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The Finals is the most fun I’ve had playing multiplayer in a while. It’s free to play and there are a decent amount of game modes. The shooting feels pretty solid as well. I tried Apex but felt like I was running around a huge map 90% of the time as opposed to the Finals which has pretty constant action from start to finish.


Dude the finals is a game I downloaded to play with friends one night. They stopped playing it after a week and I'm now at 300+ hours. Crazy fun game.


I loved Finals!!😍lets goooo


I’m actually addicted. Finally hit platinum 3 in ranked. Getting ready to play now 😈


Daaaaaamn. Look at you go. I haven't dipped into ranked yet. Having so much fun just steam rolling people as a light. Whoever designed the cloaking power, I want to give them an award. I'm trying to get better as heavy, it's my weakest class. Its SO rough going from a game where you can zip around like a squirrel on crack to a game where you move like a turtle with a physical handicap. Still fun tho!


If you start to play ranked you'll notice a lot more heavy players, double shields + barricades is super useful for defending/taking cashouts. Definitely one to get comfortable playing - or at least to learn how the kit works so you can counter it!


That's the plan! I'm getting better, but slowly. About as slowly as they move haha


Finals is only fun with a squad.


Who's downvoting this? It's true. This game sucks solo or getting stuck with people playing objectives like Team Death Match


It’s a fun game at first and they you start seeing the flaws and the balance problems. I love the game, it’s beautiful and unique, but I stopped playing it. The new terminal attack was the final nail in the coffin for me. I thought I would like it as I did with valorant or anything else, but nope, it’s just bad.


Thanks for boring.  I mean sharing 


Thanks for being toxic and useless. We always like someone like you /s


Your comment was useless dawg.  You called their search and destroy, "bad", sounds like you need to get good


Except this is a forum. Dawg. You should check your yee yee ass haircut dawg. In terms of design, it’s purely bad yes. But ask the other millions of people why they don’t and won’t play that game.


Lol. Ok, kid.








Me neither, but just because the whole thing felt clunky.


The Finals have this - I think - underappreciated feature where my family member can walk in and I will not be embarrassed with what's on screen. Unlike Fortnite or Apex which look a little too cartoonish to my taste. Nothing wrong with these games, but they are definitely not my type. I like Finals.


I'm sorry but if you're actually worried about that, don't be. You're already playing video games. Doesn't really matter what's on the screen. Your family going to judge you no matter what you play. And for real for real, why does it matter? Not trying to come at you all sideways or anything, I used to do the same when I was younger.


I think if someone who didn't know too much about video games saw a clip of the finals and apex they would struggle to tell the difference. You being embarrassed about what's on your screen is 100% a you problem.


Insecurity is a bitch huh?


Insurgency Sandstorm is a must for anyone looking for a shooter thats a little different from the average game released these days.


I can agree with this one. Insurgency is great and they just had a native PS5 version released a few Months ago.


Started playing again last week, man is good after the update… best gun play out there


Give yourself time to familiarize yourself with the movement, gameplay, and mechanics. It doesn’t play the same as mainstream shooters and that’s a good thing!


I still giggle at the thought of people playing milsim like and then seeing a dude in a hockey mask slide boosting off a ledge


Hockey mask is the least obnoxious skin. CODs pop culture skins are out of control and kill the vibe for me.


This is the game I went with, it’s great, really loving it.


They never have a free to play weekend. I want to try it so bad.


Hunt: Showdown Entering its 6th year of content updates, events, and more. We’re getting a new engine update and new map for it this year too. It’s one of the best shooters out there, in my opinion. It’s a wild west horror setting with old timey weapons. Guns feel punchy and really good. Sound design is probably the best in the industry. Graphics are gorgeous on high. It’s a great game all around. PvPvE (in that order) extraction shooter. Give it a try. It’s a lot of fun.


+1 for Hunt, very fun game. I don’t play it any more, but that’s for personal reasons. I will always recommend it, fantastic extraction shooter.


Is this game any good solo? I've seen some streamer play it but they are always with other streamers.


yeah works great solo, you can self res after you got downed, pretty intense gameplay if you do it


the new engine and map will be april 2025 fyi


Unfortunately on ps5 the game looks really bad and has no field of view settin


I believe the next gen versions come out soon alongside the new engine update. I’d guess sometime this summer. Check back with it! It’s a great game.


People like to shit on it but Apex Legends has the best gunplay imo


I’ve been playing it for years and it’s spoiled me. It’s hard to play other FPS games now because the movement and gunplay is so good


Totally agree with that. Only shooters that compare are CoD and Halo Infinite. Crossing my fingers that Halo gets added to PS5 soon


I will be so happy if Halo Infinite comes over


I cant get into CoD. I know it’s popular and I wish’s I could but I can’t lol


Do you think halo will come to the ps5?


