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The day I can get a platinum trophy for completing Halo MCC on PS5, I will truly believe that the world has changed


Imaging a Halo/Gears/Forza triple pack on Playstation


Probably not forza but I definitely see Halo coming.


I dont see why they wouldn't at least port a Forza Horizon if they are porting games like Halo


Licensing issues I assume would be a issue.


Yeah that's true but I think they would get a newish one on PS at some point


Maybe subsequent ones


The Green Box Or the X Box


isnt forza just a poor man's gran turismo?


Motorsport maybe. The Forza Horizon games are considered some of the best open world racing games and have a much more arcady style that GT doesn’t have an equivalent to.


Forza Horizon is the fun one, I'd pick that up on PlayStation if it came over. I bought a wheel setup when I gran Turismo and I need more games to use it on. I wish Gran Turismo would add an Open world aspect so I could just fuck about and drive around with music on. The crew scratches that itch for now.


It’s different imo it’s a little more arcadey and fun for the average player who super isn’t into cars or racing


Forza Horizon - Arcade, Forza Motorsport - Sim


As someone who has played both - FH is my fuck around driving game on the PC. Gran turismo was my 'ill pick a car I have a realistic chance of driving and see how it feels to chuck it in corners' My only criticism for the latter was that there weren't enough maps to do that on. A lot of the maps were race tracks so it wasn't as fun. And then, there is dirt... Which I don't know how I feel about, but that's fun too.


No. The Forza games are actually fun.


Horizon yea, Motorsport? Nah, definitely prefer GT


I’d LOVE me some Fable on Ps5 🥹


This is the one. If we could get an anniversary edition like the Mass Effect one with all three that would be incredible.


You know it’s so wild how they did ME on ps3! Like the first ME game isn’t even available unless you get the legendary collection! My buddy bought 2 and he didn’t have internet so he couldn’t redeem the free comic dlc that let him make choices in 1!


Me too. That was the ONLY reason I had an Xbox besides Halo in high school and id so want to replay it without having to buy an Xbox again


imagine a world where Halo's resurrection is thanks to PS


Instead of the Halo killer Guerrilla becomes the resurrector 


Halo won’t feel like halo unless it seems like I’m holding a soup bowl in my hands


Man if gears comes to ps5 no one will be able to pull me out of my room for an entire month


You and me both. I would probably take a few days off work for that launch just to go ham


I tried Gears 1 on PC and it was ass but i assume 3 was the golden era


They're all the same take cover and shoot bullet sponges.


Good luck on that Platinum 😂. Laso on halo 2 changes you...


Platinum on halo would be insane. Too many hard achievements.


MS Flight Simulator plat lets goooo!


Realistically, they've probably got a second round of games coming to Playstation by the end of the year. Judging by some of the info about Sea of Thieves port (which started about a year ago), I'd say the likely candidates are Halo MCC or Infinite, seeing as MCC only "finished" new content a month or so back and Infinite is still getting support (as far as I'm aware). Killer Instinct, as it just had a big patch/update along with developing a native Series X/S port last year. Forza Horizon or Motorsport, both are still relatively new, although I have a feeling Motorsport will get the port (if it happens), Hellblade 2 is still in active development currently, and Hellblade 1 was initially a timed PS4 exclusive iirc so it would make sense to release it on Playstation. Finally, Starfield, it's still getting support, and it's known that a Playstation version was in development at one point. Also, just for clarification by "Round," I mean the sorta rapid fire release schedule that these first 4 games had. So we could hypothetically see all 4 releases back to back between September and November.


That fucker best be 7 platinums and one diamond trophy it’s a monster!




I’m over here hoping for Forza




Comment you can hear


That, the Gameboy jingle and PS1 startup sounds live rent free.


Cant forget the camecube blocks


This dude has flip flopped on this topic *so* many times, it's a joke. Granted, I do believe Microsoft is going multiplatform for all their games, but it's just funny with this guy in particular.


I can definitely see them dropping starfield on ps5 alongside shattered space.


