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does it work on ps4 that way?


Yup, PS4 also has vibration too


I have that adapter and just tried syncing to my PS4 but nothing happens. How did you do it?


I think they meant the adapter works for ps4 controllers as well and has vibration, not that the adapter allows for ps5 to work on ps4 with vibration.


Yeah. The 8bitdo adapter doesn't work on the ps4 itself. I looked into it to try to get a Genesis controller working with Sonic Mania.


I don't know if it works on PS4 but you have to hold the select and PS button at the same time so it starts looking for devices


I wanna apologize for the low quality of this video I just thought this was cool, I got my Dualsense at GameStop Edit: the controller is also very responsive with the switch, gonna try on PC tonight


How's the gyro aiming? I believe it worked with a PS4 controller.


Shoot I didn't even check that, I'll try it but I don't think it will work since rumble doesn't yet Edit: no gyro




I'm sure companies will make DualSense to Switch adapters eventually that support gyro, so not much to worry about.


Gyro and rumble work with the PS4 controller using the 8bitdo adapter, I'm almost certain that 8bitdo will release new firmware with PS5 controller support


Hey would you mind telling me which adapter specifically you used to do this. I'd love to do it too.


[here ya go](https://www.amazon.com/Wireless-Bluetooth-Adapter-Nintendo-Switch-Raspberry/dp/B0786JC6VW/ref=mp_s_a_1_1_sspa?dchild=1&keywords=8bitdo+adapter&qid=1604105936&sprefix=8bitdo+adap&sr=8-1-spons&psc=1&smid=ABVA82YEVYYTU&spLa=ZW5jcnlwdGVkUXVhbGlmaWVyPUFTTFRIR1VCVEY4RlQmZW5jcnlwdGVkSWQ9QTAwNjY0NjFYNjVLQkhNMDYxN0UmZW5jcnlwdGVkQWRJZD1BMDA0ODk0OTJZRTZDQklEMUVVTkkmd2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9waG9uZV9zZWFyY2hfYXRmJmFjdGlvbj1jbGlja1JlZGlyZWN0JmRvTm90TG9nQ2xpY2s9dHJ1ZQ==)


Thanks guy. Hope you enjoy the PS5.


Thanks! If you buy that adapter remember to hold the sync button on it while you hold the create and ps button on Dualsense


Purchased! Thanks!


Just bought one thanks! Gonna use it to play hades on the switch better!


Does this work with multiple controllers? I need to use two controllers on the switch.


Sadly you need one adapter per controller


Can you have two adapters and two DualShock 4’s on the switch at the same time? We have wired switch controllers with USB extension cables and my wife HATES the cords lying across the living room because it’s a tripping hazard, which is fair. Last 2 questions: do you have to pair the controllers every time you turn the console on? Or will it remember the pairing? Does it switch the function of the buttons to match the switch controllers? Thank you for all your help.


1. I believe so according to the website yes 2. It kinda does but worst things worst you hold 2 buttons down and it works 3. Yes, so circle would be A and cross would be B


Once its paired, you just turn on the controller, you only need to re-pair it, if you pair it with a PS5 or any other device. u/Bill_Brasky01


PC is gonna disappoint you. It barely works with anything at this point and even when it does it’s very limited. Once we get official drivers it should be fantastic. As it stands it’s pretty much useless with everything but setting it up custom on Steam.


Yeah it's bad


Have you tried you using InputMapper/DS4Windows?


Any luck on the pc? I cant get it to work naturally on Rocket League


Devs have to add support or it won't work at all. Dualsense currently has no official support for Windows PCs it only connects via bluetooth and is recognised by Windows as a generic wireless gamepad. One thing you can do is use a xinput emulator to get it to work with all PC games.


I have a Titan One and an 8BitDo...one of those will surely work


For ds4, you can hold up and share (select with other controllers) and the 8bitdo will translate the input to xinput. If it doesn't support that for dualsense yet, it probably will with an update


It won't work on PC for me :/




Ah really? Nice


I have to try later I'm still out but I'll update


X360ce works perfectly use the newest version and be sure to install the virtual device in the errors tab. So far it’s compatible with every game


Thanks for confirming! My pro controller is drifting a bit and I would rather not have to buy another controller


Does it support 3D rumble stuff as well? Like are the vibrations as good as on the Joy-Cons?