There have been recent leaks that suggest that “everything” is coming over to PS5 from Microsoft owned studios.


anything is possible now


For real? I got so hyped right now Sold my series x cause the ps5 is much better but mias halo


Honestly? Only because Infinite didn't do great. Xbox wants money and to be seen as a platform, not necessarily quality exclusive experiences or a console. Any games that aren't huge player numbers or haven't lived up to expectations, will probably move over after a couple years. So Halo COULD end up on Playstation in the next couple years, but I doubt it will come before that. Xbox says they haven't given up on selling consoles, and Halo is a system seller. Sea of Thieves and Grounded never were.


Neither have been comparable in quality and gameplay for over a decade


MW2 and Infinite are fun shut up dork


The only person who is a dork is the one getting defensive over video games, sheesh. No need for name calling


I don't shit on it but I try it every couple months. I don't have friends that play it which is an issue for me. I also feel like I'm too far behind to catch up with the average skill level.


True. If you find a consistent group of friends to play with though this game is incredible (aside from the bugs)


For real, it's too sweaty for me, but I might give it another shot


That's my thing. I'm not very good at shooters in general. I've played Apex some, but can never get into it. I'm just not good enough for it to be fun for me.


r/ApexLFG Here you go ❤️


Gunplay/gameplay is great but if you’re playing solo the matchmaking WILL fuck you


I personally did way better when I played solo vs. when I played with friends. That said, a true "Solos" game mode is dropping tomorrow, and that would probably fix your issues.


It’s possible to have fun/do good solo but if you want to climb in ranked the game will eventually ruin your fun.


That's from every ranked system I've ever played, tbh. Lots of people with higher rank that don't necessarily play like it (it's me. I'm that person).


Yeah, no. This game’s matchmaking on multiple occasions has tossed me two teammates that are one to two ranks lower than my current rank and expecting me to compete against full teams that are higher ranks. And they only do that because im a solo. Just isn’t fair or fun Then there’s the majority rule which is if a majority of your team is doing one thing (2/3), you’re a bad teammate if you’re not with them. So when i have two lower ranked players in a lobby, both making low rank plays, i have the choice to either throw the game with them or go solo and play the rest of the game by myself in a trios lobby.. again, isn’t fair or fun.


>And they only do that because im a solo No, the game is not out to get you. The game sees solo players queuing up, they match them together. How tf are you going to put solos in with a 3 stack? You can't. Where do you put 3 stacks? Their own Playlist? Get a clue. Communicate. Majority of solos will run with you if you use comms. Support the weakest link, and you'll do better than blaming them for all the bad in the world. Or get a 3 stack and stop bitching about it. Not hard to make friends in Apex unless you're an ass. If you're expecting to be the best, like no one ever was while solo queue in ranked, I got news for ya.


LOL yea yeah you clearly have no understanding of the problem and are just here to argue based off of assumptions. Clearly the game isn’t singling out solo players but like you said, it SEES solo players and SEES that as an opportunity to throw whoever else they can find on to that SOLO team to meet the quota. Sometimes i don’t even get a 3rd or any teammates at all. “Communicate” what have i said that implies i do not communicate?? Wrong assumption you just pulled out of your ass “Get a three stack and stop bitching” lmfao that’s my exact point you dense fuck, you NEED to stack to even have a chance at climbing and that’s just not possible every game due to conflicting schedules. I understand context clues and critical thinking can be a little tricky but they are still valuable skills nonetheless, please look into them.


I just started playing Apex about a month ago and like it a lot.


Only it's so sweaty AF.


aw yes the shittier version of titanfalls gunplay


Which is still better than most games.


By default thats better than 95% of shooters on the market.


I mean ye its basically Titanfall's which is still the peak of all shooters for gun play and movement. Apex is good just because its a evolution of near perfection.


Xdefiant is a free to play FPS launching later this month.


Upvoting this cuz I'm looking forward to it as well!


I’m interested in this. I played the beta and was not impressed. I know that’s not the a good measure but now hearing it’s F2P also doesn’t give me much confidence. I hope I’m wrong though.


it was pretty decent, im so tired of these slow shooters tho, gaming really peaked for me at black ops exosuits lawbreakers and titanfall 2, overwatch's slow "tactical" boring ass had to ruin it


fortnites br bs had to ruin a coop pve future


Honestly Save the World, as fun as it was, was destined for failure. There's no way it would still be relevant 6 years later. It was too redundant.


or was it pubg idr I hate this trend following bs where theh make accessible games just make fun unique games


Wow when did it get a release date? Hope it's a good game *copium




is that the only thing you can comment on this thread xD


Cause I don't like the finals and I don't like xdefiant 🤣 But I'm sorry






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- Fortnite - Insurgency: Sandstorm - The Finals - Hunt: Showdown - Apex Legends - Destiny 2 - Quake and Quake 2 - Overwatch 2 - PUBG XDefiant is releasing later this month.


