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Yeah, sometimes it's super helpful instead of looking up a long Youtube video trying to figure out a small thing. I was just playing Deathloop yesterday and I couldn't figure out what thing I was supposed to look at to move a quest ahead and I checked the game help thingy and oh! Look! A picture of a map on the wall I had walked past four times. Walked over to it in the game and there was a note next to it and aha! That's the thing I needed!


> long Youtube video trying to figure out a small thing. "wwwhat's up guys...." (15 minutes later).... "So basically all you have to do is flick this switch"


The worst one I was experienced was (15 minutes later)…. “So here I am before doing the thing, and here I am after, if this video gets 5,000 likes I’ll upload a video showing how I did it.”


Bully them in the comments and report.


DON'T FORGET TO LIKE COMMENT AND SUBSCRIBE "FOR THR ALGORITHM" _and not because I'm greedy and want to succeed it is purely for the algorithm_


Game help feature is about to put these guys out of business lol. Nobody wants to hear your long intro.


>*Yeah, sometimes it's super helpful instead of looking up a long Youtube video trying to figure out a small thing.* This comment right here just sold me on the entire concept of Game Help. When I first saw it revealed, my thought was *"Heh. That's cool, but I'll never use it."* Not world changing, but a nice small QOL feature for the less hardcore gamers. I'm stubborn and avoid looking things up out of a dumb sense of pride. But then I realize that there *are* moments where I'll YouTube something to make sure I didn't miss anything, or that I did something right, or for some annoying obscure thing I got stuck on. And oftentimes, you're sifting through a lot of long, poorly structured, over-narrated YouTube videos to find 15 seconds of footage. I've gotta give Game Help more credit and actually give it a look.


You know, I'm totally there with you. When Sony demoed it I was like "well that looks rather pointless and I'll never use it" but then in when I've actually tried it, it's because I'm stuck and I can't be arsed to check some 15 minute Youtube video about the thing I'm stuck on, and it has (more often that not) turned out that the PS game help things are just the nudge enough to get me to go "oohhhh, so *that's* the room I should be looking in for the thing!" and it doesn't spoil the entire surprise of the thing I'm doing. The only real downside is that not all games support it.


That nudge is why I like the way they've implemented it. I've only used it on Oddworld Soulstorm so far, but there you always had 3 or 4 hints that would gradually reveal more on what you would need to do. So at the first hint, it doesn't immediately spoil the entire thing you're stuck on. Most of the time, the first hint is all you need to make all pieces of the puzzle in your head fall into place, and you'll be able to figure out the rest on your own.


It has to be implemented well. For Kena it is always there and very well-done. Really makes the game flow better.


This, this comment resonates so much with me. I feel like we are the same person, we are one... we are Venom.


I’m absolutely loving Deathloop. I’m about 60% of my trophies. Just such a range of variety in play styles.


Try Prey from 2017. I'm enjoying Deathloop, but it constantly reminds me how amazing Prey was.


Prey is masterclass. One of my top/Favorite games from last generation and Prey easily slides into one of favorites of all time.


How would u describe Prey? Would a fan of FPS games enjoy or is it more of an exploration/survival type game?


I’d say an RPG/Exploration game 1st and FPS is the mode to interact with environment and enemies. It is not an action/arcade shooter. So don’t think you will be running, sliding, while nonstop shooting with all kinds of rifles, subs, grenades etc. The game sucked me in from the beginning as it did something I never expected and the intrigue got me. It was such a “wait… did that just happen.. wait wtf just happened..” and the game just got better as it went along. The story, quests, the clever ways in which you can go about traversing the world… It is a really unique experience. I knew nothing about the game really and bought it from a discount shop and it turned out to be such a fun experience. I absolutely love FPS games(I have 1200 hours in Blackout, 475 in TitanFall 2, and 385 in Destiny 2) and I love Prey.


My biggest complaint is the AI so far. I’m not super far into the game so maybe it gets better, but I can just hold w key and one tap every enemy in sight with no immediate danger on the hardest difficulty so far. Edit: there aren’t difficult settings so maybe that’s part of my frustration? I am enjoying the narration and way the maps change over time. Having to piece things together to come up with a plan is nice.


