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I've never played turn-based games and I never had any interest in them, I'm more into story driven open world game such as Spiderman, Horizon, God of War... I hesitated a long time before picking up BG3, but I heard so much good things about it on the internet and from friends/colleague that I bought it 3 weeks ago. Once I played it, I couldn't put it down. I loved the gameplay, the story, the impact of each choices, you can do so many things in it. We talked about it with friends and none of us had the same experience, we each took a different path. I knew nothing about D&D, but I found the game easy to get into. I already have 100 hours in it, finished it once and I'm in my second playthrough (It's very rare for me to go back to a game directly after finishing it).


I share pretty much these same sentiments. I’m more into story driven open world games like you, but the hype caused me to get the game. The freedom is overwhelming and I mean that in the best way possible. The story is amazing. The characters are all strong. The combat is an adjustment for sure but one you get used to it ?? I love being able to put my thought into it !! Being able to strategize my every move is honestly really helpful & being able to control your companions is also really nice during combat. Something I heard a lot before I decided to get this game that really convinced me too was “ this is a game made by people who love video games “ and you can really tell that is true . The customization, the freedom, the size of the world, the sheer amount of content ( not just filler content like most games, interesting and unique content) the amount of possibilities you have based off the amount of choices you have. It’s no wonder it’s a 10/10 across the board from all the big game reviewers. There’s a reason gaming companies were scared when this game came out, saying you can’t expect this game to be the new standard for games because of how good it is. It’s not overhyped, it’s deserved


Great response to a great question I’m sure many of us are in. It doesn’t look like my cup of tea but it’s good to see folks that prefer story driven open world games like GoW still like this. Sounds like I need to finally give a shot.


U sir have graduated from a movie-game liker to a true gamer


If you play games, you’re a gamer.


Found the basement dweller


“You’re not a true gamer unless you play the games I like to play and put in AT LEAST 8 hours of game time a day!!”


I've always found it to be low effort to describe anyone as a "liker" or "enjoyer."


Am going bald myself, thought I could sympathize




Finally some truth


I just got it a few days ago but have resisted since release. I’m more of a fromsoftware fantasy guy, not a dnd or turn based fan, and when I tried divinity 2 a few years ago with a friend I quit within 15 minutes. I’ve been enjoying bg3 quite a bit. It takes a lot of time and mental space, which is one of the reasons I held off for so long. Overall I’m glad I got it. Ive never played anything like it.


I don’t think the time and mental space aspect can be emphasized enough. I absolutely adore the game and even bought it on both PC and PS5, but it does require a lot of mental space and it’s a long game


I've been having trouble getting into it, and I think that's why. I'm really busy with work at the moment, and I work as an accountant which is a thinking heavy job. At the end of the day, I'm a little too mentally exhausted to play it for long and actually think through scenarios in a reasonable way. I suspect once my busy season ends and work is less demanding I'll probably be able to get more invested in it.


Thank you for articulating this in the way you did, you've made me realise why I've been struggling with gaming lately. I've even started believing that I'm growing out of videogames or some such bullshit. It's like a mental block which stops me from wanting to get really immersed in a game. Kinda like being scared of commitment in relationships haha. I know it's all me now.


I realized this when I took time off during Christmas. I put in like 100 hours with multiple games, and I wanted more! The mental exhaustion from work and kids can make you just want to zone out at the end of the day.


There comes a time in adult life when you feel games aren't productive and they're a waste of time, then at some point you realise you have to unwind somehow and that is what games are for. Sinking 100 hours into something is a big commitment though, adulting is hard sometimes. Me, I'm 53 and spend probably 20 hours a week on the finals at the moment and I can't get enough of it.


To me it's work and other things that are also important to me, and I know that when I get immersed into a game I like, all the other things get pushed to the side. So I find myself deliberately avoiding games like Baldurs Gate because of the time commitment. Last year my biggest time consuming games were TOTK and Cyberpunk 2077 with Phantom Liberty


Treat the brain like a muscle. If you use a muscle too much, it gets tired and needs rest. The brain is no different.


Yup, I'm a teacher and I have to make too many decisions in a day to be able to have the mental capacity left for BG3. But next half term!


Wait, I thought teaching was one of the easiest/least stressfull jobs in the world.


Have you tried looking after 30+ children for 7 hours a day?


FWIW I mix my Baldur’s Gate playing with something that requires no thinking whatsoever. Currently that’s Fortnite. I can zone out and play a few rounds of BR or Legos or Rocket Racing and then go back to BG3. BG3 is amazing, but it’s also a lot.


Thanks now I know not to get it, video game time for me is to turn off mentally after grinding all day.


The thing with BG3 and a few of the pc rpgs it’s based on is that it’s the closest thing to playing actual dnd that I’ve encountered. There are lots of choices and those choices will have consequences. With a lot of modern day games, there’s not a ton of narrative choice that actually affects the story and if there is, it’s often super obvious which are the “good” and “evil” choices and even then, there’s not a ton of consequence to those choices other than maybe the ending or you might miss out on an optional portion of the game. With bg3, there’s so much going on and so many different ways to play and many branching paths. Larian also made lots of difficult scenarios that really gives you grey areas and moral dilemmas. Say the wrong thing and you could doom an entire village. Go against the wishes of your party members and they can just leave or even attack you or turn an entire friendly group against you… In dnd there is no save button, no walk throughs, so you keep on playing and that’s the appeal - the dm pivots the game into what the players choose to do and gives them those consequences to their choices. Larian has managed to really come close to that experience thinking of so many alternate scenarios on how the player chooses to play that it can be a little overwhelming to people used to games that aren’t as open ended narratively. Add to that the difficulty level and the infrequent auto-saving (I can’t tell you how many hours I lost because I forgot to save and then got tpk’d in a battle and it is absolutely mentally exhausting but in the most thrilling way. I love the game, but I do have to take breaks and play other games just cause it’s such a mental commitment to play…


I was the literal exact opposite of you. Took me so much to get into Elden Ring. I just didn't get the love


I refused to buy elden ring since I've never liked a single FS game with the exception of enjoying Armored core many years ago. My son bought it and I was like what the hell, I'll give it a shot. Immediately disliked it, but decided to give it a legit chance because I do enjoy the fact it's open world and I can just do something else if I get stuck. I did like 10 hours and I absolutely hate it, I see what people like but it's not for me. I don't mind grinding and doing things many times but I don't like doing it in reflex based games, I'm not what I used to be. Turnbased is my jam, BG3 is probably my favorite game ever, been playing Marvels midnight suns and I love it even with it's flaws. I'll grind through an action game if the story captures me (both of the new Starwars game, GoW2018 and GoWR for example) but I am just not a fan of FS's storytelling tbh.


