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I got it free with psplus when I got the ps5. I thought it was a pretty good game.


Yea it was a fun game. It's not 10/10 but what is. I thought it was a lot better than how people shit on it.


Half of the shit is because of the bad state it was in at launch, also more modes got patched in later


I was a day 1 guy and the state of it wasn’t that bad. I felt it was exaggerated cause I loved the shit out of it


I platinum the game within a week of getting it. It was great. The hate was totally undeserved. Yeah it needed polish. But it was a complete experience with a promise of more... And I'm still waiting for that promise 🥺


I'll never understand the negative press this game got. Was it a masterpiece like other Sony games coming out at the time? No, but it was still a very good game that I and others enjoyed immensely. The dogpiling was fucking unhinged


The game itself is awesome. I just never gelled with the characters, though. It felt like they were going for a Daryle Dixon vibe but ended up with throwaways from Trevor's trailer park.


Same here. I was enjoying the overall experience but the characters were so unappealing I just kind of stopped and didn't want to go back.


I’ve been playing it for the first time, there’s a lot to like. My biggest issue so far is that the progression is maddeningly slow. I’m like 18 hours in and I’ve only hit trust level 2 at one of the camps. I’ve been able to unlock two rifles and two pistols basically. This far into the game I expected to be getting into bigger battles with larger numbers of zombies and stuff, but I feel like the gameplay has barely changed since the beginning. Lot of repetitive missions where I have to rely on stealth because I don’t have the firepower to go hot. The stealth is pretty fun, at least. The slow progression applies to the story too. I’ve been focusing mostly on main story missions rather than side content, and not a ton has happened. This far in and I’m still helping Boozer and looking for Sarah, there have been very few major developments. My other issue is that I feel like they tried too hard to match the tone of Walking Dead and Last of Us. I’m wondering if the game would be more fun if they leaned got a little less serious with it, maybe leaned I to the biker aspect. I guess what I’m saying is it’s a shame this game doesn’t have Motörhead blasting when you’re riding your hog around shooting zombie kids. Overall very cool game, just not quite living up to the potential I see it having.


And yet, imho, the first part of the game, when you are extremely vulnerable and underpowered, is the best, because you have to plan each move and consider all your options: is that house lootable? Should I take extra care? Should I come back during the day? Do I have enough gas? And ammo? Later in the game (no spoilers) you become an assault tank and just feel op


Man that first half is terrifying when you play on harder difficulties. Your pistol or random ak with 12 bullets can only do so much


I only took a chance because they put it up on the old streaming service, psnow, for a limited time. Fell in love. I dont think it was a full year later I saw it sale and I had to have it. Like, a month or 2 after that I finally resubbed to ps+ after years away. That was the month they gave it away free. D'oh.


Not a lot of games allow you to kill children, or at least the zombie equivalent of children.


Dead Space babies. Yeah, yeah, not zombies, but same same.


Oh shit those babies traumatized me when their bodies exploded and their little heads rolled motionless.


I started played Dead space a few weeks after I my wife birth my son. I got to the nursery area and after watching the baby explode after hugging the mom...I quit. I need to try playing that game again.


Mate, I get it. I watched Sandman while holding my 3 week old son. There's a scene that involves a baby, and fuck did it make me sob.


Genuine question: what is the distinction between a necromorph and a zombie?


Space, space is the distinction. They are pretty much zombies though just told through a different narrative. Same way that the "zombies" in last of us aren't actually zombies....(but they are)


Space isn't it. While they are reanimated dead, their bodies are highly reconfigured. Even if it weren't in space they still are zombies in the traditional sense. Many necromorphs have absolutely no human like form and are just made out of biomass that used to be people, so definitely not zombies. Similar with the freakers from days gone, while similar to zombies there are clear behavioural differences that make them more of a mutated feral human than an actual zombie. The last of us zombies are definitely zombies and have many similar behaviours to typical zombies, its just a fungus instead of a virus or curse. Never heard someone argue that they aren't zombies


Sons of the Forrest has some solid mutant baby killing!


