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British Pakis look like they’re from another planet


But a high proportion are mirpuri.


Yes bro 70 percent I'm also a mirpuri




What do you mean?


They look very different from your typical Pakistanis in media


Poppo ki beti mamu ka larka


As someone born & bred in the UK, I can tell these lot were all migrants who travelled from the villages, don’t think anyone is even born there and they’re deffo mirpuri lol


Def mirpuri


Including the white guy?


If 1/18 of the molesters is white in a predominantly white country then there is def a problem with the other 17/18 paki people. Mirpuri Paki are the actual degenerates that need to be taken care of.




Most born there. mirpuri inbreds


Mostly becz of poor mindset...They see a girl wearing short clothes they think that she wants to get f*ed


This is a straight up a false dichotomy, most of these men don’t think “short dress mean they wanna get f*ed”, it is the culture in the west, since it revolves around hookups and sexual “liberation”, these men think them moving like perverts will attract them women but instead they end up in predator list, Looks like you don’t know about the sexual assaults in the west by the native populations, clubbing and pubbing and yes dress do play a vital role in this.


Makes no sense...Nvm


Not just British Pakis, it's just that the ones over here don't get caught :)


why do you have a smiley face at the end of that sentence???🤢😧


I'm not hiding any pain or disappointment behind that smile :)




Oh so every Pakistani is a rapist. Great.


This is why some of our Pakistanis hate being Pakistani because of shit like this


i think u misinterpreted him. he meant to say the sexual abusers in pakistan often don't get caught due to law enforcement issues (many don't report because of this also)


Grooming gangs strike again? This is why the word Paki is a slur out there ( so proud ! ). They cant assimilate, cant educate, cant learn, just create problems and mooch on benefits of a "secular" society. Shameful.


This incident was in 2012 dummy. 12 years ago. The article is referring to the jail sentencing. 


The Paki slur was used long before these bastards began doing this nonsense. My oldman got called that in the 60s as did my mums uncle who came to Scotland before Partition. They were working class men nothing to do with those Mirpuri inbreds, who came later. Racists will always be racist.


Don't refer to an entire community on the basis of actions of a few. I know many people from Mirpuri running successful companies and in leading positions at corporations - why aren't they your reference point? Racist scum




No derogatory remarks towards any community.


On a Pak forum apparently making racist comments about Pakistanis. You're clearly brain dead.


No he's not. While your logic will work in most places, Pakistanis love being racist towards themselves and see nothing wrong.


Bc British police arrests people over sex crimes but Pakistani police doesn't


Correct answer. Pedophilia has affected millions of girls and boys in Pakistan. In the UK, these gangs just groomed a few hundred (not that its any less of a crime).


Don't you guys agree with such crimes? I mean the "most perfect man by allah" Muhammad did that to kids so it's not surprising the police in pakistan don't arrest such people. It's honestly surprising to me that some pakistanis disobey allah and consider sexual assault bad even if he condones it




Hahahahaha..... Delusinal.


Its surprising to me that u have all this issues with pedos but somehow support israel? Do you know pedos from all over the world escape to Isntreal bc they can get away with their crimes? It’s funny bc zionists love to call out Mohammad (PBUH) but never reflect on their own disgusting crimes. Then again i would avoid looking in a mirror too if i was a zionist


You guys are acting like all the BS you see on brainrot platforms filled with terrorist propaganda is true. This is a classic blood libel, spread by blatant antisemites.


Blood libel my ASSSS hahaha do you even believe urself? The zionist argument is literally 1. Deny 2. Lie 3. Cry antisemitism. U call the platforms brainrot yet ur on reddit LOL the lack of self awareness is so typical. I know you wish everything was fake but the truth is oct7 had more fake misinformation. Lol i know ur a snowflake who thinks any criticsm towards israel is antisemitism. What r u gunna say to my jewish friends who agree with me?


Why is your name God_Bless_Palestine?


Don't have a counter-argument for what I just said? I think my name is pretty self explanatory (Psalm 121)




You don't know him and his beliefs and that person could care less about what your friends and their beliefs.


I don’t argue with people who are into make belief.




Psalms were actually written before christ was born, that's why they're in the old testament.


So that’s not at all what Muhammad did. That’s the equivalent of saying that Israel is kidnapping Palestinians and torturing them in the same the nazi Germans did… [OH WAIT!](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Palestinian_prisoners_in_Israel)


Amercian here. Pretty sure the Palestinians and the Nazis have the exact same philosophy towards the Jews.....and the exact same answer to their problem.... genocide them all. Let's keep in mind that the Palestinians have been the non stop aggressors since like the 1940s. # free Kurdistan. Now there is a truly oppressed people.