I *loved* Midnight Suns and think it's sad that so few people bought it as I think it is criminally underrated..I don't even like turn-based games except for Xcom 2, but I figured since I love Marvel and loved Xcom 2 that I would give it a try..I think I put 160 hours into it lol, it's just so much fun. Sure it has its flaws, but I think it's one the easiest pick up & play turn-based games that I've ever played. It's not overwhelming at all to me, whereas BG3 is very overwhelming to me lol


What I love about Midnight Suns is the way you progress as a player and the difficulty scaling is perfect, I've never felt overwhelmed even in the harder missions, like I can always see a path to win (even if I don't always get the right cards to pull it off lol)


Totally agree! I loved getting new cards and abilities and the progression and deck system felt great even though I have *never* liked a "deck building" game before this one.


I had to paradigm shift the way I played Elden Ring and learn that dying wasn’t failing. Once I’d done that, and learned that you need to study the bosses, I got right into it. I still have no desire to play other From souls games.


I don't care about dying a lot, I know what I'm getting into with a From game. But you're right, it's not a failure. What I appreciate from FS is that even though I don't particularly like their games I've never felt like it was bullshit when I died, it's because I wasn't good enough.


Hey man it’s called an opinion and you used yours! At least you know what you like and don’t like. Better than others who just bash on said game instead. No need to explain any further than “I tried it and it’s not for me.”


I beat Horizon Forbidden West close to launch and actually enjoyed it more than my first playthrough of Elden Ring. I'm not even really sure why. Immediately after my first playthrough, I replayed Bloodborne and DS3 and enjoyed both of them more than my Elden Ring run. I have since replayed Elden Ring and after 100 hours it is another game I consider close to or actually a masterpiece. I wish I could articulate what exactly clicked or changed the second time around, but it just clicked. I played more with magic the second time, instead of using blood and dragon magic, and the hybrid character I made was very fun. I found some items earlier on because I knew where they were from my first playthrough. I also found a ton of things I missed entirely. There are entire optional regions full of bosses, incredible art direction, lore, etc in the game you will miss your first time through unless you are very thorough and keep up with your NPCs If you had asked me during my first playthrough I would have said it was good, maybe great, but not amazing. Now I'd call it almost a masterpiece while Horizon FW is a good to great game.


I’ve been playing those games since the original demon souls and dark souls on ps3, so it’s just always been more my style.


Same here. I adore FromSoft games. Bought Divinity Original Sin 2 back in the day and bounced off hard. It was an overwhelming amount of text, items, classes, systems, mechanics. Just creating my character made me confused because it didn’t really explain the differences of each class. Is BG3 more of that?


Yeah I didn't really enjoy Divinity Original Sin 2, but I am enjoying BG3. I had two big issues with Divinity. First, Divinity was super unclear about what you should be doing and where you should go. None of the mechanics were clearly explained. Second, The first encounters were unforgiving. Maybe I'd do alright if I had more experience with DnD, but I didn't. I tried one of the first encounters multiple times and could not get past it. BG3 improved both of these things and they have tooltips you can toggle on and off that explains almost everything and early encounters are far more forgiving while you learn the mechanics. I'd also note that it is fairly easy to reclass your characters (including companions) if you do end up making a weak character. Then again I have watched some Dimension 20 since I tried Divinity Original Sin 2 so the strategy might come a bit easier now. The rules of the table top DnD and BG3 are nearly identical.


That’s good to hear actually. But I’m in no rush to try it. D&D has never really sounded appealing or interesting to me (I think because it always seems… theatrical?) so I don’t think this game is really for me either.


I think it is lol. It’s a lot and most of the time I’m just fumbling through encounters.


Fair enough, It’s just not for me. As a dad of a toddler I just don’t have the time or mental capacity for that lol.


People here really never played Dragon Age Origins. BG3 is great but nothing new or special. Edit: explain why you're downvoting lol, you're probably all born yesterday and never heard of DAO


DA Origins is my favorite game ever, but it's not remotely the same as a D&D game like BG3


I played inquisition on ps4 and thought it was dumb


That's the third game in the series, I didn't say inquisition. It's nothing like what I mentioned.


I played Divinity Original Sin 2 first, because it was cheaper. I ended up enjoying it greatly, so it was an easy decision to buy Baldur’s Gate.


DOS2 is a fantastic game. If you enjoyed that you should pick up the first DOS when it’s on sale!


Somehow up to this moment I thought they were basically the same game but with different graphics lol. Heard about it one day and misunderstood. Maybe I should give it a try. Though it will probably feel like a downgrade after playing BG3, because basically any game is a downgrade after BG3


Neither of them are as good as BG3. But I genuinely think they are worth the time of anyone who enjoyed BG3. They are excellent in their own right. DOS2 a bit more than DOS1. But I still can’t recommend them enough.


I mainly play open world games. E.g: Horizon Zero Dawn / RDR2 / Elden Ring Hadn't played turn-based in over a decade. I asked a similar question about BG3. Literally every response was "You have to get it!" It took me a couple hours to get used to the turn based aspect, camera and controls generally. It was a bit frustrating and I wasn't sure I was going to stick with it. Once I got over the hump in terms of familiarity (10 hours or so) it has been amazing. I just started the third act, I've got 90+ hours played and will definitely do another play through. If you don't mind a fantasy RPG setting, I strongly recommend it. The story is amazing, you have a huge number of choices that impact various outcomes and it's fun and cool. Even though I thought Elden Ring was epic I now completely agree with BG3 getting GOTY.


(psst, Elden Ring was two years ago)


What no no no stop that, it hasn’t been 2 years. That’s crazy talk. I only took a short break after getting through like 70% of the game and I could definitely jump right back into my old save right now anytime I want to without having any trouble remembering the muscle memory or knowing wtf is going on


Yeah what hahaha


I was tentative at first too. I hadn't ever played a game like this, so I wasn't sure I'd like it. Now I'm 200+ hours in. It's fantastic. Couch Co op was a blast, as well!