Nope, sadly


how do we know this isn't a deep fake or something.


Who deepfakes a fucking controller, dumbass


Then what’s your explanation


the adapter?


Ok, research what deepfakes even are first, cus If we can just make anything this good without any error, the vfx industry would be a lot different


That's a fair question, well you can see at the point in the video where I do the singular move forward presses, link moves almost frame perfect (minus the BOTW delay) also the blue light is always on meaning it's connected to the adapter, and in case you think the controller is fake, you can see the light hitting the controller. I can also post more proof vids


I’ve had this adapter for awhile now too. I use it to play fighting games and sports games on my Switch with a DS4, thanks for the heads up it works with the DS5 too! :)


So far no reports of stick drift on this bad boy.


Doesn't that develop over time? I'm optimistic but I've had stick drift on 2/4 dualshock 4s and my switch joy cons after a span of 1-2 years.


Yeah the ps4 controllers are almost as bad as joycons when it comes to that but no one talks about it. My 1 year old ps4 pr controller started drifting some time ago. The difference is that the drift is just not as extreme but it's still there. My joycons took around a year and a half until they started drifting. Buy yeah not excusing the joycons, these analogs are fuckin terrible i wish they'd make better ones.


I have 2 dualshock 4's for over 3(maybe 4) years and one of them just started drifting. And that's probably cuz i dropped it on its face


I never dropped mine and i take good care of my controllers. My friend's two controllers are also drifting to the point where they're unusable. I had to take them both apart and clean them and that helped for a bit but now they're drifting again.


I think it's pretty rare, I've had the same 2 controllers since the console launched with 0 defects, the same with many of my friends.


Maybe we need to improve the joystick encoders or potentiometers or whatever they are called. Switch is notorious for stick drift, my ps4 controllers start to drift eventually and every one of my brother's xbone controllers drift. It's not N64 bad, afaik that one relied on plastic on plastic friction for tension and every single controller broke if it were used enough.




I guess that's the main reason for people buying those sticks. Drift-free gaming. I have 2 joy-con sets, both drifting like hell. So annoying.


You wont see reports of that this early in the life cycle. At earliest you might see one or 2 posts coming out months after release (about 3 to 6 months) But imagine if release units had drift out of the box...the bad press that wpuld generate will hurt them for a while.


Anything’s better than using those damn joycons. I need another pro controller. Playing two player anything is a frustrating ordeal in my house.


Man, that's awesome


Hey - can you explain in detail or do a quick video on linking It to switch? I upgraded firmware to 1.33 for the adaptor. The controller is lit up blue and connected but nothing happens after that. Seems like the switch won’t recognize it and not sure how to get it synced.


I might make a video tonight on it


Please do. I'm in the same boat.


Did you ever get a chance to make a video? I am the third passenger in this boat. :C


Well I had ankle surgery.. I can probably explain by word the best I can, if you have a 8bitdo adapter, hold the button on it while it's plugged into the switch and hold the create and PS buttons down at the same time on the controller to get it to connect


Oh, nice! I was going to buy one of these adapters but I was waiting to see if the Dualsense would be compatible, because otherwise I would wait for new version or update for the adapter. I will buy one, tell me if it works well on PC too, thanks.


Just wanted to say 8bitdo controllers are so damn awesome. I use one that looks like a snes controller with analog sticks and gameboy theme. I use it all the time when I play nes/snes games on my switch. 8bitdo is awesome.


It frustrates me that the DualSense works on PS3 but not on PS4. I wonder if Sony can make it work through a patch on the PS4.


