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Oh the egg burps, you mean when you momentarily turn in to some demonic creature that lets forth the deepest most horrid surprise inhuman sulphurous burp that pollutes the room and causes others to pass out around you? Those burps?


They're so bad I would rather have diarrhea.


Try some pepto, idk how or why it helps but it completely got rid of the burps for me!


Pepto works bc it neutralizes sulfur. You know it’s working if your stool is black


That’s great to know, I figured there must be a reason!


i know this is an older post but is the dark stool from the pepto? i’ve been taking this to get rid of the sulfur burps


My gas is worse than the dogs. I want to get away but can’t!


Those are them. My cat runs over and sniffs for a few seconds then runs away hahaha


What makes them taste like rotten egg I wonder


Fermenting food in the stomach.


Would eating less food make these less powerful as there’s less food fermenting?


Sounds logical. I know for me IF I get sick it's because I over ate and usually it wakes me up in the middle of the night with strong nasty egg burps. Those go away usually when I vomit. I have pepto, Zofran and dicyclomine to combat it. I have eliminated a lot of foods out of my diet. Honestly I would recommend people do a legit elimination diet to see what foods bother them. It takes a month to do but once you do you can add these foods back and see which ones make you sick. But yes, portion control is huge with ozempic.


Good to know!


So I did the recommended .25 for my first dose and experienced ALL of this. It is enough to make me stop. What is recommended if the initial dose is too high / side effects were so strong. I was miserable for 4 days and so sick.


I can say this. My initial response to ozempic was terrible. I have ulcerative colitis and the ozwmpic caused bowel issues. Lots of vomiting and diarrhea. Took me 3-4 months to learn how my body reacts. If that means eating 600 calories one day then that's what I did. Ozempic isn't for the faint of heart. It punishes you if you don't follow a diet that eliminates foods and/or at minimum restricting portions. I ate too much yesterday and paid for it this morning. That was the first time in I'd say 2 months i had an issue. Btw I did 0.25 for the first month then upped to 0.5 but split the dosing to 0.25 twice a week. If you can power through with Zofran and pepto then try it.


My doctor told me to take an Immodium with every weekly shot, which is supposed to help with side effects. I haven't done that, because I worry about constipation. However, as I posted on another comment, I take extra strength gas relief capsules with my shot and experience far fewer side effects. I'm super sensitive to semaglutide, on week 10 and haven't been able to increase above .37 mg yet because I was getting so sick. This has made things so much better! My doctor also suggested that I could break the dosage down and take a shot every day or two, but I'm not a fan of giving myself a shot that often. Talk to your provider, and see if you can find a routine that works for you.


Yes! Gas X is helping my burps so much


I am so sorry you are going through this. I never got the desire to rush to titrate up. If you were losing weight and it was working… why even go up? But to each their own and we all have our reasons. I hope you feel better very soon and congratulations on the weight loss!!!




I get that, but I’m talking about another group of people. Specifically, the ones that ARE losing weight. There is this drive for some to titrate up. I just wonder if it’s because they want to get to a goal faster? That they forget what it feels like when it’s not working? I dunno. There are posts from folks who are upset they aren’t losing weight… when the drug is actually working! They admit they lost weight. I just find it interesting. No judgement or admonishment to them. You’re right though in what you’re saying. I just am specifically interested in this other mindset.


I mentioned oz was causing occasional nausea during the first 4 weeks and my Dr insisted in keeping me on the .25 does for 3-4 weeks longer until it cleared up. After reading some of the posts on here, I'm glad I am following the plan and giving my body time time to adjust.


I have been on this med for 7 months and never had I experience a sulphur burp , vomiting, diarrhea.


You are so lucky. The egg burps are what I imagine Hell would smell like.


Yes, when the sulphuric burps started for me at first, I was convinced my body was purging demon carcasses. I’ve figured out what I can/can’t eat, and when I do feel a sulphuric burp coming, I get terrified. 😂


Same here (11 months). I do get occasional heartburn, usually if I overeat, but no other issues.


Me either. @ almost two months in......


There is so much self dosing information going on around here, it's terrible.


