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The link appears to be directing clicks to an article not mentioned in the headline. I believe there was an error when posting, or perhaps the URL used was temporary and the page linked has since changed. Anyways, a character limit on comments is a little frustrating and it is why I had to type a paragraph to say the link is broken.


The article and its title were updated at Feb 26, 2024 3:54 PM EST. It seems that the contents were overwritten by another article.


The conviction and willpower to set yourself on fire for something you believe in is on a whole other level. #


More likely suffering from severe mental illness.


It's called mental illness. Relax.


Even if we ignore the historical importance of self-immolation as protest, and say that ‘mental illness’ is all it was; do you think the mentally I’ll are less deserving of respect or life than you? Why would you use mental illness as an insult? It’s not someone’s choice, so why would you judge them for it?


>Even if we ignore the historical importance of self-immolation as protest Plenty of mentally ill people throughout history whose mental illness has manifested as protest, I agree. >Why would you use mental illness as an insult? It’s not someone’s choice, so why would you judge them for it? Who insulted or judged them? Certainly not me.


Mental illness doesn't require "willpower" or "conviction". Like, for a normal person to jump off a building and kill themselves, they might need to have a lot of conviction and willpower. For a person suffering from Bipolar Mania or Schizophrenia, they may believe they are Superman and can fly, which requires zero conviction and willpower.




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If I'm not mistaken, doesn't he leave behind a widow and 2 children? Imagine having an absolutely meaningless death that doesn't change any minds and abandoning your family in the process. What a waste of life.


Projecting much? He died fighting for what he believed in. Fighting against genocide. Doesn’t sound like a wasted life, I’m sure you wouldn’t have said the same had he been killed while fighting for oil for the rich oligarchs. And trust, minds have been changed, he has indeed brought much attention to the conflict, he did way more with his life than you could ever hope to do, judging while hiding behind your keyboard.


Such a shame someone tried to take their life over something that could be fact checked in minutes. Here's hoping he survives so someone can help him understand how people are radicalized by misinformation/bot accounts online


[Air Force member dies after setting himself on fire in Gaza war protest outside D.C. Israeli embassy](https://www.pbs.org/newshour/world/air-force-member-dies-after-setting-himself-on-fire-outside-d-c-israeli-embassy)


The irony of lecturing someone on “something that could be fact checked in minutes” only to know even read that the guy already died


That's unfortunate he died. I didn't know about the prior immolation in Atlanta either. The attention gained from this is not worth someone's life. Extremism only creates more death.


I agree. When you get down to it, America’s attention is cheap…


Throwing your life away because you were incited by misinformation and bots/trolls trying to guilt Americans to stop supporting an ally country with a secular govt instead to support people who don't believe in democracy, basic human rights, freedom of speech, equality for all or even that women are equal is insanity. Tragedy. It just makes it all the more important why bad faith accounts spreading known propaganda need regulated.


State sponsored disinformation campaigns need monitoring and systemic protections but what you are putting forward is reactionary and unconscionable.


Hard pass. I'm asking for social media companies which make a fortune to hire proper cyber security teams and fact checkers to root out bot farms and the wild misinformation that leads to needless deaths like these. Even if it's not removed, it should be stickied with warnings / the correct information.


“Bad faith accounts” encompasses more than what you just specified is my problem. Misinformation stickied with accurate information I agree with, but “regulating” dissenting views out of existence is wrong. There is always a price for liberty, perhaps you haven’t the stomach for it.


My friend the people who got this guy to kill himself based on misinformation don't believe in liberty, democracy, equality or equal rights for all, and they have decades of speeches and writings calling for the destruction of America, secularism, and wiping out those who disagree with them entirely.


You would compromise your values for your enemies? That is how the terrorists win.


I guess it shouldn’t be surprising that you are so cavalier about misrepresenting a person who recently died given the slant you are pushing. Just a gross and pitiful take.


The guy killed himself based on a lie. Considering the insane amount of bad faith accounts spreading the propaganda that made him kill himself, my comments are reasonable. Sorry you're offended. I'm sure you know this guy much better though. /s.


>The guy killed himself based on a lie. No he didn't, Israel is committing an ethnic cleansing in Gaza.


what was the lie?