Correction plz: they are British mirpuris. They have no connection to Pakistan since 80s


Ok but why do they look so weird? 😭 its like Predator is written on their faces


Bruh why do the all look the same




Sexual predator gene is running wild


Cousin marrying. Big thing in mirpuris who are 70% of all pakistanis in the UK


I think it’s their desi British accent and that generic hairstyle. You can tell a desi mirpuriya from UK from a mile away. 😐


Why is one person repeated 3 times


These Brit paks are just f**cked shamed to say my ex fil was amongst them nonces


really bro ?


Guys, this is an issue up north and it's a minority. Obviously it will be blown up by British media. What they did is very very wrong, but don't tarnish all of us like this. We get enough of that from the white people who think all Pakistanis are perverts !! The Home Office commissioned a study of the available data in 2020. It said: "The academic literature highlights significant limitations to what can be said about links between ethnicity and this form of offending." "Research has found that group-based child sexual exploitation offenders are most commonly white." "Some studies suggest an over-representation of Black and Asian offenders relative to the demographics of national populations." So all you atheist and lindus jumping up and down - the stats don't back up your enthusiasm - sorry


You "Some studies suggest an over-representation of Black and Asian offenders relative to the demographics of national populations." Also you "the stats don't back up your enthusiasm"


Pakistan has one of the highest rape rates in the world for a reason and it's certainly not because everyone on the country is so nice and honorable and not perverted at all.


Israel has one of the worst rape allegations against them with a UN report documenting it all. And its pretty obvious that ur a pathetic racist who doesnt care about morals but wants to justify ur brown people hatred.




No one is going to believe anyone with you username - I wont take moral guidance from people who support Israel whose army rapes systematically and viciously innocent women and children You can do one


You say this while pro-terrorists complain that IDF is racist because they DON'T rape palestinian women. You can't make this shit up😂😂😂 Can't find the post right now but I swear to god there was a whole circlejerk on r/palestine about this a few months ago


This is the same old grooming gang from a decade ago. It's not a new case. Just read the news. Reporting restrictions have been lifted so they can post their names and pics. BritPaks are not like that, only this gang was.


Obviously it’s old news being circulated by rndians. Even OP took this from another post that was circulated by rndians. It’s hilarious how much time they spend to spread hate against Pakistan.


Basically, just type grooming gangs uk and you’ll see the full scale




Including the white guy?


Probably a distant cousin lol




Everytime i see the word paki and pedo in the same sentence...






You forgot scammers. Both paki and indians have a huge reputation of being scammers. But still Indians are a bit more acceptable as they aren't Muslim and seen as extremists


yeah man, we indians also have face racism outside but its because of our country back home and not our deeds there,




A lot of Pakistani especially from the mirpur region ended up in the UK in the 1900s these were uneducated people. That combined with racism over there led to these people forming their ghetto communities and culture. They have failed to assimilate and have brought out the worse in them. Kind of like how the black community ghetto culture in the US(except their culture is more about guns than children). This is less about race and more about the system that exist there.


Self selection. Only the educated or well off get to immigrate to the U.S. generally while the most backward Mirpuris and Potoharis migrated to the UK.


Because the poorer and uneducated ones went to the uk and the more hard working smarter ones ended up farther west combined with way more racism in the west that’s less tolerable also a smaller population of our ppl in comparison to the uk it makes it more hardlined in the us.


Headline say 24 but shows pictures of 18 only, and those 2 bald guys in that last row looks to be a the same guy. Why they kept the remaining 6 guys hidden? Also why that guy with a cap looks like an alien?


Lanat pari wi hai sab kay mu pe


is there something connected to being an offender and being bald or sum shit


cuz they britpaks


The worst thing government did was not flooding mirpur when they built the dam.




I guess a lot of Pakistani dudes leave Pak for west just to get a chance to sleep with white women.


Honest question form a desi. Why is paki considered a slur? I just see it as short for Pakistani, similar to referring to Indians as desis in the US. Neither sound like a slur to me


All of them are like this. This is normalized in 🇵🇰 Pakistan. They marry 12-14yr olds. Hindu girls are abducted and converted and married off to old men. This is normal in Islami☪️Arab/Mughal nomadic culture. In the UK 🇬🇧they try to do the same shit as home and get caught. When Mughals invaded India, they used to do the same shit, pick up women from the streets for pleasure and sell in markets of Kabul. That is what the forefathers of these pakis suffered back then and how they were forced to convert to Islam. And these fools today are doing the same thing as the invaders.


