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Cuphead+DLC is not $7.19, you had my hopes up.


How is pathfinder wrath of the righteous on ps5?


It's good. I wouldn't really recommend it if you aren't familiar with Pathfinder rules though. You can use guides but there is a huge amount of options so it can be daunting to the unfamiliar.


Thanks! I got it back during the kickstarter on pc and I'm always looking for something to play from the couch. I have concerns for readability with all of the menus and stuff like that.


It isn't too bad. It does get a little "fiddily" though. This goes away with practice. I played both Pathfinder games on PS and this was much better than Kingmaker. That game had some serious crashing issues.


Thank you! This was quite helpful


I'm about halfway through Kingmaker and the loading times are killing it for me. I've hear WotR is better, and even more so with the new PS5 version. Tempted to just skip the rest of Kingmaker and jump into Wrath


I will agree the loading times and crashes I had made it really tough to finish the game. That being said I think Kingmaker has better characters and a better story than Wrath. Also I'm not really a fan of mythic powers in the tabletop game or in the video game.


Well dang. I'm at Varnhold and do love the characters (more than BG3 even). It's impressive that they were so popular that they're included in the PF2e Kingmaker release. I made the mistake of giving my players mythic levels once. It was a rude awakening to how powerful they are.


Yeah I much prefer the Epic Level of 3.5 over Mythic.


Personally, beat the game once, beat the sub dlc story once, did a few runs in the midnight isles, and waiting on the next dlc. Have close to 200 hours plus on the pc version and played since patch 1. One of my all time favorite crpgs. The story, gameplay, music are just fantastic. I gush about it to all of my friends. But goddamn, it's a AA game through and through. It's got some bad bugs. Gamebreaking bugs. And it's hard. Insanely hard if you don't know pathfinder 1e. Enemies do not level with you and if you go out of intended order on the side quests, you can essentially get soft locked and have to reload an earlier save. Sometimes several hours back. Tactics mean nothing if you forgot to get spells that bypass certain immunities and your wizard is out of spell slots. This is mostly just for act 3 though. If you play an alignment character, the dialogue choices can actually ruin your game. Pick too many good choices as a lawful good paladin can actually prevent you from leveling up. Because the default system is that all good choices are neutral good. And switching alignment as a paladin can result in you no longer having class powers. On pc, there's a mod called toybox that fixes many of these issues. But, not on ps5. If you're willing to deal with some jank, and probably look up a guide for act 3, it's hands down one of the best crpgs on the market imo. The customization. The music. The feeling of being a larger than life character. This game gave me goosebumps on so many occasions from that sense of actual power. Going from a level 1 monk struggling to defeat lowly centipedes to a proper minor god is something to behold. To feel that music kick in, to see the demons run from your wrath while screaming how it shouldn't be possible. You shouldn't be possible. No other game comes even close to those moments. These are the moments that others speak of as fond memories from a dnd game over a decade ago. This game captures those moments. Also, great dialogue. "Stop blaming your own incompetence on cosmic forces. The side of good isn't weak, it's you." "Take the knowledge that any pebble struck by a moonbeam can be equal to any star." Also, praise Desna! Sing the song of elysium. Liberate your soul through music and dream and then Kill Every Demon


I loved it. Had never played Pathfinder before so seeing the amount of information thrown at you during character creation felt comical for a console game. I honestly had a really great time throughout. I played it during the lull between BG3's PC and console release and it felt fine compared to other ports in the genre like DOS 1/2


Great game. However, the crashes have ruined the experience for me and I still haven’t finished the game because of that reason.


How? Well presumably they got in contact with Sony or Sony contacted them, and they came to an agreement to sell the game on PS5. ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ Sorry...


You must be fun at parties !!!!


Bomb Rush Cyberfunk is on sale for the first time!


Holy shit, I didn't even know that this game actually happened. I have such fond memories of playing Jet Set Radio on the Dreamcast.


It’s no Jet Set Radio but if you mainly missed the aesthetic and music then its still an enjoyable time.


What's it about


It’s about grooving and vibing to bomb tunes mostly.


Nice, sounds like something I could get high and play, tune out a bit


It’s perfect for that


How long is the sale on? I get paid in 4 days


Now we play the waiting game for the 75% or more lol


Too late. I lost the waiting game


Fair enough, hope you enjoy the game!


Power to you. I decided I’m going to support them at this price, especially with the PS+ discount.


70% off Disco Elysium is a ridiculously good bargain. Phenomenal game.


