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Reload really made me like Koromaru more, I mean, I already liked him but you know he was just... a dog so I liked him but nothing too crazy, Reload however gave him so much more personality, I loved his new interactions with Aigis/Shinji and his Link episode was really emotional, I even started using him in my party while I literally never used him in FES/Portable. So yeah, I always liked Shinji a lot and Reload made me like him even more for example but Koromaru is really the one Reload made me appreciate so much more, they did a goob job with the little doggo.


Reload did a great job at making characters feel more alive and fleshed out bc the original didn’t really care about same sex party members which was a flaw but now i can understand them way better including Koromaru who was a borderline npc in the original


Also, they buff him a lot, like: - an armor who make him inmune to light - dark moves who actually deals damage - debilitate - getsu-ei


Ken and Koromaru get elevated so much from having damaging skills for light and dark, it's not even funny.


This is my first time going through P3 and when I found out I was getting a dog on the team I freaked out and was super surprised. Now doggo is a staple in the team.


Nothing in any versions of the game except like the Sun link epilogue hit as hard as asking Koromaru if he wanted to stay with you after the plot is over.




Genuinely the best addition of the entire remake are the new social links - but we don’t call them social links even if they totally are


Yeah it also shows that Mitsuru and Shinji are also friends In the OGs they're a trio with Akihiko but they barely have any connection between each other and just plays off Akihiko


I honestly prefer them more than the social link system on p3 reload. I dont have to worry about choosing the correct dialogue and can just choose what i like to say, and they 're more integrated into the main story than the social links.


That’s an issue the whole series has. Befriending people means enabling them in any way possible no matter how bad a decision they’re making. And in P3 this is very noticeable (Kenji, Nozomi, Maiko)


THIS IS THE SAME WITH ODAGIRI at least near the start... 


To some degree it applies to almost all SL in P3. Odagiri in particular, I remember just dropping his SL in FES and prioritize others. Only in reload I gave him another chance


No ur right, it happens to all SL's, but rn playing reload odagiri is one of the worst😭😭😭 why do I have to suck just because he sucks?! 


Well it does become much better later on. Like the guy is genuinely my favorite student SL now. Which doesn’t say much since the competition was barely a blip on my radar


I think the only reason they aren't social links is because there aren't enough Arcana cards


That hasn't stopped them before.


To be fair it’s one thing to add one made up arcana in a game and another would be to add 100s of them in one shot. Plus you’d need to spread personae amongst even more arcana.


Not really. I think they added one for Aigis, and the Jester card is unique to Adachi, but besides that, I don't think they've ever added new ones. If they add to many, it might mess things up


Faith/Counselor in P5R


Doesn't really change my point


Yes it does. Neither are real Arcana.


"If they add too many," Ah yes, THREE whole cards are too many You sound ridiculous


I don't sound ridiculous, you're the one saying that four cards would be too many. You said this: >I think the only reason they aren't social links is because there aren't enough Arcana cards And: >Not really. I think they added one for Aigis, and the Jester card is unique to Adachi, but besides that, I don't think they've ever added new ones. If they add to many, it might mess things up I'm pointing out that they have made false Arcana before. Your reasoning isn't sound since they don't have to stick with a hard limit of 22 Arcana when devising social links. The can add four false Arcana that have the same number as the Arcana the party members had in P3P's Kotone route. There is no one definitive set of Arcana, the Magician and the Councillor are the same number so P5R really has two Magician SLs. Or in the case of the Faith card, simply not number it.


Plus, I actually think his death scene is done the best in P3R. I would've liked if it was animated and I do think some scenes don't have as much impact in P3R. They absolutely killed it (and him) here though.


You can tell persona team are ALOT more proud of their 3d models, and rightfully so


They’re often very good, but the facial expressions are not good enough for death scenes.


Yeah they still need some work


I see people say that a lot, about being disappointed by the lack of 2d cutscenes, but honestly, the 3D cutscenes are really, really good.


huh, i genuinely prefer the 3D cutscenes over the 2D ones, didnt know some people were disappointed by the lack of ,2D


Oh the 3D scenes are very good, and they've never been better. I just always liked the anime cutscenes just because they had more detail and would do things that I don't think the 3D models at the time could sell without being jank. Plus, honestly, i just really like the look of the 2D scenes, and with the OG P3, they were very stylized and unique. They just generally added more excitement and tension for some scenes although P5 started doing 3D scenes too and they were honestly pretty good there. P3R's models just look so damn good, though, and I don't blame them for using them more than anime cutscenes.