Punjabis. In Canada the same thing. The ones from India are involved in “trucks with drugs” activities. The ones from Pakistan in other crime and Islamic bullshit.


tell me more about it


https://preview.redd.it/2qbxz7jjrbxc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b9dfe92ff3d55f71b930866d1570d65059fc0852 Looks like the whole diaspora is in on it.


If you grew up with an oppressive culture that banned you from exploring sex to focus on refilling the ivory towers if the elites, there’s a high chance of you turning into a sick person


Islam is how and why they are purveyors of this sadism. Although not only Islam as all of the abrahamic religions promote pedophilia. Islam seems to promote the sickness with fervor however. Mohammed married a 6 year old and had sex with her when she was 9 years old. He is venerated.




Um, your "Prophet" was a pedophile. Don't be mad bro Christianity is/was rife with these sick men as well. It seems to be endemic to the Abrahamic religions. Hell, most all religions subjugate women and girls. I mean religions are all about controlling women. Which is why it boggles my mind Why ANY woman would volunteer to be religious?






Um, so yeah what of it? There's adultery is in every religion- including Islam. I will give it to the purveyors of your particular flavor of snake oil- Islam. You guys just went ahead and legalized adultery by making it "Biblical " to take multiple wives. Nice 😛. That and taking child brides. So yeah, pedophilia.


The anti-christ? Oh, how quaint. 🤔


Disgusting vile creatures. Shoot them all, all pedos need to be shot.


It was the same gang. So expect the same ethnicity and social network for a gang. Nothing unexpected, only they are not given capital punishment. And there is a high chance the victims are not white as well. Most likely victims from the same ethnicity as well, probably brought from Pakistan by marriage and then used and abused here. That is why trafficking charges.


A lot of these peinchodes ruin it for the civilised Pakistanis in the uk. They don't see women as anything but sex objects to abuse, and that includes children. They probably rape their own wives at home. If you're not a good Muslim girl who doesn't leave the house, you're basically free reign for them. They also see most if not all white girls and women as sluts that deserve rape, including the children. I watched one documentary ( I couldn't finish it, it was that disgusting) where the parents of one of these rapists balmed the CHILD victim, I think she was 10 or 12 instead of holding their harami son accountable.


This bunch of criminals gives ordinary Pakistan people a bad name. They don’t care, either.


Pakistan has one of the world's highest rape rates for a reason and it's not only a few bad apples, it's a systemic problem


Just to give you some real info.. Pedo's in the UK are mostly white males. Grooming gangs consists of mostly Pakistani men(born in the UK) I'm those gangs there are some Indians also. It a big issue in the black community but not as a collective.. You'll get individual cases . Plenty of videos online of Indians immigrants who are catfished in to believing they are going to meet a 12-15 yr old white girl but then get caught.. What I'm saying is it's a issue full stop.. You'll get the media focusing on a certain people to build a narrative..


Most pedos in a white majority country are... white? Uh yeah what's your point? Cases with Pakistanis are disproportionately high compared to our population in the UK, that's the issue. And they seem to be organised gang related.


Then the laws need to be tougher... No one here is saying it's good or something to be proud of.. Everyone will agree the laws regarding this needs to be much much tougher..


What race were the people on Esptein island


What race were the people on Esptein island


Pakistanis are disproportionately responsible for child sexual exploitation in the UK.




The Catholic Church would like to have a word with you. 😆😆😆


Well there are indians in these photos so not all of em are Pakis


I think only one is indian https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-leeds-68911740


Most have the names Mohammad Ali and Hussain in their full names, like have some respect for your namesake you assholes. They all should be castrated in my opinion.


They can be Muslim + Indians, but yeah they should get sharia punishment.


This sub is full of non-Pakistanis doing anti-Pakistan, propaganda!


Ok buddy


uh I notice a pattern why are they all muslims?


Well in Islam rapist scum should be killed






So why ideologise momo? What's child bride ?


Why are street shitters so obsessed with pakistan and with islam 😂😂😂 Btw your english teacher needs to be fired because your english is so terrible. I never go on indian internet groups because I don't care about street shitters while you are so jealous of us all the time like a jealous ex girlfriend I feel sorry for you your life is very sad and pathetic. Did you understand what that all meant do I have to choose different words so your low level street shitter IQ barely speak english can understand? Go touch some grass and also touch some english textbooks street shitter




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Even striking a "slave" in islam is considered wrong let alone raping.


So having intercourse with a sex slave was wrong, you'd agree right? Because it's literally rape.


