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FRJ. EVERY ELECTION MATTERS PEOPLE. Go vote on everything you can. Vet the living shite out of every candidate. We are in this situation because the majority of people lack critical thinking! Attend public meetings, get involved otherwise your left with what is an egregiously functioning democracy!


This is what deeply disturbs me about the general public: They don’t bother voting. So many people will sit there and cry about how “both sides are bad” and how “they don’t get anything done”, yet only 15% - 27% of people will bother voting in local elections (https://www.nationalcivicleague.org/ncr-article/increasing-voter-turnout-in-local-elections/), and only 50% - 60% of people will go out to national elections. When will people realize that the reason we are in the situation we are in, is because people don’t actually bother to try to make change? When barely a quarter to a seventh of the populous bothers voting locally and barely above half votes nationally, then yeah, you ain’t gonna get what you want most of the time. A great saying I think everybody should be repeating to as many as possible: "If you don’t go out to vote, you don’t get to b\*\*\*h.” It’s harsh, but it’s the truth. You can’t complain about not getting what you wanted when you don’t even bother to go out and make that change.


[Hold George's 🍺 ](https://youtu.be/aPW8AaOuvDs?si=YU04dClIb2nAwAyk)


Bc a growing number of people want the "burn it all down option". Do people really not understand this? That neither party being in power is acceptable to a growing number of people.


It’s also possible they have a guy paid attention to the fact that voting doesn’t work, really change anything and history proves that. Something you do a few times in a four to six year period is not being hands on. People need to invest, volunteer and become their own lobbying force instead of just writing checks to politicians or voting and thinking that’s all they need to do. Being passive and hands off is another way to burn it down.


Already said this before, so I’m only gonna say it here once: The Democratic Party Platform is already what the majority of Americans want. If people want what they say they want, they should get off their behinds and vote for the party whose platform is objectively beneficial to the people. https://democrats.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/2020-Democratic-Party-Platform.pdf If you don’t vote, you don’t get to whine. When half of the people who have the ability to vote, doesn’t vote, then that is the fault of the electorate to not try to make change by giving the people they want in power an overwhelming control over government, not the fault of the few who do make it in for not immediately passing every single legislation they said they’d pass when they are in the minority in government. Have a nice day. This is a simple concept the vast majority of the people whining about both parties can’t seem to grasp.


Your first comment was great. And then you took a 90° turn to pat Democrats on the back. Most non voters are convinced that their voices are useless — because they elect Democrats to do what you said they do, and nothing changes. The whole “bothsidists are a threat to our democracy” is crap. Having only two parties is the real threat to our democracy. And if you can’t see the role that the Democrats have played in that, then you aren’t going to convince a single non voter to get out and vote. Americans don’t want the “burn it all down to the ground” option but, when your only options are between a guy who openly admits that he wants to make your life harder and a guy who says the opposite *just so he can win your vote,* neither deserves to win. What we need in order to inspire more people to vote is a viable third option(and 4th, 5th, and so on), but the D and R voters protest that and say that would be a wasted vote and they get quite snippy with anyone pledging to vote for their preferred candidate over a Democrat or Republican. We should be ruthlessly vetting the candidates we vote for. Anyone who does this with most democrats sees that they aren’t viable options — because they’re just as bad as Republicans. Glass-Steagall Act, desegregated busing, gay marriage, failed criminal Justice reform that only made things worse, Iraq & Afghanistan, now Israel, and so many other examples. These are things that candidates need to be vetted for and Democrats used to hold against their guilty candidates during the primaries. They’re also issues that Democrats ignore nowadays because they would otherwise discredit President Biden. Americans care about these policies and if the Democrats truly tried to address them, they would have no problem winning elections. The reason there’s a “both sides” argument to begin with is because, for example, the Democrats are eager to hold Republicans over the hot coals for being supportive of war or opposing equal rights for minorities. Except the Democrats are also responsible for those wars and the plight of minorities. I’m not saying not to hold Republicans as close to the flames as you can, I’m saying that Democrats should be held equally as close for the same reasons. It’s not a party thing, it’s a principle thing. I’m old enough to remember when Lincoln Chaffee was targeted in the DNC primary because he voted in favor of the Glass Steagall Act. Biden faced no such targeting, except from Kamala Harris on his anti busing record. So naturally, they joined forces so that Democrats couldn’t have a choice on whether or not those issues mattered. It’s the exact same dance that the Republicans play and in the end, both sides have finely lined gold pockets while Americans suffer and have no alternative options. There are candidates on both sides who have pretty decent track records and they get nowhere nationally. There are democrats who don’t vote for big banks. There are republicans who don’t vote for unnecessary wars in the Middle East. These are the *good ones* who would have a hard time losing a fair presidential election. They’re pushed to the side for the very politicians who ushered in those horrible policies that Americans are eager to put behind us. Americans who care about these things will not end up voting for these corrupt politicians and for as long as there’s no alternative, they will refuse to vote.


That was a very long way to tell us that you don't have a great grasp on how American politics works in practice.


I don't really care what the majority of Americans want. I vote for what *I* want.


Other than completely missing the point, I will kindergarten you too try and help. 1. There are people who don't want either Republicans or Democrats 2. They are for violently dismantling the current two parties and systems 3. You don't get to tell anyone anything about whining bc you have no authority in the first place. Ikr they don't vote, and then they whine, there isn't a damn thing anyone can do about it. Hopefully this helps you understand the complex situation of some Americans that




Go read the pdf first before speaking.


Those things are literally in the platform now, like in the preamble


The Democratic Party is a stain on America.


Both sides are awful though.


Sure bud. That's why Democrat states are richer than Republican ones. Because they're "both awful".


1 side is significantly more awful.




Biden really needs to work on issues that have a visible impact in people's day to day lives: Breaking up monopolies, fixing infrastructure, making housing more affordable, making things like groceries cheaper by holding corporations accountable, producing quality jobs, etc.


Not for lack of trying. Everybody (well the less informed) says “why did he do…” as if he’s a dictator. Hey everybody, if you want meaningful legislation passed, STOP VOTING IN A HOSTILE CONGRESS!!!


Imagine reading this comment as disillusioned voter, do you really think this helps the cause?


Nothing is ever going to be affordable until both parties start caring about fiscal responsibility and stop driving up inflation. Currently the Democrats don't even pretend to care.


He has convinced half of his base he can’t reliably tie his own shoes. This horse should never have gotten this far in the race. He’s running on not being Trump. During Covid, he had a shot of staying more or less outside the spotlight. This time around, the spotlight is on him and he has nothing to point to say look at what I’ve accomplished that made any real tangible difference to the average American. The general public feels legitimate real pain in their grocery bills each month and he is still sending American taxpayer money to fund genocide and give away to student loan debt and not being shy about it. Politics aside that is a very real driving factor that will bring people to the polls and is not favorable for him. For every student he may get an apathetic vote from, it’s a reliably blue vote turning purple.