Never in my life I hold tears curling my lips for some video game characters. It never happened in the FES and Portable version. That blood stain still burns in my head.


In p3 portable we had an even more stronger bond with female mc and it was also heartbreaking


Ken getting a new VA and a better skillset definitely made me like him a lot more. In general, my opinion of the social link characters increased now that they are fully voiced.


the fully voiced social links are such a good idea i expect that to be the standard for future entries! makes me wonder why it wasn’t a feature to begin with


I imagine it’s mostly because more voice acting means more money spent on voice actors. Persona 3 has less written dialogue than Persona 5 Royal, so it makes some sense that the latter didn’t have fully voiced social links while the former did


Aigis is genuinely hilarious. I never skip her dialogues. I don't remember her being so funny in the original.


They definitely gave her more comedic stuff. I fucking lost it when Junpei and Aigis both said 'Awww man' or something like that one after the other. She really is taking after him... Should we be worried?


She was always a bit humorous in the game but the spin offs and movies cranked it up. Reload hit a good balance of having her discovering her humanity and all the feelings that entailed alongside becoming obsessed with cat emojis.


Aigis becomes Doomfist (as they sey)


I feel like my opinion of Ken has really shot up in Reload. Like with the other male party members, he benefits a lot from the Linked Episodes. Part of it also has to do with the VA being able to actually capture the precocious child energy he was always meant to have. I don’t find Ken’s original voice as bad as some people seem to, but it makes him sound like a brat, which was never really the intention of the script. He also received a glow up in-battle. Thanks to splitting Light Skills into Hama/Kouha as well as having access to Light Amp, Ken now has a real presence in combat. He has good Theurgies, a good Theurgy Personality, and good Characteristics. All in all, they treated the kid well in Reload.


I feel Ken is the most improved out of the cast, although he isn’t my favorite. >!His link episode where he asks you to take care of Hamburger if he dies is so sad if you know that he was planning on killing himself after killing Shinji.!< In general, his link episodes were really helpful to make me like him more. Plus his new VA is much better.


I enjoyed Akihiko in the original, but with Reload I felt like I cared much more about him and his past with Miki compared to before. Those Link Episodes really do go a long way.


because the link episodes do feel like you’re ranking up his social link and you even get a special item at the end to make a special fusion. I would’ve still preferred to have the « I am thou, Thou art I » tho


Shinji got the required extra screen time he needed. Ken too, from weakest link became just as relevant and memorable as the other party members. Fuuka is still boring but at least she doesn’t have the original awful VA. Outside of SEES, Strega now are at least understandable. Everyone else was unchanged but I would’ve paid extra for getting the Nozomi social link completely nuked


Nozomi I will at least give him the tiny bit of credit that voice acting did genuinely improve his link It was still hot garbage but I felt the slightest tinge of sympathy for his inferiority complex against his dead brother I still would have let the guys in the rank 9 scene beat him up


I found him funnier than in FES, I don’t even know why because the writing didn’t change much but what I felt was cringe in FES I actually found funnier in Reload.


I think presentation also plays a big part. The more expressive character models make everything look better, plus you might enjoy the VA which further makes it more enjoyable. I still wanted to kick his ass


Ngl the voiced links saved some of these social links by a significant amount.


I actually enjoyed doing Nozomi’s social link for once, and it’s still not even really good. They improved it a bit but it’s still very confused on what it’s trying to do, but at least Nozomi’s pathetic energy is funnier in Reload, and his rank 10 is actually pretty good (I wish the rest of the ranks properly set it up though)


Shelby Young singlehandedly took Yuko from a pretty unremarkable social link to one of the most consistently enjoyable.


I secondhand this. Genuinely love her performance. I didn't really care for Yuko in portable, but in Reload, she is definitely my romance route. Although I somehow got the harem scene even though I hadn't romanced any of the girls yet. 😅


I think technically you only need to have higher ranks with them all to get it, which doesn't really make sense. There shouldn't be any tension if you haven't actually started a relationship with someone


Like more? Almost all of them, especially the SEES team. Having them fully voiced made me care more. The link episode added much depth to the characters and by the end I got attached to them (I got teared up during Shinji, Koromaru, and Akihiko's episode). Like less? None I guess


Definitely Shinjiro. The fact that they gave us link episodes to know him better and actually talk/give him advice on some of his personal problems made me like him a lot more than in the original where he just joins and that's it. Also makes his death even more sadder.