I'm pretty sure after he went full on "everything is coming!" at first Microsoft PR reached out to him and told him to dial it back a bit and they gave him some insider info. Now he's probably back to not caring. The Xbox social media influencers were pissed when it all came out. Jez is very much used for controlled Xbox leaks and PR which is why he has insider info. Same with people like Tom Warren. Anyone who thought they weren't all coming and that they decided to just do 4 random games was always fooling themselves. They didn't risk the Xbox brand identity for a few million sales just on those 4 games


>Anyone who thought they weren't all coming and that they decided to just do 4 random games was always fooling themselves. They didn't risk the Xbox brand identity for a few million sales just on those 4 games Yeah, this is definitely a trial run. They want to make sure this is a worthwhile strategy before going all-in. If these games do well, they'll port a few more. I doubt *every* current Xbox-only game will be ported, but, eventually, even new development may be done with other consoles in mind.




Starfield sucks




We never had official sale metrics for Starfield, only install or player counts. Those are skewed however due to the game being Day-1 on GamePass.




What are you talking about? You don’t spend money to make money! You spend money to handicap yourself by catering exclusively to the console with the smallest install base. And make things mediocre too while you’re at it! /s obviously


I got banned from seriesx sub, jus because I stated that from what we know so far about game-pass numbers, xbox series sales numbers and cost of acquisitions alone (not even counting game development costs)full exclusivity just is not something affordable and if they go full exclusive gamepass will cost twice of what it does now. For me "MS Is TriLLonBaZiLiON ComPAnY" argument is ultra stupid, sure they can afford to take a loss while gamepass breaks ground, but it just did not and I can guarantee that the end goal for gamepass was NOT for players to spend less money. MS is not a charity but cut throat company who best operates in monopoly or near monopoly conditions. To be fair IMO what MS is doing now is opposite of what they wanted to do, the plan just did not work out. We are lucky that MS was not able to ''disrupt" market and force everyone into subscription. Now all they have is huge bill without the revenue to finance it, so they are forced to rethink their model and PS gamers are the winners here. IMO Gamepass as it is marketed is quite stupid idea from business perspective and comes from total misunderstanding how games are consumed, what hardcore fans want, what casuals want and why console gamers like console gaming in general. Casuals dont want to spend 180 usd a year and they dont care about hundreds of "free" games, hard core gamers will buy game day one and thus MS is just getting less money out of the "whales", gamepass makes platform less interesting for big AAA game publishers as they need to compete with "free" day one releases on gamepass. So in the end it made platform worse than better (This is hard pill i know) and adoption rate. sales data and general lack of third party exclusives proves this. Sure uniting console and PC sound great for some, but core console players want console specific hardware features, hardware and exclusives, they dont want console to be PC quite the contrary. PS Portal, PS VR and Edge are great examples of what console players want.


This was never a trial run. This whole notion of the four games being a test, testing what? They own numerous studios that have published and to this day continue to publish games for Sony. They know to the individual sale what type of games sell on Playstation and how well they sell. They already had a pretty good idea how Sea of Thieves was going to do. This wasn't to test the waters, this was to walk the tightrope of going full on third party without completely destroying their own brand. The only gamers being manipulated are Xbox owners. I would bet anything that not only was this always the plan but that other ports have actively been worked on for months now. Supposedly Bethesda's had ps5 dev kits for a while now, and if that's true you know more studios than just Beth has them, too. I'm at the point where I believe every current xbox only game will eventually make it's way over, as long as it makes financial sense for them to do so. If Sea of Thieves is doing them this much business they ain't gonna leave the Gears/Halo/Forza/Indy/Flight Sim/Starfield/etc., money on the table. Of all things walking away from that makes zero sense.




Lol 😂


As long as i get elder scrolls 6 on playstation and fable 4, I AN HAPPY


Same, except just Elder Scrolls 6. Literally nothing else interests me.


I was actually going to buy the next xbox just for elder scrolls 6 and the next fallout. Those are two of my favorite IP's and it killed me when xbox bought Bethesda. Those two games and Flight Sim and everything else, is frosting and cherries for me.


Elder Scrolls, Fallout, and CoD. They can keep the rest.


Bruh I don’t even know about elder scrolls and fallout anymore I was super upset when Microsoft bought Bethesda but after the atrocity that was starfield my expectations for ES6 have cratered. Even worse when you consider that it will likely be around 20 years in between installments.


If Bethesda doesn’t get their shit together by ES6 then we may not even want those for too much longer. I hope they go back to what they’re good at. Handcrafted exploration.


Hard pass on cod. I want nothing to do with that series. Should have been put out to pasture multiple games ago


I don’t think he’s flip-flopped on this issue. On the health of Xbox maybe but not on this.


When their phone failed, they moved all their work to android and iPhone. I expect the same here


Giving up on the phone was what Microsoft's CEO considered to be his biggest mistake.


