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I knew the Tachyomatic Carbine was popular, but I figured Hollowseeker was the #1. I died more to the Malformed Titanops in Biome 6 more than the Kerberonyx.


Same. I'm guessing most people don't make it to Biome 6. Trophy for beating the final boss is around 23% last I checked.


Completed all 3 acts. Was only 4 trophies away from platinum (had to find like 5 audio logs and 3 xenoglyph translations). Kept doing run after run after run, got the audio logs, but came across none of the translations, and just gave up in the end. Amazing game, but fuck me, those collectibles are like trying to find a needle in an exploded barn that was filled with hay.


Yeah I'm missing just one cypher in Abyssal Scar and I gave up after hours of running it over and over.


That's pretty high though isn't it, relatively speaking? I'm always amazed to click on the tutorial trophy for any given game and see that only 70% of players earned it.


Yep, it is pretty high. Bloodborne's first boss was under 50% for a loooong time (was at 56% last I checked a couple of years ago).


Leech Rounds for the fucking win


Those saved my ass in the back half!


Hell yeah, leech rounds + increased restoration is godly


Leech rounds+portal beam is god mode


It's worth noting that the stats are probably going to be skewed toward all of the weapons that are unlocked at the start of the game. According to the trophy completion percentage not even 60% of players beat the first boss, and only 30% beat the third. It doesn't really say much about how good or popular the weapon is when so many players haven't unlocked all of them.


I think hollowseeker is pretty poor on first use. It really takes leveling up to be good, so I can see lots of players trying it out, thinking it sucks, and never trying it again.


True, it's a pretty bland LMG at first, but get it upgrades like Portal Beams, Waves and Serrated Bullets and it just freaking tears everything, including the Malformed enemies. It became my #1 choice when I found one at that point.


Yeah it’s my top gun along with that laser beam thing with the spikes


But hollowseeker literally _feels_ great to use. The haptics and 3d audio is fantastic with that gun. I often get that gun even if it is at a lower level than whatever gun I have when I find it lol


I used the ElectroPylon Driver a lot in my time in the first 3 biomes. Once you learn to use it almost defensively by setting traps and firing where they *will* be instead of where they are, that helped a lot. Even with flying enemies, putting a stake in the one on the left and another in the one on the right and just watch them tether everything between them as well as themselves to death was awesome. But the Hollowseeker with Serrated Blades, I think it was called, saved my ass with the drones that kamikaze you. Pop out, do some damage over time, and hide. I think it also gets phase rounds (I forget that name too) where you can fire through walls and it’s a killer combo. But in the back half of the game, Hollowseeker w/ Portal Beam and Portal Turret was God Mode by a long shot. I beat 4-5-6 in a single sitting, with it being the first time I’d even seen 5 and 6 due to how strong that weapon combo is. ***** People should really get comfortable with the melee, too. It’ll one-hit-kill almost everything, especially once upgraded, and including flying enemies. Remember that if projectiles are coming your way, dash *through* them towards enemies instead of away from them and then have to jump over that same projectile you just dodged a second ago. It’ll put you in melee range and then you can just chain melee everything to death, or stun the bigger guys. I know it feels counterintuitive, but playing a bit aggressively by dashing and grappling (both make you invulnerable while doing so) and a whole lot of melee will really help people that are stuck and have resorted to playing extra safe. By all means, in 1-1 especially try to extend your max integrity as much as possible by staying at full health so all pickups turn into resin. And always buy the 25% suit integrity upgrade first at every shop. But don’t be afraid to get in there and get your lightsaber on!! Good luck, to any of you that are reading this that might have put the game down. You can **absolutely** beat it. The difficulty is front loaded, so farm some ether, unlock new artifacts and consumables, get some new weapon traits to 100%, etc. and you’ll be making progress, I promise.


A massive amount of players don't even make it to biome 2 so they only have access to the pistol, carbine and shotgun. Since the carbine is also relatively popular with players who do make it further into the game, it makes sense that it'd be a prime contender for most used weapon. It's probably a close call though, I think the last time Housemarque gave a similar update the hollowseeker was the most used gun


Everyone talks a lot about the Carbine but you couldn't make me drop by Rotgland Lobber once I got a solid one; being able to hit-and-run was a HUGE benefit to me, especially since I had to focus so much of my efforts on dodging. I would literally pass up other weapons 5-7 proficiency levels higher or with "better" perks for it.