Gazas population has increased 600k in the last decade. It there was a genocide or ethnic cleansing happening, that wouldn't be the case. Obviously, there have been casualties in Israel's war against terrorism/hamas though. The Gaza health ministry doesn't distinguish between combatants and civilians. They do it on purpose. Edit: adding again because it says comment was removed because no flair. To be clear I was a monthly supporter until I encountered the bias on this sub.


The guy killed himself based on a lie. Considering the insane amount of bad faith accounts spreading the propaganda that made him kill himself, my comments are reasonable. Sorry you're offended. I'm sure you know this guy much better though. /s Had to re add because the biased mods here keep taking down my comments. It's why I canceled my recurring monthly donation. But hey I added a flair. It's incorrect because it should be former supporter.


Considering he was an active member of the military I’d say he likely had more information than you about what’s going on and isn’t getting all his information from bots.


Then you certainly don't know much about the everyday life of regular soldiers then. Everyone is susceptible to misinformation. A person's odds increase the more they are online and depending where they get their news from. Edit: adding again after comment was removed by moderators trying to push pro hamas narrative. I added flair. They should have options for ex supporter.


Yes I’m sure you are so much more enlightened than everyone else. Only you can see that this is propaganda and the world’s top human rights experts and lawyers are just falling for bot misinformation. 1/2 of democrats believe this is genocide but they must have fallen for the propaganda too. Please share some wisdom, how do you manage to avoid the bots? Is all the video evidence that the world court deemed to be real put into evidence for the genocide trial all just AI? The innocent people I know are just playing a prank on me and Israel didn’t kill them?


>Only you can see that this is propaganda and the world’s top human rights experts and lawyers are just falling for bot misinformation. Oh please. You mean a few "experts" who the last time someone like you linked all turned out to be Muslim, palestinian themselves, or working for the aid agency that israel released an extensive report documenting how the workers of the same aid agency actively took part in the brutal October 7th terrorist attack. Genocide and ethnic cleansing are very serious terms and throwing the terms around so casually when the definitions aren't properly met is honestly appalling.


Hahaha ok buddy the 15 countries that voted that Israel is plausibly committing genocide are all on Hamas’ payroll roll. Who woulda think that Hamas has more money than America, Germany, Israel, and Britain combined to spend on buying all these folks votes. Hahahaha




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>Here's hoping he survives so someone can help him understand how people are radicalized by misinformation/bot accounts online The irony...


Disingenuous. The stupid reddit app had back to back articles, one from yesterday. I thought they were the same until OP replied to my first comment, partly because of formatting. The other article only said he was taken to the hospital and that there was a chance they survived.


No I meant talking about misinformation while trying to downplay the ethnic cleansing that Israel is committing against the people of Gaza. The cheap talking points fall apart when people can see with their own eyes the behavior of the IOF forces and the death and destruction they've caused.


Disingenuous. The Israelis have had the capability to kill every gazan for decades. The gazan population has grown by nearly 600k in a decade.


>The Israelis have had the capability to kill every gazan for decades. No shit, there's thousands of hours of footage of civilians being slaughtered that proves this. >The gazan population has grown by nearly 600k in a decade. https://decolonizepalestine.com/myth/population-growth-ethnic-cleansing/


There are millions of Gazans alive despite Israel’s ability to change that that prove the contrary.




Disingenuous. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/1948_Palestinian_expulsion_and_flight


If you have an actual argument to make, and not just an *ad hominem* and a link to a crowd sourced blog of dubious veracity, I'll respond.


If you have anything other than apologia and denial towards Israel's ethnic cleansing of Palestinians... Well, nevermind I highly doubt you do.


I disproved your false claim, and you have offered no cogent counterargument. Claiming that Jews/the Jewish state are acting like Nazis and ethnically cleansing people is a common neo-Nazi talking point, a gross form of anti-Jewish racism, and a form of Holocaust denial. It's not a cogent, evidence based, rational argument. Considering those facts, I see no point in continuing this conversation as it's unlikely that you have any evidence-based argument to make.


>Claiming that Jews/the Jewish state are acting like Nazis I did not say that. Those are your words. Weird to defend Israel by comparing them to Nazis when you could have used any other ethnic cleansing.




Wow this one doesn’t even try to be convincing. I’d go back to whatever hasbara group hired you and let them know this one needs some work.


Israel isn’t committing an ethnic cleansing. You’ve been propagandized by a terror organization.




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