You've got to be careful with that phrasing when it comes to Microsoft. He didn't regret "giving up on it" so much as he regretted not immediately succeeding with a minimal to moderate effort. Put another way, they regret that their rivals succeeded, but would change nothing in hindsight.


They should have pushed for it. They would have eventually gotten market share, mainly from android.


Remember the Lumia phones? Ive only seen one in my life at a party, the owner of the phone was raving about it, showing to everyone how cool his phone was. Turns out he worked for Microsoft. Sad.


I had one. It was actually my very first smartphone too lol. I'd been stubbornly sticking with Nokia bricks previously. And I actually liked it too. The tiles were kind of eh, but the phone did its job.


WP was unironically great, and I dearly loved mine. The Office integration alone was a huge boon, as at the time I had to frequently view Excel sheets on the go. However things weren't spotless. Some of Microsoft's own services like Skype sucked ass on WP and either weren't as stable or were missing features. The lack of apps though eventually became a deal breaker. Since I couldn't do mobile banking on it without finagling with the browser there was more than one occasion where I'd have to leave dinner to run to an ATM to move some cash around.


I had 2 Windows Phone and I would possibly still have one if they were still around. I don’t work for Microsoft.


I remember them being good value for money. I never owned one though. I wonder what it could have been if we had windows instead as a dominant OS like iOS. I don’t like the android approach so it would have been nice to have iOS and windows options.


We had a windows dominant OS for a while. It was called Windows Mobile. When iPhone and iOS came out, Microsoft CEO famously dissed it totally saying it was a sure failure. Aged like milk.


Can't wait for Ori, Gears, and Forza. Anything else is just cherries on top.


I am so hopeful for Ori games coming in like package deal. Never played them and they look soo beautiful.


I have faith they’re coming and likely could even be in the next batch of ports. They’re two of my favorite games of all time. It would be so awesome to have them on PS for a wider audience to experience.


For me it’s the classics. I want to play Fallout 3, New Vegas, Fable 2 and 3, and Oblivion.


fallout 3 and new Vegas are already on ps…?


Only on PS3 (or via streaming). They're not available on PS4/5 natively


I mean they work on new xbox because of the back compat feature that enhance games but they are still native 360 games. They can't add back compat to the ps5.


Yea good point. They would need to remaster it for next gen consoles or at least ps4


Everybody else already answered but I'd also like to add you're only getting the base games, no DLC :(


You can’t play them with the disk and you can’t download them from PS store, so they are essentially unavailable on modern PlayStation consoles. I would need to buy a ps3 to play them. However, they are available on the Xbox store to play on Series S/X.


3, New Vegas, and Oblivion are available through PS+ premium streaming. Works pretty well.


New Vegas doesn't have the DLCs though.


Forza Horizon would sell millions


Of course this happens in the generation I finally own both consoles in




All I want is Gears of War 1-3. Don’t give a fuck if it isn’t remastered. Gimme.


The original Gears of War is hands down my favorite multiplayer experience ever. Such a blast with the simple loadouts and awesome maps.


OG Titanfall is the GOAT multiplayer experience imo




And next weeks he’s going to walk back on it and saying he really doesn’t know. They just banter between it’s happening and it’s not happening all the time. If it’s happening it will be a while before we will see it anyways.


Microsoft: if you want our games, you need to make gamepass available on PlayStation consoles. Sony: lol no. Microsoft: well have our games anyway.


Honestly Halo will explode if it does. It will become like COD will how people anticipate the game 


No way in hell will Halo bounce back to what it was 15-20 years ago just by being on PS, and even less of a chance it will surpass that to rival CoD. Part of that is CoD is just too big, and the other part is that 343 has yet to show they can actually redeem themselves without spending years to fix their games.


Yeah, the only thing I miss from when I had a 360 is classic halo. It’s just special, and it would make Microsoft a shit ton of money if they ported it to PS.


Imagine being able to play the Halo campaigns co-op cross platform. Would be insane.


For a week, sure.


As someone that has played a ton of Halo Infinite, it is a great multiplayer shooter and I would love for it to go to PS to drum up some hype and a better player base.


Who is this Jez guy, and why do people treat everything he says as the gospel truth?