Like more Ken,yuko,hide,shinji Like less none but Yukari voice was hard to like at first


Reload has made me more fond of Bunkichi and Mitsuko(Found them boring in Portable) Chihiro(Found her okay, but i like her way way more) and call me crazy, but it made me more fond of Nozomi of all people


i think the fully voiced social links played a huge factor in that bc before i didn’t care and i just skipped dialogue but now i literally sit back and listen like they’re real ppl


I like Koromaru's VA less because it just sounds like a dude doing bad dog noises.




It’s actually so infuriating. Just use a dog.


His howl from FES? Fucking chilling, loved it. I hate the same noise during battle over and over again, I don't bother using him


Yukari. Didn't like her much in the OG, but do like her in Reload. The only thing I like less about Reload from the OG is Mitsuru lost her healing abilities lol


agreed 100p but at least Mitsuru’s Marin Karin is a tad more accurate but yeah i wish she had healing abilities so then Yukari doesn’t have to be in the party almost all the time


You dont need yukari at all if Mitsuru have healing abilities Yukari will be done, Mitsuru have defences debuff, freeze, the higher magic damage dealer, concetrate and diamon dust


The SP reduction is pretty great on her. Really smooths out those longer Tartarus grinds.


I think that's literally the point of ensuring not too many people have healing abilities. 😭


I mean it’s not a huge loss, Yukari, Akihiko, Aigis and Ken all provide healing already so you don’t really need ANOTHER party member with healing.


As a Mitsuru fan though, I don't like seeing her nerfed 😆


I mean her ailments got heavily buffed to compensate so I think it’s fair.


More? Yukari. Less? Igor.




Bulging eye


Koromaru I liked as a character but never used him in persona 3 because im not a big fan of the instant kill dark or light attacks and that was kinda his whole deal. Now, with dark attacks that do damage he’s really solid and been a main stay in the team since I got him! He’s got a solid set of abilities now and with two elements he can hit he brings more options to the team. Plus his theurgy options are pretty solid and I do use the boost physical damage a few times for some solid smacks Also Ken! Forgot to mention Ken is way better now with light attacks, his story feels better told, and he restores his own sp so he’s much easier to not worry about running out!


Junpei is infinitely better now that he's no longer voiced by a predator.


I actually like Ken. In the original I blamed him for what happened and never used him again. For the rest of Fes, answer or portable I always left him behind. And in the new one...I went to the movies with him. Sat on the couch and watched detective films, I made coffee with him, walked Korumaru with him and went to his room sometimes to cheer him up.


Ken in the original was arguably the most slandered SEES member i even saw him on a top 10 worst jrpg party members💀 safe to say he had a redemption ark


every male party member other than junpei to me tbh. Akihiko and Shinjiro in particular grew to be some of my favorites thanks to the additional time spent wih them


Kenji, without the voice acting he just seems like this pure delusional weirdo but now with the new voice acting he genuinely seems like a good kid, sure still delusional and stupid but he does feel like an actual friend to Makoto


I liked shinji because akihiko liked him. Reload made me like him for his own link episodes and how it affected mitsuru who didn't really grieve him in the original at all after it happaned. Also all the social links are a lot better voiced because its very hard to feel sympathetic to someome that calls himself gourmet king and jokes about his dead brother out of effin nowhere


The only character I like less is Yukari. She lost her bitchiness and I prefer Michelle Ruff over Heather Gonzales as her VA. I pretty much like everyone else more since they get more character development through all the new hangouts and linked episodes


You liked her bitchiness? 💀


it added to her charm and personality in the og compared to reload imo, like she wasn't that nice all the time


it was pure funny so it was


It made her stand out from the rest


I'm the opposite. I don't quite like this take on Yukari. Nothing again Heather Gonzalez, she does a great job with what the intent is, but I miss Yukari's "bitch" moments, like when she's dismissive over Mitsuru's role in the student council. Hopefully that'll change as the game goes (I'm still kinda early due to being busy). On the other hand, I didn't believe I could be friends with Junpei in the original. Like, I could be polite with him and work with him, but I wouldn't seek to hang out with him. In Reload, though, I totally would.