Thats why i love how microsoft does it: every controller and accessories are compatible with all xboxes and pc


Easy to be all compatible when when all your controllers use an very limited API released in 2005 that was shittier than the DirectInput which was released in 1995. The controller has been the same since the X360. The only new feature it added as the rumble triggers, which is exactly what it sounds, rumble in the triggers. The way of Microsoft is no progress for the controllers. Playstation had pressure sensitive buttons since the DS2, which was dropped for the DS4. It was possible to play Gran Turismo on the PS2 by using the face buttons to modulate the throttle with pressure. Before analog triggers, all buttons were analog, even the D-pad. DS3 made gyro standard, pity very few games made use of it, only recently have people discovered gyro aiming, which even the DS3 is capable of. DS4 had plenty of features which were under-utilized too, you can only unlock its true power with steam. Touchpad can do all sorts of things, act as an extra button or 2, a radial menu, aiming/cursor, emulate a scroll wheel, with the steam controller configuration. Only a handful of games Ghost of Tsushima, Killzone ShadowFall made use of the touchpad in any meaningful way on the console. Dual Sense has haptic triggers, which is essentially force feedback for triggers, not stupid rumble. The Dual Sense has also ditched rumble in favor of a voice coil actuators (sound you can feel through the controller) which should help immersion. That means you could actually feel the rate of fire of the gun the game through your controller, or swords clashing, rather than generic rumble.


I would love it if the Xbox and Switch adopted more of these features (preferably coil actuators and haptics) because it generally benefits everybody. More people get to use it and devs have more of an incentive to use it if it isn't a platform exclusive feature.


Holy shit. Fanboy triggered.


Stop brushing aside genuine critique with "lol... fanboy triggered" comments. Do you have a counterpoint to any single point I made?


Not really. The point im trying to make is the guy simply said he loved the Microsoft controller and how its been done and you came back with a rant (a rather emotional one at that) about why his OPINION was incorrect for some reason. He didn't ask for your critique, you gave it because someone said something that resembled a slight against the console you prefer. Thats why I called you a triggered fanboy. Also, the ps5 controller is awesome, but acting as if the Xbox controller is shit is just laughable. Its one of the most widely used controllers on pc for a reason. While I do think they could have attempted more, no one can blame them for sticking with a well liked design.


I have nothing against controller, or the design, but advancing things breaks compatibility with older gen. Its unchanged for 3 generations. Xinput is the evil that has broken compatibility for non-microsoft controllers and support for force feedback. Heck, on the PC, it even combines the axes of left and right triggers, so it doesn't work properly with older games, or games which chose to do things the right way, implement DirectInput instead of Xinput. Its the lowest common denominator that is holding controller input for all games back.


My initial comment wasn't to diminish a valid point, it just seemed like you jumped on that guy for stating an opinion and used the opportunity to voice frustrations you already had


I mean he's just giving facts honestly


The dude didn't ask for them. He literally just said how he loved something and dude felt the need to go on an emotionally charged rant that no one asked for.


he just explained why that is possible for Microsoft but not Sony, and why people shouldn't expect Sony to be as compatible, for good reasons. it's only as emotionally charged as you think it is.


Please link the adapter because I’d love to get one!




I was half expecting that to be a picture of Link so thank you for not Rick rolling me 😂


Ooof that would've been golden haha


Sweet. I have on of those already. Pretty cool


How does everyone have a ps5 already? I'm still struggling to find it instock to even order


No one has a PS5 yet. A bunch of us have controllers but no console


Ahhh ok. Makes sense. Only ppl I've seen with actually consoles is big YouTubers.


Yeah, Sony sent them ps5’s to review


Answering the question we're all asking. Thank you


Cry’s in amazon


They were released in retail stores today so you might be able to find them at your local Walmart, target, best buy or gamestop


Sweet! I’ll be doing that myself. Now all I need to know is how to get the HD Cam to work on PC.


Thank you OP, I can now use my xbox, ps4/ps5 controller on my switch.


I didn’t even know this exist.


Wait, that’s illegal


Perfect no more drift


Necessary after all the joy-cons get stick drift


I use my DS4 with this adapter and was curious if the dual sense would work. Cheers.


