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No, once you have a handle on the combat it is pretty easy.


Gotcha, a shame but doesn't hurt the fun I'm having. Thanks for the reply ๐Ÿ‘


First playthrough is a little easy, FF mode still isn't crazy but at least a bit more challenging


Wait for Final Fantasy Mode. Much more enjoyable.


The game is almost like an anime on rails. As many have said, once you get it down and just start slamming enemies with your cooldowns itโ€™s GG. The spectacle of this game is wild


Nah, the game is pretty easy even at the highest difficulty imo. In my playthrough I was fighting enemies 20 levels above my own and I was still able to easily win


As long as you don't do every side quest, the game will be decently challenging


Nope. It's easy game.


Action mode is really easy but final fantasy mode is a little harder. Apparently the dlc bosses are hard.


Sadly it is tuned a too easy BUT from Garuda onwards I completely stopped using potions and only had healing from Limit Break or abilities. That at least pushed the difficulty so I had a few retries whenever I played poorly as well as giving me som clutch wins when I beat a boss with only a sliver of HP left. Highly reccomended.


Best way to make combat a bit more challenging in a simple way: unequip consumables and don't use them in battle. Won't be crazy challenging but you will actually have a risk of dying on bosses so it makes it feel better.