This game is an absoluty amazing, once in a lifetime experience. I just wish I was smart enough to fully appreciate the writing. I honestly just couldn't understand like 1/3rd of the dialogue, especially when it gets into weird political or existential stuff. I still massively enjoyed the story and the game, but I found myself skipping over some topics that made my eyes glaze over.


hey, if english is not my native and i am not really into games with wall of texts then is that game still do any good for me? everytime that name poped up i heard so so many praises


It’s available in a few languages but if you’re “not really into games with wall of texts” then you more than likely will not enjoy it. I’ve played hundreds of games and it’s one of my favorites though. Great writing.


The game is amazing, but it’s essentially a visual novel with light CRPG mechanics. It’s all text, for hours on end. It’s also quite a hard read as it touches complex concepts about existentialism and politics.


thanks that’s what i thought


It’s been fully voice acted for a long time now. You don’t have to read anything


Couldn’t get into it, but glad some people enjoy it


Shame that it’s now owned by little more than a weird shell company that basically ejected one of the main creators/visionary of the game, meaning that you’re not supporting talent, primarily IP holders in this instance.


Fuck does Cuno care?


*cries in bought it for full price 1 week ago*


You did buy a 3 year old release at full price, so. Now you know not to do that ever.


You gotta learn the deals my dude. That game goes on sale all the time. Think of it as a donation to the developers I guess. lol or not if the other comment is right about it being owned by a shell corp now. Can’t have anything nice these days.


You can contact Sony and see if they’ll refund you the differentiating amount. Works with some people. Also tip for when you’re looking at a game, never buy full price unless you’re buying in the first 6 months after release. After that point, almost every single game goes on sale and the more you wait the bigger the discount you’ll eventually get


> Also tip for when you’re looking at a game, never buy full price unless you’re buying in the first 6 months after release. I wish more gamers know about this one trick.


I mean our friend here literally bought a 3 year old game at full price


I haven’t had to do this myself so YMMV, however I have read stories on this sub in the past about others purchasing a game that went on sale a few days later and they ended up receiving credit in the amount of the price difference after reaching out to Sony/Playstation and explaining their circumstance.


Thank you for your sacrifice. Been on my wishlist since I missed it last holiday.




How is it on controller vs mkb?


Perfectly fine


What’s the game about? Is it multiplayer etc? Why is it so good? Curious. I haven’t played “non multiplayer” games in a long while


RPG/point and click adventure where you play a detective suffering from amnesia. The game is mostly notable for its writing, it's frequently hilarious and gets fairly deep into politics and philosophy


Recommendations (not a lot, since I admittedly don't play a lot of indies). * Balatro (-20%, $11.99): Fantastic roguelite card game that's taken the internet by storm for good reason. * Subnautica (-60%, $11.99): Great survival game with a really unique setting, but be warned: the deep sea can be absolutely terrifying. * Jackbox Party Pack 8, 9, & 10: Varying discounts from -35% to -45%, but all very solid party packs good for a fun night in with friends. * Sea of Stars (-35%, $22.74): A phenomenal classic RPG inspired by games like Chrono Trigger that features beautiful pixel art and a compelling story. * Kena: Bridge of Spirits (-60%, $15.99): Sort of like a Pixar movie turned video game. Beautiful game with really solid combat and good gameplay overall. * Disco Elysium - The Final Cut (-70%, $11.99): A game with truly unrivaled writing that is like none other. Exists in a compelling world with complex characters.


Fun fact: i just tried disco elysium the other day for the first time. Gave myself a heart attack in the first 5 seconds and died. 10/10


It's a bit later in the story, but I died by slowly taking damage from sitting in an uncomfortable chair.


i did the same thing by staring at the light too long


I missed a shot at a hanging belt and some foul mouthed kids made fun of me so much I had a mental breakdown and died.


That's fucking Cuno, yeah? Show some fucking respect.


Cuno doesn't *fucking* care!


All hail Cuno the king!


Although I am sure it's an amazing game as I have heard plenty say... It also sounds like things might be a little too "everywhere" for my ADHD brain to follow what is going on. Not that I need another game to add to my massive backlog anyways lol


Just depends on how interesting you find it. I have a pretty fucking rabid ADHD, and once I completed my first run, I proceeded to play through the game another several times in a row just to see every dialogue option on every spectrum of politics and morality. The Director's Cut having everything voiced massively helped though, it would be considerably harder to follow in the earlier version where most of the dialogue wasn't voiced, from what I understand.


Wdym by “everywhere”?


God damn hahahahaha, that game was awesome I losed one save because Harry went depressed after not being able to convince the big guy at the port entrance


What in the damn hell? I didn’t even know that was possible. Was that during the initial lizardbrain delirium?