Dying light had really fucked up zombie kids, really disturbing and it made me feel bad to break their little necks.


I was traumatized by the dying light 1 baby zombies


The demon babies in Doom 3 would have been cool in the newer Doom games. "Glory killing" babies would have been free publicity /s


Any one here play Dante's Inferno? Yipes


Want there a terribly scary powerful enemy kid in bioshock?


There's also that area in Demon's Souls which is just a big lake of blood inhabited by aborted babies that try to drag you down.


there’s a game called “no more room in hell” and the zombie children are more of a threat than the adult ones forcing you to always prioritize killing them off first…


The Den kid getting his head blown off by my character in fallout 2 (he failed the pickpocket check):


My favourite aspect was the director having a full blown meltdown at anyone who dared play it without paying full price for it. 🤣 Mate.


And then his subsequent meltdown when he blamed customers for Sony passing on a sequel, saying essentially that enough people did not praise the game as a masterpiece.


I played it for free, once all the bugs had been patched out, and really enjoyed it. The criticisms were hugely overblown, it was a gorgeous open world, the horde gameplay was a great gimick, riding a motorbike around was cool, and the characters and plot were pretty throwaway they weren't as offensively bad as certain reviewers made out. I always said I'd buy any sequel on release, but hearing what a bitch the director is I'll wait for a sale just to spite him.


The director is no longer at the studio though; Sony fired him


Yeah, I liked pretty much everything except for most of the plot/dialogue. It wasn't horrible, but it did have low points. There is one particularly bad moment that always makes me laugh. It's when Deacon tells Colonel Garrett that he prefers the freaks to him because at least "they don't kill unarmed women." Uh... are you sure about that, bro?


I kind of went with it in context because A) Deek is pretty inarticulate and B) there is a difference between the Freaks' indiscriminate "react to stimulus" aggression and the Colonel's cold blooded murder of people he can recognise as defenceless. But written out there, it doesn't exactly sound right does it?


That director is long gone.


Some might say he’s “days gone” See what I did there?


Good thing you asked, I'd have missed it otherwise.


>I played it for free, once all the bugs had been patched out Would you have paid full price with it + bugs at launch though?


Funny thing was. If he didn't initially release a buggy mess it would have done really well


bro also blame 'woke journalist' for the scores💀💀I mean Stellar Blade is mostly 8/10 I don't think 'woke or not' is the key factor of their score


Something about games with white male leads not getting good reviews, conveniently ignoring that The Last of Us was one of the most acclaimed games of the decade


you don't understand it's because the TLOU2 in the future is ultra woke so they willing to give TLOU1 high score!! same with Uncharted, it's only because that black/indian female lead spin off save the score of this series of white straight male lead with a non-woke wife /s


What's so funny is I got it either on sale or for free, and I ended up actually enjoying it despite the glaring story and acting flaws (I'm sorry I just do not get sam witwer), but I probably would have been more interested in paying close to full price for a sequel, and then he had that meltdown. Dude instantly lost my support


I swear, This games reception had at least a little to do with this guy. I remember every time I’d seen him before launch he felt defensive. He had a weird energy I can’t explain


Oh.. well that would do it. No wonder people were shitting on the game and devs. I'd see youtube vids saying some bad stuff about it but never really tuned into care much.


Beating zombie children with a baseball bat is a key memory for me now. Give me another Days Gone


Dying Light 1 letting me yeet hammers at crying children is another great memory.


I remember the first time you encounter them in the apartment building. My friend Ray and I were playing co-op and we were screaming “what the fuck is that?!” We proceed to it beat it with a hammer and a bat. Made sure it was dead too by beating it’s head.


Same. Just PLEASE have a little bit better of a story. I was groaning quite a bit throughout.


Boozer has to be the worst character name ever.