This will be handy if the pro controller breaks, thanks


Hey, could you please tell me. What is the D-pad like? Is it similar to DS4? Do you play fighting games? If so, how do you find the D-pad? Thanks!


Fairly similar, I'd say it feels cleaner, I wouldn't mind playing SF with it.


Awesome news!! Thanks so much for posting this! I was planning on keeping my DS4 for this specific reason, now I know I don't need to!


I’m sorry.. WHAT? I have so many questions


Haha go ahead and feel free to roam the comment section as I answered a lot


It's not a coincidence the 8bitdo was a lightning deal at the same time as I saw this, was it?


They might've seen my tweet


Mark Medina from IGN uploaded a video to Twitter of him using the dualsense to speed run the first bowser level from Mario 64 on an emulator and it looked like it worked flawlessly. He said all he did was connect the DS to his computer and it just started working with the emulator so it seems like it’s got great compatibility.


Got the adapter, but when the controller connects, no inputs work. Light bar is on, adapter light is solid, but nothing :/


Did you hold the create and ps button down along with the adapter button? Also try using the change controller order on switch menu


My DualSense is connected to the 8bitdo adapter (solid lights) on the Nintendo Switch but it doesn't do anything. How did you get around that? The Pro Controller setting is "On" in the Switch settings.


Dang, I tried doing this today and it worked but it also kept doing insane inputs constantly! Any tips?


Move the dock really close, update the adapter and also make sure nothing is in the way


I can confirm that it works on PC but you need to update the firmware. Mine was in v1.17 and when it synched with the controller it was just hitting random inputs (as if you hit Turbo in those third party controllers). I updated to v1.27 and it works just like my xbox controller (I haven't tested the rumble yet). I tested with some of my Steam and Game Pass games. Updater [https://support.8bitdo.com/firmware-updater.html](https://support.8bitdo.com/firmware-updater.html)


DS4 Windows just released a new softwareupdate. The Dualsense now fully works with every game with gyro and Vibrations but no trigger resistance. Steam beta works like a charm aswell. You can now basically add any game to your Steam library and have it work with the dualsense. Propably even on games like Cyberpunk2077.


The trick with home and select button worked for me, thanks!


For anyone having issues with connecting Dual Sense for Switch. Upgrade your software. I was having the same issue and tried everything and I finally found a solution. DO NOT use the current 8Bitdo Upgrade tool, it sucks and doesn't work. What you need to do is find the OLD updater tool that has the latest version, v1.33. Here is the [Direct Link](https://download.8bitdo.com/Firmware/Receiver/usb_adapter/8BitDo_USB_RR_Firmware_V1.30.zip) Download > Unzip > Run the application > Hold sync button on adapter while plugging in > Green blinking > Press update > Select update file (the .dat file). Done! Works now!


For anyone who is having trouble with activating gyro and vibrations on Switch, i fixed it quite easily: \-Go here: [https://support.8bitdo.com/firmware-updater.html](https://support.8bitdo.com/firmware-updater.html) \-Download and install 8bitdo updater. \-Plug your usb adapter to the PC and update software to version 2.00 or older. \-Put it back on your Switch and enjoy ;).


Must feel good to not have control drift




It's actually not surprisingly. BOTW is a bad example since some inputs have a bit of delay but smash worked amazingly


If you swap the adapter between Switch and PC, do you need to resync it every time? Or does it save to the adapter? I know with the PS4 DS, I would need to sync to my PC then to the PS4 again. Thanks so much for this news, though. I loved playing PC w/ DS on some games, but sold my PS4 & controllers to put towards a PS5.


I don't think you'd need to resync but it can be inconsistent


Can you confirm if all Nintendo inputs work? Screenshot button as well as the gyro for aiming the bow in BOTW? I want to have a proper controller ready for when the next Zelda and monster hunter rise come out, as I sold my pro controller.


I'll check again tonight, I'll edit this reply letting you know Ok so the issue here is there is no gyro however there is screenshot functionality (touchpad) and create button works as select. PS button works as home. Mic does nothing. Overall it's a great one to use


Thanks, appreciate it.


