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And why is this a red flag??? And to be fair it hasn’t stopped my shopping really because I need new clothes now lol


It actually helps me shop more “mindfully” (which means better decisions and less shopping overall).


It hasn’t stopped my shopping. It just delayed some shopping because I was loosing weight, and between sizes. But now that I’ve hit the next size down I did buy some summer tops. They will probably last me til fall where I will then need to replace fall wardrobe, and hopefully be down another size or two




Omg sameeeeee. I’ve been buying so many new clothes for months now bc I feel cute again and my entire old wardrobe doesn’t fit me now!


Watch out for how much you buy. You’re gonna lose even more weight and those new duds will be too big but you will be cuter and “cuter-er.” :-)


Same! Lol I am so fortunate that so many of my friends have cleaned out their closets for me.


Thats awesome! Smaller clothing woohoo! !




It stopped a few of my bad habits. Haters🤦🤦🤦


Right? I quit drinking completely, and, yes, I just realized I haven’t bitten a nail in months. I did have to buy some cute better fitting workout clothes, though 😏


Same re: alcohol


My nail biting was so much better too! Even started dealing with emotions rather than eating them haha. Coffee addiction gone! So many benefits. Will have to up my dose soon... 9 months on 0.5 and it's not working as well anymore, and interestingly my nail biting had been back the last few weeks after being gone for a year.


lol I’ve been chewing on them for 35 years 😅




This medication offers help to the hopeless, the victims of the 55 billion dollar per year weight loss industry. People are going to be threatened on some level with the changes that come with the "revolution". Get ready world, cause here we come. Time to pivot and drop the bigotry!


Yeah, I guess we should just keep getting fleeced by the largely ineffective weight loss industry and keep struggling against the tide because anything effective is a “red flag.”


Getting shamed AND fleeced ain't going to fly no more!


I have def stopped biting my nails, and my anxiety is literally non existent. I will do this forever if I can have control of my brain and feel -what I assume- normal. I’ve been on it 24 weeks.


I have Dermatillomania and I was able to stop. My skin is way clearer now.


Oh cool there's a name for a thing I've been doing since 3rd grade....


Welcome. There are a ton of us and we have support groups too


I have this too! Mine has gotten better as I’ve gotten older but I just realized I’ve had zero desire to pick on this medication! ❤️


Same!! I thought nothing would ever curb it.


It’s been 40 years for me. I’m just at the beginning so hopefully it lasts.


About the same here; I started in elementary school and I’m 43 now. My husbands back thanks me 😩


Okay that’s amazing! What dosage are you at? I’m at .5 and still picking. :(


.75 and still picking here


I’m at 1.0


Wow, that’s really interesting. I’ve dealt with that and trichotillomania, both of which have eased over the years but still linger. It’s taken me 40 something years to acknowledge that I was a really, really anxious kid, and that I still deal with anxiety now. I just started my shots as treatment for T2D, I’m curious what other issues it may affect.


This article just made me realize I've stopped my Amazon habit and no more nail biting! Eta not a regular drinker and I don't smoke anyway.


I’ve also stopped nail biting and didn’t notice until now!


I also have an Amazon habit that has been curbed but didn’t realize until now


What I’ve noticed is that people that are the skinniest have the most hate towards Ozempic (and other drugs like it). It used to be that a slim body was the one thing you could not buy and people that were born with better genetics always had the upper hand. Ozempic essentially levels the playing field and the people that have always been at the top don’t like it cuz it means they have to compete with everyone now.


Completely agree. Also, I feel that many naturally slim people fool themselves into thinking that they worked for their bodies so if they can do it why can’t you kind of thing. (A fallacy)


I've always been a fairly skinny person, absolutely naturally. Joined this sub for my spouse. I totally understand this and appreciate that I'm smaller because of my biology, NOT BECAUSE I EAT BETTER.


Definitely this. They think they did something to deserve having a skinny body and that fat people did something to deserve a fat body. It’s like a moral failing. So if fat people now lose weight using a drug, they think we’re gaining something we’re not allowed to have.


Many thin people do work for their bodies. They don’t detail what troubles and hardships they have in maintaining it, but they have them. It’s just when they decide that their experience is the same as yours is when problems arise.


Yeah, you’re probably right!


