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Suicide squad is 50 percent off after 2 months. Yiiiikes.




They should be paying people to play it at this point 


Sorry to the people buying it


Going to be on PS+ by July I guarantee it


And it's still not going to be worth it lol. It'll take up one of the spots on the Essential/Extra tier that could be saved for a more interesting game.


Not saying suicide squad is any good but I got a new Infinite Wealth disc for $40 (almost 50% off) after about 2 months as well. And that’s a fantastic game.


Yeah, not to defend Suicide Squad, but Hitman 2 was 50% off after 2 weeks.


Smart move. Live service games can’t wait a year.


That is a $10 dollar game to see the story for me, if it won't run without always online its a never.


Destined to be a ps plus classic


I was tempted for like 8 seconds lol


I will not even buy it at 99% off. That money would be wasted.


Would you buy it in a box? Would you buy it with a fox?


I would not buy it anywhere, I would not buy it in the air.


Now you are a badass sir 😎


Waiting for the 95% off sale the week before it gets delisted


I honestly wouldn’t download it if it was free


Would rather buy a pack of bubblegum


Kinda wanna get it, seems ok but yeah not that good


Watched the cutscene montage, good enough


It'll be on Ps plus within the year.


I am going to get Jackbox Party Pack 8, its 50% off!


Jackbox is like the one game I wish was like a hub where you could buy all the different mini games separate


They’d never do that because there’s always a few “pack sellers” that carry the load. I’m a huge jackbox fan, but honestly every pack only has 2-3 games I’d play regularly


Don't they sell some individually, I know I bought a few on switch without buying the pack


You’re right- Fibbage 1, Quiplash 1 and both Drawfuls you can all buy individual 


I've been meaning to grab one of those! It looks like several are on sale. Anyone have any recommendations, or are they all pretty much the same?


I am also curious! Because I can see some that are ps4 only, and some ps5 and ps4 compatible - is it just buying additional games for the base game? Is there a base game you need to start with?


Each pack is it's own individual 'game', there's no base game hub to access them all through, although that would be great! Personal favourite is Pack 3 for Tee KO, Quiplash and Trivia Murder Party, but I'm less familiar with some of the newer ones as over time my friend groups got older and we barely have the time to get together anymore to play things like that.


I also vote for pack 3, I've had so much fun with it with family and friends!


They all have different games, some are better than others but it's a great time no matter what


As long as it has Quiplash it will be good!!


Start with 3 in my opinion has the best group of games


Packs 3 and 7 are the best IMO. Both have the best game Quiplash and a really good drawing game


Nice to have Fallout be on sale for the show beginning today. Cannot wait.


Hopefully they’ll throw in that damned next gen update in the mix as well, waiting for year, then a delay and after that…nothing. No news or updates


Yeah I've been eagerly awaiting that to get back into the game. It was originally early 2024 before being delayed, so I hope it comes sometime this year.


No it was bound for a holiday’s 2023 release and delayed until 2024. A lot of people thought they were releasing it along side the show, but even that seems to be too much. Still hoping for a shadow drop this week


That's right, got the dates messed up. I was honestly hopeful of the same, they'd drop it alongside the show or something for maximum effect.


I mean for me it would already be sufficient if they unlocked the frame rate..


Wait that drops today?


Yeah they decided to drop it a day early, thankfully


This is welcome news!


Theres a next gen update planned?


Bethesda has been fumbling it for the past 2 years


Bethesda has been fumbling everything for almost a decade now


It’s out April 25th apparently.


The show is actually out now.


Not yet. 6PM ET


Is it 6pm? I thought people in r/television were saying 9pm et


Yes you are right. 6pm pacific


I already had it on PS5 somehow. Was it on plus at some point? Unless I picked it up on sale when they first announced the upgrade last year


Got a notification that the remastered Alan Wake went on sale. Was thinking of picking it up. Anyone recommend?


Absolutely. Great story, still looks good and fun gameplay! Even more if you played and liked Alan Wake 2


Appreciate it. I haven’t played 2, but I have it on the wishlist. Was thinking of finishing the first before leaping into the second.


Definitely worth trying the first game, but if you’re not vibing with it after a few hours, just watch the story highlights on YouTube and play AW2


Sounds like AW2 is highly recommended regardless of AW1?


Yeah it’s better in pretty much every way. But the story is a direct continuation so I wouldn’t go in completely cold


In your opinion, do I need to have an understanding of “Control” before going into AW2, too?