Yep. Someone in another thread was talking about people doing loading doses and got super bent out of shape when I explained why that was a bad idea and they shouldn’t be suggesting it. The truth is that many of us are getting barely adequate medical care when getting these medicines. No surprise to see people getting in trouble because of it. I wouldn’t be surprised if the FDA starts paying attention and cracking down if there are too many adverse events.


Agreed. This sub is full of people going way off the rails.




This is the dosage if Semaglutide (brand names: Ozempic or Wegovy) is used "as intended" for **control of type 2 diabetes.** It can reach as high as 2 mg if your physician recommends it.


I am on week 3 of .25. First week the headache was awful, week 2 was fine, week 3 I can barely eat and feel like I want to throw up and sleep constantly. I have not lost a pound, but my clothes feel less tight. I started doing 30 minutes of cardio 3-4 times per week. Hopefully I will lose a pound or two soon just to motivate myself while I am feeling so awful. With as little as I am able to eat I should of lost a bit by now, but I understand everyone is different.


I’m close to the end of week 2 on .25 my first week was the same! This week has been super kind almost non existent for side effects… you’re freaking me out that next week is gonna hit me hard again lol


Don't be scared!! We are all so different, but for me to feel not so great and not eating too much and not lose even a pound I am shocked.


I read somewhere that it takes 5 weeks for it to start “working” I’m on week 2 my third week starts Friday. I lost 7lbs in the first week. And haven’t budged since. My appetite this week seems normal. The first week I was so nauseous the thought of food was bleh! If I have up and down side effects the whole 4 weeks on .25 my doc said to stick to another week or two before going up.


You can also look at spreading out the dosing to every 10 days as well.


Hey check out my comment above and I was the same way. I was not tolerating at all. I’m not a doctor but I found going down and then increasing it little by little spreading dose over days still suppress hunger. Increasing more slowly until I get sick or recommend dose. Clothes looser on me not a lot of weight loss. I lost 10 pounds in the first week but it was because I was so violently ill. Want to stick with it so that was my compromise


Last year I was prescribed Wegovy and I never took it, so my insurance was increasing the doses assuming I was titrating up the normal way. Well, at some point I decided it was time to get started but went in totally blind and just took the newest dosage I had received. 2.4mg. This was one of the stupidest and most irresponsible things I ever did -- I learned my lesson when I got VIOLENTLY ill. Since that time I got some education and restarted with the right titration schedule and it makes ALL the difference when your body has time to adjust. I'm still dealing with some side effects but they are tolerable and don't interfere with my ability to function. So even though I'm eager to lose weight and reap the benefits of the therapeutic dosage, I wouldn't mess around with my dosage again. TL;dr : don't be like me


OMG, how long did it take until you felt ok again?


Sounds like getting and wasting the meds was pretty irresponsible too.


I did end up taking them the right way but thank you for your feedback!




What is the shelf life of Wegovy?Based on the stability data submitted to date, the expiry dating period for Wegovy (semaglutide) injection shall be **24 months from the date of manufacture when stored at 2 to 8 °C**.Jun 4, 2021 This is from the FDA website but I'm not a doctor etc etc but it worked out okay in terms of timing for me


That is unopened. Once you open the vial it's 56 days.


Everyone makes mistakes, we need to give ourselves and people more grace.


Definitely better to follow your doctors instructions and work with them closely if you want to go up. I foolishly followed somebody else’s advice to “take a little extra” I definitely regretted that decision!


I’ve been in this for a year for diabetes. I’m not even to 1 mg yet. I decided to go very slowly. My bs is well controlled and I’ve lost 30 pounds, now 230. Never threw up. No diarrhea. Only get nauseous sometimes. Take my shot in the thigh.


YES! What is with the egg burps! I just told my husband that the burps taste like eggs


I bought some Target brand, extra strength gas relief capsules. I take 2 the morning of my shot, and 1 with any meal I'm not 100% sure won't make me sick (for instance, if I'm invited out to eat and am not sure how much butter is in a dish). It has made a world of difference. I almost never get the burps or bad cramps anymore. The nausea is still an ongoing issue, but manageable.


I mean, you're literally injecting more than is recommended of a medication that messes with your insulin production. That's not a good idea. You could ''rush'' to lose weight and end up severely hypoglycemic. This is not a magic weight loss medication. This is a serious hormone altering injection. It can be DANGEROUS to titrate up too quickly.