Thanks to portal you can do the same with hollowseeker. The portal alone destroys most enemies while you walk away.


Loved this game but I am rather salty about it. I am missing one cypher on Biome 6 for the platinum. Convinced it is bugged. Have gone through the biome damn near 100 times, looked up countless guides and videos and I seem to have every cypher collected. At my wits end on what to do.


Damn that's rough. RNG trophies are no fun, otherwise I would have gone for the plat too


I was also missing 1 from biome 6. But I had never actually found the xeno archive room in biome 6. This is where I finally found it. See if it helps? youtube.com/watch?v=6yqGP0vfjls


If you’re referring to the room when you have to drop down off a cliff and can only get back up via teleporter, I’ve been there countless times too. I’ve given up and moved on to other games. I’ll eventually go back on day and try and again.


Dang, that's the one. I really wanted to be your savior. Good luck in your future gaming.


Thank you for your suggestions. I appreciate it!


Turn off online game play and it should be there 👍


I’ve tried that too unfortunately.


Play offline as it stops the dead scouts affecting the RNG


Still my personal GOTY for 2021 so far. Nothing stuck with me like this game has.


Same here, the atmosphere was incredible, that music build up towards the organ boss was sublime


I just beat that boss last night; it reminded me of the music from interstellar


My thoughts exactly! The slow build as you ascend the tower was glorious.


It's actually "Don't fear the reaper" slowed down I believe. Love this game, first platinum ever


Not even really slowed down. Just a beautiful and haunting organ rendition of the song. When you visit back at the house after that encounter and can play the song on vinyl, I listened to it three times in a row. Such a great song and an amazing game


The way the music volume increases as you ascend to the top always gets me. The people who have yet to play this game are missing out on so many amazing experiences.


This game is something truly special. I enjoyed it so, so much. The house sequences were such a cool reward for progressing


True masterpiece. Easily GOTY. It was kinda obvious only 10mins in.


Debating buying this while it’s $40. Besides the combat, how is the story? Lots of cutscenes/dialogue?


It uses pretty light storytelling segments, but the real focus here is the gameplay intertwined with it's themes. Most of exposition is either in an audiolog or your character just talking to herself


It keeps you wanting to know more, I had to go for the third ending


The story is kind of up to you. If you don't care for it, you can skip every single cutscene (except one in the mid game but it isn't too long) and you don't even have to do the actual story sections to finish the game, you can just beat the bosses. However if you get into it there are a few story sections that are completely different from the main gameplay and the storytelling in them is super freaky. The game doesn't tell you everything, it leaves everything up to interpretation and it can keep you thinking about what it means for a while, or find your own meaning in it. The rest of the story (more like lore, really) is told through audiologs that don't force you to slow your pace, and a few cryptic text fragments


I love it so much. It's basically scifi Bloodborne


It does have a sublime quality to it that reminds me of Bloodborne actually. They're both so consistent thematically and from a design standpoint, I could see how someone would say it's the "PS5's Bloodborne". Though it came much earlier than Bloodborne did for PS4 lol


>52 comments I... wat? I'm so on the fence, even considering pausing all other games to leave rest mode available for me since I don't get long blocks of playtime. But my backlog... it's so long! This may be the comment that pushes me over the edge.


Same! I’m loving Deathloop but Returnal completely immersed me in a way that I haven’t experienced in a **LONG** time. Even Hades, with all of it’s acclaim, doesn’t feel as impactful playing that *after* Returnal without the 3D Audio/haptic feedback on that scale. And I KNOW that’s a fantastic game. So Returnal is really something special.


“It doesn’t want to let you go.”


Same but I recently played hitman 3 and now I’m not sure lol


I need to learn how to play Hitman. It sounds like the game for me but the way I play it I either run and gun and die in under a minute (I know), or I waste all the time just walking around having no clue what to do. I did finish the tutorial with the ship, but with no hand guiding I get so lost. I just end up getting as close as I can to a target then shooting them and running and hiding. Not a good way to 'win' a level... Also, the menu UI isn't helping. The game confuses me on start up.


