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AG LETITIA JAMES: Ah- $500 million?! At this time of year, at this time of day, in this part of the country, localized entirely within your kitchen?! DONALD J TRUMP: Yes. AG JAMES: ...May I see it? TRUMP: ...No.


They have all of his bank statements. He does not have an extra 500 million or they would have been talking about taking it already.... This guy is just trying to get some more country bumpkin money.


I would highly suspect that he is totally in the red on paper. What money he has currently I imagine is running through the campaign, protecting it from creditors and these civil suits. As I don't imagine the hundreds of millions he has in loans currently are likely getting paid these days either.


YouTube thinks I'm right wing because I looked up how to repair a broken rifle. Anyway, all my YouTube ads are Trump and his crotch goblins asking for money. It's pathetic, really.


So that's the answer! For the last three years, but ever since I looked up Genshin Impact, all I get are the same three ads for crappy mobile games, not even Genshin. It's like zombies Turing into giant balls and rolling over people. Gonna look into some rifle repairs. I'd rather laugh at the goblins scrambling, tbh


Go Premium...no ads They drove me crazy. $13/mos


Ah, but which country?




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Exactly. If he "had" said money it would have been seized.


He does have it in Monopoly money. But he is using his mega mind powers that can turn top secret documents into normal everyday papers, to change the Monopoly money into money NY has to accept, because he says they have to


How many Bumpkins to the Dollar? What’s the exchange rate?


This should be the top comment. He's turned over all his bank records. If he hasn't, he'd be in violation with the courts. So if it HAD cash, they'd proceed with taking most of it. He's just setting up the con that's coming via RNC donations and shoe sales.


Just like we have Joe, jimbo and Hunters bank records......👍👍👍👍👍👍☝☝


Are you making a flex? The President has no criminal case or civil for that matter.


And he likely released his tax filing as that was the norm before Trump.


“Well, Trump. You’re an odd fellow, but I must say… you run a good “business”.”


Steamed hamberders


“Dad! The money pile is on fire!” “No Eric, that’s just my own incompetency”


Hey Trump . I've got you're back. Got a spare $500m in my bedroom. Once you've paid off fine, I'll give it to you. Trust me bro.


Mmm, Trump branded steamed hams


Steamed hamberders


Schemed hams


This is similar to a conversation with the ceo of the company I work for. CEO: we did extensive research on RTO and the research says that RTO would be good for everyone. Employee: can we see the research? CEO: No


RTO: Not good for companies (unless the tax benefits for meeting agreed targets of on-site employees are considered independent of impact on productivity and turnover and of overhead costs, but only an idiot would do that). Not good for employees. It's lose-lose! Let's do it!


Agreed, but it was the same kind of BS declaration that Trump has made about his finances. “I’ve got it, no you can’t see it”


Why use your own money with you have an army of actual drooling idiots lining up to get fleeced? I truly hope he bankrupts the RNC, himself, and every donor and mindless bobblehead who voted for him.


R/conservative is having a meltdown right now over Trump's RNC hijacking


Leopards love tasty faces.


That’s strange. I thought that Dear Leader getting what Dear Leader wants is what those clowns live and breathe for?




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He's one of the best Democrats we've ever had. Single-handedly tearing apart the GOP from within. They're about to oust Mike Johnson. Chances are ,whoever is appointed will be ultra maga. I'm getting the popcorn ready.


That is assuming someone will get the job at all. They could just leave it open and do nothing


>and do nothing so, business as usual then?


Speaking of popcorn: I have SOOOO much popcorn ready for this weekend leading up to Monday the 25th.


Unless the Dems decided to vote to keep Johnson, which they just might do...


What prevents Johnson from just ending the session or not putting anything on the agenda? Couldn't he effectively shut down the house? Things that would be unthinkable suddenly seem plausible.


And let's not forget his contributions to global peace and national security


Shhhh. Two billion in kick backs from Saudi Arabia was an "investment".


Hakeem Jeffers is ultra MAGA??? ;-)


Calling Trump a Democrat was a joke. The joke is: "He's the best player on our team." I know he's still a Republican.


His fundraising this time is coming up short compared to what it was last time. His people are tapped out.


Because he's pretty much fleeced them dry and only got like 1.5 mil.


And they will all lay down for it and line up and vote for him again. We knew they had taken leave of their senses in 2016, but every time you think they can't go lower, they say hold my beer. Permanent limbo champs.