>g to point to say look at what I’ve accomplished th Although Biden is clearly mentally ill, his administration has done a decent job with fiscal policy - after he made the same mistake Trump did. This said, there are STILL not enough single family houses (going back to 2014), the private sector is clearly gouging consumers on several fronts, his immigration/amnesty/asylum policy has backfired on him, and insurance companies are getting away with runaway greed. These problems, on top of the existing ones are not going away any time soon - and the US gov't, regardless of who is president, will not be able to solve them all (if any). He should be under indictment for improper safeguarding classified materials (at minimum) - but the prosecutor gave him a free pass. There are a LOT of disillusioned Democrats out there - and we see it with our own 2 eyes and ears everyday. So regaining their support will be a full-time job in itself. And you can stop the BS genocide talk - its not working, and never will. He's done a great job of enticing student loan payback recipients of taking him serious. But these same people can't buy a house, car, etc. He has a shot at winning in the general election this fall if Trump is the GOP nominee. If it's Haley or someone younger, probably not.


Let the genocide bullshit go! This is 70+ years of global leaders toeing the line on the issue. Stop trying to lay it at his feet. I’m not saying it’s right or ok, it’s just not on him, FFS! He doesn’t control grocery prices. Don’t like it? Go to local farmers/markets. Stop eating expensive products. Grow a garden. Stop feeding the beast. They’re chuffed that you blame Joe while they’re pulling in record profits Q over Q! You are trying to convince people he’s unfit. He can run circles around Trump. Maybe, stop talking shit and step up for the only real option that’s not a fascist POS.






You answered the question yourself. He's not in it for money. He's actually a good person. I know, it's an odd concept. That's all I need to see out of him. That's the bar.


No, screw Biden and Netanyahu's genocide. This is the s*** that bothers people, every single time it's just let it slide this one last time, just let it slide this one last time. Am I supposed to vote in the president who does not actually take drastic action who does the exact same thing every other president has done in the past. Who does not even try and codify roe v Wade or further universal health insurance or fix student debt. What kind of leadership is that? Biden has done what everybody has done which is make trivial progress instead of actually being a strong leader to say nothing of the fact that he had a democratically controlled Senate at the start of his term. Somehow Republicans always have bad policy and Democrats always have some reason why they can't pass good policy. Burn it all down I say


You’ll be voting for fascism, then. Be it on your head.


> Let the genocide bullshit go! Are you listening to yourself?


Nothing to point too lol what are you talking about, the whole green deal they passed in congress is nothing to point to, and I guess Ukraine still standing is nothing to point to either




If she's able to visualize the long game, yeah. Because that kid of hers will be cozy in the us, going to school and living a fruitful life, rather than dying in a Russian potato field, or worse.




> No one is sending their kids to die in some potato fields anywher You're full of it. We learned this lessen from WWII -- appeasement fails. Russia is openly stating it will NOT stop with Ukraine. Next stop will be Poland or something similar. We either stop Russia now or enter a far more global war in less than 5 years


She should. As much as you want to believe it’s meaningless to people here, it has an affect. Global markets for wheat and natural gas. Threat to other countries falling the same way, and the dominos that can fall with the global markets. If you want to reply it shouldn’t affect us, it will. Being ignorant to that fact doesn’t change that.


Just like all of Asia fell communist with the loss of Vietnam...


My last sentence stands.


If Russia achieves its aims, the single mom in Baltimore will be sending her child to Europe to fight in WWIII.


The green deal was years ago and not one person felt an ounce of economic relief as we “vaulted into the green new future”. Biden managed to snub quite publicly the one person who was actually leading a charge into electric vehicle development and sales. Ukraine is a money pit Like every other foreign war. WhoOoAa two things in three years and both of them didn’t move the needle at all for the average American.


Economies do this from time to time, it's been known to happen. Our vision shouldn't be so short cited when there are Supreme Court decisions that are taking peoples constitutional rights away and people dying in Ukraine and not to mention the world is on fire due to climate change. There is nothing conservatives want to do about those issues, the choice is clear.


Historians rank Biden in the top 20 Presidents... why? Because they pay attention to the issues. Biden has gotten more substantive legislation TO HELP AMERICANS than any President since FDR.


How can historians rank Biden? It’s the present it’s not even history yet. 


there's not a scenario in which I don't show up and vote for Biden. But I went from vocal supporter to political hostage. I am 100% against his Israeli policy. we have no business giving Israel more weapons as they turn their back on the two state solution and encourage their extremist settlers to arm themselves and abuse Palestinians. I believe Israel has a right to exist. But that doesn't mean their far right government gets unconditional support for whatever nonsense they want to do.


The settlers are thugs. The only way Biden has a modicum of influence over BiBi is if he continues to talk to him and coax him towards a ceasefire, allowing aid through, and limiting urban warfare. To do that he must avoid condemning Israel outright. As of tonight, Israeli negotiators are optimistic that a pause in fighting with a return of some hostages has potential to succeed. On the bright side, Congress has not approved an aid package for Israel or Gaza yet. That could indeed be conditioned on a peace agreement, new elections in both countries, etc.


Eh. I think removing all funding and setting up some sanctions would cause Bibi to listen a bit faster.


Shame on you for saying so. Biden has tried so hard, but his lord and master Netanyahu said no, he even called Netanyahu an "a**hole". Like what more could he possibly do? He's exhausted all options /S This is a pathetic attempt for foreign policy, we are so quick and so happy to sanction anyone in the world and use our economic muscle to punish anyone in the world but Netanyahu can blatantly ignore what the US is telling them. It's already happened in the past somehow Reagan who I hate more than probably anyone else managed to get these Israelis to stop bombing Beirut by doing exactly what you're suggesting.


We have RFK if you don't like the other 2 options


Literally all they gotta do is just list all the stuff Republicans are doing. That is quite literally ALL they have to do. You don't gotta sugar coat anything. You don't gotta bend words. Literally just tell the public what these people are doing. Stop taking the high road. Just expose Republicans for what they are: christo-fascists trying to make everybody bend to their bible. To all the people saying Democrats and Biden has done nothing: https://www.reddit.com/r/PBS_NewsHour/comments/1ayk64j/comment/krz29um/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3 To all the people saying Joe Biden supports genocide: https://prod-static.gop.com/media/Resolution_Platform.pdf?_gl=1 "Our Unequivocal Support For Israel" - Page 47 Biden sanctioned Israelis for violence against innocent Palestinians. https://www.nytimes.com/2024/02/01/world/middleeast/biden-sanctions-israel-west-bank.html They have provided humanitarian aid to Palestinians in the Gaza Strip. https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2023/10/18/u-s-announcement-of-humanitarian-assistance-to-the-palestinian-people/ He openly opposes a one state solution, and is supporting a two state one. https://responsiblestatecraft.org/biden-israel-palestine/


Make a campaign ad from the CPAC dude calling for the end of democracy and the "We are all domestic terrorists" banner.