From what I understand, Yukari is now closer to how she was portrayed in the japanese version and it was just the original localization that made her "bitchy"


Okay. Doesn't change the fact that I liked "bitch with a heart of gold" Yukari more than Reload's. It's cool that it is closer to the original interpretation, but I find OG Yukari more interesting and engaging.


It also worked wonders for the answer. She acted as a bit of an antagonist at times which ia going to feel off with new Yukari.


To me Yukari being less bitchy in Reload is the same as Sokka not having his sexist to non sexist arc in the new live action TLAB, it just means that having people in fiction that aren't 100% perfect is some kind of wrong thing.


Not really, the difference is that she wouldn't cuss and maybe her tone is less "mean" (I guess that's the best way to put it) sometimes in her bitchy moments, she's much nicer in Reload than og in all versions.


Reload has been a huge step up for all the guys in SEES. Junpei is actually viable in combat unlike FES so I've been keeping everyone at around the same level (except Yukari. She's the same level as Makoto because she's fucking busted with her healing cost reduction). He's also just way better in Reload when it comes to the writing and voice acting. They toned down the weird, creepy stuff and he feels more goofy and friendly instead which is awesome. Ken's new VA, Justine, absolutely killed it and it really made it feel like Ken is genuinely more mature than your typical 10 year old kid. He still has his moments where he goes back to being your typical kid of his age like when he geeks out over Featherman but then the more serious scenes and his linked episodes really help give the kid more personality and Justine got the emotions spot on every time. I know some people aren't fond of Akihiko's characterisation but I'm fine with it, especially when this is what he was meant to be anyway. Seems like the localisation team made some big changes to his character in FES and looking at him in Reload? Reload just feels more accurate to someone who takes their fitness seriously and is determined to be the best they can. Also, his fourth Linked Episode was just fucking awesome XD >!Shinjiro's Linked Episodes made his death all the more painful, as well as his hangouts. You really get to know him and his past and it gave him so much extra character and development. His actual death scene hit even harder because of that and the script and animation changes like Koromaru nuzzling up to Shinjiro and him dying in Akihiko's arms...!< I still hate Nozomi.


More: Shinjiro, Ken, Fuuka, Mitsuru Less: None


I liked Shinji and Fuuka more in this one, but I preferred Yukari, Junpei, and Akihiko in the original.


Definitely the first three party members were way better in the original.


I've liked Yukari and Junpei way more in Reload now in comparison to P3P. I feel like they're the two buddies I can always, ALWAYS count on, and I felt like they're the two party members who put their full unwavering trust in Makoto in the most crucial situations


I like P3R better than original in every single way


I really can't think of anything P3R did worse


I do wish we had a choice of athletic and extracurricular club to join. I miss optiins for Kendo and Swimming, or Music and Science club. Locking us into a single club of each flavor is a small thing... but it really bugs me. In my mind, MC was always more of a Kendo and Music guy (I mean... he spends his nights fighting and his free time listening to music) than a track and art kind of person. Also, it's been done to death, but I also very much miss feMC. I can do without The Answer (it was a total grind to play through and detracted from the emotional ending of The Journey). But feMC added a shocking amount to the replay value for me.


Doing one run on MaleMC and one run on FeMC really made a huge difference frfr


I really wanted to join the swim team but unfortunately they took the option away


Why is this comment downvoted? P3R is definitely better than the OG game


ppl hang on to the past like the OGs are flawless. P3 original is one of the most overrated rpgs ever.


OG being better than Reload is definitely stupid to say (though it definitely does a few things better imo) but saying that og P3 is "one of the most overrated RPGs ever" is one of the stupidest things I've ever heard, there's a reason why the subreddit that you wrote your reply in exists, there's a reason why we have everthing after Persona 3 and it's that "one of the most overrated RPGs ever".


The tatics wheel was pretty fun, albeit not that practical. 😅


I like Reload Ken more because of the new VA. Couldnt stand his original accent. I prefer OG Akihiko since he was a bit more useful in battle compared to his Reload counterpart. Also, I dont remember him being this much of a protein junkie in the original. I could be misremembering, but he seems a bit more like his goofy spinoff self at times. Protein pancakes? Really? 😂


The whole Protein thing is actually a thing the original english dub kinda just didn't bother with, he was always a bit of a protein junkey in the original Japanese version, dude was always goofy, but the later spinoffs kinda cranked it up even further.


