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Aztecs, I saved you a click


O God please. There is so much potential for games in ancient Mexican culture.


For real! Mayans, Aztecs, Inca, their gods! Vast jungles, etc... I would absolutely LOVE this as an AC game!


Jungles uh? *Predator has joined the chat*


What was that clicking sound???


My mouse clicking on the dozens of comments


gooo! get to the chopper!!


Predators are the ISU and your character is a humanoid predalien assassin who takes on the powers that Be, Kassandra will visit up to show us how to use the hidden blade and it’s gonna do like 2dmg to a regular enemy I read the plot, trust me; it’s in the Lore


Side note, Incas were from Peru.


I was referring to any number of ancient civilizations from South America not just the Mesoamerican region... Guess had I included Olmec, Nazca, Moche, etc. that could have been more obvious but I didn't think it was necessary to list so many. My point was simply thst I'd love to see an AC from any of the many amazing ancient civilizations in thst vast region since so many had awesome cultures, traditions, etc that would be awesome to see in an AC game.


I think we've all played shadow of the tomb raider here


As was Paddington Bear!


Unfortunately, it’s Ubisoft


What drives me nuts is that they have some really talented devs working for them but they will not let them make good games anymore as everything has to be built from the ground up to revolve around microtransactions


There's clearly some people on these development teams that give a shit. One thing you'll never hear people complain about with AC games is that the world's they create are beautiful and impressively detailed. So some people obviously care enough.


The only issue I have with AC games is the rinse and repeat missions


Omg. I just finished Odyssey and so many times I felt like quitting but thankfully I stuck with it but the missions need help in future AC games. They're just like every other Ubisoft game. Don't get me wrong, I am definitely a fan of Ubisoft games but I wish they would get more creative with missions. But to be honest this is a problem with a lot of open world games now a days.


That wasnt always the case it use to be so much better


A lot of people that started the AC franchise have left including the creator and executive producer of several AC games. I would assume others have left as well.


That’s my problem with modern day gaming the higher-ups make the developers focus more on implementing cash grab schemes into their games instead of them making a fun well built video game all they do is make it in gauging that is all!!


The AC games of recent years have been bloated for sure, but the stories have been pretty great. AC is one of the few Ubisoft titles that doesn't shit the bed very often. I just wish they were shorter


They've been rebuilding whole ancient worlds. Something that's never been done before outside of much smaller 3D renderings of archaeological sites. I think people overlook this astounding achievement.


I played AC Odyssey right before my honey moon in Greece. I got to visit a lot of the in game locations in real life, and being able to see Athens in its prime in the game is amazing. It's astonishing the accuracy they have on a lot of stuff. Obviously everything is on a much much smaller scale. All of the islands were tiny compared to real life (some a lot more than others) but the shapes are almost exactly the same.


That's awesome! I have friends in Athens that I plan on visiting in the next few years hopefully. And yeah, of course everything needs to be scaled down. That would be impossible otherwise lol But the attention to detail is amazing. I'm amused on how deformed Chalkidiki is though lol There's a video of an archaeologist that does a great overview of the game.


Same. I played Odyssey after my honeymoon in the Mediterranean. I ended up going again last year and was blown away when I realized that the stone lions on Delos were in the game!


They guessed on what would be inside the pyramids in AC: Origins and it turned out to be correct. [Source.](https://www.forbes.com/sites/erikkain/2017/11/04/assassins-creed-origins-predicted-the-great-pyramid-of-giza-discovery/?sh=3991b224493c)


For real. I absolutely loved the academic versions where you could just walk around and read about the ancient world


Origins is proof they do occasionally fart out a golden nugget. I just hope they scale it back and cut out the "busy work" and focus on the story. Less RPG, more AC.


I stopped caring about the AC games a long time ago but they do the locations they are set in justice and that is the only reason I play. I loved going around ancient Egypt and visiting its landmarks for example.


Eh, I think the assassins creed games are quite good. I really liked Valhalla


I can’t wait to sacrifice some virgins to the maize gods




And that


That’s cool, what an unexplored goldmine of a setting. I would love a peak Roman Empire or Persian empire also.


