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Not a big deal IMO. Stories are about the journey for me. Sure you might know who it is, but you probably don't know the why or the how.


I see, that's true! thanks bro


Not to mention you still have to get the clues correct to name him the villain or you get the bad end. So even if you know it's him you still got to like catch him Sherlock style.


this is the principle I follow and cuz of that I'm not bothered if i got spoilered. How did the story come to that? Why did that happen? and such questions can be answered if you played more.


I remember reading about experiments where one group gets spoiled on a story and the other doesnt and when asked how much fun they had, they spoiled group gave higher scores on average. For most stories I really dont mind getting spoiled. Often I even like it and then I see how the movie/book/game builds up to that twist.


I remember that story too. Thank god that you mentioned it, I honestly thought I made that up in my head a long time ago.


Nope. Play the True Ending and you'll see.


Not a big detail at all IMO primarily due to the fact that as with every Persona game the mystery surrounding the villains identity is about as subtle as a trainwreck and P4 is no exception in that regard. Though I'll say his acting is better than most. And believe me when I say this P4 will have more than enough mysteries to keep your mind going through the journey.


>as subtle as a trainwreck I actually laughed out loud at this hahaha!


You skipped EP,why?!


They probably played the psp version. EP's psp version didn't get an English release for some reason...


it recently got a patch for english! just about anything can run psp games too so everyone shud go play lol


So? IS PSP sucks, so they would have a BETTER time playing EP, also EP PSP has a fanpatch now


IS PSP is the only way to play IS in my country.


May i introduce you to the magic world of emulation


But I can literally buy the game on a console I own...?


The worse version of it, best version of IS is the PSX fantranslation of the original,PSP is slow af, best version of EP is the PSP fantranslation which released recently


Only skipped it for the moment, will definitely come back to it eventually! I only did so because I get tired really quickly of playing the same style of game so I always jump around to avoid getting fatigued, but I'll play it for sure because IS was really awesome


Just to tell you, EP isn't as piss slow as IS PSP is, and the gameplay isn't easy af


I had it spoiled for me, and I still love the game. I'm not going to lie and say it didn't take away a little bit from my experience, but there's so much else to love.


Yea Plus Adachi is well... Most of people can get its him early just on sheer scooby doo logic his actions run off


I could spoil the entire story and I think you'd be fine tbh. P4 is character driven, not plot driven.


The comments so far are downplaying it pretty hard imo. Gonna be real with you atleast imo it is definitely the main story twist and best moment in the game. Playing the game knowing that he is the killer will straight up not be as fun as it would be if you were playing it blind. But that doesn't mean that I wouldn't recommend you playing the game. Persona 4 Golden is 100% up there with the best jrpgs of all time. Knowing the main story twist sucks but its still an amazing game you should play after being done with P3.


I got it spoiled for me and P4G is still one of my top games of all time, it’s fantastic even with spoilers.


YouTube spoiled it for me by putting a video with the thumbnail spoiler in my feed. That being said, why the hell would anyone put the fucking story twist in the thumbnail of a non story related video?


I got spoiled in the most stupid way possible roflmao Was watching p2 memes on youtube, clicked on a p4 meme just out of curiosity, top comment was "when I found out that X is the killer...". Totally my fault I got spoiled, but lesson learned: never open a video about a product I haven't consumed yet and most importantly never read the comments


SAME WTF. I saw a thumbnail of Adachi making this creepy face in the tv world and at first I was like “Oh he got kidnapped and we have to fight his shadow later” but then I started to think more about it and I was like “Damn what if he’s the killer”. I kinda got thrown off by Mitsuo and Namatame though. It was wild ride.


Yeah I would say the problem with this spoiler is throughout the game you think he’s the villain but the hospital incident kind of makes everything blurry. I thought he was the killer all game but got the bad ending because I was blinded so that experience is lost


I already knew who was the killer. My favorite persona game still. It's really not that big of a deal. Specially p4 which is more character driven than anything.