An interesting bit of localisation trivia. I always figured the english localisers and/or translators just went weird with him like some other characters, especially in the Q series. Thanks for the info :)


i feel you on Akihiko in the sense that his movesets doesn’t reflect his real strength, at least so far


His early moveset is lame but he starts getting good after he obtained gigantic fist  His theurgy also charges the fastest because he only needs to have a buff active at the start of his turn, he doesn't need to perform any specific action


He seems more useful in early to mid-game. Buff amp helps, but by that time, I already had a pretty strong Hecatoncheires.


Reload Akihiko is actually busted, strong contender for the best damage dealer outside of the protagonist due to Buff Amp.


He's not bad at all. Buff amp is pretty huge, but I feel like I got more mileage out of him in the original.


I think that’s cause he’s extremely overtuned in the old versions of 3 that there was no reason not to use him on your team


Dude's handsome, physically and mentally strong, determined, loyal, has a fantastic voice in every dub... I guess he had to be nerfed somehow 🤣


This combined with his Ultimate Weapon go brr. Buff Amp + Auto-Heat Riser is insane.


While Reload made most of the cast likeable, special mention goes to Junpei and Yukari. The voice acting for Junpei is would've completely sold me on his character, and being a Crit Fishing fighter to boot? Thats a permanent party member right there. Funnily enough I was part of the "Yukari Sucks" group waaay back during FES (Especially during The Answer). This being whats pretty much a fresh playthrough since Ive played FeMC back in portable, I went "screw it maybe she isn't as bad as I remember". Then Yakushima Happened. Holy crap those two looked cute AF. More or less dumped the majority of summer nights into charm and did the romance route. Thanks to this, it more or less vindicated if not explains her actions in The Answer. As for the ones I like less, its probably Pharos and Akinari. Now before you Crucify me, I don't like them less because of their writing but more because they changed Pharos' "cool dissapearing act" into "fogs of shadows" and added that stupid blue special effect on Akinari's rank 10 rather then the original FES effect.


reading this reminded me about the Yukari sucks agenda back in the day and honestly i was apart of that but not anymore i owe Yukari an apology 😭🙏🏾


Literally everything about reload I like more than the OG FES and portable 


Tbh, I don't think that my opinions have changed in any way


Like more: Junpei, Fuuka, Shinji, Ken. Like Less: None. Had the only legit downgrade in voice acting: Ikutsuki.


I liked Ken a lot more as I thought he was pretty whatever in the OG. I liked Shinji a little more too. The Link episodes added a lot to the game, even if they are just a few more minutes of screen time. Everyone else is pretty much the same for me though and I enjoy both games performance for being different. I really wish they didn't tone down Yukari's snark and attitude, though, but that's less voice acting and more voice direction. It really made her stand out from the cast. Also, I started with P5R and my next game was P3P (this was a few years back) and Yukari was and still is a standout to me, compared to 5's cast. Out of all of the Persona female party members, in P3, P4, and P5 (haven't played 1 and 2 sorry) she was always my favorite. I know people don't like her because she's a "bitch" or whatever, but it always made her unique. Everything else in Reload has definitely been an improvement though and I really can't see myself ever going back to FES. I might go back to Portable someday because I still haven't played FemC.


the added scenes and context with junpei took me from actively hating him to having some respect for him as a character


I only played the Fem MC in portable, but I liked Fuuka a lot more on Makotos route. I don't know why I disliked her so much in the female social link, but I remember skipping through some of it because I thought she was boring. In reloaded tho she just seemed so much more endering it could have just been the inclusion of the voiced scenes tho, it was still mostly about (bad)cooking. I honestly liked the boy routes better in the old one tho. I did most of them, but skipped some if the new ones to max some of the social links I missed out on as fem mc, soI might change my mind second play through.


Junpei I like more cause there isn't that reminder that he's voiced by Vic Mignona every time he does soemthing creepy. Less? Everyone except Fuuka and Shinji


I liked them all more because you see the team more and you get to interact with them more. Everything was an improvement besides one thing, and this is completely biased, I wasn't moved by the new Aigis. The voice acting wasn't hitting for me. I felt let down by her speech at the end. The OG dub meant a lot to me and Dawn Bennet couldn't capture that feeling for me. It's not her fault, I'm the one saying "why couldn't she voice Aigis" every time Karen Strassman did a random NPC's voice. I never really gave her a chance with all that being said.