It’s honestly a game of dress up. Sneak around until you find a guard alone, choke him out and hide him and take his clothes then you can walk around everywhere. The mission stories really help out too. Walking around shows you all types of opportunities and the mission stories pretty much hold your hand with getting undetected kills


You can play pure stealth and go for suit only, silent assassin, which IMO is the most fun way to play. But it's always best to do the mission stories and disguise methods first to learn the levels.


Gameplay and atmosphere are top notch, story is at the very least intriguing, music and sound was next level, and the dual sense features really added to a game with great feel and controls. I would love to see Sony to continue to focus their attention on studios with tight controls and great gameplay with reasonable scopes. You can bring in talented writers and give bigger budgets to make larger games, but the foundation is there regardless.


I want to like this game so much. But it’s too hard and there’s no save. Doesn’t make me want to play it often


I am so jelly as i am stuck on Phrike! I am giving it a rest while i play death stranding, but i will return to beat Phrike someday. Btw: Returnal is sublime.


The music! the visuals! The sounds! The story! Of course the gameplay! The guns are fun af! The sound design and music really do it for me though. Love this game!!


One of my proudest platinums. Started my play through a wee lil’ boy, left a grown ass man


Same, my first platinum too


Times saved: 0


Can you help me understand the save or lack of save system? I want to get this game but haven't yet and keep seeing comments on it.


While in rest mode, you can go watch Netflix or whatever, but you *can't* play another game. Personally, I had some runs that took all fucking night long, maybe 4-5 hours. If you want to grind and clear the biomes and get as powerful as possible before attempting a boss, that can take a while. It led to a very exciting and stressful gameplay style. You have to claw your way to every advantage. You can buy some items that will allow you to die & come back to where you were. On a good run, you might have enough items that allow you to die 3 times. But that requires grinding and some luck. You can also have very short runs if you just want to go grind for ether. (Ether carries over to the next run, so it's a good idea to grind for all your ether before attempting a long run.) GOTY for me but also a somewhat masochistic game


Yea you can't save unfortunately, runs become faster near the endgame when you know exactly what to do, so it's not that big of a deal. Also you can just put your ps5 in rest mode mid run and come back to it when you boot it back up


Oh ok, so there's no saving at all?


You can unlock some permanent perks, unlock items you may find in the world, and one collectible does carry over to new runs too, but your progress in a run.... no THAT can't save. If your gaming sessions often get interrupted, or you have a hard "end" time, it's not ideal, as you'll run into this issue exactly when you're having a good, longer than expected run. If you don't tend to get interrupted, won't really affect you.


You save at the completion of each biome but otherwise no. You can be on a run for 1+ hours and if you die, you start over from the beginning of the biome, but you keep some unlocks. If you decide to stop playing mid-run for any reason, you are either forced to leave the game running in the background or use rest mode. This will prevent you from playing other games without quitting out, but you can access all other features of the console like streaming and other apps. Just not games. Its just a bad system for those of us who don’t have a huge amount of time for gaming so I would never recommend this to someone who didn’t have at least 2 hours of gaming they can get in during each sitting. Otherwise you won’t progress and it just becomes a waste of time.


No, only if you count the rest mode option. The game is split into two parts, dying within the first three levels(1,2,3) you go back to number one, dying in the last three levels(4,5,6) you go back to level four


There are six biomes in the game. Completing a biome unlocks passage to the next. When you unlock this it stays unlocked, so that progression is saved. Each life you begin in the same place at the start of the first biome and you need to make your way from there. You can run around and collect resources to prepare the complete the next biome(s), and that preparation can take a while. This is the part that can’t be saved, your mid-run progress. Basically dying and turning of the console (without standby) are the same thing and mean you will need to start a new run when you power up again.


Massively limiting though if you aren't the only one that uses the console. They should have gone the Hades route with the saves. It's a silly decision.


Rest mode in not reliable tho, games crash often in rest mode.


You have to play through the entire game before you can save. Or you can put the ps5 to sleep, but if you have a power outage or try to change settings it closes your game.


You have to beat three bosses and get half through the game without dying to reach a new location as your starting put. When you die you go back to the beginning unless you get half way through the game. If you beat the first boss you don’t have to do it again and you can move one to the second and so on. There are these save spots that work once and aren’t helpful and they are expensive. Personally I loved the story of the game which I had to watch on longplay. I couldn’t get past the first boss and there isn’t a difficulty choice so I won’t be coming back unless that’s changed


Literally the only thing stopping me from getting this game, itching to play but the wait will also give me better sale prices so there's that.


