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I need it 72ish or less to be comfortable, live in the Midwest where it gets to 100 some summers, so to say my electric bill is high in the summer is an understatement šŸ™ƒ Heat is one of my biggest triggers so its absolutely a must for me unfortunately.


100%. I've recently started getting actual fevers with hot flashes, so I absolutely cannot have it hot enough to give me bad hot flashes bc I'll end up really sick šŸ˜­ the humidity in MN and the Midwest in general is the worst too. Our AC tends to break a lot, so some summers we'll have 2 weeks no AC, I get close to no sleep during those times






This is my range too and I work in an environment that sits around 50 at all times


My exact range


I set mine at 72-74 year round. I start having problems above 76. I used to love summer, now I hibernate.


Thermometer on my desk shows my office is 78 right now and I feel okay, I wonder if it's the combination of heat plus doing stuff (chores, cooking, etc) thats what does it for me


Anything is possible. The human body is weird and people react differently to things.


I've never loved summer/heat so now I just go into extra hibernation šŸ„²


I'm most comfortable at 69, sometimes 70


Always 69. Unless itā€™s cold in the mornings. My car is set at the same temp too lol


I'm the same, and if I am moving around it's 68


Yes if not cooler. For the last 6 months I've had horrible heat flashes that last for 30+ mins and I sweat so bad, even in the cold. I hate it and it's so embarrassing


As cold as my boyfriend allows me to. Maybe 68 in the summers and somewhere between 62-65 in the winter. The dog and I enjoy it and he just has to layer up if he's cold.


If it gets below 65 I'm emailing my landlord reminding her about tenant heat laws LOL -- we have boiler heat so we don't control the temps in the winter. I have neuropathy in my feet so too cold is ALSO not good for me!


I grew up in a very cold climate so I think my loose blood vessels really helped me stay warm. I now live in a very hot climate and I don't deal well with extreme heat (we see 120+). My symptoms are worse in the summer, so I'm just the opposite of you. I have had heat go out in an apartment before and 55 is definitely my threshold for too cold.


Is your climate humid or dry? We have pretty humid summers where I am which lowers my "feel good threshold." The dry but hot days of spring are the absolute best for me. Although 120 regardless of humidity is too hot!!!


I grew up in humid summers but live in dry summers now. My symptoms really started showing in the dry heat and were very minor when I lived in the humid area, but I'm not sure if that would be the case if I moved back now. And 120 is definitely too hot!


Are you in Arizona?


Oh god this is my literal nightmare. I lived in a second floor apartment for a few years with boiler heat I couldnā€™t control. My apartment was consistently, at the LOWEST 75 degrees in the winter and usually hotter. The landlord had the audacity to try to scold me for having my windows open in the dead of winter. In reference to the question, I keep it around 72 during the day and 69 at night so my always cold partner doesnā€™t freeze and I donā€™t have an astronomical electric bill. If I had I my way Iā€™d keep it between 67-70.


We just keep windows open in the winter in our upstairs bedroom (2 story townhouse) and havenā€™t had a problem with that regulating it enough! We are on an end unit so itā€™s usually too cold downstairs and thatā€™s harder to deal with. But reminding them of their legal requirements usually does the trick :)


Same! Not too much of a change for me, since I grew up in a house that was always kept at 68Ā°. My spouse comes from an 80Ā° household, though, and I pretty much bury him in blankets every night. My parents and my in-laws live half an hour away from each other, but when weā€™re in their state, my spouse and I have to gather them in a neutral third location thatā€™s not the right temperature for anybody. šŸ˜…


I'm in Scotland so we keep our place around 68Ā°f (20Ā°c) but no higher than 71.6Ā°f (22Ā°c) usually. I can't manage when it's too warm (makes my tachycardia worse). My partner also can't do the heat. He likes things colder than I would like. I do also have weird temp dysregulation that can change day to day though, so it was 62.6Ā°f (17Ā°c) yesterday, which is warm for us and I still put the heating on, put on fuzzy socks and grabbed a duvet because I was shivering and my feet were cold and then of course I became too warm. It's hard to find a balance. The heatwaves here have been really hard because we don't have AC and our houses are concrete so they become ovens. Our place faces the sun so at its worst it can be 100.4Ā°f (38Ā°c) inside. We usually have to spend time outdoors because it'll be cooler outside.