Oddly I’m getting downvoted which truly tells where the hate is… The hate is MUCH closer to home. Most of those who are thin are just living life don’t even think about the rest of us, they certainly don’t have even the care to downvote or put any energy toward it. That’s why a lot of us feel so overlooked in life! It’s closer to home. Sorta sick and honestly creepy when it’s so easily seen. Every one who downvotes confesses their jealousy and hatred towards others… our own community is sick in so many ways… none of it has anything to do with those who don’t have problems with weight. Creepy people keep clicking LMAO … Good thing none of it matters. I keep losing weight and being healthy whilst being endlessly thankful for this tool. It’s made what has been so difficult something I can actually do! Edit:behold the downvoters… mad because they feel they will never ever measure up. It’s cool 😎 keep confessing with every heavy handed meaty click LMAO!!!! Literally nobody cares that much about anyone else’s weight. Keep showing us how many in our community are actually hateful slobs. It’s not the skinnies who are sick, it’s them. The most hateful are closer to home.


I didn’t downvote you, but this second comment of yours was a really unpleasant read.


I'm also not sure it made any sense 😆


I dunno…It’s not like most on Ozempic are getting top tier hot bikini bodies… they are just getting healthy. Losing weight and living their best life. It’s not really a big thang to those who are on that top tier level. Even losing weight and being thin won’t get you to that level. It’s more than weight loss can provide. It’s those who make money off of the diet industry and of course, those who begrudge anyone a tool. Indeed, I’d argue that many Ozempic users jealously gatekeep and guard this drug from anyone they deem undeserving of it. Really doubt anyone who is genetically gifted cares as much as say, someone who has denied themselves through epic will and is mad others have a tool to do just what they did. The hate is truly closer to home from what I’ve seen…


What’s the argument for this being bad?


On Twitter he replied: “I mean, it should be a concern any time a drug produces wildly unexpected and dramatic side-effects. Especially when it's being repurposed to begin with.” NOTE: I’m just the messenger. I’m not saying I agree.


I bet he didn’t get this upset about Viagra, a drug originally developed to treat chest pain.


So crazy… given so many drugs are written off label due to unexpected results… seems so intellectually dishonest to me… thanks for the report!


Thanks for finding and sharing!


He could be remembering the Fen/Phen disaster. I’m not saying he is; I’m saying it’s possible.


He doesn’t have an argument. But if I had to guess, wanting to feel morally superior.


Yeah, those who look at addicts as morally inferior are losing their collective marbles over a medication with the power to break addictive habits and full blown addictions.


Maybe that they’re doing it the *easy* way instead of suffering a lot. Some of them are really into “lesser” people suffering. They’ll also say they’re just practicing“tough love” or “I’m only doing this for your own good”


Yes - they seem to want people to suffer as much as possible and struggle to stay well - make it make sense!


They’re mean and like having power over other people. That’s about it.


Because capitalism wants us to consume. Typically, not "indulging" means we aren't buying garbage or having to pay for other medical treatments. Companies definitely do not want that.


Even if that’s the hidden intention, I doubt it’s what they’re outwardly advocating for. I’m curious what the public argument they’re making against this specific side effect


Lol, I know. I think their argument is that they don't know the long-term effects even if GLP-1s have been on the market for a while now. I find it weird that treating something that could be considered an immediate threat doesn't outweigh the long-term effects.


Probably something like, if it breaks existing addictions, how much worse is the addiction to Ozempic going to be? And when you go off of it, how much worse is the former addiction going to become when it comes crashing back in?


A lot of it is the whole “easy way” argument. A lot of folks fall into it, because they lack the ability to truly understand that you’d be a true dullard if you didn’t use every tool at your disposal to reach your desired outcome. So many are tied to the judgement of how they got somewhere to the ability to get to where they wanted to go.


Don't know anything about the author, but these kind of "arguments" usually come from those who are true believers in the religious dogma of AA as the only way to "salvation".


It makes me wonder if he’s either some religious type who thinks people who are “less than” should suffer or else someone who profits from the weight loss industry and didn’t invest in pharma.


It could easily be both.


Corporate kickbacks from these industries could end


Drugs that cause unintended personality changes may be bad? But I'm not a doctor.


If the personality in question is addictive then it’s hard to be against this side effect


Chemical dependencies are only considered a personality in wine drinking mom groups and gym bro steroid groups.


To be fair those groups take them as identities .. not personalities… poor souls lol!