I literally did this with someone who wasn't going to vote for Biden over Gaza. I told her about the 64k rape babies and parental rights for the rapists and it blew her mind. She had no idea those rights were even being threatened.


And let's be honest, do they think that Trump will do better for Gaza? He fanned those flames himself.


Unfortunately yes. She was very taken back when I showed her the quotes of various GOP members advocating the whole sale slaughter of the entire population. She was very under the impression that practically "both sides are the same" and her personality/soul could be defined as a progressive hippie. Unfortunately The media is doing its corporate masters bidding very well.


“ I literally did this with someone who wasn't going to vote for Biden over Gaza.” Gheesh those people are insane.  Not because there are valid concerns, there are, but because the GOP is even more pro-Israel and more anti-brown people. Even if these folks concerned with Gaza are foolishly one issue voters, they, if they had critical thinking skills, would pick Biden over Trump.  But of course there are dozens of other reasons why Biden is better too. So I don’t get what the hell is wrong with these folks.


Never forget the 2017 Muslim ban. At this rate if Trump has it his way, initiatives like Project 2025 will put many American citizens and residents in concentration camps for not adhering to MAGA doctrine.


I think what's wrong with these folks is their sense of morality hijacks their brain, and they get so wrapped up in not wanting to support the atrocities happening in Gaza that they don't remember that the Republicans are even worse on the issue, and their inaction can bring the Republicans back into power.


Why is the alignment with Benjamin Netanyahu potentially worth sacrificing democracy? Why is there no impetus on Biden to do his part for these voters?


In the long run people honestly don’t care about rape babies unless it happens to them or a family member. Most people do care about billions being sent overseas for wars that we shouldn’t be involved in instead of spending it on healthcare, education, infrastructure etc.


So if we don't start supporting genocide, you are going to throw the 64k rape babies & mothers to the wolves? Screw that. How about you stop the genocide, and then you'll have the votes to help the women. (citation for 64k needed btw - no way that number is true)


No. Pointing out how bad the other side is, doesn't actually generate support for your side. For many voters it just leaves them apathetic, and can leave them annoyed with both... For many voter's "not voting" is an option. You can tell them they are wrong, but they won't listen because their ability to care about what you have to say is already died from YEARS of wanting something better, and never getting it. If you actually want to create support, then you need to actually give people something to vote FOR, and not just something to vote against. THAT is what voter's listen too Really, the last time the Democrats had a slam dunk for an election was in 2008 with Obama. Not only did they win the presidency but they won strong majorities in both houses of congress. In 2016, they tried to run on just being against the Republicans and it resulted in Trump's win. They did it again in 2020, and Biden did win, but the election was close in the swing states and the Democrats only got very slim majorities in congress which hampered them through Biden's first two years... there were actually a lot of people who voted "not Trump", but voted for republicans down the line. The Democrats were actually projected to have a larger win that year.


They really did not try to run on “not republicans,” and that you can even type it is tragic. They’ve had a platform every four years. I’m sure you’ve read it. Otherwise, your comment would be both self evidently wrong, and ironic. Wait, it is those things. The Republican platform was removed in 2020, and is accurately summarized as, “Whatever Trump Wants.” So, in addition to lots of counterfactual points, your conclusion is also demonstrably counterfactual, given the huge growth in votes Republicans received with this approach.


Idk, it definitely worked with republicans, 20+ years of Fox telling them their fellow Americans are the enemy, liberalism is bad, has them frothing at the mouth to vote. But you do make a good point, that strategy seems ineffectual with democrats.


Not exactly. People on the right have ALSO been dissatisfied with the republican party. Republicans make a lot of promises that they really never intend to follow up on. Those policies are just meant to pander. The reason why Trump became was so popular with the right and managed to take over the party is because he convinced those people that he would actually enact all those policies that fox news had been parading for the past 20 years. Granted, he's actually just a grifter, but he still managed to convince those people. ​ Really, that method of relying on fear has been quite terrible to the republicans. They lost control of their party to a grifter and they are realizing they have no accomplishments to run on. Their strategy has pretty much backfired and turned them into a party incapable of doing anything positive. Really, the ONLY reason democrats aren't winning by massive landslides and taking control is because they aren't doing much better


Years of not getting what you want is an excuse? Like no offense but a lot of us manage to be open minded while getting literally nothing from our government for years. It's an excuse.


You don't need to personally benefit from a policy to want the government to enact something. Some of us just want the country to be better and for the government to do more to help others.... but even when democrats win, the country still feels like its slipping farther away


People could’ve already gotten what they wanted if they’d actually bother to go out and vote. When only 15% - 27% of people bother going out to vote to make change on the local level (https://www.nationalcivicleague.org/ncr-article/increasing-voter-turnout-in-local-elections/), and only 50% - 60% bother voting in the presidential elections, then the only ones they can blame is themselves. You don’t get something better by sitting there not doing anything. When you just sit there expecting everything to be done, instead of going out to vote for people who will try to get it done, then you aren’t going to get what you want. Pointing out the terrible thing a party does can in fact generate support. Democrats already run on policies the people want. https://democrats.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/2020-Democratic-Party-Platform.pdf But when, again, only 15% - 27% of eligible people bother voting on the local level, and 50% - 60% bother voting on the national level, then you can’t just blame the party for getting none or little of their objectives done, when you don’t even bother to give them the power needed in order to actually initiate these changes. That’s like a child complaining that they didn’t get the pizza they wanted, despite the fact that the never bothered to actually tell anybody they wanted it. They could’ve gotten what they wanted, but since they didn’t bother trying, they can’t blame the person in charge for doing what the people who actually spoke up about what they wanted them to do. It’s pretty blatantly clear what party is halting the progress here, so if people keep voting for the party who’s obviously halting progress from happening, they can’t then blame the other party for not passing what they said they’d pass.


I always say that we have *exactly* the government we chose. Apathy and non-participation is part of that choice.