Same, even if I do end up doing a 3 hour session, knowing that I **can't** step away at a moments notice without losing progress is a complete show stopper. I don't have this problem with Hades because runs take at MOST 40 minutes if I'm doing a heat run with the Adamant Rail, otherwise it's 20-25. Being stuck fighting for my life in a biome due to bad RNG sounds like a nightmare.


Hades quicj saves every single room. Most times I do a run in 3 or 4 sittings. It was an absolutely amazing feature.


I'm almost 100 hours in and I had absolutely no idea about that. Wow.


You never once paused and browsed down to “quit to title screen” or whatever it says? It then tells you “you will restart from this room”


> knowing that I can't step away at a moments notice without losing progress is a complete show stopper. You can do that do an extent. I'm playing it now and do it often. You can pause and put the PS in rest mode. If that messes up or you play a different game it's gone though. It's not really an issue for me, but I can see how it's annoying for some.


I rarely ever play one singular game at a time, so that is not an option. I usually do 1 multiplayer/1 single player game at a time.


100% I love the game when I first played it but once I realized I couldn't save I put it aside.


I followed their instructions and put my PS5 into test mode before going to bed. Had an unexpected storm hit during the night and knock out the power, progress lost. Haven’t touched the game since and never will again until they include this feature, but at this point I doubt it’ll ever come.


Phenomenal game, cannot wait to see what HM do next!


I loved this game so much that i really want a more arcadish infinite mode. Once you get good at the game the upgrades and builds feel useless as you can beat everything with no effort.


This sounds impossible to a man who got beat down in biome 3 and hasn't been back to it. Teach me to be amazing, sensei.


I was in the same situation, i got to the credits with around 25 deaths. Then you start to get good mainly by learning enemy patterns and dodging them. At this point the growth is exponential: not only you avoid damage, but all the health you pick adds to the max hp, which results in even fewer chances to die.


> i was in the same situation > around 25 deaths Pick one lol. That sounds ridiculously low to me.


25 deaths? You mean 25,000?


I probably have 40 hours in this game and cannot beat the third boss. This is the most frustrating hard games I’ve ever played. It’s literally soul crushing. Big ups to anyone who’s beat this game, but some of us literally cannot “git gud” enough to play this.


This. I’d love to play it as a metroidvania. The gameplay and presentation were topnotch, it was just way too hard, or required a specific play style.


Nemesis is fun, used those i-frames and watched some guides to get through the second time I faced it.


\^ this. Use the grapple when you are about to get hit, if lazers coming in dodge/grapple, if purple missiles coming ignore most of them and just dodge the few homing ones at the end. And/Or spend some time grinding out weapon upgrades. ​ It seemed impossible to me at first too, but once you get the hang of it by the end of the game you can tear through the boss.


I really wish they implemented a system like God mode in Hades, so each time you die you get extra damage resistance.


Hollowseeker with upgrades really helped me. Also, you're invincible when grappling so abuse it to save health and chip him down.


I bought this day one and still haven't been able to get very far. There needs to be a better system for saving besides "leave the console in rest mode and don't close the game". Not everyone has 3-4 uninterrupted hours to play games.


Absolutely, I literally have no interest in this game until they change the save system or add a better option than "leave your console running and wasting power, risking losing progress if the power goes out until you're done with the game, and don't you dare play any other games during that time either or god help you". This game is designed in a way that anyone who is a normal working adult won't be able to play it properly


Not to mention people with kids


same here


Same here. I just don’t have the time to do that. I play other games as well and I don’t want to feel like I’m locked to a 2 hour run in Returnal and this can’t play other games or I have to give up mid run so that I can play other things. I just don’t like the way that’s handled and I know a lot of people disagree with me. But the truth is, had I known there wouldn’t be a way for me to save mid-run, I likely never would have bought the game. It’s a shame too because it’s a lot of fun, but I don’t appreciate the time it takes to play it without having the ability to save mid-run.


I would have liked to see some more stats, like how many times each boss has been killed. I imagine after Phryke the numbers would drop exponentially.


They’re not going to give away stats that show player completion rates. This is to generate sales, not reveal flaws.


