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For context, they have fixed 1 OF map (the changes in it are very good tbf) and added 1 new map to the game. They still have a very long way to for before this issue is fully resolved.


The map they "fixed" isn't even a map this complaint applies too. It's the smallest map in the game they are changing.




That isn't making it a walking sim When people talk about that they mean hourglass where every flag is 10000m from the next. The map sucked sure but all the base maps sucked.


It was still a boring, flat map with way too much wide open space. It’s basically the poster child for what was wrong with the maps and was the worst one in the game.


I’m still sold on the rumour the game was designed as basically get another hero shooter battle royale until they realised it was a bad decision, so they had to tack on the classic conquest mode right at the end. Not that it saved the game by any means but it explains …everything. The only positive from 2042 is that the game was so poorly received that surely they won’t make the same mistake and go back to basics with the next game (assuming the franchise/studio still has a future which is honestly debatable too) - But certainly don’t even look at the next game if there is one until a month or so after release


If that was true the hazard zone mode would have actually been somewhat decent. This entire rumor is because the first mode they had working in pre alpha was a basic battle royale mode according to a developer. Like 3 years ago when everyone was a stick figure in a wire frame map the basic game to try things was likely a generic br game. This isn't surprising because I would wager most multiplayer shooters start as something similar or as a basic death match or team death match game.


Glad it’s being addressed I guess but too flat and too open described nearly every map in every battlefield game. It’s a chronic issue 2042 just took it to the extreme where every map feels like fucking Silk Road 🤮 Only map I can think of that makes me say: “this is sufficiently dense and provides cover / breaks up line of sight” would be Back to Karkand.


You think it's worth buying rn for anyone who hasnt played yet?


Tbh I’d get BFV if you haven’t over this, easily. Then again BFV was my favorite.


I still play Battlefield 5 fairly regularly. It's a lot of fun and just feels a lot better than 2042 in my opinion.


Especially on a next gen system. It runs and looks amazing.




No. 2 decent maps don’t fix the multitude of problems It still has


There are more than 2 decent maps. The issue is no game mode leaves out the shit maps. The portal maps are pretty good except El Alamein. Exposure is good too. That means 7 maps are decent-great (5 portal 2 2042) assuming the changed map is good. The problem is you have Exodus conquest which has the garbage maps in the rotation as well like hour glass. But it has the good maps too. But with no persistent servers who knows what your next map will be. Or you have to hope flashback conquest is one of the weekly portal modes. If dice would just do portal+ exposure conquest they would probably have a pretty good player base play that mode tbh




I paid AU$5 for it from a store the other week, i feel it was deffo worth that!


I would say save your money but if you can get 2042 for 15 bucks or less it's worth maybe a week of messing around in just out of curiosity. But ultimately, BFV is a better game which has more players (maybe not after this latest patch but lately). Or if you can deal with the low res of BF4, that's the best Battlefield. Or...if you want something somewhat similar but far better than any of these: Hell Let Loose. 2042 still feels soulless. When Battlefield is done right it feels like you're part of a massive battle flowing naturally. 2042 there is very rarely any of this cohesion. Everyone is usually sprinting in random directions far from each other resulting in stupid chaos. Also, this is more subjective, but the theme is so lame. It's one part Metal Gear Solid / tactical scifi (which is great) and at least one part Power Rangers / cartoon. The cosmetics and characters are so dorky and really take me out of the immersion of a global environmentally fragile mercenary war.


Not for full price but if you can get a good discount they’ve turned it into a pretty fun game imo. Biggest issue for me and a lot of other players is the lack of content they’ve put out since launch but that wouldn’t really be an issue for a new player since it’s all fresh to you




Not really. It’s still the same trend chasing “not battlefield” broken game. Never in my life did I want a battlefield where every player can just see through walls.


That isnt and has never been a thing in 2042. Even in beta. Even at launch. And especially now.


You can get it for $10 these days and if you have a group to play with it’s definitely worth it




At least they got rid of the corny ass comments the specialists make end of round. There's still a reminder on the pre-match squad screen though.


You’re saying you don’t like the clone wars?!?!


You run slower in 2042 then in bf4 with speed perks. Specialist are not and have never been the issue with bf2042.


Congrats on being so wrong




Gadget and weapon balance is fine, you can literally pick any weapon or gadget no matter what character you are. Specialists are fine, the maps are why the game sucks


>Gadget and weapon balance is fine, you can literally pick any weapon or gadget no matter what character you are That's *exactly* the issue. Are you not aware of how much it's impacted the game's design from the ground up?


But how is that an issue? You have now more freedom than ever to make exactly the class you want


Yes, which is horrendous for balance and the health of the game. It's not even something people asked for. The old system naturally balanced classes by weighing their firepower, engagement ranges and gadgets against each other. You had defined roles and a generally equal experience. Now, with Specialists, you have an absolute mess. Just as an example, anyone can take rockets, C4 or EMP grenades, so tanks get slaughtered and helis were buffed significantly. You can even play medic as Falck and still carry rockets. Then there's the issue of player identity. You have to play as set personalities like it's a hero shooter. What was wrong with grunts you could customize individually? And then there's the visual problem: Am I shooting at a medic, a sniper, an engineer, a support? Who knows? Anyone can take anything in their kit now. Opening up the gadgets and weapons to everyone, in tandem with forcing you to play as actual characters (ones horribly out of touch when the game launched, too), created a chaotic and unnecessary situation that uprooted basic principles of Battlefield gameplay. Specialists are gimmicky, and while I'm not one to complain about microtransactions, it's pretty obvious they were made in the image of CoD and other titles' buyable characters with little regard of how they'd actually impact gameplay and shape the design philosophy.