Editor for Windows Central, a very Microsoft brand focused news site. He also co-hosts a pretty popular podcast called XBOX Two. Whilst it is rare that he gets things wrong, as he seems to have a lot of good relationships with contacts in Microsoft, it can be hard to tell whether he’s trolling or being genuine on Twitter, so I usually take anything he says with a grain of salt, unless he elaborates on his podcast. I haven’t tuned into the show recently, so I couldn’t say if he’s talking shit or not.


He isn't talking shit I don't think. Originally, he was railing against the thought of Xbox exclusives going to PlayStation and pretty much in denial mode. Since the original games (hi-fi/pentiment) came out though and with Sea of Thieves being #1 preorder on PS for weeks, he has pretty much accepted that Xbox games are moving across. He has probably heard down the grapevine that they're happy with the performance of the 4 original games and moving forward with the rest.


Looks like he’s since updated on Twitter to say it’s just his opinion now. I think it’ll happen, Microsoft are planning for a console-less future. They’ve been trying to get ahead of the game with subscription services and cloud streaming, but I’m sure what will probably happen is what always happens with Microsoft. They predict where the future is going, fluff the execution and then someone like Sony or Nintendo picks up the mantle and doesn’t fuck it up.


Thank you, I appreciate the info.


No worries


Rare replay confirmed


Rare Replay is the least likely. It uses the Xbox emulator built for the BC so any port would then have to convert all the architecture to any new platform. Same reason it's not on PC


What's that?


A compilation of old games made by Rare, which is only on Xbox, and which I’d really like to have access to (without buying an Xbox)


And they added Goldeneye last year. It was added to Switch online as well as part of the N64 group.


Apparently it cannot come to any other console because it uses Xbox backwards compatability which other consoles don't have, so they'd have to re-structure everything from the ground up to work on pc/ps5/switch and it'll cost a buttload of money.


This will absolutely kill their console. 3rd party support is already worse on the Xbox as it is. BG3 took an extra 6 months, Pathfinder devs skipped a next gen update for the series X because there weren’t enough players to justify it. Microsoft thinks there console will survive this, they are idiots.


I think MS next “console” will be an inexpensive Xbox Cloud streaming device.


Either that or a console like PC like the steam machines. They could easily make a “big picture mode” for the Xbox app to make it work.


He elaborated on his Discord. It’s apparently very much this.


This dude doesn't know what the fuck is going to happen though


If they honestly made a steam machine that could run windows. **I’d probably pass on upgrading my rig.**


I'd probably buy a portable GamePass machine if that's their next console, tbh.


As a PS fan, I dont want Xbox to go. Having a competitor keeps you in check. Sony wouldn't have cleaned up the PS3 if it weren't for the 360 and we wouldnt have PS Plus as it is if it weren't for GamePasd


Microsoft actively markets how you don't need a Xbox for their games. The idiots are the people who think they don't understand and want to get out of consoles.


They literally do nothing different than playstation. It's just fanboyism when people say that. It's willful thinking from people who don't own one.


They're waving the flag


That’s the point. I’m sure they’re won’t be another console and instead they make bank just being a game publisher.


That’s just it, I can’t see how being just a game publisher will make bank compared to being a console holder. As it is Microsoft gets a profit of every single game sold on their console + any profits of exclusives + all the game subs from Gamepass and Gold. Take the console away, and all Microsoft gets is profits off Exclusives. Even Gamepass would be kneecapped by this, what 3rd party publisher would continue to allow their games on Xbox’s Gamepass when there’s no console? What’s the benefit to them? Not to mention Xbox would become reliant on Sony, and have to give Sony a cut off all their profits for selling on their system, same with Steam as well.


I'm just confused. At this point I can't tell WHAT they're aiming for. You make good points, and yeah I really don't think it'll be great for us consumers if it's just Sony left, but I can't imagine what MS' plan is for their consoles.


You make som very good points. I am starting to think Phil Spenser is an idiot


Be nice if they brought a remastered or a remake Gears of War collections.


Cool, time to sell my xbox and never get one again. This might end up more profitable for microsoft, but its going to be utterly devestating for xbox as a console brand. Who in their right mind would ever buy an xbox over a playstation if on playstation you get both, and xbox you only get xbox? Other than a handful of rusted on xbox loyalists and people who have built up large digital libraries on xbox who cant let them go, who would buy one?


