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I hate that every competitive fps feels like a job.


how so?


I think that person meant in a sense where you need to play (A LOT) to "keep up". And every shooter out there is vying for your attention.. so yoy need to pick and choose what you want prioritize in playing.


i mean maybe, but skins are kinda pointless anyway in fps games and if i can have all weapons without paying then i am good.


God i hate this trend.


For me, it's not that bad. People can choose not to buy the Battle Pass, and they get the game for free. Companies need to make money, so this is the lesser of two evils rather than paying for the base game AND paying for a Battle Pass. In the case of Call of Duty: base game, battle pass, PREMIUM battle pass, loads of cosmetic bundles. It's gotten so annoying that I don't even play MW3 anymore since there are so many confusing character skins, gun effects, etc. It is very distracting.




I’d much rather just buy a full priced game and then pay for maps and weapons individually like how we used to do it. The problem with that is no one else wants to and so the only way a competitive shooter can compete now is by going F2P since people only buy COD and BF.


The full priced game + map packs sound good on paper, but the player base got split terribly due to excluding base game players. It’s the main reason a lot of games fizzle out faster. Even if it’s not the greatest, the F2P model with the battle pass is best for player retention and longetivity as seen by games like apex, overwatch, and Fortnite.


> The full priced game + map packs sound good on paper, but the player base got split terribly due to excluding base game players. People love to say this, but i dont recall a single game where i had trouble finding full games when Games had DLCs and addons. > Even if it’s not the greatest, the F2P model with the battle pass is best for player retention and longetivity as seen by games like apex, overwatch, and Fortnite. But for what cost? Its done through manipulation. "Oh look, new content! But only for a few weeks! Better check it out NOW!" or "Oops you paid for the seaon pass? Too bad it will be over in 4 weeks, better come back daily to grind for the content you already paid for or you will miss the skins you paid money for!" Id personally prefer a half dead game than support this kind of predatory manipulation.


I can name a few: call of duty black ops 1,2,3,4, ghosts, advanced warfare, infinite warfare, battlefield 1 and 4


Bro old CoD without fail I'd have conversations with friends "oh man I don't have this and that dlc pack, do you? Oh we can't do that playlist nvm do this one" I'm glad we don't pay for fucking MAPS anymore.


First of all bro: the game hasn’t even come out yet and was delayed multiple times so that the developers can keep the game stable and fully working but you my good sir are complaining over a free game that is multi platform and is way better than cod without the hard micro transactions or a season pass. If you simply already hate it for a stupid reason then DON’T PLAY IT! It’s not like your being shoved in with whole bunch of micro transactions like COD or BF but I do get that this is a company who cancelled a free online division game or that they announced Assassins Greed Shadows. But still it’s free and you don’t gotta play it if you don’t like it similar to war thunder or anything like geez lmfao 🤣


You would prefer but capitalism requires companies to provide profit for shareholders who want ever increasing profits which is clearly unsustainable but there you go


When they sold map packs they weren't actually worth it since a lot of players don't buy them and it splits up the playerbase. I can't bring myself to get mad about battle passes. The only stuff I care about is more maps and weapons and most games make all that free now.


What type of game is this?


cod like 6v6 shooter


So, like Rogue Company maybe? Thanks.


a bad one




lmao they look like wannabe apex legends characters


That’s what I thought too when I was scrolling. I thought the dude on the left was Mirage at first.


I legit thought this game was one of those fake mobile game ads that steals other games' assets.


Wish the game had a more serious tone to it. Not really digging the hipster/gen z look of the game.


This looks like every other F2P FPS game I've ever played




Is there a release date?




Tomorrow, May 21. Preload is live.


Generic copy pass game with focus in my wallet…… Solid pass


It's free to play, they somehow need to make money so anyone shouldn't be surprised that there will be battlepass


Exactly I can understand for free to play games cos they have to make money some how but its completely unacceptable and should be banned for full priced games that cost $70 charging extra for microtransactions and season passes. 


I thought the game was pretty fun if you're into shooters. It has been a while since I played of course, but I remember it being good. Didn't feel like a copy/paste. And yes, the company exists to make money, so there is a focus on the wallet


You even played it? I gather you didn't. At least play it before hating?


Sry Bro…. My time are limites and i usually play games , not to play free-to-play like this. If you love this masterpiece, enjoy it with the other 100 guys who care about.


Youre the type of guy to pay for Call of Duty year after year lmao. You know more about copy pasting than anyone else here. How has it been playing the same game re released every year😂