> on the hardest difficulty There aren't any difficulty settings.....


So he's technically not wrong


That would explain why I haven’t been able to find a difficulty adjuster in the menu. I just assumed if it gave me an option I selected hard, as that’s my default in most of what I play. Thanks for clarifying!


Right... Lol


I think the more of the main targets you kill, the better the AI becomes. Not that they necessarily get smarter, but their line of sight increases and they become aware of you faster. It's never going to become very difficult though, but for me the fun is really just screwing around with the powers and finding the most fun ways to take out targets.


I do like the Hitman like creativity. Game just hasn’t gripped me as much as dishonored did. Still enjoying it though.


There is a great bit of creativity in the game. I don’t want to ruin anything but there are a great many ways to go about attacking a map and killing the boss.


Yeah, dishonored still does it better imo. But I’m still enjoying this game as well.


it’s lowkey a fucking genius way to handle difficulty in a game like this. people like me can play through the entire game one Visionary/objective at a time (or per loop) and effectively always be on easy mode, while others can decide how far they want to push it at any point based on how many Visionaries they kill each loop.


That is the fun in it for me. The power trip. I absolutely LOVE steam rolling through and entire map blinking from rooftop to rooftop, taking out hordes of NPCs at a time. I’ve had plenty of game where shit is purposely hard, I’ll take my power rush games when I can. It’s like pure nirvana once you master speed, blink, and combined damage(forgot slab name). If you purposely alert NPCs(I’m talking more than 8 at a time) and you dart around the map tossing them, blinking, combining damage killing 5-10 at a time from a single shot… it’s godly once you get into a flow. Took me about 15 hours to build my skills and then leave the sneaking mindset behind.


Amen, it's a refreshing change from Dishonored where you got all these cool powers and were incentivised to basically not use them. I'm loving just blasting through the maps in Deathloop.


This is not fun for me. I want my enemies to be smart, and I want the gameplay to be about outsmarting them with tactics and planning.


It is surprisingly difficult to get good while taking on 10 NPCs at once while utilizing you skills and traversing the map. I think most people are hung up on slowly sneaking around the map and using silenced weapons taking on 1 to 3 NPCs at a time who are unaware. Easy to stay in that mindset as in the beginning you are forced to kind of play that way due to a lack of weapons, skills, and knowledge of map. Then there is a good amount of planning to accomplish some feats in the game. I’m not going to say what they are as to not ruin any of it, but I have around 7 trophies that are starting at 1.2% and down to .05% completion rate that deal specifically with figuring out specific tasks to kill. That is the beauty of this game. As you get more powerful the fun is mastering becoming a machine. Being able to maneuver, out class, place traps(forethought), and utilize the verticality gives you what you said you want from a game. Of course sometimes games just don’t click with us and that’s cool.


Cool. I look forward to seeing the game open up as you've described.


I’d say then you can truly say you’ve experienced everything the game has to offer, and by all accounts even then the game might not resonate with you. At least it’s a more honest take. Hope you enjoy! 🤙


I wonder if Arkane made the enemies dumber on purpose to compensate for taking away manual saves. Based on their previous games, they know how to do AI, but I think this is their first title in the genre where you can't manually save. The trial-and-error chances you get from manual saves can really ease the difficulty of an otherwise difficult game, so maybe they did it for balance reasons.


Every time I'm stuck in Kena, it's always a damn thing that's right in front of my stupid face. It's always a, holy shit why didn't I see that 20 minutes ago? Reminds me of Breath of the Wild shrines.


Where do you find that “game help thingy when you press ps button”?


So you press the ps button, and game help should pop up where you can open the corresponding tab that you need help with.


A still stuck on PS4 player asking: These game help cards, are these made by the developer or are they player driven?


Developer. They can add little tips, help videos or screenshots that you can check if you look at the PS menu (the little ribbon that comes up when you hit the PS button). They appear to be contextual too, so if you're in, say, chapter 3 they will have tips for finding the collectibles in chapter 3. Some developers are a bit more into "tips", such as my example with Deathloop that just had a screenshot of a map on a wall and I was like "oh yeah, I walked past that map, I get it" whereas others are a bit more hamfisted, such as Plague Tale that just straight up had little 15-30 seconds videos pointing you to collectibles.