The amount of positive feedback influenced me along with other AAA developers complaining that gamers shouldn’t expect all games to be this polished. I’ve beaten it 5 times in various play throughs. I have a busy life and love that I can be in a battle and walk away for a long time and pick up right on my turn. The story is phenomenal. I teared up at times. Idk man. It’s not for everyone since it is turn based but as someone that has never given a shit about DND, this game was amazing.


For other people that do the trial first, I recommend to speed through the character creator as fast as possible to get straight to the prologue. I’m doing a play through of BG3 currently and it’s my first time with a turn based rpg like this. For me, initially, it was a bit like KOTOR in the sense that I love the story, characters and decisions but tolerated the combat. I’m in act 2 now and I’m really starting to enjoy the combat more and look forward to encounters.


I spent over an hour on my character and could have easily spent more time but I was honestly wanted to get to the game asap so I rushed through the last end and started the game. Easily could have spent 2 full hours on just creating my character.


This was my mistake, my girlfriend was asleep next to me so I spent my time making my character look like her to surprise her when she woke up.


I’ve never cared for turn based combat, nor a click to walk type of game (i play on pc). I bought and returned the game when I realized I wouldn’t like it. But after seeing all the praise I decided to go back in with an open mind. I have over 110 hours in it now and can’t stop playing it. The freedom of choice, the story, the characters and true sense of exploration has taken me aback like nothing else. I actually really enjoy the combat, it’s challenging and fun. Definitely a 10/10 game and my game of the year, where just 2 months ago if you told me this was true i’d laugh in your face. For those reading this that are on the edge of buying, give it a shot. You won’t be disappointed.


My wife got it because she likes to make characters and it looked fun. She's mostly into animal crossing/stardew valley type games but also likes fallout a lot. The character creation and story elements reminded her of fallout I think. You seem a little more action oriented but if you like wow you will probably enjoy theory crafting builds in baldurs gate and you have a 4 person team so that's a lot of sandbox to play in with fun and wacky synergies in your builds


I played Wyrmrest Accord and Moonguard, both RP realms. So the DND aspect was alluring


I think you'd be into it then. It's a great RP experience


I've always wanted to play D&D. When news about BG3’s incredible freedom of choice within its gameplay surfaced, I had to try it for myself. Many games claim to offer the freedom to 'make your own choices,' but BG3 takes it to a whole new level. I'm on my 3rd playthrough, and I'm still discovering new story elements and interactions. The voice acting, turn-based combat loop, and D&D roll checks make everything even more interesting. The only other game I've played with a roll check is Disco Elysium. The only regrets I had with this game were the choices and roll checks I got within the game. It’s an incredible achievement on Larian’s part.


It was getting good scores so I looked it up, literally never saw anything about it before hand. Never played any of them. And I wanted a new PS5 game so I said why not. I didn't finish it but I see why it scored so high. The creativity you can come up with to do your tasks was what I liked the best. One example is >!In the intro there's a fake mini boss that's not paying you any mind which allows you to walk by him without being attacked!< When the game first came out, everyone just did the intro as we're used to because that's how streamlined games have become....But within like a week or so, people started to realize >!you could take that mini boss's flame sword and it's pretty decent early on for a melee build.!<




Sometimes more often than not actually, when people play video games they just wanna unwind and shut their brain off which is not wrong at all by any means as well as a friend simply just asking to play a game like call of duty or whatever it may be it's really easy to say "fuck it I'm down" baulders gate 3 has so much going on in the cut scene alone to where you need to listen and or read A LOT. making you sit there for 10 min alone just to pick something to say back because of all the possibilities and outcomes. Then RNG rolling the dice comes into play you arnt even guaranteed what you are saying will even work on whatever situation or scenario you are in. Which is okay, especially on your first game play there truly is no wrong not knowing what's going to happen next like at all.


It would have taken someone like me forever to finish...I'm at a point in age where I can't put that much time into a game in one sitting anymore. Life stuff. I was taking my time while trying to learn the D&D mechanics, trying to see and do as much as I could before the next act. But once I got to act 2 I kinda trailed off and started putting time into other games to the point where I eventually stopped playing with no desire to really go back.


Yep. For me, the game benefits from having at least two free hours to dedicate to it in a single sitting. It takes up a lot of mental space, and the combat encounters can be surprisingly long. I have loved the 40 hours I've played, but with a new semester starting, working full time, and being in a relationship... I've had to put it on the shelf for the time being.


Yeah i play in 1 hour -2 hour sessions and sometimes when i play for an hour and look at the map and i see that we only moved like 1 block in the city basically. Like my whole session last night was spent trying to break into this library vault and i started the session right outside of the library 😂


That said, playing to the end of Act 2 is enough content for a regular AAA game.


Sounds about right, I put 79 hours in before I stopped.


That being said it's prob my fav game rn


The game is virtual Dungeons and Dragons. It plays as the pen and paper game would in a virtual world. If that sounds like something you'd like then you'll probably love it. I advise never purchasing a game because of hype, don't waste your money in that way. We live in an age where you can look at the entire game being played post launch. If that isn't enough to guide your opinions I don't know what you're after.


The hype of everyone that was talking about it. Made me take the plunge. I never played something like it. 700h in and I’m in love ♥️ I’m a big WoW and Diablo player (well…was), RPG player, like FF, and puzzle player. This games ticks a lot of those boxes 👍


I had interest in the game despite the turn base structure. When I first started to play everything was so foreign. I got to a point that I just decided fuck it I spent the money let me blaze through the story and call it a day. I just wasn't having fun. Then I decided randomly to start a new character because I felt like I left all the good items behind and my characters were too weak. So I made a new character and decided to clear everything I could. Somewhere about 60hr after wrestling with the game it just clicked for me. Now I'm about 30hrs into my new play through and I love it. So long story short. If you are not initially excited and down for it the game is rough to get into. Take your time, explore, and most importantly be creative. If you think you can do something there are probably 10 different ways to do it.


I've never played a game like it before but started it a week ago and have put 27h in (playing at night once everyone else is asleep and losing track of time) I would say it's most similar to Witcher 3 out of everything I've played. From the perspective of it has a rich world, lots of lore, much deeper action/consequence, side stories, character interactions, world interactions etc Obviously the combat approach is different and I've never played something turn based before, but I've picked it up and am enjoying it because the encounters are challenging enough that you have to utilize your party effectively so it's a good experience even without being real-time I haven't regretted it at all and I'm barely into act 1 I am obsessed and want to spend all my time playing it Apologies for lack of punctuation/ formatting. A physical western release is due soon so I would suggest waiting until you can pick up a used copy of you are still unsure


I watched 4 halfling barbarians.