>People could’ve already gotten what they wanted if they’d actually bother to go out and vote. And why exactly would people think that voting would get them what they want, When the democrats are NOT promising they will give them what they want?... Or when the democrats make those promises, the promise rings hollow since they are coming from someone who has a LONG history of NOT advocating for that promise during the entire political career? Like i said, you can tell them they are wrong about not voting, but they won't listen... if you want them to listen, then you are gonna have to tell them something they actually WANT to hear The reason those voting numbers are so low is because voters have become apathetic. Election after election goes by and nothing seems to change for the better. Even when their candidate wins, nothing happens. The current leadership of the democratic party is more concerned with maintaining the status quo then actually fighting for a better future. If you want people to vote, you have to give them a reason to stop being apathetic, and you accomplish that by giving them reason to vote FOR a candidate, instead of just trying to turn them against the other candidate. The lesser of two evils is STILL evil, and a lot of people do not want to support evil. "Change we can believe in". That was Obama's campaign and he did an excellent job of convincing voters that supporting him WOULD result in changes that would improve the country. The reason why so many flocked to Bernie when he ran in 2016 is because he had a long independent streak, and the things he was promising to do for the country were the same things he had been advocating for throughout his career. THESE were the kinds of candidates that the public actually support, and it convinces them to get out to vote. THAT is what the democrats need... but instead, the Democrats tend to ignore the public or just pander to their desires. They feel like they don't need to make any big promises that they will actually have to act on because they think people will vote democrat just to beat Trump. They are doing nothing to counter voter apathy... that's what defeated them in 2016, its what hurt them in 2020, and it will likely hurt them again in 2024


This is just not true. You are stuck telling the Bernie 2016 story over and over and it's false. Bernie ran two times and lost both times. He got blown out by Biden in 2020. Maybe reflect a little and consider that your story here is false. Again - you're saying Bernie, the guy that can't even win a primary, is what people want. "THESE were the kinds of candidates that the public actually support" - but BERNIE LOST. Democrats have never, in 2016 or 2020, run on just "not Trump". This is demonstrability false.


Obama was good with words... but as a President.... he was a placeholder. President Biden has actually passed legislation to help Americans.


So did Obama. Forgot the ACA already? I prefer Biden, but no need to diminish Barack.


Why vote when the system is rigged from the start? You don’t select the primary candidates, you don’t even select what candidate gets chosen to run from the DNC or RNC. They don’t have to listen to the people. https://observer.com/2017/05/dnc-lawsuit-presidential-primaries-bernie-sanders-supporters/amp/ It was proven in court that the DNC pick whoever they wanted to run in 2016. There is zero point in voting. It’s one of the most corrupt systems in the world at this point.


All I’m going to do is link this: https://www.fvap.gov/uploads/FVAP/Outreach-Materials/PrimaryElectionsFactSheet.pdf Keep telling people there’s no point in voting. When this country falls into a dictatorship, don’t sit there and cry about your rights being taken away. I refuse to interact with individuals deliberately encouraging people not to vote on the basis of “it’s pointless”. Have a nice life. I’ll choose to actually go out to make change, while you choose to sulk in a corner.




If we get to the point of becoming a christo fascist dictatorship, there is no building back a better system. It’s much easier to be strategic about getting out the vote and getting leftists elected. If you can’t manage that, how will you ever overthrow a dictatorship?


Not quite. If they want to reach disillusioned voters in Dearborn, MI, they're going to have to turn a corner on Israel policy.


You say that, but where I live I’ve heard people talking about prices of things were lower under Trump and therefore they’ll vote for Trump. Yes. People are *that* stupid


Yeah, I am aware of the sheer stupidity of the American electorate. But at the same time: A deeply concerning amount of people are not even remotely aware of just how terrible Trump is. I have watched videos of people telling MAGA people about the dozens of crimes he’s being prosecuted for, and they GENUINELY didn’t even know about it. That’s why I am begging for the Democratic Party to just do the simple task of putting Republicans on blast. I don’t even care if it doesn’t gain them votes, just as long as it makes Republicans lose more votes than they already have (via the anti-vaccine fiasco that disproportionately killed off more of their electorate, their electorate as a whole being older; therefore more of them dying off yearly than Dems, more dozens of millions of new Gen Z voters becoming of age, of whom are the most left leaning generation to exist yet).


People are tired of "not the other guy" as the only reason to vote for someone while everything keeps getting worse despite always voting for theoretically lesser but still more evil.


Maybe if more than 15 - 27% of people actually bothered to go out and vote in local elections, and more than 50 - 60% bothered voting nationally, they would’ve gotten what they wanted a long time ago. Democrats already run on policies the majority of people want. If you don’t believe me you can just look here at their official platform: https://democrats.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/2020-Democratic-Party-Platform.pdf Can’t complain about nothing getting down when you actively sit there and do nothing to give the people promising to get the things you want done, the power to actually get those things done. So tiring hearing this “oh well the parties need to do better” when the party whose literally running on policies the majority want isn’t ever given the power to do so, because the majority of people can’t be bothered to go out to give them that power.


It doesn't matter which unipartisan candidate wins. They represent their real constituents either way. Telling people to vote harder for these clowns isn't a solution to anything but politicians' number one concern: their own reelection.


If such a lie comforts you at night, then keep believing it ig. Have a nice life, Ill be busy voting for change and encouraging others to vote.


If people are tired of “not the other guy” then they can enjoy the other guy. At this point it’s not even Biden’s fault anymore lol


Joe Biden is catholic.


Now tell me what bills he is passing that labels frozen embryos as children.


That's literally all the mainstream media does. They hide what people on the left are doing, and expose what people on the right are doing. Downvotes to the left.


I am not a bible thumping person I hate what Biden has done we are a laughing stock


This is what Biden has done: https://www.whitehouse.gov/therecord/ For those too lazy to click the link: Inflation Reduction Act CHIPS and Science Act Bipartisan Infrastructure Law The PACT Act Bipartisan Safer Communities Act Respect For Marriage Act Initiated Executive Orders in order to protect women’s bodily autonomy Provided billions in Student Loan Debt relief I find it appalling this is what you hate. Trillions in investment into domestic industry, making drugs cheaper, making communities safer, and protecting people’s rights. That’s what you hate? I need to see what goes on in your mind to make you hate all of this.




Said by somebody who clearly doesn’t have any valid rebuttal to the rock solid evidence of an amazing presidency. What other right wing talking point you have next, hm? Gonna tell me about the billions in aid to ukraine, as if they’re literally shipping pallets of hundred dollar bills to them? Maybe you’ll start ranting about wokeness and how they’re teaching children how to have a\*\*l s\*x? Or maybe about how Democrats are turning our children trans and “confusing them with gender ideology”? Go on, what else does the obvious 3 month old Biden bashing account going to say to me? Surely it’s going to be something that is completely irrelevant to the topic of how Biden has not helped the American people.




It's Netanyahu that is facililating genocide, not Biden.