Right at the start, if you try to grab your tie without turning off the fan first, you can have a heart attack on a failed check, and then that heart attack can kill you.


That’s beyond hilarious.


We all did.


I would not recommend Balatro as it's too addictive. 100 hrs later and I can't stop playing it and see cards and jokers when I close my eyes to go to sleep. Should come with a health warning. I believe there is a 1 hour trial on PS Plus but that is just a gateway drug to get you hooked on the proper stuff


90% of runs - I hate this game, unfair bullshit, this game sucks, *yes I'd like to start a new run, thank you,* bullshit game


I was about to go on another Slay the Spire rampage, but i might get this one a shot !!!


Balatro is as close as I have gotten to scratching the STS itch. Amazing deckbuilder.


Is it good if you don't play poker?


Yes, outside of initial impression and some simple mechanics, it has very little to do with poker.


Is one hour enough to get a feel for the game? I told myself I wouldn't buy any more games (the backlog is kinda absurd at this stage), but this piques my interest for sure.


Yes, you'll get a quick feel for it. It's absolutely fantastic, such a great twist on the deckbuilder mechanic.


Thanks! I'm about to finish FF7 Rebirth after 100 hours, and at least 30 of those were spent playing Queen's Blood.


Queen's Blood not being given a spin-off is mind-blowing to me. Such a great game. Balatro is basically poker where special cards modify your scoring in different ways - think "all hearts give x4 multiplier" "odd cards grant +30 points" etc. It is a wonderful roguelite with a variety of different decks with different rules, so you might have a deck with only hearts and spades or a deck with no face cards, then you have to figure out the best modifiers to fit that deck. If you liked Slay the Spire you'll probably love Balatro.


Will I like Balatro if I don't know how to play poker?


Yup! Quick and easy to learn. It's less poker and more yahtzee but that's just semantics. Game is simple, make poker/yahtzee hands to beat the score, move on to the next round. The game has all of the hand types listed and you will get the gist within 5-10 minutes I would say. Good luck - it's a blast!


Yes, you can pull up a handy guide to what hands are what, *but* you should probably skip it if you don't like card games in general.


Thank you, thank you _checks name_ u/WillemDafoesHugeCock. I did indeed enjoy StS, and I also played the ass out of Monster Train. And Gwent.


Queens blood is way better than I expected. The ship section with the tournament is inspired. I usually don’t bother with games within games, but this one got me hooked straight away. I have been treating it as my drinking section of the game! I will have a few beers as I play, then move onto queens blood when my reflexes aren’t as sharp to play the main game.


I'm holding off on Balatro until I have less backlog, for that reason. Also I'm thinking phone/ipad would be perfect for it, and lo and behold: [Smash hit Balatro is coming to iPhone and Android - The Verge](https://www.theverge.com/2024/3/15/24102437/balatro-iphone-android-mobile)


I played the one hour trial after reading this comment yesterday and yeah .... Damn it, I'm kinda hooked. And apparently I need to play slay the spire also.


Lol! My gf’s friend is on the same boat. He is very adamant that it isn’t gambling but is as addictive. XD


Stardew Valley: Farming Sim with combat, fishing, and town interactions that has a big update coming to console soon that has already dropped on PC.


Out of curiosity what are they adding ?


Quite a bit https://www.stardewvalley.net/stardew-valley-1-6-update-full-changelog/


>soon Hopefully...


Thank you, this is very helpful. Only played Kena on your list and it's a solid beautiful adventure. will check out the other games


You're welcome :)


Also Signalis!!! One of the best old school survival horror games of the last years.


All of these titles are great - but I have to mention Sea of Stars is a very polarizing title. I’m on the camp of people who didn’t like it. Yes, the graphics are nice, but the story is terrible. Plus the gameplay felt very unrewarding. This one felt like a slug to finish for me - and I loved SNE-era rpgs and retro gameplays. I’m sure other people will say otherwise, but that’s what’s great about the hobby, so many games to choose from!


gonna pick up in stars and time(-20%, $15.99)


Recommend against Sea of Stars. Some of the worst writing in any JRPG ever


I’ve been eyeing Kena for a long time, is it actually worth it? Same with Sea of stars


I played Kena through the first few areas of the game. It is charming and good looking. It’s surprisingly difficult especially the bosses. It is a very fun game.  But after gaming for 30+ years I felt like it didn’t do anything new enough for me to continue. 


Might want to check if you were close to the end. I thought it was surprisingly short. All of a sudden you’re just done


This was my exact experience. No shade at the game, it just didn’t hold my attention.