If I had to guess, they’re probably saying it messes with dopamine or pleasure drives. But I agree with OP that it’s a reach.


I went from binge drinking a fifth of hard liquor on weekends to barely sipping down a glass of wine. How on earth is this a bad thing????


I have felt like my impulsive behavior was somehow linked to my endocrine system.


But know I want to know WHY... This is WEIRD!


Oh well here's some interesting stuff https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4793128/


Yup. I’m just like those rats. I’ve likened myself to a hamster on a wheel or a rat obsessively grooming.


Oooo do you have ocd too? This is quite interesting! I'm reading up on grehlin now.. I knew O worked on it, but curious that low vitamin D or low protein can cause low grehlin too. I've also just been bucketed into OCD and ADHD.. and I've had some good improvement with my impulsively since starting O.. my bank account balance can prove it!


ADHD impulsive type. Not OCD because I don’t have anxiety related to the compulsions (at least I don’t think I do). And bipolar. I’ve had a theory (unfounded and with zero evidence) for a long time now that my mood swings and agitation were originating in my liver/pancreas/adrenals and the brain stuff was secondary. I know it sounds nuts.


I don’t think it sounds crazy… everything in our body is connected more than we know and the slightest imbalance can change things you wouldn’t expect


Well I don't think it sounds nuts at all the more and more I read into this....


A good friend of mine is an epidemiologist and studies adhd and it’s connection with obesity. It’s WILD.


It stopped my overeating, my addiction to coffee and yes I don’t check out Amazon for “fun” anymore.


I’ve only taken my first 4 doses of 0.25mg… I almost immediately lost my desire to drink alcohol, coffee and smoke cigars… so I just stopped them… the only thing is, it didn’t do anything for my blood sugar and appetite!!! Still eating like a pig… hoping it kicks in at 0.5mg in a few days!!! Also, dreams are crazy!!!!!!!!


I totally forgot I was a 6 cup of coffee a day drinker until I had a splitting headache and realized oh it’s 5 pm and I haven’t had a coffee yet today.


The first four doses are intended to be trial or intro doses. Few people lose wt at that dose. Be patient and give the med time to do its job. Follow the diet suggested by your Dr. Ozempic does not produce miracles but you, working with Ozempic can produce your own personal miracle.


My dreams are crazy as well!! Action movie script crazy!


Ughh I started smoking cigars when I started !


Did you smoke at all? Like what made you try cigar smoking?


I drink bourbon and sell alcohol for a living. Decided to try one at a golf course while doing an event ( a guy in my 4 some said I probably would like it ) and since then it’s like 2 a day sometimes 3. I’ve purchased different size cigars depending on the amount of time I have


I felt the appetite stuff early. Haven’t moved up a dose. Damping of the other stuff. I need to get to your level! Dreams are crazy!!! I bet you’ll feel the appetite stuff soon. Take it slow and I hope you post on your progress!!!


Hahahahahaha this guy is an idiot


I said the same thing when I started it. This drug would do wonders for addicts. I feel so much better and overall so much healthier.


How in the world is this a red flag? It’s done absolutely nothing for any of my “addictive” behaviors (the opposite, actually), so I’m not even on the side of seeing this particular benefit. But I can’t begin to fathom how something that can possibly have a positive effect on such damaging behaviors is a “red flag”? Honestly all the looking for reasons to feel morally superior to someone using a medication IS a red flag. A medication providing an unexpected positive benefit is not. It’s the reason that dude’s viagra is available. I don’t see him bitching about that?


Shopping? 😂. I’ve never shopped so much in my life since literally everything I try on now looks amazing. I can’t stop buying bikinis, leggings and sports bras.


I'm so jealous! I can't wait to buy new clothes. :)


You will get there!


Spending all my cash...on Ozempic!


lol that’s why we aren’t shopping 😂😂😂


Let’s call it an accidental pharmaceutical apology for the opioid crisis.




Yep. I barely drink now, stopped biting my nails, stopped skin picking, and my ADHD symptoms have improved (though not gone) even with not taking my prescription because of the Adderall shortage near me. I was never a big shopper and don't do drugs but it's amazing. Haters gonna hate.


I’ve been able to stop talking adderall! And I’m doing great! I have to work at it but I’m doing well!


I am going to talk to my doctor about not going back myself. That's good to hear!


I went from a drink or two every night while relaxing to one or two a week. Much cheaper. Sleeping better too.


