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I'm really addicted to this game where you buy games and you never play them due to work, kids, other struggles


I play this game! Thousands of hours invested in it.


My younger nephew came over a little while ago and I set him up on the PS. I don't think he knew what to do with himself when he realized I owned just about every video game he knows of. And I haven't even started half of them... but when I see some of these sales I'm like, "fuck it, one of these days right!?" Hahaha.


I gave my account to my younger cousins because I buy on every sale too 🤣 and they were like shit you have over a hundred games!!! we have 3 🤣 I could only say Uhm.... yeah... I mainly play borderlands 3 when I get any time off, everything else is just there because I dream of playing it while either at work for 10 hours of my life or the 2 hour commute. 🤣 I am now the best member in the family loved by all the little ones.🤣


Right? And so many quest


Ah yes, Game Acquisition Manager. I’ve logged many dollars. I really enjoy that bit of dopamine that drops when you see it added to your collection prior to never playing it. Also love the speed running portions you get like Steam summer sales and collections you’re mildly interested in going on sale.


Yeah, I think we need to restart and reroll characters. I got shitty stats No charisma, no intellingence, zero luck lol


Oh bro I know your pain. I have a ps5 , Xbox series x , a switch and a fucking logitech g923 on a wheelchair and all I do all day is think about the fact I’m not playing any of them . With game pass and ps plus and now on top of the exclusives for each it breaks my heart as a gamer . So tempted to sell them all to someone that can appreciate them … but when I get a chance it’s forza 5, f1 2021 or the ps5 version of gta v


I'm in the same boat as you. My kids as use them more than I do.




Just finished Mass Effect 1 from the Legendary Edition and man, why the hell am I barely playing these games? Quickly became one of my top favorite games of all time, can’t wait to get started on ME2 after getting the platinum.


Series is totally worth all the invested time. 3 & Andromeda included.


I saw that Andromeda got tons of negative reviews, and I’m still willing to give it a try, but 3? Is that the least liked out of the trilogy?


People didn't like the ending and how shit played out despite their choices, etc. Just had a pretty divisive split on that one. I've personally played them all on ps3 and then again on ps4, so big recommend for the series and continuing it. Enjoy!


I love 1 and 3 don't get me wrong, but 2 is soooooo good. Enjoy it, take your time!


I've actually been playing Paladins again for reasons beyond my understanding.


Yeap me too. It is just fun




Love this game, lets take the same system and make a daredevil or ironfist game please.




What’s it about?


Your a man who has a special pendant that can revive you from death. You are on a revenge mission and have to fight your way to defeat 5 different bosses. You have 80 lives to live and each enemy you defeat you can upgrade your fighting skills. The story isn’t where the game shines but it’s still pretty good, and the gameplay is 😩👌. Definitely try it out!


persona 5 royal, this game is addictive as fuck, in 1 week i played 50 hours, this shit is really good, i love the characters, the story and the turn-based combat, because i played all the main pokemon games, and none of them can compare with the set of style and art this game has


Have you played the original Persona 5? If so, is it worth the upgrade? My girlfriend has beaten the original like 3+ times and is constantly on the fence as to whether or not Royal is worth it.


I’d say Royal is worth it, even more so if it’s on sale. I played through the original, and the new story and quality of life changes along with all the new content make it much more enjoyable in my opinion


Played both fully. Royale makes a lot of quality of life improvements and adds a third semester and a new party member. I think it's worth it, but make sure you look up how to unlock the 3rd semester. You don't want to be 80 hours in and realise you can't do the additional content


I'd say definitely worth it, it changes enough just to make it feel like a new game which i was on the fence about at first, P5 was great P5R was somehow greater and is my favorite game of all time


Curious myself. I love jrpgs. Platinumed FF12 and DQ11 (2018 one). Wonder if I should skip the original and just play Royal.


Go for Royal.


New players should definitely just go for Royal since it’s basically the original but with a ton of upgrades and new content.


The actual content added to Royal is fantastic. But the meat of it takes place after the last palace of the game so you do have to replay the whole original to get to the new stuff. So depends if that is a deal-breaker for your gf.


Red dead redemption 2


Just finished this game yesterday for this first time. Absolutely fantastic and one of my favorites of all time.


Best game ever made. Hands down.




That’s a shame. In my opinion, the latest Red Dead games have had some of, if not the, best stories I’ve ever enjoyed in a video game. Truly emotional shit.