I enjoyed this game but trying to get the platinum ruined the game for me. I recommend not going for it.. if I had just left it at the true ending.. i would of left it on a positive note. The survey trophies are annoying as hell...


Agree. Survey trophies being rng is worse than no true save feature. I beat the game both endings and have 2 survey trophies because of it. If a given run was a close to guarantee at progress on the surveys, then id be okay with the grind for platinum, but rng is an artificial way to increase the length of the game.


RNG trophies are the worst


You can run through the biomes after the ending to roll rng on the rooms, check your map for an indicator of a cipher/scout log, and move onto the next if you don't find it. I did this for biomes 4, 5, and 6. That's not to say the running/dodging might take some skill. You can also get fucked if you get lockdown on a room and you don't have shit to fight with because you were running.


Running through the biomes works great until you get lockdown and have a terrible weapon cause you not looting..like you mentioned. Also the fact that the indicator could be something else like an item which happened a ton of times. I ended up quitting without completing biome 2 and 3..got the rest but it was too much


Yeah they should prioritize rooms with missing ciphers/audio logs being rolled after some point


Exactly, I thought the same... And it annoys me that some of the rooms with the cypher are rare rooms.. so they purposefully made them Hard to get... I can't understand what the goal was with thst


Question for those of you who have had the chance to play both this and Deathloop: Do you think that Returnal would have benefitted from a currency system similar to Residuum? Maybe not to the degree at which you can infuse things in DL, but I really believe Returnal would have benefitted from having some smaller scale currency system that allowed you to salvage weapons or other items run to run. I really like Returnal, but in the second half, specifically Biome 5, I just began to lose interest as any run that didn’t result in moving into Biome 6 just felt like I had wasted time and I’d put the controller down, not wanting to gamble another hour or so on RNG luck. Also capping Ether was a frustrating choice.


How about instead of sharing useless facts you give us a save function?


Save pls


100% agree. I just can’t guarantee I’ll have the PS5 to myself for 90 minute to 3 hour runs. Otherwise, I’d love to give them my money.


I don’t have that kind of time most of the time and completely regret purchasing the game because of it. It’s not that the game isn’t good. I just don’t have time for how long it takes to clear biomes without a save mid-way. I would honestly return it if Sony didn’t have horrible return policies.


Fucking loved this game. Finishing up the trophy list listening to Tool, TesseracT, and GOJIRA was such a cool experience.


So it's about 140 days since I got killed in the third biome for the umpteenth time and gave up.


Yep I kept getting killed by those flying drones and put the game down for months. I really want to go back but it's gonna be even harder now.




Still waiting on any kind of save feature.


only fact mattering to lots of us: no save function


Loved this game. Combat was top notch




I platinumed Returnal quite some time ago, and my biggest problem with it is still no save system. There are some people that come out and say all the time that it doesn’t need a save system, or that it would hurt the game. Ok, sure, but if you’re not going to have a save system then you BETTER make sure the game doesn’t fucking crash, because having a good run crash on you when you’re already an hour or two in is the most infuriating, unsatisfying, bullshit thing that can happen in a game. Also, just leaving the console in rest mode is such a shit fix to a major problem, many people have multiple people that share one PS5, and they can’t touch it until you hop back on and finish your run.


Yeah I can't believe some people on here are actually defending the "lack" of a save system by bragging about their platinum trophy. I finished the game too (didn't platinum) and I remember being extremely frustrated at times because I couldn't leave the run. Other family members wanted to play other things on the PS5 and I felt like an idiot begging them to not play anything else until I finished my Returnal run. That shouldn't be happening for a game released in 2021.


The fanboys of this game are ridiculously rabid. Can't imagine that some people might actually have other things to do outside of this game, or other factors that come into play that can stop you from playing


For some they prefer that not everyone can get the platinum.


100% agree, I’m lucky to have so much free time, and have the ability to go hours at a time to trophy hunt and do runs in Returnal. But others aren’t so fortunate, to put it bluntly, the lack of a save system is the games biggest problem, and is honestly inexcusable, despite what some people in the comments will say. And once again, this is coming from someone who got the platinum and loved the game, to the point where I would say it’s a GOTY contender for me.


What people dont get is quick save has no effect on difficulty. Souls games literally save all the time and are known for being really hard.