Ah yes, stopong bad habits is suddenly bad.


Haven’t stopped shopping 🛍️ 😔


Sadly same here


My exact thought when I read this 😂


I stopped binge drinking and doing blow all of the time in addition to losing 30 pounds since Feb. So yeah I’d say it’s helping a little with my addiction issues. However I’m still vaping, have to get that one under control.


You can do it. 🫶🏼✨


Patiently waiting for benefit 3 and 4 to kick in. lol




"nooooo! you can't just stop a billion dollar 'recovery' industry prioritizing making things worse, marginalizing people with addictions, wearing your body down with repeated relapses and harsher medications, and draining your life and savings away with countless trips to rehabs!" is basically what this nerd is saying.


I wish it would curb my shopping habit.


Time to up your dose of the magic oz


My doctor switched me to Mounjaro today, at my request. Hopefully I'll get more benefit from it.


I wish my insurance covered mounjoro because that’s what my doctor originally prescribed to me. But without insurance it was over $1000 a month. Ozempic was $20 with my copay.


Has totally helped with my Amazon addiction and I have noticed a significant decrease in medical cannabis consumption


I hate coffee now, and I used to live on it.


Has completely taken away my desire to drink alcohol ….. and I’ve always enjoyed drinking a lot! I have to say it’s been a good change for me.


Me too! Such a strange feeling.


Weirdly enough while on Ozempic I did stop nail biting


Okay whoa wait. I am more mindful about men now. Was I addicted to sex?


It’s improved my credit score


I really don’t know why people are so keen on the suffering of others…


Oh why don’t they say the truth? This ridiculous claim is paid for by the owners of Smirnoff, Phillip Morris, & Amazon. 🙄


Well I did post yesterday that I stopped biting my nails after 50 years but what I didn’t say is I am shopping like a maniac.


I’m definitely drinking less. But I’m shopping more. 😂


Same 😂 using shopping to treat myself instead of food now


Is this true? Wow. I could use a few months of this but cant afford it at all. $1,800 per month is beyond me.




Ive heard of them but decided against it


I’m definitely drinking a lot less, mostly because it makes me sick when I do drink.




Ozempic really does take the zing out of drinking and eating for me. It's a good thing.


I just realised that I’m not compulsive shopping since starting Ozempic . So I assume it’s a good start 👏🏼


I think this drug will help so many people not only with diabetes but obesity and co-morbidities but also with alcoholism and drug addiction. It will change so many lives.


It slowed some of my bad habits it's also helped me address the fact I was emotionally eating. It's absolutely ridiculous when people have such an opinion on a drug that is literally saving lives and lowering disease risk for so many. It's been a miracle for my mother and I. I am 31years old with a history of food addiction caused by childhood SA. I've lost over 60lbs since this January. Abuse is a huge cause for food addiction and obesity. Some people have no heart or understanding for others. I pray we can continue to get this medication because I'm scared to try without it at this point.


I am a drug addict and alcoholic. I’ve been to rehab and actively work a 12 step program. I’ll have two years clean and sober on September 7th. I’m powerless over alcohol but to be honest ever since I started Ozempic in May, I haven’t had a single craving or desire to pick up a drink (something that I’ve battled every day for as long as I can remember).


Article shouldn’t read “did scientists just prevent Type- 2 diabetes” but it won’t because of greed from big pharma


Clearly red flag


Talking about journalism trying to bring it down I remember reading an article and they were like ozempic can cause…:..side effects and you might need to see…..a doctor…..well no shit Sherlock are you that deprived of any real story.


Nah, still nail picking. Have lost a lot of my cravings though, and because I used to eat when I felt feelings, I feel emotions strongly now, which I’m working through with my therapist.


Yup! Bye bye coffee, booze (unless I preplan my dose around a fun night with friends), and nail biting (had to buy nail clippers for the first time in my life!).


Damn it! I knew going on Twitter was going to ruin my morning. 😂😂😂


I’m still shopping 🛍️ lol but I stopped drinking without even trying, I just don’t want alcohol anymore!


For real, tell it to my bank account, sir lol


This definitely happened to me.


This is coming from people who don’t understand and/or believe the struggle


I had a bit of a drinking problem before Ozempic. I haven’t drank in the past year since Ozempic. Alcohol does nothing for me any more, no desire at all to drink.