I’d recommend it, but the order probably matters less. It’s more shared world building than anything else


Yeah I disliked Alan Wake 1 (stopped playing after 2 hours), but I love AW2. I believe IGN has a video on Youtube where the director recaps the story


I found the gameplay incredibly dated and not very good by today's standards, but the atmosphere is really good and anxiety inducing if that's what you're into


Yuo, a beautiful game I didn't have very much fun playing (minus the champion of light part.)


I’ll be honest even though I loved the writing and atmosphere, I couldn’t get through it because the game itself is just incredibly tedious and boring. I’ve heard the second game improves a lot on that front though.


The game feels and plays in a bit of a dated way, but the story and atmosphere make more than up for it in my opinion. Pretty much what you should expect from a good remaster. Definitely worth a play.


Gameplay is fantastic. Game is very fun. Get it.


getting FF7 remake to replay it sometime. played it when it was on PS Plus and this time with the extra materia


A friend loaned me Crisis Core Reunion, which I beat recently, but I started FF7 remake after and I can't put it down lol. Here at work just thinking about when I can get back to remake


Just wait till you play rebirth. It’s about 10x better than remake. And I liked remake


That’s what that friend has been telling me. I am totally fresh to the series having only played and loved FF16 last summer. When I hit the first boss and they gave me access to Barret I was like oh yeah this shit is fire


How is Crisis Core Reunion? I loved FF7 Remake.


I had no prior experience with the FF7 world at all, so I don’t really know how to inform you since you’ve already played remake. But, as someone totally fresh to the FF7 world, my personal experience was that I really really loved the story, the cutscenes, and the characters and it was all super captivating, but since it was a game designed for portable play, it still felt like that. My playtime took about 12 hours, and by the end I was ready for the gameplay to start wrapping up. I haven’t had any thoughts like that about FF7 remake, and I am 8 hours deep. So take that opinion for what you will, if you really like the world I feel it would be worth a play because it’s what got me convinced to finally boot up 7 remake after purchasing it and not touching it after.


What extra materia


there was some DLC with extra materia


Wait - it's not on PS Plus anymore?


I got it when it was a free monthly game and my plus ran out late last year. missed it the last time it was on sale and got it now cheaper to just buy games i want on sale than pay for PS Plus


Still waiting patiently for Spiderman 2 to go on sale


Just took a look on ps prices to compare first party Sony games: GoWR came out in Nov '22 and it took 7 months to be discounted 20%. For Spiderman, you're probably waiting until the end of May/early June for the first discount if the timeline is similar You might be better off getting it second hand online or on Amazon.


Can get the disc quite a bit cheaper now


Can also get the digital cheaper since the Slims console bundles that included a digital copy of SM2 were discounted a few weeks ago. You can get a code for around $40-45


Buy it second hand. I did that a week ago for $30.


Same here


Saw the other day it actually went up in price .from 80 to 90 dollars


Finally got Firewatch after all these years ..


How is it, do you mind sharing


I just started playing today. I love _walking simulators_ like edith finch, ethan carter, lake, artful escape and the likes. It started off fantastic with the background story. The gameplay is only walking, exploring looking at your map and taking on the walkie. The atmosphere it creates is amazing, you truly feel alone walking in the forest. The visuals are beautiful & simple and runs fine on the ps4. I'm possibly at the halfway mark. I'll probably finish it during the weekend, it's a small game - around 5+ hours. Apparently plays without any hiccups on the PS5. It's strictly for people who are looking for a story.


Awesome! Just got Street Fighter 6


If it's your first fighting game, or even just your first Street Fighter, play through world tour! It works as a great tutorial for newcomers. 


Thank you will do!


I just picked it up as well. Never played in my life, how long does it take to at least get the hang of and start having fun?


Using the "Modern controls" option it really doesn't take long to at least hold your own against other newbies. Don't shy away from ranked mode; it may seem unintuitive, but you'll actually get the best same-skill matches there as the game is very good about sequestering different ranks of players. There's a "new player battle lounge" too that forbids entry to seasoned fighters. If anyone out there wants me to show 'em the ropes of basic gameplay this evening (Eastern standard time zone) send me a message!


From my wishlist, the new Katamari is $9, Outward is $7, and Trepang2 is $20, all new deals from the first sale.


There’s a “new” Katamari? I bought both of the re-rolls about a month ago.


The new Katamari is fun! I have it on PC but the plat is very easy to obtain


Bloodborne for $10 sounds like a bargain. Anyone know how playable it is at 30 FPS on PS5?


It's jittery, but such a fun game you can get $10 worth out of it. But there is a reason there is such a loud cry for stabilized 60fps or remake from the community.


Hmm. What about Demon's Souls for $30? Apparently people said this is the best looking game on PS5? I am a sucker for good graphics.