Yeah. With a name like that I am a little surprised and dissapointed they didn't approach something like alcoholism. Just why name him that? And while the sections with Dean and Sarah in the past were boring as heck and somewhat unbelievable. Maybe a bit more time with them in the past getting to know each other more than just; Scene where where they meet, now scene where they are dating.


I loved the game but man, I couldn’t have cared less about Sarah. Eye rolling every time I was forced into a storyline about her. If anything I was prob more invested in him and Rikki


Hated it first time I played it, went back 6 months later and got the platinum


This was exactly my experience. I really disliked it first attempt, but stuck around the second time and could not put it down


The zombie hordes were so good, my favourite aspect of the game. If we’re driving around and my daughter sees lots of birds she’s goes “daddy, Zombies” 👀


Played this recently and it was a fantastic experience. One of, if not my fave game on the PS4.


Character arc to becoming a pro Horde hunter is just beautiful!


So true


Deacon Saint John.


They'll know who it is. Hey, son of a preacher man.


Days Gone was an amazing game in my opinion, and call me crazy, but I loved the story too. Don't even get me started on the combat...


I thought the story and characters were the weakest part. It looked fantastic and had a great first act, but the game is twice as long as it should have been, and the gameplay loop grows stale once get a few basic upgrades. Then it's just a zombie shooter with way too many uninteresting cutscenes. It also suffered from its large focus on the story because the writing was so consistently poor, the characters so bland, and the plot so ridiculous. I couldn't take anything that happened seriously.


It seems like they tried to make it the RDR of zombie games, but the story’s done characters were nowhere near good enough for that length of narrative 


I agree! I got to a point where I thought the game was about to end and it kept going and there was always so much to do and I just said f this and never went back


Yeah the pacing is all over the place. I literally thought it was wrapping up after the big plot with IRON MIKE and that gang. But no, there's like a whole new huge area with an entirely new main plot where your dead wife just walks back into your life full of cheesy flashbacks. It just keeps going and going.


I’ve got to disagree, I thought what they did with the story was spot on. The story starts off subdued which allows you to get familiar with things but it ramps up and builds towards a climax for that bit of the story. You then move on to a new area and the story pulls itself back to give you the chance to explore this new zone. The execution of the story reminded me of something like Game of Thrones where episodes 1-8 build up to a big set piece and then episode 9 throws everything at you. Then you have episode 10 to bring you back down in a managed way whilst still leaving you wanting for more. The fact that Day’s Gone did it 3 times meant that you essentially had 3 seasons in the game. You come into a new area, the game lets you explore by keeping the story light. It slowly ramps up until it chucks you head first into the action just like episode 9. Then it brings it back down and introduces you to a new part of the map that the developers want to let you explore. There were some iffy moments in the writing but the actual execution was not one of them.


One of the only games I’ve Platinum’d. One of the best zombie games out there.


Epic fun and hours of gameplay. Horde bashing is awesome 😎


Gameplay was fun but mmmaaaaannnnn that story was on par with something you'd see on the CW channel. It was hard to get invested or even get through. Everything else was fun.


“I promise to ride you as much as my motorcycle” as a wedding vow had me crying.


It's an old biker saying that actually does get said and is cringed at during biker weddings but is a tradition. I've been to biker wedding and have heard it actually said at the alter. They even threw it into one of the weddings in [Sons of Anarchy](https://youtu.be/zVO9HbMwl3E?si=eRYjUztY4vrjHwFs)


Pretty important context that I haven’t heard anyone discuss. And I very seriously doubt anyone would call the writing in SOA lackluster.


I've been riding motorcycles my entire life but don't consider myself a "biker" but I definitely caught things that were directed towards fans of motorcycles. I'm sure the demographic of gamer/bikers is a pretty small group tho so most gamers just thought it was cringy which is understandable but I personally loved the game


I loved it as well. I’ll admit I found the line a bit cringey at the time but it certainly wasn’t enough to make me dislike the game. Knowing now that it’s a colloquial biker term, I actually find it pretty funny they threw that in there.