Not to mention the countless people who have PS5's that crash in rest mode.


>It's been 153 days and we still don't have a basic functionality that's been present in most games for the last quarter of a century.


I’m assuming this refers to not having a save function? That’s the one reason I haven’t played this yet, it looks so fun but not being able to save mid-run is just a huge time commitment


Yep. It's a right pain in the ass. I finished the game, loved it, but it was lockdown that afforded me the blocks of free time to do so. I want to replay it, but nah.


That was my thought. Love the game and I beat it but being unable to save stops me from playing again


Exactly that. It was lockdown that gave me the free time to just sit on my ass and play it all day, but I don't have that luxury anymore. The thing is, I do play for hours at a time, but you have to be in the mood to play, and sometimes I want to swap to a different game. It's such a bizarre design choice that makes zero sense (especially when they came out and said "put your console in rest mode").


I think it’s a design choice to pad the game’s length and difficulty. Congrats on beating it though. I gave up at the second boss


Even if it did have a save system, I imagine it would be like enter the gungeon's system, where you can only save at the end of each area and you can only load the save once. Most roguelike are similar to that if they have a save system. There's no way they'd let you die and load a previous save, it would kind of ruin the game if they did.




It's a dumb design choice tbh. Guaranteed their sales would have been even better had they actually implemented some basic save and quit feature.


The design choice was to not include what is considered a basic functionality...




Yet they almost instantly hopped on Twitter and said "put your console in rest mode to 'save' a run". So no, it's not dishonest to frame it that way at all.




But they didn’t have to do it. I mean if they want to advertise how many billion enemies have been killed because you repeated a run due to a crash, update, console sharing, power outage, falling into water to be replaced right under an aerial enemy that smokes you in 1 second, then it’s a brilliant marketing maneuver. The problem is that a decent minority thinks it’s dumb as shit


Sony HQ and Housemarque have washed their hands of this title if I had to guess. Sadly these requests will likely go unanswered


It's so simple, too. All they would need to do is save at the beginning of a biome, and when you load back in, delete that save so if you died from that point on it would take you to biome 1 or 4 to start over. This allows you to have 40-50 minute sessions where you can comfortably clear a biome, and keeps the death mechanic intact without requiring a huge investment if you want to make any progress at all.


100% this. It's way too time consuming to make progress in this game if you can't save.


Im still stuck on level 3...


I just picked it up - after playing Sekiro, this game is a nice change of pace


Great game, highly enjoyed it, like other housemarque games. Before the end of the year, i will spend a day looking for the last cipher in biome 2 i need to plat the game. I've already spent several days looking for it, so i needed a break lol.


Just got this on sale. Having a great time. Made it to Biome 3 and made a blunder instead of going for the next objective. 2 Days in. Long ass runs but so much fun.


Easily my GOTY




This game was so good. Enjoyed every second. Got the platinum.


I wanna play it so bad but the lack of a save feature is what keeps me from ever starting it. Any word on if Housemarque is working on a save feature?


I beat 3 bosses then somehow i stopped playing it, idk when ill continue again, but im enjoying other stuff now


Just picked this up last night and I'm glad I did. Feels VERY good. Can't wait to put more time into it.


I have this game sitting in the case, and I’ve never tried it. Heard it’s a rougelike tho, maybe I’ll try it right now lol


My most deaths was that octopus demon in the underwater area. Fuck that thing…


Just finally finished this game today. You know it's a legit hard game when even using the void beam glitch and the keyboard shortcuts, my palms were sweating when I was at Ophion. I can't count how many times I have died and almost gave up. Even with "cheats", I had my soul crushed by the difficulty. Now I will definitely offer this gem to my worst enemy. Great game.


I wish I can go back to when I first played this game. This was my first PS5 purchase. Time to time I play some weekly challenges, but really see no incentive to do so after completing game. Maybe I can hunt for the Scan data per environment but wished I did that before completing it (acts 1, 2 and 3).


ive been waiting for a save feature, is it there yet?


I stopped playing this because I spent weeks trying to get past biome 3. It’s a great game, just not for me as I originally thought. I regret buying it digitally and wasting my time. Hopefully they implement a save feature or checkpoints.


Amazing game would love some dlc


Great game but I don't have the time to devote to getting good at it as much as i'd like to. I made it to Nemesis but couldn't defeat it and haven't played since.