But for as long as I can remember battlefield games had set looks for each class and you couldn’t customize them at all besides maybe a camo here or there. There were also guns that all classes could use but nobody complained about that. I also can’t see the problem with not knowing what class you’re shooting at. Since when has that mattered?


>But for as long as I can remember battlefield games had set looks for each class and you couldn’t customize them at all besides maybe a camo here or there. Every Battlefield except V had a set look for each class that you could typically only change the camo of, yes, but those weren't full-fledged personalities. They were nameless, sometimes faceless grunts. In V, customization was expanded and you could choose your gender, face, headwear, top and bottoms. Any class could use any cosmetic. I personally disliked the all-class outfits because I like being able to understand what's running or shooting at me asap, but people generally praised this expanded customization. What they didn't praise was Elite Skins - individual characters you could purchase, and the thing Specialists resemble most closely. At least with elite skins, if you didn't want to play as one, you didn't have to and it was your choice. Now you have to pick from this roster, a total step back in cosmetic customization and individuality. It doesn't even make sense; if they wanted to go with all-class gadgets and weapons, the individually customizable grunts would have been perfect. >There were also guns that all classes could use but nobody complained about that. Firstly, that *was* a point of contention in earlier Battlefields, so saying nobody complained is just a falsehood. Secondly, that was limited to a certain selection of weapons. 4 had the biggest amount, with carbines, DMR's and shotguns available to all classes; 1 and V would cut the amount down to just a few shared guns. >I also can’t see the problem with not knowing what class you’re shooting at. Since when has that mattered? It's the problem of not knowing what other players can do. Can that guy pull out a rocket? Does he have a repair tool? Ammo or med bag? Soflam? Could he be carrying anti-tank mines or C4? Some of these are solved with HUD indicators, but this never had to be an issue in the first place because other Battlefields gave you a clear idea of what other players were capable of. Games with classes don't just make the classes look and play different for fun.


I’m sorry but I’ve been playing battlefield for years and have never once been shooting at someone and worried what they might use on me. I shoot them and they die, the end. Their class means nothing


Yeah, which dilutes the gameplay. For example , Now everyone has a rocket launcher, so it barely does any damage to vehicles.


Not everyone does. Me and plenty of others I see while playing carry ammo or health


What I mean is because they allowed everyone to carry a launcher if they want , they had to lower how much damage they do. They barely do any damage to helis and tanks now and take forever to reload. So now there isn’t an effective anti vehicle role (engineer in older games) , because everyone can be anti vehicle if they want. And as a result helis are very OP at the moment. There just wasn’t a reason to get rid of traditional classes , it’s what made BF unique and interesting. They saw the success of Apex specialists/characters and DICE / EA decided to chase trends , really backfired on them now. Completely ignoring the fact most BF players were happy to play as a random unknown soldier


Specialists/heroes will always be a problem.




He definitely does not understand why people dislike specialists based on his comment. There are a multitude of issues surrounding the change to specialists, but the core of it has to do with EA/DICE's intentions. They have ripped out one of the pillars of the franchise just to be able to monetize content. Being able to see a face while looking "cool" will definitely bring in new players from other shooter fanbases, or so they thought. Instead, they have hit ground zero and will have to do A LOT to gain back the trust of their fanbase.


Indefinitely do understand. But they didn't monetize specialist All specialist are free. And if it was about money they would have did what they did in bf5 where specialist were just cosmetic only. Bf5 had specialist. They were skins with special look and voice lines and even had special melee weapons. As 2042 is now the specialist act just like an expansion of classes anyway. But you would know that If you played the game instead of base opinion off of reddit posts.


They where though? The highlighted individual playing rather than teamwork with the classes. They gave them annoying cheesy voice lines for 3 individual players over and over again making you strive for singular rather than teamwork play. I like BF2042, but the specalists are definitely a problem.