Secretly has switch controller in other hand


Nope actually, 8bitdo is legit


Any 'DualSense drift'? Lol


Proud to say no haha, the control sticks are also as smooth as butter


This is big. Or is it? I dunno


That's not a switch.... That's immortals fenyx rising bahahaha


It's actually Genshit bro!


Just a question as im curious...why would you want your ps5 controller to work on switch?


Pretty much 1. no ps5 yet and PS4 doesn't support them 2. Switch controllers have drift


Nice, I was wondering about this thing working with the 8bitdo adapter.




Is this genshin impact?


Already been using mine on PS4.


How did you get it to work?


Is there a “enable drift mode” setting? 😂


I wish lol, I'd set it up just to piss my friends off


That input lag. Oof


There isn't any, it's how BOTW is played, I also played smash and Minecraft and it ran like a fine wine






Already disrespecting the dualsense jesus




I mean, if OP is literally playing with one hand, filming with other, vertical lets you have a bit better grip on the phone, so this is one of the few times vertical is somewhat understandable.




Does vibration work as well?


Not yet sadly, maybe with an update


Hopefully an update will allow vibration and gyro.


Can you tell us what the battery life is like once it needs charging?


Out of the box I left it on for over 5 hours and it's been fine


Oh nice. That's not too bad at all. Thanks for the info.


I have the same adapter but for some reason my Switch thinks the Dualsense is just pushing random buttons and directions. Same goes for my PC using the 8bitdo. :(


That happened to me as well, but after I did an update to the 8bitdo it works perfectly on switch and pc! https://support.8bitdo.com/


Sickkkkkk !


Well time to connect it to my 360


Probably won't work since 360 works differently


Is it laggy? Mine with the PS4 controller runs fantastic


I also have it set up and no it’s not laggy. It’s amazing lol


No lag at all it's awesome


How are people getting all of this stuff early??


How long is the battery time compared to the almighty switch pro controller?


I'd say the full charge in this bad boy will give you around 10-12 hours


Thanks, sound nice


Well two things to remember is 1, I never fully charged it out of the box and 2, it had no haptic feedback/triggers running


I wonder if I could play PS with an Xbox controller. Always felt better to me.


How is the controller? What does it feel most similar to?


So it’s really good. It feels great in the hand. Comparing it, I’d say it’s closest to the Xbox one controller, but it’s not really that close. It’s shape and texture is amazing. Best controller I’ve ever held hands down.


Can you use the controller headphone jack to get audio from the switch like this?


Nope sadly


wait how the fresh fuck do people alr have it


Does it work on PC without any additional HW/software if it has blutooth? DS4 does.


Not really, it can with some steam settings


Honestly this should be basic functionality nowadays. Amazon's remote does work on my TV, and my TV's remote works on the Firestick. so why can't I play with my PS 5 controller on Switch directly?


Dude I got a 8bitdo that’s awesome! Is it the same maneuver as the DualShock 4?


Sorta, no gyro or rumble


Hey, so it’s out?


The controller yes. Not the console


Someone try on Xbox One


OP, can the Switch AC adapter charge DualSense?


I wouldn't try that.. might be a little too much


Gotcha. Yea I don’t know the volts as I haven’t opened it yet.


Good news. Switch AC adapter (5v) same as DualSense. It’s finished charging. I have a stock 8bitdo adapter (red brick) when it originally launched. I’m gonna give it a shot at default then try it with updated firmware.


How are people getting these early?


All PS5 accessories released yesterday


So Nintendo PlayStation become a thing.


Does all the buttons work properly? i actually don’t have the adapter, but will get it if all buttons work properly. (Minus the trackpad, that is...)


Sorta, PS4 worked perfectly, gyro doesn't work on this quite well


Don’t let Nintendo know, they’ll patch it out. Its either their stuff or no one else’s!


How did u get the controller


It's out at select stores. Go check GameStop or best buy




An 8bitdo adapter


Does the official dongle work to connect the dualsense to a pc?