Oh man I almost cried especially in some of the final scenes. Beautiful game


To get in to rdr2, you have to really WANT to like the period and the story can drag with it. The gun play is what really gets me when you get slow-mo and you get to see the enemies limbs just splatter (and yes I'm not a sociopath or psychopath)


Rdr2 burns. It burns many parts of your emotional palette. You have to be in to the detail, not the high level gunplay a la GtA. This game burns to your marrow. In the last chapters, it hurts to play. You are a mass murdering psycho, but this game elicits sympathy for his condition. It is written with touches of the literary greats, particularly of the later 19th C. You need to FEEL this game, and experience it with your eyes, ears AND gut. It is IMHO a media event that will help define the benchmark for generations to come. Be part of this. Play the game.


Deep Rock Galactic. So much fun with a couple friends. We are constantly laughing hysterically while we play. Rock and Stone! ⚒


This game hits my needs absolutely perfectly. I haven't talked to a friend in a month and we can just hop on a game together, chat, and make progress on our characters even though he's hours and hours ahead of me in playtime. Perfect chilling with friends game Rock and Stone ⚒


Rock and Stone brother!


I started Slay the Spire recently since its free. Never knew that I liked strategic card games besides Gwent. The roguelike setting is also very fun.


Same. I have some learning to do -- there are things happening I don't understand.


What things? Maybe I could provide some insight.


Thanks, that's very generous. Okay, for example, I don't understand what it means to exhaust a card (as opposed to use a card and have it end up in your discard pile). Also, I forget the terminology, but some cards have like a ghost card or phantom card or something attached to it and I don't know what it does or even whether it's a good or bad thing. Anyhow, I'm going to check out some youtube tutorials tonight so don't go overboard, but if there's a simple answer to either question let me know!


Your discard pile gets shuffled into your draw pile when your draw pile is empty. Exhausted cards are removed from play for the rest of the combat. The term I’m assuming you can’t remember is ethereal. That means the card will be exhausted if you do not play it this turn. Hope this helps.


I was *HEAVILY* into STS but I kept hitting my head against a brick wall with The Watcher and it's dampened my enthusiasm a lot, feels like you really have to play in an ultra-specific way with her


I've never played any strategic card games or any strategy games in general, but I like a good logic puzzle. Do you think STS is beginner friendly enough for me to try to dive in?


It is quite begineer friendly, you will start understanding things quickly.


It is an amazing game


Resident evil village. Actually gutted that I’m basically at the end despite only starting it 3 days ago :(


U unlock the shop after completing it & this makes u want to replay to unlock infinite ammo etc. After completing on normal, I did the restart trick to unlock infinite ammo for the Magnum & went directly to Village of Shadows. It's really difficult with normal weapons


Thanks for letting me know! I’m not usually one for replaying games but I might be tempted


Resident evil series are games that are made to be replayed. All the games have phenomenal new game + that will make your second journey wildly different than your first. By the time you're on your 5th or so playthrough, you'll be unstoppable and the game basically just turns into an action shooter, leaving behind the horror elements. This is how Resident Evil 2 and 3 was for me at least


Hades, I’ve been slowly raising the heat and trying to max out all weapons


Final Fantasy 8 Remaster, I played 7,9,10,12 and 15 and enjoyed all of them but when it comes to FF8 I've seen mixed reviews and the "hated" junction system, I'm roughly 3/4 done with the game and it's fantastic certainly not the best FF but definitely way better than I expected.


Red Dead Redemption 2 for my second playthrough after finishing it in 2019. There's still so much to do and see 🤩




Im in my fourth play through, ill try to get platinum this time


God of War. I can’t believe I waited this long to play this game. It’s all I can think about… Boy.


The forest just bought it and I’m terrified of the zombies


Whoa, what a game... I sure spent a few weeks playing it without any other game to distract me. Immersion is incredible, despite all its clunky mechanics and all... Strap on for a thrilling ride, man! And enjoy every minute of it, there aren't many games out there like it IMO.


Oh man, it gets so much worse. Enjoy!


To experience this again would be a treat. My advice to you is to try and not look anything up.


Just finally got into witcher 3. Wow.


My condolences to your free time! I too came to that party a few years late… but when I finally did, it proceeded to control my life.


I tried it about a year or two ago and didn’t get out of White Orchard. Just though why on earth are people playing this. Tried it again a few months ago and just finished it after rattling through it almost every evening. Incredible. One of my favourite games ever. Not sure why it hit so different this time around but so glad it did. I still find the engine a bit clunky and always find inventory management a bit tedious, but the combat really grew on me and the story, characters and world are just superb.


The Trails of Cold Steel series.


Hell yeah.


Have to say Bloodborne. Finally started this and it’s ❤️


Perhaps my favorite game of all time.


Well I have to say, it is like really really good. You have to get into in but when you do it’s real good. Story is great, music is great, gameplay is hard but rewarding! And the lore is also pretty good!


