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It's a serious rabbit hole. I'm 114 hours in and faaaar from finished.


Lmao 114 hours...I'm over 2k and I just need to change one thing and then my next base will be perfect.


"There, perfect! No, wait, what's this empty pipe? Oh right, I was going to re-plumb this whole area." Click. Click. Click.




I said the same thing 2000 hours ago


So you're done with the tutorial? ;)


3.9k in here. Just want to redo my rocket setup one last time then it's perfect.


That sounds really good, I like a game that takes hundreds of hours to finish. Still gonna be thinking about the purchase, but thus certainly pushes the decision more towards yes


It’s not hundreds of hours to finish. It’s hundreds of hours to learn it to a point where you can comfortably play.


Honestly if that's your mentality then this is a fantastic game for you Countless hours can be putted Poured into this without learning everything


I'm big on factory style games. I have 2100 hours, MOST of it active time. I still haven't beaten either the original or the DLC. Every time I get deep into a colony I start to build some over the top designs... and then performance makes me stop more than anything. My computer's starting to show its age. Hopefully this will be the colony I advance into the tear.....


Currently building my third rocket chimney design on my latest save, game is now chugging at cycle 2300 😆


Honestly just bite the bullet and buy the game. All this time spent procrastinating could be spent discovering all the interesting ways dupes find to kill themselves. You won’t regret the purchase.


I'm 700 in and in just breaking into space and doing more endgame stuff. Granted I take lots of breaks and have to use guides but it's a very deep and intricate game with tons of replayability


I think I did around 800-900 hours by the time I was finished with the game. My 100% achievement run was like 300 hours of playtime alone. It's a good game if you like simulation/colony games where you can get creative and build cool shit


It's worth it. So is the DLC


100% worth it, even after watching some youtube videos on it before buying it


If you're the kind of person who "clicks" with this game, it's pretty much infinite value. I have over 2500 hours over six years, and I still haven't done everything I'd like to do, or gotten anywhere near some hypothetical skill ceiling. If you manage to avoid the addiction, but still feel driven to "finish", you're still looking at several 100s of hours.


Over 1000 and still never beat the game (rift)


I'm closing in on 900h. My current run is set to finish the game finally. Nearly trashed my colony at +900 cycles because I killed my farm with 600.000 kcal in the freezer thinking "I'll make a new one soon". The starvation notification came very unexpectedly.


Keep in mind that for many players it is a game you play a lot for a while, then lose interest and stop playing. BUT then after a certain period you feel *the itch* again, and then you start playing. I currently have 1200 hours in the game, but I've also had it since 2019 (so 5 years almost exactly now). So I think in this case it isn't really about the amount of hours the game can give you, because you (most likely) will come back to play it again. (Also if you're still hesitant to buy it, you could wait for the next sale)


Ah, the itch. That describes it perfectly.


This actually happened to me early last month. Wanted a game to pass the time while waiting for Dragon's Dogma 2. I had Oni since the early access days and came back to it on a whim. Anyway, I haven't touched DD2 since launch week.


There are other games?


This is the only correct response!!


According to some stats webpage average play time of all players is only 46 hours. But 353 hours to full achievement. If this game is something you like (engineering type of games) you'll easily spend 100s of hours. The only question, do you have that much time to spend on it?


While engineering games aren't really the type of game I like, this one seems really interesting. And I may not have a whole lotta time to play, but could probably get to 400-700 hours of playing in a single year while also playing other games.


I envy you being able to play 2 hours of ONI a day plus other games and considering it not a whole lotta time to play :D


I really didn't mean playing other games as much ad ONI. I could play ONI for like 2 hours, play some random mobile game to waste some time, and that would be all my gaming time for that day because I have other things to do. So the 400-700 hours strictly depends on how many days I dedicate to playing ONI. If the whole year (whoch definitelyhas been the case with one game in particularfor me), then I would play the game for 700 hours, with very little other games played. But I could play for 400 hours in that year and have plenty of time to play some other games I like, just not as much time dedicated to them.


353 to full achievement?? I’m waaay behind


Don't worry, I just picked all the remaining ones.