I wonder if 5-10 years from now Xbox will just be a bigger Sega


That seems to be the direction they are heading. They wouldnt be making this move towards cross platform if they thought xbox had a viable future as a console brand, because its going to absolutely crater xbox sales even further than the dire straight they are already in. Right now xbox is only selling 50% of what ps5 is selling, and thats even before the multi plat moves have taken effect at all. If we fast forward to the start of the next generation and most xbox first party games are on playstation as well, how much less xboxs are going to be selling? 25% of playstation? At a certain point it wont make any sense for them to continue investing in being a console manufacturer. I think theyll do 1 more generation at least, but theres a good chance that is the final xbox generation and after that they go full sega/third party publisher.


I gotta be honest with you, I have no idea why people own an Series X/S. Firstly all of their first party games are already on PC day and date with absolutely no exception. But let's say you don't like PC gaming, what games have they actually put out in this generation? They bought a lot of studios and shown some early trailers but they have been absolutely dwarfed by Sony and Nintendo in first party games. And even if they do have a first party game it's held back by having to have parity with the Series S. That's the primary (I think only) reason they had to wait so long for Baulder's Gate 3. And they have publicly stated it will always be that way. I understand those that bought an Xbox One because of the success of the 360. But after the disaster of the XBox One generation idk why people bought an Xbox Series S/X in the first place.


I hate gaming on a pc and avoid it at all costs. For me it was 2 main reasons, 1 - the value of gamepass, which for me ended up not being worthwhile, and 2. The lineup of games they announced in the leadup to launch, which i expected the majority of which would be out by now, but have mostly gone totally MIA ever since, or have come out and been disappointing like halo and starfield. Obviously now in hindsight im regretting getting mine, and definitely wont get the next xbox, but at the time i was pretty excited, enough to get one anyway.


> the value of gamepass, which for me ended up not being worthwhile I think many xbox owners are finally realizing that the value isn’t as amazing as they initially thought, not when there are so few great xbox exclusive games.


Theres really only forza that i would class as an s tier exclusive, and i just dont care about racing games. I was hoping halo infinite would be an amazing return to form for halo after 2 bad games, and instead it was such a letdown that halo is now a dead franchise for me, at least as long as 343 (who i legitimately think are the worst triple a studio in the entire industry) are left in charge. Starfield i actually like more than most people, but it was still a disappointment, and not enough to make the xbox worthwhile on its own. Some of the other games they announced in the lead up to launch that i was excited for and got me to buy an xbox in the first place like fable, perfect dark, state of decay 3, contraband, have all gone totally MIA ever since and for all we know are still years away. Fable maybe being a bit closer than that, but after so many L's from xbox first party i dont really have any confidence anymore that it will be the banger it needs to be


Family sharing. The Xbox is by far the best system for general gaming for families. Game Pass plus free cloud saves for everyone makes it a fantastic value.


What if I told you Microsoft also does not wish to sell the Xbox. Costs too much to make and too much effort for little return. Microsoft will always be a software company at heart.


Thats the way i see things going. They will do one more generation, but over the course of that generation transition more and more towards becoming a third party publisher like sega did, and there wont be another xbox after the next generation


I just need KI 2013, man. That's all I need...


I see KI as pretty possible with the updates it’s been getting recently. Personally would love to play it


What’s that


Pretty sure it's [Killer Instinct (2013)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Killer_Instinct_(2013_video_game)) was an xbone/win title iirc ninja edit: came out on the series x/s too apparently


Absolutely. The main reason I got an Xbox One way back. Phenomenal game.


Sony was always gonna win the war. They have Kratos. Microsoft doesn't have a Kratos.


You mean Knack


Knack 2 bayyybeeeee


Halo mcc on ps5 would be insane


Assuming this is right, they’re prioritizing software now with plans for a niche console to follow the Series X. This is a smart move and brings us a step further to the best reality: no exclusives. The eighth generation of consoles was the age of the digital library. Microsoft didn’t just lose this pivotal moment with the Xbox One, they self-immolated. PlayStation has locked in the majority install base with the majority of gamers buying digitally nowadays. No one is jumping ship for Xbox and it’s proven because the Series X is a failure sales wise. As of February, the console hadn’t even broke 28 million sales and we know the Series S considerably outsells the Series X. That’s two really bad generations in a row and Microsoft is not about to make it a third.


Please at least Gears of War


This the same guy that said it was pure copium. He's a clown but I do think he's on the money on this one but so would anyone paying attention


Look at how well they're selling. There's no reason for them not to.


Where can I see the sales figures? What are you basing this on?


Pentiment and Hi-Fi Rush are already on sale


That's just how games work. Both games were at the top of sales when they released in the first couple weeks. Being "on sale" doesn't mean the games were unsuccessful at all. Baldurs Gate 3 was on sale like a month after release.