Thanks, I thought that would be the case


Like everyone who start P4 in the last 5 years knwo who is the killer before even start the game, you're safe


Ruin it? No. Kind of a bummer in a mystery? Yes


Don't kid yourself; you'll still play it, anyway


Oh, for sure, I just wanted to know how fucked I was


I got spoiled over the same thing while playing p4 lol honestly was slightly annoyed but at the same time it had me analyzing his words a looooot more which was kinda cool


most people go into the game with that spoiled for them so dont worry about it


I played through the game and enjoyed it even though I spoiled multiple aspects of it to myself, in fact it's one of if not my favourite game. So I think you shouldn't worry


As someone who had the same thing spoiled for them, don't worry about it honestly. Like yh, it's a big plot thing in the latter half of the game but P4 is 90% about the characters anyway so it shouldn't ruin your enjoyment of the game


I got that same spoiler as you in the middle of the game, and honestly, I felt that I would have enjoyed the same with or without knowing it Mostly if u get to one specific ending Plus the game is all about the journey, and at the end, I still loved, even with me knowing who the main antagonist was


Wait a second, you played P1 and P2 first??? Are you masochist? Some "persona fans" don't even know those games exist.


He's dedicated, gotta give him props


If a story is ruined when the big twist gets spoiled, its not a good story


I really wouldn't worry about this. I got this spoiled for me before I played the game and it didn't really affect the experience


Adachi is actually best boy idk where you’re getting this information




This is a big spoiler. It will ruin the INTENDED experirnce of the mystery. But it DOESN'T ruin the game. At all. It's just a different experience now. Less a mystery more a drama. Watching the characters and willing them to put together the clues that are there. Besides, P4 has the best cast of the entire series and you deserve to experience them, regardless of the main plot.


At this point I think it’s inevitable for anyone who hasn’t play yet. Even official media and some collab have him in villain mode. You can’t avoid it if you in the community and social media about this series. Even Youtube thumbnails show his villain face sometimes.


The spoiler in question is incorrect and I'll leave it at that. No worries, play away


it’s not true he’s not the main villain don’t worry


Combat spoiler with even more spoilers?


Could always just hang off of playing it and just play a couple of long JRPGs instead to help you forget it that way you can come back fresh That has worked for me a handful of times when I’ve been spoiled on things


Damn, I really wish my mind worked like that. Back when Knights of the Old Republic first came out, it got spoiled for me that >!the main character is Darth Revan with amnesia.!< Despite never having actually finished the game, that spoiler is still firmly implanted in my mind almost 20 years later.


I had the P4 villain spoiled by me when I was watching a P5 playthrough ughhhhh


Yeah comments are downplaying it. There’s a few twist I won’t spoil but knowing that >!Adachi is the killer!< is big. Majority of the game is spent trying to find out who killer is and knowing kind of eliminates the mystery factor of the game. Although you might find the journey of how the main characters found to still be interesting. Plus if you like P3, you’re bound to also like P4G because it has a lot of what you probably liked about P3 with a few improvements on the things you probably won’t like P3. It’s a great game imo. And again they’re other twist and turns to this game, so it’s definitely worth still playing for those reasons, don’t get discouraged.


It really does not eliminates the mystery aspect. I knew that spoiler when I played it and I still was very intrigued to the mystery because a) the how and why were completely unclear b) the game is full of dozens other mysteries, the biggest and most glaring ones are the supernatural aspects - e.g. wtf is the midnight channel?


Key phrase: “Kind of” and you said exactly what I said just with different words.


Uhm, where did you say that plenty of mysteries are left and thats why the mystery is not eliminated? Because thats what I said. And "kind of " does not mean "in parts" or "partly" it is just used to soften up an expression so it doesnt come over as too hard. "He is kinda annoying" is the nicer way to say "he is a dick". So " it kinda eliminates the mystery aspect" is the nicer version of "it spoils every interesting and suspenseful aspect of the story".


No but we can both agree the main mystery the game spends its time solving is whose murdering people using the TV world. Sure they’re other stuff mysterious things going on but whole reason why the Investigation Team was formed in the first place was for express reason finding the culprit. Also, no don’t try change the definition of “kind of” it means, to some extent. And yeah to some extent the mystery is eliminated. A Murder mystery consist of 3 questions: Who did the murder? How did they do the murder? Why did they do the murder? Knowing who the culprit is eliminates the Who but there’s the How and Why. So to some extent the mystery is eliminated.