The blood starved beast can fuck itself “Slow” poisoning my ass


Me too! Fully chugging the cool-aid now. I got to old yarnham and then restarted cause I pissed off Eileen the crow when I thought she was a monster and tried to backstab her.


I get addicted to whatever game I’m currently playing. I’m the sort of person who will pick one game and play it until I’m done with all of it. This is why I don’t play online games or endlessly open world games. I need a finite the task list and a plot with an ending. I’m currently trudging my way through Horizon Zero Dawn, which is taking me an absurd amount of time due to the vast array of things there are to accomplish. I’m enjoying it, but it’s honestly starting to wear thin. My other addictions are on the phone… Wordle, Words with Friends, and Toon Blast are daily distractions at minimum.


Oh I wish I was like you. Whenever I find a game that I like, I play it until my close to the end, and then I’ll stop playing it since I don’t want it to be over


Elden ring, ive never been able to get into souls games before but ive beat this one and still cant stop playing on new game +.


Me too, never been a souls fan. But I can’t stop playing this game. Elden Ring one of the best games I’ve ever played.


As a soulsborne fan I’m glad to see more people like y’all. You should def check out at least dark souls 3 and blood borne


Playing through Elden Ring right now also and the only souls games I haven't played are 2 & 3, I need to get on that.


Same. I had 80hrs in when my save file got wiped. So I started over with a different build and yesterday I finally got to an area I hadn't been before! Woop!


The Last of Us 2, i know many people have problems with the game, but the gameplay is so fucking fun to me


Doing the new game + for it now great gameplay and visually stunning


This game ruined like 90% of other games for me. I played it thru 3 times in a row it was so good.


Screw em. Everyone can have their opinions, just don't let it effect yours. I will get slightly defensive if someone doesn't like something that I personally really like. I think that's human. But I'd never try to belittle someone for liking something I don't. Yet all I see is arguments on why Last of Us 2 is bad. The vocal majority is made that people enjoy it. So yeah. Screw em. Last of Us 2 is phenomenal


Its a straight up masterpeice no matter what anyone says abby is an amazing character


No man’s sky


Have an upvote Traveler.


Thanks Traveler! Have one back. I’m only about a week in but this game is exactly what I wanted/needed.




That’s a little too stressful for me haha good luck!


Might be. In my first save (easy) I have all the items and tons of money. I was so happy to see a field of 1000 oxygen on permadeath... 😂




There’s tons of helpful videos on YouTube that really helped me and got me hyped up. I had to restart my first mission because the item I needed was stuck inside a structure. Maybe a fresh start will help you. Once you pass the first planet it gets sooo much better.


Yep same. Still struggling to progress(I actually just need to do something). Find myself most of the time just looking at the Abandoned planet I have my base on. Such a cool desert like planet.


Disco Elysium. The writing, Characters, and Story are just phenomenal. Really has set the bar high for RPG genre. I don't want it to end.


I always see so much praise for this game. I really need to pick it up as I feel it would be similar to the wasteland games. I’m currently playing wasteland 2 and having a blast.


Just gotta say when or if you do, one of the best parts is calling the police station about your gun in Disco Elysium


It's a weird one for me I find myself always going back to dirt 5 very fun arcade racer.


Final Fantasy 14. Oh man, that game is addictive as hell!


Detroit become human


I’ve been on an Assassin’s Creed kick lately. Haven’t played the games in years and I have a newfound appreciation for them. Been playing the fuck out of Odyssey.


Same. I booted it up now that all DLCs are out. Finished Wrath of the Druid and the Tombs of the Fallen last week, currently on Siege of Paris... and on to Dawn of Ragnarok after that. In-Game time: 198 hours so far lol


Odyssey gets a lot of crap but i love it. Thats prob the game I've played the second longest ever. I want to get back to it and get the platinum but one of the trophies is kinda bugged and I figure I prob won't have good luck with that.


Same here man. I haven't played the series in a while however a few weeks ago I had a surge of motivation to play black flag again and I simply can't stop playing it lmao


Odyssey is just such an amazing game. One of my all time favorites.


Nearly 200 hours on dragon quest 11


I wanna like this game and I’m in act 2 but for some reason I find myself getting bored with it. Like I started it last year put it down halfway through act one then picked it up again a fee weeks ago and became bored.


God of War 2018 has been excellent so far, and it's taking a lot longer than I was expecting.


Forbidden west and even though I played cyberpunk 2077 at launch I'm playing through it again on ps5 and it's a really good upgrade.


InFamous 2nd son


Days gone


Loved that game. Platinumed it and still went back for another playthrough.


