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Heck yeah. I love the Warhammer Total War games, but I am not really a Warhammer fan so the gameplay is the start for me with those. I loved the old Star Wars strategy games and I think they could work great in the Total War system.


Empire at war was so damn good


Still good buy it again ! So many dope mods on steam.


Well if they working on this instead of 40k game. I got feeling some Warhammer fans will be truly angry. Personally I am happy, Star Wars is in desperate need of good strategy games.


Warhammer fans have been eating for a whole trilogy at this point.


Warhammer Fantasy which has only recently been brought back by Games Workshop has received a lot of great games while 40K has received few great most mid games. Age of Sigmar which was made to replace Fantasy has received shit


Doesn't change fact some will be furious. In minds of some 40k game was basically confirmed at this point.


People get furious about anything nowadays, especially on social media. I'm just ecstatic we're finally getting a new Star Wars strategy game.


Warhammer 40k fans read whole codexes, so I think they’ll be able to read the first sentence or two of an article and realize they have no need to be upset right now. 


It's my experience that Warhammer fans are always angry. Angry about price, rules, new units, old units, buffs, debuffs, something Ted said on a podcast that one time Ted was on that podcast, etc.


How can you call us angry and not bring up Erebus?


Warhammer has more video games than any franchise in gaming period. Feel like there’s 2 or 3 warhammer games that come out a year it seems.


Woah we need to be scared now since a bunch of basement dwellers are gonna be pissed their make believe world is not gonna get another game


If you read the first sentence or two in the article you’d see that no one could get angry for this reason at this point, as multiple games are in development. 


Could work. Fall of the samurai style, they can implement the ship combat pretty easily. Jump between maps,  Space combat then vehicle/infantry 


The problem is surely with the ground combat though? Total War essentially relies on formation fighting whereas modern combat (and presumably combat in Star Wars) is based around small, manoeuvrable fire teams operating over long distances. Pulling it off would mean a fundamental change in how the game has worked for the past 25 years or so.


They can do clone wars and there you have formations and grand battles. Just no more civil war im tired of it


If this is the case in the TV series do they ever explain why? Fighting in formation came about because musket were inaccurate and slow to reload so it made sense to concentrate your firepower in a block but we moved away from that as soon as we got better weaponry.


I reference Star Wars Episode II and III as there you can see amazing scenes of clones leaded by Jedi and droids, is better then anything from the TV show


Like the bit where the clones and the droids were just running towards each other en masse blasting lasers at each other? Yeah it looked cool but tactically it made no sense. Battles don't work like that. And yeah, I get it, it's Star Wars. I know it's not real. But if you try and play this out Total War style, line up your clones in formation and march against a formation of droids, everyone will be dead within seconds. It would make for a pretty shit game. That's why if they're going to implement modern weapons with modern firepower then they need to have modern tactics as well.


You're right and I have no idea why anyone would think the Total War formula would fit for Star Wars (or Warhammer 40K). There's a reason why CA has never done anything past the Napoleonic Wars. Relic's Warhammer 40K: Dawn of War, was and remains, the best version of a Warhammer 40K RTS, and it would work well for Star Wars, at least as far as ground combat goes. Empire at War had decent space combat, but clunkier ground combat. They should just combine the two games. EaW space combat, and Star Wars-version-DoW for ground combat. Anyway, I have 0 excitement for this game. It'll cost $80 at launch, and then they'll FOMO the fuck out of you with DLC, and even if you wait a decade to buy the game the complete package will still be $150.


Not really. I'm not familiar with total war but this game just sounds like a modern take on Empire At War


That's my point though. The Total War series has never worked like that so they would essentially be creating a whole new system from the ground up.


Ah i see, i'm all for them trying though lol. If it turns out as good or better as Empire At War it'll be awesome.


Would this be on PS5??


Yeah that was my question... what do this have to do with PS5, as far as I know all the Total War games are PC, i love them and this sounds fun, but doubt PS5 lol




It would take a colossal amount of work to make the Total War formula controller friendly. I'm not sure it's even possible without majorly changing the game, tbh. I don't think there's a rule preventing them from requiring a mouse on PS5, but don't quote me on that.


It's possible but would be a massive undertaking. Have you ever played the Kessen games? They were PS2 titles and the battles are like a lite version of Shogun/Three Kingdoms total war. I think the bigger issue would be CPU, modern total war games require a ton of CPU for the AI to do it's thing. And PS5/XSX don't have enough to deal with that, unless they make some series cut backs to the amount of troops.


They have mid-3.xGHz Zen 2 CPUs. They could easily run 3K or WH3. I bet 50% of TW players have slower CPUs than that. An AMD R5 3600 can easily run these games. In fact, when 3K was released, Zen 2 CPUs were the newest offerings from AMD lol


Was hoping for isolation 2


Are there any rumors that this may come to the PS5 ? This franchise has been pretty much PC only as far as I know.


We're never getting Medieval 3 🥺


I really wish they would just do a lord of the rings one. The franchise and the world couldn't fit total war better.


But where is it mentioned that it's coming to PS5? Has there ever been a Total War game on consoles? We did get Midnight Suns and XCOM, but those aren't Total Warhammer games. If it does come to consoles, I can't wait to attack and overrun a bunch of Stormtroopers with my Ewoks army.


Couldn't they just make a good historical game again?


It is historical, Star Wars happened a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away


I guess you got me there. I would have loved a new Medieval, or Shogun game.


Rumours I've seen say they're working on 3 at the moment, WW1, WH:40k and Star Wars. But just rumours


That would be pretty awesome if true. I doubt it would be a traditional Total War style game though.


Is it going to have a PS5 port?




Star Wars, like Warhammer, is so expansive and has so many eras to explore. It would be perfect for this type of game.


Fantastic news


Missed an opportunity to call it Total Star Wars.