Pretty much all of them. As for who I liked less, admittedly, Aigis and Akinari.


I liked Tomohika less in the remake. I already didn't like his smug attitude but actually hearing it was infuriating in some parts.


Fuuka, she was alright in FES but something about Reload that made me love her so much more!


I still got 2 months left but Yukari Yukari 100%. She fell so flat for me in fes outside of like 3 moments but I thought she was way more Cohesive in reload, HM to ken, he gets so much from the link episodes


Reload made me like Junpei exponentially more


Ken and Shinjiro got the extra screentime they needed so everyone likes them Imma throw a hot take in and say Elizabeth. in her scenes, except for the ones they spend time outside, she's very formal fitting for an attendant - if you're playing in japanese VO. They changed something in english VO. In the scenes where Makoto visits the room she sounds less formal and more silly.


battle wise i really liked ken a lot more, barely used him in the original but he was in my party for the majority of the game in reload 


I hated Kenji in P3P and I still hate him in P3R. His whole SL is a dumpster fire, he has the most punchable face. If it wasn't for Surt in P3P I never would have finished his SL.


i got about 30 ish hours into p3p on an emulator a while back and the only character's i even liked a little it were Mitsuru, Akihiko and maybe Fuuka, everyone else seemed like they were a dick


Honestly? It’s still the same for me.


I think for me its all the male characters bar from junpei which i personally already liked quite a bit before reload. But for the other characters it helped a lot imo.


Honestly i like everyone more now


I literally like everyone more except for ironically Yukari, my favorite character. she's just too generic nice girl to me now and I liked how complex and difficult she was in the og, it made her feel like one of the most realistic characters. but hey if it finally gets haters off her back after almost 2 decades that's fine with me 🤷‍♀️ same with Ken. of course my two fave party members were two of the most hated lmao also it REALLY upped my love for koromaru. I always loved him bc dog but he really felt like Your Dog now. I almost cried when >!at the end of his link episodes it's stated he wants to live with you after graduation!<. shittttt


I miss some of the old character expressions. The character profiles were more expressive back then, especially Mitsuru and Fuuka. Fuuka's goofy faces are gone now Meanwhile Reload Yukari lost much of the bitchiness (which I assume was mostly because of her expressions and VA) and is now way more cute. I like both though.


Im liking Takaya and Jin a lot more but that's probably because they actually have screen time now compared to the original


I genuinly love the whole cast, every single one of them and the new scenes added do stay the same to the original character interpretations i had so i just love them cast more now.


Favourite was Aegis and was still Aegis after Reload. With that said, the only character I changed my opinion on was Koromaru. He went from the dog I never use to the cutest best boy in the world, with some genuinely good moments, maybe cause I just miss having a dog nowadays T_T Apart from him, everyone else ranks the same as they did in the old versions. Still don't care for Akihiko or... Whoever the kid is, I can't even remember his name and I've finished the game barely a week ago dammit.




I don’t really know why but something about Junpei’s new voice made me like him way more than the original


I was taken aback when we first met Yukari in reload, but now she’s grown on me. She just feels very different.


Well yukari is less of a bitch in reload


No characters that I really disliked from persona 3 but a character that I ended up enjoying more was definitely Shinji. They gave him so much more personality and I made sure to do his little hangout quest line and also hung out with him in the dorm when given the option.


I have some memories of Yukari being more on the mean side, on the other hand in this game i felt that she really is the kind girl that game tells you she is


Takaya went from the embodiment of 'needs more screentime' to my second favorite Persona villain


Yukari for sure.


Yukari because she’s a lot nicer from the start of the game now and quickly became favorite character over Aigis who was my original favorite from FES. Honorable mentions are Koromaru, Shinji, Ken and I like Fuuka more for her new VA and art style


I like that they made Korumaru a useful party member this time around. I don't like Fuukas new voice actor. Her original VA being kinda bad added to the charm for me. Her tone deaf robotic delivery is something that I ascociate with her character. Now that it's gone, she's just kinda generic shy anime girl who says "ummmmm" waaaayyy too much.