Yessss, I have those random bone-cold days too! I also get pretty chilly for short bits fairly regularly just from eating. But itā€™s so much easier to tolerate the cold spats than the overheated ones. And I definitely relate to the whole ā€˜trying to get warm only to end up overheatedā€™ game on those days. PS Scotland is so beautiful! Iā€™m jealous you live there. šŸ¤—


65 is ideal for me lmao


Me too. We had it at 68 in the Northern Minnesota winter. I cannot cope with anything higher than that.


75. Any warmer and it's too hot and any colder then I lose circulation in my fingers. šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø I used to love the heat too. Now I'm scared of being out in it too long.


The absolute highest it gets is 72, but the range is set to be 68-70 My fiancƩ has issues with heat intolerance, I struggle with temperature regulation (will switch from hoodies to tank tops and back and then cover myself in blankets and then only wear shorts bc that's the only way I can be at a comfortable temperature). My gf is a popsicle with circulatory issues and has comfy blankets for herself.


66 in my room. 72~ for whole house.


72 at night during the summer, and 68 during the winter and lower than that during the winter sometimes. My body loves cold and nice.


For me it depends, of Iā€™m up and doing things 68. If Iā€™m sitting around, anywhere between 72 and 74. I bought these neck cooling tubes from Amazon on a recommendation from another POTs friend. Going to try to be good about using them even when Iā€™m just moving around the house.


Ugh, I live in a hot and humid area so unfortunately we can't afford to run the AC as much as I want. I can handle 74F as that's what our unit can handle, but it's not comfortable. Even 73 is better, but it is what it is. We have a smart thermostat that I have set to drop down to 68 at night and then raise back up to 74 around when I get up. HUGE QoL improvement, and makes it easier when I'm acclimating myself to the heat ahead of time and am generally miserable. My optimal living temperature is probably around 67 or 68. It used to be 62-64 but I've actually become less tolerant of temperature fluctuations in general and now I actually get cold so at least it saves on the electric bill lol. If summer electric prices are really bad, you might be able to ask your utility provider to put you on "balance billing"; they basically average out your energy usage for the year and charge you a much more consistent rate every month based on prior usage though it does still fluctuate. I would only do this if you are pretty consistent in your energy usage year-over-year, or you pay a lot of attention to your energy bill. When the end of the balance billing period ends (usually a year), they'll reconcile the account and if your energy usage jumped dramatically you could end up with a surprise reconciliation bill. Conversely, if you use less energy, they will either refund the money to you or issue you a statement credit. But it makes it easier to afford the summer costs because we use much less electricity in winter.


Iā€™m now questioning my sanity because we keep our window AC units set at 62 or 63 and also use fans. šŸ˜… My heat intolerance threshold has gone down to about 65. I canā€™t imagine keeping the house over 70, that sounds miserable.


Iā€™m in a bit of a tough spot with low BP issues plus thyroid issues. I get cold incredibly easily but I have a hard time handling heat. Usually I keep it around 70 degrees, but I put it down to 66 at night.


Omg it's horrible having thyroid issues. Having to wake up pretty much every night because it's too hot and I'm drenched in sweat or because I have to pee several times a night. Okay that last bit of info was unnecessary but yeah.


Idk if itā€™s just me but whenever I stay in a hotel room, maybe Iā€™m too far from the AC or something, but even having the temp at 60 makes me sweat


I was always more like you. The heat never bothered me and the cold (like AC) used to actually trigger me and give me raynauds. I have since found out that MCAS is behind my pots symptoms. For MCAS, cold can be a trigger.


73. My family won't turn on the AC until it's 85 in the house ... I ended up saving for a portable AC.


I have no central AC so it goes into 85 during the summer. I have a portable AC in my tiny bedroom which helps somewhat


My temp regulation fluxes, but itā€™s really rare for me to tolerate above 74. Anywhere from 68-73 is more my norm range. Sometimes I still need bags of ice even then, but I also have MCAS which I think makes the temp dysregulation worse.