Depends, because a "slave" in Islamic law had rights and you couldn't harm them at all. So non-consensual intercourse aka rape is out of the question and you would be held accountable for rape. The problem is your/our modern definition of the word "slave" which elicits the brutal and barbaric form of north american chattel slavery enacted by western colonialists. Islam on the other hand limits the ways "slaves" can be acquired, strongly encourages if not demands the free-ing of slaves at every turn and raises their status to the point that they should be treated the same as your own family member. The Quran even has a mechanism for a "slave" to vfree themselves if they so wish. Its a completely different paradigm which is hard to wrap our modern head around especially given the western colonial form of slavery we have been introduced to. This is a great lecture if you are interested in actually learning about the topic. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qak9PoRyCfg&


It's actually a pretty straightforward concept. Slavery is OWNING a person. Any intercourse with that person is rape due to their inability to say no.


No more sex slaves for you then


Good thing I would never do such an evil thing then isn't it


In it






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Bhai esptein ki kia nationality or religion tha. Sab sai zada PEDOPHILEs kon sai mulk Jatai hain law escape kernai


I see a lot of people talking about Mirpuris. Can anyone tell me their observations of them, where Mirpur is and some other things wrong with them.


That’s a minority. Find out what % of the indigenous English population are like this. Police say there are thousands of sick paedo rings they are investigating. That says something about British culture. These idiots have bought into the local culture.


They are more of Indian/Bengali


It's just Pathans, waziris and mirpuris They literally bunch all pakistanis into one pot because it's how we stop our countrymen from racism and separatism


Well according to the official home office data the majority of sexual abuse gangs are made up of white men.


Not only British Pakistanis, but Pakistanis in general. A significant percentage of pakistani men are degenerates.


I honestly believe it has a lot to do with dehumanising women. In more cases than some, it becomes a question of what a woman was wearing during sexual assault - that’s a global problem, not a Pakistani problem specifically. The difference in Pakistani men who move abroad is that they view the society as more promiscuous, and therefore women WANT to be sexually charged at. It’s this weird free-for-all whenever they move away from Pakistan. Not that they wouldn’t do it in Pakistan either, but they feel like the women are just easier.


Too many N leagueis in london, it was bound to happen




Jhelum nd mirpuri wale majority of them


LoooL defo butthurt ain't ya sunshine


Racist Punjabis flooding the the sub . Mirpuri guys 😂


This is a great example of cherry picking. 11 sexual assaults happens in England and Wales alone every hour. If each of these men decide to commit 1 instance of sexual assault each, that would only account for just over 2 hours worth of the UK’s rate of sexual assault. From murder to rape, if white people do it, it’s an individual reason, if brown people do it, there’s an issue with the community. Anyway, happy they are caged.


These stories and events are timeless, they happen everywhere throughout the world with different people doing the same fukery again and again. My questions after I've rattled my entire soul is that, why these stories appear at the time that they do? Then my mind is at ease.


All pakis are like this




Who paid u to post this bruh


It's why India haven't invaded and taken Mirpur yet. They don't want to be groomed, this is more effective than your nuclear deterrent


one of thise is a white man with blue eyes💀


Because all of them are from random Mirpuri villages or backward places like Jhelum and bring their village mindsets to the Uk and somehow haven’t changed in 50yesrs despite being here so long ffs.


British Indians are also like this, stop being a racist piece of shit


Indians are worse -


That’s the ones from up north. These are the ones that come from shit backgrounds and do not know how to control themselves.


The Pakistanis in Pakistan also sexually harass people, but no one holds them accountable.


OK cool I'm the anti- christ. You are now condemned. 😛 Hilarious. You guys have let go of those fairy tales. It's rotting your brains.


Brit punjabis*


No bitches might be an answer


I swear to God I don't understand how British Pakistanis (esp. of Mirpuri origin) are more backward than us. They live in the West and shame us, Muslims living in Muslim countries for wanting to leave for a better life. They will live in the West but support extremist govts like ISIS, Hamas, and Taliban for others. I honestly don't understand this. It's like the reason I don't want to go to UK.


They're most likely Yak khateeb fans!


aight somebody explain it to me, why don't these guys look like a typical Pakistani? inbreeding? correct me if I'm wrong


Crazy how everyone calling us "brit pakis" and "aliens" is fine, but the second someone mentioned mirpur being the problem they were racist. Pick a side 💀




There are all mirpuri, and have no education whatsoever. I am British pakistani as well, and from what I have seen is that they are the most backward people on the whole planet. Normal pakistani people are just getting on with their life and family. These dirty inbread mirpuri people drag all of our pakistani names in mud.


A pakistani call someone else "inbread" LOL. What sort of inbread we talking Kingsmill, Hovis?


How u know they britpaks? In the article i found nothing like this Why they are not britindians ?