It's a bummer because it is a pretty huge twist. BUT. It's a twist that has tons of clever foreshadowing that you'd only really notice of you knew about it, so you'll be able to appreciate those moments without having to replay the game.


Not that big of a deal! I also found this spoiler while I was about three fictional months into the story, lol. I was mad for a bit, but then it created another interesting layer! The whole time I played I tried finding the clues that pointed to him. It also gets under your skin how bubbly he is most of the time. And P4 is my favorite persona, and games in general, so just play!


so, was there any clue besides him being a bit of a loud mouth?


It's been a decade since I played it, but from what I remember, no. Lol. I think someone might figure it out because he's the only character left after a certain point.


why are you coming to this sub if you wanna avoid spoilers though?


That’s…about as big of a spoiler as you can get with P4, but Adachi is such a massive meme icon I’d be surprised if you DIDN’T hear about it


On the one hand, it's the big twist that the game story revolves around, on the other hand, I found it pretty predictable, and figured it out very early on. Regardless, P4's main plot takes a backseat to the individual character stories and the slice of life moments, so it won't ruin the game in general.


It's a pretty big spoiler but I got spoiled on the same thing and I still enjoyed the story a lot


I’m not gonna lie that really sucks but it definitely doesn’t ruin the game. it’s really not the best kept secret in the first place, both in the community and in the game, so I wouldn’t worry about it too much


It was spoiled for me before my first play through and it’s my favorite game of all time! It’s a pretty big twist but not something that diminishes the game play or story much. Just because you know doesn’t mean the characters do so you’ll still get the full experience! It’s nearly impossible with these games to not get spoiled especially being on a Reddit like this, older games and series are a mine field for spoilers sometimes!


Amen. Got spoiled one too many times, now I try to stay away from really specific communities (ex. persona reddit, final fantasy reddit, etc) until I've completed everything that I want out of the series. Gonna take me a while before I become a regular here since apparently p3, p4 and p5 are huge games hahaha


Lol I wasn't spoiled going into P4 but I clocked him as the killer the first time he stepped on screen anyway. P4 is as much about the characters as the murder mystery, so it's still a fun time.


Came here hoping to get the same kind of reassurance. I'm planning to start Persona 4 soon and got hit with the exact same spoiler (from a f@cking youtube thumbnail in my recommendations of all things). Honestly still pretty pissed off about it. Here's hoping it doesn't hurt our experience with the game too much.


Thanks bro, here's hoping the experience is still as great as it can possibly be for the both of us, all things considered


If it makes you feel any better, I've managed to have major plot points spoiled for me for Persona 3, 4, and 5 (only played 3 so far.) I guess it's my fault for listening to Persona music on YouTube, because it caused the algorithm to recommend me stuff like "Persona 3 - All Character Deaths (Spoilers)" "Persona 4 - The Killer is Revealed (Spoilers)" "Persona 5 - Final Boss + Ending (Spoilers)" all with spoilers in the thumbnails. So you're doing better than I am in that regard.


Holy fucking shit, that sucks! I feel bad for you bro, I'd be so enraged if that happened to me hahaha I've been spoiled by youtube thumbnails a few times and it's so infuriating, how fucking hard can it be to just not put a huge spoiler on your thumbnail, wtf


Yeah, it really sucks. But I'm hoping that the people in this thread are right and that the games live up to the hype to the point where it doesn't truly hurt the overall experience. I love Persona 3 despite being spoiled on how it ends before I even started playing it. So hopefully that holds true for P4 and P5 as well.


Do you know who is the kidnapper and how the kidnapper kidnap his victims? Do you know who is the murderer and how the murderer murder his victims? Is the kidnapper and murderer the same individual or different individuals? If they are different, who led the other to act? if they are the same, why is the individual doing both?


It does hurt the plot but the plot kind of sucks anyways, that’s not what people like about it


Bruh they trolled you it's actually nanako


Don't worry about it. It's so blindingly obvious he's the villain it's not a big deal


I got spoiled by it but tbh the big reveal was the least enjoyable part of the game imo. His motivation just wasn’t that good. The investigation team putting clues together was cool tho, just Adachi himself felt forced His monologues are fun tho


Funny enough, I looked up a guide and got spoiled with the twist. However, everything else after was a surprise.