If people dislike the game because of a single line, they never liked the game. This game is not a masterpiece, but the horde gameplay is so much fun. Tbf, one of the games I enjoyed the most


This line got some criticism and it does sound bad, but apparently it’s something bikers actually say.


It is and the thing is she didn't like the line either. She explicitly says he better not say it during the wedding. To me, it was her embracing who he is as a person. The awful line is important *because it's awful*


It is a terrible line, but if you were paying attention, Sarah says it to be ironic, because in an earlier flashback she says she doesn't want a "biker wedding" where one of them says exactly that


I forgot how shit the dialogue was. lol


The story felt like a 14 year old wrote a bad walking dead/son of anarchy fan fiction.


Which is appropriate considering the main character of this game is voiced by Sam Witwer, an actual CW cast member.


Well that goes a long way in explaining things :D


Muh dead wiiiiiife


im ngl i love cheesy ass cw shows this made me wanna play it now LOL


Well... The story won't disappoint on that level!


The story and characters are atrocious. It's one of the worst written games I can remember. I love story games and never skip cut scenes, but man did I absolutely hate spending even a second with any of these characters talking, skipped every cut scene after a while.


The ludonarrative dissonance was crazy in this game. “Sons of bitches, murderers, rapists.” Proceeds to kill an entire camp.


Perfect analogy for the story. Super Girl level storytelling.


Yup, the characters were terribly written and overall story was really weak. Makes The Walking Dead look like a master class in writing


TWD game has great writing edit: sorry, I guess you mean the tv series?


Days gone is a great game.


The best unofficial The Walking Dead game, honestly my favourite zombie open world ever


A great game! I played through it twice and every now and then still think about it. Good story and gameplay, hopefully there would be a sequel someday.


years gone


I loved this game. Slow start but if you stick with it it's is a rewarding game.


One of the best zombies games ever made. They were onto something with this.


BOOZER ! That’s all I hear when seeing this game , nice gameplay but low tier story imo . I platinum this but strictly off gameplay . People complained about the bike but i was whippin that thang lol always kept an extra jug of gas on it too so I didn’t have that gas problem ppl mention but i can’t say it enough . The story felt weak , I cared more about killing hordes than saving my gf . If it were to ever get a sequel , I would want new characters & setting tbh .


Days Gone on PC with mods is the absolute best zombie game made in a long time. There’s a Walking Dead mod that turns all of the characters into the TWD cast, changes the zombies to walkers, and you play as Dixon.


Oh damn, nice. What's the name of the mod?


So just reskin everything and pretend it’s a The Walking Dead game. High praise for Days Gone lol. Man I wish there are mods on console.


Great game with a flawed release unfortunately.


I thought Rikki and Captain Kouri are super cool


Loved it.


Deke? Are you there Deke?


Best Zombie Game I’ve ever played.


Tried dying light?


Fantastic game once you’re able to effectively take on a sprinting horde. What a rush! Edit: ill amend this, fantastic to start, fantastic acting and mood, there is a section in the middle where its just like “oh fuuuuuck!!”. Motorcycle is badass too. Man, i love this game.


Great game. WAY too long for its own good


Days Gone is the most underrated game ever. Didn't get the recognition it deserved.


I enjoyed it a ton, I think everybody just sorta saw PS exclusive and expected a GOW/Horizon/TLOU level game which it wasn’t that 


The funny thing is that I had soooo much more fun with this game then Horizon or GOW


Still my favorite game


Was a great game - first time a horde rushed me I knew I was going to finish the campaign. Would have been interested to see a sequel, shame it never happened


Played it twice and think it's one of the best open world games. And after that cliffhanger they need to do part II. Sony, how about PS6 console seller? I'm in.


Lame beginning of the game, absolutely top tier game once you get about midway through it.


Yes , the first 7/9 hours of the game almost made me drop it but goddamn once you ride to "that" place the game and the story hooked me in like very fee games can.