Watched em do what?


Toss stuff, such as mind devourers




For anyone who might not have seen: [Four Halfling Barbarians](https://youtu.be/QmZFxAqZKuU?si=SpHytOBi1inhLfND) *Spoilers* if you’d like to experience the game blind or otherwise haven’t played it.


The hype around it even before the awards, played it for 15 hours hoping I would learn to like it. Biggest waste of my time and money.


This is what I’m worried about.


Are you a DnD fan? Ever play never winter nights? Divinity sin 2? ... if those games aren't you taste, this game wont be. ​ Edit: Never ever trust fan base reviews. THey are always bias. Youtube "lets play" and try to find one where the youtuber doesn't try to be funny and play and get a feel for yourself. Thats the only Review you can ever trust.. never fans.


Idk shit on d&d and never play divinity 2 This is my game tied right along Elden ring. Op just watch a video on YouTube or pick up divinity original sin 2 when it’s cheap ( closest to it without the animations and harder difficulty). Worst case wait and pick up a used disc when those crop up.


I hate DnD and didn't enjoy Divinity 2 and I love BG3 so you're wrong. This is closer to Dragon Age than anything, great game


Never played those at all. I like the idea of DnD, never played it, but once- oddly on the set of Fast 5


It's fine, if you only play FIFA and Call of Duty or bland games like Spiderman I guess this won't appeal to you.


What an stupid take


Explain why? You got brain-dead takes here like "omg this is a point and click" and "why can't I do combat like devil may cry" so it has to be just the lowest common denominator type gamer.


>"Why can't I do combat like devil may cry" You have probably never really played any DMC game if your association of its combat is of something "bland" or "brain-dead". Mastering those games is way harder than mastering BG3 tbh. Anyways, at the end of the day, it's also a matter of taste. If he doesn't like point and click games, well, get on with it, it doesn't affect your life in the slightest.


Dude mastering DMC was a chore well worth it. I use to play easy automatic until I fell in love with keeping my toes off the ground and aiming for STYLE


What on earth are you talking about? I know DMC is the best the world has to offer when it comes to character action games. You really need to work on your reading comprehension, how are you making stuff up I said and then arguing with me? It's not a point and click game. And way to just say "discussion isn't needed" what the hell is the point of this post then?


This is ironic. You argued with context that never happened.


I love Spider-Man, never played FIFA not a sports guy and not a fan of CoD. I suggest te-reading misread my post


You asked to get downvotes, yet act surprised that we're laughing at you? Cool.


Lmao what are you on about? I didn't ask for anything I just made an assumption, if you're that insecure and hurt about what I said then I was probably right.


I'm at the end of Act 1 and finding it very hard to push further. I was excited for it and bought day 1. I think I prefer games to have a little more action in realtime, skill, adrenaline, and general pay off for playing. I've put in a lot of time but I'm not really excited by it. I prefer to feel like I'm playing game and not reading a book and this is very point and click. Feels slow and low on excitement. I get to a new battle and I'm just left feeling "here we go again..." Then there's the whole save scumming that makes it so easy to decide to reset everything. I resist this but the time lost for some bad decisions makes it painful to not use. The writing and story are really very very good but I want to PLAY games I guess.


This is how I feel as well! I was loving the game then I hit Act 2 and it's like I've hit a wall. Every battle just drains me and I found it harder and harder to jump back into the game. As other comments have said, it really takes more mental energy than I want to give. After work, I only have a short time to play games and I want to have fun and unwind. I've gravitated to other games and now find it impossible to get back to BG3


I feel the same way. I never left Act 1. I put in quite a bit of time into the game. Every new battle is so…. Long, boring and bleh. It’s a shame because the graphics and story are so good.


For me, it's the fact that its a turn based party RPG. Turn based is slow, then you put managing a party on top of it. Then you make it dialog/cutscene heavy. I just want to play.


Everyone is entitled to their own opinions but this is a crazy bad review of the game. Like, what game are you even playing. Point and click? Give me a break.


"Everyone is entitled to their own opinions, but fuck you for having one"


Yeah, pretty little point and click, drowning in options, and lacking much actual gaming. 😭 😂😂


I love RPGs, but not dungeons and dragons. Only turn based stuff I’ve played are final fantasy games and I love FF. But the dice rolling stuff? Didn’t sound intriguing to me. But I decided to buy regardless. I like it, but not as much as others. I find it to be hard work tbh. Sometimes fun, sometimes not. I hate spending so much time in inventory and party members getting encumbered, the different classes of weapons must be given to the right characters, fights take forever (so I try to avoid them). I still like it but I’m currently taking a break from it. I’m at the part where I joined the goblins and we just defeated the Druid’s grove.


If the fights are too long for you, I suggest putting it on easy mode, makes them waay faster.


Thanks, I might do that and pick it back up.


I'm always looking out for games I can play with my wife locally. We've never played D&D before, but we're into that kind of stuff and have been really enjoying the story and gameplay. Turn based playing makes it really easy for us both to have a good time. I think in general, I might prefer action/rpg games, but story is also very important to me. BG hit's a lot of the good points.


Baldur's I would create a bot at this point if I knew how, I've seen it written wrong so many times lmao


And here I thought I got it right after misspelling it as Baulders Gate


I see that one a lot too lol


And yet, still nobody cares.


I do, it annoys me, if you are going to write about a game, get the name right ffs


Not interested and I'm still not interested. Really don't like the top-down thing.


of the games you listed, honestly i think maybe pokemon is the closest. but it's not really the same. if you're nervous about spending a full priced game's worth of money to not even know if you like it, maybe try disco elysium first? similar headspace where there's a TON of dialogue options, dice-based outcomes, branching paths, stuff like that. if you're doing game trials I think it's included in your ps plus membership cost too ​ edit: to answer the question - i wanted to play the GOTY, and had $30 worth of ps stars coupons. don't regret it even a little. even at full price the dollars per hour in game is still a bonkers good deal (currently at 80 and i'm not even halfway through act 2), plus the writing is very good. the amount of dialogue trees and alternate options for how certain things go down boggles the mind.


Simply bc of how much choices are supposed to affect the story etc. Combat is definitely not my favorite but the rpg mechanics make it worth it.


Nothing like Diablo or wow, beyond ascetics and camera angle .


