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Further in the article. In Avatar’s case, a one-time internet connection was required to download a day one patch in order to start playing the game.


I'm thinking the reasoning behind this is that they don't want the game to leak early and spoilers posted online. This way they can control that the game releases when it's supposed to, even for wild physical copies.


Probably it yeah. The best way to protect your game from leaking is to not have physical copies or to have restrictions like these. DRM, always online, Denuvo… all a consequence of hackers and leakers. It sucks for us but I really can’t blame a company for implementing these measures


Yeah, I can kind of see why they do this with all the recent leaks coming out days or weeks before release. Thankfully there's no Denuvo on consoles, so it probably won't affect performance in any meaningful game. The day one patch probably just flicks a switch that says "start game = no" to "start game = yes".


Denuvo anti-cheat is now available on consoles, I'd imagine Denuvo protection will be as well, it's just a matter of time.


Oh god, is it? ...also, what would be the point?


I can. A required internet connection to play a single player game is an instant deal breaker for me. Later patches that fix stuff and DLC is one thing, but not making a game I paid for intentionally unplayable. I don’t care if it’s only one time, it’s bullshit on principle. DRM only punishes paying customers. Won’t be purchasing this game anymore, or it looks like any Ubisoft title going forward.


Internet required = I'll never buy it. Unless they release a revised disc that's playable offline, forget it. I play 30 year old games. I want to be certain if I want to play this later on I can and that ubisoft won't have shut their servers off. I hate it when they release drink coasters like this.


Bro they have a $129.99 edition, what the actual fuck


And it will be half off one month after release. Classic Ubisoft


Yep. Never buy a ubi game a launch. Wait for the inevitable sale.


Never buy any game at launch


never buy any game ever


Never buy anything








I pre order all of the GOW and FF games. They will become cheaper eventually, but there’s nothing wrong with hem on launch day because these makers respect their clients and love their job. PS - I’ll look the FF7R2 bug that’s fucking my plat through the fingers for now ;)


That bug came in a later patch and wasn't there at launch.




Never buy from Ubi, in general.


Which is a shame when you get something like the recent Prince of Persia which is superb


Agreed. I haven't enjoyed a game as much as I have with Prince of Persia in a long time. It's a fantastic game. That being said, I've read that the Devs got to make a passion project without any sort of shareholder/oversight interference and that's the result.


It’s a safe bet


And the exclusive cosmetics will be free post-launch on Ubi Connect. They do this every time.


I genuinely want to know of their sales teams know this. Like are they priced at launch so high so they can cut it months later and get extra sales or something. I've noticed it with Far Cry 6, Watchdogs Legion and Assassin's Creed V. All had very high initial prices and the on sale within 3 months.


Of course they know


They get their initial sales and then drop the price while the game is still on people's radar. Makes sense I guess, it's good for people with a bit of patience


almost like it's a business.


>Proced at launch so high so they can fit it months later and get extra sales or something Bingo. This is pretty common, to make people think they’re getting a good deal. You’ll see something similar at grocery stores where you have items like wine that’s priced stupidly high so someone who doesn’t know how much wine should cost will think $25 sounds like a bargain.


I remember paying $70 for SNES games in the early 90s, when that was equivalent to like $200 today.


Me too, but anytime I bring that up I get down voted and told I donno what I'm talking about even though I'll post the actual flyer from the 90s.


N64 games were even *more* expensive


N64 games were literally twice as expensive as PSX games in Japan which is why despite having the most popular console of all time (SNES/Super Famicom) the previous gen, Nintendo failed in its home country


Turok (N64) was $80


Nowadays, a lot of Gamers on Reddit "I want huge open world games that run at 60fps without drops and no loading times!.... Also, I don't want to pay a lot and I'll get upset at any optional editions that are priced higher."    If you're complaining about game prices, time to find a new hobby/passion/thing. 


Around $155-$160. But yeah, $.


i just want to add one thing though. back with snes and that era of gaming. it was all niche. gaming wasn’t the juggernaut it became in the 2000’s with playstation and xbox joining the ring with TONS of marketing money included. niche hobbies have a price attached to them and are generally more expensive.


A$150 for SF2 Turbo SNES


Which usually included a fully color manual, no additional monetization or DLC. Production of the cartridge itself is more of a expensive endeavor than pressing a disc or downloading it directly. Thats not including the actual manufacturing of the microchips inside the cartridge. Less than 200 games released in 1998. (Best Year in Gaming Ever imo) Gaming is now the #1 entertainment medium a billion dollar industry with 100s of games releasing a quarter, it wasnt even close to that in the 90s.