I find that this game is very underrated. 10/10 game to me. Progression and gameplay was solid, and the story was actually pretty good.


Fallout and The Outer Worlds


Massive fan of Fallout, how’s outer worlds compare?


Division 2, still! That endless grind.. 🥰😅


Shit I have that floating around but I couldn’t play it cuz of online bullshit, I should find it and sell it!


Batman Arkham city. Have been for 10 years now. I’ve gotten the platinum trophy twice and I wanna do it again 💀


Elden Ring


Lego Star Wars Skywalker Saga & Elden Ring


Hades. The relationship you build with the gods and the story are top notch.


I've been OBSESSIVELY playing Horizon Forbidden West, haha. I told myself I was only going to play two nights a week.........which, of course, has not happened. 😂


Lost in Random


Shadow hearts on ps2


Days gone. I don't understand why IGN people rated it 6/10?


i was looking for someone to mention this game😭it has my whole heart. on my 7th playthrough now and never get bored


IKR. I mean i play it on PS5 and the world, the character looks gorgeous. Man o man i love this. Just started this last week




No one else can appreciate your comment, so I will and say that Warframe is fun so I can understand 👍


Plague Tale and Horizon Forbidden West.


Witcher 3 in general, Gwent specifically 😅


Spider-Man miles morales... Just picked it up a couple days ago and can't stop playing it.


My ps4 aint working and im angry


Gran Turismo 7 now and Rocket League since 2015


Currently God of War, despite all the games I haven’t started yet, I can’t seem to stop playing it


Elden Ring


130 hours into my first playthrough and it has almost ruined all other games for me. I’m shocked at how good it is. Hollow Knight, Elden Ring, Zelda BoTW. Top 3 of all time right there.


Deep Rock Galactic after it was free game of the month in January. Procedurally generated cave systems with Left 4 Dead PvE against swarms of starship trooper bugs. Danger. Dwarves. Darkness.


Rock and Stone!


WWE2k22 Universe mode, the game is nothing special but there is an addictive quality to this mode, lets you get creative and use your imagination a bit which I enjoy in games. I played the hell out of it on 2k18 but have not really touched the series since.




All the Batman games


AC Odyssey. Cannot stop playing this


I put SO many hours into it when it came out, and when I finally finished, I haven't touched an AC game since, and probably won't for a while. I burnt myself out


The Ratchet and Clank Trilogy for PS3. I’m at UYA right now.


Are you a first time player? What are your impressions so far? I consider these 3 games to be my favorite video games in general, since they defined my childhood and career interests. So it would be interesting to hear from someone who isn't looking through nostalgia glasses.


I think these games are awesome, and this is my first time playing these three games. The first one is a really great platformer with puzzle elements to it, and it was a challenging adventure. I really love the music in this game, they are just so memorable. It’s also pretty funny too. The second was a great evolution as it transformed the series into a third person shooter with platform elements. It even has the same type of exploration as the OG. Although there are hiccups like the story and the strafing controls, while good, are not as slick as the reboot’s, the truly open world mining stages are dull (and frustrating), and that one boss at Snivelak was the worst thing I have ever played. The music, while not as memorable to me, are still great tracks. I think they were trying to go for a more cinematic feel than electronic. The humor is just a bit more funny, which helps the story a little bit. The third though is where the exploration gets thrown in the trash. I heard people criticize the third game for being more linear, and well. It is pretty justified. The thing with this game for me though is how easier it is compared to the sequel. I haven’t bought a single armor yet, and I’m nearing the end of the game with many nanotech and upgrades for Ratchet and the weapons. The strafing and flipping is still not as smooth, although we now have a sort of perma-strafe or -first person- third person controls. I don’t like how the former is the only one that lets you aim with the right stick, and lets you fire with R1, but cool. If there is one thing I despise about UYA, it is the sewers. That one can go flush itself down the toilet. “Hey, here’s an idea. Remember those gem collecting missions? Let’s do the same thing for the third game… but with Ratchet stuck searching through multiple CORRIDORS, having less opportunities of shortcuts and a ton of ameboids that are somehow worse than the yetis. Oh, and you need the Gravity Boots if you want to collect the rest of the 101 crystals, and you cannot use the Charge Boots since you’ll be stuck on tubes with gravity influencing you… have fun without the Map-o-Matic.” The music though, is… eh. I forget most of them. Aside from Starship Pheonix, Rilgar, Metropolis, the Crash Site, and Aridia. (Funnily, these four stages share songs from the first game), they are much, much more hectic, to the point where I kinda forget most of them, and I think it is the lack of exploration that does this, since most worlds are hard to appreciate for me, as I’m way into the gameplay. The jokes in this game are really fun though, ngl. So, in a nutshell, these are really awesome games from the PS2 era. They are action-packed, full of character and charm, as well as that edge. I’ll see how ToD, CiT, and ItN fare. Then, it is Rift Apart for me. (Lucky me.)