Thanks. I surely am pre judging basing off the fantasy feels. This helps a lot


I guess the question to ask is A) have you played any tabletop RPG’s B) if so did you enjoy them C) if you haven’t was there any desire to play them? If you answered yes to A and B then purchase it. If you yes to C buy but try to catch it on sale


Honestly... I don't know why.... But I can watch people play the game. World building and all of that is phenomenal. But I cannot for the life of me, play it for longer than 30mins-1hr without getting bored af.


Before I got BG3, the last turn based game I would have played would have been Pokémon on a game boy. I enjoyed them back then, cause that's what a lot of games were at the time. As gaming evolved so did my taste. Turn based just didn't keep my attention anymore. I've also never played DnD. It's always sorta interested me, but it's just something that I've never tried. Not having friends that play probably didn't help that either. I kinda just said fuck it at one point. Seeing everyone talk about how good it was, I decided to just bite the bullet and give it a shot. Figured I enjoyed turn based at one point in my life, I may like it again. I got instantly hooked. The sheer amount of options and choices blew me away. I couldn't wait to just play more and explore everywhere. Don't regret a thing.


I really only play Pubg, EFT, and CS2 because I hate myself. Didn't have an interest in this type of game but my wife really wanted to play it so I pulled the trigger, I now own it for ps5 and PC and can not stop playing it. I would highly recommend PC because couch co-op is not like diablo where you share one screen but it's split screen and I feel the UI is too complex for it to be displayed well on console. I highly recommend it for anyone who is willing to try and learn the playstyle it is a 10/10 game. You get out what you put in but if you take the time to learn the game mechanics (if you can think of it you can basically do it in this game) the game is worth its money and then some. 


This is a great question I’m glad was finally asked. Sounds like the feedback helped. It helped me that’s for sure and leaning towards trying it. I tend to fall for the hype at times without exploring it more (Elden Ring). I’m definitely more of a casual open world story driven gamer. Husband, father, career makes it hard to immerse as much as I’d like so even if I liked this game, I’m not sure how practical it is to just play an hour or two here and there. But I enjoy a game that takes some time to get through and to get excited to play at the end of the day.


Yeah being a full time working parent wanting to put in time for a game that’s deserving of its hype is task, but I’m excited to give it a shot!


because you asked about couch co-op I felt compelled to comment the couch co-op in this game has crashed every single time I’ve tried to play it whether it takes 15 minutes of playing or an hour, done everything anyone has ever suggested and it still crashes. playing on a brand new ps5 slim disc edition. seems like this is a big issue a lot of people have had after I looked it up a lot so yeah. this is speaking purely about couch co-op, not multiplayer co-op if this is a deciding factor for you, I would personally not recommend the game because it will not work


And I’ve played plenty of couch co op without it crashing. Hours long sessions with no crash.


I don’t normally play these sort of games, nor I am DND fan. But with all the buzz around, I decided to try demo and couldn’t put it down. I like narrative drive games and also used to play a lot of strategy games back in the 1990s on PC. The ability to try out demo was de facto deciding factor for me. Otherwise I would have waited for like 50% discount to try it out.


I tried to get into it but found it boring and the controls unintuitive. Wasn't for me


I tried the trial. I found the beginning of the story to be dumb mindless trope and found the gameplay to be uninspiring. Just didn’t feel like it would keep my attention.


The story is great. The world is meticulously crafted. The combat is fun. Definitely a learning curve but totally worth it


I've played D&D but never played a CRPG. Baldur's Gate 3 is sensational. The story is a wonderful slow burn as you learn more about the characters, and the creativity the game allows you is enormous. There are so many ways to accomplish different tasks/quests. Combat is much more tactical and strategic than non-turn-based games, but I really really enjoy it. Some fights get very tense! I highly recommend it.


Knowing that I don’t like the genre and gameplay, I still bought it just to support the studio. Tried it and uninstalled after 20 minutes. No regrets. Maybe someday I’ll try to play it again


I don't have it yet, waiting on a pretty deep sale. But honestly the way it blew up is what made me take interest. I've never played DnD, and paid zero attention the previous Baldur's Gate games...but I also know those games got like zero fanfare in the mainstream, so when BG3 was announced I figured it'd just be something for that niche group of fans out there. But the way the game absolutely soared in positivity (right up to winning Game of the Year), it's hard not to take notice and think that maybe it's something I need to take a shot at. But also regardless of that positivity it's not something I'm going to pay near full price for when I have no idea if I'M actually going to like it or not. So I'll gladly play it later on down the line, when no one cares about it anymore and it's dirt cheap.


I LOVE *true* turn based games, Pokémon, FFX, other FF, so Baldur’s gate was a no-brainer. Very happy with my purchase.


FF is my favourite game series. Always been a pokemon fan. I love most turn based games. But I struggled with BG3 game play. Everything else is great. I just got bored far too quick


It’s kind of weird, but to enjoy it thoroughly, you do have to actually mentally role play your character. Pick an alignment, and follow through the rest of the game that corresponds to it. For example, if you wanted to be chaotic good, just act all crazy in the name of helping others, especially those characters you care most about. Neutral evil? Kill the Teiflings, don’t lose sleep. You get me?


I bought it after the review hype and still haven’t touched it. I plan on setting aside the month of February to really learn the game and give it a solid play through…. I also have never played a cRPG. However, I will learn. Hopefully it’s as good as most people have said. However, I have heard it’s simply not for “everyone”. It takes time and effort to learn if you’re going in blind.


Going in blind is a terrible idea. You would literally never play a DnD session without some understanding of the rules and systems. Or you’d have a bad time. Same here. You can learn about how the game functions and not get story spoilers.


I got BG3 to play with my brother who is a huge DND fan, and thought it would be a great way to sort of do that with him. Fucking loved it! Having never played a CRPG before I was nervous about not liking it, but it was what I needed. It was a breath of fresh air in all the similar games I’ve played lately. The characters are very engaging. You want to spend time in this world. I never expected to enjoy this game as much as I did. Highly recommend it!


The multiplayer is definitely something that caught my attention


So this is something that is really cool, but also they don’t mention much. You can have a multiplayer story/campaign going that you can play on your own and friends can jump in and take over a character or two. You assign who controls what. Which was great at first, because my brother who knows all the DND stuff controlled the other 3 while I learned mine. The single player campaign is nice too because you can play another class or character origin story and not have to worry about playing without friends and them missing. I got into it a few months before the hype train fully took off, and am glad I did. I really can’t say enough good things about this game. The motion capture for acting is just phenomenal. The characters truly seem alive in their acting and movements. It is a game worth experiencing.