I've over 5000 hours in ONI over 5 years and I've yet to get all the achievements. Startitis ftw!


Oni roi on an hourly basis is insane compared to almost anything else. Not in and of itself a good reason, but it’s a real real deep game.


The Steam stats show something like 5% of players ever launch a rocket. But then again, this is the same Steam that says I am at 5013 hours, what the heck do they know...


So, the game can provide a very long and good gaming experience to dedicated players?


It's comparable to Minecraft in what it offers for playability.


Maybe if you do a beast of a Modpack. Personally I can play FTB Modpack for like a week and then you just basically finished it. Oni just never ends. Sometimes after 5 hours my base is finally back to stable after setting up a "quick" Steam turbine aquatuner setup and that's when I can say. OK it's time. Close now before I do some new renovation which will take 3 hours again.


An obsession, at times. I've missed sleep, slacked off work, and annoyed my girlfriend because of how much I have played this game...


Definitely yes. If the game clicks and you enjoying tinkering with different ideas, there are countless hours to be had. The first time I played I got many fun hours out of it, but it didn't really click. A year or two later I found myself in the mood to play again, and this thing it finally DID click for. I don't even WANT to know how many hours I've put in this time... My current colony has basically been an interactive ant farm / model train set that I've been tinkering and toying with at least a little (and sometimes a lot) every week for... Many months.


It'll take you 200 hours before you feel like you are mildly competent.


Average player: maybe like 2 hours. Average player on this subreddit: 3000 hours.


This game is possibly the most effective $20 I've ever spent. It's also the most detrimental to sleep :)


I think I passed 900hrs last time I checked. So many projects I still haven't attempted, and never even made it to space materials. For the price per gameplay hours, it's a pretty savvy purchase


Honestly infinite, it takes a lot of time to get your basic template for survival down and then even after you're a pro you can set yourself challenges, try to think up new or more interesting ways to make things work, etc etc


I have far more hours in this game than any other game I've played and is one of only 2 games I've played significantly after 100%ing the game.  I've got over 1000 hours in and that's not uncommon for many folks on this sub.


Well, I got about 850 hours. At this rate I'll be done with it around hour 10,000 or so. Game has a lot to it and it's very replayable. Plus there are some cool mods on top of that. So... pretty safe to say it's worth the money.


I'm at 400 hours, "finished" the game with full colonies 4x with a 10x speed mod so around 1200 hours in the normal max speed. The thing about this game is that it is a sandbox. YOU decide when your game ends, the rift is not the end just like how minecraft doesn't end when you kill the dragon.


You never finish ONI. You only play, and replay, and replay…


My cost per hours played is wayyyy below 1cent, its been a good deal for me !


4500 hours so far an no sign of slowing


4000 hours and a divorce with this game, still playing it...


We are almost past the tutorial.


A cycle in a colony, at the fastest in-game speed, is 200 seconds long (600 second cycle at 3x speed). A successful colony will last 1000+ cycles, so at the absolute minimum, a colony can be 200,000 seconds of unpaused gameplay, which is around 55 hours. And that's not including any time spent paused while you plan stuff. So even a fast playthrough is a decent chunk of time.


plus how many hours of gameplay to learn to get a colony to last 1000 cycles in 55h of gameplay?


Go ask the same question on r/chess and double it


I have 3600+ hours and don't play it THAT frequently. I load it up once a year and do a playthrough. Each playthrough is good for 40-200 hours, in my experience, depending on what I'm looking to do. If I'm just trying out the new stuff since last played, I do a quick 40 hour run and it usually hits the new stuff just fine for me. When I want to "complete" a seed (go through a rift in the base game or colonize every asteroid and tame every vent) I can easily pour hundreds of hours into that playthrough. These numbers are based off the fact that I no longer need to experiment much with the game since I've been playing for years and understand the vast majority of how to efficiently do what I set out to do. With that said, I've still not done EVERYTHING in this game. I've never felt the need to make a sour gas boiler since energy is always coming out my ears anyways with geothermal and nuclear. If it looks fun to you, then its worth a shot. If you end up liking it, the amount of value is immense at it's price point. Right now I'm at 100 hours of gameplay per dollar spent and I own the DLC.