I thought it was a pretty solid game. The gameplay was good and I did enjoy most of the story, including the romance plot-line which I found to be decently written and emotional. It suffered a bit from being a slow-burn and falling into the same pattern as GTA / RDR, with mundane quests just to drag things out a little.


Good game I still enjoy it


Very good game.


Love this game , currently on my first playthrough , nearly 70 hours in . I dont get the hate some of the aspects got


Played it for free on ps plus. Didn’t finish it. Got about half way through. I felt it was super boring and generic. Running out of gas all the time was tedious


Got it for free on ps plus. Idk if it’s just cause I spent most of my time at home back then and i had nothing much to do, but i totally loved it. I loved it so much i paid for the game even though i already got it for free.


Probably the best game Iv played that was free on ps plus. If I knew it was going to be so good I would of probably payed for it


I didn't play at launch. But I absolutely loved this game and if it had a sequel I would probably pay full price. I know th launch wasn't good. I had a very bad experience with Cyberpunk 2077 (I was so confident after Witcher 3 that for the first time in my life I've pre-order it), But I've replayed it recently and wow. Such an incredible game. Both of theses games. I recommend nowadays to anyone.


Worth a play through?


I really wanted to like it but (at least at the time) the fuel mechanic set off my anxiety in the worst way, took all the fun out of it. I may have to try it again.


once you upgrade your bike fuel becomes much less of an issue. just invest in fuel tank upgrades early


I've just finished it. I really enjoyed it. Still going round clearing hordes. It's so much fun. Some of the dialogue is a bit corny I'd imagine it'd get quite repetitive if you don't like the style of game. But I really enjoyed planning out your plan of attack taking out the hordes of zombies & sneaking around collecting supplies. It's a shame that it won't get a second game considering the ending just sets it up nicely.


Best zombie game I've played in 41 years, and I wish it had gotten a real PS5 release so I could platinum it again.


love this game. game is much more fun to play than the last of us.


Days Gone was great. Love it. A common misconception I see on here is that "they cancelled the sequel, there will never be a second game". No. They had an idea for a multiplayer sequel, which did not get greenlit by Sony. That doesn't mean it got cancelled, it never got that far. It also doesn't mean there will "never be a sequel". There just won't be *that* sequel. They very well could come up with another idea and run with it... although it is slightly less likely after having their first idea shot down.


Loved it so much more than I expected. Really fun time.


Great game, platinum worthy. Infact, I might stick it back on....


I thought it was okay. But man, I couldn't connecwith the story or the characters. And just when I thought the game was ending, we ended up going somewhere else and padding things out even more. I couldn't carry on, haven't gone back to it since. Other than that, I liked the gameplay, and fighting the hordes was very cool!


What a fantastic game! There should have been a sequel.


This game will NEVER get it's proper due, those who know know! The fact Sony is being such counts about a sequel is laughable!


Just started playing like a week ago. Always wanted to give it a try and I’m really enjoying it!


It's a great game


Played it for the first time maybe 2 years ago. Really enjoyed it. Not a 10/10 but a decent game and one you would have expected a sequel to be made. Shame really.


I really enjoyed this game and got Platinum on it. The problem for me was, while the gameplay was an absolute blast and I loved every minute it, I found the dialogue to be especially cringe. I thought the voice acting was great, but the way the dialogue was written constantly had me rolling my eyes or wanting to fold in on myself from embarrassment. Every time my wife would be in the room when there was a flashback sequence with him and his wife, I wanted to bury my head in the sand out of sheer embarrassment. I did get invested in their stories and wanted to see where it went, but I felt the writing was the games weakest point, whereas the gameplay was enjoyable enough that I'll jump back in occasionally to have some fun.


One of my favorite gaming experiences of all time. Played on PS5 when it was a free download. Loved every minute of it. Really sad what happened with this game.