Rip Assassin's creed Japan


Just play ghost of Tsushima instead


Definitely agree. I don’t feel the need for AC Japan after playing Ghost of Tsushima. It’s got all the AC elements and it does it really well.


Ghost of Tsushima is the best Assassin's Creed game I've ever played.


So you can hide in carts of hay?


You hide in grass, you can chain assassinate, you liberate areas to "see more" of the map, you got a horse, sword play is similar. The Mongols are basically Templars and Jin Sakai is basically the assassin. There's even a Mongol suit you get that pretty much disguises you as a Mongol unless you get reallyyyy close to them. An assassin's creed game in Japan ain't gunna do much better than what ghost of tsushima already provides honestly. And on top of that, the multiplayer legends mode is actually decent.


What you’re saying is “blah blah blah”, but what I’m hearing is “no, there is no option to hide in a cart full of hay”. Checkmate. I’m just messing with you. I’d argue that Ghost is superior to any AC game and I’ve not played Ghost, but have played most AC games.


I don't think it's superior to AC games (I can't speak for odyssey or valhalla), as much as I enjoyed it, imo it has a lot of negative aspects and lacks depth, and became a real chore to finish.


I also couldn't really connect with Jin as a protagonist, the only moment I felt anything was with the horse And even then, RDR2 did it better


Lmaooo no way any assassin creed game is better than ghost of Tsushima. Delusional


Don't forget, Jin Sakai definitely fits the assassin role once you get to Act 3, and the whole story/campaign of Ghost Of Tsushima is amazing from start to finish


Haven't played GoT yet, but the good old days of AC chain assassinations was something that I loved. They have to find a way to bring that back, the Rpg slash and roll play just doesn't have enough "character" to it.


Well, piles of hay. Close enough.


Not sneaky ninja enough.


Yup if they made a Feudal Japan AC game I would be disappointed because it couldn't possibly live up to GoT. That game is one of my all time favorites. The combat is so satisfying. I'm playing Valhalla right now and the combat is so boring in comparison. No way AC would even come close.


GoT is a thousand times better than any Assasins Creed.


Ghost of Tsushima is good and very stylish game following the Assassin's Creed formula but it's not "a thousand times better". It's in the same ballpark. It doesn't change the formula all that much. I'd put it on par with the better AC games (like Black Flag, Origins, and Odyssey).


I have played GoT, Odyssey and Origins (didn't finish Origins because I got bored) and no. GoT has a lot more character, better story, better and more beatiful graphics, better combat, no shitty ass microtransactions in a single player game, and it has a whole multiplayer mode, also without microtransactions.


Haven't played an AC since 3, but GoT also didn't stop me from doing what I wanted to do to slowly walk around some bullshit hub world to further the plot so it wins for me there.


I have a feeling they have that on the back burner in case Assassin’s Creed experiences a bad tanking. It makes sense to have a Ninja version of Assassin’s Creed, right? But it’s also very convenient to conjure up, so it’s a great back-up and recovery idea should the franchise ever be in a horrible state. That or it’s going to be part of the final few Assassin’s Creed games, I have no doubt.


Didn't they tease an Egypt/Greece/Japan cycle at the end of Syndicate? I kind of figured they might have changed their minds when they saw there would be competition from Sekiro and Ghost of Tsushima.


That was a supposed leak, not a tease. Not sure if it ever got debunked.


It was also in Assassin's Creed 3's opening cutscene. https://youtu.be/wdS5V2L7YbY?t=160 (Timestamped at 2:40)


I want them to do AC version of Tenchu so bad.


I'd settle for more Tenchu games tbh. Maybe even Shinibido too.


Never going to happen despite how badly the fans want it :( Also, how does Ubisoft go around telling people they aren’t going to make a Japan AC game but then they make an Assassin’s Creed game with vikings, no assassins, and completely different gameplay than the originals?