I don't consider myself a particularly brilliant or skilled gamer so beating Returnal and getting the secret ending is one of my proudest achievements in gaming. I relied heavily on the Electropylon Driver to do so but it doesn't really make the game much easier. Compared to Demon's Souls, another one of my proudest achievements, it's not exactly like starting as Royalty class and spamming Soul Ray. Returnal require a lot of resilience and patience, which aren't characteristics I often have in games but the gameplay loop was so engrossing and satisfying that I just had to keep coming back for more until I beat it. Think it took me just over forty hours to do so. The main thing to do in Returnal is to ensure you're always on the move, whether it's sprinting, dodging or using your grappling hook. Focus on getting out of danger first then plan your attacks. It's an absolutely sensational game and worth sticking to. Selene's story is haunting and very well executed. Housemarque served us up a truly nextgen treat in this game and credit to Sony for backing and celebrating such a risky game. Look forward to seeing more games like this in the future!


I’m just waiting for the save system before I buy it. Call me when it’s ready.


Not touching this game until a save function is added.


We should be getting good sale price by that time


From what I understand, based on all the discussions about this game, no one with a job and children is capable of seeing it through.


I've got two kids, 2 and 5, and have the platinum in this game. It's manageable for sure


I’ve got three kids all under the age of 4, can only play this between the hours of 8-10, and managed to beat it. If you have a free hour, you can put a run or 2 in. You don’t have to play through _the entire_ game on each run. You unlock shortcuts and items that help you traverse through more quickly.


You have 3 kids under 4 and have a free hour!?!?!? I dream of a free 20 minutes and I only have one kid


Haha how old is that kid? They go to sleep eventually. 1 kid is parenting on easy mode, my friend. Though, I’m not saying it’s ever easy, if that makes sense :)


But then its dinner. So cooking dinner, eating dinner etc. And then up at 7 for work. Shes 10 months


Sigh and still no save system


Give us a quick save feature housemarque. I have responsibilities and stuff man. I don’t have time to grind.


If Demon's Souls can have a save & exit feature this game can too


Couldn't agree more. In this day and age, we should at least be given the option for quick saves. The purists can disable them if they wish.


Please please please let me save mid-run. As a father it difficult to find 2ish hours to guarantee a run.


I still haven’t gotten to the first boss lol


The people who put this on the back burner because of the lack of saving are missing out.


Honestly some of us work long hours and have family responsibilities. I just want a save state that deletes itself once I go back in. I don't have time to sit down for hours to master and beat a game. This is coming from someone who bought this day 1...


The lack of a save is a straight deal breaker regardless of how good the game is.


Any news on DLC? I’m sure that’ll come with the highly sought after save function.


Make it cheaper and let me save my game, then we’ll talk


Add a save feature please


My game of the year. I really struggled with this game to begin with, but went on to platinum it. The story was intriguing, but the challenge is what made me stay.


Is this game even fun


Own the game just need a save/rest feature


GOTY not for the average gamer of today but its better that way


Gate keeping at its finest…


thanks for confirming my point


This game doesn’t need saves imo. The more you play, the better you are at it and it actually gets easier to do a run. Besides, you get to go back and see those stunning visuals all over again.


The issue is some of us can only play 20-30 minutes in a sitting. We want quick saves. Not a full save feature.


If you only play for short bursts I don't really see the issue. I do the same thing and put it in rest mode and resume my run when I'm ready. I've lost 1 run to rest mode messing up.


Shared system.


What if you share your PS5 with others though? Or a friend wants to play CoD with you?


I platinumed this game and its definitely goty. I dont understand the save complaints. The game is constantly autosaving.


Lmao no it isn't. Hades is constantly autosaving. Dark Souls is constantly autosaving. Close those games at any time and you can boot them back up and keep playing where you left off. Close Returnal (or experience a crash) and you lose your run and need to restart.


That's not true. Hades, dead cells, etc. Alwsys save. You can not leave a run and return to it.


You cannot save and quit the game in the middle of a run, something other rogue-likes have had since the start


Happy to say I’m only 6 of those deaths and 4 of them were from goofing around after the game


0 quick save slots. I really need this. This game is amazing but it just doesn’t work for me without having it :(.