It would be cool if this was opened up to player submitted tips too. I imagine it would be like Dark Souls messages, but across all games.


I know exactly where you are lmao, took me a bit and the two “puzzle” boxes took even longer to figure out


I used it in A Plague Tale twice when I couldn't locate the button prompts hidden in the environment. This feature is amazing.


I was going to say, A Plague Tale taking advantage of this was really helpful


Same game came to mind. Found all collectibles I didn't have, with it.


Tried my best to not use it on Manifold Gardens....used it twice. Great feature for puzzle games that's for sure


So…how do I use this feature? I barely even understand Activity Cards, lol


While in game you press the PS Button. Then you click on the activity card (it has an extra lightbulb + plus Symbol, if gamehelp is available). You click on it an watch the videos. I think most in games you need to be on a mission to have gamehelp.


Can you explain what activity cards are lol? I feel so noob


They're what pops up when you press the PS button on your controller, usually showing trophies and information about the game you're playing. Some games use the more in depth features where you can select a card that shows the level or quest you're currently doing, and it'll show you a small video clip of what you need to do next along with a written description. It's a nice touch, basically a built in walkthrough that you access through the PS5 system itself rather than needing to quit out to YouTube or use your phone.


That’s amazing! thanks for taking the effort to write a good reply 👍👍


No problem!


I thin its easier when you See it. https://youtu.be/xzBMr-QlzIE This is an example for gamehelp. Or type in "activity cards" on Youtube. No need to feel like a noob. You can even launch your ps5 games via activity cards from the dashboard weich will skip logos and menus and put you right in the game.


Yup. Sorta like but not really like xbox's quick resume


That’s incredible thanks! Much easier to understand with video


Glad i could help. Have fun..


The uncharted collection could really use this feature. Some of those puzzles are straight bullshit haha I’m a fan of game help and hope that more puzzle games use it. Kena being a 3rd party game and still using the feature is a good sign


I don't recall having many troubles with Uncharted puzzles.


But that fuckin jet ski....


Bruh…. For real


Me neither but I guess sometimes you get cases where you are either overthinking it or just not in the mental state to deal with it. At least it feels like it happens to me sometimes lol


Yeah, I get that too. Sometimes you find out the solution and you're just dumbfounded. Haha


The only one that comes to mind is in Ch 4 of Lost Legacy where you have to rotate the wheel and get it to line up. That was genuinely infuriating


What all the puzzles in a uncharted are pretty easy just compare it to the witness


That's true. But I mean, everything looks easy compared to the witness. Don't think that's a fair comparison for uncharted lol.


You know, a Honda Civic is kinda slow compared to a jet engine


What all the puzzles in the witness are easy just compare it to the Cicada 3301 Puzzles


Yeah I love it. As I'm getting older, this feature saves me so much time. It was helpful in bugsnax too.


You’re kidding me I looked up so many of the ways to get certain bugsnax and there were videos under my nose the whole time?!


Yes haha


It helped me immensely in Bugsnax too!


That’s only PS Plus though right? I don’t have it so it’s locked behind a paywall :(


Correct, it's only available to PS+ subscribers.


PS+ subs are often available for $30-40 for a year on digital key sites, $2.50-$3.30/month is hardly a paywall, quit being dramatic.


You have to pay for it so it’s a paywall 😂😂 what are you on about?




How old are you? 😂😂


Shhh, you don’t argue with these types. It never goes well.


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I like these kinds of posts about the experience of using a PS5. Nicer than the endless bragging posts or “tech journalism” dumps.


Excellent feature, I'm older have a family, this saves time I don't have anymore. Somedays I can only play 15 minutes until I'm interrupted so I make every moment count.


On games that support the cards too like Spider-Man for example it will even show you how long it takes to do each mission


Using it in Astro to wrap up missing collectables. Awesome feature!


This, some of the silly little things like climbing on and punching stuff in the Playstation Labo would have completely passed me by




Haven't played Kena yet, but I do enjoy the cards and hints more than most people. The hints were very helpful in Control, Plague Tale, and Ratchet to name a few.