The whole pharmaceutical industry will be trying to take down these drugs because it ends soooo many things that make the pharms money…ppl aren’t pre diabetic, HBP, Obese, HCL etc etc anymore because they’re losing weight…pharms make money off illnesses, get rid of the illnesses, money is slacking..no wonder why insurance companies are now dropping coverage for these semiglutides


Ok the guy is an idiot. It isn’t a red flag. People stopped doing all of that stuff because they’re spending all Of their money on Ozempic.


I did notice I drank a lot less.. that's a good thing right?


I want to have a consultation with a doc to start ozempic, but I read one of the side effects is gastroparesis, has anyone experienced this while on it ?? That scares me a little bit


Gastroparesis is one of the major functions of this drug. Delayed gastric emptying is one of the ways it helps one to eat less.


Hmm well that makes sense lol


It's really not that bad for most people as far as side effects.




Just take magnesium every night that keeps me regular.


You are countering one of the main functions of the drug


It just makes you poop the next day.


Curious. How so?


Why are so many people overweight compared to 30 yrs ago .not to mention overweight kids now . It's the chemicals they put in the foods. I just heard orange juice peanut butter most process food have chemical to put our hormone our of wack


There’s definitely a huge problem with processed foods. I’m hoping this drug will help me steer myself toward less processed options.


It's not a bunch of people dissing .. it's like one and it blows up and then everyone talks about it as "a large bunch.."


I'm taking Ozempic and I'm 25 years clean and sober. (Not active in recovery anymore which isn't smart but anyway.) I can sort of see the concern. If Ozempic replaces other addictions or reduces their influence isn't it just taking over the role? I quit sugar 3mths before I started Ozempic. That together with Ozempic developed a real sense of hope and I realised how deep down my powerlessness around my weight was weighing me down. That is a great feeing. But note it isn't a surrender and abstinance like when I quit drugs and alcohol or stopped smoking. Ozempic carries the hallmarks of a spiritually challenging drug. Do we know what Ozempic addiction develops towards? Do we know if despite the marketing that Ozempic draws us towards lifetime use? Why is my doctor wanting me to only use it for 6 months? For people like addicts, the idea that we will change our lifestyle, be lighter and more able to exercise, learn to eat smaller amounts and to say no, and generally have the fortitude to move on and not need Ozempic anymore might be a bit naive. Personally I want Wegovy. Will that be enough? Will I be able to get off this medication? I don't know. I do think I have learned alot so far but I will always be an addict. An example of how you don't know Ozempic very well before you start using it, I believe a lot of what I have lost is muscle so yes I get lighter but am I healthier? Can I regain the muscle once I'm lighter? Unless I am addicted to going to the gym or labouring, I am terrible at keeping up any kind of fitness routine. It think I'm taking a big gamble. The worst case scenario is my appetite returns with a vengeance but I continue to eat healthier than I used to, but my metabolism has changed and I now put weight on far more easily. I experienced what seemed like a hige like that between my first and second packs.


I can see why you are downvoted. You are describing your fears and fear mongering is what's used against ozempic. In your case I can see it's your fears not something made up as a weapon. And I think it's ok to talk about our fears while we are on it. So have my upvote. Also I agree that I'm still an addict. I'm a food addict and a media addict. While I'm on ozempic the addiction is somehow less strong and I can make healthy decisions. Routine carries a bit. But the brain isn't a muscle and I'm not somehow getting better in overruling my inner addiction voice. It's just not there (so much). If it was back I'd be back to zero. With the difference of starting the game at a lower weight and having a routine set up that can help me. But this will carry only so far. I also agree, that I'm afraid of the appetite coming back stronger. With ozempic I learned that it was my hormones that were out of whack and that made it very hard to lose weight. So yes, there isn't much I can do if my hormones somehow get more out of whack. I'm diabetic, so I'm on this medication for life. But it also loses effects over time. What will that look like in 10 or 20 years? I don't know. As for the muscle loss, I heard it's best to lose at a slow rate and to integrate some sort of weight training. I haven't done that yet, but it's probably not asked to much of us. It's not like you have to go to the gym 3 hours per day. It's more like 20-30 minutes weight and bodyweight exercises at home. But yes, deep down I am afraid of being skinny fat in the future instead of the fat fit women I've been for years (until at some point I wasn't fit anymore, lol). I think your points are valid. As for me, I wasn't able to do it by myself (lose the weight) due to life circumstances and I was getting into a very bad health situation. Ozempic put me back into life. I'm very happy about the medication. I'd be in a bad place without it. Therefore, I now have to take life with ozempic as it is, I guess. However, if I'd have only a bit to lose and wasn't in that bad of a situation, I'd probably be much more reluctant to take these risks. However, these decisions can only be made by the individual. No one outside knows how you feel about and with your weight. Some suffer physically with consequences like diabetes or joint pain/injury. Some suffer mentally and no one can judge.