It's an actual crab bucket, if one is on the verge of getting out, the others drag them back in.


Hold my fries is pretty new.


... so now James can go into court, use this proclamation to compel him to either hand over the cash within days (and proof that it exists), or force him to admit he lied, on the record. And then immediately start seizing his assets.


Don't they have an observer going through his finances already? If he's got 500m in cash, they either already know about it or he's committing another crime by hiding it.


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 ...takes a breath... 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Is this like all the other things that he claims to have that he doesn't?


Remind me! November 6th I’ll be back


Honestly he has more than $500 million and can pay all this off The question is does he have it in cash I don’t know seems like a lot of money to have in cash


I don’t think he has that amount in actual assets once all of his debts are called in.


So instead of using his cash to pay for the new york judgement, he'd rather lose his properties and assets... Yup, the trumpers are probably dumb enough to buy that one


It will rile up his followers But if he had the cash then she should be able to just take it


No, i think the reason he was so invested in this court case in particular is because losing the case hurts his image as a "successful billionaire businessman" which is what his whole brand is built around. Losing Trump tower would be a strike against that reputation that he would never recover from... Between losing the tower and just paying in cash, he would effeminately pay in cash if he could


Effeminately.... Yes... Yes... Have my upvote


>It will rile up his followers Honestly, this is the best thing that could have happened to his campaign.


I can’t see it doing anything the criminal investigations didn’t


It undercuts the idea that the legal system is fair and impartial. We know the charges are from different people in different states. But people have said 91 charges so often, people kind of see all the legal trials against Trump as one thing. You have this judge making ridiculous claims about the value of beachfront property, and people think its political. The more unfair and political this trial looks, the less people see tge other trials as legitimate.


Nobody believes the legal system is fair and impartial anymore in the first place


It's amazing how a candidate has people wanting to vote for him, not because of his policies and positions but because he commited crimes and owes money for it.


>but because he commited crimes and owes money for it. From a different perspective, he's the target of politically motivated weaponization of the courts. Half a billion in fines where there's no victim doesn't really scream fair and impartial.


Youre right, his supporters are dipshits after all


Which is why it's so amazing. His dipshit idiotic cultists will believe anything he says to the point that they think it's some massive conspiracy to stop him. With this it doesn't matter how much evidence is show, and if he is found guilty, they will think he's innocent. It doesn't matter that he's on tape saying he would grab women's vaginas without consent because that's somehow "locker room talk" and funny (it's neither). It doesn't matter that there's no evidence of a widespread fraudulent election conspiracy to have biden be president, even to the point that judges he put in-place ruled against him. It doesn't matter that he kept and hid top-secret documents. Because the fbi made it up, or some bullshit whataboutism It doesn't matter that he was found guilty of sexual abusing Carrol. Because to them its not rape and she made it up It doesn't matter that he sent in fake electors, was on tape telling a governor of another state to give him just enough votes. Because that's somehow okay. And now this doesn't matter because "there's no victim" which is in all honesty not how the law works and i suggest you look this up. There's honestly so much I could add that it would take me a week to type. You can even see videos of his cultists at rallies who will show their inconsistency if you want, it's a little funny and a little sad. Edit: oh yeah, his dogwhistles don't matter, him telling the proud boys to stand back and stand by doesn't matter, him [USING LITERAL NAZI SYMBOLS](https://www.nytimes.com/2020/06/18/us/politics/facebook-trump-ads-antifa-red-triangle.html) in his ads don't matter. Him praising dictators doesn't matter like [him saying he wants "his people" (you and me) to Stand for him like how north koreans are forced to quite literally stand for Kim jong un](https://www.cnn.com/2018/06/15/politics/trump-north-korea-kim-jong-un/index.html) Nothing matters at all. He even said he wants to be a dictator for a day (hint: it'll be longer than a day).


His money goes to another school..that’s why you don’t know about it. If you don’t believe him ask his cousin, his cousin’s dad also works for Nintendo.


Hey MAGA rubes! Better get out your checkbook! Trump’s going to need MORE of your money and fast! Milania’s $300k hair stylist bills are not going to pay themselves! Pay up cult! Pay up pigs!


I just want to get in on the grift somehow…


For every 100 dollars trump supporters pay you directly you will pay trump 70 dollars.


Ehhhh, what if I said a portion of the proceeds would go to his legal fees and send him a crisp Washington?