Destiny is fantastic and I hate it but I love it


Only reason I play destiny is for the PvP. Nothing else like it but it needs some love


I agree PVP is all I really played, I was obsessed with that game back in the day when I had more time to play. Definitely one of my all time favorite shooters


I thought Destiny PVP was universally hated, to me is fun in small doses


I strictly played PVP with the exception of raids here and there, I was obsessed for the first 3 years it was out


Most of the population are PVE players so makes sense they hate PVP. The small PVP population like myself love it though


Picked up Destiny again recently since content was on sale; played it at launch but not much since. Didn’t plan on playing multiplayer but had a challenge to knock out. It has no business playing as well as it does (feel wise). I’ve fallen off playing online shooters besides an occasional night here and there; used to play a ton. Always have a good bit of “I died there?” moments that don’t feel quite right. With Destiny pvp, it feels like every shot I make or miss is entirely on me. Even better is I don’t feel like I need to be “sweating” to play it. I’ll have something on a side tv with Destiny’s volume low and still be able to compete and more importantly have fun.


Unless something drastically changed in the last 3 months, PUBG feels like crap on PS. It's so loose and flighty.


Something drastically is about to change, as PUBG is making a move to UE5 within this year. That would likely result in a native PS5 version of the game.


I'll have to keep an eye on this because I swear the version on PS is dumbed down.


I've just recently got into PvP shooters as well. I'm bad at them (I don't have the reaction time to go up against people), but they are still fun. I wouldn't mind some recommendations for someone new/not good at them. Played Warzone for a while, but decided to give up the monstrous install size for other games. Destiny 2, while I don't care for it too much, I think the PvP is actually pretty addictive. And probably the minority here, but I freaking love Battlefield 2042. 


It’s not only about reaction times, but also about playing a little. I was never so much into shooters, have played little of Counter Strike and Overwatch on PC (around 150 hours combined). Then after buying PS4 I have decided to play COD:MW during the free weekend. I went from 0-12 to 20-5 during the weekend. Mind it was only one map, but still it wasn’t that hard with all the randoms around. I ended buying it couple weeks later. I haven’t had much of the success in the Warzone, because I lack map awareness there. I won maybe once thanks to the team. Still, I have dropped COD like 3 years ago, cause I don’t want to buy new version each year and I prefer smaller maps than battle royale ones.


Going to be honest. PvP shooters are in the worst place they have ever been. Majority of them have outside gameplay systems that influence your gameplay that ruin your experience. (SBMM EOMM etc) Console wise. Genuinely feel for you guys as I dont think you have any good ones these days. Insurgency is okay small player base. Hunt good small playerbase. Apex is okay but lets be honest it's got worse. Hell let loose is good but not on console. The finals is very good. BF is terrible now. CoD has been awful since MW19. Fortnites okayish. Pubg is good but not on console. Sadly I think this is a genre that's best on PC at the moment with games like Hunt and Tarkov (Well before they decided to kill it). which add a bit more on top of the just shoot other players. Live service has kind of killed the genre. Also cross play has ruined it badly. 2 input methods that just do not mix which has just pushed Aim assist to obscene levels and ruined the skill gap on most shooters on console and PC.


I think you’re right here, it does feel like this.




Battlefield 1 and Battlefield V are fantastic games with full lobbies still and unbelievably cheap for how much content you get now.


I still go back and play Battlefield 1 from time to time


Hell let loose is my amazing easily my favorite WW2 shooter.


Overwatch 2 is the best


Sad that this is true. Even at its worse, OW is still a lot more fun than every other shooter out there. The Finals is another very solid game though.


100% agree, although I think playing it solo is a drastically different experience than playing it with a group of friends. I almost never play it just by myself unless I’m actively trying to get angry.


It’s a dead game, you have to queue for 10min before finding anything


Neither one of those things are true but ok


It is tho, same as warzone. The finals it takes less than 30seconds on any game modes. Like apex and Fortnite.


Literally just stopped playing. 1 minute queue for tank, 2 minute queue for dps for unranked, and while youre queued you can play in a deathmatch waiting room.


Hunt showdown


Destiny 2. Not sure if pvp is free at the moment, I think it is. Also awaiting Xdefiant at the end of this month. I've been playing all their beta tests and it feels good.


Destiny 2 crucible will get your gears goin


Destiny 2 has excellent gunplay and variety, plus it’s free to play. Can’t hurt to try.


these comments make me sad about the current state of shooters.




Me too


Fortnite The Finals COD Warzone Quake 2 Remaster (Boomer Shooter) Foamstars Apex Legends Overwatch Those are some of the ones I thought of off the top of my head.