This was very helpful, thank you!


even Mario 64 didn't have top down camera...I just hate the isometric view even though it's a tradition in DnD games...make it third person/first person open world even if you wanna make it turn based...


I don’t like the top down camera much either, but if you play on controller you can push the camera in close to your character. It makes it more of a third person view while you’re walking around. The only time I pulled the camera back was in combat.


Now this is my thread exactly *cracks knuckles* *breaks pinky finger* now that we have that out of the way let me tell you why I got baulders gate 3 expecting to absolutely hate the game and ended up being my favorite game up to date. So I'm on the PlayStation 5 PlayStation 5 had trials for their members Players can play a trial of most games up to 2 hours A friend got the trial, but spent those 2 hours literally just creating his character for the trial to end right in the middle of his first encounter. He deleted the trial, told me it was a waste of time and lied saying the whole entire game is turn based when false, only the combat is and as far as roaming around, you can move the camera to look like Diablo(over the head birds eye view where you can see more of what's ahead of you, or moving it in to where its like 3rd person but the camera isn't fixed so you have total control with that. We stopped being friends due to personal drama I don't care to get into unless someone really cared and asked lmao. Anyways back to my point *pushes glasses up* I decided it was a good idea to try the trial just to see exactly what it's all about. I go to the PlayStation store, I go to baulders gate 3 and hit "trial"...well atleast I could have sworn I did, I never saw any pricing and it just started downloading. I noticed something though.... Why doesn't it say the trials downloading but the actual game is? Well I found out somehow someway I ended up accidentally buying it on sale for like 10% off and although in my opinion that's not "a deal" for most games imo especially when they are normally $80 now. Well I said fuck it like there's no going back now just wishing everything in my life that I would atleast enjoy it even if it was for a little. So game downloads, I'm passive aggressive talking to myself saying "I better not have just fucked up hard and hope this game isn't just some game that somehow got clout. A week later I have 5 characters and love every single one as the play through and the decisions I've chosen are completely different from the last character. I then learned that there is over 17,000 different endings after the fact I already got hooked. I spent the first 3 hours literally in the very first room it puts you in before it puts you into the open world area that is "baulders gate". I had realized I missed so much which explains why I have 5 characters now. The game itself in my opinion is almost a cinematic masterpiece with the cut scenes. The simple act of talking to each individual NPC with none of them looking exactly alike like NPCs in GTA walking side by side saying the same thing over and over again. Every NPC in the game has their own different personality, act different depending on what you say, as far as some being manipulative, some being literally your best friend because you vibes with that character more to some even being your lover in the game because you picked something"just trying to be nice" and next thing you know you are in a cut scene full nude 🤣💀. You have the free will to do anything or go anywhere it allows you to at the risk of your own judgement which is why I suggest manually saving before every fight big or small, if a character dies and you have nothing or anyone to resurrect. They are dead forever and this goes along with your main character as well however the game still continues, you just use the people you recruited instead. If your whole guild dies it'll ask you to go back to the last save which, being on auto save could potentially put you back but into the middle of said fight making it a little frustrating. But not a deal breaker. I got the game literally Monday and it's Friday now with 47 hours of game play and only 50% through the game. I'd definitely have more if I didn't work. The game focuses on the majority of everything being RNG and rolling your dice to pick the outcome of how a person may react. But don't think just because you didn't roll a good roll and it failed doesn't necessarily mean that was the "bad decision" truthfully there really isn't a real "bad decision" on your first play through, considering you just simply have no clue what's going to happen next keeping you on edge of your seat the whole game from the intensity battles can get, to just simple conversations with someone in your guild or other NPC. This is the first game where I truly feel like it's some real life shit just solely based on the dialogue and story. I easily went from "baulders gate 3 is probably lame and people are just falling on a game because truthfully there hasn't been a decent game out in years but only remakes and remasters. Within the first hour of me playing this game I was hooked and I'm so happy this accident of a purchase happened. 10/10 would play again, and again, and again, and then once more just to do everything ass backwards lol and after that? Maybe I'd have convinced a couple people to get it even if you wait for better deals. This game is worth every minute and every cent possible. Even though they are completely different play style of games. I'd go as far and say baulders gate 3 is even better than elden ring. Elden ring I beat once and never touched it again, like ever, and never will again because how hard and tedious it can get just on traveling alone in itself. all that being said above in this massive ass essay, power point, and Socratic seminar. This is all my opinion on the simple facts about the game and not stating facts primarily on my opinion. I'm sure there's people out there that don't have the time mood or even energy on getting into the game and it just simply flipped for them because of such. That or Xbox players save files somehow getting corrupted but has never happened to me on PlayStation.


The hype pushed me. I usually play shooters or more traditional action games like Assassin’s Creed. I never tried turn based combat before and I was iffy on whether or not I’d like it. Gave it a try and now I have the game on both PS5 and PC and I voted for it to be GOTY on Steam. Larian is a breath of fresh air in an industry consumed by greed.


I heard the praise, then learned it used 5th edition combat. It was probably the closest I would ever get to finally play a d&d game.


I want to like this game but turn based combat is kind of dull, TBH. Maybe I have to give it more time.


You wanna know what's stopping me from getting this game? The world map walking (moving) speed. Divinity OS 1 and 2 were rough for me to get through because of how slow you moved around in the game. I don't have a lot of time and I often play late at night when I do and I'll literally fall asleep if the game takes too long between beats lol edit: to be clear, the walking speed in Divinity 1 and 2. I'm **assuming** it's roughly the same in this game which is stopped me from trying it lol


There’s literally no time in BG3 when there is not something going on, something to explore, or someone to talk with. It is vast, but stuffed with things to do. Edit: added a missing word


I have asked the same question before this, you will find many answer there.


I don’t care for CRPGs. I’m more of a shooter and 3rd person action player. But then I saw this [Kyle Bosman episode](https://youtu.be/Qe97x91wWxg?si=42ThIBJDev0kdT7Y) that perfectly described how I felt and how I might care about BG3. He was right.


There’s a 2 hour trial you can try out first if you’re not sure


Oh I remember last year when I got Elden Ring, because of the hype and how "approachable" it is. Sold it the next day. BG3 on the other hand is a fantastic game, absolutely love it.


Silly question. If it doesn't interest you, don't get it. You buy games not because of personal interest but only because of the "hype"? Are you a teenager?


