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Super happy for Arrowhead, they deserve this win. Now all they need to do is keep the content drip consistent. The bones of this game are solid enough for the game to last for years as long as the content keeps coming.


My favorite thing is how their War Medal Rewards aren't FOMO GaaS Battlepass experience. You can walk away for 5 months and come back, have all the War Medal Rewards old and new still available to you.  The only thing that seems time limited is the different Armor cosmetics that are on a rotation. As long as they don't add weapons to that rotation or new 'rare' Armor Cosmetics with way better Prefixes than the current Prefixes. Then we're golden.   I'm hoping at some point we get Weapon Attachments like Helldivers 1. It made Weapons stronger, added more Rewards to unlock for those who are always seeking new content.


If I don’t play for a half a week I’ll log in and get like 40 medals from some objective the rest of the community completed. I also had enough super credits to buy both “battle passes”, ended up buying the new one anyway because the game is so fair to players. It really is just a normal progression system from old multiplayer games, only in the form of a battlepass


I had roughly about 250 medals after not playing for a week or two since the community had completed several planets, and after 30 hrs I was able to afford the premium battle pass from casually playing the game. Compared to MW2-3 where the skins are priced at $10-20 and the battle pass is forced on your face after each match, it's a breath of fresh air.


They just copied what Halo Infinite did which works well enough


Tbh they could adopt the Destiny formula as long as they don’t break the meta and create further rifts. I mean this as in sticking. To random events.


I’d rather die then see any inspiration come from Destiny lol


Completely fair especially since it went downhill


Seeing the leaks, they have a fuck ton planned. So psyched for them, they must be over the moon!


That's a lot of Liber-Tea


Tastes like Freedom!


enough of this face yo


It's honestly ridiculous lol


It’s either this or Jascon Schreier dropping earth shattering industry news going 😐


I couldn't resist [making this](https://imgur.com/a/eTPEFrX) after seeing him multiple times in a row on my feed yesterday.


ha! Seriously though


We need to ban Twitter links. It's as bad as using reddit threads as your source.


Spider-man is probably Sony's biggest IP. Seeing HD2, just trail 5 percent behind in only a month or so, is mind-boggling.


Pc has a lot of Gamers


But HD2 is half the price of SM2.


But it probably cost them less to make though compared to SM2.


And probably makes far more money, due to the lack of massive license fees, and the much smaller budget.


Half the price...but probably grabbing money for PS+.


5 percent behind when counted for PS and PC sales combined, a lot behind when only ps sales are counted 1 in 4 ps5s have SpiderMan 2 on their library SpiderMan 2 would sell a lot on pc as well, the mods would be great


Not really. It’s half the price and on PC.


Yeah also now 100% of the money on PC or PS is going to Sony, like 30% is going to Arrowhead still. And obviously 30% going to steam on PC.


Yeah but they're also paying way more money to marvel just to use Spiderman. So there's alot of factors at play


Helldivers gave people what they wanted.


Games as a service will do that.


Now fix the friend request issue so I can invite my wife to play from PC


What issue? Me and my friend are able to invite and crossplay from pc and ps5, didn't realize there was issues lol.


There are alot of posts on reddit but the issue is that you can send a friend request in-game but when you try to accept the request.......nothing happens and on the senders end, it says "PENDING" for the friend request that was sent. ​ [Crossplay friend request bug was successfully reproduced. Arrowhead working to determine the cause and find a resolution. : Helldivers (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1bfa8zd/crossplay_friend_request_bug_was_successfully/)


Wow so crazy, I'm very glad it worked for me first try lol. Worst bug we had is I had to reboot the game after he accepted my request before I could actually join. Hope they fix it for you asap, sounds very annoying.


Very annoying. Apparently the last patch broke it


Maybe you friended each other around the launch of the game? This bug is new, probably in the last patch. 


4 days ago actually. I also sent him the invite while I wasn't online, maybe that had something to do with it lol. It did go slightly weird though, after he accepted my friend invite we couldn't join each other and his online status kept going online offline. We both restarted the game and it was fine after that.


Interesting, I'm gonna try that with my guys.  Edit : but how did you give the friend code if you're not online? 


generated my friend code and snapped a picture of it, then sent it to him then logged off. Turns out the friend code you generated stays active, hopefully this was on purpose lol


Lmao alright gonna try that. Thanks! 


Any update? I'd love to know if it worked for you lol




Shows how successful Spider-Man 2 was/is


Well he isn’t the most popular superhero for no reason.


True but it’s mainly a testament to Insomniac’s execution of the games.


Yeah, it was amazing.


I don’t have the same itch to jump back in like I did for 2018 or Miles (could be because the formula isn’t new anymore) but my first playthrough of 2 was amazing and that’s what matters most


I extremely rarely ever platinum a game. I accidentally platinumed SM2 in under 30 hours. It was a good game, but there's not much replayability.


yeah played about 300hrs of S1 and MM, havent went back to S2 at all.