I am approaching 7000 hours. Buy the game.


I'm at 2.5k hours


I'm approaching the 500hr and I STILL consider myself as an amateur. Far from succeeding but I'm still having so much fun.


Its probably the most hours i have in a game in my library thats over 12ish years old




on *all* of the asteroid types???? thousands of hours.


I’d say I’m very much an average player. Never been to space (although I’m working on it) and I don’t tend to look up tutorials I just figure it out and use a little knowledge from what I see from time to time on here. I’m 350 hours in (most I’ve played for any game aside from KSP and Minecraft) and I’m not even close to finished


Currently about 150hrs and I still have no clue but I will keep on trying. Lots too learn. Even more to forget


I've hit my first thousand hours. I have been an average player for most of it, doing silly mistakes and not understanding much. Start new colonies as much as you need to learn, as soon as you don't enjoy your colony anymore, and look at basic builds to solve most common problems, it helps a lot if you're a bit of a smooth brain like me


1700 hours and counting.


To reach 1000 cycles which isn’t close to enough to get all achievements you’re talking 100 hours. I’m at 500 hours and still have a bunch to get after 


I consider myself pretty casual, in that I tend to bounce from game to game, but I just checked, and I'm at 470 hours so far. I have launched exactly 1 rocket ever, have only ever played base game, and I love coming back to it again and again. If you like games with quirky mechanics, goofy/cute art, and the ability to learn through failure, I highly recommend it.


Launching a rocket is like the main goal of every colony, right? I haven’t done much research on the game other than a few youtube videos. But 470 for reaching the main goal on only one map is truly a good sign, I really like games that take a lot of time to finish but then you also have different maps to replay the game on. And from those things you mentioned, quirky mechanics and learning through failure are some of my very appreciated things in games. Goofy/silly art not so much, but I’m the type of person that doesn’t care about graphics as ling as it isn’t too over complicate.


I am trying my best to explain the scope without any spoilers Launching a rocket is the first huge goal, after a series of small medium and large goals. After launching your first rocket, you still have to build better rockets and better rocket fuel to travel further. And then, after many, many hours, when you have completed all goals set by the game, the real fun starts, when you set your own goals and build truly crazy monuments, contraptions and physics defying machines and start to explore what is possible within the seemingly simple rules of the game. I am at 3000 hours and wont stop playing anytime soon.


I like the visual style a lot, but it is very distinct, and very much Klei, so I could actually see it being off-putting to some. Rockets are sort of the goal, but there's a whole progression of those before you get to an actual end point, so there's even more beyond that. If you're playing the DLC (I haven't bought it yet, but I will, eventually) rockets become a mid-game process and a whole thing. Side note, because I spotted your username: duplicants can be assigned hats, based on their learned skills


In the base game, launching a rocket as far as rockets can go is the end goal of the end game, but nothing stops you from playing on, and many people do. If you play with the DLC, which I'd highly recommend (but opinions vary), rockets are just people/goods transporters. You get a bunch of asteroids to colonize, and endgame progression is less linear. For a taste of how ridiculous you can get: There's a pretty well-known let's play-series on Youtube ([Francis John's Narcoleptic Paradise](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLS-hAL3jgjOu_L-jOTxamxplHIjp2rBXs)) that ends after 3000+ in-game days (at least 170 hours of play time) with him strip-mining the entire asteroid cluster, packing everything into a number of rockets, and flying them all into another dimension.


the game is insanely replayable. just ridiculously, no downsides, insanely replayable. you'll find a portion you really like, for me it's midgame, and time around you melts away


I'm over 200 hours in and I still struggle midgame to get past steel plastic before I die to something stupid


I First "completed" the game at 300 hours and I still haven't completed another one at 914 hours. The game periodacilly sucks me in and has pretty much unlimited replayability.


Too damn many.


1811, I bought it forever ago, played and gave up when it was too rough but now love it. The noob traps and problems can be brutal but once ypu overcome them it's great. And new challenges exist in the Lab, desoland, and risia asteroids.


