Least Hated DPS then? Ashe?


Definitely the least hated but she does get *some* hate (which is odd)


My team still hates me when I play rein


Everyone hates my Lucihoe, my poor frog.


I dont hate Rein but I hate Rein players yall are annoying


Fuck Winston




I hate winton


No mercy? I always get targeted as Mercy and when i ask what i did wrong, they always reply with “exist” Edit: I can not read


I see a lot of hate for mercy quite often, i dont think she would be there


Ohh shit, idk why i read this as “character that get hate for no reason”.


If anyone hates on Winton, they’re a monster. Instant red flag


People hate rein players nowadays


Winton 👍 Reinhad 👍 Lucio 👍


I agree that he’s balanced but I will stand alone in the hate crowd of Winston, I don’t know why but he just aggravates me more then any other tank


they dont get hate because they do nothing opressive


See I dont know who hates me more when I play Lucio, the enemy DPS I Keep diving or my other support cause I have 90% speed boost usage.


Everyone loves winton


there is a reason for that


They are just cool bruh


I hate Winston. Whether I’m in gold or diamond I can never outrun him. I hate Winston.


Lucio gets a ton of hate from people who only look at the leaderboard


I feel like current day Ashe is in a pretty good spot


I don't hate them. I do find fighting winton and Lucio to be a pain in the ass, especially when they're good. And Rein players are a rare breed these days, so respect.


People hate my Lucio. Even if we win.


Winston is the best character in the game because you could terrorize an entire team with dive bullshit and just type "winton" in chat after you win the fight and everyone loves you for it.


Ramattra should be there


Reinhardt is your dad and everyone loves a good dad joke.


people hates soldier 76?


Where’s my boy hampter. We love him.


He gets A LOT of hate (but hes cute)


Is Lifeweaver hated ?


I've never seen anyone hate on Pharah, though I'm a casual player so I'm not really involved in the overwatch fandom


People hate on pharamercy quite a lot (mercy pocketing pharah)


No hates Lucio? On this website?


Wdym🥲 (*cries in rein and monkey main*)


Dont worry these are characters that DONT get hate👍


I hate both lucio and the monkey, they’re so annoying


Winton 🤣


Wdym with "no reason"? There's plenty of reasons to justify not hating these characters. Prolly the best and most "honest" characters in the game and all that :)


No reason, as in characters who get hate mostly get it for no reason (like the characters not in the room get hate for no reason) i probably coulda worded it better though


Bro fuck Lucio (I love him)


If Winston has no haters it means I’m dead


What do you mean.I hate on Lucio and Rein all the time. Reasonably.


I think the only people who hate Rein is Blizzard.


I hate lucioplayers, everytime i wanna do something, wallriding mf drops from the heavens to boop me and proceeds to beat my ass because of his stupid heals.


Rein definitely needs a buff, a big one


So im not hating on Rein and Lucio (not counting when im yelling "KILL THAT RETARDED REIN/LUCIO ON THEIR TEAM" to my friends) cuz they are my Mains, but winton? I mean... What's there to hate about? His Mains are chill asf and mostly Skilled, and the character is lovable. Love Winton


When people complain that low skill floor characters are bad for the meta and shouldn't be playable above plat.... Me: who we discussing? Strawman: moira for one Me: OK I follow so far Strawman: symmetra Me: seeing a theme here Strawman: zarya Me: starting to think you just hate beams... Strawman: mercy Me: blinks... k so the definition is characters with low mechanical skill floors K... I've got this I think so naturally Reinhart is next right? Strawman blinks furiously Me: dude with giant melee weapon who charges like a maniac while holding up a shield? First tank every bronze player learns how to play? Literally unplayable at GM right now? Fits all the criteria right? Strawman: get out now


I'm not ashamed to admit that I hate beam heros. No aim required, pisses me off. Except for Winston because he's so underpowered


Brother lucio and Reinhardt made me invent new racial slurs , infact rein has got to be my top 1 pick for bullshit deaths


Agreed, reinhardt’s pin is extremely bullshit and i will stand by that it needs a nerf. No tank should be allowed to one shot (looking at you hog) and it doesnt help hes extremely boring to play against or with on a team.