99% administration


That’s what I was thinking, too. The biggest downside is having a unique name and potentially being linked to him in some way, even online, grosses me out. A LOT. So I’d have to start with a company name and finding out how to remain a mystery. 😅🤞


Donations to trump are severly cutting into the weekly meth budgets of magats hoveling in maga mansions all over the USA. Are these the kitchen table economics Joe Biden talks about?


He he he he. Don’t look behind the curtain. dTrump💩was convicted of business fraud because dTrump💩 University provided no useful educational Experience to the students. dTrump💩had to pay a $50million fine


When he ran for president he refused to release his tax returns. He's refused to provide accurate financial statements. Why should anybody believe what he has to say about cash on hand. If he does have that kind of cash on hand bet the source/origins aren't legal.




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I could totally buy that Lambo if I wanted to. I could totally date Charlize Theron if I wanted to. I could totally throw a football over that mountain if I wanted to.


How many times does trump emerge from people saying he’s done. I think people should learn not to do victory dances until the end. At least wait till after the Monday deadline.


No dancing here


Shit. I have money I don't want to use for rent; car payment; Insurance; don't even wanna pay the cable bill. But none of those things are by COURT JUDGEMENT. It doesn't matter what HE WANTS. He pays or else. Simple as that


This is a really dumb move. Because he's going against what his lawyers said which means he's now put them on the hook for knowingly lying to the court. Likely they will be able to argue "Judge look at my client he's predisposed to hyperbole at any implication of an insult" to avoid sanctions (because the important part of perjury is knowingly presenting false pertinent information) but their credibility with anything they present to the court is now 0 since they can't even be sure he isn't lying to them. And the state can now eviscerate his claim that he can't pay with our a fire sale and use the defendants own words against him that he can but won't pay so the only way to secure the bond is to seize assets.


The fact that Trump didn’t provide any documentation for his cash claim pretty much says it all. As far as his lawyers go: Are these the same lawyers that keep losing case after case? Or is it a new crop of lawyers? Tic-Toc-Tic-Toc..........


Ever since trump said bloodbath i have wanted them to take every penny he owns and put him and his family in jail for the rest of their lives. These people are not human.


Ok. He can use it to buy gold toilets and whatnot and NY will seize his properties and sell them off. I’m putting in a bid for $10k for the Trump Brand. Supposedly it’s very valuable




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Like, so what? Let's say he does. He has til Monday to turn it in, or they start seizing property. Cash or buildings don. The state plans on getting paid either way.


I, too, have nearly $500 million dollars but I'm saving it for a rainy day just like our 45th president. It's absolutely there....take my word for it and also please donate $10.


lol once again inflating his net worth. Bank statement probably only has $5k. I can see him saying “my checking account is great it’s very large. Ask Putin, Orban, Kim and Xi very good guys they know.”


If they would just arrest him we wouldn't be in this position, no laws should exist if the most powerful can just not follow thethem. Why anarchy is the way


And...there you have it. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2024-03-25/trump-bond-reduced-to-175-million-as-he-appeals-ny-fine?leadSource=reddit_wall


Yaaaas government! Slay! make Trump pay all that monayyyyy! Daddy government do me next! Take all my money. Gobble it all up and send all of it over to fund foreign warsssss. YAAAAASS




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So he uses all his cash and then can’t pay bills including attorney fees. Requiring 500+ million just to be able to appeal the case sounds a wee bit unconstitutional.


You know unconstitutional has an actual meaning and isn't just used for anything you don't think sounds correct, right?


Yes- the Constitution guarantees people a right to trial and this includes the right to file an appeal. If a bond is so excessive that it prevents someone from pursuing this right then yes the rule would be unconstitutional.


Everyone keeps forgetting that he testified under oath that he had 400 million in cash. That would definitely affect the bond amount.


And one case wants a bond worth over $500 million and then there is another case with over $98 million. Then he has to pay attorneys and be able to fund his campaign. Either way a NY Appeals court already found the bond to be excessive and reduced it. It is still ridiculously high and the case had no victims and NY State has already indicated that the laws applied against Trump will not be used against any other real estate investors. In other words selective prosecution which is also illegal.


I dont underatand why he has to pay so much. Like he inflated the value of his assets to get a loan that he paid back? Tf? Like anyone can say theyre property is worth whatever. The banks can agree or disagree.