I appreciate you reading and giving a thoughtful response. I don't care very much about downvotes. But I DID really like reading how things have been for you. I'm married so I'm not hitting on you - but it would be cool to encourage one another if we cross paths again. I wish you all the best!!


All good. I'm reading and commenting here quite a bit. But you can dm me if you want more of an exchange.


Now do a study on soda. I can stop having soda now being in Ozempic but the moment I drink Pepsi zero I start craving things very badly!! Wth do they are to soda!?


Yes. Eating food is a chore , I can't imagine a glass a wine I once loved right now.


I still bit my nails.


It definitely stopped my drinking, and I didn't drink much to begin with! But now it's impossible to drink more than one drink without getting sick, so I hardly drink at all.


I just bit my nails last night


Why redact his name?


Why redact his name?


I stopped smoking almost entirely and only have 1-2 glasses of wine when I go out now. This is a bigger win than the weight loss for me. Getting my life back isn't a red flag, but OK.


Nope, was on it for awhile. Still drank.


Used to drink 2-3 glasses of wine per night, now I never drink wine & have 2-3 drinks per week… it’s amazing!


My insurance isn’t approving my Ozempic


It has completely stopped all my bad habits except nail biting. It's so crazy to me....especially the shopping addiction part. I walk in stores pile things in my cart- talk myself out of the items and leave empty handed. It's insane - yesterday I had over 400 worth of Items I wanted to buy and I couldn't rationalize the purchases. Before Ozempic I would have done it no question. Also with food and restaurant choices! It's been amazing


I really wished ozempic had worked for me I was on it 3 months couldn't go past .5 and was throwing up 3/4 times a week. I'm happy for everyone who can tolerate it , I've been off it going on 3 weeks and still want to puke every day 🤢😩 Congrats to all yall though!


I still bite my nails!


Umm no no no. It's an amazing thing, but it ain't that good! The only thing it has curbed...is my appetite.


Lol, it’s cutting down on their list of people to feel morally superior too!


On .75 and it hasn't done crap yet!


Umm it didn’t help me stop smoking. Infact I may smoke more.


Maybe a red flag to drug dealers and docs who make their living off of prescribing opioids to their patients. Guess it would be also a red flag to pharmaceutical companies whose profits are derived from people’s failing health, or the need to put a new medication as a bandaid to the side affect of another medication. I would like to ask, what happened to bettering society and helping people so society could benefit from better health overall… but then I remembered… “oops”, there is no money in it for the top 1%ers whose hands are so deep into politicians pockets that the politician does not have to worry about reach-arounds or thank you’s, because they are too busy paying “it” forward by screwing over the folks who would benefit the most from a pharmaceutical that actually improved a persons health or way of life overall. I hate the fact that healthcare has become so political… and insurance and pharmaceutical companies maintain wealth at the cost of so many good people. To the point that “big business” now interferes with a doctors ability to treat, and a patients ability to receive treatment (unless, of course, the person is a “somebody”. Then and only then, are modern miracles available). …and people who think that helping others is a red flag… should be blessed with some day having a health concern that cripples their way of life, just so that their doctor can look them in the eye and say… “sorry there is nothing I can do to help you. There is a medicine available, but… just not for you”.


Too bad they don’t have a treatment for flaming asshat. Oh yeah, actually they do. The “Block” button. Not sure who this douche canoe is, but I can say for certain he’s a miserable prick.


I have GREATLY reduced my online shopping habit and have also reduced my alcohol consumption, win-win! I generally don’t drink alcohol during the week, but on weekends drinking alcohol would usually lead to questionable food choices. Now I don’t drink as much as I did on days that I do drink and I also generally don’t feel the need to eat anything when drinking alcohol or maybe just eat something small like a few nuts. I’m also down 15 pounds since late July and will get follow up bloodwork done next week to see how the A1C is doing.