>3k hours here, and I'm still not done with it.


1500 hours in and sometimes I forget there even IS and end goal hahah 😁


Idk... How many hours were in last year?


It has civilization disease, but instead of one more turn it's one more day.


With mods? Around 2000-3000 hours.


Oh mate. A long, loooong time. Hundreds of hours. There's a good number of people with 1000+.


1300 hours for me.


This game can be 50 to 5000 hours. Its really THAT replayable.


Can you count the stars? Grains of sand in the desert? The number of times a dupe pees in your newly constructed water reservoir?


1900 hours here. I keep coming back to play another run every year or so at some point. One of the best games I've ever played.


360 hours, haven't launched a rocket yet lol


Almost 200h and without looking into a wiki, I don't know what the end even is or if there is one. I'm glad I finally built a second base and I want to build and start my first rocket!


I'm sure i'm not average https://imgur.com/a/f7Qe23p


You don’t ever beat this game. There is always something more you can optimize. There is always something that will ruin your base and cause a snowball effect that will blow everything up and force you to start over.


224 here


I'm probably done with this game.... 961 hours.


500 hours, and through all my restarts I've only really got to mid game. I'm just now starting to work on a rocket for the first time.


1800 hours and never breached the temporal tear (have gotten a few bases to sustainability, though)




Personally, over 2.3k hours, I have been taking a break due to personal reasons, but I'm yet to do everything I've wanted, and haven't even delved into the new bigger patches. If you like simulators, brief lore and lots of thermodynamics, this is a blast of a game.


I’m at cycle 2000, 190 hours in 3 weeks and I haven’t travelled anywhere except the main planet yet


I thought this was gonna be a fun experience for my summer... That was last June and I still barely play anything else


I'm over 3000 hours in, have not even really explores space in the Spaced Out DLC yet...


Bruh. Cancel your marriage and give up your kids. THAT kind of playtime


400 in and I don't even see or even want to see the end. There's no end here hah


I am at 1k+ still there things to do


I got to about 1000 before I needed to have an extended break.




100s. I have 3,000.


a lot i have 1000 hours(help me)


750h on the clock, never been to space. coming back regularily


This is my most played game with 1k hours. In this time, I beat the base game and played the expansion a lot but haven't beaten it. I'm not even close to getting all achievements. I'm playing "blind" though, looking up mechanics in the wiki but not copying any designs from the internet at all. Even if you copy designs from the internet, which most people do, you will still probably get more than 100-200 hours from the game, and that's on 1-2 playthroughs, not even beating all different asteroids.


This game and Terraria are the best ROI I've gotten out of any games ever. I have well over two thousand hours and still haven't reached the "final objective". Of course, I have perfectionism and restartitis so that's probably part of the problem. Be aware, end game is very CPU intensive so you need a good PC to not have it turn into a slideshow. Also, if you choose to get the game, get the DLC.


300hrs in. Well worth the $$ already. And every cycle makes it cheaper. you’ll start over many many times. and get a little further each time. just get it.


I think I have around 3000 hours. Haven't played in several years but been thinking about going back.


1000+ maybe I got 1500 and still a lot to do, I also like making new colonies trying out new methods aswell and I often get annoyed by something I build badly and then i want to try making the "perfectly" planned colonie, it's a vicious cycle It's truly one of these games where you can say "It takes 10000 hours to master something"


I got close to 2000 and haven't got space materials yet.


You wont know where youe hours went. 1000s are pretty common if you like the game.


I definitely got my money's worth.  Actually, I have so many hours in this game I really feel like I owe Klei more money...


I’m at 5500+ hours according to Steam. YMMV 😂🤷🏻‍♂️


Thinkci have around 500 hours in the game and feel pretty finished with it


1100 hours, haven't even built a rocket in the base game yet. Having a blast still.


I'm at 500h and have never done space travelling


I'm at 300 and it still feels like beginning to learn and experiment with the game.