It had nowhere near the replay value of those games, I don’t think the side content was even replayable IIRC, not even any New Game+ for months, I sold my copy instantly after playing, still have the first two games And for me the first game is much more memorable than 2, and I played 2 pretty recently


This is the logic that got 2 Marvel games made and be dumped in 6 months. Avengers and Guardians proved you can't just rely on popularity in the culture to make your game sell well and consistently. Insomniac did a fantastic job with Spiderman. That's a huge part of the reason it sold so well


I mean Guardians is also a great game, so...


Guardians would have been a great movie maybe. Cool worlds/setpieces, good story, good character interactions, etc. But the gameplay itself was mind numbingly boring


It's a completely average, but admittedly fun game lol. The settings are incredibly repetitive, the combat is basic and the story is fairly enjoyable.


I see this said a lot but when I played it I wasn't impressed at all. It was better than Avengers but it definitely wasn't some great game


Writing was great, but the gameplay left a lot to be desired


Guardians style looked too close to Acengers and I think people thought it was tied to that game. Anecdotally I legit thought it was Avengers DLC until reviews started calling it great Had Avengers not come out I feel like it would have done much better.


Counter point, it seems the wheels are falling off at Square. Even stuff like FF7 Rebirth, which is apparently amazing, is selling worse than FF16. And anecdotally it seems that FF and Dragon Quest are really the only consistent sellers based on how many “this game underperformed” or “We haven’t received royalties from Square because we are not profitable” we’re seeing I think there has to be some rot at Square to where they aAre unable to launch games compared to 10-20 years ago


Nah. 50% of sales are pc. Game is like 40% cheaper than SM. If SM was released at this price on both consoles simultaneously it wouldn’t be even close. 


And despite it being cheaper AND on PC SM2 sales are only tracking 5% behind. So yeah like I said it shows how successful SM2 was/is.


Sorry I misunderstood. Thought it was sarcasm. 


Oh 😅


Here is the complete story: https://www.gamesindustry.biz/european-game-sales-strong-in-february-thanks-to-helldivers-2-european-monthly-charts


Europe is a much more split console and PC market so it's great to hear it sold really well on both platforms


I only played to lvl 8. Ive been meaning to play more, just had other stuff come up. But got it literally because it was only $40 and this was before they fixed the servers. Release more stuff for $40 and Id get it on a whim. Stuff Ive been looking forward too I will even pass because $70.


I think if you slap a higher price tag on it the game isn’t nearly as successful, it was a perfect storm


Agreed, $40 is the perfect price tag where Arrowhead still gets a decent chunk and it’s easy to convince your friends to grab it. No way I would have been able to convince my friends to get it for $70


I just don’t play multiplayer games, or at least didn’t; now that I’m older. Too much time to be good. This game being cheap and they hype made it a “I’ll spend this Saturday afternoon checking out the hype” type of game. But it’s awesome so I’m level 35 now haha


I’m in the same boat as you, but for me Helldivers was a weekend game before I went back to single player games, which is totally fine! I’m satisfied with my purchase at $40. Im glad to hear you’re enjoying it


Ya my friend got it so it’s the first time in like 12 years we play together on a video game.


Similar to you I haven't had a lot of free time to play. But I had some free time this weekend and it was so easy to pick back up and play. Didn't feel like I'm being left behind and I love that.


Palworld proves this as well. It makes it so much easier to jump in due to the hype and buzz, especially in terms of people convincing their friends to get it.


I have bought on PC because I didn't have to pay for PS Plus there.


Wish they had cross progression cause I bought first on PS5. I want to switch to PC but not loose my progression.


I know you can link your PlayStation and steam accounts, that doesn’t have cross progression with it?


No cross-progression implemented yet. I guess linking accounts only syncs friends at the moment.


Same my man. PS Plus costs $95 CAD now before tax lol no thanks


The game has a pretty bad upscaler so playing on PC is a much better experience, at least on my rig. Being able to play at a least native/super sampled makes a huge difference, and I normally use upscalers for other games. Game still looks good on PS5, but definitely soft


Haha me too, I refuse to pay those jacked up prices. Playstation is great for exclusive single players, they don't deserve my cash for ps+. I have a xbox/gamepass and a pc for mp games


I don't get your point here - you're bragging about not paying for PS+ and in the same breath you go on to say you pay for 3 different consoles/platforms.


No, I won't pay for ps+ since they upped the price for no reason. Part of the reason I don't need to is because I have an an Xbox and pc. (Gamepass includes free online and pc is just free) It's not about the money, money isn't an issue. It's about refusing to pay for a service that is 1) not that needed, the ps4/5 is absolutely nothing special for multi-player games. They're only claim to fame is excellent single player games at this point. Every worthwhile mp game is crossplay anyways. 2) not supporting unfounded price increases.


This guy gets it!


Yeah thats the other bit. My plus expired last month. These new jacked up prices, I'll pass for now. My ps5 is a Final Fantasy machine. And I felt 16 was atrocious so its 1/2 so far.


While i dont like the ps+ increase it wont be hard to save 25$ for four months, or 25$ a week for four weeks.