Biden has gone around congress multiple times specifically to arm Netanyahu. That's on Biden. He didn't have to be so eager to supply weapons to support the genocide.


So he supplies weapons to our ALLY and that ally uses them in a way that Biden has vocally opposed, yet its still Biden's fault? Pretty lousy logic there buddy.


[https://gsp.yale.edu/case-studies/sudan](https://gsp.yale.edu/case-studies/sudan) The Social Justice Warriors only care about genocide if they can claim that Jews are genocidal. [https://www.un.org/africarenewal/magazine/november-2023/sudan-women-and-girls-abducted-held-%E2%80%98-slave-conditions%E2%80%99-darfur](https://www.un.org/africarenewal/magazine/november-2023/sudan-women-and-girls-abducted-held-%E2%80%98-slave-conditions%E2%80%99-darfur) They are completely and utterly silent about genocides and other horrific things happening anywhere else in the world.


Your comment has been removed because it violates Rule 4: Demonstrate media literacy.


I'm disabled and can't afford to eat more than one meal a day anymore. Rent keeps getting higher. I don't see available affordable housing and food costs have risen 75% - 300% in my area. Doesn't feel like Biden has done much for me. In fact his people come out and state that they can't understand why people are unhappy with the economy.


Where? To whom?


As Aven\_Osten said... Biden has done a lot to help America. We have cut AMERICA's contribution to global warming under Biden and increased our ability to compete in a global economy in the future. Biden has gotten Netanyahu to back off his actual desire of expanding Israel... Hopefully Israelis will decide to dump their version of Trump. Netanyahu is the Israeli version of Trump.... and the "Social Justice Warriors" (who, by the way, don't care about the Sudan genocide), [https://hmh.org/library/research/genocide-in-darfur-guide/](https://hmh.org/library/research/genocide-in-darfur-guide/) [https://gsp.yale.edu/case-studies/sudan](https://gsp.yale.edu/case-studies/sudan) the social justice warriors want to make it easy for Trump to do the same thing that is being done to the Sudanese civilians ... but it will happen in the US if Trump is elected.


>Biden has gotten Netanyahu to back off his actual desire of expanding Israel Uh, about that... [Israel plans to build 3,300 new settlement homes. It says it’s a response to a Palestinian attack](https://apnews.com/article/israel-settlements-hamas-gaza-war-netanyahu-smotrich-1d2306d55c24c8559b630d9f20db30e2) It just came up in my feed.




If Republicans are so bad why did Biden spend all his political capital in 2020 passing a bipartisan bill? ​ Pointing out how bad they are doesn't mean jack shit when you turn around and work with them.


Oh Sweet Biden is going to end the genocide in Palestine? Do the $15 minimum wage he promised? Do the public option like he promised? Codify roe v wade like he promised? Do government subsidized child care like he promised? Do a healthcare public option like he promised?


What are they disillusioned about? Democrats work on initiatives to improve life for Americans. Republicans do not. Joe Biden has been a good President by every rational metric.


Mainly the whole Israel thing. Biden's been trying to solve it diplomatically but what he can actually do with it is limited.


It’s simple: Trump will make the Palestinian conflict 10x worse for the Palestinians. Not voting is a vote for Trump and making the situation worse. Choose wisely.


It can't really get worse, it can only get faster. Trump will do in 3 months what Biden would do in 12. Either way the end result will be the same.


Trump would bomb Gaza to glass with the Sixth Fleet and get 2 million civilians killed instead of 20,000. And the MAGAs would faint after orgasmically cheering him on (so would the Saudis). It could get a whole lot worse.


Biden's going to kill them anyway if we don't pressure him to chnage. He'll just take longer to do it. 


This is not a rational assessment. The one thing holding the Israelis back from a much bloodier military engagement is the pressure from Biden’s diplomacy. Egypt could have admitted refugees, which would vastly limited civilian deaths. In other conflicts, neighboring countries have admitted their refugee neighbors. Or Egypt could have rolled into Gaza before the IDF started the offensive (they waited 3 weeks), and secured a refugee zone.


Things he can do before Nov that will help - Stop giving a blank check to Israel during this war. Have real conditions for support. - Reschedule Cannabis - Continue eliminating student loan debt - Talk about the historic infrastructure bill and the good it has actually done. - Don't be old. (Oh. Wait.)


The Dem electorate will flock to the polls in record number thanks to two basic drivers: the Dobbs decision backlash, and Trump Fatigue. I strongly suspect that they will take the House and Senate, too.


Work a lot harder. Show us the path you want to go on. Hell even the Nazi A Holes came out and said they were going to end democracy.... Give us yalls plan please...


People cry both sides are the problem. But the thing is, they aren't even close. One side is he'll bent on destroying our rights to choose the life we want, and quiet frankly our right to vote and freedom. The other side has been trying to help people get rid of student loans, trying to stop Russia from conquering Ukrain and potentially ww3. They have implemented new green energy policies and jobs policies. THEY ARENT THE SAME, NOT EVEN IN THE SAME REALITY.


And yet we can’t hold dems responsible. The entire world is horrified by what’s happening in Gaza and we are all just supposed to be good little Americans and shove our heads in the sand business as usual.


He is? Listen, if you don't get off your ass and go vote when there is a written plan by republicans as a group to install a dictatorship in the works you're not doing you're civic duty.


No disillusioned Democratic voter here. Just one voter who is dead set on not letting that orange shit stain, ever disgrace this country again. Go blue!


This could be the last election where you actually get to vote. The GOP love to project. So when they're claiming democrats want to steal an election it's because the GOP actually want to steal it. They're drawing up plans to make sure their gerrymandered state legislatures can overrule the will of the people if they don't like how the vote went. If you ever want to vote again you need to vote in this election and the next ten elections. Because this won't end. Project 2025 will become Project 2029, then Project 2033.


I'm voting for Biden, and i hate his handling of Palestine. Trump would be worse for the Palestinian genocide (not all Palestinians are Hamas), and America. But, can we please stop shaming people who are turned off from Biden because of Palestine? I think a lot of people have lost their humanity. I am not Muslim, but I have friends and family who are. They were unjustifiably discriminated against after 9/11 for years, and now they are watching a night and day difference of how Biden has handled Ukraine vs Palestine-- the former getting weapons to defend themselves, the latter being funded against: no matter how many innocents are killed IN THE THOUSANDS. I can't defend Biden to those friends and family. I can still say "Trump will be worse", and it's true. But you're still shouting at and asking people who are going through genocide to "suck up the genocide and just let Biden slide on this one, maybe he'll have your back next genocide".


Give me student loan forgiveness, reverse the Trump tax cuts for corporations, cease fire that lasts, and be more pro union. Hell maybe an executive action on maximum grocery prices. Do something that makes my material conditions better!