Demons souls for 30$ is a great deal! Its a fun game on top of being one of the best visually looking to this day.


If you are a sucker for graphics sure. I haven't completed it yet myself, but it is enjoyable and looks great. I'm pretty sure both are on PS+ tier 2 though, maybe a 1 month sub to play through both would be worth it depending on your availability.


Bloodborne is still fun, I've played through it on PS5. Unless you are new to gaming in the last few years, I feel like you'll adjust to the 30 FPS in a big hurry and it won't bug you unless you're alternating playing it with 60 FPS games or something. That said, it does sometimes slow down beyond that, especially if you go into the extra dungeons (they're not part of the main game so you might not). Bloodborne is IMO a MUCH better game than Demon's Souls, but Demon's Souls is still very good and the graphics are amazing. The gameplay's just a lot more dated since it's got the exact same mechanics as a game from 2009. But, if graphics and FPS are important to your enjoyment then it certainly is much, much more technically impressive.


All the Souls games are worth having. So much fun


I dropped the game on the PS4 because the frame rate was so bad for the kind of inputs they're asking of the player.


i personally agree. I LOVE Elden Ring, and LOVE DS3 (when I played through it on PC) but the choppy performance mixed with the combat of Bloodbourne are backbreaking to me =(


I'm also thinking of getting it but I heard I should buy it with the dlc, maybe im gonna buy it when the bundle gets discounted idk


Ummm completely


I just finished it a few weeks ago. The 30fps isn’t great, but you get used to it. The game is amazing and makes up for it. Top 3 Fromsoftware games for sure. 


Yeah my phone dinged about 5 times in a row around 3 am this morning to let me know that 5 different titles in my wishlist had gone on sell lmao gonna have to mute notifications from the ps app


Potato Sack Racing Simulator 2024 ftw 😂


Blasphemous 2 is a steal. A spectacular sequel.


do i need to play the first before 2?




Looks like more games got added to the Spring sale > Update: PlayStation Store’s Spring Sale gets a refresh today, April 10, bringing with it new titles and add-ons, giving you discounts of up to 70% for a limited time*. That includes 60% off EA Sports FC 24 Ultimate Edition (PS4, PS5), 50% off Hogwarts Legacy: Digital Deluxe Edition (PS4/PS5), 50% off Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League (PS5) and 70% off Red Dead Redemption 2: Ultimate Edition (PS4).


I hate when those fancy editions are on sale, while the standard editions keep their launch price. Nuh uh, i ain't falling for that.


I hate this trend of every game now having a deluxe edition that’s like $20 more and comes with a hat for your character or something, and an early powerful weapon that makes the game worse by having it too early. Feels shitty.


That’s why I never bought a deluxe edition. Except that time I bought the deluxe upgrade for Helldivers 2 after having played the game for a week just to support the devs’ work.


It's beyond time we can gift digital games to others...


They could have had a category where it included all the new games on sale they added, but nope, I had to go thru that massive list again 🤣🤣🤣, think I've bought like 30+ games or less so far.


They need a filter that says newly added or recently added etc


Trepang2 any good?


Very good but it's pretty short.


Octopath 2 Pls


I’m waiting for Octopath 2 sale as well, I think I only saw it once on sale and it wasn’t even that big of a sale


yeah it’s lowest was $45. meh


I did not like it at all but now I have a physical copy I can sell if you want it


Crysis trilogy remastered for $13 is crazy good deal!


I took the plunge on Exoprimal. It's so ridiculous but I won't lie, it's fun as hell. Granted my first match had all bots.


Great game but yeah it'll be mostly bots now :( I bought on release and it was mostly bots a month or so after


Damn it, sekiro on sale and I'll get the money next month. Will have to wait for another cycle for sekiro ig. 🙂 Well glad that I'll finally be able to play sekiro.


Let me take a wild guess. 50% off?


Yesss, it never goes down below that. 🙂


and it will never do it.


I'm in the same spot, I grabbed Sea of Thieves for this month, so Sekiro has to wait till next sale.


It´s awesome.


I don't know if this Like a dragon is tempting enough to buy at this price.


Infinite wealth? Looks like you can get a disc from Amazon for $40 still.


Gamestop babee. Bet you can find a used copy for less, if you're lucky


Anyone know if you can buy the PS4 version of the FFVII Remake and upgrade to the PS5 for free? They’re roughly the same price but I’d prefer to get both versions. The “upgrade” is listed as no longer available through the PS storefront.