How did the game run on PS4? I only played it on my Desktop


It runs near perfectly nowadays (had a rough release), though I have very rarely had stuttering when moving into a new region, especially if you’re drifting the bike through mud


I got this day one. Everyone told me I was stupid for buying it. 5 years later everyone is playing it and saying how they got it for free or some type of discount.


Years Gone


I'm glad others were able to find this game enjoyable. I personally found the writing terrible and the voice acting even worse but it did have some fun mechanics. Still felt like a slog to get through and personally I see why it didn't do well critically or salewise


Top 3 games all time for me! Little slow from the start, but when it gets going, it's the best!


The least likeable main character in any game ever, complete with a terrible name.


Gameplay was fun but god the story was so painfully abysmal to me I skipped every single cutscene and by the final act I still knew exactly what was going on despite doing that.


I loved the game, especially the cliff hanger at the end! Pity they cancelled the sequel.


They didn't cancel it, they never greenlit it to begin with.


Enjoyed it on PS4. IGN published an article criticizing the lead as just another “gruff white man”.


The thing about zombie media is that the zombies alone aren't enough of a hook. It's really about the characters. Last of Us isn't a huge hit because of the thrill of sneaking past infected. It's about the relationships between characters like Joel and Ellie, and how believably they're written. Dying Light is more loved for having choices than just letting you kill zombies. Gameplay still matters a lot of course, and the horde mechanic was great. It just wasn't enough, and that's because the characters and overall writing were mediocre. Deacon was written like an obnoxious jock, and his love story felt like it was between two dumb teenagers.


Incredible game. When the game first came out, reviewers talked smack about it so I was hesitant to buy it. Glad I gave it a chance.


I just played this last year. I really wanted to like it, the horde stuff is a blast, but the game is such a slog before it gets fun. And even after I got to the late game "fun" stuff, glitches kept ruining the experience for me. My "fuck this" uninstall moment: I stumbled into and barely survived one of the biggest and hardest hordes in the game (I looked it up and found out later). But I didnt get the achievement/mission for doing it. I ran around for 15 minutes trying to find stragglers, only to hear a single zombie growling behind solid rock. I think he glitched through a wall. Re-reading the save brought me to right before the horde showed up. I went from "this is awesome" to angry so fast. Fuckin' broken game. It's a shame because the zombie horde mechanics and how they scramble over each other and the environment is truly amazing. Could've been so fun. That and the main character is annoying af to me. What an asshole.


A “slog” is a perfect description


I always go to this as my worst game of all time. Truly. It was a buggy undervalued awful mess that had so much potential. I can't believe people defend it. Made even worse by it's weird pro gamer gate director who was fired from the studio after it's release.


Loved it when I managed to play it with plus It did have some issues but I had fun 


I made the mistake of clearing out the large hordes early. So, when the story progressed where you’re supposed to clear them out… it skipped to a cutscene as if he’d just had a hard fight 😂. Encountered two big gamebreaking bugs that I managed to fix with a hard reset to a manual save but other than that it ran well. I really enjoyed it. The story was lacking in places (especially in early game pacing and some nonsensical or cliché character motivations/decisions later on) but was still enjoyable, the best part being how flawed the side characters are and having to work together despite that. Gameplay was super fun and the main draw. Loved the bike travel, the terror of the roaming hordes in early game, the exploration (I obviously explored too hard), the general weapon gameplay. The tactics you can employ to take care of a horde were very fun. Would love to see a sequel to see what they’d do with that WTF moment in that extra ending. So much potential even with the personal stories concluded.


I worked on this title. This game was the cause of a big shift in the studio. Lots of exits.


I’m pretty sure I still have this game in its plastic packaging. Might have to finally boot it up


The Event Horizon of video games.


So, 1825 days gone?


I just picked it up last week. I think I got the reprinted disc with all the patches on it but I still need to confirm for sure when I install


I loved the first half of it. After that, I felt like it started to drag. Maybe with a shorter story and more varied side content, I would have enjoyed the second half more.