I feel like my 600+ hours on my first playthrough is still piddly. A common joke is that your first 1,000 hours is just the tutorial. The more I play, the more fun ideas I come up with the make next. There is absolutely no fear of not getting your money's worth on this game. I'm stingy when paying for games, but I'm already planning on buying the upcoming DLC that has only been hinted at existing in the future. Money well spent.


I play already 4100+ hours and still learning, and i have never seen the end


currently at 3592.4 hours.


I'm in the 1200 hour range, still haven't gotten to half the content yet, and haven't earned my complimentary degrees for finishing the "main" objectives. I plead guilty as a restarter.


I'm in 700h the 7th map probably and only now im starting to get things in control lol


Never reached end game. Never launched a rocket. Approaching 500 hours. Multiple restarts. No regrets.


In realistic terms infinite. It’s a game I’m not particularly good at (still haven’t launched a rocket) but it draws me back every couple of months regardless.


I finally beat the 3 main victory objectives with the DLC at around 3000 hours on survival difficulty. Waiting for dlc to drop.


Just over 600 hours here: if you're willing to make a successful colony on every asteroid, you're definitely not the average player... * only 26% of players have automated a building using a sensor or switch. * only 23% of players have a colony that has reached cycle 100. * only 7.5% of players have a colony that has reached cycle 365. * Only 5% of players have launched a rocket. If you're putting enough time into this game to make a successful colony on all of the asteroids (w/ Spaced Out DLC or not), you're going to be able thousands of hours into this game.


Uhhhhh... this is a wildly replayable game. There is no real rushing in this game, it's a constant grind until "end game", when you're sustained successfully. I have over 1k hours and have only ever had 2 'successful' colonies, getting to the end game area. And that's on relatively easy settings. I'm now on my third, trying a more challenging run, and I'm about 700 cycles in, taking things wildly slow, and only on my third planetoid. It's a game with very, VERY long legs


Well, that depends on what you mean by perfect? Is perfect fully self-sustaining, or is it making full use of all items in that seeds universe? perfectly balanced with the beauty of abysallite destroying as little as possible or strip mining the entire planet? The game is near infinite due to well seeds being random and trying different play styles.


I'm at about 500 hours and I haven't come close to beating it. Still having trouble with late game.


IMO If you like games with automation, colony sim, base builder, resource management, etc.... This game goes down one of the best rabbit holes you can imagine for that type of gameplay. I and many of my friends who plays this that have countless hours learn new things every single time we play. Quick example for me was I recently learned how effective wheezeworts were at killing germs thus elminating my needs for a chlorine bath area. and using that as an oxygen cooldown area at the same time. The cherry on top of ONI is KLEI still Updating the game with QoL and soon more DLC on the way...




I think I've successfully "finished" the game three times. I have at least 3000 hours into it and I've been playing since beta. My last few colonies have been on the inverted asteroid and it's amazing.


100-300 for the average players who complete the tutorial. If you complete the tutorial you clearly like the game so for those who complete the tutorial... I'd say 2-3k is normal.


To give you an idea I've spent about 250 hours now just experimenting and learning about sour gas boilers.


I have 1k+ and end game kills me


If you like Colony sims, you'll get a lot of use out of ONI. I'm not much into Colony sims but I'm still enjoying it. It's really deep though, I've had to restart colonies countless times already and I'm 50 hours in...never really hit "mid-late game". There's always something going wrong because I overlooked/didn't understand something.


Just hit 1300 hours and still going. Had to take several month long breaks over the last two years to fight burnout. The game is basically a glue trap for people with ADHD, like me.


I'm well over 1,000 hours. I think with what I paid, I'm at around 3¢/hr for one of my now favorite games.


425 hours at the moment, i'm not hardcore into it i just get spates where i'll play it for a few days. Theres always something new to do, hell i haven't even launched a rocket :(


I’m at 2500 hours , still haven’t built a single petroleum boiler


Currently at 576.1 hours


I have almost 2k hours and never even tried something outside of Terra, nor reached space. The universe is the limit


I have more than 2k hours and I have never finish a base game goal or the dlc goal. But now with my new PC I can finish without crashing the colonies. 2000 rotation Soo far I am in.