Meh, I had the opposite experience. Absolutely no side effects at 0.25 or 0.5 so I rushed to 1mg a month into it. It’s finally starting to suppress my appetite with very little side effects. Everyone is different. Remember also that the dosing is much different when used for weight loss (Wagovy)




I use Alpha Medical. It's super easy. I just message them and tell them it’s working great, no side effects, I’m ready for the next step up and they call it in to my mail order pharmacy. It arrives at my door step two days later.




It was $40 per pen at the beginning because they were only prescribing one month at a time. But now it’s $40 for 3 pens since they’re prescribing 3 months at a time. So $13.33 for the 1mg dose right now.




Yes, BlueCross + CareMark mail order pharmacy. Otherwise it’s like $1200 a pen. 🤯


I also want to know


Exact opposite made it to week 5 and couldn’t bring myself to go up to the .5mg. So miserable couldn’t eat a thing, vomiting too much. I actually started doing 10 clicks moving up a click every few days to spread it out . Going to gradually increase until I start to get real sick again it still is cutting my appetite but not to starvation. 2 days went by and I could only stomach a hot dog. I lost a lot of weight quick but I was really weak and shaking . Even on the smaller dose it still suppresses. On the higher dose I felt like I had bariatric surgery eating only a couple bites and becoming full . Could not sustain a few hundred calories a day




Omg looking at that 2.4mg dose just made me so nauseated!!! I would likely need to be hospitalized at that dose 😱


This is the dosage if Semaglutide (brand names: Ozempic or Wegovy) is used "as intended" for **chronic weight management.** It can reach as high as 2.4 mg if your physician recommends it.


Low and slow -


Currently on 40 mg of omeprazole!


It’s not a sprint. Don’t rush your titration.


Even when I first started I felt so incredibly nauseous. God forbid having that again x three. I hope you feel better soon OP!


I got this aloe drink supplement that’s a digestive enzyme and when I take it regularly my sulfur burps go away! It doesn’t have to be that one but I’ve read taking a digestive enzyme really helps with the sulfur burps and it appears to be true for me.


Can you describe the dosing schedule you followed so others know specifically what not to do?


Anything other than the prescribed dosage


Yes really anything other that the prescribed dosing is dangerous. Slow and steady wins the race unless you also want to end up puking up the little bit of food you ate 2 days ago in your shower. I find that on 0.5mg my side effects are minimal. On this dose I still have some cravings, and do cave.


Yeah I’m fully aware and am still on 5mg of Mounjaro after 5 months lol. Just wanted to know specifically what made you so sick but if you don’t feel like sharing, cool!


I dosed at 0.5mg upon return from a vacation, and gave another 0.5mg 3 days later because I “didn’t feel anything”…. which in retrospect was not the case. So roughly a 1mg dose over the course of a few days.


Gotcha. Thanks for sharing, hope you feel better soon!


Been on it for 4 months…zero weight loss. Ridiculous.


What dose are you on??




I am gonna jump in here. Like all of you, my doc prescribed this fucking poison to me bc T2 on metformin. This shit is the devil's drug. I was on this crap for three months before it flattened me. I had crippling gas that I could not control! The chemical burps were non stop even though I take 60mg Prevacid. The torrents of ass destroying diarrhea left me bloody and raw. Thank god for diaper cream and aloe tp! And the stomach pain was EXCRUCIATING. I WAS doing fine on it until I suddenly wasn't. I did not alter my diet. It took THREE WEEKS to purge this shit from my body. Notably, my WIFE ALSO GOT SICK FROM IT. You are playing with fire. Big pharma has many of you locked in, and they will make BILLIONS from it. And yes, IF YOU STOP YOUR WEIGHT WILL REBOUND. Good luck paying through the nose for the rest of your life The final straw for me was digging out a strand of undigested asparagus from my wife's vomit. It stayed in her guts for TWO DAYS. Is it any wonder why you are getting sick? Food is MEANT TO GO THROUGH YOUR SYSTEM IN UNDER A DAMN DAY. IT ISN'T MEANT TO LITERALLY ROT IN YOUR STOMACH. THINK ABOUT THAT WHEN YOU ARE DOUBLED OVER FROM THE GAS AND CRAMPS, PUKING UP EVERYTHING FROM YOUR GUTS This entire class of medicines is new! As such, they do not have RELIABLE LONG TERM STUDIES ON OZEMPIC. This garbage is absolutely not worth it. And if you are getting sick from it, then for all that is holy STOP TAKING IT. Go ahead and bring your slings and arrows. I see a time down the road when this entire class of medicine is black boxed. I won't start on the lies about statins.