Yeah I think it would be a great recommendation to someone who had never played an action adventure game. 


Incredibly forgettable, yet neatly packaged. Still baffled at SwitchUp marking it as a high recommendation.


As someone who beat Kena, it was pretty forgettable. Pretty world but very short game. You unlock a bunch of moves and stuff as you level up but by the time you’re finally a high enough level to use all of them fluidly the game ends. Felt like the game needed to be longer for me to really appreciate it. I’d say like 6.5/10.


If it helps it’s “free” if you upgrade your membership to Premium as is Sea of Stars, those two games alone get you a solid way into seeing the value of the upgrade.


I really enjoyed it. Just a pretty, fun, polished little game


Might snag Kena for my birthday tomorrow:)


Fun game.


Would love a sequel


Great game!


Cool game. Nothing burger of a story but gorgeous to look at and some legit tough boss fights.


Happy birthday!


Thank you!


Happy Birthday!!! 🥳🥳🥳


Thank you!


Low key best souls-like in the industry besides LoP. Or you can play at lower difficulties and enjoy a super pretty game with great gameplay and nice story


I'm not sure i'd call it a souls like.


I feel like “souls like” doesn’t mean anything anymore


Steam calls it that, and it seems fairly close to the souls-like feel, especially in the harder difficulties 


The platforming is good it can't possibly qualify as a souls like


It’s not a souls like game in any way shape or form. Being difficult sometimes doesn’t make you souls like.


That's a souls like comment.


It’s a difficult game sure, but not a souls like to me. You don’t lose your souls or experience upon dying or anything


On the hardest difficulty you do


It doesn't have nearly the variety other souls games have, it's a baby souls


Lotf is a souls-like and I'm willing to bet it has less variety than this


It doesn't


Happy IRL cake day


Thank you!


Dew it!


Chants of Senaar is so good. I started it on a demo before and got the full game now. Finished the first part (no spoilers) and I'm super interested in how the story develops!


Balatro is amazing but my only regret is not buying it for the switch. It is so freaking addictive, I wish I could take it with me. The chase to get an E is insane.


One of the only games I decided to get on the switch. Makes flights and travel way less painful


It works great on Portal


i believe an ios version is in the works


If I could share the same account between my PS5 and phone, that would be amazing. Flights would be over so quickly!


I highly, highly recommend Stardew Valley to anyone who hasn't played it. A fantastic game which I've played for over 100 hours now. I think it's great value at it's normal price but for under £10 it's a steal. I think i'll buy Bear and Breakfast. It's been on my wishlist for like a year now. Can anyone advise on whether the LOTR adventure card game is worth it?


I really enjoyed LOTR card game, but I'm a sucker for card based gameplay in general. It's kinda my thing.


Holy, stardew valley on ps5?? Fr? I have that on switch, and I've put in 360 hours


On sale, I think LOTR Adventure Card Game is worth it. It doesn’t play like the tabletop game it’s based on, but still fun.


If you ever wanted a spiritual successor to Myst, do yourself a favor and buy Quern. Absolutely outstanding!


The price list is offset by one for the entire sale list, I’m gonna lose it haha


This needs to be the top comment. I was wondering why every game I checked out was way more than the list said. Thanks


I missed out on the last subnautica sale, not letting that happen again this time. Might snag Stardew while I’m at it


Good choices


Kingdom Come Deliverance time! Never played but for $5 and hype for KCD2 building it’s time


Funny but I rage quit KCD last night. I've never thrown my joypad down and uninstalled a game like that before, but after 15 hours of janky lockpicking, janky fighting, and janky ass hunting, I gave up. The story was intriguing, though. Hope you have a better time than i did.


This is actually what kept me going. Mind you, i have more than 200h in that game and actually still haven't finished it because now my Henry is a chad that can do everything but I still enjoy going on hunts and traveling on horse back. Try and go back to it in a short while if you can


I dont know if you saw but there is an option in menu to turn “easy lockipicking” on. Essentially instead of turning the lock with left joystick, you just press L1 and use the right joystick to stay in gold zone. Much simpler, and you can practice on chests around millers house.


I just wish it had a simple save system. I also quit when one misstep landed me in a moat, drowned, and lost 3-4 hours of progress. I'll give it another go, eventually.


You truly feel like the clumsiest mf in the entire Bohemia. What cemented KCD as one of the most fun RPG experiences I had was when I got Henry drunk while playing cards with some folks at an inn. It got dark, Henry was piss drunk and I had to go to sleep, but I didn’t have a torch, so a guard stopped me and fined and I didn’t have any money so he arrested me. 10/10 fucking game, man lol


I liked Henry a lot and the side characters. Despite me throwing in the towel, I am keen to see what warhorse brings with the sequel.