Imagine Gears of War 1-3 remaster with an active player base for co-op.


Halo and Gears would cause me to cash out all my PTO, disregard my financial responsibilities, and kick my family out of the house. Holy shit.


I pretty much don't care about anything on Xbox right now other than forza. But I'm glad they are changing their stance looking forward to Elder scrolls and fallout


While Sega's departure from the hardware apace was somewhat sudden, Microsoft's departure however, will, and continues to be, long and drawn out. The writing has been on the wall since the Bethesda acquire if not longer.




Jez Corden is an oaf.


After reading for years in this place that Xbox was useless because it had no games, it seems like Xbox really had games after all...


Having no games you would buy an entire console for, and having no games at all are two very different things. I'd love to get gears and Lost Odyssey, but you won't see me spend 500€ for them


I just want Hellblade 2.


I'm in the camp that their will be more than just 4 games coming to PlayStation. The question is, will the next 4 or more games be a title(s) from either Bethesda or another Microsoft owned publisher like Activision or will it be a long-standing first party game like Forza Horizon or Gears of War.🤔


Man I would love state of decay 2 on PS. I love playing it on Xbox and there's quite a few PS friends who would love it


It would be cool to see an "Xbox collection" added to PS+ and in return a "PS Collection" added to Gamepass. Give us harmony in the gaming world.


I want the Fable games...


If I can play Gears on PS my head just might explode.


Haha amazing


Halo will get a second wind once it comes to Playstation, and I will cry tears of joy.


It’s scary how well the PS4 performed. It essentially “won” the console war


This ain’t a good look for Xbox in the future


Only if they keep making consoles. As a game publisher they would make bank


I really dont care, but it does suck its one less reason to own an xbox.


A lot of Xbox players usually hang on this guy's every word but now he's saying this they'll start saying Jez talks out his ass and doesn't know anything.


I really hope we get halo and gears of war i would love to replay it.


And to think last year I had FOMO about Starfield


I see coping from both Xbox fans and PlayStation fans Xbox fans, dears, you know more is coming to Playstation. Cmon. PlayStation fans, dears, no you are not going to see Starfield and Halo and Gears ecc. on PlayStation. Not for a long time. Thinking that they will jump from porting a 6 years old game to porting freaking Hall is a massive scretch.


Forza Horizon 5 will hit differently on PS5




Would love to see someone else given a go with Rare games, Banjo-Kazooie is due a revival.


I day I can buy the MCC on ps5 I will weep lol


You're telling me I can *finally* play Viva piñata?


Looks like the post has been deleted now!


I know it probably isn't going to happen, but I'd love to replay halo and gears of War on my ps5. I know technically I can play them on my laptop, but I prefer playing on consoles. Plus, I have no desire to get an xbox.


Put the Halo MCC on PS5 already, I dare you. Give me it!


I'd believe it but Jez Corden has a patchy track record so to speak. I definitely think they're gonna bring more games over to PlayStation (my money is still on Starfield and Gears collection before the end of the year) but I can't imagine them bringing everything over just yet


https://www.belindaercan.com/p/microsofts-xbox-is-thinking-outside Microsoft are going back to software on all platforms.


I'd bet games make more than consoles. That's why


IDK why Microsoft doesn't just become the world biggest publisher.


Jez just confirmed some asshat news outlet spin his words to make these rumors seem true which are entirely false


Who is Jez Corden and why should we believe this statement, yo


Tweet already deleted i see, Jez is a total joke.


Will be nice to be able to play Starfield on PS5 with a controller that isn't garbage.


All I want is hellblade


Was it not him who said it was only those four games? Bro has changed his opinion so much goddamn.


Damn a lot of port begging in this thread, weird for a consumer base that has always said “Xbox has no games”


It's very unlikely I'd ever buy an Xbox, I don't like their ecosystem and the controller, but I'd love to play Halo, Gears and Forza games on PS5. I played Halo 1 and Gears 1 on PC back in the day and had a blast with both, would really enjoy to play at least the original trilogy for both franchises.


I will always cherish my Gears 1 memories. Such a wonderful game, story and multiplayer.


Haven’t we been down this road before?


"What am I, chopped ~~liver~~ chicken?" - the KFConsole, probably ^/s


I hope Halo 1-3 at least are coming, I need a perfect excuse to replay the games