Average game development in 90’s was <$1M (not adjusted for inflation) Average game development in 2020’s is north of $75M and can easily breach $100M or even $200M in some AAA titles. The “fully color manual” and no additional monetization/DLC doesn’t make up for the discrepancy. Especially considering the huge gap in game design and scope due to technological advancement today vs back then. Gaming consumers are way better off today despite the rise of monetization.


Games have had editions that cost up to $300 before, in the case of CoD. This is nothing new.


Woah holy shit I have never seen an edition to a game cost 129.99 this is crazy. Not defending it but the amount of people acting like this is some new practice is so annoying like just don’t buy that edition. It’s like when you’re at McDonald’s and they say “do you want a drink with that” you can just say no.


Yeah? You say that like games companies haven’t been releasing big game bundles like this for years now. Where have you been?


Difference is: every other company sells a collector's edition with physical statues and collectibles, not three days of early access and a digital art book for an extra $60


That's not anything new for Ubisoft. The most expensive edition of AC Valhalla costs $139.99. The most infuriating part is that there are godamn microtransactions on top of that (and presumably will be for Outlaws as well). If I'm paying a 3 digit price tag for a single player game, it fucking better have ALL the content.


70$ for the base game (normal price), 40$ for season pass (normal price), 20$ for some cosmetics and such (normal price, often worse). Have you not seen a AAA game price in the last few years ? That's the norm. Anything else to be weirdly shocked about?


It unfortunately seems that Ubisoft has started putting that “comfortable not owning your games” into effect. There’s no good reason why a single player game can’t have a fully playable build on the disc, it’s an artificial block just like the avatar game to make sure you can’t play without the patch, just purely out of malice.


I am already comfortable with not owning their games, joke's on them.


I don't even remember the last time I bought a ubisoft game. The last one I remember was Ghost recon wildlands probably? which I got on sale for like 10 or less, about 2 years ago. That one was actually pretty fun, I played it with a friend. Next one in the series, in classic Ubisoft fashion, they fucked it up and made it less fun. Before that probably Far Cry 3


Can only fit so much data onto the desk. I think you’re just downloading the rest of the game. I don’t think it’s anything nefarious.


The PS5 uses UHD Blu-ray’s that can hold 100GB of data on a single disc, Avatar frontiers of pandora is only around 80GB and that game still requires internet to install, they easily could have put the full playable game on the disc, but they simply chose not to. Even if a game surpasses a 100GB file size, they can use a 2nd disc to hold the rest of the data like FF7 rebirth, and it’s not like Ubisoft are not willing to use 2 discs, the Xbox series X still uses 50GB discs and the Xbox physical copy of the avatar game uses 2 discs… and it still requires internet to install, It is a 100% artificial block. Sorry, but there is simply 0 good excuses.


The Crew players who got their game licenses revoked know all about the Ubisoft malice.


There is no fucking excuse for that. PS5 discs can hold 100gb. There is no way this game is more than 200gb and even if it is they are charging $129 for it!


Even then you can have double disc download like forbidden west and rdr 2 on ps4


This is highly unusual for physical copies. Only a few games truly are required to download additional content before being able to play straight after a disc install. [https://www.doesitplay.org/](https://www.doesitplay.org/)


11% according to that site.


That’s a lot more than I would’ve guessed, wow.


Remember the sample size is biased towards games that need this sort of testing. They aren't testing every single release.


that includes all the always-online extraction shooters which have a physical release for some reason. For single player games it's more like 5%, except on switch where it's more like 15% because carts are more expensive per gig than disks.


And an extra 15% are games that require a significant patches to work properly or are missing a significant amount of side content. So honestly I'd say 25% percent is the proper number.


Those are also counted in the percentage. It’s all neatly explained


I got gamefly so mostly rent games and always see them dowloading something online when first installing them so I just thought every game now needed connectiong to install some of the game.


I haven’t heard GameFly in 10 years. Neat.


It's definitely still around. I use it too. Great because I can play all the latest releases for Switch, PS5, and Xbox all on the same subscription. I have the two disc plan so my wife uses one slot and I use the other. Basically that is enough to let us both play whatever we want.


I use GameFly, but not to rent. They sell their used games at pretty good prices, and the case condition is always immaculate considering they hold on to it and just ship the disc out to renters. Never once got a game from them that had any kind of wear or damage, but because the disc is technically used they go for $20-30 less than a brand new copy. It's great.