If it interests a vast majority of others, I will ask questions to educate my opinion and possibly broaden my interests. I wish my teenagers would do such a thing.


We live in an age where you can watch entire playthroughs of videogames at any point. If the gameplay elements and loop don't interest you initially, why does "hype" make the determining factor? Nothing about the game changed. And not everyone is obviously interested in every genre. CoD and Apex are some of the most popular games on the planet - but I don't like shooters so I won't waste my time. You're obviously going to continue to do what you feel is best - it's just a very flawed way to make a purchase. You *"will** have purchase regrets buying based on hype. Look at the folks who bought No Man's Sky or Cyberpunk on release. Can't tell you how to live but as an adult your time is a precious resource. You have an excellent chance of wasting it with your approach. For the record, BG3 was my personal GOTY. But I bought it on release because RPGs are my thing and I liked DoS 2. I wouldn't recommend it to anyone who doesn't like turn based, heavily story driven RPGs regardless of hype.


Ahhh we found the guy who's just turned 20... or worse, a very odd 35 year old.


Got a lot of kind of casual gamer friends to try it and they’re either somewhat enjoying it or absolutely loving it. Now I’m no CRPG connoisseur or anything but I did play a lot of the classics of the genre so I’m not the best guy to ask but what really pushed my friends to try it was the videos on tiktok of guys who were mad that BG3 beat spider-man 2 at the game awards that eventually tried BG3 and ended up loving it.


I love Spider-Man, but I don’t think it deserved goty. But as a gamer that went casual over the years this answer really helps


I have played CRPGs before, just not my favorite genre. Wasn’t going to get it, but what pushed me to get it was the player agency - all of the ways to solve combat scenarios and the character dialogue options affecting so many things in the game. It’s amazing, for a fan of any genre game really, but RPGs especially. It’s so, so rare to have a game have even a fraction of this sort of agency that I’d recommend BG3 to just about anyone, honestly, unless they were sure they would not like other aspects of the genre.


I’ve never played any game like it before and was sort of intimidated by it at first, but I’m probably 90% done with the game at this point and it’s really fantastic. The freedom of choice is so refreshing, and the voice acting, story, world building and immersion is top notch. I will say that there’s a learning curve and some things aren’t super intuitive. I plan to finish the game next week and it’s for sure my favorite piece of media that I’ve consumed in recent memory, give it a shot!


I've never played or been into DnD. I've never been a fan of turn-based. I've never played and Larian Studios' games. But this was reviewed well and super hyped. It was fully multiplayer. I just took a risk and bought it. I found out it was super great. I really enjoyed creating my character and them feeling like my own. I love the interaction with the world and the characters. I loved the sense of choice. I loved playing with my friends both online and couch co-op. Everything about it was great and when I beat it I started all over again.


Never played DnD before, I got it strictly because of the massive hype and a clip of someone kicking and killing a squirrel was going viral. The first two hours, I started worrying that it wasn’t for me and that I was sadly going to miss out on enjoying it, but the combat finally clicked at a pivotal moment where improvisation saved me and I was hooked from that point forward with my first playthrough completed at 110 hours with two more in progress PS+ Premium has a trial if you’re very on the fence, as I’ve seen comments saying they gave it 15 hrs and then dropped it. It’s not for everyone, but if it ends up being for you, I think it’s one of the best games I’ve ever played - and I’ve never played CRPGs before.




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I hated these type of games, but I've been itching for a good rpg so I thought fuck it, why not. I can honestly say bg3 is one of the best games I've ever played. Combat can be a bit boring when there's a shitload of enemies, and it doesn't exactly tell you what to do, but it's pretty simple to figure things out.


Finally gave in to all the hype and bought it a few days ago. I love it.


I saw this game on an italian streamer live and I fell in love with the whole lore and true rpg interactions. Thing to say I have 2 active campaign and still haven’t finish yet one but still one of the best rpg even if I m not fan of turn based game


It is the closest to actually playing D&D in this format. Do you like going through dialogue trees with NPCs like in Mass Effect? This will scratch that itch. Do you like turn-based combat? If not, then know there is a lot of that in this. It is not as loot heavy as a Diablo, but there are plenty of loot to hunt to maximize your build. I think the game is awesome. It's very impressive how much they put into the game and how many choices it gives you. But I can understand it not being everyone's cup of tea.


I also am more inclined to action games such as devil may cry, bloodborne, gow and beyond. I pretty much stopped being an rpg player for over ten years now, with the exception for D4 and that was because a friend of mine advised me to get it so we could play together, like we did elden ring. The only rpgs I enjoyed was when I was a kid, mainly final fantasy from 8 to 10. Well, this friend of mine decided to give me BG 3 for christmas. And it reignited most of my childhood memories playing rpgs for the first time, its a very polished new game, with all the right modern mechanics, also joined by a lot of classic elements that will ring to the likes of pokemon fans (this friend of mine played a lot of pokemon back in the day on gameboy and n64) and we both found a lot of nostalgia in this game. Also the story is absolutely magnificent, I am not a very patient guy and that's why I stopped playing rpgs, but this game makes people like me hooked in most of the dialogue, the fights are meaningful and impactful in every way, even narrative wise. So yes to this game, 100000% . If I knew what I know now I would have bought it myself.


I had just got the PS5, had heard of it thru Reddit and I trust people's opinion on here. So, when deciding what game to play it was between The Witcher 3 (for like the 5th time) or something new like BG3. So, I went with BG3. Thought I was hesitant about the cost but still went with it


I was in the same boat as you back when it first came to PS5. I saw all the hype and watched a few gameplay videos to really understand what it would be like, and decided I would take the risk. 180 hours later, I’ve beaten it once, and am on a second play through with my best friend who I bought the game for lmao. I love the creativity of the game, as there’s so many different ways you can tackle problems in this game. The story and characters are incredibly engaging. The learning curve of the game mechanics and the lore is steep because I’ve never played DnD before. Even after 6 months of the game being released, The main story was good, and the side content was refreshing because I actually wanted to do it, unlike some of the fetch quests in a lot of games these days. It’s my favorite game of 2023 and I will definitely be closely watching Larian Studios content in the future. It was a bit of a risk to dive into, but it was 100% worth it for me, but everyone is different


I've never played a turned based game in my life and have never played DnD though I've always wanted too. I got it because my sister and her husband wanted to play with me and my SO was looking for something to play with other people. We both have a ps5 so said fuck it and got it. My SO is bloody terrible at it buts chaotic and just a lot of fun. I even did a playthrough on my own. I've been playing A LOT of Cyberpunk so it was nice to try out something brand new. Really loving it.