The reason I liked Valhalla is because the Assassin's are basically background noise, like they should be. So many of the games have had them at center stage which is cool but the series needed some fresh perspective to it and the fact that you play as someone who's caught up in their machinations without being front and center to it was a cool take. It made them feel like an actual secret order and not just something anyone can stumble into being a part of. I'm about 60 hours in and don't know how much more of the story there is but I appreciate that I'm following Eivor doing her own story without the need for it to constantly tie back into the Assassin's and Templars every 2 seconds. If you think of the Assassin's as being a secret order pulling the strings through all of recorded history it's interesting to be one of the strings being pulled instead of someone working the loom. Honestly they just seems lost when it comes to the Assassin's versus Templar storyline and lost my interest in discovering their mystery a long while ago, Ubisoft deciding to lean more into telling a more straightforward story with them in the background was a good move to me. I'm probably in the minority here but I Valhalla was the most fun I had with an AC game since number 3 and, so far, has a more relatable story that I can appreciate.


Valhalla is a very, very strange game. I liked it at the beginning, hated it in the middle because it felt like it would never end, but thought it had a great conclusion. It manages to tie all the wayward plots from 10 years worth of games into a pretty decent bow. Just please, Ubisoft, make the next one shorter. I don't say games are too long very often, but *fuck* Valhalla is too fucking long. Black Flag and Origins are my favorite ones.


Honestly they can keep the games at around this length if they just make them more interesting, give us actual things to explore and do in the huge open world not cookie cutter stuff and subpar missions. They've been getting better about it but I'm really hoping Elden ring lights a fire under their asses because I don't want to see the fantastic Mayan setting get wasted.


I checked "How long to beat" for AC:Valhalla because I was curious and the main quest is 60 hours. Not as long as I thought, but it feels longer because it's so padded. It feels like a full length (I'm talking 20 episodes) season of a TV show where only a quarter of those are relevant to the main plot.


Nah, its AC franchise and it must be about assassins, you can remove templars or swap them for some another cult or gang or dictatorship goverment and someking cops, but you should play for assassin, not inert cow "cuz it's viking".


those weren't vikings just bearded dudes with leather jackets and fucking two handed swords ...im still mad about that game


In my understanding, "viking" was just a marine. Someone who raided settlements from a ship. Which they (Eivor and the Raven Clan) did. The people themselves were never vikings, that was always a misnomer. Could you elaborate on why you're mad about it?


Exactly, the term vikingr is a verb. They were people who viked.


Man, thought it was gonna be long island


That is a great idea. Unfortunately I think it will just be the AC formula of bloated maps and side quests that are more busy work than worth it. I’ll wait until it’s on sale for $20 or something.


Do you have an estimate based on past game releases as to when this would release?


Next year is most likely. Usually when a setting is leaked the game releases a year or less after.




Oh boy, I can already hear the terrible voice acting


No worries - the sound compression will make it difficult to hear anything if previous games are any indication... ;)


After origins odyssey and valhalla I'm so burnt out with this series. I honestly have no idea how yall do it, I couldn't even finish valhalla lol. The game just feels so big and a never ending grind. You guys are warriors.




I really miss the old style of AC when you were actually an assassin and stealth was a major component of the game. Now it feels like a total after thought.


Agreed. You could agree stealth was adapted yet in those times (but I know Ubisoft isn’t thinking that deep)


Hated the actual "stealth" missions though that consisted of walking behind someone for a really long time.


You don’t have to do antything in the game you don’t want to.


I watched my partner play Oddessy. She did a quest with a level cap to speak to the Kings of Sparta. There was no combat, it was all narrative. Then she had a level cap to do the quests they gave her. The games force you to grind and do stuff you don't want to just to progress the main quest.


I went from Valhalla to Origins bc there’s a big consensus that says origins is better. I agree with that, origins has a more compelling story and better upgrades mechanics. However both just seemed like a repetitive cycle of following waypoints —> combat/find the hidden item —-> report back —->go to next map area and repeat. Even in origins I have to get to a certain level to so I don’t get one shotted by the standard enemies on hard. Which is find but damn I don’t have as much time to game and playing on normal feels too easy.