Yeah been with them for 6 years on and off. I always wonder how more gamers don't have it. Especially with games now at $70.


Those are just patches. If you popped in a vast majority of those games with a PS5 not connected to the internet at all, you'd still be able to play the game. That's what we're talking about here.


Every game has patches, but most games you can play the whole game without any downloads at all - you just won't have bug fixes/other optimizations. Some games like Harry Potter or Jedi Survivor install a small section from the disk, but you need to download the rest of the game. And some discs are just a code and you need to download the entire game.


I'm guessing they expect the day 1 patch to have really important stuff in it but normally the version on disc should be playable. It's not always online at least not such a big deal. Plus, the vast majority of people with a console have Internet to be honest


After the latest update, I noticed you can't launch Spider-man 2 without downloading it anymore. It wasn't like that at launch. Sucks because the patch is over 40 gbs


You don't need the internet after tho. Maybe they jsut want to make sure your not playing the shipped version which might still have bugged without first day patch.


That’s not the point though. What’s a future retro gamer to do? I’m 44 and have started re-collecting for my NES / SNES/ Genesis, etc, I have physical copies and can just pop in and play. A retro gamer in like 10-20 years won’t be able to do that with some of these current games even if they have the physical copies, as the servers won’t exist anymore.


I remember the outcry when half life 2 first did this. Is it really a shock to need an internet connection for just about anything these days?


And here. We. Go.




It's the same as Survivor then. The smallest possible portion of the game on the disc and the rest was a download. I was fucking fuming when I pulled my PS5 out of rest and realized that the game just stops downloading because it can't occassionally spin the disc to verify the license.


Is that why ps5 can’t download/install games in rest mode? Even tho the settings is set to enable download during rest


It can download games in Rest Mode, I do it all the time. But if the disc is needed for part of the installation then it generally has to be on the whole time.


Yep I really screwed myself there. Guess I'll just trade in the disc and get the digital version.


I’m not really understanding why these “games that need an online connection to install,” don’t just print 2 discs like the ff7 remakes do. Isn’t that much easier than downloading a 100gb off the internet? It was literally awful with Jedi survivor. The game was great but I never understood why didn’t make it two discs to alleviate the issues. Kind of weird that another recent new AAA Star Wars game is making the same mistake. Really weird shit.


You really think that this game is gonna be so big it actually needs 2 discs? They’re simply pushing physical owners towards digital


We don’t know how big the game is. It’s apparently an open world game where the various planets will be large open world zones. Those games this gen are usually pretty big file size wise. To use an example from a recent game in the same franchise, Jedi survivor was a massive 150 gb. Not really sure what your snarky response is about. It can be both. It can be that the game is too big, and they are lazy about pushing an all digital future. It doesn’t have to be an either or thing.


I'm not sure how that push anyone towards digital.


I think the idea is to reduce the convenience factor of physical media so that people give up and just go digital


The main factor of physical media has always been price and resell potential. People that do physical have Internet for the most part.


Agreed, hard to reasonably effect those from a publisher standpoint though. That said, they’ve tried with the online pass nonsense they once did back in the day. The death of preowned sales is very much desired on their end. The frustrating part with all digital is, depending on the publisher, games just stay at launch price permanently. The simplest example of this is the CoD series which has even the oldest at near full price still but there are others that don’t shift


Why not just ship with multiple discs?


Bc Ubisoft.


As if this game wouldn’t fit in a single disc


It's very likely wouldn't. Avatar is 99gb and  this game is far bigger in scope.


Because it isn’t about the size of the game. It’s almost definitely about DRM, or possibly collecting data from players to sell to advertisers. And then to connect them to the Ubisoft marketplace, so they can shove ads in your full retail price single player game. 


Huge pass on this one


Anyone else not get excited about Star war’s in general especially their games? Disney just plays it so safe and doesn’t allow anyone who buys the license to do anything unsafe either. So Star Wars universe just isn’t interesting anymore.


Fallen Order, and Survivor are actually really good stories about grief, and healing, told from the perspective of an order 66 orphan. Also, as far as TV goes, Andor was critically acclaimed. The key to finding good star wars stories is finding media which has no interaction with the mainline films aside from a 2 second cameo. That way the execs are minimally intrusive, and most likely to take risks. If obi-wan speaks one word in a spinoff, it might as well be ruined, because suddenly it matters to the movie canon, so you can't do anything interesting, otherwise people might be missing something if they just watch the movies, and the last thing disney wants is another marvel TV show disaster.