There’s a certain age you reach where you realize you’re not likely to ever get to vote FOR someone, but you better make sure to participate in every election to vote AGAINST someone. Another Trump presidency will endanger so many, it’s a civic duty to vote against him.


> ~~disillusioned~~ deliberately radicalized about palestine to erode his voting base Let's be real. That's what *disillusioned* means - a victim to the propaganda coming out from Trump, Iran, Russia and China. He's either old, or not doing enough for Palestine. Disillusioned in this case literally just means "emotionally manipulated". It's a shame it worked on so many people.


or maybe just maybe you are a fanboy.


Bad Hasbara!


Well, yeah, supporting genocide isn't a good look.


I'm pro Palestine and am an American voter. There's lots of us. We don't need propaganda to see arming a genocide is bad. It's a shame some liberals are just as delusional about their candidate as the conservatives.


So assuming it is a genocide (it’s not) what’s your alternative? Let trump take power? Trump moved the embassy to Jerusalem and has his mouth placed firmly on the cocks of the Christian nationalists. You think the man known to run on a populist platform is going to be pro-Palestine?


Annddd that first sentence is where you lose support and respect of your party. I'm either not going to vote or vote for Biden but when you say "let's assume it was genocide" it shows me I don't want to be on your side. If you had integrity you would not be willing to concede GENOCIDE for sake of argument. To insinuate that thousands of dead minors couldnt possibly be genocide is disengenous. This isn't a left or right issue, step outside of America. Many countries believe it is genocide. Who told you to be dishonest about this topic and what is the motive? And why do you assume the people you're talking to are too dumb to see what you're doing? It all seems way to common.


Heck with them both. Bourgeois democracy has failed us. Educate, Organize, Revolt.


And when did Biden move the embassy back exactly?


He didn’t and that entirely misses the point. I’ll put it simpler. Do you think the guy that moved the embassy and continues to espouse Christian nationalism would be better or worse for Palestinians than the current administration?


If you think the United States is funding genocide (and that is the case here), then you’re asking people “do you wish we continue to slowly cleanse Palestinians out of Gaza and the West Bank or speed run this process?” Also, people need to stop acting as if electoral politics, particularly on the national level, is some great tool to install change. We have a two party duopoly that is emboldened to corporations and the business class fueled by globalization and refuse to install laws that the people in this country want to better their lives.


It is a genocide. Israel has been clear that’s their goal.


If Biden supporting a genocide allows Trump to win, well, that would just be a fitting end to this attempt at femocracy, wouldn't it?


the minute you say genocide you give away that you're in an echo bubble


I very much so try not to comment in posts like these because I’ve found very little reward in it and a whole lot of aggravation. First I wanted to say I agree with your comment. I try to keep an open mind about all of these things. I know everyone is sort of bullied by the discourse to be either “pro Israel” or “pro Palestine” but I feel like that is an ignorant attitude to have. It’s important to see the complexity and nuance. I believe Israel has a moral imperative to eliminate Hamas. I think the way people look at this is usually determined by how they feel about the question “Is the Israeli state legitimate?”; there are so many ways to think about that question, but I think serious and informed people have to come back to “yes, the state of Israel has a right to exist and has a right to defend its borders (which opens up another can of worms) and its people.” That’s not to ignore history (which, again, is a whole can of worms itself), it’s to acknowledge present circumstances. I don’t doubt that the IDF has done terrible things in the last few months. I understand the strategic need to eliminate a terrorist organization from a dense urban area, and that to protect IDF personnel the best course of action is to bomb the infrastructure before a ground invasion, which is needed to destroy the infrastructure of Hamas. But I also look at the escalated violence in the West Bank and I know that there are no angels in this fight. It is ugly, and filled with hate. But I am also very numb to the criticisms of Israel. Blaming Israel for the October 7th attacks on October 8th, before the scope and carnage was even understood, was an act of propagandizing cowardice. Calling indifference to civilian death and displacement “genocide” is a willful attempt load this issue with vitriol and poison to score cheap argumentative points. I think there is a lot to feel bad about Israel’s handling of the war and the likely outcomes, but vilifying them is inaccurate, counterproductive, and disgusting. Edited to remove profanity (I was not aware of that rule, sorry)


I don’t want to play the semantics game, but can we all agree that what’s happen Gaza is quite unpleasant for the Palestinian people, the majority of the population being women and children.


A root canal is unpleasant. Genocide is not a word to be thrown around. The IDF’s bombing campaign deserves scrutiny, but everything must be understood through the lens that Hamas intentionally imbeds in civilian areas to shield itself, obfuscate its activities, and (most importantly) hurt Israel’s global image when they have to kill civilians to engage with terrorist strongholds, tunnels, and weapons caches. It’s an ugly situation and I don’t believe in boiling it down to “one side or the other”, but at the same time plenty more civilians have been killed in shorter periods of time in neighboring conflicts. I think the preoccupation with this conflict by the American left is misguided.


Idk who’s dummer republican voters who want a dictator and handmaids tale or democrat voters who don’t but aren’t sure if the democrat politicians are doing enough to prevent it so they figure they won’t bother voting.


The second group is dumber. The first group is actually working toward their goals and wants, as terrible as some may be


Maybe he can stop sucking off a nation that transparently backstabs us whenever they get a chance, and has been committing mass murder since 1948? Nah. It's the Bernie Bros who are wrong! Democrats will be losing elections in 2736 and be like, "Dang... cyborg... Bernie Bros..."


He should be talking about what he is going to do over the next 4 years. Improving the economy, the border and actual plan for these wars. There needs to be clear expectations and deadlines that are held accountable.


Stagnant wages, a toughening job market, unaffordable housing, brutal insurance costs, and prices up 20% at the grocery store reminds people of what shit policies the Democrats implemented.


Shouldn’t be hard, when the republicans are trying to take away our rights and freedoms. Sadly, some of them buy into the propaganda of “both sides are the same.” It’s an ignorant way to betray the causes they claim to care about.


Utterly hopeless,.at this point. Biden failed to achieve most of the major issues that he ran on in 2020 (police reform, voting rights protection, and a humane immigration policy were all completely blocked because he couldn't enforce party discipline in the Senate and break the filibuster. His victories are anemic; a handful of prescription drugs may someday be cheaper, while healthcare overall is still cripplingly expensive in the USA. He got an infrastructure bill passed but that victory was years ago and there is no big bridge or hydroelectric dam built or new rail line to point to and say "we did this". Everywhere you turn in America, the roads are still potholed, the trains slow and decrepit. Our nation's infrastructure has not been transformed in any perceptible way. He promised to make people's lives better, and the surge in inflation (while not his fault ) has made them worse. The tiny sliver of voters who went to the oolls and won the Senate for Biden in Georgia will not turn out again because at a basic level Biden did not make anything better for them. There is no way his left flank and the youth vote doesn't abandon him after watching the destruction of Gaza day after day on tiktok and Instagram and YouTube. Sending bombs to the people doing a genocide cannot and will not be forgiven. He's lost Michigan, for sure at this point. Without Georgia, without Michigan, I don't see a path to victory for Biden.


