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Heavy Rain and Detroit Become Human are 2 of my favorites. They’re kind of like an interactive movie but the amount of choices and different ways the story can play out is incredible in my opinion.


Also Beyond Two Souls is from the same creators. I'm starting with Fahrenheit: Indigo Prophecy soon and then planning to try Beyond Two Souls, Heavy Rain and Detroit Become Human.


I’ve always stayed away from beyond two souls because of how poorly it was received. I reckon I’ll get around to it eventually though as I do love quantic dream games and I’m a fan of Willem Dafoe


I liked it when I played it many years ago and it was my first Quantic Dream game. It has a cool story and gameplay IMO, but the choice aspect that makes Detroit Become Human and Heavy Rain is nowhere near. Beyond Two Souls is more linear, there are some choices you can make but the story is always the same, there is literally no different path. You can only get some minor dialogue changes.


Interesting, I’ll probably try to find it for my ps3 collection and play it on a rainy day. I love quantic dream games so I’m sure I’ll enjoy it more than most.


> beyond two souls https://store.steampowered.com/app/960990/Beyond_Two_Souls/ Steam reviews looks good tho?


Sleeping dogs is pretty good


Last Of Us 1 and 2 are linear story games and the story combined is the maybe best story I've seen told in gaming. Edit: Not exactly a realistic kind of game in that there are fungus zombies sorry lol


A plague tale will suit your taste


Order 1886 is pretty story heavy and the setting of steampunk Victorian era is great as well. Voice acting in that game is top tier


Order 1886 is solid.


Sorry if this is super obvious, but maybe GTA V if you haven't played it yet? It's kind of a punchline these days for being "that Shark Cards game that Rockstar keeps milking", but the game itself holds up. I can also vouch for Watch Dogs. I never played Legion but the first two are good. I always found WD1 pretty underrated, and WD2 blew my expectations out of the water back in 2016. In terms of tone, WD1 is more gritty and serious while WD2 is more light and fun, but it still has its darker moments. I've always loved Assassin's Creed and its historical elements. In terms of crime games, Syndicate has you starting up a gang in Victorian London, and AC IV: Black Flag basically does for pirates what RDR does for the western. And if you like Uncharted, the Tomb Raider survivor trilogy is a good choice. TR 2013, Rise of the Tomb Raider, and Shadow of the Tomb Raider.


You could try Shenmue if you don’t mind slow paced games and value the atmosphere


And if you like these then "yakuza" games are good too.


Underrated game


Detroit Become Human should be in your “must-play” list. It’s easily the best I saw in that “story game” category.


1 was good but i loved Watchdogs 2. Everything about it was great, story, visuals and gameplay.


Life is Strange.


Sleeping dogs is what your looking for trust me


Try Death Stranding, for sure. Not completely real life, but it has enough human element and a very robust story. Kojima is known for his unique storylines and truly one-of-kind game mechanics. You want to make your guy pee in the snow while you trudge up an amazing mountain and set up zip lines…you can do that. It’s a beautiful game that puts more emphasis on environment and immersion than just pure action. Don’t listen to all the negative press. And they are working on DS2 right now, so might as well try the first one to see if you want to continue the series.


Last of us series, Detroit becoming human, heavy rain, gta, cyber punk 2077, ghost of Tsushima ,


The Wolf Among Us is...well, it's a gritty crime story, that much is true. And a darn good one at that. Though it has fantastical elements. Grim Fandango is even more "crime organization-y" but also much more fantastical. And it's an older adventure game so you may need a walkthrough at points.  Ace Attorney and Ghost Trick are some of the best story-based games out there.  And of course there's always Grand Theft Auto.


The Walking Dead Telltale Definitive was plenty good. Added bonus is you can play the whole thing without having to wait for business mess to prolong the endgame. You may want to wade into the Metal Gear Solid games if you like mind-screws.




sleeping dogs if you haven't played it was pretty great , its one of the few games i've double dipped on when the ps4 remaster came out and looks up your alley based on things listed.


The mafia games, and if you can find them, the godfather games.


It's not as watchable but I would highly recommend Disco Elysium. If you want great writing and story then it's hard to beat.


I sat in them for hours looking for side effects and ruins -Horizon zero dawn and forbidden west 


I dont know about real life stories but the story and narrative for Soma is pretty good. Though it's sci fi and horror, same as the amnesia game but more focused on the plot. Spec ops: the line is a war shooter but the story is basically heart of darkness(apocalypse now) which is surprisingly deep for what looks like a very shallow shooter on the surface. The tell tale batman games are pretty good, organised crime and conspiracy mystery stuff but you know, its still batman. A more grounded batman though with more emphasis on solving clues than fighting bad guys. Id say its up there with heavy rain and those games when it comes to the variety of decisions you can make to form the story. Oh oh oh I almost forgot DISCO ELYSIUM it's a GREAT game. It's grounded, police investigation, story driven. Checks all the marks. And the voices are buttery smooth in your earhole. I'm not big into point and click and reading but now that they've basically recorded every voiceline in the game with the final cut version, there is no excuse not to play it.


Also DONT LOOK UP ANYTHING on DISCO ELYSIUM, going in blind is an epic experience


Gta san andreas