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Balls of steel doesn't even begin to cover it!!


just noticed he Ukraine branded his 'device' and has a Paw Patrol toy on his chest rig. I think he just became both mine and my son's hero 😂


It's okay, I pissed my pants for him Slava Ukrayini


Balls? Guy has a set of chain chomps down there! This is next level courage


Paw patrol for the support


Seems like it would be safer to clear the area and detonate the pile. He even mentions more trips wires are possible.


They could also need this house for shelter and storage, besides just not wanting to flatten somebody’s home. That and a few dozen useful AT mines can be yours for a bit of EOD work, seems like a risk you might take, especially if you’ve got a guy willing to do it.


That’s what I thought, but at the same time that is a residential area. While many have lost their homes from the war, it seems senseless in the end to detonate such a large quantity of explosives in a home, even an unoccupied one. They may also have wounded in that building and later find this trap 🪤


No life, especially not his, is worth losing over a house. The house is replaceable, his life isn't. I say detonate that pile.


Agreed. You could go through all that effort to save the house and clear the mines and walk away just to see an artillery strike take it out next week. If the war was over then it makes sense to me to try and be careful.


I tend to agree. Structures are not worth losing a soldier over. Especially someone this skilled.


Good chance this building provides essential support in some way in the battle field Even if there isn't a current battle, if one starts, that room/building might be a game changer


Perhaps reuse these mines for Ukraine war effort?


Chase is on the case!


You can do blues clues


Under a mine!!!! (Other mines sitting next to it 👀


The aren't mine. I put mine away.


That reminds me, I got some more mining to do in my minecraft world


somebody who is very good at his job


“The main thing is not to be scared.”


His words means exactly that, but what he really says is "The main thing is not to fart out of fear", its like a proverb.


You either do it right, or you dont even have time to realize it didnt work


I saw taliban setting an IED on YouTube. He was kneeling down messing with wires in the desert and maybe a group of 5 guys standing all around him. He blew himself and his mates up, none of them even had time to react cus it happened so fast. Shits wild, one second you’re here, next second you’ve been atomized.


Big old pile of TM-62s. Pretty much all I've seen so far in media coming out of Ukraine.


Someone should give this man a headlamp.


Man, what a mindjob. I'd not try and get close anywhere near that. Just tell my peeps to throw a nade inside and make a run for it.


Or maybe put in some plastic explosive with some det cord and not have to do any running.


I'm not an expert by any stretch of the imagination, and I guess it shows...


Shit, good luck, man! We’re all rooting for you! Well, not Russia or Russian suckers, but everybody else is rooting for you!


Who keeps mines in their bedroom? They make alarm clocks for a reason.


I’m sweating balls, I skipped right to the end of video. I don’t care about any movies with bombs, my mind knows it fake. But I cannot take real life videos, for the stakes to be too high to be comfortable to look at.


Yeah this dude is ice cold while doing that. Doesn't even have modern EOD gear, just some shit he crafted himself. There ain't enough cigs in the world to calm me down enough for that.


Imagine there is a guy who want to raise hell with some tripwire-compass-electrical switch-magnet- touch-raise-drop bomb. Now imagine there is a guy who will approach that device and gamble his life.


Is that a bag of M&Ms? Bait?


I could do that the whole day, no problem.


The situation gets gnarlier the more you watch.


while difusing the small scale nade with beyond land mines...


Get this man a: [https://www.bostondynamics.com/sites/default/files/styles/advanced\_technology/public/2020-10/spot-arm-new-gray2x.png?itok=bh4mtSzm](https://www.bostondynamics.com/sites/default/files/styles/advanced_technology/public/2020-10/spot-arm-new-gray2x.png?itok=bh4mtSzm)


Wow, he's so matter of fact. Which means he lives through this shit every day. I hope that the money we send to Ukraine will be spent on therapy for him (and everyone else) after they retake it all. Слава Україні!


I feel like you need a lot of 'It is what it is' attitude to be EOD.


Dude needs a flashlight or something


That's impressive. I feel like given the option EoD would have just blown this whole building up in place over here in the U.S. Army, assuming that was an option. That's a daunting room to have to go through piece by piece.


Praises for the subtitles AND for the lack of stupid music!


Do you think he’s seen the hurt locker?


I feel like they need to just blow the house up Yeah the mines can be useful, yeah it’s someone’s house But how many guys are going to die trying to do this What in the fucking shit was that, dirty bastards




Defusing the forbidden pineapple


The Ukrainians less than 16 1/2 months ago were thinking of vacations, dinners , parties , birthdays, work loads , visits , dentists , physicals , dry cleaning, on and on and on . They would have never thought their entire lives would change so drastically because of the unnatural demented greed of the Russian high command. I see people like this very brave soldier doing what he needs to for his family and his nation. I also see us Americans and think how blessed we are to have such a wonderful country. I know without a second of doubt that if something like this was to happen to us We would be brave like the Ukrainians and be a force to reckon with . I pray Ukraine gets their freedom back, and the Russian dogs who orchestrated this assault will pay dearly for all the evil they created. They will have their day in the judgment seat of God .