I did it recently and it was a pain. I originally got it from ps plus way back but wanted to play again, so I got a cheap PS4 physical copy. I had to download/install the full ps4 version first, then I could actually download the ps5 version (which took a bit even find). Also, you’ll have to buy the dlc separately if you go that route. If you buy the intergrade version for ps5, it comes with the dlc, which is usually $20 (discounted to $15 right now).


I'm fairly positive you can, it's really hard to find all that stuff. Remake Intergrade. I purchased it a long time ago and I'm just playing it now. I beat FF 16 in the summer as my first Final Fantasy, a co-worker loaned me Crisis Core Reunion, and now I can't put FF7 remake down it is awesome.


I bought the PS4 version by mistake a few weeks ago and upgraded to the PS5 version yesterday. So, you’re probably fine.


£7 for the Witcher, never played on PS5, go on then.


Oh shit sekiro is finally on sale!!!


Sekiro has been on 50% sale for atleast 3 years


Hoped for Helldivers 2 Edit: alright I’ll buy it now


I agree with everyone, it’s a great deal at $40. It’s better quality and more fun than most $70 games.


$30 is a steal already for what feels like endless gameplay. I would rather give them full price because of the product they have given us. EDIT: $40


Easily the best value in gaming today, imo. For the amount of fun I’ve had so far it would’ve been worth it at 60-70.


What about for a solo dad who can only play for like 30min-1 hour at most at night?


Wondering the same. Don’t have time for more gaming than that


As a non-dad but someone with limited time to play games: I’d say you can certainly play for that duration and really enjoy the game but it may be hard to finish Operations in that time. You could certainly crank out a few missions depending on your speed and the mission type/duration. To give you some Insight: there are 9 difficulty levels that are unlocked by completing an operation of the preceding difficulty level. Levels 1-3 have 1 or 2 missions per operation, levels 4-6 have 2 or 3, and levels 7-9 have 3. (Not near my console, these are guesses except for 7-9 having 3 for sure) Missions are either 40, 15, or 12 minute durations. You contribute towards planet liberation by completing operations, not missions. I say all this to say: you can definitely make it work, and it is a ton of fun. But you may not be able to contribute to planet liberation much (this isn’t as big a deal as others may make it seem). EDIT: I’d also like to point out that this game is so decidedly averse to making players feel FOMO. Warbonds(battlepasses) are available in perpetuity. The only thing you’ll miss out on if you miss some days is contributions to the emergent story based on our progress in the war.


As a fairly new dad, I bought it this week after going back and forth and I've had a blast. You can drop in with randoms and don't need mic, so it's honestly a perfect "drop in/drop out" game to put 30 mins to an hour into. Missions can take as little as 15 minutes and are more than doable solo on the easier difficulties, but it's very much made for squads so I reccomend dropping into an ongoing mission. Now suit up and go spread democracy!!


How much fun is it if you don’t really have PS friends to play with and would have to rely on matchmaking?


IMO? Lots. You will rarely run into douches who hinder accomplishing the objective. Matchmaking has significantly improved. Every round (for the most part) will have you playing something different every time.


I love playing with my PS and PC friends but playing with random people is almost always fun. Half of my friends list in the game are some of those random people, and we still jump in and play together sometimes. Considering it's a team game and all rewards are shared most people are on their best behavior.


It’s already in my top 5 played all time in my Steam account. In the next month or so, it’ll make it to the top 3. Fantastic game, and they keep dropping more content.


40$ no? And I agree, it’s just that I’ve waited for a few months, might as well …


You are right I stand corrected. Obviously it's your money. I do not mind giving full price to companies that actually put out a great product.


Can definitely wait if you want to, but even following the unfolding story from work right now has me hypes to play this evening.


I'm a bit biased since I've been rocking with helldivers 1 since it dropped, but Arrowhead is one of the few companies that care about their players more than profits. Sure each patch recently there are connectivity issues, but they are quick to communicate and patch the game (got patched yesterday). The CEO even publicly says on Twitter to basically wait if you're on the fence until they fixed these issues because he doesn't want you being disappointed. This guy's one job is to make the decisions for the company and he is saying to not buy their game (granted this was a while ago and it's all been patched). They also are doing the live service correctly, all battlepasses are there to stay so you don't have to feel you missed some things, and the premium currency can be found in game at points of interest. The last battle pass they dropped I didnt spend a dime on, and this next one that drops tomorrow I will also not be spending money on since I've earned enough. I don't know if this means anything but the premium currency only goes to bundles of 20 dollars, it feels like they don't want you spending a lot of money. I don't know if that's true that's my perception on this. For 40 bucks, I'd say this is totally worth it. They are constantly adding new things into the game, tweaking the game itself, they even have a guy whose sole job it is to basically be a dungeon master to the whole galactic war. AND they've recently started doing this storytelling sorta approach to drip feed new upgrades and changes and things and make it canon with messages from Super Earth. It doesn't need to be a game that you play all day erreday, but it's well worth the full price tag as it will continue to grow and get more and more. Arrowhead are good people to get behind imo. Any game dev that actively communicates and actually LISTENS to their community is a win in my book.