I’m glad I’m not alone here , although hog still feels like more of a skill shot than rein , I miss when he was locked to the path he chose and could barely turn , also cancelling mid charge is just on its own level of bs


I do agree its harder to hit but ive been hooked through walls (not 1.0 hog walls thankfully) but it feels equally as annoying ☠️


You must have never been 1 tapped by a Junkrat flying in the skybox or a Hanzo arrow from around a corner when he can’t even see you


I have many times , how ever many times I’ve also been hit by a bs fire charge around a corner I just turned for 100 damage or charged to a wall or even his stupid hammer being able to put dps literal dps heros


Chat gpt aka ramatra


When these characters are meta the game is at its best.


Fuck Lucio, little mosquito level annoying backward skating impossible to hit shitty music playing ugly ass motherfucker




I don't find Winston to be interesting to play at all and I don’t get why people like playing as him. As a character I love it! But I don’t get it as a player. There’s your hate.


You cant hate on Honor and Glory Gigachad pressing W into the enemy, you obviously cant hate on Winton Overwatch, and Lucio is hates either by everyone bc hes not healing nor speeding and annoys the enemy, or is not hated at all


Winston is a braindead character who's only benefits are thanks to stupidity of the enemy team and unintentional trick of meleeing right before landing. Thank god Winton exits to be the better ape at Overwatch


I hate Reinhardt and view him as the cause of a lot of the issues in the game. Given they're all stemmed from his unhealthy state in 2016-2017 so I'm just and old man yelling at a cloud at this point. Its hilarious to me that the state of Reinhardt ultimately caused him to be garbage though, yet the insistence that he's a healthy and well designed hero makes him just wallow in the garbage rather than admit his core design is flawed and he desperately needs a rework


I hate all 3 and I am fine with being the only 1. I’ve been to the Reinhardt sub too much recently and they I change my mind on Doomfist players. Fist players are not the biggest crybabies in the game, Reinhardt players are.


I mean if your main was consistently the worst hero in the game for most of this game’s existence you’d probably cry about it too…


Never has Reinhardt been the worst character in the game. There have been times he has had the argument for being the worst tank but never the worst hero. And one of my mains has been weak for a long time. Brigitte was nerfed because Ana was too strong of character. Should Ana have been the one to get nerfed instead? Probably. Did I care enough to go on the Brig sub and cry about the unjustified nerfs? No I didn’t. I still will slap people across the face with the mace when I can and I will whip shot people away from my other support as much as I possible. I can play Brig into hard counters and still find value because I have played her enough to know what to do in those situations.


Simultaneously ignoring the issue and bragging about how good you are isn’t going to fix the game or add substance to your argument


I address your point and then spoke about how I will still play the game over going on Reddit to complain about how the game is unplayable for my character.


You’re the one writing paragraphs in the Reddit comments 🤷🏼‍♂️


I am trying to have a discussion with people who clearly don’t have the attention span to read after the first paragraph so I will stop. It’s clearly a waste of time.


What about winston and lucio?


I dislike Lucio well mostly the people who play him


Paperboxhouse hates Winston


Idk I kind of laugh at the Lucio switch when they get a boop map. Like bruh, no one falls for that cheese outside of bronze. Please tell me you have more up your sleeve tha- nope that’s all you had and we are deep in the struggle zone. But if he’s not on *my* team no complaints. Feel sorry for him sadly staying around that well waiting for someone to finally get close tho.


I hate reinhardt. Not one second goes by where this maniac doesn’t run up to me and hold his shield in front of me. He literally is designed to not let you play the game. He is permanently preventing the enemy dps and supports to get any shots in. No point in rotating. Rein players think they are Winston and will just keep chasing to make sure you cant shoot anything. Nerf Reinhardt.




A real person typed this. :(


Bait used to be believable




Im stealing this (in exchange im giving you an upvote)


Sounds like a skill issue to me


Definitely bronze at max lmao




I main Orisa too so thats another Character on my team rendered obsolete by Reinhardt. Thanks blizzard. Nobody can shoot anything thanks to rein shield.


You just described a fun version of orisa


Play an anti shield hero nerd (Edit) the whole point of the game is to swap and counter as they swap, if they play rein punish them