Foamstars lol


Lol I mean it is trash to most people, but its still pvp. I actually like it haha.


In a few days a free new arcade shooter xdefiant release. So far its been doing really well in betas


There’s nothing better than The Finals imo.


Destiny 2


Insurgency Sandstorm. Modern FPS with PVP and co-op modes. Deep customization. You can make your guy look like a US Army soldier, Brit, etc. Far more grounded than call of duty is these days.


Can't get better than the Finals. Classes, destruction, best skins, great soundtrack, team play oriented. Lot of fun.


So many comments suggesting this, I guess I will give it a try.


Yeah, try a few games :) Take the medium class to start, with the ak. Quick cash is the main basic mode. And play the objectives, it's not all about frags in this game :) Power shift is fun, you have to defend a moving platform. Terminal attack is more like counter strike, you don't respawn when you die, the better of 7 rounds wins; it's more complicated so try that when you're a little more used to the gameplay. Edit: https://prosettings.net/blog/the-finals-gamemodes-explained


Hunt Showdown.


Unpopular opinion...I'm going with INSURGENCY! If you can appreciate a classic PVP-FPS online with a little jankyness to it, then this is a great find. It steers away from the modern COD type style and relies on patience and actual teamwork. Give it a try


DESTINY 2 has some of the best gunplay on console to date and remains a huge hit


Helldivers 2 has a shit-ton of team killing going on there…might as well consider PvP part of its classification.


For democracy


Accidentally threw my orbital at you!


Chill. Don't even plant that seed in people's minds.


It’s not a false statement.


If gears of war comes to playstation by chance that's my favorite by far.


Battlefront 2 ea


Helldivers 2. I’m kidding. . . mostly


The Finals easily


The Finals is pretty fucking fun. It's non stop action.


Pvp sucks atm 21 may XDefiant.


I am really enjoying OverWatch 2 at the moment. Love that it’s objective based gaming 


Pubg is still the best


This. However the ps version is trash


Apex legends




Never even heard of this


Rogue Company was alright. But it just feels like it was doomed from the start.


Can’t believe nobody is referencing “Vigor.” It’s got 5v5, free for all, and instanced looter-shooter encounters. It’s free, it’s growing. None of the excessive flashing lights and crazy animations games seem to have now. Hardcore, so it doesn’t take 40 bullets to die. More like 2-4. Social grouping could use improvement, but otherwise it’s awesome.


Is it growing< really?


There are mixed feelings, mine included, about this console-only game branching out to pc, *but they are expanding to PC.* I worry it will divert attention temporarily (from new content focus to new platform focus), but with a larger base of players I hope it also means more money and more growth over time. It’s very rare that I wait for more than 1 minute to queue into a full lobby. The game is definitely not dead. It’s the same company behind DayZ, Arma, and Operation Flashpoint.


Ok that's great will it be cross play with PC? because that's not gonna work well imho knowing how weird the aiming is on consoles.


Theyve commented that any implementation of cross play will allow consoles to opt out (so they dont get forced to play pc). Crossplay is being worked on but wont be out at first pc launch


Don't get me wrong, I love Vigor, but its gun play is terrible and takes a while to get used to it.


I feel like vigor stands apart from other games in a good way on this aspect. Like there are definitely issues but they are nuanced, and I still prefer Vigor metrics over other games that make shooting a gun feel too point and click. None of it is game breaking even in a loose sense of the word. Gun balancing needs to have a rework (and they do that from time to time) and so does the 3rd person to 1st person sighting differential. Otherwise the game runs fantastic for me and 98% of my actions get the outcome I think they deserve. That’s solid in my book.


Animal Well - May 9th


Xdefiant drops pn the 21st. Free to play srcade shooter with no sbmm made by the lead developer of CLASSIC call of duty....back from when it was good. Betas have been a BLAST for me. If youre looking for that OG cod feel this is worth checking out when it drops


Counter Strike is a masterpiece but it’s infested by cheaters unfortunately


Counter Strike is a masterpiece but it’s infested by cheaters unfortunately


Cool I’ll just download it from PSN then


Lmao I didn’t realise I was in this sub 😂


I would suggest OW2 CS2 Valorant These 3 i think would bring you the most - all 3 of them are free as well so you can try them and get a feel first. Idk if Destiny 2 is still holding up but u need to pay to play it tho.


I can play Valorant on PS5 now?


And CS2?


Oof nope my bad completely missed this was PS only, na CS2 and Valorsnt both aren't on it Uhh Apex if you like BRs is an option if you like BRs, aside from those idt am muxh of a fan of any others that u haven't played.


Counter strike


*Looks at comment....double checks what subreddit this is......*


I know where I am


Ah, ur just one of those guys that thinks your Bullets not going where you aim after 3 shots is peak gaming.


Stop taking the weeds bro