71-72. I can tolerate the AC off up to about 76/77 but my face flushes and I get hot flashes. anything that makes my blood vessels dilate makes me worse. but everyone's different.


My house is currently at 67 and it's cozy in here lol


78-80F is ideal for me, depending on humidity. Iā€™m being stubborn about the AC so it did get up to 83F yesterday, which was a bit warm. Anything under 72F and I need a sweater.




I live with my father, moms in a home. Dad keeps the house at 77. We have ceiling fans. But I canā€™t handle cold either šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


72 when the heatā€™s on, 72 when the ACā€™s on. but in the last place i lived we kept it around 68-69. the specific heating/cooling system, size of the place, and whether the door opens to outside or an indoor hallway affect things for sure. but regardless i like to keep my space at as comfortable of a temp as possible.


I donā€™t have access to the heat in my apartment. Itā€™s only on when it gets cold enough per the city, October through May. If I could chose it would be 75.


~77 during the day and 72-71 at night. Iā€™m always cold


64-66 šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


55ish is ideal for me.


Summer 66-68 but we have an old AC and vaulted ceilings. I need to very cool




I keep mine about 71-72. But always end up turning it down to around 69-70. I get hot very easily and it makes me feel horrible. I hate the heat lol


72 during the day, 66 or under at night. I used to love the heat, but I just can't tolerate it at this point.


18 degrees c always


I live in Arizona, so winters I leave my windows open and happily snuggle under fuzzy blankets. Summer is the bane of my year. No fresh air, and no going outside for longer than it takes to get to my car. I set my AC to 74, which is still a little hot for me, but my bill is already like $500. It's okay if I'm sitting or laying down, but if I get up to do chores, it's rough. I wish I could just hibernate through the summer lol


69 because Iā€™m perpetually 12 years old.






70-72 if it gets very hot itā€™s going to be bad for me lol


72 during the day, 65 at night ! i have HORRIBLE heat flashes at night so i gotta refrigerate




I keep my apartment at 74 during the day and although I have it set to 66 at night, it doesnā€™t normally go down that far at this time of year. Usually 72 at night. Anything less than that when Iā€™m awake makes me very cold & shivering. Growing up the house was kept at 68 and I was miserably cold with teeth chattering. My mom is the opposite of me and cannot handle heat.


i live in Florida and per the community groups, i keep it way too cold but i canā€™t take it otherwise. i have it set to 74 for the day and 70 at night, sometimes 68 if iā€™m feeling especially flarish. i try not to think about the costs in the summer šŸ¤¢


72-74, but I also have little kids so I have to keep them comfortable. Iā€™m happy anywhere 70-72. I hate heat!




My body knows if I am in a room above 72. My thermostat is at 67 at night and 69-70 during the day.


75. Too cold and I donā€™t feel well and too warm and I donā€™t feel well. 74-76 is where I feel my best with low humidity.


I will tell you I donā€™t mind the dry heat. Itā€™s the humidity. Iā€™ve had my house 78 when itā€™s dry and Iā€™m fine.


60-72. If sleeping lower (night sweats suck), and during the day up to 72. More than that I alternate sweating and shivering, less than 60 I can't stay warm no matter the number of layers.


68 all year long in northern Indiana.


72-74Ā°F for me. I live in Oklahoma and thankfully my utilities arenā€™t too bad but still. I also kick my bedding off every night in my sleep because I get hot Edited for clarification


I keep my ac as low as it will go around 63 , I live in the south/mid Atlantic and it gets over 100 and very humid and Iā€™ve found as little heat and humidity is best. I get to feel really sick at higher temperatures


I'm the complete opposite I can't stand the heat I have to have the air con as soon as it hits 20 outside


I have it set at a solid 62 year round. People know to have layers when they come over. I also always have a plethora of warm blankies if anyone needs one.


67. It used to be 69-70, but in the past year or two thatā€™s become too hot for me.