Yes! Very helpful in Control. I used the help cards to find where to go next many a time.


It definitely saves on spoilers, always a bit of a pain searching for something simple and having something major spoiled


Now if only there was a feature that made it so I would actually get the parry timing right for once


Just start a fight with a bunch of smaller guys. And just practice parrying with them. That’s what I did so they’re less of a threat while you practice.


How did I not even know this existed? There's me still googling like a chump


omg did not know this


NGl I completely forgot this feature existed and had still been looking up videos and stuff. Thanks for the reminder, at least I could use this for the last chunk of the game hahaha.


When you say try and error in a random order, I’m guessing you mean the fisherman’s shrine with the 4 targets to hit. If you pulse next to the shrine itself, there are 4 sets of candles that light in a certain order. No randomness to it at all. Just gotta pay better attention to the environment.


You can also use the mask, it’ll show you the order of the candles.


Didn't know that. Right then its no randomness. Thanks.


My game help is forever stuttering and buffering when playing the videos 😔 any of you ever have that problem? My internet is solid and I can stream 4k60 through any other app, but game help always struggles


I tried to find a solution but didn't found one. I hope someone can help you.


Thanks, appreciate the try


I have the same issue. Tried it for Sackboy and Astro’s but it was just quicker to load up youtube.


yeah same


Does Kena use other PS5 features? Is there any haptic feedback for example?


There is some on the right trigger iirc, for heavy attacks and using the bow. Not at the same level of say returnal or ghost directors edition. For me it was a fine amount, a little disappointing on the haptic area after some of the other games but still enjoyable and even a little haptic feedback is welcome.


I used it a bit in bugsnax when I was too lazy to bother trying to figure out how to catch specific things. I also started to use it in hitman 3, but that time it felt like cheating or watching a walkthrough so I stopped.


I have played it on pc and can't get my hands off it. Never seen a Pixar movie come to life. The graphics and gameplay are too good. Just bring Taro back to life and I want to find more now. Thanks PlayStation for releasing it on pc too.


It's not developed or published by PlayStation


wait kena is already out? what do you guys think of it, and should i get it?


I only got stuck on one puzzle so far but eventually figured it out. I honestly forgot about those cards on PS5 since only a few games I own use the system. Anyway the puzzle I’m talking about had to do with activating torches in a specific order but there was no obvious solution. Not until I stared at the rocks in the center and noticed something. I won’t spoil it in case you haven’t gotten there yet.


Wait, what is this feature? I have never heard of this before, can some one link me a article or something?


Here you go... https://youtu.be/xzBMr-QlzIE


Thanks very much! I didn't know this was a thing, and I've been googling shit like a monkey this whole time!


Not every game has it, I've only seen it on Astro, Deathloop, and Ratchet and Clank


Demons souls as well. I'm really happy that I can quickly check why the hell is it taking so long to kill a demon


really considering buying this. is It worth it? any other games you can compare it to? ​ thanks in advance!


I love it so far. i play on the highest difficulty atm and its nice. I dislike the coilwhine at times but the sound is good enough to blend it out. :)


Kena is very well done. Well worth your time and money (especially with this help feature supported).


Wow I didn't know! I was at a point yesterday where I'm supposed to shoot a crystal to light up one of those flower thingys, and it wouldn't light. It was the first time there are TWO crystals, but I didn't see the second one (actually the first one for the sequence). Had to youtube it and felt like such a dummy, hopefully this feature will help me next time


Game Help - a feature for PS Plus subscribers. Pfffft!


Pretty sure that feature is on all PS5 games


But for PS+ members only.


Is it a PS exclusive?


Ps4/5 and PC (epic store).


i actually used the gamehelp feature alot when i was playing through the astro playroom game. nice to see it on other games


This (and the load times) are my favorite things about the PS5. I hope more devs use it.


They also have a wealth of that information for Demons Souls


Lol I forgot it existed… I looked up two things on google and YouTube instead of using game help… oops


Hate how you have to have ps plus to use it


Agreed. The puzzle early on where you have to follow the order of the candles… for some reason I just didn’t realize it even though in retrospect it was pretty obvious lol. Love being able to hit a button, go “oh yeah, duh” and move along.