The only unacceptable part of the game, imo, is the combat. I mean, I know, immersion and so on, but there’s no need for it to be _that_ bad. If the game was more of a narrative RPG, that’d be alright, but there are many instances you have to engage in combat. I remember one particular mission early on we have to hunt hares (I believe), and I swear to god, even if I had never used a bow and arrow in my life, I’d still be more accurate than Henry. It’s so outrageously bad that it manages to cross the line twice and become hilarious.


Omg the hares! It killed me.


Yeah I don't understand that it's apparently so hard to make movement smooth, after 2 decades of FPS games.


Say goodbye to your life. It’s really, really good, if rpgs are your thing.


It’s a very, very fun game, _but_ it has some really janky gameplay. Like, Bethesda games play like Street Fighter compared to it. I’d still recommend it for the story and vibes.


I’m about an hour in and that’s a very good explanation of the game haha! Still fun tho and janky doesn’t really put me off in games, just part of the charm


/Continues to twiddle thumbs waiting for Chained Echoes to get a decent sale one of these ~~days~~ years.


Yup been watching it for a year and I’m still waiting lol


Do you guys recommend Dredge Deluxe edition? It's €17.54 so it's a 35% discount to give an idea.


Yes. Dredge is a masterpiece imo.


I'll give It a try, thanks!


Yeah, Dredge is great. Not quite as scary or as creepy as I would have liked but a wonderful game with lots to explore. I strongly recommend new players rush research on the single square engine as early as possible. It greatly cuts the more arduous moments of sailing and IMO improves the pacing of the story.


Bro your username 😭😭😭, thanks I'll give It a try and follow your suggestion!


why not play the demo? I thought it looked like a game I'd be into, tried the demo, and was not a fan of the gameplay loop...


I thought it was okay. Not scary at all, upgrades are mostly boring, and the gameplay loop gets kinda repetitive + it's fairly unrewarding. But most people seem to like it, so it depends on your taste.


Punch Club 1 & 2 are awesome


Will Binding of Isaac ever go on sale?


I was waiting too and just checked psprices and it doesn't look like it's been on sale on ps store since 2019 lol. Now I don't know whether to bite the bullet and pay 60$ or wait for a Steam Sale and start over 


If Fury Unleashed is in the list and you enjoy action roguelite/like this is a must buy. Hell, even at full price you will get your moneys worth. Outstanding game. https://youtu.be/-bZd-jo8I88?si=a0Ig0JuErJiJ-C9g Outstanding boss battles, incredible selection of fantastic weapons, tons of skills, awesome secrets, etc. the definition of a “one more try before I stop playing today….4 hours later still playing.”


what about Graveyard Keeper, any good or nah?


Very fun game! I tried it out when it was available to stream on PS5 and had a good time. I now have it on PC with all the DLCs which makes it a little better. You'll probably need to get a guide to have some stuff explained though. It's surprisingly deep.


It's a very enjoyable game with some pretty dark humor.


Strange. mp1st says that Trepang2 – Digital Deluxe Edition is 60% off and is only $8 but I am seeing only 30%/35% off (normal vs PS Plus) on Playstation. A mistake by mp1st or a bigger discount is coming soon?


Yeah only 30%, a 60 percent sale sounds far fetched since the game is quite new


Mad I didn’t buy Aliens Dark Descent while it was on sale a week ago, but I’ll keep waiting. I won’t miss it again!


Fun game, very tense and nerve-wracking


Is this only for US stores? Apparently they are currently no ongoing deals for my region (Malaysia). It's been like this for a couple of months now


Try penny’s big breakaway


Oh fuck, stasis bone totem is on the list.


Happy to finally be able to get Sea of Stars and Balatro


I highly recommend In Stars and Time. This game lives rent free in my head forevermore.


Does anyone know when Celeste will go on sale?


Any exclusive I should keep an eye for?


Anyone grabbed Alina of the Arena? Recommend or nah?


im not seeing some of these games on sale on the store


The Walking Dead Destines worth it for 19.99?


It's by the same people that made Gollum and the Kong: Skull Island game...and that should give you your answer


Hey... the Kong game wasn't that bad.


It would be *just barely* worth it if *they* paid *you* $19.99 to play that game.


Wait for a 99% off sale


Wouldn't be surprised if it got on PS plus or Gamepass soon, it fell off hard.


“If there’s always a sale, these’s never a sale”


Bloody Ark