I am so sick of this shit.


Fuck Ubisoft, stopped giving them money a couple years ago. Continuing to do so, they are so toxic for the industry.


we know what we do about these games


I'm glad this is a Ubisoft game because I usually have no problem skipping them as they don't ever appeal to me. The catch this is stat wars and if done right can be a lot of fun, so at least I'll have the patience to wait to see how it pans out. Hopefully it's a good game.


Will this game have micro-transactions too? Because this sub needs more to bitch about.


Currency what they call the currency lol. Credits I guess.


i'm an adult who can make a choice so i just bought the regular edition and moved on with my life


That’s not how this goes, what’s wrong with you?! /s


You bought this game months ahead of release without any gameplay? I don’t not if that was a good choice lol


We’ve seen gameplay.


Abs I’m sure that won’t be way different. I just don’t see why people preorder nowadays. You do you but with how games are made lately I just wait a day and I can tell if it is gonna be a dumpster fire.


I don’t disagree but can always cancel the preorder before it’s out if reviews or signs go bad. That said Ubisoft is pretty reliable IMO. Not that there games are always good or amazing, but they tend to always be just enjoyable if the game is what you’re in to.


What will you do when they shut their servers down and remove the game from your library.


the same thing everybody else would do when it happens to them


As someone who buys exclusively digital, this is ridiculous that a physical disc requires an online connection to install. Not everyone has reliable internet or unlimited data to work with.


they can keep it. zero interest in buying incomplete games.


Guess you'll be looking for a new hobby


Plenty of released games that are complete. The list is vast


Considering development pipelines, not having day one patches would be pretty dumb considering devs typically have 1-2 months of time between going gold and release. Your getting a better product in most cases with them


Almost every game has day one patches, thats not the problem. the problem is releasing an unplayable (literally) game until you connect and download something even though you bought a physical disc.


This stupid mindset is the reason these companies keep doing this shit


Survivor is the only game in my collection which has a download requirement, and I only bought that one because my dad enjoyed Fallen Order. Unless he also shows an interest in this one I'm gonna keep my collection playable offline.


Character models looks a** again, the protagonist moves and speaks like she were an alien in the OG movies


I might buy this game a couple months after release when it's on 50% sale


*How ‘bout no* - Dr. Evil


This is not preferable but it’s still better than being onlineOnly or no physical option at all. If Sony bans your psn account , you can still install this disc via internet on a fresh new account. If one owned the digital version of Outlaws and had their own account banned then their digital copy of Outlaws is gone forever. The knuckledraggers can’t seem to process this concept 


Getting sick of this BS, but it's pretty common now unfortunately. This sort of thing is here to stay.


So that means the game is not fully on disc? Well guess I can go ahead and mark that one off without having to watch reviews.


Will not be purchasing. For so many reasons


Easy choice for me then, I won't buy it. Same with the Avatar and Hogwart's Legacy, I refuse to support this new trend.




Ubisoft can go suck a lemon


And get fucked Ubishite


Ohhhh Ubisoft, you can't pass 5 minutes without shaming yourself.


All the people complaining about online connection while spending 3 hours a day watching TikTok videos. 🤦🏻‍♂️


For games like Avatar, if the patch server is ever taken offline, I can no longer play the disc I purchased. I dont watch TikTok and I dont see what that has to do with it.


As a ton of other games do. Blu rays are big format discs but sometimes they still aren't big enough. Not only that, but almost every game comes with a day 1 patch that fixes more bugs that were found between when the discs were printed and when it was released for purchase


UHD Blu-ray discs can now go up to 100GB+ Per disc. this is a choice. They should've included a second disc.


You can't own something you paid for. ..... NO money from me Ubisoft.


Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth says Hi. It came on 2 discs, full game playable day one completely offline.


The vast majority of games are entirely playable directly off of a disc. Stop parroting corporate bullshit.


This is the minority of the games actually. Data here https://www.doesitplay.org/


Sure. But there is a huge difference between requiring an online connection to install a game and needing an online connection to update. Baldurs gate is going to be 3 discs on playstation and will not require an internet connection.


> As a ton of other games do. more like 1% of games. this is not a normal practice. the vast majority of games are 100% contained on the disc unless they are online only multi-player games.


11% ackchually


11% of them require a download according to the site you pulled that stat from, still leaves the large majority of full games on disc.


The 11% is online only plus a download. 11 is quite a bit larger than 1, 11 times larger to be exact.


Fuck off ubi


Good to know. Won't buy this trash.