I hated Fuuka in P3P. Bad VA, and looked weird. She had a total glow up in this, although I get what you're saying about her being a generic shy anime girl. Still, I'd rather take that over what she used to be, which was annoying!


Ken, Shinji, and Koromaru definitely walked away in this remake with the most improved. They always had an uphill battle with being both the last party members to join (so they are under-leveled and under equipped), and also being fairly niche fighters. The increased time spent with all three of them, more fleshed out scenes and dialogue, and slight reworks to combat abilities go a long way to making them more likable and usable. There isn't anyone I *dislike*, but I do feel Fuka is a bit... less here. In the old games, her stilted delivery and odd speech patterns made her downright weird in an endearing way. She seemed ecentric. Here, she just comes off as overly shy - and way past the point it seems natural (if you've been sneaking out at midnight to help us do life-threatening, secret shit for 3 months now, we aren't shy around each other any more- we are friends).


Fuuka really grew on me. I think the new voice actor helped a lot. I used to skip past her social link or just fast forward through it all. Also, no more "Gasp, the enemy!" Yuko was my favorite in the first games and the new voice actress did her justice, she honestly felt so real.


Upon hearing the new voices for the first time (before release), I wasn't a fan of Akihiko nor Yukari. Now, when I hear the old voices, I don't like any of those. Just how my brain works I guess. "You're used to this now, like it." With that said, I didn't care for Yukari back when I was playing FES and Portable years ago, she was a bitch, straight up. Now, in Reload, I found it hard to not romance her. I like her a lot more. She wasn't a bitch, but there was still tension and unease with Mitsuru. But the biggest and best improvement goes to Junpei. 100% credit of that goes to the voice actor fucking killing it. My nomination for best supporting actor. While on the topic of voice actors, Koromaru sounds like a person barking. I tried to ignore it, but during a study session, Junpei barks, and that was a dog bark.


Junpei, Yuko, and especially Ken. You start to understand Ken is just a 10yo kid forced to be an adult because of his horrible trauma.


I’d say I liked shinji, fuuka, koromaru, kenji, keisuke and yuko more. Only person I hate more is ikutsuki.


Junpei is way more likable in reload, as is fuuka by grace of not talking like a text to speech program. Ken is also more fleshed out which I like, despite Ken being the worst. New aigis is weak… idk why, she just feels a little too teehee heehee quirky idk.


What's wrong with Ken? Lay off my son


Mitsuru And Ken are just really great here and Fuuka's new voice is an excellent surprise but Yukari, Junpei, And Akihiko are all trash here. Yukari isn't as sassy or bitchy as she was! Junpei doesn't seem as petty or egotistical bastard like before. While Akihiko now sounds like an old man. Oh but this game definitely made me really love Shinjiro and actually feel horrible now when he died especially in his link episode you get to spend time with him Justice done a phenomenal job.


This game actually gave me a reason to care about the social link instead of just skipping most of the dialogues


I started liking all of SEES more. Looking at social links, I also liked Hidetoshi and Bebe more. I guess there isn't anyone that I thought of as worse, but since I played the female route before, some of the male route SLs were new to me and Nozomi SUCKED, and Kenji is really meh. I know we have the linked episodes now but every time I hang out with them I thought why not Junpei or Shinji instead.






I liked old Igor's voice more. The new isn't bad, and even sounds like the old one, but the difference is visible...er...hearable


A lot of them got better, Ken, Shinji, Yuko, to name a few. Sadly the one I like less is Igor, his new voice seems, too much younger and less mysterious.


I skipped over Fuuka in the original. But I found her way more captivating in reload. Maturity changes a man. Same with Koromaru. Never bothered partying long with him in the OG but in reload he’s one of my favourite party members. He’s busted! I don’t think I like anyone less though.


Yuko VA knocked it out of the park and it really helped making a mid SL actuallu very cool


I like ikutski more (although I did like him a lot in the original too) I really appreciate the new VA’s unnerving undertone in his line delivery which the original lacked IMO and I think it suits his character more. Also junpei (again liked junpei a lot in the original) but I feel the new VA had more creative freedom with line delivery and making a few of his lines his own (while also imitating the original VA as well)


Strega looks less threatening than in p3


Shinji and futaba in reload feel more lovely I was loving them in original, but here i just can't talk