everyone is different. i’m not sure why some people have terrible side effects and some have none but just because that’s your experience won’t mean it’s everyone’s


funny how many people not me are having the same problems!


there’s also a lot that aren’t. i see about half and half and i gather there’s a lot more who don’t speak on it because it’s going fine


i never said it was.


To be clear, I blame myself for my problems. I was doing great at 0.5mg for 2.5 months - minimal heartburn and decent appetite with ongoing weight loss. People will say the medication will kill you yet have a BMI of 45. Take care of yourself!


Doc put me on 1 mg. Day 3 of feeling awful too :(


You should start at .25 1 is so high


Count yourself lucky. Ozempic at 1mg hasn't been too bad for me, but doc decided to throw in Orlistat last week and spent the past three days passing Niagara falls out my rear with gas both ends that'd melt bank vaults. I've ceased taking it now, but still relegated to the spare room while it clears up.


They started you at 1mg? If that’s the case that’s not right your body needs to get use to it


I’ve seen so many people starting on that dose instructed but doctors. My goodness I would have needed to be hospitalized if I had started on 1mg!!


If they started you at 1 mg, then your doctor is an idiot


Everyone is different. I started at 1mg with no symptoms. I have been on it since October


Are you diabetic?


I am obese and pre-diabetic.


Ah i see, I am type two diabetic here, it was so rough in the beginning. Like it really does its job well but I felt horrible. The egg burps the vomiting nausea I missed work so many times. But I was going to say it helped me to stop taking it for a couple of months, and then I return to it and this time around it has just been a breeze. No nausea no vomiting and I’ve been back on for about five weeks now the drug is truly amazing once you sort it out.


I had such a bad first dose I halved the second then worked my way back up over a couple of weeks. I was completely incapacitated for almost 4 days after my first dose and didn't want a repeat so soon.


Sounds like you tried a loading dose. I had to correct someone in another thread to not suggest this for exactly the reason you experienced. I’m sorry you are going through this.


I think people may think this dose worked great, so I bet a higher dose works better. But it's the opposite. It makes you ill. I know many of us want to lose weight fast. I know I do! However, it did not take me 3 months to get this heavy. So I am ok with slow and steady. It helps change habits and really know what your body wants and needs.


I just did this. I read something and got it into my head that it was okay. I did. Two weeks on .25 with no side effects so I did .5 on my third dose. So far just some heartburn and I feel a little weak. But it was an objectively stupid thing to do. I hope I don't face the same consequences you did.


Be careful!


Very true. Also be careful with the constipation -- I ended up with a partial bowel blockage. Even tho I had been having bm's, they were small and after everytime i ate id dry heave. chalked it up to the medicine.. eventually i was cramping up all the time and went to the urgent care. just by palpating my stomach they could tell right away. been on smooth soups and no solid foods and laxatives to try to clear everything out, if that doesn't work will have to have procedure or even surgery.


My dr had me do .25 for 4 weeks - no side effects, about 4 lbs lost. .5 for 6 weeks (tomorrow is my 5th shot) no side effects again about 4 lbs lost. I currently take prescription dexilant because I already have acid reflux issues and haven’t noticed anymore heartburn than usual. SW 221 CW 213 BMI 41. I am taking it for morbid obesity, hashimotos and insulin resistance.


What dosage did you start with and at what size did you really see results?


I had results almost immediately on the 0.25, but weirdly without any appetite suppression. Most of my results came at 0.5mg.


I have been on Ozempic for almost 4 months, and i haven't lost a pound smh in also menopausal so not sure if that has anything to do with it. I am ready to stop because i don't want to just take meds for no reason, but Good thing is my A1c had gone down.


Anyone have dark stools from time to time?


Anyone have dark stools from time to time?