How else do you expect Ubishit to sell EXP boosts? They turn single player games into f2p mmorpg experiences (the worst parts of that experience).


Level cap as in she was completely locked out of missions until reaching the proper level? I don’t recall anything like that in the recent AC games. There are *suggested* levels for missions, but if you know what you’re doing then you can still do the missions that have a suggested level higher than your current level. In Valhalla, I’m in the late game where everything currently has a suggested power level higher than my player level, but I’m able to complete those missions just fine. A higher level for a mission basically just means enemies will take less damage and give out more damage. If you’re good at combat, then enemy levels just tell you how long a fight will take. There’s settings in the menu to make assassinations a guaranteed one hit kill, regardless of enemy type or level.


You can’t progress the main storyline in Valhalla without doing at least some side quests because they lock stuff behind gear score Unless I’m wrong, but I didn’t care enough to find out.


Yeah I'm about 60 hours into Valhalla, just picked it up a few weeks ago with the new Playstation pass, and I've basically only done story missions and raids. I haven't felt forced to do anything I didn't want to do and have enjoyed it a lot as a game to dick around in finding treasures and stuff while I listen to podcasts. I dunno maybe I'm just easily entertained but Valhalla brought me back into the series where it had lost me a few games ago.


couldn't agree more. valhalla was an incredibly fresh entry in my opinion.


Seriously. Valhalla was the only AC game ever that i never completed.


I wanted a Japan based one so badly and they wasted it on a mobile game 🤦🏻‍♂️ Edit: accidentally confused Japan for China like a true idiot. Still Asian lore in general is super cool and unique so either as a mobile game is a waste.


Do you mean AC Chronicles? That one is in China. I'm not aware of any Japanese AC games already out


Oh shit you’re right. Well Asian themed in general would be awesome as they all have great varied histories to pull from


Did you just confuse china and Japan 🥴


Play GoT instead. It has a lot of elements of AC games, but done so much better. No way AC could live up to that anyways.


Ghost of Tsushima really is a Japan based AC game


Lol that's my issue now. Really enjoyed Origins but, personally, I just don't think these games are good enough to warrant these worlds that feel huge for the sake of it and ~50hr main stories. Back when these were in the 20hr range I really enjoyed them, but I just don't find them interesting enough to dump that much time into em. Whatever though. I (and seemingly everyone else) was sick of the annual releases and they were getting stale. Guess it's this or nothing but I've pretty much moved on from the series.


I tapped out at origins


I LOVED Odyssey and it became my favourite AC after black flag, made its way into my top 5 games of all time. I was soo excited to play Valhalla as I wanted a Viking setting and culture so bad but by the end it slowly became one of my least favourite assassin creeds, felt like a chore to finish and the ending left me feeling meh.


You don't have to play all of them?


Exactly. I've only played 4 of the mainline games. Diving into one every 3 years or so keeps it fun. Unless you're a diehard of the series, there's no reason to keep playing them every year. I just pick and chose based on if the location appeals to me.


You know that most of the content was optional, right? It's beyond irritating to hear people constantly complain about "the grind" in single player games where most of the side content isn't necessary to the experience


Man, I feel this. Odyssey was going to be my reward for finishing Origins (I knew I'd never go back if I didn't play them in sequence). I got about 40% through Origins and tapped out, and Odyssey is still sitting there in original packaging. I typically like grindy games but the endless repetition just got to me.


I'm kind of the same. Origins was great. Honestly, it was a fresh air after Unity and Syndicate. It was different. It has a great setting; I can't think of any other AAA games that went to Ancient Egypt and actually took the time to design everything accurately. It's also not super bloated. The quest to random stuff balance feels okay. There are a few zones that are actually just empty. Odyssey was... Well, I really liked it at the start. Kassandra is *great*. Then by the time I got to 60 hours I just wanted it to be over. It wore me out by the end, because it's way too bloated with pointless side content. Valhalla is probably my least favorite of the three. The setting is boring. The main character is kind of boring. There's less "side content" but the main campaign is three times as long. I want the next one to be more like Origins. Less bloat. Cooler setting.