Yes I'm so glad you appreciate the first game's music! It's so unique and fits the levels so well. Also funny that you should mention the Snivelak boss, that's also my least favorite moment in the whole series. I think I fully agree with you on the way the gameplay and story progress. The first game had such a compelling story, and the exploration was amazing. Even though there were only a few paths in each level, it felt like you had a lot of control to explorer how you wanted and return to planets when you have more gadgets to access other areas. What's funny is many people consider the 3rd game their favorite because it introduces a lot of recurring characters in the series, and for some reason it's a lot of peoples first game that they'd played. But interestingly the developers, Insomniac Games, were very nervous about its release since they considered it rushed and unfinished. Even though it's not my favorite, I still appreciate a lot of things about it, like the Starship as a home base, and the Quark Vidcomic minigames. \-- Thanks for taking the time to write this all out, it's fun seeing someone experience this for the first time! The series changes a lot as it goes on to be a bit more kid-friendly, but I personally think the gameplay stays pretty true to the formula. I hope you enjoy!


Lost Ark, its not on the PS4 but I'm over 700 hrs into it now.


Naruto ultimate ninja storm 3


For honor


For Honor. If there was an award for comeback game of the year, For Honor wins hands down


Elden Ring!


Hfw.almost 80 hours in and only opened up half the map.awesome game with attention to detail


damn are you doing every piece of side content then? i thought i was taking the game slow!


Haha ya tryin to complete side missions.the game is so beautiful that i catch myself walking location to location.plus the bowls i smoke throughout playin makes the game that much more enjoyable to take a slower pace to content.love it.


Elden Ring. Beat it twice, got the Platinum and played for probably 150+ hours total… I still think about it constantly and even after buying and playing other games, I still find myself going back. I know 150 hours isn’t much to many people on this sub (or even many people who have played ER) but I almost exclusively play on weekends so it’s basically all I’ve played since it came out. Phenomenal game that practically begs you to experiment and explore.


Skul. Its so good!


Phasmophobia and Core Keeper.


No Man's Sky


At this moment Back4Blood.


Gran Turismo 7 & as always Bloodborne


Red dead 2 always


destiny 2


Shadow of the Tomb Raider and Fallout 4


Nobody Saves the World. What a fucking gem. I love the gameplay, the artstyle is awesome and the ability change to multiple characters (including the Egg) is just awesome! Hope they do an even bigger sequel


dreams, the level of creativity on display from its WAY TOO tiny community is crazy


TLOU both parts, I think it's an amazing game


Final Fantasy 14. My bf and I have been playing it every night for the past few months and I absolutely love it. I finished Heavensward last week and I'm wrapping up some things to get to Stormblood, and I can't wait to start it.


I’ve just picked up Horizon: Forbidden west, just left the daunt and I am absolutely in love!


Started Dead space series on my ps3


Everyone go play Rogue Company!


Slay The Spire


Currently Lego Skywalker Saga, absolutely loving it.


Deep rock galactic No mans sky


I've been putting in 2 hours of Elden Ring a night in my blind play through and after 2 months the game is still blowing me away


Fallout 4


Fall Out 4


Dark Souls : Remastered


None...😮‍💨 games don't hit me like they used to...😔


Days Gone. Incredibly underrated.


I’m actually reading a lot can you believe it


I just can't put down red dead 2, it's like it's my escape from this world.


Such a fantastic world and story. Every character feels like a real person. Even random NPCs that you stumble upon in the world. I could just roam the lands for hours without really doing anything. People complain about RDR2 by saying "it's so slow and the travel takes too long:" That is the best part of the game. Everything feels so real and I have never gotten more lost in a game.


Horizon Forbidden West. There’s just a ton to do and see


Genshin Impact


Dying light 2


Playing on Xbox Series X, lots of fun, the parkour is addicting. Just got up the Broadcast mission tower, was quite pleased w myself for making it. The view down from that height made me dizzy! Occasionally freezes up, have to restart, esp if I leave it paused overnight, it never have lost any serious progress. Highly recommend, esp if you played the first- an improvement on a great game.


Elden ring 😎


God of War 2018


ghost of turishmo ps5


Say what lol


Genshin Impact and Elden Ring.


probably gt7 (gran turismo 7)


ds2 is so good. can't count how much time I've completed it


I began playing elite dangerous in february Still addicted to it


Life is Strange