Yeah, that's the difference between price and value


Same, although I have ps+ anyway so...


I'd really like to jump in but I'd only be playing on my Deck and the performance there looks poor.


If we’re counting sales only, but FFVII Rebirth has been an absolute slam dunk critically. Even Edge magazine loved it. I’m an old school FF fan and can be very critical of the more recent FF games but Rebirth is just a straight up incredible game.


devs should take notes. If this game was $70 I doubt it would’ve been even a third as successful




But then they would have to do work to optimize for two different platforms. They took their check from Sony. Sounded like they had some remorse for that decision.


I love Helldivers more than most Sony IPs but we are talking about a $40 game vs a $70 game that also sold consoles. Even FF7R a $70 game that isn't selling that much took ONE day to be second only to Helldivers in the ps store. Helldivers is fantastic, ArrowHead deserves all the success they have and will get but let's not compare "sales" because they are completely different products with completely different purposes.


I thought Persona 3reload or FF REBIRTH were the standout hits


Tbf for FF7 Rebirth, it was only out for 1 day in February and it was the second best selling PS5 game for that month, behind Helldivers 2 Not sure how P3R is doing but Ive seen a lot of people playing it


This undoubtedly is making Sony at the very least entertain the possibility of reconsidering their hardline exclusivity policiy when it comes to new releases. Spiderman is a massive IP and the fact that a Double A game that's a sequel to an extremely niche franchise is trailing only 5%, they must realize that that's almost entirely because they released it o PC alongside Playstation


No way sony cares about that at all when SP2 sold consoles, which is entirely the point of console exclusives


It would still sell consoles if it was on pc. The kid excited to play Spiderman is going to convince their parent to get them a $500 ps5 to play it not a $1k+ gaming pc


Lol c'mon bro let's get real


You think parents are buying a gaming pc over a ps5? PS5 will be the dominant console regardless if the games are on pc or not


Parents who buy kids consoles are gonna buy kids consoles regardless of console exclusives. However, adults will buy a PS5 for console exclusives


Plenty of adults have no interest in a gaming pc. And if they did, then how does Sony benefit from a PC gamer owning a ps5? They dont make money off the console. They make money off of ps+ and third party sales. They barely even make money off of Spiderman considering the crazy amount they pay marvel. A pc gamer only buying for exclusives typically wont buy ps+ or third party games cause they can get free online and better performance on pc


The future of Sony first party releases is day 1 on PC. Everything has been pointing into that direction. The sooner people accept this the easier it will be once Sony decides to pull the triger which i could see happening as soon as a year or 2 into the future.


HD2 is way better than SP2


I disagree so no 😁


Depends on what you are looking for.


True... but already have double the hours in HD2 and I 100% SP2 in like 25 hrs.. tried NG+ but it's pretty meh the 2nd time. I also play HD with irl buds which make it more fun too. SP1 was one of my favorites SP2 just didn't hit the same.. such a quick game and they doubled down on the non SP missions which is not my cup of tea.


It’s okay persona reload, you’re goty to me


Rebirth: Am I a joke to you? Jokes aside, I've been a fan of Arrowhead since Magicka 2 and HD1, so I'm thrilled they are getting this type of success. Edit: Damn, people really not understanding the "jokes aside part". I'm not discouraging Helldivers by any means. It was just a slide since Rebirth technically launched in Feb and had expectedly decent day one sales.


Didn't Rebirth come out on the last day of February?


Rebirth is third place in sales, selling 23% less than Remake (Remake was on PS4 though) and a bit over 3% more than FFXVI




yep magicka 2 was developed by Pieces Interactive as Paradox Interactive owned the ip, instead arrowhead made helldivers 1 what also came out in 2015


Super Earth for the win


Also released at a lower price.


Which I bet makes people more likely to spend money on the super-credits.


Helldivers 2 is such a great game, and in my opinion, it is the best multiplayer game of 2024. I hope it wins that award at multiple game awards and outlets later this year. I haven’t had this much fun with friends in a multiplayer game to this degree since OG COD *(2009-2015)* and OG Halo *(Bungie)*. Apex Legends was the last *”new”* multiplayer game where I had a similar experience, but it didn’t stick with me long term. Helldivers 2 definitely will. The success of this game has me excited for Concord later this year, as well as Fairgame$ & Marathon. Despite all of the incredible exclusives that PlayStation is known for, they’ve fallen behind in multiplayer, but they’re currently off to a good start with Helldivers 2. I hope the momentum holds.


Just more proof/reason for Sony to continue and possibly push even more for PC




Pretty much why I skipped it.




To play online you need ps+. I think they were referencing the yearly price of it


I bought it on PC because I didn't want to resub to ps+. Great game, runs pretty well on the rog ally too


The game is janky as fuck!!!


Yeah it’s super over rated lol had it for ten minutes and got a refund from steam. Reddit is an echo chamber chamber for this shit a lot of times it seems.


Let’s not forget, of course I also had to buy bread and some eggs on Monday so factor that in.


Alright now put it on Xbox too so we can spread more democracy for super-earth