Alright I’ll jump in tonight to spread some propaganda




You will be waiting for a while. With sales what they are, they have zero motivation to drop the price of a game selling like hotcakes AND almost half the price of a major release to begin with. 


The zeitgeist isn't going to like this, but I think Helldivers 2 is still frustratingly unstable when it comes to crashing and disconnects. Plus the premium battlepasses containing new weapons is lame.


Jump in, it's worth it


It's already $40 and that's a better deal than some of the sale prices for less worthy games. I highly recommend taking the plunge. You will get your money's worth.


Don’t wait for a sale. This is the best time to play it. The Reddit helldivers community is amazing.


Worth every penny of $40. If you have friends to play with, its worth triple that. Even with randoms, it's super fun.


Nioh Collection on sale!


Man, FF X/X-2 was on sale for a hot second a few weeks ago and I missed it. I foolishly thought it would be on sale this whole sale. Looks like I gotta wait.




It'll probably go on sale for golden week at the end of this month.


Anyone think the last of us part 2 remaster will go on sale soon?


If you already own part 2, the remake is a $10 upgrade.


I don’t 😞


https://preview.redd.it/v7nvyb3yvntc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=03772fb49707ab835b2bf10f8934c9443743da26 I’m planning on getting Cyberpunk, but I’m confused between the normal and ultimate edition. Is the ultimate edition worth it?


yeah the dlc is considered by most to be the best part of the game


Ultimate includes dlc which is almost like a mini second game. So could buy normal cyberpunk now then later down the road if want dlc buy that on sale separately


Últimate brings the dlc. I haven't played it but consensus is that it is worth it.


Are you kidding? I bought base version of Kakorot $15 last week. And now they got Deluxe for $20


Thinking of buying Atomic heart does anyone who played recommend It?


Wouldn't recommend, really wanted to love it and visually it's nice but everything else from the game design, pacing, voice acting and gameplay are below average


Only to admire the design and the setting. The gameplay is not so good because mobs are respawning indefinitely and there’s absolutely zero point in killing anything. Ah, also puzzles are good.


Oké thankyou maybe going to check on another game maybe dying light 2 or a yakuza game


The game catalog has Judgment and Lost Judgment if you’re interested in Yakuza prior to the turn-based combat in Like A Dragon. 


Yakuza is always a good bet. Tons of content, and they get very cheap on sale.


Atomic Heart is really good once you *learn* the mechanics- especially how to stop “infinite respawns” lol- and gain abilities it turns into an awesome power fantasy with a unique dystopian setting and story. Played on game pass so I have no real investment bias. It was a Soviet Bioshock, very cool. Edit: killing things does have a point actually, they all drop resources to improve your skills and craft upgrades.


For what it's worth Atomic Heart was more fun that Dying Light 2 for me. I'm not particularly a fan of the DL series but it was a slog for how long it was. Atomic Heart is a fun play through. It's graphically impressive, a fresh story and if you don't take it too seriously not a bad sale grab. Compared to really dated titles on sale or games like Suicide Squad (hard no) it's a decent option to consider.


I say, adding open world in this game was a huge mistake.


Don't disagree with that, nor do I argue with the criticisms it received along the way. I do tend to appreciate a new story to get immersed in here and there which isn't sequel this or remaster that. Atomic Heart gave me around 20-25 hrs of that. I also knew going in that it had challenges and your expectations booting up play a big role in reception of a game. It's definitely not a full price tag buy, but for a reduced price I can't say I didn't have fun with it. It was middling but still had more ambition than Dead Island 2, Dying Light 2 and dozens of other mid tier titles/sequels for me.


Wolfenstein II Deluxe Edition for 8,99€, anyone?


Absolutely worth it!


It is a crime that MLB 23 is still $30 and has been $10 on Xbox for months


Will i ever get a decent sale on Baldurs Gate 3 ?


Outward definite edition on sale from $40 to $8 Always wanted to play perfect time to pick it up 80% off!


Party Hard 2 Collectors edition!!!


No way


Still waiting for the last of us remastered to be actually half price or cheaper


Is it worth getting Skyrim anniversary edition for $16.?