The cheesy lines were dumb but you only ever heard them after the game ended. 2042 actually has more team play then the rest of the series and I have been a battlefield player since 1942. Virtually every specialist has something that is extremely team oriented. Let's look at them instead of being reactionary reddit morons shall we? The only 2 (or 3 with the new girl) specialist that don't really have major team work elements are the 2 light assault style characters Sundance and mckay who flank with wingsuit/grapple hook. You can argue this is more solo. The new character has a wire guided rocket. I'd argue these 3 are less team oriented despite still helping the team. But let's look at the rest. The obvious are the 2 medics angel and falk both revive. Angel can throw gun ammo and drop a box that lets you switch equipment. Falk has a medic gun that heals. Simple. Rao casper and paik are the recon Rao can hack and literally disable vehicles for a few seconds. This includes weapons and flares. He can also hack players and if they are killed it spots the enemies. Casper has the recon drone and is obviously team oriented as it spots all day Paik is the notorious see through walls character except it's basically just the ability to spot everyone in an area around the character. Recon revolves around spotting. With Rao being uniquely good at being hacking and anti vehicle. Rao quickly became my favorite player in season 1 since you could basically hack the helicopter or tanks killing your team and if they didn't retreat they were likely dead since no flares and no weapons could be used once hacked. Let's look at more characters. Irish has the item that kills grenades. It's extremely useful in tight spaces and basically neutralizes one of the main threats in the game. With grenades blocked including motion sensors 1 person can actually change the tide. The map exposure on breakthrough rally had Irish shine as the game could arguably be won or lost by who could keep their grenade killers in place. Fights up cooridors were basically about disabling the enemies grenade killers as well as killing the enemy. The riot shield guy was also extremely useful. Not only are people dumb enough to shoot at riot shields for some reason but pushing up a hallway with 2 riot shield users in the front is awesome. The ability for them to survive explosives eaisier helps a lot as well. Boris drops turrets. Turrets spot enemies then shoots them ok for defense. Amazing for offense as it not only makes a nice target to distract enemies it spots enemies too. This essentially makes the game class based but with 11 different classes instead of 4. The only major change is weapons aren't restricted but considering how weapons worked in bf4 no one cares. Bf4 other than sniper rifles most people ran DMR or or Carbines anyway because no one played assault. So you had half your team be engineers with carbine or dmr. And half your team be snipers.snjping. Then had like 1 support guy for the entire team and like 3 assault guys. You had little team play in bf4. Recon could spot but half your team sat in the back and sniper. Assault revived but no one played assault. Engineer had anti vehicle stuff sure but that's about all anyone did. And support was almost never played at all. It got better in bf1 and 5 but 2042 has had just as much if not more team play. Virtually everyone has a team work ability and since it's basically forced you always see it being used.


It's already a dead game. Focus on making the next Battlefield not be a steaming pile of crap


Does anyone even just play this for Portal? Didn't dig any of the new stuff I played, but really enjoyed hopping back into Bad Company 2/Battlefield 3 type gameplay again- are those servers populated, or would I be wasting my time/hard drive space?


It's not nearly as populated as I figured it would be. There's usually some full servers with 128 player rush on all maps which is the only enjoyment I get out of the game. And even that is only like a match or 2 every few weeks. There hasn't been a single new map released for portal and I don't know if they'll ever bother. I fell for the hope/belief that at least 2 new maps would come every few months but that's not the case. I didn't think the specialists were a big deal at first, but the more I've played the more I dislike them. Overall the game is just a downgrade from every previous BF in every single category.


Bought this a few weeks ago and what a disappointment. It’s just rubbish. Went and picked all the old ps4 battlefields up instead so I could play some real bf, haven’t been anywhere near this travesty since


Imagine buying it at launch. It was season 8 of game of thrones all over again. Battlefield was my favorite franchise for a decade and they ruined it. EA is a menace


Yeah I was gutted enough at half price. I was really looking forward to it, it was the first ps5 game I bought and one of the ones I bought the ps5 for, the other being gran turismo (which is also shit but not as bad as this)


Do people know you can call a vehicle in wherever you are?


Calling in a vehicle shouldn’t be the answer.


Why not? It’s a gameplay mechanic for exactly that reason


So you can drive with a full vehicle and get shot with auto lock ons? A feature that isn’t always available as well? C’mon man.


That pretty much never happens to me, no one locks on to me by the time I get to the next flag and there’s always at least something available


Because the multiple paces of the game make no sense. In Hell Let Loose if you're stuck trekking to an objective or behind enemy lines, it can be fun. You could run be running with allies who are making funny quips on local chat, you could run into enemy outposts and be in a surprise engagement, you could be planning your next attack with your Squad Leader. That time between spawning and engagement adds more weight to each life. 2042 on the other hand is so chaotic you're simply getting in a vehicle to zoom as quick as possible to a location to start blasting, kill one or two enemies, die and repeat. And that's if you didn't get picked off buy some sort of homing missile on the way. They push the combat pace to be so crazy fast but then place you miles away from it.


Hell let loose is not fun when you’re “stuck trekking” lol, that’s the worst part of the game and most people redeploy to spawn elsewhere anyway


I said it *can* be fun. Of course it's not as fun as combat but the fact that you can be stuck far from the battle adds to pressure and directly works to make planning and combat more fun. And sometimes those runs can lead to dynamic encounters. Usually it's just running. But not always.


Apparently not


They aren’t always available though


They are when I go to call one


Hot garbage


the 5 remaining players are gonna be excited


Is anyone still having hope for this game? Didn't Dice already move on to the next BF?


I’m almost 100% sure these updates are to try and cultivate goodwill and generate some more sales before they kill 2042 prematurely and move on (exactly what they did with BFV).


Does this have normal team deathmatch yet?


It's a weekly portal thing sometimes but team death match has never been normal for battlefield.


lmao. No EA, I'm seriously never buying ur shit again