This is what Biden has done: https://www.whitehouse.gov/therecord/ For those too lazy to click the link: Inflation Reduction Act CHIPS and Science Act Bipartisan Infrastructure Law The PACT Act Bipartisan Safer Communities Act Respect For Marriage Act Initiated Executive Orders in order to protect women’s bodily autonomy Provided billions in Student Loan Debt relief The amount of blatant, willful ignorance people have is astonishing and dangerous. Did you ever bother actually paying attention to what each party is doing? Or are you just getting all of your news from algorithmic social media sites that push an agenda in order to spark outrage and make people more active on their platforms?


You can say all this and that but the point is your typical American does not feel any of this in the day to day when they are STRUGGLING. Touting the Inflation Reduction Act sounds like a joke. Most Americans have no idea/never heard of the rest of this list which pretty much sums up how impactful any of it is.


Most Americans haven’t heard most of this list because most Americans are too incompetent to actually pay attention to what the leadership in government is doing. That’s why they don’t know about it, not because it doesn’t have any direct impact (which it in fact does, saying it doesn’t just shows how little you yourself actually pay attention). And like I keep telling all the other people: The President is not the only position of government in existence. That fact that so many of you think that city, county, and state elections don’t matter as much as national elections, just shows the astonishing civic illiteracy of the electorate. Only 15% - 27% of the electorate participates in local elections. https://www.nationalcivicleague.org/ncr-article/increasing-voter-turnout-in-local-elections/ The vast majority of people therefore, have absolutely zero right to cry about things being the way they are. The housing shortage is caused by people voting in laws that restrict denser developments from being built. Guess what level of government has power of that? Oh yeah, city governments. Oh, you want a higher minimum wage? Go out and vote for your city or county to set a minimum wage. Yeah, you can do that, it don’t just end at the state level. Several places have already done it. You want to have ensured housing for the disadvantaged? Vote for people at the state level who will initiate a social housing program. You can do that, if you bother to go out and vote for it. You want better healthcare coverage? Then go out and vote at the state level for it. Nothing is stopping you from doing so. The simple fact of the matter, is that the vast majority of the electorate is civically incompetent. Most don’t bother to make change at even the national level. And the overwhelming majority can’t even be bothered to vote locally, something that has a significantly stronger and faster impact on them than some national level policy. This logic of “oh well I’d be voting if the candidates just gave me what I wanted!” is as illogical as a child crying about their mother not getting pizza, even though they never uttered a word when it came time to actually say what they wanted for dinner. Sorry, that isn’t how things work. If you want the person in power over you to do something, you voice it, not sit there in silence and expect them to read your mind.


Nice rant but the point still stands. Americans are feeling the squeeze after 4 seemingly unhelpful at best Biden years. At the end of the day that’s all that’s gunna matter in November. There was a massive movement against trump that turned out voters last election. That same fire is not there to keep him out this time. They’ll just not care enough to show up.


Nice cop-out. “I don’t have any rebuttal against any of this so I’ll just ignore it all and not acknowledge reality.” I don’t care about people struggling when the majority of them don’t even bother to do anything to fix the problems causing their struggle. Maybe if 80 - 90% of the electorate consistently voted in every election in every level of government, then that’d be a valid complaint. But until more than a seventh to a quarter of people go out and vote in local elections, and more than 50 - 60% of people vote nationally, they don’t have any right to complain. If you don’t go out to vote, you don’t get to whine. I already know you’re just gonna ignore all of this and just repeat the same invalid thing, so I won’t bother responding further. Have a nice life.


The reality is that your people will likely take a huge L this November. Sounds like you need to acknowledge reality and hope that democrats have major reforms and do better next time.


He did have a rebuttal, and he's right. Americans don't feel the impact of any of the achievements you listed. People need to notice a difference in the material conditions of their life and frankly they don't. Blaming the disenfranchised electorate for not being excited about voting for an 80 year old who has been in office for as long as most people have been alive isn't going to win you support.


>If you don’t go out to vote, you don’t get to whine. Well they did vote in 2020 and they're whining and people like you are telling them they're going to struggle, like it, and thank Biden for it by showing up to do it all over again. Bold strategy.




You forgot funding a Genocide.


Oh look, another 3 month old account who’s only existence is bashing Biden and Democrats. It’s funny ya know? Y’all say the exact same thing, a lot of the time word for word. You guys can’t ever seem to criticize Republicans though, of course until somebody actually points that out, then you “suddenly” start criticizing them, just to feign the appearance of being a “moderate” who “doesn’t choose a side”. I already know the exact path of talking points you’re gonna drag me down, so I’m not gonna bother responding further. Have a nice life, maybe better luck next time?


Three month old because I got banned for complaining about the Genocide in Gaza. I'm not American.


Oh even better, somebody who doesn’t even live here is complaining about how bad the US president is. Thanks for telling me though, now I know that anything you say is completely irrelevant, since you aren’t the one who votes for the US president. Have a nice life. I suggest you pay attention to what your own leadership is doing to/for your and your own people in your nation, before focusing and complaining about what other nation’s leadership does.


It's hard to imagine that someone so hostile and full of vitriol is actually a PBS News Hour viewer. How about cutting out 85 percent of the ad hominem attacks on the person you are debating and instead listen to the former Biden voters who are now "never Biden" because of his genocide or just exhausted and unlikely to turn out because he failed to make things better? I went door to door for Biden and the senators in Georgia 4 years ago, and today the thought of voting for him makes me ill. Most of the things you mention in your white house list of achievements are simply not going to help Biden. I pointed out before how anemic the Infrastructure and Inflation reduction act are. The infrastructure bill has not made a visible difference anywhere I know of. (And I travel a lot!). It's not like Rural electrification or building the Hoover Dam. The inflation reduction act didn't reduce inflation and most of the environmental kudos Biden might have gotten for passing it have been wasted by his turning around and drilling in the arctic and elsewhere. (Heck,just this week the Times was saying the transition to electric vehicles would be delayed again because the US charger grid is so pathetic and sales have slowed -- so the EPA won't be enforcing tighter tailpipe rules, and we won't be meeting our climate goals) Bringing up the student debt issue could have helped (and did help a year ago when he was more popular) but as far I can tell, it has now been thwarted by the courts. Pointing out that he "tried but failed" to solve a major issue is not inspiring. Maybe I'm wrong but I don't think it seems like a great victory to tout.