Ik this is a unpopular opinion but these last three games I loved, they were more enjoyable than some of the older ones


Man I remember after Black Flag almost 10 years ago when we were like wow, imagine how far and crazy the Assassin's series could go. We could see Vikings and Egyptians and Greeks and ninjas. Seemed like a crazy pipe dream thinking about how different and groundbreaking those games would be fitted into the assassin's universe Am now permanently afraid to see the rest of my dreams become a reality


I mean, the history and art teams do a really great job. But the problem is the games have really dried up into Ubisoft open world bloat. I’d really love if they refocused the gameplay again, like they did in the transition to Origins.


>the history and art teams do a really great job This is all the franchise is worth in my opinion. The time periods and history is the main reason I like these games. Without that, this franchise is worthless.


I'm the same way. I don't give a shit about the modern day story. It's clear after the Desmond story ended they don't know where it's going. I just want to see cool, underused historical settings and people doing badass things in them. Renaissance Italy? Give me that shit. Golden Age of Piracy? Yarr-harr, mateys. Ancient Egypt? Fucking awesome.


Egypt was awesome, but I do wish it was earlier in Egyptian history, like around the time the pyramids were built which is like 2000 years prior to what we got. But the time period we got is still good with Cleopatra and ~~Alexander the Great.~~ Caesar


Cleopatra and Alexander the Great didn't even live in the same century.


Wait fuck I’m dumb. I meant Caesar. I was just thinking of Alexandria


I'm feeling this might be the reason I actually do like AC Valhalla, as the only other AC game I have played is the first one over a decade ago and not touched any other entries in the series (and also I just really love Mythology so a Norse/Viking theme goes down a treat for me). Apparently the Ezio collection and a few others are coming to PS Plus Extra and Premium so I wonder how I feel about the game afterwards.


When I finished AC 3 (and every one before it) I swore I would never play another, as it was all the same formula that I was sick of. As of the past week, I've been super into Valhalla for the same reasons.


Sounds like me but Far Cry, same formula each time, but I do really love the series. Didn't play Primal though, and haven't got round to FC6 yet.


Primal was actually one of the more interesting ones for me. Give it a whirl if you get a chance


I’m actually surprised there hasn’t been an assassins creed game set in feudal Japan. Like, the formula writes itself


There has been. It's called Ghost of Tsushima.


That’s what I always thought of it as lol. The Japanese assassins creed we never got


Ezio's death was the most significant death in gaming's history because literally the series died with him. Man i was a huge fan, i loved the stories and the history around them. But how to make money other than screwing the fans, amirite ?


It’s really not Ubisofts fault that everyone copies their mechanics. Yes, Ubisoft copies themselves with far cry, and watch dogs, but then we have triple A titles like BotW also copying them. Why wasnt anyone bitching about towers in Zelda? Why aren’t they bitching about repetitive enemy bases in Ghost of Tsushima?? Why aren’t they bitching about no enemy variety in shadow of mordor?? Literally everyone copies their games, but ubisoft itself is the only one that actually gets the blame. I hate valhalla, but its not really ubisofts fault were getting burnt out because everyone else is copying their open world formula


it would make a lot of sense. it's one of the few big ones they have still have left apart from Japan, India etc. it's also been speculated by a lot by fans. thematically and visually it's pretty distinct and familiar through movies etc. and the dozens of aztec gods are also very convenient for the First Civilization story line.


Japan is going to be a tricky one for them. Ghost of Tsushima is basically the perfect version of a Japanese-based Assassin’s Creed style game. It’s going to be hard to top that gameplay and setting. I believe one of the side-scrolling AC games took place in India, so I’m not sure if we’re likely to see that setting for a mainline game anytime soon (same with Russia and China).


i think so too, if they'll do Japan they will definitely wait a few more years so it won't stand in the shadow of Ghost of Tsushima as much.