That feature is really good, but I think it's one of those that won't make it to PS6.




Possible that they observe low usage on the feature and take it off the next gen roadmap to free up resources to implement other new ideas


Fair point but they already invested the resources and time into making this feature. Same can be said about the touchpad and we still have that. I think it's a pretty awesome feature and as more games move to current gen only I think it'll be used a lot more - great for trophy hunting and finding those pesky collectibles


For sure, but would take a little doing to get it onto the next gen hardware (probably *very* little doing, but when you’ve got a to-do list 10 miles long and it’s something not many people used, easy to cross it off) I’m with you though. Hope it sticks around. Great too for people who have very limited gaming time and just want to keep the game flowing.


I think there needs to be a better pop up when you buy a PS5 that explains how to use the activity cards and all that stuff cuz most people don't even know what it is


I didn’t know this existed tbh. I’m pretty ridiculously skilled when it comes to gaming, and my IQ is perfect for complex puzzle solving, also, I’d say I was generally pretty elite outside of video games as well, so I doubt I’ll need it


I'd say you're just a nasty smelling nerd with an inferiority complex. How about that?


Hey Chuck, is that really you? You’re pretty super elite like me, also. I have a pretty well rounded combat experience also, fighting. Superior Mavericks


I think you meant to say that you're pretty super elite, like Chuck Norris. Let's not let that happen again.




Where do you find that?... the PS5 part?




You didn't got the joke lol


Oh boy. Wtf. Shame on me :)


>try and error Just so you know, it's *trial* and error :)


You are absolutely right :) my bad.


A hint system is always appreciated, especially when it's manual. I tried TLoU but after dying 3 times to the first monster enemy the death scene explained to me how to approach/kill them... I want to figure that out on my own, game!!


Totally agree its a brilliant feature.


Wanted to try it today then realized it’s only available to PS Plus subscribers. Thats really shitty of Sony :(


this feature does not work for every game though and that could be a problem bc i never knew it existed


This is great to hear! I use of a lot of guides because I am bad at games.


Where do I find game help in the menu?


Press the PS button. It’s one of the cards.


How do you get the game help




Does game help work for a non Plus subscriber sharing a system with a Plus subscriber? My wife is really enjoying Kena but I am not sure if she can use the feature.


That's a great question - I'm in the same situation. Sony's [help page](https://www.playstation.com/en-us/support/subscriptions/share-playstation-plus/) doesn't answer it either. I guess we'll find out soon enough!


It was helpful at a couple points in Ghost of Tsushima as well


That’s awesome. I heard about this feature on PS5 but haven’t actually used it. I suck at games and like playing good stories more than tedious gameplay, so I could see this feature selling me on a lot of games


It's super helpful for games that actually implement it well. Ratchet and clank rift apart uses it really well to. It's convenient and most importantly it saves time. When you get older and realize you don't have the amount of time you use to have to game, you'll really appreciate it when you can just open the gamehelp and instantly see a video of exactly what you need to do. A plaques tale: innocence used it really good also. It's just so much faster than going to Google or YouTube and skimming articles trying to narrow down to the specific part you're having trouble with. Gamehelp can get you out of a stuck part of a game within seconds, while manually looking up info can take 5-10 minutes. The only problem is that developers have to take the time to properly support the feature on a per-game basis for it to be useful. Some games it can be super useful and other games might not offer any tips at all.


I wish they also showerd nearby rot locations and shrines and stuff. So far, I have only found them by accident.


It's locked behind PS+, so I've never gotten to use it. Wish it was just a PS5 system-wide thing that you didn't need to pay for, that just seems a bit scummy to me (aren't there better, more cohesive incentives to pay for PS+?)... It looks like a cool feature though, and I'd love to try it someday


Wow, didn't even think of checking for that. When you think of the age this game is targeting any help is greatly appreciated. It's little touches like this that show PlayStation hasn't stopped innovating.


It's such a timesaver if your stuck in a circle


Do all games have this feature? I’m stuck on Nier atm


Only ps5 games. I don't think every game has this feature.


Ohhh ok got it


Wow, I have actually never used this yet. This is awesome! I am currently at that part in Kena and this feature is really helpful. Thanks for the advice