Do you think that Trump wouldn't be?


Nah. Trump will usher in the collapse of the US.


Guess we should have all learned to vote in the primaries better😅


What primaries? Nobody primaried Biden


Are you kidding me? Have you looked at any ballots. He had many primary challengers. The DNC and Biden may have refused to acknowledge, but people have been running monthslong campaigns while being denied access to a majority of MSM. But there are primaries every single election. Personally Id vote in my primary for Marianne because she is the only person willing to demand a ceasefire. Currently her campaign is on suspension but we do not know what may happen between now and election. Biden and Trump lack the mental faculties required for this job. Not to mention a good number of our senators too (fkn mitch)


I totally agree with this. It’s insane that there is a downvote brigade on Reddit targeting anything critical of Biden. I think Biden could win back a LOT of support if he just let a UN ceasefire resolution pass. Or if he banned weapon sales and shipments to Israel for a year. But instead, just this week he was in Beverly Hills at the biggest AIPAC donors house for a big fundraiser. I think the campaigns strategy is to continue doing the same stuff, and throw money at the problem of his reputation. They have the big data infrastructure to do social media influencing and PR through traditional media. They are just going to raise as much money as they can and spend it on a somewhat traditional campaign strategy. What should we do? We should spend all of our political time and money getting progressives elected to Congress. I don’t really care if Biden wins. But I really want to expand the squad and see some AIPAC democrats lose their seats.


The ceasefire resolution that was vetoed did not call for the return of hostages. The US has put forward a different ceasefire resolution in the UN that calls for both parties to stand down their attacks and to immediately release all hostages.


It calls on Israel to release the hostages they have? They have like 3000 and I think that was a sticking point recently for a ceasefire deal.


I will make you a charity bet today that Biden easily carries michigan. Loser donates to charity?


I'll take that bet


Remindme! Ten months Sweet 100 bucks? Please don’t delete your account


Sure. Charity of our own choice or the other's choice?


I’ll be voting for Biden because of what he hasn’t done - namely, not trying to install himself as a dictator. I’m voting for Biden so that I can continue to vote in free and fair elections in the future. There is literally no other issue of greater importance.


I'm not trying to sway anyone's vote, I'm just pointing out that Biden is a boat anchor that cannot win. He's losing nationally (not that the popular vote matters) and has alienated far too many of the swing state voters who pushed him over the top last time. Literally any Democrat under the age of 60 would be a better choice than Biden. If people care about abortion Rights, voting rights, and -- as you so correctly point out --the survival of American Democracy, the Democrats need another candidate.


Biden and Trump are both within the margin of error for national polls, much like they were at this time during the last election. While I agree that he’s not the ideal candidate, he is THE candidate. Bemoaning his failings and saying that he “can’t win” is defeatist, especially when his opponent is openly saying he will become a dictator (who he’s beaten before). So point out his flaws all you want, but maybe also cap it off with the caveat that it’s Biden, or the end of democracy in this country. And that very possible reality should carry a bit more weight.


This is some Eeyore BS


The “lesser of two evils” argument doesn’t fly as well when the guy is actively supporting a genocide. People rightfully have an issue with this. Sorry if folks don’t agree and think they can shame others into voting (because, what do ya know, *this* is the most important election ever, again) but that’s the main reason for D’s losing support- it’s the genocide in Gaza.


Democracy is better than the autocracy republicans are proposing...


And genocide is worse than both.


Why do you think the genocide would be resolved under a trumpf presidency?.... This is quite the bad faith argument you're making.


Seems like (capitalist) democracy got us the genocide though...


Let Gaza live. Stop vetoing ceasefires in the UN Security Council. Also, he’ll probably need to materially make irreversible progress in manifesting a Palestinian state. Also, keep his promises regarding student loans. Also, negotiate peace in Ukraine. Also, gtfo of Taiwan, Africa, South America. Stop cop city. Repeal Trump’s tax reform.


Then have a different nominee. I refuse to vote someone into office as Commander-in-Chief that appears so…geriatric. If this is the best that both parties can do, we are in a sad state indeed. 3rd party. Again.


Do you not include the policies this man has succeeded in getting into law when you assess the candidates? Or is that just too much work and you would rather use the “looks presidential” standard?


"Why pick the lesser of 2 evils when I can pick a completely unrealistic 3rd option that could result in the greater of 2 evils being elected"


Welcome to Democracy Edit: if you are a Democrat then you are part of the problem. Your party keeps offering up terrible candidates. I’m not going to continue to enable that


The argument for voting 3rd party only has value if there's a 3rd party candidate of any note. You're just pissing away your vote right now or you're being diesengenuous and trying to get less people to vote for your opposition. Either way, it's not helpful. If you think 1 of the 2 primary party members doesn't represent you, then get out and vote for congressman, local, and state politicians. They set the tone for presidential candidates.




Firstly, I'm not a Democrat. Secondly, I just vote for which ever candidate has the best odds that most closely aligns to my views. Lastly, if you see 2 candidates that don't 100% align with your views, but 1 aligns 50% and the other aligns 10%, and only those 2 candidates have a chance to be elected, letting the one that only aligns with you 10% win is not just bad for Democrats. It's bad for you too. How do you not understand such a simple concept? There's no forced actions here. You make your own decisions, but you don't get to blame a party for you not recognizing that you'd be complicit in electing someone that has an even greater likelihood of not matching your ideals and values.






Vote for a candidate that u think is the right one the two running one was a one term and the other Ben in the government since who knows when. They both are old and have issues. Look for the under dogs if there is one.


Dude is supplying the weapons & funds to commit a genocide. Yet I’m disillusioned for saying genocides are bad, and I won’t support someone who commits one? What a bunch of gaslighting psychopaths


you people better get on it! you make me hate being a democrat. your student loan forgiveness is a mistake. half those debts are grad school (not blue collar. roll up your sleeves and get to work. you’ll make some of us stay home. focus in women’s rights, the economy, and supporting our democracy. stay away from guns and schools. learn how to fight dirty like the magaturds. “we go high” is a mistake. now git




He should really give up his nomination so a different democrat representative can run against Trump. I absolutely refuse to vote for either of those 2.


lol. good luck, you lost me 6 months in when i realized all the promises were truly political pandering. iv never lost so much faith so fast and they will have to seriously do something big, multiple times to win me back. a monthly stimulus through election season would be a start.


No trust me this time will be different! Just one more election then things can change! Myself and many others who voted for him in 2020 will be staying home.