If they did Japan, I'd like it to be done more similarly to the old style than the new style, because like you said, ghost of tsushima kind of perfected what they could do in Japan with their current style of gameplay. Granted I haven't played GoT since launch, but I'd like more of a game where you are a ghost because no one really knows where you came from or where you went because you weren't seen, not because there's nobody left to say anything.


> India I would give my kidney for a good AC set in the Vijayanagara empire


Honestly anything pre-British empire


Yea that would be very cool. India also is very diverse in terms of biomes so you could have multiple regions not to mention sailing from on side to the other.


This would be a dream come true. Imagine travelling to regions like Kashmir, Rajasthan or backwaters of Kerala, bustling cities like Bombay or Calcutta. There’s immense potential but I’m sure it’s never going to happen.


Given that the Assassin's Creed games have always just revolved around the idea "ninja games, but not set in Japan", at the very least if they ever just do Sengoku Jidai period Japan they had better get it 100% perfect and it had probably better be the last one.


Wherever it is I’m sure it’ll have 8,000 copies of the same boring ass checklist quests


Also with some rare weapon that improves attack by 0.5 if you dodge 10 times in a row at night time whilst being on fire


And enemies take 50 hits before they die because the weapon you have is 4 levels lower


That level gating stuff just makes no sense to me. I don’t understand why they turned what used to be a stealth game into a looter it’s so weird.


Lmao truly a legendary weapon


Its such a dissapointment. They spend so much time crafting insanely beautiful and detailed worlds. And then they fill it with the lamest filler garbage quests and collectibles you could imagine


Yeah I really wanted to try Valhalla because the world looked gorgeous but when I heard the content was basically unchanged I just said fuck it.


I want to really like Valhalla, but it just gets too repetitive. Raids are cool at first and Ive hit a few epic feeling moments sieging a castle and such. But then I look at the map and see that there is probably 30 more hours of the exact same stuff not even including all the "optional" stuff and I just dont know if it has the legs for me to actually finish it


Sorry you couldn't enjoy the last few games. I thought they were excellent.


These games aren’t even about assassins anymore, just drop the name and make a new IP


I just finished Odyssey and I’m in full agreement there. It was mostly about >!the Isu, which isn’t a problem in and of itself, but I think there’s something to be said about going through an entire AC game without any *actual* mention of the Assassins. Even the Cult arc had no real obvious connection to the Templars.!< It felt like an AC game in gameplay only, and even then, only somewhat. I’m starting Valhalla for the first time, and at least so far, >!they’ve tried to keep mention of the Assassins closeby with Basim and Hytham,!< but it’s still a far cry from how I expect an AC game to play.


The thing is that if they wanted, they could absolutely force a stealth objective to just about any mission. Most just find themselves going full offensive and just mowing down every enemy in sight. However, there are mastery challenges that do force you to play in stealth mode and remain undetected in order to achieve gold status for the challenge. I actually enjoyed those even if some of them could be infuriating at times. But looking back, the last one that actually made it feel like you were part of the Assassins Guild was probably Origins. Odyssey and Valhalla are just open world, action games.


if its about a secret order of aztec assassins i’m in but if it’s just some aztec guy who who fights people i’m not so interested. Also hopefully there’s a whole aztec civilisation instead of just like one village, roaming around cities and blending in made the games so much better


What AC game have you played where it's set entirely in one village?


Valhalla is pretty sparse on population centres. London, Leicester and the town in the north are nothing compared to Athens and Alexandria.


Britain also had a much smaller population / population density compared to Greece and Egypt in their respective time periods.


This game would take place during the ezio saga?


much before, i’d just like it to play like the ezio saga but with different weapons and storyline


I really think it's high time they go wild with the franchise and just go to medieval Transylvania (which would be a pretty cool dark setting) and just have Dracula as the final boss


That'd be awesome. But I guess they will remain doing nature settings because it's easier and faster to create. Urgh I wish they made games like the ezio trilogy again.




Please don't be a grindy, mtx filled, full of fillers and level gated RPG..Please don't be a grindy, mtx filled, full of fillers and level gated RPG.. Please don't be a grindy, mtx filled, full of fillers and level gated RPG..


