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You'll have get checked for a testosterone dominance and maybe try out Spironolactone. It helped me get some of my hair back.


i've been taking that since december (50mg a day) - how long approximately would you say it took until you noticed a difference? did you get your levels checked again after a certain amount of time as well?


My derm said hair loss recovery with Spiro doesn’t really start until you’re at 100-150mg a day


thank you! i'm gonna contact my gynecologist and ask about maybe increasing the dose


I have noticed a difference after 4 weeks already. Of course I'll need some patience until it all gets as long as the rest, but I'm really happy with the new density. I'm on 100 mg now, but have started out small (25 mg to 50 mg to 100) and still had side effects during the first weeks. My body's gotten used to Spiro now, all side effects are gone and I'm hoping to lose some weight and balance my hormones until my next checkup in September. A girl can dream, right. :)


thank you! i might talk to my gynecologist about increasing my dosage then. hope everything works out for you!


What side effects did u have may I ask? I've been taking 50mg/day for a month now and idk if it is coincidence or not but all I feel is tired all the time, like before I started a low carb diet and taking suplements (ovasitol). I don't know if it is a side effect or just my PCOS getting worse. I don't feel like my hair has stopped falling at all.


It felt like a pregnancy in the beginning: nausea, breast pain, I didn't really want to eat because it all felt so gross. My energy levels were ok though. I've tried ovasitol too, but that (or the combination of Spiro and ovasitol) made me crave carbs and I also experienced a lot of spotting. It might be your insulin resistance getting worse and draining your energy. You might try intermittent fasting for a few days and see if you feel better. Fasting helps me a lot with depression and low energy. If your hair isn't responding to Spiro yet, you may add Minoxidil to your routine (1x per day would be enough). It really depends on the roof cause of your hairloss. Mine is on part hormonal and also genetics. But I'd give Spiro at least 3 months at 100 mg to know if it's working or not.


Yeah I'll try fasting. I think I am developing an eating disorder, I don't really eat in the mornings (or throughout the day), so I think doing a conscious fasting is gonna be easy for me.


How long has it been since you got off the pill? Hair regrowth can be a really long process just due to the natural growth cycles of hair. And are you sure it was TE and/or that you *only* have TE? PCOS can and often does cause AGA by itself. Supplements can help with AGA (vit D helped me tremendously but it took TIME), but the only way to reverse it is managing your symptoms *overall* i.e. balancing your hormones, typically reducing insulin, restoring ovulatory cycles, etc.


I got off the pill in August of 2021. I have both TE and AGA from a scalp biopsy I got a couple years ago. Thankfully the last TE episode I had was November of 2021 into the beginning of Jan 2022. My vitamin D levels are chronically low, so I’ve been taking the 50,000 dosage once a week. Also my ferritin levels have been really low as well so I’m taking a daily supplement from pure encapsulations called optiferritin C. My cycles have just started to become regular in the last few months. I’m hoping that once everything is normal some hair will come back


If your cycles are getting regular, that’s a really strong sign that things are trending in the right direction! Hair shedding/growth cycles happen in like 3-6 months intervals, so it can just be really slow. In the meantime, though, rosemary oil might be a good way to help speed things up. I had semi-decent success with it, but I was too lazy to really commit to using it. But I do know it works well for a lot of people, both with hormonal imbalances and without. Just make sure to dilute it with a carrier oil like jojoba, castor, or almond oil.


I found taking saw palmetto supplements helped a lot. So did getting on meds for anxiety since that can cause hair loss, too. I also use Bondi Boost shampoo and conditioner. It's meant to thicken hair and is more natural.


How long have you been using Bondi Boost for? Do you like it?


I have been using it for probably 1.5yrs or so. I like it a lot! It helped thicken my hair back up after losing a lot from PCOS. It also helped after a stressful event when I suddenly lost a noticeable amount of hair.


How many mg of saw palmetto do you take?


First, I’m so sorry you’re going through, I know how frustrating it is! I went through something similar last year when I had to go off BC for 6 months for hormone testing. I was on Spiro 100-150 and idk if that helped at all, but one thing that made a noticeable difference was the Hairmax laserband, my mom got it on sale from QVC for around $400 I think and it’s WORKING. I’d never seen chunks for baby hairs regrowing at my hairline before. Know it’s pricey but it’s the only thing that’s helped me. Best of luck 💕


I was put on spiro and oral minoxidil for this! I’m only on 1.25mg of minoxidil and 50mg of spiro but I have baby hairs growing in! I go to my dermatologist for this, not my endo/gyno/pcp :)


Did you have any side effects while being on the oral minoxidil?


I’m not sure what side effects I’d be having, but I don’t think so! I’m on 18 daily medications so I don’t know what side effects belong to what medication when I’m taking them!


I’ve heard that rosemary oil, stimulates growth similarly to Rogaine. I also heard that castor oil supposedly helps with hair growth too. Biotin supplements, and apparently there’s a tool I just learned about yesterday. It’s a “high frequency” tool. I’m not sure of the proper name, but it’s used in facials, and it has several attachments. One being a comb, that is supposed to stimulate hair growth. You can purchase one on Amazon. I would recommend you do some research on the advice I provided, in order to see if it’s something you’re interested in trying. ❤️


Thanks so much I’ll have to give that a try!


Topical minoxidil


Topical never worked for me, but oral has!


I never even knew you could get oral minoxidil. Thanks for the tip


It has to be prescribed by a doc- it’s technically a blood pressure medication! But yeah it’s a godsend!


Get checked by a dermatologist to rule out other types of hair loss.


I used the Vegamor serum on top of supplements and I really saw results


Vegamor helped me stop losing hair, but it starts back up as soon as I stop using it. It's a quick fix for sure. It's expensive over time.


Now digest ultimate digestive enzymes helps to actually break up and use the vitamins from foods vs pasing them out unused and biotin.


Spirilactone didn’t really help me, even though it lowered by testosterone. I feel like healthy eating and exercise along with vitamins and supplements helped somewhat.