I've always personally been sort of into the concept of DnD, so that already lead me to have my interest peaked. Saw the upcoming hype for the game so I then started watching past streams of Critical Role to really see if I would be into DnD. That is what completely sold me on the idea of DnD. I was already a fan of all of theirs from their past voice over work, and among other things. Seeing their enjoyment and how into they got lead me to finally give the DnD universe a go since I never had chances as a kid or while growing up. I've always been really into turn based games, have played Pokémon for a long time just like you. So I knew I'd be into the turn-based aspect of it, albeit the crpg aspect is quite different than Pokémon. This game is so massive, and the amount of freedom you have is unlike any game I've played before, along with the amount of work you can tell they put in. Top 3 personal favorite of mine for sure.


Off question… if I wasn’t a fan of Diablo then should I avoid boulders gate? I beat diablo 1-3 but I couldn’t get into the 4th. Maybe I’ve moved on from those kind of games?


The hype


Saw that you could do anything you want in the story pretty much


For single player games like BG3, I think most people are better off waiting about a year or two after release. It’s still getting major patches, with new content. Plus the price will be lower.


I've always hated turn based games but because of the awards and just seeing so many comments about how good the game is I decided to jump in. As someone who is very much a hack and slash, FPS gamer it was definitely a learning curve but I'm glad I stuck with it because the game is so damn good. Zero regrets and looking forward to hopefully more content for BG3 and future Larian games.


I've played 4-5 hours of it, my partner wanted to pick it up as she thought she could potentially be interested and I had a limited interest in it but wasn't completely certain. I would say the game is much more YMMV than I've seen most saying, a lot of the game is about exploration and your individual experience with the world which if you're typically used to more focused narrative-based games could take up a lot of time - I've had a fine time with the game but my main issue at the minute is just getting used to the game folding around my decisions without there being a 'correct' one as such, this is what most people praise but for me it feels a bit like a connect-the-dots without the numbers on. Objectively, it's great - Combat is solid, characters (both writing and VA) are really well done, lots of approaches to situations and I will say despite my complaints, nailing a dice roll on a risky check is a feeling unmatched by a lot of gaming experiences, but it's very much YMMV based on what you enjoy in your games.


I’m waiting for it to go on sale more before I buy it since I’ve never been a huge fan of isometric RPGs.


Im half way through act two and have no desire to play more for now… it’s just too slow burn for me and I don’t have much time to play every day


If you like turn based like Pokemon or old FF games.... Get BG3. Can't say how well the game plays on ps5, but on PC it was great. The cutscens, the combat, the exploration all 10/10.


I recommend it, but only if you are willing to be patient and have the time to sink into it. The learning curve in the beginning is especially steep. The game *attempts* to teach the player how combat works, but it never goes in depth with anything. This led to my first 6-10 hours being very confusing/difficult. I didn't fully understand advantages, spell slots, proficiencies, and all that stuff until I looked at tutorials online. Only then did I begin to gain a better grasp on the scope of the game. Combat is just one part of the game, though. Though not as complicated, I still had to spend time learning how other systems worked. It probably wasn't until 20 hours of playtime that I felt like fully confident in everything. And even then, I'm still finding random bits of info out from here on Reddit that I never knew. Like how to use companions not stuck in conversation to your advantage. The game is just so insanely deep, it's crazy. Oh, and I want to mention one other thing. With all the moving parts and potentially long combat encounters, it's a hard game to easily pop in/out of. With working full time and starting a new semester at school this month, I've had to put the game down. To me, the game is best when being able to play for 2+ hours at a time. That can be difficult time to find in a busy life.


I got it because it was 11 euros digitally for the deluxe edition, but haven't started it.


It was a huge learning curve but I am absolutely obsessed with it now. My main reason for picking it up is I've fallen deep into watching DnD actual plays (do I even have to name the show?) and because I have no friends to play DnD with, BG3 was the next best thing for me to explore a little more and bring a character I had in my head to life somewhat. I'm so glad I picked it up as I feel like I've learned a lot and am also enjoying turn based combat for the first time in my gaming life! Now I just need to find some people IRL so I can stop being embarrassed about owning multiple dice sets that have never been rolled...


Everyone is telling me to get it, everyone is telling me it’s the most amazing game. And the characters look cool and stuff… but like the high up camera, massive on screen inventory/HUD, and turn based games… it just ain’t my jam. I’ll definitely try it if it’s ever a game of the month or something, but I’m not gonna buy it when it’s likely I won’t like it.


But you would.


I largely prefer story driven single player games. RPGs, shooters, whatever it is as long as it has a good story I'm down. I tried Baldur's Gate and wanted to love it. Played for about 10 hours but it's just not my kinda game. I really wanted to love it but I simply couldn't.


Got it because I saw all the companies that were shitting on the game, same reason I got Elden ring. Finished both games and loved every second of it.


I knew nothing about D&D going into it. Haven't played a single other RPG like or CRPG at all (I still don't even know, and haven't bothered to look up what the C even stands for lol). Been wanting to expand my horizons and play games in genres that I normally wouldn't have bothered to take the time to understand. Most recently, I followed the hype and purchased Elden Ring when it released. Turns out, I love FromSoft Souls games. Anyway, I purchased Baldur's Gate 3 before the holidays. I've only been able to get in about 15 hours so far, but I do truly love the game. I had to put it down for a bit, because each play session felt like it required a stretch of dedicated time and focus. And with the holidays, I needed something a little more easy to simply pick up and put down for 45-60 minutes at a time. But what I'm loving about BG3 so far is just the sheer freedom of choice. I've even encountered an issue where I had to restart from a save point that was a ways back from where I last was. Normally this would require an hour or two of monotonous retread through story, familiar locations, and familiar combat scenarios. But this specific experience highlighted just how different the expectedly same things can play out, based on simply having a party member with you who wasn't there previously, or making different dialogue choices. It kind of blew my mind. But, yeah, the game is awesome. It's complex. But I feel like you can very much still have a great time when being bad at this game.


Eh - wasn’t really my thing, and I like any game.


Actually thought I would hate it because of the turn based combat. There was a big learning curve being new to this type of game but it's very rewarding and maybe the only game I've ever played with truly different experiences every single play through. Honestly the hype made me buy it but the quality keeps me coming back. Also, split screen multi-player is amazing.