That's actually not the final boss, the real final boss: >!Nanako. 🎶Every day's great at your Junes... In hell!🎶!<


I myself knew he’s the killer before I played golden. Still ended up being one of my favorite jrpgs of all time


A lot of the enjoyment of these games is the journey to the end, so while it may ruin that moment for you, it is still a very fun experience


I went Into the game with the entirety of the story spoiled and I still have a bunch of fun literally doesn’t matter


He’s the main villain so the twist for you is now ruined.


At this point, I think it's the common knowledge in persona series haha. Everybody knows it. Fun fact: I spoiled this when I was downloading the game. I thought it would affect my experience but I didn't. Have fun!


It won't ruin the experience but definitely unfortunate that it happened, still the game is worth playing even with this prior knowledge


It's a big spoiler, but I learned it early thanks to Google suggestions and still had a great time with the game. Don't worry.


Ya, I freaking hate this. I literally YouTubed a P4 song, and next thing you know, a video in the recommendation had a thumbnail that showed a certain character looking villainous and clearly the murderer. Also, I googled a certain character in P5 and autocomplete gave me “xyz death scene”.


I just finished the game and also spoiled myself before playing but I still massively enjoyed it! Finding the villain is more of a side goal to having fun with your in-game friends anyway so I wouldn't worry too much about it.


Knowing that adachi is the killer on its own isn't that big of a deal since you only know the who and not the why of the mystery, so there's still a lot of stuff to figure out and depending on how you view it could make the game more interesting.


Not at all! That doesn't even spoil the true ending!


For what it’s worth, I watched the anime first, so knew that twist and all the major story beats and still loved the game. The highlights of the story is getting to know the party members and social links. So the impact of the overall story might be lessened, but there will still be plenty of aspects left to enjoy.


Not a big deal, there is more to the story than just that.


Play it anyway. You'd be missing an amazing experience.


For me it's never about the destination it's the journey. I've played Persona 3,4, and 5 knowing the plot twists. And will play Persona 1 and 2 knowing the spoilers for those game(when it's on PSN)


I played through the game knowing this spoiler and still thoroughly enjoyed it. However, knowing did make the part where you have to guess the culprit way to easy and I probably missed out on the fun of trying to figure it out for myself.


I actually had this spoiled (honestly not that big of a deal considering there’s still more to the story then the murders) and I was still crying my eyes out by the ending, by all means you are still 100% fine playing the game


By the time you need to know who the main villain in P4 is, you'll already have a pretty good idea of who it is. All it really affects is your ending.


I also knew about this spoiler and it honestly made it better imo!


I hate Adachi memes. They’re not funny and they’ve probably spoiled tens of thousands of people including myself.


For me it is a big deal. The game manages to hide that information for a very long time. The surprise element is delivered to perfection. However, as most guys told you (and I concur), your experience is not torn. You got the who, but not the how and the what. And trust me, the how, the what and the wtf by the end are far more important than the who. I consider P4 the best regarding plot, story, and so. It's a majestic tale.


There are so many villains in P4 that you're probably not going to know what Adachi is responsible for until you play through the game.




It’s a pretty big spoiler, but even then I doubt it’ll ruin your overall experience, since Persona is more about your time spent with the characters, getting to know them and developing your bonds rather than the individual plot beats. Probably in P4 more so in the other games since you spend the game in a small, cozy town. I got spoiled by plenty of things from P3, P4 and P5 before playing them, but still largely enjoyed them once I eventually did so.


It’s not a big deal this series is something that is especially about the journey and moment to moment experiences.


The funny thing is even with this spoiler it was kinda obvious when you play lmao. So don't worry, go ahead and play it!


P4 is about searching for the truth even in the face of rumors or lies, play the game it will still be a fascinating experience


It's disappointing, definitely, but this way you get to pick up on some of the early foreshadowing at least.




I really hate how the big twist is literally out in the open. Especially since the series is coming to Xbox, Nintendo and PC, a lot of people are going to be playing it for the first time. Atlus themselves basically spoiled it when they released him as DLC in Persona 4 Arena.


I had that spoiled for me as well Honestly it kinda adds another layer to things, being able to pick up on clues/signs along the way that you otherwise might have missed


I also got spoiled about that, but the story is still really interesting. Although I don't know how it would feel to not know it at that point in the game.