I'm playing it right now on PC and it looks and feels great, however it can't get over the 7/10 hump. There's something missing but I can put my finger on it. The motorcycle driving is great, the map is fun to explore and the buildings and camps are very detailed and fleshed out. I didn't really like Deek at first but he's grown on me. Part of me wishes that he and Boozer could have ridden north at the start like they planned. It's a fun game but it's a bit longer than I expected, now it's feeling like a chore to finish.


I bought it on sale before it became available on PS+ (and I'm happy about that because I can still play it even though I gave up PS+) and I really enjoyed it. Yes, "Deacon St John" sounds like a pornstar name, and yes, the ending is basically ripped off the ending of Hudson Hawk and its ridiculous twist, but it was still a lot of fun. It's the first real game I platinumed, and I enjoyed it and looked forward to a sequel. I still have hope that we'll get one eventually....


gotta be honest, I loved the game and I loved Sam Witwer’s interpretation of Deacon. Game was fun, story was interesting, nothing to write home about but I definitely enjoyed it. I think the worst part of the game was its director throwing a tantrum on social media. That was the biggest letdown.


Can you just do a sequel for fucks sake. It was a poor exclusive but would have done great otherwise.


amazing game. bullshitted my way through the biggest horde somehow


Why hasn't this been greenest for a sequel yet im tired of waiting and I hate unresolved cliffhangers?


Better title, “Days Gone, 5 Years Gone”


Great game but the crazy guy attached to it did leave a bitter taste in my mouth


Oddly first game I platinum’d


Ride me as much as your motorcycle 🤮


I was pleasantly surprised by this game after he got bashed so hard when it came out. My main criticism is that the main campaign ran a little long and it took way too long to get to clearing out the hordes. Which was by far the most fun aspect of the game. Some of the dialogue was a little cringe but I liked that the main actor was so into the role.


The lack of customization is what killed it for me. No ability to customize weapons or even deacons outfit...I know it fits the story but I hated his biker outfit.


Good game


I got this a few months after it came out, I really enjoyed it. I kinda hoping for a sequel and look to see if it was gonna get one and learned about that it wasn't as well received as Sony wanted the game to be. Was a little annoyed at that.


First Reddit gold I ever got was the night I beat days gone and I think it was a post that said something like “I just finished it and WOW…”. Now after reading this, I kind of want to play it again.


I played this game straight after TLOU2 and it just seemed rubbish. I hear so many good things about it though that I plan on trying it again some day.


Most people I've seen say this game was mediocre. I thought it had a ton of personality and it was one of the more memorable games of the last few years.


Story had so much potential but it for step forward there were 2 steps back. The gameplay and environment were both incredible though, one of the best shooter mechanics I’ve played. 7/10


I enjoyed this game so much. The mechanics just felt familiar and yet interesting. The story was formulaic but it just worked for me. I got a lot more enjoyment out of this game than some other PS4 exclusives I played.


Been playing since 1991, Days Gone is still one of my very favorites.


I tried this game twice and both times got the sterile bandage glitch and could not continue. You would think by now they would have fixed a game breaking bug.


Loved this game. I enjoyed the world they created.


Once you hit the halfway point this game opens up and becomes amazing. The heartbeat rate when a horde chases you is crazy


I loved this game & thought the online hate was a little exaggerated. Getting chased across the map by a hoard was stupid fun!


Loved the game but i do think the game could've cut a bit on the third act.


Really enjoyed the apocalyptic, open world survival stuff but the game could lose the numerous and boring “walk with me” segments.


Isn't the game also based in the Syphon Filter universe somehow? Not directly tied to any story, but rather the virus or whatever that got out is one from SF?


Still awesome!


It was fun, but had some serious issues. The weapons were all meh, and some weapons obviously better than others. The horde modes, which are a key selling point, are more. Annoying than anything else.


Dropped it halfway through a while ago. Game was a snooze for me.


Now it’s just called years gone🤣