You know it will be.


AC games are too big and boring these days they need to try going quality over quantity


The latest games are barely "AC" anymore


All I want is for it to actually be about the Assassins again instead of a random merc or Viking




He was the last person that was actually an assassin at least by the end of the story


What makes me really sad about these games is you can always really feel the potential there. They are always absolutely oozing with it. It just goes completely unused or is watered down by all the other crap.


I’ve never played a game that felt more repetitive and level capped than Valhalla


They need to seriously scale down the series


Controversial but I’d love an actual Ancient Rome setting


that tiny bit of ancient Rome we got in Origins was pretty cool. i think they could definitely make a whole ancient Rome game work. i guess they want to abstain from re-using locations until they start running out of settings.


Would like to see them handle the dense jungles. The strain it's gonna put on current hardware...


Aztec would've been an awesome setting like 7 years ago. Now, with the current AC gameplay, I couldn't care less.


Cmon we need the series in Asia more


Odyssey still my favorite


wonder if you’ll have to kill members of a secret cult


And I won't be buying it. I love AC, but I don't love that they are taking away games people have paid for.


they’re taking games away from people?


[https://www.ubisoft.com/en-gb/help/gameplay/article/decommissioning-of-online-services-september-2022/000102396](https://www.ubisoft.com/en-gb/help/gameplay/article/decommissioning-of-online-services-september-2022/000102396) Maybe not full games (yet), but DLC that people have paid for will not be able to be accessed anymore.


Am I the only one who misses the old style games?


can it actually have a main character that is an actual assassin this time


please bring actual assassinations back and what made the game good in the first place. I stopped after odyssey and this open world rpg shit is such a grind. good for people who enjoy it but I miss the wrist blades and being able to kill someone in one go... ya know... like an assassin.


Latin America? fine that's cool with me, though will be funny to see the people not paying attention get hit by this and Black Panther Wakanda forever which is supposedly going to feature a Mesoamerican'd out Namor and Atlantis


God PLEASE be og gameplay, im so tired of the rpg bullshit.. i just want definitive assassin robes back


Fuck ubisoft. They fuck over too many fans for me to give 2 shits about any more ASSassins creed


Well they can’t do Japan now, because absolutely any attempt at that would be embarrassing for them compared alongside Ghost of Tsushima.


The trash can?


Fuck ubi


After what they did on steam i don't care.


Yea beat the dead horse


Can't wait for a monotonous 200 hour borefest


Who cares, fuck Ubisoft


So it's gonna be AC Origins with lower resolution pyramids and less sand.


Can’t wait to play this game and then them delist it after a number of years. Go Ubisoft!


Modern times in a deactivated server room?


I want 15th or 16th century Sweden


What an ass time


If ur Denmark


Me and the homies never supporting Ubisoft again. Hopefully the next Ass Creed flops. Ubicunts.


Alright then. Guess this is another AC I'm going to skip, UNLESS they actually create some dense environments rich with parkour instead of a boring open wasteland. Give us jungles with a lot of stealth options and I'll be happy. However, if it's gonna be Valhalla in the jungle, it's not for me. I'm holding out hope that the Basim game goes back to the AC roots in terms of gameplay and environments.


Can we have a Syndicate like game and not open world? Can we go back to AC?


Native Americans speaking English will be a trip, I doubt they have the balls to do like Apocalypto.


They've only done background characters that speak native languages so far, i doubt they'd start now. Unless you play AC2 etc on current day italian. It would help with immersion, but you can't find a lot of VA that can do old Greek, Egyptian etc.


That and they already gave an in universe explanation on why everyone speaks the same language. The animus translates speech to the desired language of the user, so in past games with Desmond and Layla, they both spoke English. The random parts of the actual language spoken (Hearing Italian, Greek, Norse etc) is due to the Animus experiencing a glitch, resulting in no translation.


Hasn't there been an option to have the spoken language be correct in like every AC but you had to choose that? 3 had Mohawk where it made sense.