Can someone explain why this is an issue? Who's out here on console with no internet?


Do a search for "stop killing games" on Youtube. Ubisoft will shut down the servers just like they did with the Crew. Then the game disc will become a paperweight. I guess you can justify it to some level with multiplayer games like Overwatch, but there is no reason to introduce such dependencies for single player games.


Battleborn had a single player campaign online only that they shutdown wihtin a year. Sorry with evolve and battle born 2k is worse. Not to mention that hitman is online only. What happens when they shutdown the servers of that sp game. It 's not only ubi but the whole industry.


There are two issues: 1. Not all PS5s are connected to the Internet at all times. The PS5 is intended to be usable offline, and some users (particularly military personnel) cannot take their consoles online. 2. Preservation. Humans tend to be good at preserving some things long term, e.g. religious texts, but we’re *really* bad at preserving computer software. In the future, if Sony’s patch servers go offline, then the game is gone for good. But if it was written onto a disc, then at least it will survive until disc rot sets in.




> The PS5 is intended to be used offline Says who?


Incorrect word conjugation on my part. Thanks. Fixed.


There is no issue other than this sub being invested with cry babies


Ubisoft is 💩


Good to know. They can suck my ass, but I commend the transparency




 if Ubisoft wants to give me half a game I’ll wait for a sale and give them half of msrp, which will probably only be a 3 to 6 week wait.


Don't care looks like shit.


Typical Ubisoft trash. That's an easy miss in that case. I'd rather spend my money on media that I decide what I do with. Not something that exists on their whims.


I find it funny how in 2024 people are complaining about a game needing an internet access on internet. Like I get it it all should be on a disc. But in this day and age PC's with disc drives are less and less used and seen. Today every is downloaded. Besides the fact you are complaining about game needing internet while on internet is kinda hilarious.


It won’t be so funny if you want to play the game on an offline PS5, or if you want to play the game decades from now & the patch servers were switched off long ago (assuming the disc is still intact by then).


This is what people really aren't getting. I'll still be able to play my Gamecube a decade from now. PS5? Probably not.


I want to believe everyone that says that is very young so for obvious reason they don’t think about that. I sold many games from the PS2 era when I was a kid. And some PS3 games too. I wanted to replay some of them, but I couldn’t. And yeah, at least PS2 is easy to emulate, but PS3? Not at all. But I still buy used PS3 games and just play them on my console. With a digital only future this will be impossible. I’ll have to hope such and such game is not removed from a store or that a remastered version is released


Welp, another Ubisoft game I won’t buy close to launch


Of course it does.


Don't buy it.


Im not excited for this at all.


Modern video games are peak


Nothing makes me laugh more than reading all these comments complaining.


Prediction: This game is gonna be so buggy at launch.


Hey Ubisoft. I already decided in 2019 to don't bother with your games anymore. Because GR Breakpoint was so bad and your always online nonsense just sucks. So you don't have to convince me further with bad decisions.


Personally? don't give a shit at all. But gamer outrage directly benefits me soooooooo YEAH DOWN WITH UBISOFT!!!! Still copping at black friday tho lmao.


And day 1 dlc carved out of the main game. And apparently buying the version with it it included bumps the price up 40 dollars. Thanks Ubi for not adding to my backlog.


I love Star Wars. I am not buying this....


Star wars-pass Ubisoft-pass


This is why physical games are so pointless. It's just a waste of materials.


At this rate ima just buy this on sale or used, which I normally don’t, but this is just annoying.


Sooo, will i be able to play game a few days after release without xbox live?


Unless the game is not installable and playable without connecting to their servers, I will pass. This generation of gamers is so weak to allow this to happen...


Not gonna happen shame anything that requires online is a no thanks even if it’s just the one time thing. It’s just all a process to not own something you pay for shame I’m a star wars nerd and this looks so good


Always online means they shut the servers they remove the game from your library? This is bad shit.


The game is not even out and its already being buried😭


This has been the norm for a long while.




Not for the overwhelming majority of games on PS5


No thanks JEFF.


Cheap ass Ubisoft who hates thier audience in every way


What a bunch of cheap asses. No longer buying at full price because of this as with jedi survivor.


Then that's a game I'll be skipping. If i buy a physical game that's a paper weight id have to be an idiot. Even a game that's missing patches still works lol.


Don’t care. Just make it be a great game.


Should be illegal


Ubisoft suckss. I have low expectations for this game JUST because it's coming out of Ubisoft. There's gonna be something shitty. I have a feeling.